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Emerg Med Clin N Am

26 (2008) 571–595

Hyperbaric Oxygen: Applications

in Infectious Disease
Colin G. Kaide, MD, FACEP, FAAEM*,
Sorabh Khandelwal, MD
Department of Emergency Medicine, The Ohio State University Medical Center,
0136 Means Hall, 1654 Upham Drive, Columbus, OH 43240, USA

The first hyperbaric chamber was built in 1662 by a British clergyman

named Nathaniel Henshaw. It was compressed manually with a bellows us-
ing room air and likely did not reach pressures that had any clinical signif-
icance. From that time until 1955 various hyperbaric apparatus have been
used with varying (limited) success to treat certain conditions. There was lit-
tle if any science or understanding behind the application of hyperbarics
during this period. In 1955, Churchill-Davidson and colleagues used hyper-
baric oxygen (HBO) to try to augment the effects of radiation therapy for
patients who had cancer, which began the era of the scientific use of HBO
in clinical medicine.
Over its long history, HBO has been used for many purposes, ranging
from ‘‘anti-aging treatments’’ and boosting the athletic ability of competi-
tors to treatment of chronic neurologic conditions. For many of these appli-
cations, the scientific foundations were weak and the research backing their
use was questionable.
The Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine Society (UHMS) was founded in
1967 (originally as the Undersea Medical Society) to help promote the ex-
change of data and research within the commercial and military dive med-
icine communities. Later, the clinical practice of hyperbaric medicine came
under the auspices of the UHMS. It now acts as the primary scientific body
for hyperbaric medicine. In 1976 the UHMS developed the multispecialty
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Committee to oversee the development of an
evidence-guided list of indications for the use of HBO. There are currently

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C.G. Kaide).

0733-8627/08/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

13 indications for HBO for which there is in vitro and in vivo evidence to sup-
port its use (Box 1) [1]. Some of these conditions involve infectious processes.
In this article we discuss the use of HBO as an adjunct to aggressive med-
ical and surgical management of infectious processes.

Hyperbaric physiology
HBO therapy is the application of pressures greater than 1 atmosphere
absolute (ATA) to an environment of 100% oxygen, which results in the in-
crease in the partial pressure of oxygen, proportional to the increase in pres-
sure. When a patient is placed into a hyperbaric chamber, the oxygen is
delivered by the lungs to the entire body. This systemic delivery of oxygen
should not be confused with topical oxygen therapy, in which a specific
body part is subjected to oxygen under pressure with the oxygen delivered
locally to an open wound.
Under normobaric conditions, we live at 1 ATA of pressure measured at
sea level. That is to say that a person at sea level has downward pressure
exerted on his body equal to the weight of the atmosphere above him. In me-
dial applications, it is customary to measure atmospheric pressure in milli-
meters of mercury (mm Hg). A pressure of 760 mm Hg is equal to 1
ATA, 14.7 psi, 760 torr, or 33 ft of seawater.
At the depth of 33 ft of seawater, a diver is exposed to 2 ATA: 1 ATA
from the atmosphere above the water and 1 ATA from the pressure exerted
by the 33 ft (10 m) of seawater. Henry’s law specifies that the partial pressure

Box 1. Indications for hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Air/gas embolism
Decompression sickness
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Crush injury, compartment syndrome, and other acute ischemias
Exceptional blood loss anemia
Delayed radiation injury (osteo and soft tissue)
Skin grafts and flaps
Thermal burns
Enhancement of healing in selected problem wounds
Necrotizing soft tissue infections
Clostridial myositis and myonecrosis (gas gangrene)
Osteomyelitis (refractory), includes malignant otitis externa
Intracranial abscesses

Data from Feldmeier JJ, editor. Hyperbaric oxygen 2003: indications and
results: the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Committee Report. Kensington (MD): Un-
dersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society; 2003.

of a gas dissolved in a liquid is proportional to the pressure exerted on that

gas. At 2 ATA a diver breathing 21% oxygen would develop a PO2 of 320
mm Hg, twice the PO2 at 1 ATA. Although the percentage of oxygen at 2
ATA is still 21%, the diver is breathing in twice as many molecules of oxy-
gen per breath, which is equivalent to breathing 42% oxygen at 1 ATA.
Conversely, if that individual were to travel to a higher elevation, such as
8000 ft (2440 m), the pressure exerted by the atmosphere would be equal
to 75% of the pressure at sea level. The PO2 would be 120 (0.75  160)
and the resultant effective fraction of inspired oxygen would be 15.75%.
There are two gas laws that explain the effects of HBO: Boyle’s law and
Henry’s law. Boyle’s law describes the change in volume of a gas as a func-
tion of pressure and Henry’s law states that the concentration of a gas dis-
solved in a liquid is proportional to the partial pressure of that gas above the
solution. HBO capitalizes on Henry’s law by significantly increasing the am-
bient PO2 causing a dramatic increase in the amount of dissolved oxygen car-
ried by the blood. As the partial pressure of oxygen reaches 100 mm Hg,
hemoglobin becomes fully saturated. Under normobaric conditions, the dis-
solved oxygen is negligible, representing only 0.3 mL of oxygen per 100 mL
of blood (called volume percentdvol%), compared with 20 vol% carried by
hemoglobin. Under hyperbaric conditions, however, the PaO2 at 2.5 ATA (a
typical HBO treatment pressure) approaches 2000 mm Hg. This pressure is
high enough to generate 5.4 vol% of dissolved oxygen, which can sustain
basal metabolic functions in the complete absence of any hemoglobin. Hy-
peroxygenated plasma can transport oxygen to areas that are inaccessible to
red cells, delivering oxygen to relatively hypoxic tissues in proportion to the
oxygen tension of the plasma (Box 2).

Mechanisms of antimicrobial effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy

As the result of the hyperoxic environment generated by HBO, some
physiologic and biochemical changes occur, which promote an additional
antimicrobial effect that can enhance or modulate standard therapy. Some
effects of the hyperoxic environment as they pertain to infectious diseases
include the following:
Suppression of clostridial alpha toxin production in gas gangrene (dis-
cussed later in this article) [2].

Box 2. Oxygen content calculation

The oxygen content of the blood is determined by the
combination of the oxygen carried by hemoglobin plus the
oxygen dissolved in the blood.
Oxygen Content = 1.34 (HgB) (% Saturation) + PO2 (.003)

Enhancement of leukocyte-killing activity. Granulocytes kill microorgan-

isms by oxygen-independent and oxygen-dependent mechanisms. The
oxygen-independent system alone is inadequate to eradicate all of the
wound pathogens, as evidenced by a decrease in microorganism killing
in hypoxic environments [3,4]. The oxygen-dependent system consumes
large amounts of molecular oxygen to produce an ‘‘oxidative burst’’ af-
ter phagocytosis of offending pathogens. The burst consists of oxygen
radicals, such as hydroxyl radicals, peroxides, and superoxide. The
production of these substances increases in a fashion directly propor-
tional to the amount of available oxygen [5]. Further, it has been
shown that this process is significantly retarded in a hypoxic
Bacterial growth suppression in hyperoxic tissues. Healthy normoxic
wounds with adequate perfusion are highly resistant to infection [6].
In multiple animal models, it has been clearly demonstrated that bac-
terial growth in hypoxic, poorly perfused tissues increases. In tissues
where the oxygen tension fell below 30 mm Hg, an established bacterial
infection quickly destroyed the tissue. In a controlled environment, the
elevation of oxygen tension in inoculated tissue caused a resistance to
infection that was slightly better than in the comparison group that re-
ceived antibiotics alone. Moreover, there seemed to be a synergistic ef-
fect between a hyperoxic environment plus antibiotics [7].
Enhancement of antibiotic effects. Certain antibiotics show improved
efficacy when delivered in a hyperoxic environment. The activity of
aminoglycosides and the antimetabolite agents trimethoprim, sulfame-
thoxazole, and sulfasoxazole all show an increase in effectiveness in
high oxygen tensions [8,9]. Additionally, agents such as vancomycin
and the fluoroquinolones show decreased activity in a hypoxic milieu
[10,11]. The effectiveness of these agents returns to normal when
normoxia is restored.
Improvement in tissue repair. Poorly vascularized, ischemic tissue shows
a significantly decreased healing response and increased susceptibility
to infection [12]. The presence of necrotic tissue and infection in the
open wound further slows the healing process. When exposed to
HBO following standard treatment protocols, clearing of the infection
and wound closure are significantly improved. HBO has little effect on
wound closure in adequately vascularized, normoxic tissues. Enhance-
ment of osteoclastic and osteoblastic activity also occurs, which en-
hances the clearing of bone infections and promotes healing in
Effects on anaerobic bacteria. Anaerobic bacteria lack the ability to de-
fend adequately against free radicals and other toxic oxygen species.
The enhancement of production of these endogenous antimicrobial
agents by granulocytes is the primary mechanism by which HBO can
be bacteriocidal to anaerobic organisms.

Necrotizing soft tissue infections

Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is a rapidly progressive, life-threatening, deep-
seated soft tissue infection that causes necrosis of the fascia and subcutane-
ous tissues. Bacterial endotoxins, exotoxins, and protease enzymes degrade
fat and the extracellular matrix, resulting in rapid and extensive tissue dam-
age and severe systemic toxicity [13]. Although NF is a relatively uncommon
infection with 500 to 1500 cases reported in the United States annually, it
incurs a mortality of 20% to 40% [14,15]. Those who survive NF usually
have significant morbidity, frequently undergoing multiple surgical débride-
ments and possibly even amputation.
NF can occur in two distinct populations of patients. Type I NF occurs in
individuals who have a history of peripheral vascular disease, immune com-
promise, diabetes, or surgery, and is a polymicrobial disease. Typically, the
inciting factor is a wound (eg, trauma to the skin, a decubitus ulcer, postop-
erative wound, animal or insect bite, or insulin injection site). Type I NF
flora can be composed of both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria with common
isolates including Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Bacteroides fragi-
lis, and various species of Streptococci, Enterococci, Peptostreptococcus, Pre-
votella, Porphyromonas, and Clostridium [16]. A particular form of NF
called Fournier gangrene is also a polymicrobial infection, usually com-
posed of enteric organisms. It attacks the perineal region and anterior ab-
dominal wall. In males, the penis and scrotum are also affected.
Type II NF accounts for about 10% to 15% of cases [15,17]. It is the
monomicrobial form and is caused by Group A Streptococcus (Streptococ-
cus pyogenes). Recently, however, cases caused by community-associated,
methicillin-resistant S aureus (MRSA) as the sole organism have been re-
ported [18]. Type II NF can develop spontaneously in apparently healthy
people who have minimal or no prior trauma and in the absence of a known
causative factor or portal of entry for bacteria [19,20]. In some patients, pre-
disposing factors, such as skin trauma and blunt injury, can sometimes be

Rationale and evidence for hyperbaric oxygen therapy

The primary modalities for treatment of NF are aggressive, early surgical
débridement along with broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy directed at pre-
sumed causative agents. Surgical treatment includes the excision of necrotic
fascia, compromised skin, and subcutaneous tissue. Frequently, multiple dé-
bridements are necessary within the first 24-hour period [21]. Although an-
tibiotic therapy is essential in the treatment of NF, it is secondary in
importance to surgical débridement [21]. The use of HBO in NF plays a com-
plimentary and adjunctive role and should never substitute for the primary
interventions [14,22]. Although there are no large randomized controlled
studies that clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of HBO in NF, clinical

experience and multiple small clinical reports suggest that HBO can play
a valuable role in the overall management plan for many patients suffering
from this devastating disease [21].
Of the clinical series supporting the use of HBO in NF, the most compel-
ling were published by Mader (1988), Riseman (1990), and Escobar (2005)
[23–25]. Mader [24] reported on 22 patients who had NF involving the scro-
tum and perineum (Fournier gangrene). He noted a reduction in mortality
from 67% to 25% when HBO was added to standard treatment.
Riseman and colleagues [25] reported on 17 patients who had NF who
received HBO plus standard therapy compared with 12 patients who re-
ceived standard therapy alone. The HBO group was described as more seri-
ously ill on admission. The reduction in mortality from 66% to 23% in the
HBO group, along with a decrease in the number of necessary débridements,
prompted the authors to strongly advocate that HBO be added to standard
therapy in institutions where it is available. The authors went as far as to say
that withholding HBO will cause unnecessary deaths and is therefore
The most recent study by Escobar and colleagues (2005) [23] retrospec-
tively evaluated 42 patients who had NF in various body locations. These
patients had significant comorbidities, including diabetes mellitus, chronic
renal failure, intravenous drug abuse, peripheral vascular disease, and ma-
lignancy. They used a standard regimen for HBO, which was added to ag-
gressive surgical débridement, antibiotic therapy, and critical care. Their
patient population incurred a mortality of 11.9%, compared with the na-
tional average mortality rate of 34%. There were no amputations in the
HBO-treated group compared with the reported rate of 50% nationally.
Their study further refuted two common criticisms of HBO: delaying surgi-
cal intervention and creation of HBO-induced complications. They demon-
strated no delays to operative intervention or interference in standard care.
There were no clinically relevant complications related to the HBO.
To date there has only been one study that suggested a potential harm
associated with HBO in NF. In 1977, Tehrani and Ledingham [26] re-
ported an 88% mortality in 14 patients who received HBO along with
conservative surgical treatment. In this study, however, the first 8 patients
received HBO plus only incision and drainage as the primary surgical in-
tervention as opposed to aggressive surgical debridement. Seven of the pa-
tients died. In the final 6 patients, a more aggressive surgical débridement
along with HBO lead to a 33% mortality. This outcome argues more
against the dangers of conservative surgical intervention than it does re-
garding the adjunctive HBO. See Table 1 for a summary of studies of
HBO in NF.

Management with hyperbaric oxygen

Box 3 outlines the treatment protocol for necrotizing fasciitis.

Table 1
Summary of studies on hyperbaric oxygen treatment in necrotizing fasciitis
Author Year Study conclusions
Tehrani et al [26] 1977 Conservative surgery combined with HBO therapy
was associated with high mortality (88%)
Eltorai et al [98] 1986 100% survival
Gozal et al [99] 1986 Mortality rate of 12.5%
Riseman et al [25] 1990 Significant decrease in mortality and the number of
débridements in the HBO-treated group
Brown et al [100] 1994 A nonsignificant decrease in mortality with HBO
therapy; no difference in length of hospitalization
or number of débridements
Shupak et al [101] 1995 No significant difference in mortality or number of
Korhonen et al [102] 1998 Mortality rate of 9% in patients who had Fournier
Escobar et al [23] 2005 11.9% mortality in HBO group with no
amputations; 34% mortality in historical controls
with 50% amputation rate

Summary for necrotizing fasciitis

Based on data accumulated from the trials done to date, it is reasonable
to recommend HBO as adjunctive to aggressive surgical débridement. There
seems to be a decrease in mortality and number of débridements required in
patients who receive HBO. It is important to understand that HBO can
never substitute for aggressive débridement and definitive operative man-
agement of NF should not be delayed awaiting HBO treatment. If a substan-
tial time delay in going to the operating room (OR) is encountered, HBO

Box 3. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment protocol for necrotizing

Pressure: HBO treatments started at 2.0–2.5 ATA
Duration: 90–120 minutes
Frequency: Treatment is initially done twice daily until the
patient’s condition is stabilized; then treatments can be
changed to once daily.
Treatments: Treatments can continue until clinical improvement
is maximized.
Use review: The continued use of HBO should be reviewed after
30 treatments.

Data from Feldmeier JJ, editor. Hyperbaric oxygen 2003: indications and
results: the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Committee Report. Kensington (MD):
Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society; 2003.

may be initiated before surgery only if the treatment does not further delay
débridement. When patients are at hospitals that do not have HBO avail-
able, surgical management should take precedence and transfer to an
HBO center can be done postoperatively after the patient is stabilized if it
is clinically indicated.

Gas gangrene
Gas gangrene is a rapidly progressive, invasive clostridial infection of pre-
viously healthy muscle tissue. It is also known as clostridial myonecrosis. It
produces massive local tissue destruction along with severe systemic symp-
toms. It is a relatively rare disease with 1000 to 3000 cases per year in the
United States [27].
Gas gangrene is caused by various species of Clostridium. These are
Gram-positive, spore-forming, anaerobic rods normally found in soil and
the human and animal gastrointestinal tract. The most common species im-
plicated in gas gangrene is Clostridium perfringens (80%–90%) [28]. This or-
ganism is the causative agent in traumatic and postsurgical cases. Direct
inoculation of a traumatic wound with C perfringens in a hypoxic wound en-
vironment with a compromised blood supply is the perfect milieu for
growth. Many traumatic wounds are contaminated with Clostridium spores,
but only a small percentage actually develop gas gangrene. It seems that
both inoculation with the organism and a relatively hypoxic tissue environ-
ment are necessary for the clinical disease process to develop. Although it is
an anaerobe, C perfringens can grow in a restricted fashion in oxygen ten-
sions up to 70 mm Hg.
Clostridium septicum, which is more aerotolerant, is most commonly im-
plicated in cases of spontaneous gas gangrene [28]. This infection usually oc-
curs when bacteria enter from the gut by way of breaks in the gastric mucosa
in patients who have colon cancer. Hematogenous spread causes infection in
muscle tissue. Other Clostridia species make up a minority of cases and in-
clude bifermentans, fallax, histolyticum, and a few others.
The clinical syndrome of infection with C perfringens begins with pain at
the infection site that seems out of proportion to the size of the wounded
area. Local tissue destruction results in bleb and bullae formation. Rapid ex-
tension of the wound almost seems to happen in real time, at rates up to 15
cm/h [29]. When present, gas can sometimes be seen on radiographs and felt
in the tissue as crepitus [28]. In at least 50% of cases, however, gas is not
demonstrable, either on radiographs or clinically. Owing to variability,
the detection of gas should not be used to make or break the diagnosis of
clostridial infection. A ‘‘sickly sweet’’ odor can be detected from the wound
drainage. Systemic symptoms include a low-grade fever, disproportionate
tachycardia (140–160), and cognitive symptoms ranging from a flat affect
to severe anxiety. Hypotension is a late finding and heralds impending cir-
culatory collapse and death.

Clostridium spreads rapidly in the tissue not so much as a function of bac-

terial replication but rather by the elaboration of many exotoxins [30]. These
various toxins break down connective tissue, lyse blood components, and
cause necrosis of muscle tissue. Systemic effects are also seen, including
shock, myocardial depression, capillary leaking, renal failure, and death.
The most clinically important of the toxins seems to be alpha toxin. Alpha
toxin is a phospholipase C that acts along with less important toxins to de-
grade cell membranes and produce a liquefactive necrosis. Further, it can
promote local vasoconstriction and platelet aggregation leading to occlusion
of small vessels. This process can help to create an environment of tissue
hypoxia and contribute to the spread of the bacteria. Studies looking at
Clostridium that contained a mutant, nonfunctional form of alpha toxin
showed that the bacteria lost all virulence and did not produce the charac-
teristic muscle necrosis and tissue destruction [31]. Reintroduction of the
gene with a normal form of alpha toxin restored the bacteria’s virulence
and destructive properties. Finally, alpha toxin, acting with other toxins
(primarily theta toxin) causes a powerful myocardial depressant effect.

Rationale and evidence for hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Alpha toxin is rapidly cleared from the body within 2 hours of production.
For the bacteria to continue to spread, continuous elaboration of alpha toxin
is required. At a tissue PO2 of 250 mm Hg, alpha toxin production by Clos-
tridium completely ceases [2]. This level of tissue oxygen is easily produced
in hyperbaric conditions at 3 ATA. Because dead tissue cannot be salvaged
and normal tissue is not yet affected, the target for therapy is to stop the alpha
toxin in the infected but salvageable tissue in between. The faster this is ac-
complished, the more tissue can be spared; to borrow a concept from the
world of heart attacks, ‘‘time is muscle.’’ Unstable patients who may be
too sick to go to the OR for formal débridement may be made stable enough
hemodynamically to tolerate aggressive OR procedures immediately after the
first HBO treatment. The authors of this chapter have observed this phenom-
enon in at least five patients in the last 5 years (Colin G. Kaide, MD, FACEP,
FAAEM and Sorabh Khandelwal, MD, unpublished data, 2002–2007).
In addition to inhibiting the production of alpha toxin, HBO also has an
anti-anaerobic organism effect and suppresses the growth of clostridia [32].
This effect has been shown in vitro and in vivo. Many subsequent basic sci-
ence and animal studies clearly demonstrated inhibition of alpha toxin for-
mation, inhibition of the growth of clostridia, and a potential bactericidal
effect of HBO delivered at a pressure of 3 ATA [28].
Since the 1960s, HBO therapy has been used for the treatment of gas gan-
grene. Early animal study protocols showed that HBO alone was not suffi-
cient to eradicate clostridial infections. When HBO was used in combination
with antibiotics and aggressive debridement, mortality was significantly im-
proved over surgery and antibiotics taken together or separately [33].

To date there have been no randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in hu-

mans to compare the addition of HBO to standard therapy for gas gan-
grene. Based on a review of results published through 1984, Peirce [34]
concluded that HBO should be a standard addition to antibiotics and sur-
gical débridement and further stated that an RCT to compare these modal-
ities would be unethical. In 1977, Heimbach and colleagues [35] reported on
the substantial decrease in mortality seen with the use of HBO in the cumu-
lative series of more than 1200 patients from 117 reports in the world’s lit-
erature. Bakker [36] added an additional 600 patients for which HBO
demonstrated a clear reduction in mortality and morbidity when used in
conjunction with surgery and antibiotic therapy. A review in the New En-
gland Journal of Medicine in 1996 concluded that despite the lack of
RCTs the evidence supports HBO as an adjunctive therapy with the follow-
ing benefits: improved demarcation of viable and dead tissue allowing for
more judicious débridement, decreased amputation rate, and a substantial
improvement in systemic symptoms [37].

Management with hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Unlike necrotizing fasciitis, HBO should be started before surgical dé-
bridement when possible, especially in unstable, systemically ill patients.
Those who are too sick to tolerate formal operative procedures could
have initial fasciotomies performed at the bedside, followed by immediate
HBO treatment. Definitive operative management should then be performed
with HBO interposed between débridements. Treatment should be contin-
ued until definitive improvement is seen. Transfer to an HBO facility is rec-
ommended when possible. The conditions of the patient, proximity to an
HBO center, and the comfort level of the practitioners should be factored
into the decision as to whether to transfer a patient immediately or to do
so after initial operative management (Box 4).

Box 4. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment protocol for gas gangrene

Pressure: HBO treatments started at 3 ATA
Duration: 90 minutes
Frequency: Treatment is initially done three times in the first 24
hours then twice daily for the next 2–5 days.
Treatments: If the patient remains toxic, the treatment profile
needs to be extended.
Use review: The continued use of HBO should be reviewed after
10 treatments.

Data from Feldmeier JJ, editor. Hyperbaric oxygen 2003: indications and
results: the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Committee Report. Kensington (MD):
Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society; 2003.

Summary for gas gangrene

Despite the lack of an RCT comparing HBO to standard therapy, the
sheer number of published results, which all are consistent in their findings,
allow for the strong recommendation that HBO therapy be an integral part
of the management of clostridial gas gangrene. Good evidence shows that
HBO acts to halt alpha toxin production, substantially decreases the repro-
duction of clostridium, and augments the killing of the organism. Morbidity
and mortality are decreased along with the extent of débridements and the
number of limb amputations required.

Chronic refractory osteomyelitis

Osteomyelitis is an infectious process of the bone accompanied by inflam-
matory mediated bony destruction. Osteomyelitis can be further broken
down into acute and chronic subtypes. Acute osteomyelitis develops over
days or weeks, whereas chronic osteomyelitis is defined as a longstanding in-
fection that evolves over months or even years. The chronic form is charac-
terized by the persistence of microorganisms, low-grade inflammation, and
the presence of necrotic bone and fistulous tracts [38]. Refractory osteomy-
elitis is a chronic osteomyelitis that persists or recurs after appropriate inter-
ventions have been performed. It is also termed refractory when an acute
osteomyelitis does not respond to accepted management interventions,
including antibiotics and surgery [39]. The functional definition most
commonly applied to hyperbaric candidates includes failure to respond to
a 4- to 6-week course of appropriate parenteral antibiotics [40].

Rationale and evidence for hyperbaric oxygen therapy

There are several mechanisms that may explain the effects of HBO in
chronic refractory osteomyelitis. They all stem from the increase in oxygen
tension that is produced during HBO treatments. Oxygen tension in infected
bone is decreased. Breathing 100% oxygen in hyperbaric conditions can
normalize and even produce supraphysiologic tissue oxygen tensions in in-
fected bone [41,42].
When oxygen tensions fall below 30 to 40 mm Hg, leukocyte-mediated
killing of aerobic Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms is impaired
[43]. Several animal models have demonstrated the benefit of HBO in animal
models of chronic S aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa osteomyelitis [44].
By increasing tissue oxygen levels, HBO has also been also shown to have
a direct suppressive effect on anaerobic organisms [45,46]. As described ear-
lier, HBO augments the efficacy of several classes of antibiotics, such as
aminoglycosides and cephalosporins. This effect may be because of enhance-
ment of antibiotic transport across bacterial cell walls because transport is
oxygen dependent and does not occur if oxygen tensions are less than
20 to 30 mm Hg [47]. HBO may also play a role in osteogenesis by

promoting fibroblast activity, which allows for collagen synthesis necessary

for healing [40], and by enhancing osteoclast activity. An increase in osteo-
clastic activity improves the overall quality of débridement and reduced the
chances that local infection will recur [44]. Finally, in the acute phase, HBO
combats factors that lower tissue oxygen tension by reducing tissue edema,
decreasing elevated compartmental pressures, and limiting the effects of in-
flammation. In the long term, HBO promotes new collagen formation and
angiogenesis. This neovascularization reduces the likelihood of recurrent in-
fection and thus limits further bone destruction [44].
There are no controlled, prospective, randomized trials on the use of
HBO in chronic refractory osteomyelitis. Although this type of trial is pre-
ferred, it would be difficult to accomplish, given the relative infrequency of
the illness and the varied patient and disease characteristics.
Initial evidence for the use of HBO in chronic refractory osteomyelitis
first appeared in a paper published in the Lancet in 1965 [48]. There have
been numerous studies since then that have argued in favor of HBO. Morrey
followed 40 patients for an average of 23 months after HBO for refractory
cases of osteomyelitis and noted an 85% remission rate [49]. Davis and col-
leagues [50] similarly reported successful results with 38 patients demon-
strating an 89% remission rate. Bingham and Hart [51] reported on their
series of 70 patients treated with HBO and demonstrated improvement in
all patients with 63% of them remaining disease free. Depenbusch [52] re-
ported on 50 patients who had success rates around 70%. More recently
there have been several additional articles that have reported the long-term
success with HBO. Chen and colleagues [53] demonstrated an 86% remission
rate in 15 patients who had an average follow-up period of 17.2 months.
Aitasalo and colleagues [54] demonstrated a 79% remission rate in 33 pa-
tients who had a median follow-up period of 34 months. Maynor and
colleagues [55] demonstrated resolution of wound drainage in 86% at a 24-
month follow-up, 80% at 60 months, and 63% at 84 months. Only one
retrospective study found no benefit with HBO [56]. After a closer review
of the data, it seems that treatment failures were attributable to patients’ non-
compliance with surgery rather than whether the patient received HBO.

Management with hyperbaric oxygen therapy

The Cierney-Mader classification system of osteomyelitis is a useful way
of characterizing which patients may benefit from HBO (Fig. 1) [57,58]. The
Cierney-Mader classification system stages osteomyelitis by severity and in-
corporates systemic and local factors that may have an effect on immune
surveillance, metabolism, and local vascularity. Using this classification, ad-
junctive HBO may be useful for the most difficult cases of refractory osteo-
myelitis, including those in stage 3 or 4, accompanied by the systemic and
local factors mentioned previously [59]. Some have proposed including
HBO on any patient who has recurrence of osteomyelitis after appropriate

Cierney-Mader Classification for Osteomyelitis

Anatomic Type

Stage 1 Medullary osteomyelitis

Stage 2 Superficial osteomyelitis

Stage 3 Localized osteomyelitis

Stage 4 Diffuse osteomyelitis

Physiologic Class

A Host B Host C Host

Normal Compromised Treatment worse than disease


• Malnutrition • Chronic lymphedema

• Renal liver failure • Venous stasis
• DM • Major vessel compromise
• Chronic hypoxia • Arteritis
• Immune deficiency • Extensive scarring
• Malignancy • Radiation fibrosis
• Extremes of age • Small vessel disease
• Immunosuppression • Complete loss of local
• Tobacco abuse sensation

Fig. 1. Cierney-Mader classification for osteomyelitis.

surgical and medical management regardless of coexistent compromising

factors (Box 5).

Summary for osteomyelitis

Successful treatment of chronic refractory osteomyelitis does not depend
on HBO alone. It requires a multidisciplinary approach that includes ag-
gressive débridement, good local wound care, and appropriate antibiotic
use. It is also critical to maximize off-loading if the ulcer is located on a pres-
sure point. Additional systemic factors that contribute to successful treat-
ment include maximizing nutritional intake (especially protein) and
controlling serum glucose levels.
The evidence supports the use of HBO in chronic refractory osteomyelitis
given the ample animal data and in vitro experimental studies along with
a large body of clinical experience. Because of the absence of RCTs, HBO
receives a class-II evidence-based indication based on the AHA 1999 Guide-
lines [60].

Box 5. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment protocol for chronic

refractory osteomyelitis
Pressure: HBO treatments at 2.0–2.5 ATA
Duration: 90–120 minutes
Frequency: Treatment is done once daily
Treatments: Treatments on average range from 15–40 per
infectious episode
Use review: The continued use of HBO should be reviewed after
40 treatments

More frequent treatments or treatments greater than 3 ATA may actually

hinder bone repair.
Data from Feldmeier JJ, editor. Hyperbaric oxygen 2003: indications and
results: the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Committee Report. Kensington (MD):
Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society; 2003.

The addition of HBO as an adjunctive therapy significantly increases the

upfront cost of treatment. In complicated cases of refractory osteomyelitis,
however, the long-term expenses associated with prolonged hospitalization,
long courses of antimicrobial therapy, and additional surgery actually offset
the differences, frequently making HBO cost effective.

Zygomycosis (mucormycosis) fungal disease

Mucormycosis is a term used to define infections caused by molds of the
order Mucorales, under the class Zygomycetes. Zygomycosis is a term used
to describe any invasive infection caused by the class Zygomycetes, which
includes Mucorales and Entomophthorales. Although both orders are capa-
ble of causing significant disease, fungi belonging to the order Mucorales
are angiotropic, cause tissue infarction, and are associated with dissemina-
ted and frequently fatal infections, especially when associated with various
immunosuppressive conditions, such as poorly controlled diabetes mellitus,
neutropenia, malignancies, transplants, burns, chronic renal failure, and the
use of immunosuppressive and deferoxamine therapy [61,62]. Mucormycosis
most commonly causes rhinocerebral syndromes. Less common presenta-
tions include pulmonary, cutaneous, gastrointestinal, and disseminated
infections. Definitive diagnosis almost always requires histopathologic evi-
dence of fungal invasion of tissue. Management traditionally has depended
on timely diagnosis, aggressive surgical débridement, and rapid administra-
tion of antifungal therapy.

Rationale and evidence for hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Most of the clinical series of HBO use in fungal infections involve mucor-
mycosis. The rationale for its use most likely lies in augmentation of the

bactericidal action of the polymorphonuclear leukocytes [3,41,63]. Other po-

tential mechanisms of action include enhancement of macrophage function
and synergism with amphotericin B through the correction of lactic acidosis
[64,65]. Additional contributing factors include fibroblast activation, neo-
vascularization, and the increase in oxygen tension in infected tissues to nor-
mal or supraphysiologic levels [65].
Although there are no randomized clinical trials on the use of HBO in
mucormycosis, the data coming from published reports/series are compel-
ling. Price and Stevens [66] reported a successful outcome on a case of ful-
minant rhinocerebral mucormycosis using HBO after all other therapy
failed. Ferguson and colleagues [67] retrospectively looked at 12 patients
who had rhinocerebral mucormycosis and found that 4 of 6 not receiving
HBO died and only 2 of 6 receiving HBO died, with one of these patients
actually showing improvement in the disease process. Couch and colleagues
[68] reported successful outcomes on two cases of rhinocerebral mu-
cormycosis with brain tumor abscesses not responding to standard care.
Survival with a diagnosis of bilateral cerebro-rhino-orbital mucormycosis is
uncommon with surgical and medical management alone. De La Paz and
colleagues [69], however, reported a successful outcome in a case of a
66-year-old man who had this disease using adjunctive HBO. Yohai and
colleagues [70] reviewed 145 patients (139 from the literature and 6 from his
own institution) looking at survival factors. They found a favorable effect
of HBO on the prognosis of mucormycosis. More recently, Segal and col-
leagues [71] looked at 14 patients who had invasive fungal infections by Mu-
corales or Aspergillus spp over a 12-year period. These cases showed a 50%
survival with a treatment regimen consisting of surgery, antibiotics, and
HBO. Simmons and colleagues [72] report a case of a an 8-year-old girl who
had type 1 diabetes who survived rhinocerebral mucormycosis complicated
by internal carotid artery and cavernous sinus thromboses using HBO as
part of her treatment regimen. John and colleagues [62] reviewed 28 cases,
many of which are mentioned above, in which zygomycosis was treated
with HBO, and concluded that HBO is a promising treatment modality but
does not make any firm conclusions given that most of the evidence is from
case reports/series.

Management with hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Box 6 outlines the protocol for treating mucormycosis with hyperbaric
oxygen therapy.

Summary for mucormycosis

Given that it is unlikely that any randomized study will be performed on
this disease process, the clinical evidence strongly supports using HBO in the
management of the highly fatal rhinocerebral mucormycosis.

Box 6. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment protocol for mucormycosis

Pressure: HBO treatments at 2.0–2.5 ATA
Duration: 90–120 minutes
Frequency: Treatment is done one to two times daily
Treatments: Treatments should continue to a minimum of 40
with up to 80 having been used in previous reports

Data from Feldmeier JJ, editor. Hyperbaric oxygen 2003: indications and
results: the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Committee Report. Kensington (MD):
Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society; 2003.

Diabetic foot ulcerations

Although diabetes affects only 3% of the population, foot ulcers in pa-
tients who have diabetes contribute to more than half of all lower extremity
amputations performed in the United States [73]. Diabetic foot ulcers occur
in 1.9% of adults annually [74] resulting in amputation rates of 15% to 20%
within 5 years [75]. The physiology behind ulcer development in the diabetic
foot has been reviewed extensively and is beyond the scope of this reading
[76]. Universally accepted care for diabetic foot ulcers includes (a) optimized
nutritional support and glycemic control; (b) appropriate off-loading; (c) dé-
bridement of nonviable tissue; (d) provision of a moist, clean environment for
support of granulation tissue and epithelialization; (e) surgical remedy of vas-
cular insufficiency; and (f) infection control [77–79]. Infection, overcoloniza-
tion, and osteomyelitis are frequent complications in diabetic foot ulcers.

Rationale and evidence for hyperbaric oxygen therapy

The rationale for HBO therapy in diabetic foot ulcerations is multifacto-
rial [80–82]. Effects stem primarily from optimization of the oxygen concen-
tration and the oxygen gradient from wound edge to the hypoxic center,
which stimulates neovascularization and fibroblast replication with subse-
quent collagen deposition. Phagocyte activity and leukocyte-mediated
killing are enhanced. Finally, under hyperbaric conditions there is an up-
regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor and platelet-derived growth
There is much debate about whether HBO is effective as an adjunct in the
treatment of diabetic foot ulceration [83,84]. Evidenced-based guidelines
(Infectious Disease Society of America, US Public Health Service grade
B-I) favor the use of HBO in ulcers not responsive to conventional therapy
and surgery [79]. A systematic review undertaken by Roeckl-Wiedman and
colleagues [85] also found that HBO therapy confers a significant reduction
in the risk for major amputation with an number needed to treat of 4.
Although there was a trend toward greater ulcer healing, there was no

statistically significant difference in wound area reduction or need for minor

In 2001 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), after review-
ing a technology assessment report by the New England Medical Center and
other reviews, made a positive determination on the use of HBO therapy in
diabetic foot ulcers.

Management with hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Box 7 shows the treatment protocol for diabetic foot ulcers. The CMS
criteria [86] for the use of HBO in diabetic foot ulcers are:
Patient has type 1 or 2 diabetes and has a lower extremity wound that is
attributable to diabetes
Patient has a wound classified as Wagner grade III or higher (Table 2)
Patient has failed an adequate course of standard wound therapy (defined
as 30 days of standard treatment, including assessment and correction
of vascular abnormalities, optimization of nutritional status, and glu-
cose control, débridement, moist wound healing, off-loading, and in-
fection control).
Summary for diabetic foot ulcers
The UHMS Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Committee report summarizes
individual studies in this area and concludes that HBO for diabetic foot ulcers
meets the requirements for AHA class I (definitely recommend) based on level
I evidence [1]. The use of HBO not only leads to more expeditious wound
healing but it also results in a decrease in the rate of major amputations.

Intracranial abscess
Intracranial abscess (ICA) encompasses cerebral abscess, subdural empy-
ema, and epidural empyema. Although many factors, such as early and

Box 7. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment protocol for diabetic foot

Pressure: HBO treatments at 2.0–2.5 ATA
Duration: 90–120 minutes
Frequency: Treatment is done one to two times daily
Treatments: Use review is required each 30 days of treatment.

Data from Feldmeier JJ, editor. Hyperbaric oxygen 2003: indications and
results: the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Committee Report. Kensington (MD):
Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society; 2003.

Table 2
Wagner grading system for diabetic foot ulcers
Grade Clinical description
0 Intact skin
1 Superficial without penetration into deeper layers
2 Deeper, reaching tendon, bone, or joint capsule
3 Deeper, with abscess, osteomyelitis, or tendonitis extending to those
4 Gangrene of some portion of the toe or forefoot
5 Gangrene involving the entire foot or enough of the foot that local
procedures are not an option
Data from Feldmeier JJ, editor. Hyperbaric oxygen 2003: indications and results: the Hyper-
baric Oxygen Therapy Committee Report. Kensington (MD): Undersea and Hyperbaric Med-
ical Society; 2003; with permission.

more accurate diagnosis, better surgical techniques, and more accurate an-
tibiotic coverage, have led to decreases in mortality over time, ICA con-
tinues to show mortality rates of around 20% [89].

Rationale and evidence for hyperbaric oxygen therapy

The rationale for using HBO in ICA includes inhibition of anaerobic or-
ganisms that make up the flora [45,46], reduction in perifocal brain edema
[90–92], and enhancement of leukocyte-mediated killing of bacteria [43]. Ad-
ditional benefit is seen in cases with concomitant skull osteomyelitis, which
is frequently present in cases of rhinogenic and otogenic intracranial ab-
scesses [93].
Randomized studies of this disease are unlikely and treatment recommen-
dations for HBO are based on case reports and case series. These are infre-
quent in the literature. Lampl and Frey [93] summarized data available
through 1998 (publications, conference proceedings, and unpublished sour-
ces) and found a total of 48 patients treated with HBO incurring a 2% mor-
tality. Two recent articles addressing adjunctive HBO for intracranial abscess
were also positive. Kutlay and colleagues [94] reported on their experiences
from 1999 to 2004 on 13 patients who had bacterial brain abscesses treated
with stereotactic aspiration combined with HBO and antibiotics. They
found that adjunctive HBO can reduce the need for reoperations, duration
of antibiotic therapy, and overall costs. Kurschel and colleagues [95] re-
ported on the successful use of adjunct HBO therapy in five children treated
between 1995 and 2002, stating that adjunct HBO can result in reduction in
the duration of antibiotic use, directly affecting the length of hospitalization.

Management with hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Although some patients who have ICA may do well with a more conser-
vative therapeutic approach, there are certain conditions and complications

that warrant a more aggressive strategy (Box 8). Adjunctive HBO therapy
should be considered if any of the following are present [89]:
Multiple abscesses
Abscesses in a deep or dominant location
A compromised host
Situations in which surgery is contraindicated
Inadequate or no response to standard surgical and antibiotic treatment

Summary for intracranial abscess

Admittedly, the limited number of patients who have ICA treated with
HBO makes it difficult to draw any definitive conclusions, but the low mor-
tality seen thus far is encouraging and strongly supports the consideration of
adjunct HBO therapy in this group of illnesses.

Malignant otitis externa

Malignant otitis externa (MOE) is an uncommon but potentially life-
threatening infection in immunocompromised patients and elderly people
who have diabetes. P aeruginosa is the causative organism in 98% of cases
and the remaining 2% are caused by S aureus, Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella
oxytoca, Pseudomonas cepacia, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and rarely As-
pergillus fumigatus [64]. Complications of MOE include osteomyelitis of
the base of the skull, involvement of the temporomandibular joint, cranial
nerve palsies, and central nervous system complications, which are the
most common cause of death. These complications include meningitis, intra-
cranial abscess, and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. Management

Box 8. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment protocol for intracranial

Pressure: HBO treatments started at 2.0–2.5 ATA
Duration: 60–90 minutes
Frequency: Daily or twice daily depending on clinical condition
Treatments: The total number of treatments is variable,
depending on clinical response. In the largest series of patients
who had ICA who were treated with HBO, the average number
of treatments was 13.
Use review: The continued use of HBO should be reviewed after
20 treatments.

Data from Feldmeier JJ, editor. Hyperbaric oxygen 2003: indications and
results: the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Committee Report. Kensington (MD):
Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society; 2003.

traditionally has relied on aggressive use of antibiotics and surgical débride-

ment if possible. HBO should be considered in recurrent cases and in pa-
tients who have advanced MOE in whom the disease process seems
refractory to antibiotics [44]. Rationale for its use stems from its effective-
ness in normalizing oxygen tension in infected tissue. This process is neces-
sary for leukocyte-mediated killing of bacteria, neovascularization, and
augmentation of osteoclastic and osteoblastic activity. Davis and colleagues
[96] reported on 17 patients who had MOE who received adjunctive treat-
ment with HBO. All 17 patients responded well to HBO, as defined by
90% or greater return of cranial nerve function and an infection-free inter-
val of 1 year. More importantly, 9 patients who had advanced disease failing
antibiotics and surgery responded to HBO. Narozny and colleagues [97] re-
ported on their experiences using adjunctive HBO for MOE and believed
that it was a valuable and beneficial modality. Similar to chronic refractory
osteomyelitis, HBO treatments should be performed at 2 to 2.5 ATA for 90
to 120 minutes per treatment.

Contraindications to and side effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy

There are only two absolute contraindications to HBO treatment. Un-
treated pneumothorax presents a problem in that transfer or diffusion of ad-
ditional oxygen into the space outside of the lung subsequently expands on
a decrease in the pressure as the patient returns to the normobaric state,
with the potential to cause tension physiology. The concurrent use of cis-
platin and HBO can delay wound healing. Concurrent use of bleomycin
or a history of bleomycin use at any time in the past along with HBO has
been associated with significant lung injury from interstitial pneumonitis.
HBO seems to enhance the cardiac toxicity of doxorubicin and is contrain-
dicated until well after the doxorubicin is stopped.
Relative contraindications and their potential problems are listed in
Table 3. Side effects of HBO include middle ear and sinus barotrauma,
Table 3
Relative contraindications to hyperbaric oxygen therapy
Upper respiratory infections These problems contribute to difficulty
Chronic sinusitis equalizing the pressure in the middle ear
Stapes implant
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Theoretically, high levels of oxygen may
with CO2 retention interfere with hypoxic drive in CO2
Seizure disorder High levels of oxygen can cause oxygen
High fever toxicity seizures in approximately 1 in
4000 patients. Fever slightly increases
the risk for seizurea
History of thoracic surgery Increases the risk for pneumothorax
History of spontaneous pneumothorax
Pulmonary lesions on chest radiograph
Seizures are usually self-limited and of little clinical consequence.

claustrophobia, oxygen-induced seizure, tension pneumothorax, maturation

of existing cataracts, and progressive myopia that resolves within a few
weeks after treatments stop.

HBO is clearly not a panacea. It has some specific, generally accepted ap-
plications in infectious diseases that are often additive or adjunctive to reg-
ular medical therapy. Admittedly, there is a paucity of RCTs for HBO. With
the low incidence of the diseases discussed above, however, the randomiza-
tion of patients would be difficult. In our opinion, withholding HBO be-
cause of the lack of randomized trials in the face of a huge body of
clinical experience and in vitro studies, especially in these devastating disease
processes, would be bordering on unethical.

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