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Course: COMP1551 Application & Web Contribution: 70% of

Development course
24: Application & Web Development Practical PDF file required
Term 2 - MAC
Greenwich Course Leader: Dr Elena Irena Popa Due date: 12th April 2017
This coursework should take an average student who is up-to-date with tutorial work
approximately 40 hours

Learning Outcomes:

Plagiarism is presenting somebody elses work as your own. It includes:

copying information directly from the Web or books without referencing
the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying
another students coursework; stealing or buying coursework from
someone else and submitting it as your own work. Suspected plagiarism
will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with
according to the procedures set down by the University.

All material copied or amended from any source (e.g. internet,

books) must be referenced correctly according to the reference
style you are using.

Your work will be submitted for electronic plagiarism checking.

Any attempt to bypass our plagiarism detection systems will be
treated as a severe Assessment Offence.

Coursework Submission Requirements

An electronic copy of your work for this coursework should be fully uploaded by
midnight (local time) on the Deadline Date.

The last version you upload will be the one that is marked.

For this coursework you must submit a single Acrobat PDF document. In general,
any text in the document must not be an image (i.e. must not be scanned) and would
normally be generated from other documents (e.g. MS Office using "Save As ..

There are limits on the file size. The current limits are displayed on the coursework
submission page on the Intranet

Make sure that any files you upload are virus-free and not protected by a password
or corrupted otherwise they will be treated as null submissions.
Comments on your work will be available from the Coursework page on the Intranet.
The grade will be made available in the portal.

You must NOT submit a paper copy of this coursework.

All coursework must be submitted as above

The University website has details of the current Coursework Regulations, including details
of penalties for late submission, procedures for Extenuating Circumstances, and penalties
for Assessment Offences. See for details.

This is an individual coursework
Case Scenario
A charity appointed you to build an IT system for them. The charity, called Pets in
Need, takes in unwanted dogs and cats. It provides shelter and care, finds secure
and loving homes, provides advice, support and guidance for pet owners and
increases the public's awareness of its responsibility towards animals in society.
The charity has one site in Kent.

You have been appointed by the General Manager to design and implement an
online computerised system using ASP.NET.

The online system should provide pet registration and re-homing functionality.
The owner would also desire a Donation functionality, but this is not essential at this

1. Pet Registration functionality

When the pets are brought in, they are registered electronically and their details
will be saved to a central database.
The registration will be made from the head office PC.
The office staff will be able to do the following:
a. Add a pet type and breed to the database
b. Add a pet to the database. Each pet has to be allocated to a specific breed
The system will store:
Pets name, age (the year and, if possible, the month of birth),
gender, weight in pounds
The breed of a pet(if it has a breed) and its type (cat or dog)

Pets friendliness from 10 to 1 ( 10 for very friendly, 1 for very

Date when the pet was brought in

A picture (Optional)
c. Delete a pet
d. View all pets
e. View pets by breed/type
f. Search pets by age range (younger than 1, 1 to 5 years, older than 5
2. Re-homing functionality
1. The office staff will first input the potential owners details which will be stored
in the database. The system will store the following details for the new owner
Name and address

If the new owners home has young children (under 7 years of age)

If the new owners home has a garden

On the re-homing page they will be able to add a pet to a person. The system
will check if they are compatible:
if a person has young children, the pet should be very friendly
(friendliness > 8)
If a person hasnt got a garden, the pet should be of a small size (<12
Staff will be able to record when a pet is re-homed through the same online
application (enter the date when the pet was re-homed).

3. Donation functionality Desired but not essential

One table in the database will store the donation amount (in ) and the date of
the donation.
The system will have a form which will allow the input of a donation amount. The
staff will specify if the amount is in Pounds, Euros or Dollars. The system will
automatically convert the amount into Pounds and store it in the database
together with the date of the donation.
The staff can also:
view all donations

view the total amount donated

You are required to design and implement the Pets in need System using Visual
Studio and ASP.NET with C#.
The system must be implemented in an object-oriented way.
All deliverables are mandatory and they should include a report, an
electronic copy of the coursework application described in Part B and a

1. The report
Please make sure that you include a title page and table of contents.

A report for the system described in the case study, including

the following sections:
Introduction: A concise specification of what you expect your
program to do (approx. 200 words).
The Design documentation supporting your application (such as a
class diagram in UML notation and use case diagrams). This
section must also contain an explanation of your design ( approx.
1000 words).
Screen shots of the working program together with explanations.
A conclusion where you state the design and implementation
strengths and weaknesses/bugs of your system (approx. 400
In the appendix include:
User instructions if appropriate
The source code written by you, including appropriate
comments. Do not include automatically generated

2. The electronic copy of your coursework application.

An electronic copy of your coursework application should be uploaded

by the coursework deadline. You will have to zip up the folder before
you upload it. If solutions prove too big for uploading, you can delete
the contents of the Bin folder from your solution before compressing
the application.
3. Acceptance testing

Please note that you are required to attend a scheduled session where you will
show your work to your tutor/assessor.

The place and the time slots for this task of your coursework will be made available
by your tutor.

4. Self-Assessment:
You will find a self-assessment sheet attached at the end of this
coursework. You are to complete this sheet and submit it with your report.
The grade that you award yourself in the self-assessment is NOT the final
grade that you will be awarded. Your coursework will still be graded by an
academic member of staff.
There are 5 marks allocated for accurate self-assessment. These marks
are available for accurately assessing how well you completed the
coursework, so be as objective as possible when completing the form.
Grading Criteria
In general the marks are awarded as follows:
>=70% well documented work that follows the requirements both
in design and implementation to a high standard and which shows
detailed critical understanding of relevant concepts with a very good
report and demonstration.
>=60% work that follows the requirements both in design and
implementation well and which show very good understanding of
relevant concepts with a very good report and demonstration.
>=50% work that follows the requirements both in design and
implementation reasonably well and which show good
understanding of relevant concepts with a good report and
>=40% work displaying minimal functionality, and generally correct
use of concepts with a reasonable report and demonstration.
>=30% work displaying little or incorrect functionality, and a
simplistic or partially incorrect use of concepts with a poor report
and/or demonstration.
<30% work displaying no functionality, and a simplistic and
incorrect use of concepts with a very poor report and
Self-Assessment Sheet
(Place a tick in the box that you deem to be most indicative of the
quality of the work)

Student Name :__________________________________ Student


% No Poor Fair Good Very Excell

Attem Good ent
pt to
OO System 15

System pet 25
Pet Re- 25
Donation 5

UI 5

Report 10

Acceptance 10

Accurate Self- 5

Total 10

Note: You must submit this self-assessment as part of the final

report. You must also bring a copy to the demonstration.
The boxes in bold are for examiner use only.

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