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Review paper/Artyku przegldowy Reumatologia 2014; 52, 4: 269275

DOI: 10.5114/reum.2014.44707

Diet in hyperuricemia and gout myths and facts

Dieta whiperurykemii idnie moczanowej mity ifakty

Bogna Grygiel-Grniak, Mariusz J. Puszczewicz

Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland

Key words: diet in gout, nutritional recommendations, low-purine products, body alkalization.
Sowa kluczowe: dieta w dnie moczanowej, zalecenia ywieniowe, produkty ubogopurynowe,
alkalizacja ustroju.

Summary Streszczenie
The influence of dietary habits on the gout development has been Wpyw zwyczajw ywieniowych na rozwj dny moczanowej jest
described for over ahundred years, but at present many opinions opisywany od ponad stu lat, jednak obecnie weryfikuje si wiele
are being verified, which have not been so far supported by epide- opinii, ktre nie byy do tej pory poparte badaniami epidemiolo-
miological or clinical studies. The promotion of healthy dietary be- gicznymi lub klinicznymi. Promowanie prozdrowotnych zachowa
haviours, keeping proper body mass and adequate dietary pattern ywieniowych, utrzymanie prawidowej masy ciaa oraz odpowied-
are the factors, which support lowering of serum uric acid. Diet in ni sposb ywienia s czynnikami sprzyjajcymi obnieniu stenia
gout should be well-balanced and contain the proper amount of kwasu moczowego wsurowicy. Dieta wdnie moczanowej powinna
selected nutrients, not only low-purine but also alkalizing products, by prawidowo zbilansowana pod wzgldem iloci poszczegl-
rich in antioxidants, and provide an adequate amount of fluids. nych skadnikw odywczych, powinna zawiera nie tylko produkty
The following manuscript presents the recent data of dietary recom- ubogopurynowe, lecz take alkalizujce ibogate wantyoksydanty,
mendations in gout, which are supported by clinical or epidemio- atake dostarcza odpowiedni ilo pynw. Wpracy przedstawio-
logical studies. no najnowsze doniesienia dotyczce zalece ywieniowych wdnie
moczanowej poparte badaniami klinicznymi lub epidemiologicznymi.

Introduction mon in anormal diet (Fig.1). At the same time, given the
known side effects of drugs inhibiting uric acid synthesis
Despite continual progress in diagnostic and thera- or excretion, novel and alternative methods to ensure
peutic techniques for gout, novel and effective preven- safe treatment of hyperuricemia are sought [6].
tion and treatment methods are still needed. High uric
acid levels (hyperuricemia) are not only arisk factor for Hyperuricemia and diet epidemiological
developing gout but also predispose those affected,
including patients with rheumatoid arthritis, to cardio-
and clinical data
vascular disease the primary cause of morbidity and The type of clinical studies, selection of control and
mortality in the world [1, 2]. Hyperuricemia, which is an treatment groups (e.g. with accurate diagnosis of gout
independent risk factor for cardiovascular complications, or only hyperuricemia), duration of follow-up, as well as
may occur even in young people, including populations age, ethnicity, and genetic predisposition of the study
with alow incidence of cardiovascular disease [3, 4]. population play an important role in determining the
Gout, with an incidence of 12% in the general popu- effect of diet on both uric acid levels and the develop-
lation, constitutes the most common form of arthritis in ment of gout. The sheer number of these factors may
men aged between 40 and 60 years [5]. The disease has pose various challenges in accurately estimating the im-
been associated with purine-rich foods, which are com- pact of diet on serum uric acid elevation. Interestingly,

Address for correspondence:

Dr. Bogna Grygiel-Grniak, MD, PhD, Department of Rheumatology and Internal Medicine, Poznan University of Medical Sciences,
28 Czerwca 1956 r. 135/147, 61-545 Poznan, Poland, e-mail:
Submitted: 10.02.2014

Reumatologia 2014; 52/4

270 Bogna Grygiel-Grniak, Mariusz J. Puszczewicz

Recommended foods for gout patients: (delivering less than 50mg of uric acid)
Milk and dairy products: 200ml of milk, 50g of cottage cheese, 30g of cheese
Cereal products: 1 roll, 1 slice of white bread, 60g of pasta (boiled)
Meat and meat products: 30g of lean cold poultry meat
Vegetables (one 200-g portion): cucumbers, tomatoes, white cabbages, sauerkraut, beet
roots, zucchini, carrots)
Fruit (one 150-g portion): apples, pears, cherries, sweet cherries, apricots, gooseberry,
currants, strawberries, raspberries, kiwi, grapes, oranges, pineapple
Nuts (one portion = 1 handful = 30g): walnuts, peanuts
Fats: 1 tablespoon of rape oil, sunflower seed oil, olive oil

Foods acceptable in moderate quantities (delivering from 50mg to 100mg of uric acid)
Fish (one 100-g portion): flounder, tench
Meat and meat products (one 100-g portion): beef, pork or beef sausages, wieners
Foods for patients with gout Leguminous plants: 200g of pumpkin or green beans, 75g dry lentil seeds, peas, white
Vegetables (one 200-g portion): red cabbage, kale
Fruit (one 150-g portion): banana, melon

Foods contraindicated or acceptable in very limited amounts in patients with gout

(delivering over 100mg of uric acid)
Meat and meat products (one 100-g portion): cold meat, poultry, veal, pork, beef, lamb, offal
(veal of pork liver)
Fish (one 100-g portion): salmon, cod, mackerel, trout, carp, sardines, pike, sole, herring
Vegetables (one 200-g portion): green peas, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, bell
pepper, leek, spinach
Mushrooms (one 200-g portion): boletus (wild mushroom) or champignon mushrooms

Fig. 1. Purine-containing foods for patients with gout and the amount of uric acid delivered (daily uric acid
intake should not exceed 500mg) figure modified by authors [40].

the surveyed respondents themselves often mistaken- Thus, nutritional education and life style modification are
ly assume high uric acid levels to be synonymous with not always encouraged and used alongside medical treat-
the diagnosis of gout. Moreover, for many patients, the ment. Australian data show that only avery small pro-
treatment with xanthine oxidase inhibitors (e.g. in met- portion of gout patients receive education on health- and
abolic syndrome) is indicative of agout diagnosis, and prophylaxis-oriented eating habits [13]. This may be are-
any joint pain concomitant with hyperuricemia is sub- sult of challenges associated with maintaining alow-pu-
jectively construed as an indicator of this disease. rine diet, as it requires following certain rules and putting
Although there have been anumber of papers em- agreater effort into daily planning of daily food rations.
phasizing acumulative effect of individual foods (espe- Nonetheless, each patient greatly benefits from low-pu-
cially purine-rich foods) on serum uric acid elevation, rine diet, and its effects in some patients are comparable
the reports published so far have been inconsistent, and to those achieved via medical treatment. Moreover, al-
sometimes even contradictory [79]. Therefore, many in- tering eating habits is more cost-effective and safer than
vestigators claim that despite the unquestionable value pharmacotherapy, due to elimination of any drug-related
of information obtained from studies on the effect of in- side effects, which is especially important in the elderly
dividual foods or nutrients on the development of hyper- [14]. This does not mean that medical therapy should be
uricemia, it is more important to assess dietary habits relinquished altogether, yet rational planning of the daily
as awhole and their effects on uric acid levels [8]. Ac- menu increases the chance of dose reduction (including
cording to the American Dietetic Association, dietary pu- complete discontinuation) and eliminates anumber of
rine content should be evaluated based on all the foods risk factors for the development of gout (e.g. obesity or
consumed during an extended period of time (e.g. one metabolic syndrome) [7].
week) to include both the days when purine-rich foods Increased body weight is aknown risk factor for
are consumed and the days with low purine intake [7]. hyperuricemia. Laboratory and clinical studies show
An association between diet and the development of aconsistent association between serum uric acid lev-
gout was first suggested as early as in 1876 [10]. Howev- els on the one hand and insulin resistance, metabolic
er, the relevance of diet was largely minimized with the syndrome, and obesity on the other. Hyperinsulinemia
advent of new pharmacological treatments for this dis- inhibits uric acid excretion, whereas weight reduction
ease (in both acute gout attacks and chronic gout) [11, 12]. leads to reduced uric acid production and the subse-

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Diet in hyperuricemia and gout 271

quent decrease in uricosuria [15, 16]. These phenomena findings were rational from the clinical point of view,
are due not only to ahigher insulin sensitivity in periph- the suggested limitation in the consumption of bamboo
eral tissues, but also to beneficial effects of alow-ener- shoots ahigh-fibre product has raised many doubts.
gy diet which is typically associated with areduction in Dietary fibre has hypolipemic properties and is ben-
purine-rich food intake [17]. eficial to health [18]. Alater, more detailed analysis of
24-hour dietary recall revealed that bamboo shoots con-
Diagnostic and interpretive challenges stituted an ingredient in high-energy meat dishes and
fatty meals; consequently, their occurrence in daily food
Given the current body of knowledge, nutritional rations showed apositive correlation with increased
study results should be interpreted very carefully, as uric acid levels. Hence, the observed hyperuricemia was
wrong conclusions may lead to unsuitable dietary rec- not associated with this high-fibre food itself, but rather
ommendations (TableI). This is especially well illustrat- with the quality and quantity of consumed fats that led
ed by studies in Taiwanese populations Nutrition and to increased ketone body synthesis and the subsequent
Health Surveys in Taiwan (i.e. the NAHSIT 20052008 inhibition of renal uric acid excretion.
study) that demonstrated reduced uric acid levels and Epidemiological studies indicate an association be-
alower risk of hyperuricemia (at the same time show- tween dietary habits of agiven population with the par-
ing an increased proportion of patients diagnosed with ticular geographic region i.e. inhabitants of seaside or
gout) in comparison to earlier findings (the NAHSIT mountain areas demonstrate disparate dietary habits
19931996 study) [8]. due to the local availability of certain foods (e.g. salt-
Diets containing vegetables, eggs, lean meat, soy water fish) [19]. Thus, the incidence of gout may vary
products, seaweed, and caffeine as well as very limit- from region to region. Studies to evaluate dietary habits
ed amounts of bamboo shoots, offal, and non-alcohol- should focus on individual geographic regions, and the
ic beverages were shown to have abeneficial effect on findings should not be extrapolated to include the popu-
normalizing uric acid levels. Although most of these lation of the whole country.

Table I. Gout myths and facts (original table)

Analyzed factor Myths Facts
Purines All purine-rich foods determine Adenine and hypoxanthine are considered to be the most uricogenic
serum uric acid levels to the same of all purines, in comparison to guanine and xanthine
Low-purine diet Astrict low-purine diet is crucial It is not only alow-purine diet but also an alkaline diet that signifi-
in the treatment of hyperuricemia cantly affect serum uric acid levels due to more rapid and easier
and gout elimination of this compound with urine
Risk factors for Purine-rich diet affects uric acid Obese hyperinsulinemic patients and the elderly are affected by
gout levels to the same extent in all ahigh-purine diet to agreater extent than patients with normal
patients weight and those of younger age
Protein intake In every case of gout, protein Proteins exhibit uricosuric properties and should be neither totally
should be eliminated from the diet, eliminated nor even significantly limited in the diet; moreover, milk
due to the fact that protein-rich and dairy products facilitate uric acid excretion due to their alkaliz-
foods contain large amounts of ing effects on systemic fluids
Fat intake The quality of fats (especially In the case of gout, it is the quality rather than quantity of fats that
animal fats) is the main factor is of greater importance, because uric acid excretion depends mostly
determining the amount of uric on the levels of ketone compounds which are formed irrespective
acid produced of the quality of fats if there is too much fat in the diet
Alcohol The quality of alcohol determines Alcohol increases the risk of gout and should be eliminated from the
the development of gout diet in all cases; however, the most potent factor responsible for hy-
peruricemia and gout is occasional consumption of large quantities
of alcohol, especially beer
Epidemiological Most of the published population The quality of studies, group selection and methodology significant-
studies studies emphasize the role of diet ly affect the final conclusions; respondents to the present studys
in the development of gout survey (especially those, interviewed by telephone) often wrongly
took high uric acid levels or the fact of receiving medical treatment
for indicators of gout diagnosis

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272 Bogna Grygiel-Grniak, Mariusz J. Puszczewicz

The effects of diet on uric acid levels the risk of gout [9, 23, 24]. Conversely, lean meat intake
myths and facts showed an inverse correlation with uric acid levels [8].
Moreover, when dealing with gout, it is the quantity rath-
Epidemiological and clinical studies have shown an er than quality of fats in the diet that is more important.
effect of purine-rich food consumption on uric acid levels Nonetheless, areduction in animal fat intake with acom-
[3, 4, 9]. However, there are noteworthy differences in the pensatory increase in consumption of plant-derived fats
effect of individual purine bases and their metabolites on (e.g. olive oil or vegetable oils) is recommended. This rec-
endogenous purine synthesis and the resulting uric acid ommendation is aresult of beneficial effects of mono-
levels. Adenine and hypoxanthine are considered to have and polyunsaturated fatty acids on cardiovascular risk
the highest uricogenic potential out of all purines (espe- associated with hyperuricemia. The risk of cardiovascular
cially in comparison with that of guanine and xanthine) disease tends to be lower with consumption of soybeans
[20]. Moreover, the correlation of selected food intake and and soy products, which have been extensively studied
the development of gout is more complex and is not only over the last decade and more and more is known on
due to the purine content of agiven diet, but also to the their role in low-purine diets. Initially, soy alegumi-
intake of proteins, fats, and alkalizing products [21]. Mod- nous plant was believed to induce hyperuricemia and,
erate limitations on high-protein foods are recommended as such, considered to be an entirely superfluous diary
in the case of foods with very high animal (i.e. purine-rich) component. However, later studies indicated that soy
protein content [11]. Nonetheless, proteins have been products may have abeneficial effect on uric acid levels
shown to have uricosuric properties and to facilitate uric [8]. Tofu consumption was shown not to increase uric
acid excretion. Serum uric acid levels are determined by acid levels, even in patients with gout, whose serum uric
both the quality and quantity of protein intake [22]. acid levels exceeded 6mg/dl [25]. Moreover, soy protein
Foods rich in plant proteins include compounds may be more effective than casein in reducing uric acid
found in leguminous plants and soya. Leguminous plants levels [26] and can help in the treatment of obesity due
are arich source of purines, however, their effect on uric to its relatively high calcium content (calcium plays arole
acid levels depends on the make-up and size of dietary in adipocyte enzyme activation and reduces the amount
portions (Fig.2). of adipose tissue). These findings were confirmed by
Protein-rich low-fat dairy products have been shown prospective randomized studies that showed that soy
to reduce uric acid levels and the risk of gout [9, 23, 24]. milk and soy creamer are effective in weight reduction
Therefore, the recommended proportion of fats in diet [27]. Thus, in comparison to other purine-rich foods, soy
should not exceed 30% of the total daily energy intake. products seem to have alimited impact on uric acid lev-
Apart from sea food and alcohol, fatty meat is one of the els [23, 24] and therefore can be consumed in moderate
best predictors of uric acid levels and largely determines amounts (foods of moderate purine content: between 50

Foods affecting systemic pH

Alkaline foods Acidic foods

VEGETABLES: carrots, celery, chards, beet roots (including tops), VEGETABLES: lentils, olives, potatoes, black, red and white be-
lettuce, kohlrabi, cucumber, eggplants, tomatoes, pickled vegeta- ans, chickpea, soybeans
bles, garlic, onion, mushrooms, pumpkin, turnip, spinach, aspara- FRUIT: blueberry, cranberry, plums
gus, Brussels sprouts, bell pepper, horseradish PROTEIN: bacon, veal, turkey, game meat, pork, rabbit, smoked
FRUIT: apples, tangerines, peach, pears, watermelons, raspber- sausage, veal, carp, cod, salmon, tuna, haddock, lobster, oysters,
ries, wild strawberries, strawberries, blackberries, brambles, shrimps, shellfish, pike, salmon, tuna, sardines, cheese
sweet cherries, grapes, avocados, bananas, dried apricots, figs/ SPICES/CONDIMENTS: sugar, mustard, vinegar, ketchup, cacao
dates, currants, grapefruits, lemons, limes, oranges, pineapple, CEREALS: barley, rye, wheat, spelt, oat bran, flour, bread, pasta,
tangerines, freshly squeezed fruit and vegetables rice, rice cookies
PROTEIN: eggs, quark, yoghurt, tofu, chicken breast, flaxseeds, FATS: linen oil, sesame oil, sunflower oil, avocado oil, hempseed
pumpkin seeds, squash seeds, summer squash seeds, sunflower oil, olive oil, butter, lard, hazelnuts, walnuts, peanuts
seeds, sprouts, millet ALCOHOLS: beer, wine, spirit, liqueurs
SPICES/CONDIMENTS: pepper, chilli, curry, mustard, sea salt, cin- DRUGS: aspirin, other
namon, ginger, apple cider vinegar
OTHER: bee pollen, mineral waters, molasses, green and herbal

Fig. 2. Alkaline and acidic foods in the gout diet (figure modified by authors [6, 38, 39]).

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Diet in hyperuricemia and gout 273

and 100mg/100g of product) by patients with hyperuri- Recently, more and more emphasis has been placed
cemia. on the role of antioxidants in gout diet, as they have
As mentioned earlier, obesity (mainly visceral obesity) been associated with the treatment of gout. Of partic-
and alcohol consumption are risk factors for hyperurice- ular importance seems to be the consumption of cher-
mia and gout [28, 29]. Metabolic syndrome itself has been ries that can reduce the risk of gout due to their signif-
also associated with ahigher incidence of gout attacks. icant anthocyanin, catechin, chlorogenic acid, flavone
Increased body weight is often due to agreater consump- glycoside, and melatonin content. Anthocyanins and
tion of non-alcoholic beverages that tend to increase uric hydroxycinnamate isolated from cherries inhibit oxida-
acid levels [3, 8, 15]. Studies in the American population, tion of LDL-cholesterol and have abeneficial effect on
such as the Third National Health and Nutrition Examina- liposomes similar to that of vitamin E [34]. Isolated from
tion Survey, demonstrated adirect correlation between cherries, anthocyanins also have anti-inflammatory pro
uric acid levels and sweetened non-alcoholic beverage perties via cyclooxygenase inhibition and scavenging
consumption, irrespective of any other risk factors for free nitric oxide (NO) radicals [34, 35]. Moreover, antho-
hyperuricemia [30]. Such beverages have high fructose cyanins and other phenols inhibit NO synthase and reg-
content, which has been associated with hyperuricemia ulate the secretion of tumour necrosis factor (TNF-)
[14], elevated blood glucose and insulin levels, reduced by activated macrophages [3436]. Cherry consumption
uric acid excretion [30], and an increased proportion of is believed to reduce joint pain severity and the risk of
patients with metabolic syndrome [15]. Although it has gout [37]. The consumption of 227g of cherries or cherry
not been confirmed by all the studies [31], some authors preserves for aperiod of 3 days to 3 months normalizes
believe excessive consumption of juices and carbonated serum uric acid levels and reduces the number of gout
beverages to be arisk factor for hyperuricemia. Alcohol, attacks [34, 37]. In order to definitively endorse the in-
especially when consumed occasionally in large quan- clusion of these products into dietary recommendations
tities, is one of the key risk factors for gout, especially for gout patients, further clinical studies involving alarge
gout attacks [32]. Alcohol metabolism results in lactic number of patients diagnosed with gout are necessary.
acid synthesis, which by lowering the pH of bodily flu- This does not change the fact that cherries are rich in
ids reduces uric acid solubility and causes its crystalli- vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre, and phytocompounds,
zation [19]. Additionally, there is an increase in hepatic which apart from their beneficial anti-gout effects
metabolism of adenine nucleotide and endogenous uric also reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular diseases
acid synthesis. Moreover, low pH tends to inhibit renal and other chronic diseases that often accompany gout.
uric acid excretion. Another important aspect of alcohol
is its high purine content. Large quantities of purines can Alkaline diet in gout
be found in beer 500ml of beer contains an equivalent Gout diet should not be based on asimple calcula-
of 170mg of uric acid, which corresponds to 71mg of tion of the quantity of purines in the consumed foods, as
purines (1mg of purine compounds corresponds to an uric acid levels are also determined by acidic or alkaline
equivalent of 2.4mg of uric acid). It is important to avoid properties of food [6]. Prehistoric Homo sapiens excreted
simultaneous consumption of alcohol and fatty products more alkaline urine, which was due to the intake of large
due to their synergic action in inducing gout attacks [9, quantities of plant carbohydrates. As aresult, uric acid
19, 23, 24]. was excreted considerably more rapidly than in the pres-
No clear correlation has been shown between cof- ent-day populations. Unfortunately, the current Western
fee consumption and serum uric acid levels, yet most diet includes high-energy density foods (rich in saturated
guidelines suggest entirely eliminating coffee from daily fatty acids and refined sugars) that are low on nutrients
diet. However, there are reports indicating that coffee and buffers, which leads to an increased acidity of urine,
consumption inversely correlates with uric acid levels making uric acid excretion more difficult [38]. Therefore,
[8, 24, 33]. The Third National Health and Nutrition Ex- the last decade saw an increasing emphasis on the role
amination Survey revealed amoderate correlation be- of alkalizing foods that facilitate uric acid elimination
tween decaffeinated coffee consumption and uric acid from the body. These processes involve human organic
levels, which suggests that it is not caffeine but rather anion transporter 4 (hOAT4), which plays arole in urate
other ingredients that may improve uricemia. This effect re-absorption in proximal tubules [39]. Understanding the
may result from the presence of xanthines that lower mechanism of action of this transporter in uric acid ex-
uric acid levels. Xanthines are compounds that naturally cretion has opened new possibilities of dietary treatment
occur in foods and are structurally similar to allopurinol of hyperuricemia, as increased urine pH due to limited
astructural isomer of hypoxanthine and xanthine oxi- transport of hydrogen (H+) ions derived from metabolic
dase inhibitor [24, 33]. processes was shown to facilitate uric acid excretion [6].

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274 Bogna Grygiel-Grniak, Mariusz J. Puszczewicz

Sulphur-containing amino acids, which determine urine exceed 100g. Purine-rich vegetables (such as legumi-
acidity, are main components of animal proteins and nous plants, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, lentils, green
therefore ahigh-meat diet facilitates the production of peas, white beans) should be eliminated from the diet.
urine with the pH lower than that achieved on low-pro- Alcohol, coffee, black tea, cacao, and hot spices must
tein diet rich in vegetables and fruit. Patients who prefer be eliminated from the diet. Total daily intake of uric
meat and meat products are more prone to developing acid should not exceed the equivalent of 500mg of
gout than vegetarians. Thus, properly balanced meals uric acid, i.e. the amount of purine-containing products
containing alkaline foods are more effective in uric acid (substrate) [mg], which corresponds to the production
elimination than alow-purine diet alone [6, 38, 39]. of aspecific amount of uric acid [in mg]. An important,
Most unprocessed foods have an alkaline pH (Fig.2). unfortunately often ignored, recommendation is ade-
Unfortunately, culinary treatment and food processing quate fluid intake (especially alkaline-forming fluids,
strip food not only of the most valuable nutrients, but such as alkalizing mineral waters) in order to facilitate
also change its alkaline pH into acidic pH. Due to pH-de- uric acid elimination [40].
pendent uric acid transport in the kidneys, uric acid ex- Regular meal times are crucial, optimally with weigh-
cretion is limited in the presence of acidic urine, there- ing the portions especially in the case of purine-con-
fore it is important to maintain an adequate balance taining foods (see Fig.1). Snacking between meals
between alkaline and acidic foods, with atarget ratio of should be avoided, and the last meal should be eaten
3:1. Foods with acidic properties include coffee (pH = 4), no later than 3 hours before going to bed to prevent ac-
beer (pH = 2.5), Coca-Cola (pH = 2), and products grown cumulation of uric acid in the body [11, 40].
with the use of pesticides or herbicides. Moreover, prod- Carbohydrate-rich foods facilitate the excretion of
ucts containing aspartame, sodium glutamate, and food urate from the body, whereas high-fat diet increases
dyes also lower the pH of serum and urine. Converse- reuptake of these compounds in the renal tubules. The
ly, such ions as potassium (pH = 14), sodium (pH = 14), intake of milk and dairy products, as well as fruit and
calcium (pH = 12), magnesium (pH = 9) and caesium vegetables reduces the risk of hyperuricemia (no-purine
(pH = 14) have alkaline properties. Of note is the fact foods include butter, cream, honey, and jam). Low-pu-
that acid- or alkaline-forming properties of foods are not rine foods (apart from milk) include rice, fruit, and eggs;
associated with the pH of those foods prior to their con- however, in the case of obesity or metabolic syndrome,
sumption [6, 40]. One example is lemon, which has an one needs to bear in mind the need for simultaneous
acidic pH, however, becomes alkaline once digested and prevention of dyslipidemia and hyperglycaemia, as well
metabolized. Conversely, meat, which has an alkaline as monitor the amount of no- or low-purine foods, which
taste, turns acidic as aresult of metabolic processes and may interfere with the treatment of obesity due to their
lowers systemic pH [6, 38, 39]. pro-atherogenic and pro-diabetic potential. The optimal
Acidic and alkaline properties of the diet are deter- culinary treatment method is cooking, stewing in alarge
mined not only by the type of foods, but also by the way amount of water (especially with respect to meat). Fry-
they are prepared and combined into meals. Plants rich ing and baking are to be avoided [13, 40].
in chlorophyll and vegetable oils are considered to be In summary, agout diet must be adequately balanced
highly nutritious. Alkaline mineral waters should be also in terms of individual nutrients, should include low-purine
included in the diet. Meals balanced in this way addi- and alkalizing foods, and provide an adequate amount of
tionally facilitate uric acid excretion with urine, which fluids.
increases the diets effectiveness [6].

Dietary recommendations for gout The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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