Bombay Scottish Form

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BOMBAY SCOTTISH SCHOOL APPLICATION FORM FOR EMPLOYMENT POSITION APPLIED FOR : ‘| PERSONAL DATA. Mr/Mrs./Ms. GULL NAME. PASSPORT iaiioss k fon: SIZE ress for Communication a. i 2 ainesinintiiamenst ‘in hone : Off. es. Date of Birth May we call you discreetly at your work place ? Yes / No. eee Permanent Address (Dist., State) Religion : Height cms. teem Phone : ‘Weight : ____ Kgs. In case of emergency inform : Physical disabilities / Chronic Ailments, if any : Tanguages Known Pioase indicat ovel of proficiency ; (ater ongue fret 09. Excolont/ Good Fal. Marisol Stats (Eleanaitics) ‘Speak Read Write | Single / Married / Widowed / Divorced] No. of Children : Female :__ Age (s) Annual Family Income Rs.. FAMILY BACKGROUND Relationship Name Age Employer / Occupation Designation Father Mother Spouse Brother (s) Sister (8) | (A) ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION im ecializaton Name of senoovCotege | Universi’ | — Z - weaun | Srecantonw | Ga attended wit location Board ‘om a A win Ye. | th Yi. instruction Percentage (8) SCHOLARSHIPS AND PRIZES (C) SPECIAL TRAINING, IF ANY (PROJECT WORK, COURSE ASSIGNMENTS, TECHNICAL TRAINING) (D) DETAILS OF ORIGINAL WORK/RESEARCH/INNOVATION CARRIED OUT IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION. lll, EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES/HOBBIES/SPORTS, (What has been your level of participation in each?) IV. Are any Of Your own Children Studying in The School ? Yes / No, If Yes, Please State : (Name/Age/Standard), — a \. STATE IF ANY RELATIVE IS/WAS EMPLOYED WITH US : NAME/POSITION/RELATIONSHIP. a Vl. EMPLOYMENT DETAILS (START FROM LAST POSITION HELD) : Pariod Position Final Reason (s) From wo Salar for Leaving ie! Mth. Ye. Mth. Ye, Goby y Name & Address of Institution BRIEFLY OUTLINE YOUR PRESENT JOB RESPONSIBILITIES Vil. Do you have any objections to reference being made to your previous/current school? YESINO. Vil, REFERENCES : List three persons other than relatives (One being under whom you worked at any time during last 5 years) Name Position? ‘Aadrese Phone Occupation Offs Res EMOLUMENTS EXPECTED IF SELECTED, WHEN CAN YOU JOIN ? HAVE YOU APPLIED TO US EARLIER 7 IF YES, GIVE DETAILS =) ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION THAT YOU MAY LIKE US TO CONSIDER | HEREBY AFFIRM THAT ALL INFORMATION FURNISHED BY ME IN THIS FORM IS TRUE. SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT. DATE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ‘ASSESSMENT OF THE CANDIDATE INTERVIEWED ON, SIGNATURE OF PANEL MEMBERS.

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