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Chapter 1


1.1 Introduction
Antenna serves as one of the critical component in any wireless
communication system. Antenna The eyes and ears in space is
undergoing a versatile change from earlier long wire type for radio
broadcast, communication links to the military applications, aircraft,
radars, missiles, space applications in the second half of last century.
This scenario is changing with the evolution of Cellular mobile personal
communication in the form of Global System for Mobile communications
(GSM), Code Division Multiple Accessing (CDMA), Digital Communication
System (DCS) 1800 systems, North American dual-mode cellular system,
Interim Standard (IS)-54, North American IS-95 system and Japanese
Personal Digital Cellular (PDC) system etc. The era of plain voice service
based on circuit switched communication service has gone. The
broadband mobile personal communication with mobile high quality
video is the buzz word today. 3rd Generation GSM (3G), Wide band-
CDMA, Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi), 4th Generation WiMax, WiBro, Wireless-
LAN, are all towards this direction.

Communication systems need a wide frequency bandwidth to

receive and transmit multimedia information at high data rates. Mobile
wireless communication products must be easily portable and cheap to
make them attractive to modern people. Suddenly it seems everything
from mobile phone to MP3 players, printers to GPS receivers,
instruments in hospitals, pathology laboratories, even the Physics and
Chemistry labs has the Blue-tooth built-in for wireless operation cutting

the usual wired chords. There is precisely a need for compact antennas
in these gadgets especially driven by fast changing mobile
communication technology, that too in large volume of demand at
affordable cost. This needs thinking twice or more before allocating a
spectrum for a specific service as this amount to huge investments in
research, development, technology implementation and service operation.

Antenna does not become obsolete since they are based on

unvarying physical principles. Only technology changes like transition
from tubes to transistor and then to ICs. An early large antennas 3-D
antenna has reduced to 2D-planar type by way of printed antennas.
Thanks to Microstrip revolution in antenna technology in 1970s.
Antenna-the vital part of wireless gadgets has endured renovation from a
simple metallic rod to ceramic chip, reconfigurable, active and
complicated Smart Antenna. The day is not far when this is likely to
reduce to physically sub miniature wavelength antennas with the advent
of Meta materials and Nano Technology. In this scenario development of
extremely compact antenna are highly relevant.

1.2 Compact Antennas

Wireless gadgets are constantly getting smaller. The latest trend in
terminal design is therefore ultra-thin phones, leading to very small
heights above ground plane available to the antenna elements. This has a
huge impact on patch type of antennas (such as the popular planar
inverted F antenna) PIFA has the achievable bandwidth and radiation
efficiency is proportional to its height. The recent trend in miniaturization
of wireless gadgets triggered the evolution of planar antenna technology.
It is worth noting that many of the planar antennas can be viewed as the
modifications of conventional antennas. In that one of the antennas
which are useful in communication is the monopole wireless antenna.
Broadband planar monopole antennas are fabricated by transforming a
conventional monopole. Further miniaturization can be achieved by
printing the monopole on a dielectric substrate [1].

1.3 Wireless communication bands
Different frequency bands are allotted in communication systems
for different applications. This avoids the congestion during the
communication process. The different frequency bands allocated by the
governing council for smooth running of communication process are
given in the table with corresponding category of antenna.

Name of the wireless Allocated Commonly used

communication frequency band Antenna

Digital Video 470MHz-702MHz Compact printed

Broadcasting (DVB-H) Antennas

Radio Frequency 865-868MHz, Loops, Folded-F,

Identification (RFID) 2.446-2.454GHz Patch and

Global System for 890MHz-960MHz Dipole, patch

Mobile (GSM 900) arrays and

Global Positioning 1227MHz- Microstrip patch

System (GPS1400, 1575MHz, or bifilar helix.

Digital 1710MHz- Microstrip

Communication 1880MHz Antenna
System (DCS 1800)

Personal 1850MHz- Microstrip

Communication 1990MHz Antenna
System (PCS 1900)

International Mobile 1885MHz- Dipole or patch

Telecommunication- arrays in base

2000 (3G IMT-2000) 2200MH stations.
Monopoles, sleeve
dipole and patch
in mobile handset.

Universal Mobile 1920MHz- Microstrip

Telecommunication 2170MHz Antenna
Systems (UMTS-2000)

Industrial Scientific, 2400MHz- Microstrip

Medical (ISM 2.4, ISM 2484MHz, Antenna
5.2, ISM 5.8)

Ultra Wide 3.1GHz-10.6GHz Planar printed

Band(UWB) antennas, Horn
communication Antennas

All the above applications/bands use the Microstrip antenna as

basic antenna.

1.4 Microstrip antenna (MSA)

Deschamps G.A. first proposed the concept of the microstrip
antenna in1953 [2]. However, practical microstrip antennas were
developed by Munson [3] and Howell [4] in 1970s. As a result, microstrip
antennas have quickly evolved from academic novelty to commercial
reality, with applications in a wide variety of microwave systems.

A microstrip antenna [2] basically consists of a radiating patch on

one side of dielectric substrate which has a ground on the other side as
shown in the Fig1.1. The patch is generally made of conducing material
such as copper or gold and can take any possible shape. In order to
simplify analysis and performance prediction, the patch is taken
generally to be square, rectangle, circular, triangular, elliptical or some
other common shape. In these patches, rectangular shape is simple to

design and always preferred. For a rectangular patch, L is the length and
W is the width. The patch is selected to be very thin such that t << 0
(Where t is the patch thickness and 0 is the free-space wave length).
h is the height of the dielectric substrate. The dielectric constant ( r)

typically range from 2.2<r <12 for better performance.

Fig. 1.1 Microstrip Antenna

1.4.1 Types of microstrip antennas

Microstrip antennas are characterized by more physical
parameters that are conventional microwave antenna. They may be of
any geometrical shape. However, all microstrip antennas are divided in to
three basic categories shown below.

1. Microstrip patch antennas.

2. Microstrip traveling wave antennas.
3. Microstrip slot antennas. Microstrip patch antennas

The microstrip patch antennas consist of a conducting patch of
any planar geometry on one side of dielectric substrate backed by ground

plane on the other side. The patch can assume any shape like rectangle,
square, pentagonal, circle, ellipse, triangle etc. Microstrip traveling wave antennas

The microstrip traveling wave antennas consists of chain shaped
periodic conductor or an ordinary long TEM line, which also support a TE
mode on a substrate backed by a ground plane. The open end of the TEM
line is terminated in a matched resistive load. As these antennas support
traveling waves, their structure may be designed so that the main beam
lines in any direction from broad side to the end fire. Microstrip slot antennas

Microstrip slot antennas comprise the slot in the ground plane fed
by microstrip line. The slot may have the shape of a rectangular (narrow
or wide), a circle or an annular. The energy propagating in the strip
transmission line excites the slots.

1.5 Radiation mechanism

Radiation from microstrip antenna occurs from the fringing fields
between the edge of the microstrip antenna conductor and the ground
plane [2]. The radiation from discontinuities in microstrip was first
examined by Lewin [5], whose analysis is based on the current flowing in
the conductor. Radiation from microstrip antenna can be understood by
considering the simple case of a rectangular microstrip patch spaced a
small fraction of a wavelength above a ground plane and shown in the
Fig 1.2.

Assuming no variation of the electric field along the width and

thickness of the Microstrip. The field varies along the patch length, which
is about half a wavelength (l/2). Radiation may be described mostly to
the fringing fields at the open circuited edges of the patch.

Fig. 1.2 Radiation Mechanism of microstrip antenna

The field at the end can be resolved into normal and tangential
component with respect to the ground plane. The normal components are
out of phase because the patch line is (l/2) long and therefore; the far
fields produced by them cancel in the broadside direction.

1.6 Feeding techniques
Feeding techniques influence the input impedance and the
characteristics of the antenna and is an important design parameter.
Microstrip patch antenna are fed by a variety of techniques and they are
classified into two categories as under
Contacting feed.
Non-contacting feed.

1.6.1 Contacting feed

In the contacting method, the power is fed directly to the radiating
patch using connecting elements such as microstrip line and coaxial
probes. The two most popular feeding techniques are microstrip line feed
and coaxial probe feed. Microstrip line feed

In this type of feeding technique, the patch is excited by
Microstripline feed connected directly to the edge of the microstrip patch.
This kind of feed arrangement has the advantage that the feed and patch
can be etched on the same substrate to provide a planar structure. The
microstrip line feed can be off-centered [6]. The use planer feed marks
this structure suitable for integration with the associated microwave
circuitry. As the antennas and feed strip can be fabricated from a single
piece of metal it is said to be suitable for low-cost production in large
quantities [7]. It is easy to fabricate but suffer with slight radiation losses
due to radiation from the feed line which leads to an increase in the
cross-polarization level. Coaxial Feed

In all cases the co-axial connector is attached to the backside of
the printed circuit board and the co-axial center conductor is attached to
the antenna conductor. The location of the conductor is found
empirically for the given mode as that which yields the best match. This
feed method has low spurious radiation. However, its major disadvantage
is that it provides narrow bandwidth and also, for thicker substrates, the

increased probe length makes the input impedance more inductive,
leading to the perturbed radiation pattern and impedance matching

1.6.2 Non-Contacting feed

The non-contacting feeds use electromagnetic field coupling to
transfer power between the feed and the radiating patch. Here, there is
no direct metallic contact between the feed line and the patch. Some of
the non-contacting feeds are aperture coupling feed, proximity coupling
feed and coplanar waveguide feed. Aperture Coupling feed

In this type of feeding technique, the radiating patch and the
microstrip line feed are separated by the ground plane. Coupling between
the patch and the feed line is made through a slot or an aperture in the
ground plane. The coupling aperture is usually centered under the patch,
leading to lower cross-polarization due to symmetry of the configuration.
The shape, size and location of the aperture decide the amount of
coupling from the feed line to the patch. Since the ground plane
separates the patch and the feedline, spurious radiation is minimized.
The major disadvantage of this feeding technique is that it is difficult to
fabricate due to multiple layers, which increase the antenna thickness. Proximity coupled feed

In the proximity coupling, the feed line is placed between the
patch and the ground plane, which is separated by two dielectric media.
The main advantage of the feeding technique is that it eliminates
spurious radiation and provides very high bandwidth due to overall
increase in the thickness of the microstrip patch antenna. But the major
disadvantage is that it is difficult to fabricate and it also increases the
overall thickness of the antenna. Coplanar waveguide feed
In this method, the coplanar waveguide is etched on the ground
plane of the MSA. The one is excited by a co-axial feed and is terminated

by a slot, whose length is chosen between 0.25 and 0.29 of the slot
wavelength. The main disadvantage of this method is the high radiation
from the rather longer slot, leading to front-to back ratio. This is
improved by reducing the slot dimension and modifying its shape in the
form of loop.

1.7 Analysis of antennas

The MSA generally has a two-dimensional radiating patch on a
thin direction substrate and therefore may be categorized as a two-
dimensional planer component for analysis purposes. The analysis
methods for MSAs can be divided into two groups [8, 9].

In the first group, the methods are based on equivalent magnetic

current distribution around the patch edges. There are three popular
analytical techniques:

The transmission line model,

The cavity model,
The multiport network model (MNM).

In the second group, the methods are based on the electric current
distribution on the patch conductor and the ground plane. Some of the
numerical methods for analyzing MSAs are listed as follows:

Full wave solutions - The method of moment (MOM),

The finite-element method (FEM),
The spectral domain technique (SDT),
The finite difference time domain (FDTD) method.

The most popular models for the analysis of microstrip antenna

are the transmission line model, cavity model and full wave model. The
transmission line model is the simplest of all and it gives good insight but
it is less accurate. The cavity model is more accurate and gives good
physical insight but is complex in nature. The full wave models are

extremely accurate. But it gives less insight and is far more complex in
nature [10].

1.8 Advantages and Limitations of Microstrip antennas

Microstrip antennas (MSAs) have several advantages compared to
the conventional microwave antennas. Some of the principle advantages
are listed as follow:
They are lightweight, have a small volume and a low profile
planar configuration.
They can be made conform to the host surface.
Their ease of mass production using printed circuit
technology leads to low fabrication cost.
They are easier to integrate with other MICs on the same
They allow both linear polarizations with simple change in
feed position.
The antenna may be easily mounted on missile, rockets and
satellite without major alterations.
The antennas have low scattering cross sections.
They can be made compact for use in personal mobile
They allow for dual and triple frequency operations.
Microstrip antennas are compatible with modular design.

However, MSAs suffer from some disadvantages as compared to

conventional microwave antennas. They are as follows.

Quite large size for lower microwaves frequencies.

Narrow impedance bandwidth.
Lower gain.
Lower power handling capability.
Most microstrip antennas radiate into half plane.
Poor isolation between the feed and radiating elements.

Possibility of excitations of surface waves due to improper
design and fabrications.

1.9 Applications of microstrip antennas

The advantage of MSAs makes them suitable for numerous
applications, some for the application of MSAs are listed in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 Typical applications of MSAs

System Application
Aircraft and ship antennas Communication and navigation,
blind landing systems.
Missiles Radars ,proximity fuses and
Satellite communications Domestic direct broadcast TV,
vehicle-based antennas,
Mobile radio & Pagers and telephones, man pack
Remote sensing systems, mobile vehicle, Global
system for mobile communication
(GSM), Global positioning system
Biomedical Larger lightweight apertures
Applicators in microwave
Internet services Wireless local area networks
(WLANs), Wide area computer
networks etc.

1.10 Monopole Antenna

The other versatile antenna which has large attention recently is
printed monopole antenna. They offer large bandwidth and are more
attractive for wireless communication, so that various applications are
covered with fewer or preferably with a single antenna. It will be preferred
that an antenna has bandwidth in excess of frequency range from

800MHz to 11GHz or even more, to include different existing wireless
communication systems such as AMPC800, GSM900, GSM1800,
PCS1900, WCDMA/UMTS(3G), 2.45/5.2/5.8-GHz-ISM, WLANs,
European Hiper LAN I, II, an UWB(3.1-10.6GHz). In particular, mobile
units and wireless local area networks (WLANs) are experiencing market
growth due to increasing demand for portable communication systems.
The frequency bands allocated for WLANs are 2.400-2.484GHz (IEEE
802.11 b/g) and 5.150-5.350/5.725-5.825GHz (IEEE 802.11a) and
WIMAX has 5.59 GHz operating bands [11, 12]. Depending on the
applications and frequency range, we can classify monopole antennas
into different categories i) Broadband planar and printed monopole
antennas ii) Planar printed UWB monopole antennas and iii) Band-
notched UWB monopole antennas.

1.10.1 Broadband planar and printed monopole antennas

Planar and printed monopole antennas are the good candidates for
use in different wireless communications because of their wide
impedance bandwidth. On the other hand, printed rectangular monopole
antennas (PRMAs) are also planar and have radiation patterns similar to
that of a dipole antenna. These monopoles can be integrated with other
components on printed circuit board, have reduced size on dielectric
substrate, are without backing ground plane and are easy to fabricate.
Printed monopole antennas, commonly fabricated on FR4 or Glass Epoxy
substrate are very cost effective, which is ideally suited for hand held
terminals, mobile units and other wireless applications [13-19]. The
fundamental mobile antenna is the quarter-wavelength monopole
antenna. It has a simple structure. In the earlier days generally, a
monopole antenna consists of a thin vertical wire mounted over the
ground plane, whose bandwidth increases with increase in its diameter.
When a monopole of length l= /4 mounted above a ground plane, an
image of length /4 is formed and it behaves as /2 dipole. Moreover, the
3/8 or 5/8 wavelengths monopole antennas have been employed for
mobile terminals as they have the appropriate input impedance for

matching the feed line. This antenna is also named as the Whip
antenna or conventional monopole.

A planar monopole may be realized by replacing the wire element

of a conventional monopole with a planar element. The planar element is
located at a distance h above the ground plane [20]. The replacing of
wire element with planar element, with various shapes, increases the
surface areas of the monopoles, there by having a direct impact on

Meinke and Gundlach, who mentioned it as a variant of the

cylindrical and conical monopoles, first described the planar monopole in
a text book, in 1968. Dubost and Zisler described it more details in 1976.
They observed the wide impedance characteristics of this antenna. Later
a number of different shapes have been studied which fit in to this
category of broadband planar monopoles antennas. Agrawall, who
proposed a formula for predicting the frequency corresponding to lower
edge of the impedance bandwidth for the antennas [3], also studied
circular and elliptical disk monopoles in 1998. Later several planar
monopoles such as circular, elliptical, square, rectangular, hexagonal
and pentagonal, have been analyzed, providing wide impedance
bandwidth. Also in reconfigurable radio systems, planar monopole
antennas provide maximum flexibility by radiating over radio terminals
entire frequency range [10]. They can be developed to cover frequency
extremities from GSM900/NADC through GSM1800/PCS1900, IMT-
2000, the 2.45GHz and 5.8GHz ISM bands and including UWB (1.9GHz-

The broadband planar monopoles can also be understood by

considering it as a modified Microstrip antenna (MSA). MSA in their
original configurations cannot yield multi octave bandwidth because of
their resonant nature. In MSAs increasing the substrate height or
decreasing the substrate dielectric constant increases the bandwidth.
Now, if a rectangular patch without the substrate is fed by coaxial feed

with a perpendicular ground plane, it will result into effective dielectric
constant of one and a substantial increase in height h. Both these factor
will yield a large bandwidth. So, the planar monopole antenna can be
viewed as a MSA on a very thick air substrate; its large impedance
bandwidth is understandable. For these radiating patches, various higher
order modes will get excited, and since all the modes will have larger
bandwidth, these will undergo smaller impedance variation. The shape
and size of these planar antennas can be optimized to bring all the modes
within VSWR = 2 circle in the Smith chart, leading to very large
impedance bandwidth. Hence, resulting in to a broadband planar
monopole antenna.

Another versatile antenna which has large attention recently is

Printed monopole antenna. They offer large bandwidth and are more
attractive for wireless communication applications. The large ground
plane used for the conventional Printed monopole is the main limitation.
However, the move towards the truncated ground plane has made the
antenna low profile and suitable for integration into circuit board as
terminal antennas. Recently printed antennas have received much
attention due to their low profile and omnidirectional radiation

Compared with traditional wire antennas, printed monopole

antennas have extra advantages including planar structure, small
volume, light weight and low cost, which are significantly suitable for
applications sensitive to the receiver sizes. Recently, various types of
printed dipole antennas have been studied to comply with the compact
high performance broad band/multiband requirements. Planar and
printed monopole antennas have long been used in mobile
communication. The circular disk monopole, developed for the Japanese
television band (90-770MHz) in 1991 [1] was one of the first applications.
Lately, several planar and printed monopoles with different shapes were

15 Characteristics of Broadband Planar Monopole Antennas
The broadband planar monopole antennas have proved to be
excellent radiators over very large bandwidth. They are finding their place
in numerous applications. Some of their characteristics are as mentioned
Very large impedance bandwidths.
Provide maximum flexibility in reconfigurable radios [14].
Stable monopolar radiation patterns with a return loss in
excess of 10dB over an extremely wide frequency range [10].
Capable of multiband operations and possess
omnidirectional radiation patterns in azimuthal plane for all
operation bands [11].
Low fabrication cost and ease of manufacture.
Compact size, linear phase response and acceptable
radiation efficiency [13].
Electrical heights less than /4 achieved [13, 17].
Can provide interference immunity with existing wireless
networking technologies by using band-notched planar
monopole antenna [13].

Various shapes such as square, rectangular, triangular,

hexagonal, circular etc., have been investigated by researchers and the
field is still being explored to add something new every day.

1.10.2 Planar Printed UWB monopole antenna

In February 14-2002, the Federal Communication Commission
amended the part 15 rules which govern unlicensed radio devices to
include the use of huge band from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz. i.e., 7.5 GHz. This
huge bandwidth from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz is known as the ultra-wideband
(UWB) spectrum. This UWB, a radio transmission technology which
occupies an extremely wide bandwidth, is a revolutionary approach for
short-range high bandwidth wireless communication. After the FCCs
ruling in February 2002, research started throughout the world to design
the various systems and components that will be needed to enhance the

reliability of UWB systems, one of which is the UWB antenna.
Researchers all over the world have designed and proposed many UWB
antennas, which are less fragile, compact, lightweight, and easily
incorporable in the portable and hand-held devices used in UWB systems
[3]. The first important requirement for designing an UWB antenna is the
extremely wide impedance bandwidth. And commonly, the returnloss for
the entire UWB should be in the criterion of <-10dB & for indoor wireless
communication, omnidirectional property in radiation pattern is
demanded for UWB antenna to enable convenience in communication
between transmitters and receivers. Therefore, low directivity is desired
and the gain should be as uniform as possible for different directions.
Last but not least, since, UWB technology is mainly employed for indoor
and portable devices, the size of the UWB antennas is required to the
sufficiently small, so that they can be easily integrated into various
equipments. The UWB monopole antennas such as modified
rectangular/elliptical/slotted planar antennas are capable of yielding
ultra wide bandwidth with nearly omnidirectional radiation patterns.
Among these antennas, the planar monopole structures have been
used for UWB communication systems due to their advantages such
as wide impedance bandwidth, simple structure, low profile and
cost, and ease fabrication and integration into PCB circuits.

In the design of a planar printed UWB antenna, the radiator is

usually on structured and etched onto the dielectric substrate of a piece
of the PCB and a ground plane near the radiator. The antenna can be fed
by a microstrip transmission line or a coplanar waveguide (CPW)
structure. In a typical planar printed monopole antenna fed by a
microstip transmission line [20] has a structure similar to the microstrip
patch antenna, it consists of three layers: the top is a radiator; the
middle is a substrate with dielectric constant; the bottom is an etched
ground plane. This type of antenna can easily be integrated into system
circuits for a compact design and fabricated at a very low manufacturing
cost. The geometry for the radiator of the planar PCB antenna may be
elliptical, rectangular, triangular, or some combination or modified

version form these regular geometries. These antennas are optimized to
cover UWB Bandwidth and to miniaturize the antenna size.

1.10.3 Band notched UWB monopole antenna

Interference is a serious problem for UWB application systems.
UWB applications are necessary for the rejection of the interference with
existing wireless local area network (WLAN) technologies such as IEEE
802.11a in the USA (5.15-5.35GHz, 5.725-5.825GHz). As a result, UWB
transmitters can not cause any electro-magnetic interference on nearby
communication systems such as WLAN applications. However, the use of
a filter will increase the complexity of the UWB system. Up to date, many
UWB antennas have been attempted to overcome interference problem
using frequency band rejected function design. The most popular
antenna design with frequency band rejected function approaches are
embedding slots, double U-slots, square slots, V-slot etc. Most of the
design have only single band-notched characteristic because the
antennas with frequency band rejected function design occupy a large
space of the antenna. Obtaining high efficiency band-notched
characteristic is a challenging issue because it is very difficult to control
the width of the band-notch [21, 23]. Therefore an efficient frequency
band rejected technique for lower WLAN and upper WLAN band is very
difficult to implement.

1.11 Organization of thesis:

Based on the above discussions, the thesis is organized into 7
chapters. Each chapter has been organized with the same format
beginning with an introduction and detailed explanation related to the
research work.

The chapter 1 discusses introduction, compact antennas, various

wireless communication bands, microstrip antenna and its theory,
feeding techniques, advantages and limitations and applications. Also
this chapter discusses about applications of monopole antenna in
wireless communication, origin of broadband planar and printed

monopole antenna and its characteristics, Planar printed UWB monopole
antenna, band notched UWB monopole antenna and applications of
these antennas.

An elaborate review of literature on past work carried out in the

field of monopole antennas and there applications in wireless
communication systems are explained in chapter 2. The literature review
covers 1999 to till date in detail. The formulation of problem is also
described in this chapter.

The chapter 3 describes the methodology, experimental and

radiation pattern measurement setup. It also explains the block diagram
of Vector Network Analyzer. This chapter also gives a brief idea of the
simulation software IE3D 14.6 used for simulation of monopole

The design consideration used for broadband planar and printed

monopole antennas are discussed in chapter 4. The design of various
configurations with slots is discussed in detail along with the simulated
and experimental results. Also, the summarized result of all
configurations with respect to broadband printed monopole antennas is
reported in table.

Chapter 5 discusses the design of planar printed UWB monopole

antennas with various configurations. The simulated and experimental
results of all the configurations for these UWB monopole antennas are
discussed with respective graphs and tables.

The design and results of band notched UWB monopole antennas

and their performances are presented in detail in chapter 6.

The conclusions made from the study of (i) Printed rectangular

monopole antenna with broadband operation, (ii) Printed rectangular
monopole antenna with UWB operation and (iii) Printed rectangular

monopole antenna with band notch operation are highlighted in chapter
7. This chapter also includes the futuristic scope for further study and

The references, list of publications of the author are also given at

the end of this thesis.


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