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A psychological test is an objective, organized and statistically refined instrument or method to

measure some specific skill, behavior or set of characteristics under standardized conditions. The
construction and standardization of such a test is largely a creative undertaking with its
constructed in accordance with definite principles. The present test was devised in order to meet
the pressing demand for a group test of intelligence in English. This test was developed by
Dr.G.C.Ahuja Former Research Officer, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore. This test
is devised to assess the general mental ability of children in the age group of 13-17+ Years. This
261-item test consists of eight sub tests: following directions, Classification, Analogies,
Arithmetic Reasoning, Vocabulary, Comprehension, Series, and Best Answers. Time required for
whole administration is 32 minutes.

Aim: To assess the intelligence of the subjects of the group using G.C.Ahujas Group Test of
Intelligence (GGTI).

Plan: To administer the GGTI to the group, score it and interpret the scores and find out the
intelligence of the subjects of the group.

Materials needed:

Reusable booklet
Scoring key
2. Stop clock
3. Writing materials


The test was administered in regular class-room. Students being tested should be seated apart.
The space provided to them should be so large that booklets and answer sheets can be used
without inconvenience. There are eight sub-tests in the test booklet. The first one is an additional
test of very easy items. It serves the purpose of building morale in the subjects. It enables them to
develop confidence and hence they get adjusted with the nature of the word. The performance of
this additional test is not taken into account. This fact is not revealed to the subjects. The
remaining seven sub tests from II to VIII are test proper. Answers are to be marked on the
separate answer sheet provided.

The time limit for each sub test should be strictly adhered to. For this a stop watch should be
First of all, the following orientation address should be delivered to establish the rapport:

Today I am going to give you very interesting and simple work to do. For class test you prepare
and study hard, but here for these tests, no advance preparation is needed. Also there is less of
writing business. You have simply to mark the answers and it will be fully explained with
examples how you have to do the work. For administering the test the following steps should be

1. Distribute the answer sheets and instruct the pupils to fill in the requested information in
the proper spaces.
2. Before distributing test booklets, make the following announcement so that it is clearly
understood: Do not open these booklets until I tell you to do so.
3. Read the main directions on the cover page of the test booklet.
4. Read general instructions on the reverse of the cover page of the test booklet.
5. Read practice examples and instructions relating to test I given on page 3 of the test
6. Show the space on the answer sheet for marking answers to the test.
7. Ask the pupils to get their doubts cleared (if any). For this, repeat appropriate sections of
the directions, or review the examples given, rather than employ new explanations or
8. Tell the pupils to revise the answers if they finish the test before time.
9. Tell them to turn the page of the test booklet and say Start. Start the stop watch and
after four minutes, say stop. Tell them to turn the page of the test booklet.
10. Go around to see that each student is marking properly. Follow the above procedure for
the remaining seven sub tests.


1. Score the test using stencils that has been provided. Score each sub test and find out the
total score.
2. Convert the raw score into DIQ (Differential Intelligence Quotient) according to the age
norms provided.
3. Interpret the DIQ using the classification provided.


Table 1: Shows the total score and DIQ value of the subject.

SCOR 09 18 15 06 20 07 11 12 89
DIQ 113
Interpretation: High average.

In table 1 subjects scores in test I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and VIII are 09, 18, 15, 06, 20, 07, 11
and 12respectively. The total score is 89, DIQ value is 113 and interpretation is High average.

Table 2: Shows the total test score, total DIQ and interpretation of the group.


01 ACS 103 123 Superior
02 AK 89 113 High average
03 BPA 94 115 High average
04 JS 79 103 Normal average
05 AO 98 125 Superior
06 CK 88 110 High average
07 NB 98 118 High average
08 SG 90 115 High average
09 DB 84 103 Normal average
10 APM 95 118 High average
TOTAL 918 115(G) High average
AVERAGE 91.8 118(B) High average

In table 2 total test score is 918 and the average is 91.8, total DIQ of girls is 115 and total DIQ of
boys is 118 and the interpretation for both boys and girls is High average.


The aim of experiment is to assess the intelligence of the subjects of the group using G.C.Ahujas
Group Test of Intelligence (GGTI). The test was conducted on AK, male and 19 years old. Table
1 shows individual results of the subject. In test I subject scored 09 which shows that subject is
good at following directions. In test II subject scored 18 which shows that subject is good at
classification. In test III subject scored 15 which shows that subject is good at analogies. In test
IV subject scored 06 which shows that subject is good at arithmetic reasoning. In test V subject
scored 20 which shows that subject is not that much good at vocabulary. In test VI subject scored
07 which shows that subject is good at comprehension. In test VII subject score is 11 which
shows that subject is good at series. In test VIII subject score is 12 which shows that subject is at
best answers.

The test was conducted on the group which consists of 10 subjects. Aged from 18 to 20
years. The subject ASC and AOs DIQ values are 123 and 125 respectively which shows that
their interpretation is superior. And subject JS and DBs DIQ values are 103 which shows that
their interpretation is normal average. DIQ values of boys and girls are 118 and 115 respectively
which shows that their interpretation is high average.


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