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Welding Inspection: _Multi-Choice Questions Paper 4 (wes) |. Which of tise drawing symbols shows wld pensation dep in avordunce wih BS EN 225532 2. BSEN 288 & BSEN ISO 15614 a speifiction fi A waderappoval tee Belang cpp calibtion © Welding pede erPRVal 3. What dtemines th pentrating power of Gama rays? type ofsoipe Suen distin Sourvesreneth goes “AL Which clement hs the gout effet the HAZ hardness of cabo manganes sic? a MBps B Chenin Tunes Do Carbon 5. Preeating sel plate witha carbon quvalnt salve (CEV) of D8 may be regal in ere .. dvecout moisture fom he pla prevent excessive hardening inthe HAZ. prevent the formation of earides ‘improve themeshanical papers of the wei meta goee 6. A welder ppl eerie shold be witha i Inchasnotdone any welding fora poviod of 4 mons hhohasbocn absnt rom work fos penodol 7 months the epairate far his welds excess 1% Iiswirk hs ben examined hy UT only yore 1. Inston welding the metal tte ntrfxe when the ining seuss describes being inthe A Figid sate B inlerieal state © plastic state Dalene 8. A penetramcter 1) isused w measure... thesizeofadieuntnuity ina weld joint the dost ofa radiographic film the dae of film comast the quality ofthe radiographic tcbigue come 8. Which ofthe following cating metho site forcing selon te A plas Bovyeacerpene CC Oxpeonane D-—Wdgpand upomibe thickness 10 Which ofthe following would be laced asthe most serious ype af fet? A abu 2 buredlackofingr-ran fusion © surge bretking ack osideval fasion ey incr sto incasion 11. Ultasoie esting hes am advantage over other NDT mets fr the dstestion of tk ofa aon tet anise Jincomplately filled gmove & perme ease 2. Exceeding the maximum incr psslmperatne specifi fora C-Mastel weldjoig oy ive A excesfe pursity B bumekough © lower towennes Do bigherstengh 15, MIGIMIAG welding has tenney ove lvk of sidewall fson when. Asay taster cenions ae used 1B TPaC. sili ex usd pale earantisusct Diptrnser conditions areused 1H. The temperate range oer which sel goo rom having high toughness low ough alld the caiticlteanfemaion enpeate le ducty ip tempest tebe modal wenperaure the tension ampere one> For SAW, whats the ff of rang ae voltage but espng wth al ether paras the sams? A the weld bod wid willincrsne a Sepik of partion willincrese © thewaldbead wath wil D_—thedepihofpenaration will decrease 16, Changing an essential variable (jon the allowed Timi) fora qualified welding posed 7. Wh reference ote Vafous sds of Stainks steals, whieh ofthe following stamens is was? A theyaeallnonmaznetc Btheyal ray 100% Ar foe GMAW © theyll have very high ermal conductivity Dont cenun graiescanbo una forseniecat very lo temperaires 18, Which o the flowing AWS AS.1 cles hn arti covering A Eo10 a EMo6 rae 19. Welds made with vary high eat inp wil show a reduction in Bote oases atime strength D crepresstnce 20, During PWHT of comple sbicaton, ts ee othe wk tempera a uh sere than Secifled by the progare This may ‘otal scam time tories ‘ne distortion ene R ‘Wien MAG wei ia dip taster mode short reiting mode) spat can be reduce by. case Repu welding afin acre plant and equipment ay be mr ical dan aking rp ring ini fabeicaom became case sing indutance sng 100% CO {Sig Ar 3% nrg the scout length the materi may be cman accesstorepairarea maybe dificult posal welding may benseded Sirofthe ave may Reactors For gunn radiography of ste wi at 35m thick, dherovomnende tape a 8 c D ‘Tham 170 ‘Yura 169 Fei 199 Cora 0 ‘The smitty of aradogrph is assessed vee> A tansvemse eile et, ra 3 Wald Pracelure Approval Record (WPAR) tet ple, ius a measne a 8 ¢ D by using denstometer ‘by using anime quality into) Frome LVA sad frum the sourcetube to work “sino” distance us totenske strength ofthe weld the tans strength of th jon thestrewsnin characte ofthe well thestrow sin charac he joint ‘The highest and fowest ea input pesitons are considered oe one> PBighst:PALowet PE highest: PC lowest Phe: PB lowe PPh PG ewe eB « Dd 23, Forgummaruiogrphy of sel weld st 35mm thick, he recommend BOHORE ‘Tt 170 ‘Yura 169 Fei 192 Cota 24. The semivity oF araiograph sass a ® c D by using densiomer 1 wins an mae sky ior IQ) fom he kVA wed Fran the source ube to work “sino” distance ust 25. Atrunsvere tml tt fam a Wald Procedure Approval Record (WPAR) test phe, is wal 10 measur. a 8 ¢ D the candle sth ofthe wal the tans strength of th jer therew/aran chracosnn of the well ‘estes sain eharacosis of the joint 26, The highest and lowet et input posiins are considered oe. eB « Dd PBhighst:PAlovet PE highest FC lowest Piss: PB lowes PPh: PG ema 27, What ype of covering wll an cls have that suitable for welding Onin C-Ma tes and ean give good spol metal ought 80°C? ile bese Callie ‘hoize Will depend on the welding poston 28. The dip wafer mode orshor-icuiting mods) of metal wane se for MIGIMAG welding is “hancterned by a a D ging deep pondztion being ste fr pessoal welding nel pater Eninzhigh deposition 29. Carbon equivalent valus(CEV) are wed to denne the how Wo avoid he isk of A hydrogen asking Bamelar tang © sification racking D weld decoy 30, When 2 different material types ure welded together, the joi is refered os... he A weompost jin Binion im © anautogenous weld D —hetwogcnene ine

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