Randall Chaddick Jasper High School Plano ISD Investigation

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Investigation 739

Dennis Randall Childdick RECEIVED

Jasper High School Assistant Principal HUMAN RESOURCES
Investigators: Bart Rosebure and Larry Frazier
4-7-10 APR - 7 2010
TIME .3 :3S-

BY :9Jl


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Plano ISO Personnel Report

Personal Information
Name: Chaddick, Randall

File #: 739,377


---- _._-.-------"---_.._,---
Plano Independent School District
Investigative Report Form


Investigative Index Control Number: 739

Date Investigative Report Completed: 4-7-10

Investigator Assigned: Bart Rosebure and Larry Frazier

Investigative Report Completed By: Bart Rosebure and Larry Frazier

Specific Issues to Be Investigated:

I. Did a Plano ISD employee use a PISD computer resource for inappropriate or
unethical purposes?
2. Was a PlanoISD employee deceptive during an official internal investigation?
3. If said actions occurred were they a violation of district policy or public law?
Employee ID #:
District Employee Accused: Dennis Randall Chaddick


On or about 3-29-10, Security Police Specialist Larry Frazier and I were at Jasper High
School conducting an investigation regarding an umelated matter. It was reported that
Jasper High School Assistant Principal Randall Chaddick accessed the Plano ISD Rapid
Eye Video Surveillance System and viewed camera footage of an interview we
the incident. Mr.
I notified Director of Security Police Services Mark Hinshaw of

Hinshaw advised us to have the Human Resources Department place Mr. Chaddick on
administrative leave.


On or about 3-29-10, at approximately 2:40 p.m., Mr. Frazier and I were at Jasper High
School conducting an internal investigation. We met with Jasper High School Assistant
Principal Courtney Washington. We asked Ms. Washington for an office in which to


meet with an employee. Ms. Washington suggested that we use the Administrative
Intern's office. Ms. Washington took Mr. Frazier and me to the Administrative Intern's
office, and we entered the office. Mrs. Washington proceeded to retrieve the individual
with whom we needed to speak. Upon entering the office we observed a camera in the
ceiling of the room. This camera is part of the Rapid Eye Video Surveillance System.
Mrs. Washington was retrieving the employee to be interviewed, and we did not have the
means to re-route the employee. Mr. Frazier and I rearranged the chairs in the room to
attempt to provide as much privacy as possible given the existence of a camera in the
room. The employee was interviewed without incident.

On or about 3-29-10, at approximately 6:10 p.m., I received a telephone call from Mrs.
Washington. Mrs. Washington told me that Behavior Specialist Keyur Bhatt reported to
her that Mr. Chaddick viewed Rapid Eye footage of an interview that Mr. Fazier and I
conducted at Jasper High SchooL.

On or about 4-1-10, Mr. Frazier and I interviewed Mrs. Washington. Mrs. Washington
submitted a written statement. Mrs. Washington stated, "On Monday, March 22,2010,1
was told by Keyur (KR) Bhatt that Randall Chaddick used the Rapid Eye System to
access live footage of a camera in Brenda's Smith's office. The purpose, as it was
explained to me, was to see who Mr. Rosebure and Mr. Frazier were speaking with in
Brenda's office. Mr. Bhatt acknowledged that
they saw Crystal Byers in the room.

The following is the conversation Mr. Bhatt shared with me regarding viewing the
Mr. Bhatt said he told Mr. Chaddick, "J really don 'tthink we should be doing
this." And, Mr. Chaddick said, "Shut up KR and block the monitor/door. "

After being told this information, I told Mr. Bhatt not

to say anything to anyone.

J called Mr. Rosebure to apologize and inform him that

there is a camera in Brenda
Smith's office, and that Mr. Bhatt and Mr. Chaddick had viewed the live footage during
the meeting with Crystal Byers. "

On 4-1-10, Mr. Frazier and I interviewed Mr. Bhatt. Mr. Bhatt submitted a written
statement. Mr. Bhatt stated, "J was with Randall Chaddick when he opened Rapid-eye in
his office. We saw three people in Brenda Smith's office talking. I was standing next to 1
Randell and because of the way J was standing, 1 was blocking his screen, J told Randell

felt weird about this and he said don't say anything. 1 interpreted that as him saying
"shut up ". He did not tell me to Shut-up. When I told Courtney about this, I added Shut-
up to my story. I don't know why 1
told Courtney and J have a foul mouth, so J added
shut-up without even thinking about it. J tell Courtney everything. J trust her and
consider her a good friend and someone 1
look up to as a leader. J have a tendency to
talk about everything with her. I really don't' know why 1 do this.

KR Bhatt

J did pull up Rapid-eye up in order to see when Brenda came to the Campus
and to
clean things out. J was in her office one day helping a stajJmember with a key

noticed her things gone. J pulled it up to find out when she came up here. I found out she
had one diiring Spring break. J saw three two people with her, I don't know who they
were, One peons got her.a cart and helped her load it with her things. They left out the
Soiith front office door with the cart. J did it because I was being nosey. I have not
shared that with anyone.."

During the interview with Mr. Bhatt he indicated that he assisted Mr. Chaddick with
operating the Rapid Eye system. Mr. Bhatt said that he manipulated Mr. Chaddick's
computer mouse to assist Mr. Chaddick with operating the Rapid Eye system. Mr. Bhatt

explained that Mr. Chaddick is not knowledgeable at operating his computer.

Mr. Bhatt said that he told Mr. Chaddick that he was not comfortable looking at the
Rapid Eye footage. Mr. Bhatt said that he knew it was members of the security
department, and he knew who the person was that we were interviewing.

On or about 4-1-10, Mr. Frazier and I interviewed Mr. Chaddick. Mr. Chaddick
submitted a written statement. Mr. Chaddick stated, "On Monday March 29 J returned to
my office space from being out in the building when 1 noticed someone stepping through
the door of one of the offices in the student management area. The person entering the
room appeared to be female because all J saw was that person had on a skirt or dress but
anther than that J had no idea who the individual was. The individual assigned to that
office was not at work on Monday so J wondered why is some one in that office. 1
typically know what is going on in our area, that is the student management area.
Normally when we need to use another administrator's office we check to make sure it is
not being used. Nothing had been said to me and I was not aware of anything taking
place. J thought about opening the door to see who had gone in the room and why but
thought no, there is another way to see who might have entered the room. J opened up
the Rapid Eye system and as soon as J noticed Bart Rosebure and Larry Frázer from the
district security office silting in the chair against the wall. J immediately closed Rapid
Eye for the rest of the day nor did J try to retrieve any information on who else was in the
room or who might have entered the room. Once it was apparent that security was in the
room J did not try to or become further involved in malter. Another note of importance is
then camera in that office is positioned to where someone silting at the computer is not
really visible on the cameras.

A question was asked about

looking at the camera in the lobby of the student
management area, C-1. That camera was hit in retrieval modebut a time was never put
in so it would have never opened at all. J am sure if
you look at information on my
computer it will indicate that it was never activated.

Another person, Kr Bhatt was in my office at the time this happened and can verify that
as soon as we noticed security being the ones in that office we closed things down and
did not pursue it fiirther. "
During the interview with Mr. Chaddick, he was asked how long he viewed the Rapid
Eye footage. Mr. Chaddick said that once he saw Mr. Frazier and me on Rapid Eye that
he immediately turned the Rapid Eye system off. Mr. Chaddick described the clothing
that Mr. Frazier and I were wearing in the Rapid Eye footage. This contradicts the
account that Mr. Bhatt told Mr. Frazier and me. Furthermore, the computer activity log
indicates that Mr. Chaddick was viewing information in the Rapid Eye system
approximately two minutes and nine seconds. Mr. Bhatt stated he coulddick
tell who
teacher was that Mr. Frazier and I were interviewing and that Mr. Chad

identity of the teacher as welL. When Mr. Chaddick was asked if he knew the identity of
the teacher that Mr. Frazier and 1 were interviewing he said, "no."

During the interview Mr. Chaddick said that he observed Administrative Intern Brenda
Smith removing property from her office during spring break on the Rapid Eye system.
He observed this the following week via the system archives. Mr. Chaddick said that he
observed Ms. Smith leave the campus on the Rapid Eye system. When asked why he felt
Mrs. Smith's office
a need to do that, he stated that he had noticed things missing out of

and wanted to see who had removed them. He said he watched as Mrs. Smith left her
office and went out the front door. Mr. Chaddick indicated that he observed Mr. Frazier
and Human Resources Coordinator Autry Daniel walking with Ms. Smith while they
were at Jasper High SchooL.

On or about 3-30-10, Mr. Hinshaw instructed Mr. Frazier to collect Mr. Chaddick's
office computer. Mr. Chaddick's office computer was given to Director of
Mr. Chaddick's
Dan Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong provided Mr. Hinshaw with a log of

computer activity. The computer activity log is attached to this report.

The computer activity log indicates that Mr. Chaddick logged into Rapid Eye at 2:46:24
p.m. Mr. Chaddick's last activity in Rapid Eye was at 2:48:33 p.m. The computer
activity log indicates that Mr. Chaddick did view the Jasper HS camera bank C. The
computer activity log indicates that Mr. Chaddick did look into the retrieval function of
the Rapid Eye system at Jasper HS, camera bank C. The camera that was in the
administrative intern's office captured the interview and is contained within bank C. Mr.

Chaddick viewed camera bank C, which captured the interview being conducted.

The evidence suggests that Mr. Chaddick did use the Plano ISD Rapid Eye system to
view the interior of an office where an official investigative interview was in progress.

The evidence suggests that Mr. Chaddick violated Plano lSD district policy DH (Exhibit).
"The Texas educator shall comply with standard practices and ethical conduct toward
students, professional colleagues, school officials, parents, and members of

community and shall safeguard academic freedom. The Texas educator, in maintaining
the dignity of the profession, shall respect and obey the law, demonstrate personal
integrity, and exemplify honesty. The Texas educator, in exemplifying ethical relations
with colleagues, shall extend just and equitable treatment to all members of the
profession. "

The complaint is sustained

The evidence suggests that Mr. Chaddick was not being truthful when telling
investigators the reason for looking in the Rapid Eye Video system.

The evidence suggests that Mr. Chaddick was not being truthful when telling
investigators that he did not ¡mow the identity of the teacher who we were interviewing in
the office.

The evidence suggests that Mr. Chaddick did not close the camera system as quickly as
he suggested. He stated that as soon as he saw Mr. Frazier and me he immediately shut
the system off. The evidence suggests that he left the system on for approximately two
minutes and nine seconds.

The evidence in this case suggests that Mr. Chaddick was not being truthful with

investigators during the internal investigation.

The evidence suggests that Mr. Chaddick violated Plano ISD district policy DH (Exhibit).

"The Texas educator shall comply with standard practices and ethical conduct toward
students, professional colleagues, school officials, parents, and members of

community and shall safeguard academic freedom. The Texas educator, in maintaining
the dignity of the profession, shall respect and obey the law, demonstrate personal
integrity, and exemplify honesty. The Texas educator, in exemplifying ethical relations
with colleagues, shall extendjust and equitable treatment to all members of

profession. "

The complaint is sustained


A---Courtney Washington Statement

B---Keyur Bhatt Statement
C--- Randall Chad dick Statement
D---Computer Log Activity
April 1,2010

To: Bart Rosebure, Larry Frazier

From: Courtney Washington
Re: Computer Incident

On Monday, March 22,2010, I was told by Keyur (KR) Bhatt that Randall

Chaddick used the Rapid Eye System to access live footage of a camera in
Brenda Smith's office. The purpose, as it was explained to me, was to see
who Mr. Rosebure and Mr. Frazier were speaking with in Brenda's office.
Mr. Bhatt acknowledged that they saw Crystal Byers in the room.

The following is the conversation Mr. Bhatt shared with me regarding

viewing the footage,
Mr. Bhatt said he told Mr. Chaddick, "I really don't think we should
be doing this." And, Mr. Chaddick said, "Shut up KR and block the

After being told this information, I told Mr. Bhatt not to say anything to

I called Mr. Rosebure to apologize and inform him that there is a camera in
Brenda Smith's office, and that Mr. Bhatt and Mr. Chaddick had viewed the
live footage during the meeting with Crystal Byers.

4'" i-I 0

Cou Y J. Washington
Assistant Principal
Date: April 1,2010

From: Randall Chaddick

Re: Incident on Monday 3/29/ 10

On Monday March 29 I returned to my office space from being out in the building when I
noticed someone stepping through the door of one of the offices in the student
management area. The person entering the room appeared to be female because all I saw
was that the person had on a skirt or dress but onther than that I had no idea who the
individual was. The individual assigned to that office was not at work on Monday so I
wondered why is some one in that office. I typically know what is going on in our area,
that is the student management area. Normally when we need to use another
administrator's office we check to make sure it is not being used. Nothing had been said
to me and I was not aware of anything taking place. I thought about opening the door to
see who had gone in the room and why but thought no, there is another way to see who
might have entered the room. I opened up the Rapid Eye system and as soon as I noticed
Bart Rosebure and Larry Frazer from the district security office sitting in the chairs
against the wall. I immediately closed Rapid Eye since it was apparent they were
conducting business. I did not open up Rapid Eye for the rest of
the day nor did I try to
retrieve any information on who else was in the room or who might have entered the
room. Once it was apparent that security was in the room I did not try to or become
further involved in the matter. Another note of importance is the camera in that office is
positioned to where someone sitting at the computer is not really visible on the cameras.

A question was asked about looking at the camera in the lobby of the student
management area, Col. That camera was hit in retrieval mode but a time was never put
in so it would have never opened at alL. I am sure if you look at information on my
computer it will indicate that it was never activated.

Another person, Kr Bhatt was in my office at the time this happened and can verify that
as soon as we noticed security being the ones in that office we closed things down and
did not pursue it further.

R ~j¡JltLCA @:L

Randall Chaddick
Assistant Principal
Jasper High School
My statement:

I was with Randell Chaddick when he opened Rapid-eye in his office. We saw

three people in Brenda Smith's office talking. I was standing next to Randell and because

of the way I was standing, I was blocking his screen, I told Randell I felt weird about this

and he said don't say anything. I interpreted that as him saying "Shut-up". He did not

tell me to Shut-up. When I told Courtney about this, I added Shut-up to my story.

I don't know why I told Courtney and I have a foul mouth, so I added shut-up without

even thinking about it. I tell Courtney everything. I trust her and consider her a good

friend and someone I look up to as a leader. I have a tendency to talk about everything

with her. I really don't why I do this.

Kr Bhatt

I did pull up Rapid-eye up in order to see when Brenda came to Campus to clean

things out. I was in her office one day helping a staff member with a key and noticed her

things gone. I pulled it up to find out when she came up here. I found out she had come

during Spring break. I saw three two' people with her, I don't know who they were, One

person got her a cart and helped her load it with her things. They left out the South front

office door with the cart. I did it because I was being nosey. I have not shared that with

My statement:
I was with Randell Chaddick when he opened Rapid-eye in his office. We saw

three people in Brenda Smith's office talking. I was standing next to Randell and because

ofthe way I was standing, I was blocking his screen, I told Randell I felt weird about this

and he said don't say anything. I interpreted that as him saying "Shut-up". He did not

tell me to Shut-up. When I told Courtney about this, I added Shut-up to my story.

I don't know why I told Courtney and I have a foul mouth, so I added shut-up without

even thinking about it. I tell Courtney everything. I trust her and consider her a good

friend and someone I look up to as a leader. I have a tendency to talk about everything

with her. I really don't why I do this.

Kr Bhatt

~0- . -

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r(4/6/2010)Ba'rtRosebure. Fwd: Log from the computer today . . ________------"age 2J

From: Mark Hinshaw

To: Bart Rosebure; Larry Frazier
Date: 3/30/2010 9:42 AM
Subject: Fwd: Log from the computer today
Attachments: Rchaddi log.xls
Larry & Bart,

Attached is the computer log for Chaddick.

The two of you went Into the Dean's office at 14:40:30. You were joined by the teacher at 14:43:59. She left the Dean's
office at 15:19:20. You left the omce at lS:20:0B.

Mr. Chaddick logged onto Rapid Eye at 14:46:24. His last activity was at 14:48:33. Please get with me about this.

His computer Is in your office at Central. You may return It to him after speaking with me. Please try to get with me before


?/::- Dan Armstrong 3/30/2010 9:00 AM ;:..?;::.

Below is the excerpt from the log regarding Rapid eye and yesterday. I will attach yesterday1s events as a log also with this section
in it. Please let me know if you need the full log.

Dan Armstrong
Director of Technical Support
Plano Independent School District
2700 West 15th 51.
Plano, Tx, 75075
phone: 469.752.B086
fax: 469.752.8032
email: dan.armstrong@pisd.edu
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lprogram fileslinternet explorerliexplore.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram FileslNovelllZENworkslNalWin.exe
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PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram FileslNovelllZENworkslNalWin.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram Fileslinternet ExpiorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram Filesllnternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddl C:IProgram Filesllnternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram FileslNove\lIZENworkslNalWin.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi lno user activity)
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IPrograrn FileslNovelllZENworkslNalWin.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi (no user activity)
Ischeduled ¡SPACE)for (SPACE) (DELl (DELl (DELl ¡DELJ (DEL). (ENTER) (ENTERlRandall

\CE)not (SPACEJsee ¡SPACEjhim (SPACEltoday (SPACEjat ¡SPACEJall (SPACElbut ¡SPACEJwill ¡SPAI

PISD203768 Rchaddl C:IProgram FileslNovelllZENworkslNalWin.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi (no user activity)
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram FileslNovelllZENworkslNalWin.exe
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PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram Filesllnternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddl C:IProgram Filesllnternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram Filesllnternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram Filesllnternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
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PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram Filesllnternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddl C:IProgram Filesllnternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram Filesllnternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram Fllesllnternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddi (no user activity)
PISD203768 Rchaddl C:IProgram Files\lnternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddi (no user activity)
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram Filesllnternet Explorer\iEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddi (no user activity)
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram Filesllnternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram Filesllnternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi (no user activltYJ
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi (no user activity)
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
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PISD203768 Rchaddl c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddl C:IProgram FileslAdobelReader 9.0lReaderlAcroRd2
PISD203768 Rchaddi (no user activity)
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram FlleslAdobelReader 9.0lReaderlAcroRd2
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram FileslNovelllZENworkslNalWin.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram FileslRapid Eye Multi-Media 7.0IREMVie'
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram FileslRapld Eye Multi-Media 7.O\REMVle'
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram FileslRapid Eye Multi-Media 7.O\REMVie'
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram FlleslRapld Eye Multi-Media 7.O\REMVie'
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram FileslRapld Eye Multi-Media 7.0IREMVle'
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram FileslRapid Eye Multi-Media 7.0IREMVie'
PISD203768 Rchaddl C:IProgram FileslRapld Eye Multi-Media 7.O\REMVie'
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram FileslRapld Eye Multi-Media 7.0IREMVie'
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram FileslNovelllZENworkslNalWin.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi (no user activity)
PISD203768 Rchaddl C:IProgram FileslNovelllZENworkslNalWin.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram Filesllnternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddl C:IProgram Filesllnternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram Fileslinternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram Filesllnternet ExplorerIlEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram Filesllnternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE. EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram Filesllnternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram Filesllnternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddl (no user activity)
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram Filesllnternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddi (no user activity)
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram Filesllnternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram Fi!esINoveIlIZENworksINaIWin.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddl c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelilgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwlse.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi (no user activity)
PISD203768 Rchaddl c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi (no user activity)
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi (no user activity)
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddl c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwlse.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddl c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwlse.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddl c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram FiieslAdobelReader 9.0lReaderlAcroRd2
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnoveillgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnoveillgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovell'groupwiselgrpwise.exe
PACEJa (SPACElgreat (SPACElshort (SPACEJweek. (SPACEl (BACKl ¡BACK). ¡SPACEJjust (SPACEl41

'lJasper ¡SPACElat ¡SPACEJ7:00 ¡SPACEJam (SPACEJso ¡SPACElcan (SPACEJthe ¡SPACElvan ¡SPAC




(N/A) . (NlA) 3/29/2010

mydesktop _ mydesktop _ Randall Chaddi mydesktop - mydesktop - Randall Chaddick - Jasper H http 3/29/2010

PlanoISD(User-Rchaddl:PISD203768) PlanolSD(User _Rchaddl:PISD203768) 3/29/2010

(no user activity) (no user activity) 3129/2010
PianolSD(User -Rchaddi:P 15D203768) PianolSD( User-Rchaddi :PISD203 768) 3/291201 0
Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWise - Mailbox 3/2912010
Mail From: "MCPmag.com" -o:MCP@1105Maii From: "MCPmag.com" -o:MCP@1105info.com'" 3129/2010
Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWise - Mailbox 3/29/2010
Novell GroupWlse _ Mailb~o: Novell GroupWlse - Mailbox 3/29/2010
Mail From: mike wheeler "'" p'ail From: mIke wheeler _ q. 3/2912010
Mail From: mike wheeler & 3:;all From: mike wheeler -O:TI 3/29/2010
Mail To: Address Selector 3/29/2010
Mail To: JASPE01 Mail To: JASPE01 3/29/2010
Mail To:
To: Mail
Mail To:
To: 3/29/2010
Mail From: mike wheeler .6íiî!iAaii From: mike wheeler 1!i!! £S' 3/29/2010
Novell GroupWise _ MailboK Novell GroupWise - Mailbox 3/29/2010
Mail To: Mail To: 3/29/2010
Mail From: mike wheeler ~ 9Mall From: mike wheeler 1l 2 2, 3/29/2010

Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWlse - Mailbox 3/29/2010

Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWise - Mailbox 3/29/2010
(no user activity) (no user activity) 3/29/2010
Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWise - Mailbox 3/29/2010
¡no user activity) (no user activity) 3/29/2010
(N/A) (N/A) 3/29/2010
(N/A) (N/A) 3/29/2010
(no user activity) (no user activity) 3/2912010
Novell GroupWise _ Maiibox Novell GroupWise - Mailbox 3/29/2010
Mail From: Jen Morrow Mail
From:From: JenPage
Debi Morrow 3/29/2010
312912010 Mail
Mail From: Debl Page

Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWise - Mailbox 3/29/2010

Mail From: Stephany Sipes Mail From: Stephany Sipes 3/29/2010
Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWlse - Mailbox 3129/2010
Maii From: Stephany Sipes Mail From: Stephany Sipes 312912010
Mail From: Teresa Brown Mail From: Teresa Brown 3/29/2010
Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWise - Mailbox 3129/2010
Mail From: Jeff Gasaway Mail From: Jeff Gasaway 3/29/2010
Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWise - Mailbox 3/29/2010
Mail From: Ann Wilburn Mail From: Ann Wilburn 3/29/2010
Mall To: Address Selector 3/29/2010
Mail To: Johnston, Tim Mail To: Johnston, Tim 3/29/2010
Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWlse - Mailbox 3/29/2010
(no user activity) (no user activity) 3129/2010
Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWise - Mailbox 312912010
Pi anolSD( User -Rchaddl:P ISD203768) Plano i SD(User -Rchaddi:PI SD203768) 3/29/2010
Logon _ Microsoft Internet Explorer provid Logon - Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by Planoi~ http 3/2912010
Pinnacle Web _ Microsoft Internet Explore Pinnacle Web - Microsoft Internet Explorer provided byI http
http 3/29/2010
Viewer _ Microsoft Internel Explorer provi' Viewer - Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by Plano

PlanolSD( User -Rchaddl: PISD203768) PlanolSD(User -Rchaddi:P ISD203768) 3/291201 0

(N/A) (N/A)(no user 3129/2010
(no user activily) (no user activity) 3129/2010
(no user activity) activity) 3/29/2010
L J-SS"2 \:S l

(N/A) (N/A)
¡no user activity) (no user 3/29/2010
activity) 3/29/2010
(N/AJ IN/A) 3/29/2010
PianoiSD(User -Rchaddi: PISD203768) PlanoISD(User-Rchaddi:PISD203768) 3/29/201 0
Instructional Center _ Plano ISD _ Microsc Instructional Center - Plano ISD - Microsoft Internet Ex http 3/29/2010
Welcome _ . Microsoft Internet Explorer p Welcome - - Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by PI: http 3/29/2010
Employee Home Page _ . Microsoft Intern Employee Home Page - - Microsoft Internet Explorer pi http 3/29/2010
Student Discipline Incident Search _ _ Mic Student Discipline Incident Search - - Microsoft interne http 3/29/2010
Student Discipline Incident Search _ _ Mic Student Discipline Incident Search - - Microsoft Interne http 3129/2010
Student Discipline tncident Search - - Mie Student Discipline Incident Search - - Microsoft interne.http 3/29/2010
Student Discipline Incident-List _ _ Micros~ Student Discipline Incident \cist - - Microsoft Internet E~ http 3/29/2010
Maintain Incident Information _ . Microsofl Maintain incident Information - - Microsoft Internet Expl http 3/29/2010
Student Offenders _ _ Microsoft Internet E Student Offenders - - Microsoft Internet Explorer provic http 3/29/2010
Offense Disciplinary Action _ _ Microsoft IT Offense Disciplinary Action - - Microsoft Internet ExplOl http 3/29/2010
Offense Disciplinary Action _ . Microsoft IT Offense Disciplinary Action - - Microsoft Internet ExplOl http 3/29/2010
(no user activity) (no user activity) ,.' 3/29/2010
Offense Discipiinary Action. _ Microsoft Ir Offense Disciplinary Action. - Microsoft Internet Exploi http 3/29/2010

(N/A)user (NlAJ
activity) (no user 3/2912010
(no user activity) $ (no user activity).' " 3/29/2010
(no activity) 3/29/2010
(N/A) (NlAj 3/29/2010
Offense Disciplinary Action _ _ Microsoft IT Offense Disciplinary Action. - Microsoft Internet Exploi http 3/29/2010
Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWlse - Mailbox 3/29/2010
(N/A)user activity)
(N/AJ (no user 3/29/2010
activity) 3/29/2010
(N/AJuser activity)
(N/A) (no user 3/29/2010
activity) 3/29/2010
Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWise - Mailbox 3/29/2010
Mail To: Mail To: 3/29/2010
Mail Frorn: mike wheeler ,¡g gv1ail From: mike wheeler £ jl 3/29/2010

Mail To: Address Selector 3/29/2010

Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWise. Mailbox 3/29/2010
Mail Frorn: Ann Wilburn Mail From: Ann Wilburn 3/29/2010
Mail From: Ann Wilburn Mail From: Ann Wiiburn 3/29/2010
Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWise - Mailbox 3/29/2010
Mail Frorn: Elly Ried Mail From: Elly Ried 3/29/2010
Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWise - Mailbox 3/2912010
Maii From: Courtney Washington Mail From: Courtney Washington 3/29/2010
Mail From: Brenda Jordan Mail From: Brenda Jordan 3/29/2010
Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWise . Mailbox 3/29/2010
Mall From: Nikki James Mallpdf
From: NikkiReader
- Adobe James 3/29/2010
(no user activity) (no user activity) 3/29/2010
2010-0315.pdf _ Adobe Reader 201 0-0315

201 0-0315.pdf _ Adobe Reader 201 0-0315.pdf - Adobe Reader 3/29/2010

Mail From: Nikki James Mail From: Nikki James 3/29/2010
Plano ISD( User .Rchadd i: P ISD203768) PlanolSD( User -Rchaddi: P ISD203768) 3/29/201 0
Rapid Eye Multi-Media View _ Logon Rapid Eye Muiti-Media View - Logon 3/29/2010
Rapid Eye Multi-Media View _ Sites Rapid Eye Multi-Media View - Sites 3/29/2010
Retrieval from Jasper H S- C Select streams for Retrievai from Jasper H S- C 3/29/2010
Retrievai from Jasper H S- C Retrievai from Jasper H S- C 3/29/2010
Live from Jasper H S- C Live from Jasper H S- C 3/29/2010
Rapid Eye Multi-Media View _ Sites Rapid Eye Multi-Media View - Sites 3/29/2010
C-J -SS2,lšl

Live from Jasper H S- C 16. Front Entrance 3/29/2010

Rapid Eye Multi-Media View - Sites Rapid Eye Multi-Media View - Sites 3/2912010
PlanolSO (User -Rchaddi:P I S0203768) PlanoISO(User-Rchaddi: PI S0203768) 3/29/2010
(no user activity) (no user activity) 3/29/2010
PianolSO(User -Rchadd i :PIS0203 768) PlanoISO(User-Rchaddi:P iS0203 768) 3/29/201 0
Logon _ Microsoft Internet Explorer provid Logon - Microsoft internet Explorer provided by Planoii http 3/29/2010
Pinnacie Web _ Microsoft Internet Explore Pinnacle Web - Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by http 3/29/2010
Viewer _ Microsoft Internet Explorer provÌ( Viewer - Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by Planoi http 3/29/2010
My Reports _ Microsoft Internet Explorer ¡ My Reports - Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by PI http 3/29/2010
New Report _ Microsoft Internet Explorer I New Report - Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by P http 3/29/2010
Report Parameters _ Microsoft Internet E) Report Parameters - Microsoft Internet Explorer provid. http 3/2912010
My Reports _ Microsoft Internet Explorer ¡ My Reports - Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by PI http 3/29/2010
(no user activity)
(N/A) (N/A)(no user 3/29/2010
activity) 3/29/2010
(no user activity)
(N/A) (N/A)(no user 3/29/2010
activity) 3/29/2010
PlanolSO (User -Rchaddi: PiSD203768) PianoISO(Usar-Rchaddi:P ISD203768) 3/29/201 0
Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWlse - Mailbox 3/29/2010
Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Create Personal Folder 3/2912010
Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWise - Mailbox 3/29/2010
(Archive) _ Novell GroupWise - Mailbox (Archive) - Novell GroupWise - Mailbox 3/29/2010
Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWise - Mailbox 3/29/2010
(Archive) _ Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox (Archive) - Novell GroupWise - Mailbox 3/29/2010
Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWise - Mailbox 3/29/2010
(N/ userA)
(Nl (no user
A) activity)
(no user activity)
(N/A) (N/A)(no user 3/29/2010
activity) 3/29/2010
Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWise - Mailbox 3/29/2010
(no user activity) (no user activity) 3129/2010
Novell GroupWlse _ Mailbox Novell GroupWlse - Mailbox 3/29/2010
Mall From: Kr Bhatt Mail From: Kr Bhatt 3/29/2010
Mall To: Bhatt, Kr Mail To: Bhatt, Kr 3/29/2010
Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWise - Mailbox 3/29/2010
Mall From: Adele Plasterr Mail From: Adele Plasterr 312912010
Mail From: Christi Potts Mail From: Christi Potts 3/29/2010
Mail To: Potts, Christl Mail To: Potts, Christi 3/29/2010
Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox . Novell GroupWise - Mailbox 3/29/2010
Mall From: Lance Christian 1i -j Mail From: Lance Christian .ç ? 3/29/2010
Amos Chaddick OMN _ 1896 _ Stabbed 7 Amos Chaddick OMN - 1896 - Stabbed 7 times.pdf - Adobe 3/29/2010

Mail To: Mail To: 3/29/2010

Mail From: Lance Christian '@; EMail From: Lance Christian :r¡-Ó 3/29/2010

Mail From: Lance Christian ~i: lJMail From: Lance Christian -~ 3/2912010
Mail To: Mail To: 3/29/2010
Mail To: MailTo: 3/29/2010
Mail From: Lance Christian ,,( JMail From: Lance Christian '11L '73/2912010
Mail To: Address Selector 3/29/2010
Mail To: Chaddick, Chris Mail To: Chaddick, Chris 3/29/2010
Mail From: Lance Christian '\Í . j.\1ail From: Lance Christian -(íí 3/29/2010
Mail From: Tim Johnston - - Mail From: Tim Johnston 3/29/2010
Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWise - Mailbox 3/29/2010
Mail From: Kathryn Conklin Mall From: Kathryn Conklin 3/29/2010

Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWise - Mailbox 312912010
sterr Mail From: Adele Plasterr 3129/2010
Mail From: Adele Pia

Novell GroupWise _ Mailbox Novell GroupWise - Mailbox 3/2912010

I SD(User-Rchaddi:PISD203768) 3/29/2010
Plano I SD(User -Rchaddi: PISD203768) Plano

My Reports _ Microsoft Internet Explorer r My Reports - Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by PI http 3129/2010
Logon _ Microsoft Internet Explorer provid Logon - Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by Planol~ http 3/29/2010
Offense Disciplinary Action _ _ Microsoft ir Offense Disciplinary Action - - Microsoft Internet ExplOl http 312912010
Viewer _ Microsoft Internet Explorer provii Viewer - Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by Planol http 312912010
Logon _ Microsoft Internet Explorer provid Logon - Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by Planol~ http 3/2912010
(start menu) (start menu! 3129/2010
(logging finished) (logging finished) (NIP 312912010

7:57:40 0:00:04
7:57:45 0:00:03
7:57:48 0:01 :08 (ENTERl
7:58:56 0:01:05
8:00:01 0:00:07
8:00:13 0:00:07
8:00:20 0:00:56
8:01 :16 0:00:05 (DELl
8:01 :23 0:00:11 ¡DELl
8:01:34 0:00:28
8:02:04 0:04:14
8:06:20 0:00: 16 jaspe
8:06:36 0:02:28 (TABll (SPACElhad ¡SPACElto ¡SPACElshe (BACKlare (SPACElthis ¡SPACElw
8:09:07 0:00:21ríÎ. - S:S2, \-;;~¡
8:09:30 0:00:08Trld
8:09:38 0:00:04
8:09:42 0:00:05
8:09:47 0:00:06
8:09:53 0:00:08 Irld
8:10:03 0:00:47 (DELl
8:10:51 0:01 :02
8:11 :53 0:08:06
8:19:59 0:01 :17

8:21:16 0:14:00
8:35:16 0:01 :01

8:36:17 0:47:28
9:23:45 0:00:07
9:23:52 0:01 :03
9:24:55 0:00:12
9:25:09 0:00:20
9:25:29 0:00:14 (DELl (DELl
9:25:43 0:00:09
9:25:52 0:00:05 (DELl
9:25:57 0:00:05
9:26:04 0:00:04 ¡DELl
9:26:08 0:00:03 (DELl
9:26:11 0:00:05
9:26:16 0:00:11 (DELl (DELl
9:26:27 0:00:11
9:26:42 0:00:12 johnston
9:26:54 0:02:18 Clark (SPACElVan (TABJTim, (ENTERl (ENTERll ¡SPACElam ¡SPACElcheckin¡
9:29:12 0:01 :02
9:30:14 0:06:08
9:36:22 0:00:03
9:36:25 0:00:03
9:36:28 0:00:17
9:36:45 0:00:07
9:36:52 0:00:35 hays
9:37:27 0:01:06
9:38:33 0:14:00
9:52:33 0:01 :01

9:53:34 0:16:44
10:10:18 0:01 :01

10:11:19 0:05:09
10:16:28 0:00:06
10:16:34 0:00:28
10:17:02 0:00:03
10:17:08 0:00: 14 rchaddi (T ABl372031 0 (ENTERl
10:17:22 0:00:09
10:17:32 0:00:54 kin (BACKl (BACKl (BACKJjabed
10:18:26 0:00:11 farah
10:18:38 0:00:37 151593
10:19:15 0:00:31
10:19:46 0:00:28
10:20:14 0:00:34
10:20:48 0:00:28
10:21:17 0:02:37 1
10:23:54 0:04:52
10:28:46 0:01 :01

10:29:47 0:14:00
10:43:47 0:01 :01

10:44:48 3:21 :08

14:05:56 0:00:07
14:06:03 0:00:03
14:06:09 0:01 :03
14:07:12 0:14:02
14:21 :14 0:01 :01

14:22:15 0:16:04
14:38:19 0:00:08
14:38:27 0:00:39 (DELl (DELl ¡DELl (DELl (DELl (DELl (DELl (DEL) (DELl (DELl (DELI (DELl (DEI
14:39:06 0:00:37
14:39:43 0:00:04
14:39:47 0:00:40 andersonewingbhabhay (BACKltl (DEL)
14:40:32 0:00:16
14:40:48 0:00:07
14:40:58 0:00:20
14:41:18 0:00:14 ¡DELl
14:41:32 0:00:04
14:41:36 0:00:06 (DELl (DELl
14:41:42 0:00:04
14:41:49 0:00:03 (DELl
14:41 :52 0:00:10 (DELl
14:42:03 0:00:03
14:42:06 0:02:13
14:44:19 0:01 :07
14:45:26 0:00:18
14:45:44 0:00:27
14:46:17 0:00:07
14:46:24 0:00:07 jasper
14:46:33 0:00:11
14:46:46 0:00:13
14:46:59 0:00:27
14:47:26 0:00:04
14:47:30 0:00:03
14:47:36 0:00:57
14:48:33 0:00:03
14:48:36 0:01:04
14:49:40 0:00:06
14:49:46 0:00:04
14:49:50 0:00:16 rchaddi (TABliaspe009 (ENTER)
14:50:06 0:00:04
14:50:10 0:01 :29 thompson
14:51:39 0:00:03
14:51 :42 0:00:14
14:51 :56 0:00:29
14:52:25 0:01:02
14:53:27 0:14:01
15:07:28 0:01 :01

15:08:29 0:07:30
15:15:59 0:00:06
15:16:07 0:00:06
15:16:13 0:00:23
15:16:36 0:00:33 Wheeler
15:17:09 0:02:15
15:19:24 0:01 :30
15:20:54 0:00:05
15:20:59 0:00:25
15:21:24 0:01 :02
15:22:26 0:14:00
15:36:26 0:01 :01

15:37:27 1 :25:47
17:03:14 0:00:06
17:03:20 0:01 :02
17:04:22 0:00:10
17:04:32 0:01 :05
17:05:37 0:00:30
17:06:08 0:01 :21 Kr. (BACK), (ENTER) (ENTER)I (SPACE)think (SPACE)lhe (SPACEJone (SPACE
17:07:29 0:00:13
17:07:42 0:00:04
17:07:49 0:00: 1 0 (DEll

17:08:01 0:02:13 That (SPACEJis (SPACE) (BACK) (BACK) (BACK) (BACK) (BACK) (BACKJYes, (~
17:10:15 0:00:21
17:10:36 0:01 :14
17:11 :50 0:03:23
17:15:13 0:01 :05 .~
17:16:18 0:00:29 Jj¡: . SS'2. \3¡
17:16:47 0:00:08
17:16:55 0:00:14 Irld
17:17:09 0:00:10
17:17:19 0:00:09
17:17:28 0:00: 1 0 chad dick
17:17:38 0:00:03
17:17:41 0:00:12
17:17:56 0:00:14
17:18:10 0:00:20
17:18:30 0:00:09 (DEL)
17:18:39 0:00:10 ¡DEL)
17:18:49 0:00:05
17:18:54 0:00:07 ¡DEL)
17:19:02 0:00:05
17:19:08 0:00:10
17:19:18 0:00:05
17:19:29 0:00:04
17:19:37 0:00:10
17:19:47 0:00:03
17:19:50 0:00:03
17:19:53 0:00:00

, (SPACElon ¡SPACEllhe (SPACE)Clark (SPACElschoo! (SPACElvan ¡SPACElwe (SPACE)have (SPAC


,lyou ¡SPACEJhave ¡SPACElis (SPACEJal (SPACEJ1 :30 (SPACEland ¡SPACEJI ¡SPACElhave ¡SPACEl,

¡PACEl (SPACElcount (SPACElhim (SPACEllardy ¡SPACEJif ¡SPACEJhe (SPACEldid (SPACElnot ¡SPil

SPACEjthios ¡SPACElbrings (SPACEla ¡SPACElsmile ¡SPACEjto (SPACElyour ¡SPACEJface (SPACEJi

:Elscheduled ¡SPACEjto (SPACEJuse ¡SPACEJon ¡SPACEjThursday (SPACE14/1. ¡SPACE) ¡SPACEJOu


iCE)have (SPACEJa (SPACEJpass (SPACEJand (SPACEJto (SPACEJrny (SPACEJknowledge (SPACEJhe

as ¡SPACElit ¡SPACEjdid ¡SPACEjme ¡BACK) ¡SPACEjand ¡SPACEjmay ¡SPACEjyou ¡SPACEjhave ¡SI

ir ¡SPACEjdebate ¡SPACEjtean ¡BACKjm ¡SPACEJwili ¡SPACEjneed ¡SPACEjto ¡SPACEjleave ¡SPACE

PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnoveillgroupwiselgrpwlse.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi c:lnovelllgroupwiselgrpwise.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram Fíles\NoveIlIZENworksINaIWin.exe
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:\Program Fllesllnternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram Files\lnternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddl C:IProgram Fllesllnternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram Fllesllnternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IProgram Fllesllnternet ExplorerIIEXPLORE.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddi C:IWINDOWSIExplorer.EXE
PISD203768 Rchaddi (logging finishedj
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