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Course: COMP1556 Database Applications Contribution: 100% of course

28: Database Applications Technologies - Term 2 - PDF file required - ZIP file also
MAC required
Greenwich Course Leader: Dr Madeleine Togher Due date: 17th April 2017
This coursework will be marked anonymously
This coursework should take an average student who is up-to-date with tutorial work
approximately 50 hours

Learning Outcomes:

Plagiarism is presenting somebody elses work as your own. It includes: copying

information directly from the Web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint
coursework as an individual effort; copying another students coursework; stealing or
buying coursework from someone else and submitting it as your own work. Suspected
plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to
the procedures set down by the University.

All material copied or amended from any source (e.g. internet, books) must be
referenced correctly according to the reference style you are using.

Your work will be submitted for electronic plagiarism checking. Any attempt to
bypass our plagiarism detection systems will be treated as a severe Assessment

Coursework Submission Requirements

An electronic copy of your work for this coursework should be fully uploaded by midnight
(local time) on the Deadline Date.

The last version you upload will be the one that is marked.

For this coursework you must submit a single Acrobat PDF document. In general, any text in
the document must not be an image (i.e. must not be scanned) and would normally be
generated from other documents (e.g. MS Office using "Save As .. PDF").

For this coursework you must also upload a single ZIP file containing supporting

There are limits on the file size. The current limits are displayed on the coursework
submission page on the Intranet

Make sure that any files you upload are virus-free and not protected by a password or
corrupted otherwise they will be treated as null submissions.
Comments on your work will be available from the Coursework page on the Intranet. The
grade will be made available in the portal.

You must NOT submit a paper copy of this coursework.

All coursework must be submitted as above

The University website has details of the current Coursework Regulations, including details
of penalties for late submission, procedures for Extenuating Circumstances, and penalties
for Assessment Offences. See for details.

Detailed Specification
This coursework should be completed as an individual. You must be
ready to demonstrate your work to your tutor on the date specified on
the header of this coursework or by your course coordinator.

The aim of this assignment is to undertake a range of tasks involved in the

analysis, design and build of a database structure and applications for a
database system for Greenwich Music Club (GMC). Where information is not
available you should make some reasonable assumptions. Make sure that you
include all business constraints which have been captured during the analysis

The aim of this assignment is to develop a database to hold the records for GMC.
GMC is an organisation which works on the basis of club members. The
membership is renewed on an annual basis. Every month, GMC sends an
electronic catalogue to the members showing all of the currently available titles
and in CD format. A member should also be able to browse the catalogue based
on a particular artist that appeals to them. A member can then chose to order
any number of titles from the catalogue via their web site. Titles are of different
types (e.g. Jazz, Pop, Classic, etc.). The order is then processed and an invoice is
produced showing all relevant details. The system to be developed should be
capable of keeping track of members and orders whilst allowing the user to
interact flexibly and efficiently with the database. Although users are accessing
the DB via a web page, it is not part of the main requirements for this

Create the schema, database and applications to support the GMC database

Sample Applications
The following database queries are required to be displayed on a screen (i.e.
produce the SQL code only, no form or report). All queries (A1-A5) should be

1 A list of all stored titles, showing type of music and the number of all CDs
within each type (i.e. Classic 50, Jazz 126, etc.).
2 For any given member number, identify his/her address, method of
purchase, and all CDs they have bought since a given date. This application
is to run on-line (i.e. produce the output on the screen). The input
parameter (the member unique number) should be input by the user at run-
3 List the members full name and address, whose memberships are due for
renewal. The calculation of the due date should be based on last year
renewal date and the date of running the query (i.e. todays date).
4 For any given member, give the total amount he/she spent on orders since
he/she joined the club. The input parameter (the member unique number)
should be input by the user at run-time.

5 For any given artist name (e.g. singer), list all albums produced by that
artist which is available in GMC stock. The name of the artist should be
input by the user at run-time. Assume Artist name is unique within the

Your electronic submission should include:

An uploaded report called DB_Report which includes the
deliverables D1, D2, D3,D5 and D6
ONE Zip file containing D5 and all SQL scripts for the sample
queries (A1-A5). Name the file DB_Applications.

All deliverables are listed below:

D1. One A4 page containing the conceptual data model diagram (i.e. an Entity
Relationship Diagram using consistently either Chen or UML notation
showing: *Use only Chen notation
Relevant entity types

The primary key for each entity

Relationship types with role names (plus relationship attributes if any)
Structural constraints on each relationship (both cardinality and
Note: if you show attributes other than the Primary Keys (e.g. Foreign
Keys) on the conceptual model then you will be penalised.

D2. For the above model, produce the logical data model (the relational
schema) (one A4 page). The model represents your mapping from the
conceptual model into a relational schema and should show:
All entity and relationship types that are prospective relational tables.
For each prospective table identify the primary key and any necessary
foreign keys.

D3. One A4 page containing a normalised set of relations with all attributes
listed. On the same page, state clearly any assumptions that you make
about the data, in particular, noting any information that you believe should
be included, but is not mentioned in the outline specification.

D4. Create a database for the above schema in Oracle DBMS using SQL and
populate each table with typical records to clearly demonstrate the
application results. (You must implement a the database in your
schema and be ready to demonstrate the work to the tutor on

D5. The SQL code for the creation scripts and the population scripts used in D4.
The SQL queries used to fulfil all applications A1-A5 and show the output
results (i.e. screen dumps of your executed queries). Note: you should
populate the database with sufficient data to clearly and unambiguously
demonstrate all applications mentioned above.

D6. Include an evaluation of your work as an individual (Max 300 words).

Extra Requirements:
These extra requirements are not essential and students who do not attempt
them will not lose any marks. However, you may gain a few marks if you want to
try them and demonstrate any during the demonstration (i.e. viva).
D7. Using any appropriate DBMS tools that you are familiar with, create a
simple form to enable an end-user to maintain Members details within your
database (i.e. Insert new Member, Delete an old one, or change name, DOB,
address etc.).
D8. Produce a summary report for sales of music types during between two
certain dates. The dates should be captured as input parameters at run

End of Extra Requirements:

If you do the extended requirements you do not need to upload the source
files (i.e. the form and report) but just demonstrate them to your tutor.

Grading Criteria

Assessment will be graded using the following criteria:

A: (>=70 %) Extremely well developed and presented.
Each candidate is expected to demonstrate a detailed understanding of
the process of DB analysis & design (Conceptual & Logical). A completely,
optimised and effective implementation of the required SQL applications
(i.e. the production of a normalised relational schema with assurance is in
3rdNF). Excellent use and utilisation of facilities available by the DBMS to
provide system robustness (e.g. minimising input errors, validation
routines, using SQL correctly, etc.) with a sound user interface.

B/C: (55-69%) Well developed and presented.

Work lacks detailed analysis of mapping process, normalisation, etc.
Application requirements have been met but not in the most optimal ways
(e.g. wrong mapping or placement of foreign keys). Some use of a [limited]
range of DBMS facilities. User interface may not be totally robust.

C/D: (40-54%) Submission contains minimum information requested and/or bad

Work and submitted report lack detailed analysis and/or displays poor
understanding. No evidence of complete or fully working application(s),
etc. poor demonstration of the use of DBMS facilities. Please note that the
following will apply for obtaining a minimum pass mark:

If the student completes only one fully operational application correctly

and, has attempted most of the others

E/F: (0-39%) Developed work does not meet the minimum standard required. This
includes the following:
1 No evidence of understanding the purpose of the coursework.
2 No evidence of implementation having been performed on the DBMS
regardless of the quality of the design.
3 Does not demonstrate the work to their tutor, or having very poor
implementation (e.g. if the student is unable to produce a single fully
operational query application correctly).

Marking Scheme

Assumptions 4

Basic identification of main entities /

Identifying a proper unique identifier 5
Identifying relationships 8
Cardinality constraints 5
Participation constraints 5
Conceptual Model 35
Choice of attribute list: 5
Links between tables 5
Mapping further requirements 5
Normalisation check 5
Logical Model 20
DB creation and population 10
SQL Application A1/D5 6
SQL Application A2/D5 6
SQL Application A3/D5 6
SQL Application A4/D5 6
SQL Application A5/D5 6
Implementation 40
Self-evaluation 5
Add extra features 10
Total 100

Total mark should be capped at 100 if extra features exceed 100%

If a student works in a pair, each student should be responsible for implementing 3 SQL queries each.
Each partner in the group should be awarded marks for their queries only and then the result for the
attempted queries doubled. (I.e. if partner 1 scored 18/18 for their attempted queries then they should
have this mark increased to 36/36. If partner 2 only manage to get 5/18 for the queries attempted then
their queries mark should be increased to 10/36). This will bring some individuality to the marks
awarded for group work.

All individual marking should stay the same as the above marking scheme.

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