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500 g wheat flour
250 ml warm water
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
60 g fresh yeast
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 whole egg
1 tablespoon margarine

In a bowl mix the tablespoon of flour with yeast, warm water and sugar. Mix well
and let stand until it is fermented and double size.
On a surface make a volcano with the flour and in it center put the salt, oil,
margarine and it egg and go mixing everything.
Return to make a volcano with the previous mixture and add the fermented yeast
and knead very well. Check the humidity of our dough and add flour or water
according to what you lack.
After 10 minutes of kneading, the dough should not stick to the surface or to our
hands, let it rest in a bowl covered with a damp cloth, it should double its size.
Once folded the size we re-knead a bit and with the help of a roller we begin to
stretch and shape.
Put the desired ingredients for the pizza and bake at 200 C for about 20 minutes.

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