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N 2016

gums and jellies
milk products
meat replacer

baby food
vegan food
salad dressing liqueurs
sweets snacks
canned food

jam fruit preparations

pudding und dessert creams

soy products
bread and bakery products
potato puree
potato dough
juices and syrups
04 AGRANA at a glance ready-to-eat dishes
06 Three guiding principles of sustainability
hard caramels ice cream
08 AGRANA Starch a short overview
10 Organic starch products
14 Organic corn starch avours and spices

16 Organic potato starch meat products

18 Organic wheat products marshmallows
20 Organic saccharication products
baking powder
24 Organic potato products
vegetarian food
28 Organic white-label potato products
30 Certications potato products
Since 1988 we add value by page 5
processing agricultural raw
materials. THE COMPANY
We operate in three different
segments: SUGAR, STARCH, AGRANA IS ...
For more than 25 years we the leading sugar producing company in AGRANA supplies local producers and large
have believed in service, Central and Southeastern Europe international companies, particularly in
innovation and efficiency. a specialist for customised starch products the food sector. The Starch segment also
and a manufacturer of bioethanol and provides a large number of technical
isoglucose speciality products for a diverse range of
sectors. AGRANAs strategy is to be an
the global market leader in producing indispensable partner to its customers,
fruit preparations for the dairy industry, based on ongoing product innovation,
and a leading supplier of fruit juice top quality and service on a global basis.
concentrates in Europe

AGRANA AT A GLANCE 9.000 employees

54production sites

Utilise almost 100% of our raw SUSTAINABLE

materials and employ low-

emission technologies to protect
the environment BUSINESS
Respect all our stakeholders and
the societies in which we operate In view of the commercial activities and the highest possible utilisation rate of the
the associated proximity to agricultural agricultural raw materials (also organically
Engage in long-term partnerships production, acting sustainably represents grown ones) in the form of main and by-
an integral part of AGRANAs business products are part of our sustainability
model. For us, sustainability starts with efforts.
the procurement of the agricultural raw Within AGRANAs framework of product
materials that we process and encom- responsibility and due to a strong relation-
passes energy and environmental aspects ship with the food processing industry,
related to production processes. Besides topics such as food safety, quality
the working conditions of employees, management, traceability and our nume-
product responsibility aspects, compliance rous certications (ISO 9001:2008, ISO
as well as ethical business conduct and 22000, FSSC, GMP+) are of increasing
social engagement are important. importance.
Due to this reason AGRANA has been a AGRANA pays attention to social aspects
member of the Sustainable Agriculture in its production and has been a member
Initiative (SAI) since 2014. Acting as an in- of the Supplier Ethical Exchange Database
formation platform presenting best practi- (SEDEX) since 2009. All of AGRANAs sites
ces and allowing producers the option of carry out a SEDEX self-assessment every
a self-assessment. This initiative promotes year.
the development and implementation of
sustainable agricultural practices world- To underline this commitment, the self-
wide. assessments of AGRANA Strke GmbH
are veried by independent third parties
Besides the procurement of agricultural (SEDEX Ethical Trade Audits-SMETA).
raw materials, the continuous optimisa-
An assessment of AGRANA Strke GmbH
AGRANAs THREE GUIDING tion of energy consumption and energy
efficiency and taking advantage of an
Energy Management System certied to
conducted in December 2015 by the
Ecovadis supplier evaluation platform
accorded AGRANA a Gold rating for its
PRINCIPLES OF SUSTAINABILITY ISO 50001, also form important areas
of action for sustainability. The constant
cleaning and recycling of water, as well as
sustainable business practices.
Strkefabrik page 9



Austrian production sites We constantly strive to expand the market
potato starch plant in Gmnd position of AGRANA Starch in the area of
corn starch plant in Aschach speciality products, especially in organic
wheat starch plant in Pischelsdorf starch products.

Operational management and We are a reliable partner to our customers

coordination of international holdings due to the high qualitative standards placed
in Hungary and Romania on our raw materials, products and services.
Our high quality products are accompanied
Focus on highly rened speciality by competent advisory services and cust-
products omer care.

Innovative, customer-driven products We aim to cooperate with suppliers on the

supported by application advice base of longterm partnerships. We expect
our suppliers to exhibit a strong commit-
Leading position in organic and in ment to achieving high quality standards
GMO-free starches for the food industry along the entire value chain.

In addition to our group-wide quality

FROM QUALITY MISSION AND management standards at AGRANA, we also
QUALITY POLICY strive to safeguard the quality of our equip-
AGRANA STARCH specialises in process- ment, processes and product in accordance
ing and adding value to renewable and with FSSC 22000 on food safety, EFISC/
exclusively GMO-free regional agricultural GMP/Q+S on animal feed safety, orga-
products and, as a result, makes a signi- nic and GMO-free standards, Kosher and
cant contribution to supplying sustainable Halal requirements as well as ISCC, SMETA-
food, animal feed, cosmetic and pharma- 4-Pillars and Sedex.
ceutical products, technical products, bio-
ethanol and fertilisers.

Starch plants
Countries with production sites
page 11
Starch or amylum is a carbohydrate consis-
ting of a large number of glucose molecules ORGANIC
joined by glycosidic bonds. This polysac-
charide is produced by plants as an energy
store, above all potatoes, wheat, maize (corn), STARCH PRODUCTS
rice and cassava contain large quantities.
In its starch segment the mill in Gmnd AGRANAS ORGANIC STARCH RANGE
Pure starch is a white, tasteless and odour- processes organically grown potatoes to INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING PRODUCTS:
less powder that is insoluble in cold water or produce organic starches and starch
alcohol. It consists of two types of molecules: derivatives. The Aschach mill processes ORGANIC STARCH PRODUCTS
a linear and helical amylose and a branched organic corn. Organic wheat starch and Organic native starches
amylopectin. Depending on the species, a organic vital wheat gluten are produced Organic pregelatinised starches
plant generally contains starch with 20 to at the AGRANA Bio Renery in Pischels- Organic stabilised starches
25 % amylose and 75 to 80 % amylopectin. dorf. All mills make use of the latest environ-
mentally sensitive processing methods. ORGANIC VITAL WHEAT GLUTEN
Gmnd are among the rst industrial
processing plants in Europe to be certied Organic maltodextrines
as organic processors. Organic dried glucose syrups
Organic glucose syrups
ORGANIC STARCHES are used in nearly all Organic dextrose
processed organic food and semi-luxury
food products such as desserts, soups, ORGANIC FOOD POTATO PRODUCTS
sauces, snacks, as well as gums and Organic potato akes
jelly-based products, as an indispensible Organic dried potato pieces
thickening, stabilising and avouring agent. Organic potato puree

Organic pap
Organic infant formulations



Organic corn germ
Organic potato protein
Organic corn gluten
Organic wheat bran
page 13
corn starch AGRANA
ORGANIC RAW MATERIALS ... organic ingredients produced for the MODERN PRODUCTION PROCESSES and
food industry, derived from organic potatoes, many years of experience are essential to
potato corn, waxy corn and wheat. Our priority is guaranteeing the extensive and top quality
corn the production of high quality ingredients product range which AGRANA distributes
waxy corn using the nest raw materials available. worldwide.
THE AGRANA PRODUCTION facilities at In addition to the production of numerous
CERTIFICATIONS Aschach (Upper Austria) and Gmnd organic products for further processing,
Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007 (Lower Austria) are among the rst pro- AGRANA is also able to meet specic
FSSC 22000 cessing plants in Europe to be certied customer demands.
ISO 9001 as organic processors under EU Directive
ISO 50001 834/2007 as amended (an ordinance Long-standing, tried-and-tested products
Kosher and Halal governing organic farming methods and the at reasonable prices form the basis of
labelling of agricultural produce and food). trust established with our customers.
Also the AGRANA wheat starch plant in Continuous further developments and
Pischelsdorf is certied as an organic pro- customer-specic adaptations are added
cessor. extras to our product portfolio.

The need to ensure top quality and full Of course, also AGRANA Fruit and AGRANA
traceability in the supply chain is also Sugar provide a special organic product
underpinned by AGRANAs certication in range. This large product portfolio ensures
accordance with ISO 9001 and FSSC 22000. to meet differing costumer requirements.
For decades, AGRANA has held raw
material supply contracts with Austrian
farmers. A continuous supply of organic
raw materials is ensured by holding such
contracts with a large number of organic

AGRANAs efficient use of raw materials is both an economic page 15

imperative and a way of practicing corporate responsibility.

AGRANAs high utilisation rate of raw materials of 98.6 - 99.9 % STARCH

reects technological innovativeness and product develop-
ment capabilities.

MAISITA 21.050 puddings and dessert creams, soups and

organic corn (=maize) starch sauces, delicatessen (mayonnaise, ketchup),
soy-products, baby food, starch for food in-
dustry, baking powder, ready-to-eat dishes
(canned food, deep frozen products), ne
pastry, confectionery (gums and jellies)
MAISITA 21.052 dehydrated soups and sauces, powdered
organic maize starch max. 6 % H2O sugar, shredded cheese
AGENADYN 20.053 reduced-calorie spreads, parfaits, dips,
thin-boiling organic maize starch creams, low-fat frankfurters, ideally for
vegetarian spreads
AGENAJEL 21.055 ketchup, fruit preparations, soups and
stabilised organic maize starch sauces, ready-to-eat dishes (canned food,
deep frozen products), baby food (jars)
QUEMINA 21.204 instant pudding creams, instant dough
organic pregelatinised maize starch mixes, baking products, baby food, instant
products, baking llings, cereal pancakes
QUEMLITEBIO ideally for sauces and condiments: organic
organic pregelatinised maize starch fat-reduced mayonnaise, organic sauces and
organic dressings
MAISITA 21.057 frozen products, creams, milk products,
organic waxy maize starch bakeries, baby food
AGENALITEBIO fat-reduced sweet bread spread (eg. coco-
organic cook-up waxy corn starch nut cream, hazelnut cream)
AGENAJEL 21.357 ketchup, fruit preparations, soups and

ORGANIC STARCH PRODUCTS stabilised organic waxy maize starch sauces, ready-to-eat dishes (canned food,
deep frozen products), baby food (jars)
QUEMINA 21.207 instant drinks, baby food
organic pregelatinised waxy maize starch
With a neutral taste, high water absorption capabilities, page 17

low fat and gluten free, native potato starch is a very sought
after starch product. It yields a transparent and smooth STARCH

paste and is an excellent thickener when increasing
the product structure is necessary without affecting its
STRKINA 20.001 dehydrated soups and sauces, special meat
AGRANA Starch offers three different types of products
organic potato starch products, dumplings and noodles, bread
based on potato starch: native, dehydrated and cold
and other bakery products, snacks, wafers
swelling pregelatinised starches.
STRKINA 20.002 dehydrated soups and sauces, powdered
organic potato starch max. 6 % H2O sugar, shredded cheese

QUEMINA 21.205 instant products, instant dough mixes,

organic pregelatinised potato starch creams, extruded products, baby food
pudding and dessert creams, soups and
sauces, delicatessen (mayonnaise, ketchup)



Seite 19


WEIZITA 22.050 Soups and sauces, dairy products (e.g.
native wheat starch pudding), ne pastry, sausages

VITAL WHEAT GLUTEN 75 FOOD 22.575 ingredient for high quality bakery products,
wheat protein gives elasticity to dough and to keep its shape
meat replacer in vegetarian products

AGENAMALT 22.235 fruit powders, mixtures of spices, clear dry

organic maltodextrin DE 19 soups, sweet products, milk beverages, soya

AGENABON 22.236 ice cream, spices, meat products, liqueurs,

organic glucose syrup solids DE 29 ketchup, barbecue sauces

AGENABON 22.132 hard caramels, bonbons, lollies, baking

organic high maltose syrup DE 50 products, chocolates, chocolate products



AGRANA offers a broad range of spray-dried page 21

saccharication products.
The AGENAMALT and AGENABON product line
covers products with a DE value of 6 to 97.
These products are free owing, water soluble,
white powders of high microbiological purity.
They have a neutral to sweet taste depending SPRAY-DRIED
on the DE-value. These products are there-
fore especially well suited for many applications ORGANIC MALTODEXTRIN
in the food and pharmaceutical sectors.
AGENAMALT 20.233 avours, essences, instant drinks, dessert
AGENAMALT and AGENABON products are
organic maltodextrin DE 6 creams, spices, clear dry soups, sweet
easily digestible due to the respective compo-
sition of variously long carbohydrates.
The base material for the production of AGENAMALT 20.234 baby food, fruit and vegetable powders,
AGENAMALT and AGENABON products is organic maltodextrin DE 10 baking products, milk beverages, soya
starch which consists of the component drinks, mixtures of spices, clear dry soups
glucose (= dextrose). Through hydrolysis, with AGENAMALT 20.235 fruit powders, baby food, mixtures of
acid or enzymes, the glucose chains are organic maltodextrin DE 19 spices, clear dry soups, sweet products,
split into fragments, resulting in glucose, milk beverages, soya drinks
maltose (two glucose molecules), maltotriose
(three glucose molecules) and higher

saccharides. AGENABON 20.236 ice cream, spices, meat products, liqueurs,
The degree of saccharication which is stated organic glucose syrup solids DE 29 ketchup, barbecue sauces
as DE-value (Dextrose Equivalent) reects
the percentage of reducing sugars expressed AGENABON 20.238 ice cream, avours, liqueurs
in glucose molecules. organic glucose syrup solids DE 39
AGENABON 20.237 drink powders, ice cream, fruit powders,
organic glucose syrup solids DE 97 baby food, milk beverages, fruit and soy
drinks, dessert sauces, cereals, fruit prepa-


rations, baking mixes, sweet coatings

DEXTRODYN 20.250 sweets, dextrose compress candy, bakery

PRODUCTS organic dextrose monohydrate
(organic glucose)
products, baby food, instant products and
puddings, beverages and dairy products,
ice cream, canned fruits, dried fruits
RECIPE page 23


1 box (1 3/4 ounces) powdered pectin
1/2 teaspoon baking soda PRODUCTS APPLICATIONS
3/4 cup water
1/2 cup AGENABON 20.131 LIQUIDS
1 cup granulated sugar
2 teaspoons lemon extract AGENABON 20.131 hard caramels and soft caramels, gums
6 to 8 drops yellow, red or green food organic glucose syrup DE 40 and jellies, llings, creams, fondants,
colouring (optional) confectionary, cereal bars, spreads, ketchup
Vegetable oil for coating the moulds
Powdered sugar for coating the candy AGENABON 20.132 hard caramels, bonbons, lollies, baking
Makes about three dozen sweets. organic high maltose syrup DE 50 products, chocolates, chocolate products

AGENABON 20.130 soft caramels and gums, fruit preparations,

organic glucose syrup DE 70 llings for chocolate products, ice cream,
baking products, fruit- and nut spread,
corn and wheatakes

AGENABON 20.133 llings of chocolate products, bread and

organic special syrup F 30 cakes, sweet products, fruit preparations,
fruit juice and fruit syrup, ice cream

AGENABON 20.138 llings of chocolate products, bread and

organic invert sugar syrup cakes, sweet products, fruit preparations,
fruit juice and fruit syrup, ice cream

AGENABON 20.135 llings of chocolate products, bread and

organic special syrup F 9 cakes, sweet products, fruit preparations,
fruit juice and fruit syrup, ice cream
ORGANIC SACCHARIFICATION AGENABON 20.139 bakery products, liqueurs, creams, fruit
organic glucose syrup DE 97 preparations, soft drinks, syrups, special
AGRANA produces high quality food in- page 25

gredients from regionally grown organic

potatoes. POTATO

The product range includes potato akes OVERVIEW

from pre-cooked potatoes as well as
dried potatoes in various cut shapes.
AGENAFLOCK potato akes are peeled, gently cooked and dried.
These products are important components
in many areas of the food industry. Due to their special characteristics, potato akes provide avour and
consistency as well as excellent water binding properties. They are
Furthermore, AGRANA offers a variety of a desired component in many applications: mashed potatoes,
dry mixed products for the trade and convenience food, frozen food and dry mixed products.
institutional kitchens. Micellaneous packa- Besides the standard products, AGRANA also offers potato akes
ging lines and many years of experience without additives, which are primarily used in the manufacture of
enable us to meet specic customer baby food, where they can be declared simply as potatoes.
AGENABACK potato akes are ground to a powder.
AGENABACK works especially well in our blends for bakery
applications due to its ne structure.

AGENAPOM dried potatoes are peeled and cut into various shapes.
Due to its dry form and longer storability logistics are much simpler
in comparison to fresh or frozen potatoes. The most common
application is in convenience and baby foods.

AGENAPUL dried potatoes are ground to a powder.

Similar to potato starch, they are primarily used as thickening agents
in soups, sauces or red cabbage and provide a pleasant potato taste
in addition to their thickening attributes.


FOR THE FOOD INDUSTRY AGENABACK, AGENAPOM and AGENAPUL products are offered in paper bags and big
bags. AGENAFLOCK potato akes are available in foil bags, paper bags, big bags and
in bulk.
page 27


1 l water

2 teaspoons salt AGENAFLOCK 20.708 potato puree, potato dough, baked

l milk organic potato akes products, ready-to-serve meals, canned
240 g AGENAFLOCK 20.708 food, baby food, potato and vegetable
Boil the water and add the salt. Remove AGENABACK 20.757 bakery products or bakery premixes,
pot from heat and add litre cold milk. ground organic potato akes snacks
Add 240 g AGENAFLOCK 20.708 gradually
and evenly until the puree akes are AGENAPOM 20.772 dehydrated soups, tinned meat, baby food
completely mixed with the liquid. After organic potato ake cubes
one minute, whip up the puree briey
using a whisk. AGENAPOM 20.773 potato dough mixtures, potato pancake,
organic potato slivers dehydrated and instant soups, tinned
meat, bread crumbs

AGENAPUL 20.795 soups and sauces, red cabbage, dumplings

organic potato powder

AGENAPUL 20.794 soups and sauces, red cabbage, dumplings,

organic potato powder extra ne spreads, pastes



Dry products for puree, dough, dumplings, POTATO

pancakes/hash browns
Packed in aluminum bags with nitrogen
18 months shelf life
Individual retail-ready packaging design PUREE can be mixed with nearly any additional
solutions powdered avour
(onion, garlic, salt, herbs, etc.)
available: 80 g 120 g bags (1 3 bags/box)
2 kg bags for catering business (2 bags/box)

DOUGH for preparation of desserts (e.g. with apricot)

or main dishes (e.g. with meat)
available: 2 bags of 145 g in 1 box (290 g)
2kg bags for catering business

DUMPLINGS half cooked and half uncooked for

authentic taste
available: 150 g 180 g bags
(1-2 bags/box: 150 g 360 g)
2 kg bags for catering business

PANCAKES/HASH BROWNS available: 170 g bag (1 2 bags/box)


AGRANA Starch / AGRANA Strke GmbH page 31

A-3950 Gmnd, Conrathstrasse 7, Austria

Tel.: +43/2852/503-0 OVERVIEW

Fax: +43/2852/503-19360

Felix Bchele

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