Common Assessment Project

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Crystal Burns

STT 498
Lesson for Observation

Lesson Title: Common Assessment Project

Content: Social Studies
Grade/Level: 7th Grade
Date of Lesson: 3/25/2015
Length of lesson: 43 minutes

Essential Question(s)
How did people, economics, and geography influence Americas independence from Britain?

Instructional Components
What Teacher Does What Students Do
Anticipatory Set: Store their belonging under
Do Now Message on Board desks

Lobster Toss for Student Names Say a fellow students name

before tossing the lobster to
Tutorial on how to use Citation Machine: Listen, Ask Questions, & View
o Demonstrate how to create MLA citations using
Citation Machine for a book, website, and a journal.
Go to website:
o Select MLA (Modern Language Association) format
o Select Source: Book, Website, Journal, etc
Type in Title or Author & click search
Select book if listed, if not select
manual entry mode
Enter Information
Click Create
Copy and Paste onto your Bibliography
Type in Keywords or paste in URL
Select website if listed, if not select
manual entry mode
Enter Information
Click Create
Copy and Paste onto your Bibliography

Crystal Burns
STT 498
Lesson for Observation

Type in Article Title & click search
Select Journal Article if listed, if not
select Manual Entry Mode
Enter Information
Click Create
Copy and Paste onto your Bibliography
Meet with students individually to assess progress and to Show Slide Show, Discuss, &
discuss any questions or complications the student has. Ask Questions
o I am not allowed to give feedback on corrections (ie:
wrong information, spelling or mechanics, etc..)
o I am allowed to let them know if the font is readable
(large enough and color)
o Remind students to go back to the directions and
ensure that they have all of the required components.
Also they need to start practicing their presentations at
home to ensure they are within the presentation time
limits (3 to 5 minutes)
A few minutes before the bell, I will have students stop Listen, Pack Belonging, & Ask
working and save their projects. Students will then be allowed Questions
to pack up their things.
Discuss that class on Friday we will continue to work on the
Common Assessment Project - students should be putting the
final touches on their presentations and finishing up during
this class.
Good luck with your testing tomorrow.

Maine Common Core Teaching Standards (MCCTS) (Check those that are part of this lesson.):
Check only those that are part of the lesson plan, not those that are part of lesson implementation.

The Learner and Learning Instructional Practices

x S1 Learner Development x S6 Assessment
x S2 Learning Differences x S7 Planning for Instruction
x S3 Learning Environments x S8 Instructional Strategies
Content Professional Responsibility
x S4 Content Knowledge S9 Professional Learning and Ethical

Crystal Burns
STT 498
Lesson for Observation

x S5 Application of Content S10 Leadership and Collaboration
x S11 ISTE Standards.T

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