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Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care

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Health PromotionThe New Role of Primary

Health Care People

Harri Vertio

To cite this article: Harri Vertio (1986) Health PromotionThe New Role of Primary
Health Care People, Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 4:3, 129-130, DOI:

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Scand J Prim Health Care 1986; 4: 129-30


Health Promotion-The New Role of Primary Health Care People

Health promotion is the process of enabling people Among the subject areas of health promotion the
to increase control over, and to improve, their development of an environment conducive to
health. Health is seen as a resource for everyday health especially in home and at work is one of the
life. The concept emphasizes social and personal priorities for primary health care. This includes not
resources as well as physical capacities. The defini- only the monitoring of the technological, cultural
tion of health promotion also expresses explicitly and economical trends but also the realization of
the new role of health care professionals as sup- social networking and social support in the society.
porters and advocates of people in their aims and The health of people seems to depend strongly on
activities for health. The role of primary health care the social support they perceive available.
can thus be widened from helping people in their W o r k - o r very often lack of it-is among the
symptoms and diseases to using its resources for subject areas of health promotion. Occupational
enhancing the health of the community, in addition. health care, being primary health care by nature,
Health promotion is directed towards actions on already deals with problems of healthy working
the determinants or causes of health. Many of the conditions, healthy work design and the health of
determinants of health are beyond the health care workers. Elements of health promotion are includ-
system. However, resembling the situation a cen- ed in all of these.
tury ago, general practitioners are among the first The promotion of positive lifestyles conducive to
to realize the possibilities and obstacles of health health has been one of the main subject areas of
promotion, be they problems of human relations, of health education and as such part of primary health
coping with losses, threat of loneliness, poverty, care. Health promotion adds to this area a consid-
pollution or infectious diseases. Primary health eration of personal coping strategies and disposi-
care can, and should act as an advocate for health: tions as well as beliefs and values relevant to
let the decision-makers know, use the authority of health. This could mean two things in practice.
expertise to promote health in the community. This Lifestyles are together a holistic way of behaving,
role can take-and has already taken-different having its boundaries in social learning processes
forms. It is obvious that the knowledge and power and culture. Secondly, lifestyles are often personal
aggregated in the societies of health care profes- solutions to cope with problems. When lifestyles
sionals could be used accordingly. are affected, also the coping mechanisms change.
Health promotion aims at informed self-care, mu- This does not mean that the efforts to decrease, for
tual aid and environmental change that supports example, the excess use of alcohol would be worth-
health defined by people themselves. The role of less, it only adds one perspective to be taken into
health professionals, again, can be seen-particu- account in health care.
larly in primary health care-in helping people to Health is not the goal of life. This is clear to all
take care of their health. A general practitioner work in the field of primary health care. One also
meets the people nowadays more often in their has to bear in mind that individuals cannot be ex-
natural environment. She is able to see the patient clusively responsible for their own health. People
as part of the family, group of people, social envi- may not act rationally from the viewpoint of profes-
ronment. This gives the practitioner an exceptional sionals or public policy makers. Still, they may
role in enabling people to use their resources for have their own rationality. Health promotion is a
health. process in which many professional groups have a

Scand J Prim Health Care 1986; 3

130 Editorial

common field to work on. Primary health care unknown. It is a process reflecting activity and
workers are a n important health professional group change.
whose expertise and knowledge is needed in the
development of this process. Harri Vertio
Thinking in terms of primary health care, health National Board of Health
promotion is not new. It includes something new, - Finland
something old, something borrowed and something

Hypertension in the Elderly

Whereas the feasibility of antihypertensive treat- drug-induced postural hypotension, fainting and
ment in young patients with severe hypertension confusion in the elderly. Concerning the benefits
was evident very soon after the advent of active the lower range of the conjectural gain of life-length
antihypertensive drugs, it has been difficult to in the elderly by reducing blood pressure as a car-
prove the benefit of treatment of mild hypertension, diovascular risk factor must be taken into consid-
and even more so in the elderly. The report of the eration.
European Working Party on High Blood Pressure The Swedish Trial in Old Patients with Hyperten-
in the Elderly (1) is up to now the most adequate sion, of which the design is outlined in the present
evidence on this important issue. In a double-blind issue, is wellcomed as a valuable supplement to
randomized placebo-controlled trial comprising 840 existing evidence. Whereas the European Working
patients over 60 years old a significant reduction in Partys trial concerned all grades of elderly: the
cardiovascular mortality and a non-significant re- young old, the old and the very old, the Swedish
duction in cerebrovascular deaths could be demon- study concentrates on the latter two categories,
strated. When analysed on an intention-to-treat patients over 70 years old. It is to be hoped that the
basis, which provides the most stringent guidance study will be able to answer some of the core
for clinical operation, the overall mortality of the questions in treating hypertension in the elderly: At
placebo and treatment groups were next to identity. what levels of blood pressure should treatment be
Thus this study does not resolve the therapeutic initiated? What should the goal blood pressure be?
dilemmas. Many points of criticism have been What drugs should be used? What are the dosages
raised (2), primarily concerning the recruitment appropriate for elderly patients? What effect, if any
maneuvres, suspected to have been biassed. Eligi- does treatment have on longevity and quality of
ble for inclusion were both the biologically young life?
and the very old, and both patients at high risk and
Bent Harvald
patients with a blood pressure close to the popula-
Odense University Hospital
tion mean. Thus the results may have been weight-
ed by exceptional effects in either of the extreme
Both components of the risk-benefit equation,
may be altered in treating the elderly hypertensives REFERENCES
(3). Cardiovascular and renal changes of aging will 1. Amery et al. Mortality and morbidity results from the
reduce tolerance to antihypertensive medication. European Working Party on High Blood Pressure in
The responseto diuretics alters with age. The lower the Elderly trial. Lancet 1985; 1: 1349-54.
stroke volume and age-dependent decrease in sym- 2. Editorial. Treatment of hypertension in the over-60s.
pathetic responsiveness make beta-blockers theo- Lancet 1985; 1: 1369-70.
3. Statement on Hypertension in the Elderly. High Blood
retically less attractive. Impairment of baroreceptor Pressure Information Center, National Institutes of
mediated reflexes may contribute to the liability of Health, Bethesda, Md 20205, Sept. 1985.
Scand J Prim Health Care 1986; 3

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