Standalone Financial Results, Limited Review Report For December 31, 2016 (Result)

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Cl fr : t6599 3W B'1BS 7 PTCCC-j" 4Cg

Reg istered & Administrative Office
24 Park Street, Magma House,9t'Floor, Kolkata-700 016
Ph: +91 82320 87911112113; Fax (033) 22497269122172488
Email: cheviot@chevjute,com ; Website: www. g

Ref: CCL/Share/ Date: 31-01-2017

BSE Limited
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers
Dalal Street
Mumbai - 400 001

Refi Comnanv's Code Na. 526817

Re: Un-audited Financial Results of the Companv for the 3rd quarter and nine months ended
31tt December. 2016

Pursuant to Regulation 33 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,2OIS,

we are forwarding herewith the un-audited financial results of the Company forthe 3rd quarter and nine
months ended 3L't December,2O!6, which has been approved and taken on record atthe Board Meeting
held on Tuesday, 31't January,\OtT and that the statutory auditors of the Company have also carried out
Limited Review of the said results.

ln this connection, we are also enclosing herewith the copy of the limited review report of the statutory
auditors of the Company, which we trust you willfind in order.

The meeting of the Board of Directors commenced at 11:30 A.M. and concluded at 12.15 P.M.

Please display the un-audited financial results in your Notice Board to keep the members of the Exchange

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully
For Cheviot Company Limited

\.("-i.- I
(Aditya Banerfee)
Company Seuetary
and Compliance Officer

Encl. as stated above

Ghartered Accountants
Phones: 2242-7215 I 6541
P 21t22 Radha Bazar Street, Kolkata - 700 001
Email: pkjl
Fax: 91-33-22486264


Review ftepolt to
'Ihe Boarc{ of [)irectors.
M/s Cheviot Co" Ltd.,
24. Park Street, Kolkata-16

results of M/s. Cheviot Co'

We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unauditecl financial
qr.rarter ancl nine months endecl 3i't December.2016. This statement is
Ltd.. for rhe
the Board of Directors'
responsibility of the Company's management and has been approved by
on our review'
Our resp<tnsibility is to issue a report on these financial statements based

(SRE) 2410,
We ccrndncteci our review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagement
,.Review of Interim Financial Information performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity"
requires that we plan and
issued by tiie lnstitute of Chartered Accountants of lndia. This standard
are fiee of
perfbr'r the r.e'iew to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the financial statements
material misstatement. A review is lirnited primarily to inquiries of
company personnel and
assurance than an audit' We
analytical procedures applied to financial data ancl thus provide less
an audit opinion'
have not pertbrmecl an audit and accorclingly, we do not express

Based on ollr review conducted as above, nothing has come to

our attention that causes us to
results prepared in accordance
believe that the accompanying statement of unaudited flnancial
practices and policies has
with applicable accounting standarcls and other recognised accounting
33 of the SEBI
not disclosed the information requirecl to be disclosed in terms of Regulation
the manner in
(Listing Obligations and Disclosr:re Requilements) Regulations,2015 including
which it is to be clisclosed, or that it contains any material nrisstatement.

For Jain & Co.

Chartered Accountants
Reeistratggo. 302023E
& Ko*
Place: Kolkata
gxF{. ninl
Dated: 3 1" daY of Janr-rarY, 2017
(Membership No.52018)

Phones: 25893411 I 3412

Branch: A-6 Nariana Vihar Ring Road, New Delhi - 110 028
Fax: 91-11-2579-7973
Email: aki@iainandco com
CIN : L65993W81897PLCo01409
Regd Office : 24, Park Street, Magma House ( gth Fioor ), Kolkata - 700 01 6
Phone : 82320 879111121'l3i Fax (033) 22497269122172488
Email ; ; Website :

Corresponding Year to date Year to date
3 months figures for figures for
ln Lakhs

3 months 3 months ended in the current previous Previous

ended ended previous year period ended period ended year ended
31t12t2016 30/09/2016 31t12t20',t5 31t12t2016 3'U12t2015 31t03t2019
Pafticulars lUnauditedt (Unaudited) (Unauditedl (Unauditedl lUnauditedl ( Audited I
lncome from operations
a. Sales/income from operations 9625.94 I 1 582.98 88't5.09 28127.14 24143.16 33880.62
b. Other operating income 205.46 184.&i 135.32 551.02 509.87 652.60
Total income from operations (gross) 9831.40 "11767.02 8950.4'l 28678.1 6 24653.03
Less: Jute manufacturing cess 63.89 87.75 65.40 197 57 156.'t 1 229.42
Total income from operations (net) 9767.51 11679.27 888s.01 28480.59 24496.92 34303.80

(a) Cost of materials consumed 4585.30 5870.87 5055.24 1 6428.61 1 3404.38 19261.23

i(b) Changes in inventories of finished gcods and work-in-progress 710.67 1405.18 26.31 {438.9.1 (659.99) (e58.1 6)

l1c) Emplovee oenefits expense 1525.60 16'12.49 1 535.68 4503.95 4175.67 5658.84

l{d) oeprecration and amortisation expense 191.29 175.54 1 53.71 506.23 423.30
I (") oti.", 1525.93 1467 32 537.94 4329.12 4340.77 5B60.69
t' ""o"n"".

Total expenses 10531.40 8308.88 25328.97 21 694.1 3 30395.53

3 from operations before other income, finance costs and exceptional items (1-2) 1228.72 1'147.87 576.1 3 315'l .62 2802.79 3908.27
4 lother income 396.45 355.75 176.34 1297.83 1125.77 1271.66
5 | erotit trom ordinary activities before financa costs and exceptional items (3+4) 1625.17 1503.62 752.47 4449.45 3928.56 5179.93
6 I Finance costs 12.56 5.88 9.67 48.43 81.63
7 Profit from ordinary activities after finance co3ts but before exceptional items (5-6) 't 612.61 1497.74 742-80 4411.48 3880.1 3 5098.30
8 ExceOtionat rtems - lndirect taxes / additional bonus liability tor earlier years 60.51 (127 .94. 60.51 112-7 94
Profit from ordinarv activities before tax (7+8) 1612.61 1 558.25 61 4.86 4471.99 3752.19 5098.30
1 0iTar eroense 466.50 433.00 165.50 1 1B 1.50 '1013 o0 1 450.83
I 1 lNer Profit from ordinary actrvities after tax (9-10) 1146.11 1125.25 449.36 3290.49 2739.1 I 3647.47
121 Extraordrnarv items

13lruet erotit tor the period (11-12) 1146.11 1125.25 449.36 3290.49 2739.1 I 3647.47
t+lPaio-up oroinary share capital ( Face value - { 'lO each ) 451.13 451.13 451.13 451 .1 3 451 ,1 3 451.13
1 5l Reserves excluding Revaluation Reserve as per balance sheet of previous

year : 1 289.1 I
161 EarninOs Per Share of { 1ol- each (EPS) (in <}

i I
Basic and diluted EPS before extraordinary items - (for the period - not annualised) 25.41 24.94 9.96 72.94 64.72 80,85
ti I Basrc and diluled EPS after exiraordinarv items - (for the period - not annualised) 25.41 24.94 9.96 72.91 60.72


of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

respect cf buildings revalued in the years ended 31.3.1997 and 31.3.2003 as well as of plant & equiprnent and electrical inslallations & equipment revalued in the years ended
31.3.1998and31.3.2003,hasbeenadjustedagainstthecarryingamountof therespectiveitemsof asset Onacoountof theabovecnangeintheaccountingpolicy,thechargeof
depreciation for the quarter and for the nine months ended 31st December, 2016 are lower by { 4.39 lakhs and 13.12 Lakhs and the profit on sale of fixed assets shown under the
head other ancome for the quarter aqd for the nine months ended 31st December, 2016 are higher by < 0.51 lakhs and< 2.27 Lakhs respectively, with profts fcr the quarter and nine
months correspondingly higher to that extent.
3 The Board of Directors of the Company at their meeting held on gth November, 2016, had approved a Scheme of Amalgamation ('Scheme') between Harsh Investments Private
Limited (HIPL) and Cheviot Company Limited (CCL) and their respective shareholders under Sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 and corresponding provisions of the
Companies Act, 201 3, as applicable. The Scheme provides for merger of H IPL with CCL w.e.f. 1 .4.2016. The Company has since recerved the observation letter from BSE Lirnited and

of.the Scheme has been given in these results.

Accountants of lndia is not applicabie.

5 Previous period / year flgures have been re-grouped / re-classified to rnake them comparabie to the current period presentation.

6 Theabover.'nauditedflnancral resultsafterreviewoftheAuditcommitteewereaDprovedbytheBoardofDirectorsattheirmeetingheldon3lstJanuary,2OlT.

For Cheviot Company Limited

<-1. a*+-.e***'+jf
Harsh Vardhan Kanoria
Chairman and Managing Director
Place : Kolkata Chief Executive Officer
Dated ; 3'lst January,20'17 (DlN : 00060259)

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