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Republican Update
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Another exciting week for our Party and our candidates:
Gubernatorial candidate Rick Lazio continued to hammer  c! "cc
Andrew Cuomo for being a creature of Albany; U.S. Senate 
Candidate Gary Berntsen began a statewide tour; and
# c
Comptroller candidate Harry Wilson took "Albany Tom" to
task for more fuzzy math. Our Congressional candidates made cc
national news for having the Dems on the ropes here in New
York and the campaign-season is rolling on.

This week was also the state petitioning deadline for all our
candidates. A heartfelt thanks to all our GOP committee
members across the state who carried petitions for our
designated candidates. We could not get our candidates on the
ballot without your time and dedication.

On a somber note, earlier this week, New Yorkers lost a true
statesman, and those of us who knew Senator Thomas P. 
Morahan are mourning the loss of a principled leader and c
friend. Tom Morahan was a giant in the State Senate, and
dedicated himself to serving as a voice for the people of NYGOP.orgc
Rockland and Orange Counties, while the policies he fought for  ccc
benefited New Yorkers everywhere. He will be greatly missed. $%c&cc
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I can think of no greater tribute to Senator Morahan than for
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our State Party and our Republican candidates to continue
spreading our message and principles for the benefit of our
great state. Keep up the fight! cc


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New York Comptroller candidate, Harry Willson (R,C,I) was
again stressing the importance of fiscal responsibility, and
citing current Comptroller "Albany Tom" DiNapoli's
negligence in signing off on a budget last year that was riddled
with revenue holes.

On behalf of all New York's taxpayers, Harry Wilson warns

DiNapoli against rubber-stamping yet another bad budget
submitted to him by the Legislature. Last year Mr. DiNapoli
(D-WFP) signed off on a budget with glaring revenue holes,
causing fiscal havoc around the state. And Mr. DiNapoli finally
issued a report yesterday confirming what Mr. Wilson has been
pointing out for weeks -- that the 2010-2011 budget, that will
be submitted to Mr. DiNapoli for certification after its final
passage, is full of bad revenue assumptions. If Mr. DiNapoli
truly believes that the budget is as flawed as Mr. Wilson has
been saying, then he has a responsibility to do everything he
can to stop it before last year's disaster is

To continue reading, click here...c

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Perhaps as a harbinger of things to come at the polls, the New
York Republican State Committee bested the State Democratic
Party in fundraising towards two key accounts during the July
Periodic Filing Period, which covers the last six months, for the
first time in two-years: the State Account and the Housekeeping
Account. The Republican Party's State Account receipts total
$252, 928, whereas the Democrats raised $240,731 for their
State Account during the same period. Even more glaring, the
Republican State Committee's Housekeeping Account receipts
during the July Periodic reporting period total $977,156.35,
compared to the Democrats who raised only $401,795 during
that time.

The Republican State Committee raised a total of $1.5 million

during a six-month period - a record amount for during a time
during which the Republican Party lacked any state-wide
officeholders or legislative majorities. Thanks go to all the
donors big and small who contributed to the State Party and
helped us have one of the most successful fundraising periods
in years.ccThe financial support we received and continue to
amass is critical to our State Republican Party's success as an
organization for the benefit of our candidates and all New
Yorkers. c
To continue reading, clickchere...c
 %  ! "    &   ! 
A new poll out this week shows nearly half of New York voters
give the state's Democrat-controlled, dysfunctional Legislature
an "F'' for its work on the state budget, the adoption of which is
now 3-months late. "Forty-seven percent of voters say the
Legislature deserves a failing grade, with another 24 percent
grading its effort as 'D.' Fewer than one percent gave the
Legislature an 'A' and only seven percent offered a 'B.'cc

"If your children came home from college with a grade point
average (GPA) of less than 1.0 you might think about not
paying for them to go back to school the next semester,''
Greenberg continued.
This poll shows clearly that the forgotten taxpayers and voters
of New York of all political stripes are coming to the
realization that the party presently in power is the problem, not
the solution. The Democrats control everything in Albany and
in Washington, and their elected officials have forgotten that
they hold a public trust to serve the people, not the special
interests who have "paid to play" with them.

To read more about this, click here...

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State Senator Eric Schneiderman -- a candidate for attorney
general, the highest law-enforcement post in New York -- was
involved in a minor car accident outside the NY1 studios in
Chelsea and then fled the scene, the cable news station reported
last night. c
NY1 said the Upper West Side Democrat was a passenger in a
car driven by a staffer who sideswiped a vehicle parked in front
of her on Ninth Avenue Monday night and pulled away without
leaving a note. The staffer was identified as Rachel Kagan, 22-
year-old niece of US Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan. c
A passing bicyclist who witnessed the incident jotted down
Schneiderman's plate number and remained on the scene
waiting for the owner of the damaged vehicle, who turned out
to be NY1 executive editor Melissa Rabinovich.c
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Blog Posts of the Week

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