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What Is Vipassana or Mindfulness Meditation?

By Dianne Grant

Vipassana is an ancient Indian meditation technique thought to have begun with Buddha himself.
Also known as Insight or Mindful Meditation, Vipassana is the practice of paying attention to the
sensations of the mind and the body in great detail. The profound self-awareness, or mindfulness,
achieved through Vipassana meditation aids in healing the mind of suffering.

Through a disciplined practice these techniques become a part of your process when dealing with
actions or objects within your sphere of influence. Each choice is made in total awareness not only
of the mind, but by the body and the spirit.

How is Vipassana different from other meditation techniques?

Vipassana is about what is happening in mind and body in the present moment. There is no goal of
leaving the body. It is not contemplative or energy-based. The path to Vipassana's ultimate goal of
full liberation of misery is a long one, but noticeable progress can come early.

Is Vipassana difficult to practice?

Relative straightforwardness is what makes Vipassana one of the most popular forms of meditation.
It does not require laser-like focus and concentration. However, as with any meditation, mindfulness
meditation requires practice and time to prefect that practice. Unlike some other forms of
meditation, there are no complicated breathing techniques to learn, no rigid postures to assume, and
no mantras to remember. Presence and acceptance are the core requisites of Vipassana. With
patience and guidance anyone can learn how to incorporate this form of meditation into their daily
life on a moment by moment basis.

Can Vipassana be practiced alone and in groups?

Yes. Both novices and the advanced can benefit from a guided group session where a mentor or
teacher guides them through the body, facilitating the connections with the mind. The ability to
make forceful mind and body connections while meditating alone comes with experience, but solo
practice of mindfulness meditation is not only for advanced practitioners.

Can Vipassana help shift negative mindsets?

When you have a more profound awareness of your body and self, you learn that you and your
thoughts are separate. You are not your thoughts; your thoughts are not you. Knowing this allows
you to disconnect yourself from negative or unwanted thoughts.

Guided Mindfulness Meditation

We could all benefit from the awareness brought about by a disciplined Mindfulness Meditation
practice. If you need a little help getting started finding someone to guide your meditation can help.
A Mindfulness Meditation Guide will take you through the process and can often lead you to the
areas of your life that will benefit the most from this practice.

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