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22, 2017

CS F213
Mini Project Report Submission
E-commerce implementation using java and AWT


This is an online shopping platform.
First page would be a LOGIN page which will ask for members credentials just for
security purposes before shopping.
Once you are logged in, you are redirected towards your home page which will
display two options SHOP and CART
SHOP This is the actual place where you choose from a set of items you wish to
In SHOP, we can either buy CLOTHING or FOOTWEAR
Both clothing and footwear has a definite set of items to chose from
Like for example both clothing and footwear have three categories FORMAL,
Now each item in the formal, casual or sportswear categories have a set of
properties associated with it which are
1] Price - this is the rate of one item, this will be an integer varying from 0 to
10,000, preceded by a dollar sign ($).
2] Size - the size of the item which you wish to buy. This would be
For clothing one of {S,M,L,XL}
For footwear one of {8,9,10,11}
3] Quantity - Number of same item you wish to buy (maximum quantity <=10)
4] Add to cart once you are done selecting the size, analyzing the rate you
would click this option to add this item to your cart.
CART - The functionality of cart is to add or remove items before the user finally
decides to purchase items. The cart gives user an additional facility of reviewing
and purchasing multiple items in one go. Just before payment user has to make
sure his cart has all the things he intends to buy.

On the top right corner of every page there will be two buttons HOME, which will
take you to the home page of shop and cart options and MY ACCOUNT, which is a
drop down menu consisting of-
1] Add money to your wallet
2] My orders
3] Sign out
Once you are done adding items to your cart you can directly proceed to
payment option where you will be asked to pay using your wallet.
Payment window - This displays the total amount of the cart and options of
payment methods.
If the the amount is less than $200 there will an additional delivery charge of 10%
of the total amount.
This delivery charge cannot exceed $50. When you make the payment just below
the final amount there will be a check-box with default payment method as pay
by wallet (this will appear only if the amount in wallet is greater than or equal to
the final amount and if the amount is insufficient, the user will be prompted to
add money to his wallet).
COD- If the user decides not to pay by wallet, there is a separate option for cash
on delivery.
WALLET this a website owned wallet which is allotted to members so as to ease
payment method. And if the amount of shopping done is greater than $1000, user
can get 5% percent discount.
MY ORDERS This option keeps a track of all your previous orders. This facility
gives the user to learn everything about his previous orders, transaction id and
other details of the product.
SIGN OUT once you are done shopping click this button to log out.
ADD MONEY TO WALLET - This feature gives the user to add money to his wallet
and if the amount added by the user in a single go is greater than $2000, he will
get an additional 5% of the amount credited to his wallet.
Working Model
Username: abcd
Password: 1234
I am redirected to my home page where I will click shop to buy any items or click
cart to check how many items are present in my cart.
I want to buy shoes so I click on shop-footwear-select any footwear-select size-
select quantity-add to cart.
I will click on home button and click on cart option for proceeding to payment
Once I am directed to payment window I will be asked if I have to pay using my
wallet or other methods.
If I select wallet, the subsequent amount of the bought items would be deducted
from my account and then for details I can click on my orders from my account
option. If I dont want to pay via wallet, I can pay using the Cash on delivery
After the payment has been done, a message of successful transaction will be
displayed, saying Congratulations! Your Order has been placed.
Once I am done shopping I can sign out.

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