AFS Ratio Assignment

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Company Assigned to a group e.

FY14 FY15 FY16

Activity Ratios
1 Receivables Turnover
2 Inventory Turnover
3 Payables Turnover
4 Total Asset Turnover
5 Fixed Asset Turnover

Days Outstanding
6 Days of Sales outstanding
7 Days of Inventory on Hand
8 Number of Days of Payable
9 Cash Conversion Cycle in days

Liquidity Ratios
10 Current Ratio
11 Quick Ratio
12 Cash Ratio

Solvency Ratio
13 Debt to Equity
14 Debt to Capital
15 Financial Leverage
16 Interest Coverage
17 Fixed Charge Coverage

Profitability Ratios
18 Gross Profit Margin
19 Operating Profit Margin
20 Pretax income margin
21 Net income Margin
22 Return on Assets
23 Return on Total Capital
24 Return on Equity
25 Du Pont - Return on Equity
26 Extended Du Pont - Return on Equity
27 Basic Earning per share (EPS)
igned to a group e.g TCS NCC LTD.
Average of Average of
Average of FY14 FY15 FY16
3 years 3 years
3 years
4.869814 5.739522 5.74139 5.45024192

1.668254 2.289486 1.739353 1.89903083

Peer 2 Peer 3

Average of
FY14 FY15 FY16 FY14 FY15 FY16
3 years

Average of
3 years
Statement of B




Statement of Balance S


Shareholders funds
(a) Share capital
(b) Reserves and surplus

Minority Interest
Non-current liabilities
(a) Long-term borrowings
(b) Deferred tax liabilities (net)
(c) Other long-term liabilities
(d) Long-term provisions

Current liabilities
(a) Short-term borrowings
(b) Trade payables
(c) Other current liabilities
(d) Short-term provisions

Non-current assets
(a) Fixed assets
(i) Tangible assets
(ii) Intangible assets
(iii) Capital work-in-progress
(iv) Goodwill on Consolidation
(v) Non current investments
(b) Deferred tax assets( net)
(c) Long-term loans and advances
(d) Other non-current assets

Current assets
(a) Current investments
(b) Inventories
(c) Trade receivables
(d) Cash and cash equivalents
(e) Short-term loans and advances
(f) Other current assets
et As at 31.3.16
Note As at 31 March, As at 31 March,
No. 2016 (Rs. In Crores) 2015 (Rs. In Crores)

1 111.19 111.19
2 3,401.86 3,290.68
3,513.05 3,401.86
286.92 320.95

3 1,296.00 1,266.23
4 - 14.22
5 61.66 87.77
6 51.78 71.51
1,409.44 1,439.73

7 2,125.64 1,991.42
8 2,577.33 2,205.25
9 2,647.69 3,110.87
10 163.10 74.88
7,513.75 7,382.42

TOTAL 12,723.15 12,544.96

11 1,116.11 1,024.60
1,271.06 1,387.92
8.18 10.61
35.04 33.27
268.53 278.53
21.45 0.39
13 291.24 294.19
14 124.53 154.64
3,136.14 3,184.14

15 605.28 854.43
16 2,856.86 2,756.99
17 1,681.02 1,657.36
18 361.11 357.61
19 2,386.65 2,279.47
20 1,696.09 1,454.96
9,587.00 9,360.82

TOTAL 12,723.15 12,544.96

As at 31 March, As at 31 March,
2014 (Rs. In Crores) 2013 (Rs. In Crores)

51.32 51.32
2,712.11 2645.294
2,763.42 2,696.61
370.53 148.852

1,168.53 1329.751
12.49 23.122
94.56 59.472
65.78 42.283
1,341.35 1,454.63

2,528.55 2308.808
2,019.55 1824.985
3,083.01 2672.493
50.20 83.509
7,681.31 6,889.80

12,156.61 11,189.89

1,093.21 1066.989
1,482.77 1712.777 Average Trade payables
23.75 6.961 Average Receivables
73.08 29.401 Average Inventory
277.38 625.68 Average Total Assets
0.51 0.053 Average Net Fixed Assets
254.38 330.166 Average total equity
126.54 154.445
3,331.62 3,926.47

830.62 45.43
2,470.23 2196.125
1,657.51 1407.558
162.91 249.423
2,378.08 2131.95
1,325.64 1232.928
8,824.99 7,263.41

12,156.61 11,189.89
Average Trade payables Average Trade payables 1551.88
1,669.19 1,657.44 #VALUE!
4235.355 3992.1055 #VALUE!
12634.0525 12350.7855 22342.095
111.19 81.25 #REF!
2016 2015 2014

Statement of Profit and Loss for the ye
Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ended 31 March, 20
Particulars Note No.

Revenue from operations(net)

Other Income
Total revenue
(a) Raw materials consumed
(b) Operating and Direct Expenses
(c) Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress and stock-in-trade

(d) Employee benefits expense

(e) Finance costs
(f) Depreciation and amortisation expense
(g) Other expenses
Total expenses
Profit / (Loss) before exceptional and extraordinary items and tax (3 - 4)

Exceptional items
Profit / (Loss) before tax (5 + 6)
Tax Expense
Profit after tax before minority interest
Share of loss transferred to minority interest
Profit after tax after minority interest
Share of loss from associate companies
Consolidated profit for the year
Earnings per equity share of face value of Rs 2 each
Basic and Diluted in Rs
31 March, 2016
For the year ended For the year ended For the year ended For the year ended
31 March, 2016 ( Rs In 31 March, 2015 ( Rs 31 March, 2014 ( Rs 31 March, 2013 (Rs
Crores) In Crores) In Crores) In Crores)

9,583.48 9,512.89 7,463.15 6968.362

118.63 126.70 105.54 90.977
9,702.11 9,639.59 7,568.69 7,059.34

4,159.30 4,836.32 3,206.83 2541.945

3,803.86 3,210.19 3,170.34 3140.829
(202.90) (228.34) (313.49)
473.72 396.42 380.92 369.293
669.04 737.12 654.12 595.085
303.13 276.59 235.45 228.408
288.12 298.60 261.57 242.727
9,494.26 9,526.90 7,595.73 6,969.20
207.85 112.69 (27.04) 90.14

(40) - -
167.68 112.69 (27.04) 90.14
77.32 51.21 (37.39) 38.128
90.35 61.48 10.35 52.02
34.038 6.01 12.28 11.138
124.39 67.49 22.63 63.15
(13.84) (13.62) (19.35) -6.771
110.55 53.87 3.28 56.38

1.99 1.23 0.13 2.2

EBIT 876.89 849.81 627.08 685.23
2016 2015 2014 2013

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