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I Controlled Axes 20
) 2 IncremenE Svstem ZU
3 Maximum Stroke 20


4.L Positioning (c00) 24
4.2 Single Direction Positioning (c60) 25
4.3 Linear Interpolation (G01) 26
4.4 Circular Inrerpolarion (c02, G03) 27
4.5 Helical Cutting (c02, c03) 29
4.6 Equal Lead Thread Curring (c33) 31

5.I Rapid Traverse 32
5.2 Cutting Feed Rate 32
5.2.I Tangential speed constant control 32
5.2.2 Cutting feed rate clamp 32
5.2.3 Feed per minute (G94) 33
5.2.4 Feed per revolution (c95) 33
5.2.5 One-digit F code feed . ....+ 33
5.3 Override 34
5.3. 1 Feed rate overri-de 34
5.3.2 Rapid traverse override 34
5.4 Automatic Acceleration/Deceleration 35
5.4. 1 Automatic acceler ation/deceleration after interpolation . 35
5.5 Speed Control at Corn ers of Blocks 36
5.5.1 Exact stop (G04) 37
5.5.2 Exact stop mode (G61) 37
5.5.3 CutLing mode (c64) 37
5,5.4 Tapping mode (c63) 37
5.5.5 Automatic corner override (G62) 38
5.6 Dwell, Exact Stop (c04) 4I
6.1 Automatic Reference Point Return (G28, G29)
6.1.1 Automatic return to reference point (G28) 42
6.I.2 Automatic return from reference point (C29) 43
6.2 Reference Point Return Check (G27) 43
6.3 2nd, 3rd, 4th Reference Point Return (G30) 44

7.L Programming of Work Coordinate System (G92, G54 to G59) 45
7.I.1 Setting work coordinate sysrem (c92) 45
7.1.2 Setting work coordinate system (G54 to cs 9) 47
7.f.3 Selecting work coordinate systern (G54 co G59) 48
7.1.4 Changing work eoordinate system by program command
(csa to csg) 49
7.f.5 Setting and display of work zero point offset amount 50
7 .I.6 Systern variables 5l
7.2 Plane Selection (G17, G18, Gt9) 52


B.f Absolute and Incremental Programming (G90, G91) 53
8.2 Inch/Metric Conversion (G20, G21) s3
8.3 Decimal Point Programming/Pocket Calculator Type
Decimal Point Programming 54


9. I Spindle Speed Command 56
9.1.1 S 2-digit code s6
9.I.2 S 5-digit code 56


10.1 Tool Selection Command 57
LO.2 Tool Life Management ... 57


11.1 Miscellaneous Function (M Function) 63
II.2 Auxiliary Functions 64


12.1 Tape Start ..e. 67
12.2 Leader Section and Label Skip . 67
L2.3 Program Start 67
L2.4 Program Section 68
I2.4.1 Main program and sub program 68
12.4.2 Program number 72
12.4,3 Sequence number and block IJ
12.4.4 0ptional block skip /5
12.4.5 Word and address
L2.4.6 Basic addresses and command value ranse 77
;:H:H ;:;'t:: :: :: :: :: :::::: :: .::: :: ::::..::::::::::: :: ::::.:: :: 79
L2.7 Tape End 79
";'.2 Tape Format 79
12.9 Tape Codes ... 79


I3.1 Canned Cycles (c73, Gl4, G76, G80 to GB9) 80
13.2 External Motion Function (G80, GB I) 95


14. I Tool Length Offset (c43, C44, G49) vo
L4.I.1 Tool length offset A... 96
14. f. 2 Tool length offset B . . . 98
L4.2 Cutter Cornpensation B (c39 to G42) 99
14.2.I Cut,ter compensation function. 99
14.2.2 Offset amount (H code) 100
14.2.3 Offset vector i00
L4.2.4 Plane selection and vector ... 100
14.2.5 Corner offset cj-rcular interpolation (G39) .... f01
L4.2.6 Cutter compensation cancel (G40) 101
14.2.7 Cutter comDensation left (G41) loz
14.2.8 Currer compensarion right (c42) 103
L4.2.9 General notes on offset 104
L4.2.10 Program example 106
14.3 Cutter Compensation C (G40 to c42) f07
14.3.1 Cutter compensation function . 107
i4.3.2 Offset amount (It code) f07
14.3.3 Offset veclor 107
14.3.4 Plane selection and vector ... i08
14.3.5 c40, c4l, and G42 . 108
L4,3.6 Details of cutter compensation C ... 110
L4.4 Changing of Tool Offset Amounr (Prograrnmable Dara Inpur) (G10) 140
14.5 Scaling (c50, c51)
14.6 Coordinate Systern Roration (c68, c69) l4l
14.6.1 Command fcrmat . L42
14.6.2 Relationship to other functions L44


15. I Skip Funcrion (c3I) I47

16. CUSTOM MACRO A ... L49

16. I Custom Macro Cou'unand ... .. 150
16.1.1 M98 (Single call) 150
16.1.2 Subprogram call using M code 150
16.1.3 Subprogram call using T code 150
f6.1.4 G66 (Modal call) 150
16.1.5 Argunent specification 151
16.2 Custom Macro Body . 153
L6.2.1 Variables. 153
16.2.2 Kind of variables 154
16.2.3 lulacro instrucrions (G65) 157
16.2.4 Notes on custom macro L62
1 6. 3 Example of Custbm Macro .4. . . f63
16.3. f Bolt hole circle 163
16.3.2 Pocket machining L64
16.3.3 Interface signal ... ..;.. 166
f6.3.4 Shearing machine ... 167
16.3.5 Program examples ... 167
16.4 Pattern Data Input Functj-on ... 169
16.4. I Pattern menu display 169
16.4.2 Pattern data display 172
16.4.3 Character-to-codes correspondence table L75

17. CUSTO}I MACRO B ... I77

17. I Macro Ca11 Corunand (Custom Macro Command) 179
I 7 . l. I Simple calls .1. . . 17 9
17. 1.2 Modal call . L82
I 7. 1.3 Macro call using G codes 183
17.1.4 Custoro macro call with M code 183
17.f.5 Subprogram call with M code 184
17.1.6 Subprogram call with T code 184
17.I.7 Dif ference between 1"198 (subprogram call) and
G65 (custom macro body call) ... 184
1.8 Multiplex calls
17. 185
I7.2 Creation of Custom Macro Bodlr i86
L7.2. I Custom macro body format 186
17.2.2 Variables 187
17.2.3 Types of varlables . f89
17.2.4 Arithnetic commands . 200
17.2.5 Control c,onnands ... 203
17 .2.6 Macro and CNC statements ... 208
17.2.7 Codes and words used in custom macro 2LI
I7.3 Registration of Custom Macro Body 2IL
17 .4 Limitations .. 2fl
i8. 10/11 TAPE FORMAT ... 2r3
18.1 Difference Points of Tape Format 2L3
18.2 Address and Range of Command Values 2L3
f8.3 Key Position . 2I4
18.4 Each Address Restrictions .'. . . . 2I4
18.5 Setting of Setting Parameters . 2L4
18.6 Cautions of Each Function 2L4




2.1 CRT/MDI Panel 23L
z.I.L MDI keyboard . 232
2.L.2 Function buttons 233
2.2 Machine Operator's Panel . 234
2.3 Tape Reader .. 236
2.3.I Portable ?'
tape reader .. '236
2.3.2 Note for handling tape reader .. 240
2.4 FANUC casserre BI/B?/E| 240
2.5 FANUC PPR . 247

3. POWER ON/OFF . )---



4.L l"lanual Ref erence Point Return 243
4.2 l'Ianua1 Continuous Feed 244
4.3 STEP Feed 246
4.4 Manual Handle Feed 247
4.5 Manual Absolute 0N and OFF . 249


5.1 Operation Mode . 255
5. 1.1 Memory operation 255
5.L.2 MDI operation . 255
5. f.3 MDI operation-B . 251
5.2 Starting Automatic Operation 259
5.3 Executing Automatic Operation . 259
5.4 Stopping Automatic Operation 259
5.4.I Program stop (M00) 259
.2 Optional- scop (M01 ) 259
5.4.3 Program end (M02, M30) 259
5.4.4 Feed hold 260
5.4.5 Reset 260
5.5 Program Re-Start 260
5.6 l'lanual Handle Interruption . 263
5.6-l Handle interrupt operation 263
5.6.2 Movement by handle interrupt 264
5.6.3 High-speed reference point return of handle interrupt axis 265
6.t A1l Axes I'lachine Lock . 266
6.2 Machine Lock on Each Axis (Z-axis only) 266
6.3 Auxiliary Function Lock ... 266
6.4 Feedrate Override zot
6.5 Rapid Traverse Override ... 267
6.6 Dry Run 267
6.7 Single Block 268


7.1 Emergency Stop 269
7.2 Overtravel zoY



o 1 Preparation for Part Program Storage and Editing Operation 27L
2 Registering Prograrn to Memory 27r
9.2.1 Registering with MDI key 27r
9.2.2 Registering from NC tape 271
9.3 Registering Several Programs on a Tape to Memory 271
9.4 Program Number Search 272
9.5 Deleti-ng a Program 272
9,6 Deleting A11 Programs 273
9.7 Punching a Program zt J
9.8 Punching A1l Programs . 273
9.9 Sequence Number Search ,1 /,

9. l0 Collating Programs in Memory and NC Tape . 275

.r'7 a
9.11 Inserti-on, Changing and Deleting the Word
9.1i.1 Word search 276
9.11.2 Inserting a word
9.11.3 Changing a word 280
9.1 .4 Deleting a word ..:.. 281
ol .5 Deleting up to an EOB . 281
9.11.6 Deleting blocks 28r
a 12 Automatic Insertion of Sequence No. 282
o 13 Background Editing . 282
9. 13. 1 Registration from MDI . . .1 . 283
9.13.2 Registration from CNC tape . 284
9. 13.3 CNC Eape punch . . . 284
q 14 Menu Prograrnming . . 284
o 15 Program Loading by TEACH IN Mode 286
o 16 Conversational Programming with Graphic Function 288
9. 16.I Prograroming . 288
9. 16.2 Confirmation of program . . . 290
9 . f6.3 Editing of program . . . 290
o 17 Nurnber of Regist.ered Programs . 29I
18 Part Program Storage Length 291
a t9 Editing Operation Using Full Keys 292


10.I Offset Amount 294
l0.l.l Setting and display of t,oo1 offset values
(function key: offset ) ... 294
L0.2 Setting Parameter (Function key: PAMI'I ) ... . 295
I0.3 Custom Macro Variable 297
f0.4 System Parameter 291
10.4. I Parameter dlsplay 291
i0.4.2 Parameter setting .. 298
10.5 Pitch Error Compensation Data 300
f0.6 Data Protection Key . 300
10.7 Software Operatorrs Panel 300
10.8 Tool Length Measurement 301

1 1. DISPLAY 303
I 1. I Program Display JUJ
IL.2 Displaying Program Memory Used 303
11.3 Command Value Display (Function key: PRGRM ) 305
lI.4 Display for Program Check 306
Il.5 Current Position Display (Function key: POS ) . .t. . . . . . 307
11.6 Display of Run Tirne and Parts Count 309
11.6.1 Actual position screen 309
1 I . 6. 2 Parameter setting screen 3 10
Il.7 Alarm Display (Function key: ALARM ) .. 311
If.8 Pattern Data and Pattern Menu Displav 311
tI.9 Clock 3r3


12.I Tool Offsets 314
12.2 Parameters JI4

13.1 What is a File 3r5
13.2 File Heading 315
13.3 Data Output Operation 3r6
13. 3. I CNC prQran output 3i6
f3.3.2 Offset data output 317
f3.3.3 parameter output
CNC 3r7
13.4 Data Input Operation 3L7
t3.4.1 CNC program input 3r7
13.4.2 Offset data input JId
13.4.3 CNC parameter input 318
13.5 File Deletion 318
L 3. 6 Precautions 318
i3.6.1 Request for cassette replacement 318
13.6.2 Cassette adaptor lamp conditions 319
f3.6.3 Write-protect key 319
13.7 Floppy Cassette Di-rectory Display 320
I3.7. I Display ... 320
13.7.2 File input/output 322
13.7.3 Other precautions 323


14.1 Drawing Range
I4.2 Setting of Graphic Parameter .. 327
14.2.1' Setting procedure of graphie parameter .. 327
L4.2.2 Details of graphic parameter . 328
L4.2.3 Tool path drawing . 329


I5.1 Outline JJU
L5.2 Fo1low-up Signal *FLWU 330
15. 3 Input Signal 330
15. 4 Cauti-on


1A I nicn]arr ???

L6.2 Operation 333



l. I Specifj-cation of Fuses 337
t. 2 Mounting Positions of Fuses JJ I
L.2.1 Power supply unit 337
I.2.2 Additional I/0 Bl 338
1 z.
L. ', )2 rnpuL
T-^,. unrt
ts ,,- -!

2, LGeneral 339
') 2 Checking Input Voltage, Peripheral Conditions, Operation,
Programming, Drives, Machine and Interface Control 339
3 NC System Check (No E.ools required) 34L
4 CNC Status Displav 34L
2.5 Display of Position Deviation
2.6 Display of Machine Position from Reference Point 5+J


















This manual describes the programming, operation, and daily maintenance for 0-MB
and 00-MB. This manual includes all optional functions. For the functions
unique to each CNC system, see APPENDIX 11 I'LIST 0F SPECIFICATIONS". ,

For which options are provided with your system, see machine tool builder I s
Sometimes, the specification and usage of the system may be different according
to t.he specification of the rnachine side operation panel.
So, see the machine tool builderts manual without, fail.
1.1 General Flow of Operation of CNC Machine Tool

When machining the part using the CNC machine tool, first prepare the program,
then operate the CNC machine by using the program.
l) First, prepare the prograrn from a part drawing to operate the CNC machine
too1, Then punch the paper tape to be read the program into the CNC system.
How to prepare the program is described in the Chapter II.
2) Paper tape is to be read into the CNC system. Then, mount the workpieces and
tools on the machine, and operate the tools aceording to the programming.
Finally, execute the machining actua11y.
How to operate the CNC system is described in the Chapter III.

Part drawing



Before the actual programming, make the machining plan for how to machj-ne the

Machining plan
l. Determination of workpieces machining range
2. Method of mounting workpieces on the nachine tool
3. Machining sequence in every cutting process
4. Cutting tools and cutting conditions
Decide the cutting method in every process



\-\_ Cutting
I a
Cutting ------\
procedure Face cutting Side cutting Hole machining
1. CuEting nethod
: Rough
2. Cutting tool
: Tools

3. Cutting conditions
: Feedrate
Cutt ing

4, Tool path

Face cutting

Prepare the program of the tool path and cutting condition according to the
workpiece figure, for each cutEing.

r:. rl il

1.2 Notes on Reading This Manual

1) The function of an CNC machine tool system depends not only.on the CNC, but
on the combination of the machine tool, its magnetic cabinet, the servo
system' the CNC, the operatorrs panels, etc. It is too difficult to describe
the function, programming, and operation relating to all connbinations. This
manual generally describes these fron the stand-polnt of the CNC. So, for
details on a CNC machlne tool, refer to the manual issued by the
rnachine tool bullder, which should take precedence over this manual.

2) This rnanual addresses as many subjects as posslble. But it would become too
voluminous to point out everything that should not or cannot be done.
Functlons which are not specifically stated as possible are impossible.
3) Notes refer to detailed and speeific items. So, when a irote is encountered,
terms used in it sometimes are not explained. In this case, first skip the
note' then return to it after having read over the manual for details.



l) Tool movement along workpiece parts figure Interpolation (See II-4)

The tool moves along straight lines and arcs constltuting the workplece parts
flgure. (See Note)
a) Tool movement along stralght line


b) Tool movement along arc

G03X -- Y -- R --;

The function of moving the tool along straight lines and arcs ls called the
Syutbols of the Progratmed commands G01, GO2, ... are called the preparatory
function and specify the type of interpolation conducted in the control unit.

Control unit

X axis
a) Movement along
staight line \n
colY _; /v Tool movement
,ll -' Y axis

t -
b) Movement along
( a) Movement along
arc '\ straight line
G03X R-; t
-Y- b; Mo"urnent along

Note) Thoughthe table rnay be moved without moving the tool in an actual
machine, thJ.s manual assumes that the tool noves with respect to the


2) Feed Feed function (See II-5)





Movement of the tool at a specified speed for cutting a workpiece is called

the feed. Feedrates can be specified by using actual numerics. For example,
to feed the tool at a rate of 150 uun/min, specify the following in the
F150. 0

The function of deciding the feed rate is called the feed funetion.
3) Part drawing and tool movenent
a) Reference point (fixed position on rnachine)
An NC machine tool is provided with a fixed position. Nornally, tool
change and prograurming of absolute zero point as described later are
performed *t this position. This position is called the reference point.

The t,ool can be moved to reference poi_nt in two ways:

i) Manual reference point return (See III-4.1)
Reference point return is perforrned by manual button operation.
ii) Automatic reference point return (See II-6.1)
Reference point return is performed in accordance with progranme,
In general, manual reference point return is performed flrst after th,
pov{er is turned on. In order to move the tool to reference point fo:
tool change thereafter, the function of automatic reference poin
return is used.


b) Coordinate system on part drawing and coordinate system specified by NC

--- Coordinate svstem (See III-8)

Program Command

Coordinate system
Part drarving lviachine tool

There are t\ro types of coordinate systems.

i) Coordinate system on part drawing
The coordinate system is written on the part drawing. As the program
data, the coordinate values on this coordinate system are used.
ii) Coordinate system specified by NC
The coordinate systen is prepared on the rnachine tool tab1e. Thi.s can
be achieved by prograrnning the distance from the present position of
the tool to zero point of the coordinate to be set.

of tool

Distance to zero point of

coordinate system to be set

hlhena workpiece is set on the table, these two coordinate systems lay
as follows:

part drawing established

on the workpiece

Coordinate system
established on the

- lt -
The tool moves on the coordinate system specified by the NC in accordance
with the command program generated with respect to the coordinate system
on the part drawing, and cut a work piece into a shape on the drawing.
Therefore' in order to correctly cut the workpiece as specified on the
drawing, the two coordinate systems must be set at the same position.
To set the two coordinate systems at the same positlon, simple methods
sha11 be used according to workpiece shape, the number of machlnings.
Some examples are shown below:
i) Using a standard point of the work.
Bring the Eool center to the standard
point. And set the coordinate system
Work standard point specified by NC at this position.


ii) Mountl"ng a workpiece directly against the jig.
Meet the tool center to the reference
point. And set the coordinate system
point specified by CNC at this position.
Jig shall be mounted on the pre-
determined point from the reference

tl iii) Mounting a pallet wj-th a workpiece against the jig.

I Jig and coordinate system shall be

specified the same as ii).

c) How to indicate command dimensions for moving the tool Absolute,
incremental commands (See II-8.1)
Coordinate values of comrnand for moving the tool can be indicated by
absolute or incremental designation.
i) Absolute coordinate values
The tool moves to a point at the distance from zero point of the
coordinate system, i.e. to the position of the coordinate values.


A (1s,60,40)


Specify the tool movement from point A to point B by using the

coordinate values of point B as follows:
G90X10.0Y30. 0220.0;

ii) Incremental coordinate values

Specify the distance from the previous tool position to the next tool



*:j; -




Specify the tool movement from point A to point B as follows:

c9 1X40. 0Y-30. 0z- 10. 0;

4) Cutting speed Spindle speed functlon (See II-9)


IL --t
Workpiece I
The speed of the tool with respect to the workpiece when the workpiece is cut
is called the cutting speed.
As for the CNC, the cutting speed can be specified by the spindle speed in
rpm unit.
For example, when a workpiece having a diameter of 100 nn should be machined
at a cutting speed of 80 nrm/nln, the cutting speed in rpm is calculated
to be approx. 250 rprn from N = 1000 V/nD. Therefore, specify the following:
S 250;
Spindle speed co*mand is called spindle speed function.
5) Selection of tool used for various machining Tool Funetion (See II-10)

Tool number

ATC magazine

I^lhen dri11ing, tapping, bearing, milling or the like, is performed, it is

necessary to select a suitable tool. When a number is assigned to each tool
and the number 1s specified in the program, the NC selects the corresponding
For example, when No.01 is assigned to a drilling tool and the tool is stored
at No.0l of the ATC magazine, the tool can be selected by specifying:
This function is called the tool function.

6) Command for operations ----- Miscellaneous function (See II-11)
When machinlng is actually started, it is necessary to rotate the spindle,
and feed coolant. For this purpose, on-off operations of spindle motor and
coolant valve should be controlled.

Spindle rotation


The function of specifying rhe on-off operations of the components of the

machine is called the miscellaneous function. In general, the function i-s
specified by an M code.
For example, when M03 is specified, the spindle is rotated clockwise at the
specified spindle speed.
7) Programconfiguration (See II-12)
A group of commands givpn to the NC for operating the machine is called the
program. By specif)'ing the conmands, the tool is moved along a straight line
or an arc, or the spindle notor is turned on and off.
In the program, specify the conmands in the sequence of act.ual tool move-



Program Tool movement sequence

I Block I

A group of commands at each step of the sequence is called the block. The
program consists of a group of blocks for a series of machining. The number
for discriminating each block is called the sequence number, and the number
for discriminating each program is cal1ed the program number
The block and the program have the following configurations.


_ 15 _
a) Block


s_:31:1." preparatory Interpolation Spindle End of

numDer funltion function function block
Miscellaneous Tool
function function

Each block consists of a sequence number for indicating the NC operatlon

sequence at the beginnlng of the block, and a CR code for lndicating the
end of the block.

b) Prograrn

Program number

M3O CR end of program

Normally, a program number is speclfied after the CR code at the beginning

of the program, and a program end code (M02, M30) is specified at the end
of the program.


c) Main program and subprogram

Mrin program

-----l Scbpiogrrm#l

I I r ----r
-- )-|

--j==-." '/"i I
Program for hole #l

M98P'1002 l.t'-.----...-.- ....--.--l

Ntsg I

-/ --

M98P1001 Subprogram #2

-- ---l- or ooz ----"1

Program for hole #2

Lryg_ _ ____J

Hob *1 Hole #l

Hole #2
Hole #2

When machining of the same pattern appears at many portlons of a program,

a Program for the pattern is created. This is calfed the subprogram. On
the other hand, the original program ls ca1led the naln program. When a
subprogram execution comnand appears during execution of the maln program,
conutrands of the subprogran are executed. When execution of the subprogran
is finished, the sequence returns to the main program.
8) Tool figure and tool motion by program (See II-14.1)
a) Machining using the end of cutter Tool length compensation function.
Usually, several tools are used for machining one workpiece. The tools
have different tool length. It is very troublesome to change the program
in accordance wlth the tools.

Standard tool


Therefore, a standard tool is selected, anci the difference between the
position of the nose of the standard tool and the position of the nose of
eaeh tool used is measured in advance. B,v setting the rneasrrred value in
the NC (data display and setting: see III-11), rnachining can be performed
without alterjng the program even whcn the tool is changed.
. This function is ca1led the tc'o]. length conpensation.
b) Machining rrsJng the side of cutter Cutter radius compensation (See
Because a cutter has a radlrrs, the cente!- of the cutter path goes around
the workpiece vrith the cutter radius deviated.

Cutter path using

cutter radius compensation

Machining part figure


If raditrs of cutters are stored in menory, the tool can be uroved by cutter
radius apart from the machining part figure. Thls function is ca1led
cutter radius compensation.

9) Tool movement range ----- Stroke check
An area whieh the tool cannot enter can be specified by parameters. This
functlon is called the stroke check.

I Tutte
l--- ____r

L_---l L- .t'
tTr' -
7/////U//////////Z///////t Rererencepoint
2 7
2',, .- -t-i
t, ',
- ---{
:l I



2.1 Controlled Axes

No. of basic controlled axes 3 axes

Controlled axes expansion l'lax. I axis (Max. 4 axes in total)

Basic simultaneouslv controll-ed axes 2 axes

Simultaneously controlled axes Max. 4 axes


(Note) PMC axis can be expanded up to the 2 axes by an option.

2.2 Increment System

Least input increment Least comnand increment Maximum stroke

0.001 mm 0.00I mm 99999.999 mm

0.0001 inch 0.0001 inch 9999.9999 inch
0.001 deg 0.00f deg 99999.999 deg

In increment systern 1/I0


Least input increment Least command increment Maximum stroke

0.000f mm 0.000f rur 9999.9999 mm

0.00001 inch 0.00001 inch 999.99999 inch
0.0001 deg 0.0001 deg 9999.9999 des

Combined use of the inch system and the metric system is not allowed. There are
functions that cannot be used between axes with different unit systems (circular
interpolation, cutter radius compensati.on, etc.)
For the incremen! system, see the machine tool builder's manual.
2.3 Maximum Stroke

Maximum stroke = Leagt command i-ncrement x 99999999

See 2.2 Increment Svstem.


A number following address G determines the meaning of the command for the con-
cerned block.
c enl,Ps Are divi ded into the rurruwrug
u Lvsev
F^1 1^,'i6ft Lwo tsr
Fr'^ Lypes.

- I Y" Meaning

One-shot G code The G code is effective only in the block in whieh it is

Dgc!tllgu.f -i ^l

Modal G code The G code is effective until another G code of the same
srolrD is sneeified.

GOl and G00 are modal G codes in group 01.
{:t I I x
ut GOl is effective in this range
Y-. t
uvvL t
The following G codes are offered.

G code Funct ion

c00 Positionlng (Rapid traverse)

G01 Linear interpolation (Cutting feed)
GO2 Circular interpolation/Helical CW

c03 Circular interpolatio*/Helical CW


G09 Exact stop

GLO n^+^
ud Ld ^^*+i--
DE L L r!r5

cll Data setting mode cancel

G 17. XY olane selection

GIB 02 ZX plane selection

cl9 Y /. n l2nc qp lparr on

G20 T**,,f
rrrPuL i-
r!l .'-^L
r\) 1
Input in mm

uLt Reference point return check

c28 Return to reference point
G29 Return from reference point
G30 2nd reference point return

i:.i ,

i/ il'

llllj a
ll,.lt Function
G code Group
iil G31 00 Skip function
c33 0l Thread cutting
G39 00 Corner offset circular interpolation
iil G40 Cutter compensation cancel
G4i 07 Cutter compensation left
G42 cutter comPensation right
G43 Tool length compensation * direction
G44 08 Tool length compensation - direetion
c49 Tool length compensation cancel
G50 Scaling cancel
G51 S caling
Gf1+ Work coordinate svstem I selection

c55 Work coordinate system 2 selection

Gfo Work coordinate system 3 selection

Work coordinate system 4 selection

c58 I,iork coordinate sY stem 5 selection

G59 Work coordinate system 6 selection

c60 00 Single direction Positioning

G61 Exact stop mode

G62 Automatic corner override

Tanni no mnde

*tat* -.*
c65 00 Macro call, Ilacro comman-d-

GOO --*
F1acro modal call
\ LL
l'lacro modal cal l cancel

c68 Coordinate rotation

G69 Coordinate rotation cancel

- LZ -
G code uruuP Func t i on

G73 !Porb
svA Arillino
ur rrrrrrS nrrnla

Gl4 Counter tapping cycle

tr/O Fine boring
GBO Canned cycle cancel
c8l Drilling cycle, spot boring
G82 Drilling cycle, counter boring
GB3 09 Peck dri I I ing evcle

GB4 T-*^;'--
rdyPf ^.,^1^
116 Ly Lrs

GB5 Boring cycle

c86 Boring cycle
G87 Baek boring cycle

c88 Boring cycle

c89 Boring cycle
c90 Ab solut.e conmand
not command -
aot 00 Programming of absolute zero point
G94 Foorl nor minrrt-o
c95 Feed per rotation

\ Return to initial point in canned cycle
G99 Return to R point in canned cycLe

(Note l) G codes marked \ are initial G codes when turning power on.
For G20 and G2l, the G code before turning power off remains. G00 or
G0l can be selected by parameter setting.
(Note 2) uT LUUEJ
-^A^- ^ F E;rUUy
UI ftr^rrn OO aro nnl- mnd: I . Therr
rlrsJ ara only effective in the
block in which they are specified.
(Note 3 ) If a G code not listed on the table of G codes is i--..ts+^r
tLIPULLEUT v! utru ional

G code not specified in the system is commanded, an alarm (llo.0l0) is

di sp lay ed .
(Note 4) A number of G codes can be specified in the same block. l'lhen more than
one G code of the same group is specified, the G code specified later
is effective.
(Note 5) If. any G code of group 0t is specified in a canned cycle mode, che
canned cycle is automatically cancelled and the GB0 condj-tion is
entered. However a G code of group 0i is not affected by any of the
canned cycle G codes.
(Note 6) A G code is displayed from each group.


ii 4.1 Positioning (G00)

G00 specifies positioning.
A tool to a certain posltion in the work coordinate

l moves system with an

absolute command or to a position specified distance from the current pos i t ion
with an incremental comnand at a rapid traverse rate.
GOO IP-; ;

where lP-: Cornbination of optional axis address (of X, y, Z, A, B, C) as

x-Y-z-A-.. .
This nanual uses this notation hereinafter
; : End of block (LF for ISO code, CR for EIA code)
This manual uses this notatoin hereinafter.
- Non linear interpolation type posltioning
Positioning is done with each axis independently. Tool path generally does
not become a straight line.

Starting point

/ Non linear interpolation positionjng
Eno potnt

(Note 1) The rapid traverse rate in the G00 coumand is set for each axis
independently by the machine tool builder (parameter No. 0518 to No.
0521). Accordingly, the rapid traverse rate cannot be specified in the
address F.
In the positioning mode actuated by G00, the tool is accelerated to a
predetermined speed at the start of a block and is decelerated at the
end of a b1ock. Execution proceeds to the next block after confirming
the in-position. (See Note 2).
(Note 2)'rln-position" means that the feed motor is withln the specified range.
(This range is determined by the roachine tool builder) (Parameter No.
0500 to No. 0503).

4.2 Single Direction Positioning (G60)

For accurate positioning without backlash, final positioning .from only one
direction is available.
(Direction for final
Start point O+_--__J positioning is right
End point to left).
G60 is used insEed of G00 as below.
G60o B _\_6_;
An overrin-and--a pos-itionii[direction are set by the parameteT (No. 204 - 2O7z
P0STNI - 4, No. 29: G60X, Y, Z, 4). Even when a commanded positioning direction
coincides with that set by the parameter, the tool stops once before the end
point. (s, B, y, 6 = X, Y, Z or which one of additional axis A, B, C, U, V, W.
Simultaneous 3 axis is option. )

End point Temporary

(Note 1) G60 is a one/short G code.

(Note 2) During drilling canned cycle, no Single Direction Positioning is
effected in Z.
(Note 3) No Single Direction Positioning is effected in an axis for which no
voerrun has been set by the parameter.
(Note 4) When the move distance 0 is commanded, the Single Direction PosLtioning
is not performed.
(Note s) The direction set by the parameter is not effected by mirror image.
(Note 6) The Single Direction Positioning does nor apply to the shift motion in
the canned cycles of G76 and G87.

4.3 Linear Interpolation (G01)

GOl P F;
This comiland i-ctuates the linear interpolation mode. The values of lP define
the distance of tool travel which will be conducted in absolute or incremental
mode, according to the current status of G90/G91. The feed rate is set to a
cutting feed speed commanded by F code and is a modal data.
(Program example)
(c91) GOl x200. 0 YI00. 0 F200. 0 ;

Y axis

t 00.0

X lxis
(Start point) 200.0

The feed rate conmanded by the F code is ueasured along the tool path. If ir is
not coruranded, the feed rate is regarded as zero.
(Note 1) The feed rate of, each axis directlon is as follows.

Gole o B
Feed rate of q axis direction: Fc = * . t
Feed direction: FB = f
rate of B axis . t
Feed rate of y axis direction: Fy =
f ' f
Feed rate of E axis direction: Fe =
* ' t
(Note 2) The feed rate of the roa"r, axis is commanded in the unit of deg/min
(the unit is decimal point position)
G9l cOi B-90. 0 F300. :

(Start point)

@nd point) \Rotation rate is 300 deg/min.



4.4 Circular lnterpolation (G02, G03)

The command bel-ow wl1l move a tool along a clrcular arc.

Arc on X-Y plane
^1 1/ t.G02. R
\,1 {-I }T
Arc on Z-X plane
c,8 ,33it tr
,R }F
Arc on Y-Z plane
crs r[!]r I r

Date to be given Command Meaning

I Plane selection trI / Specification of arc on XY plane

cl8 Specifi-cation of arc on ZX plane

ci9 Specification of arc on YZ plane
L Direction of an., Clockwise direction (CW)
rotat ion
c03 Counterclockwise direction (CCW)

End point G90 mode Two of the X, End point position in the work
position Y, and Z axes coordinate system
G91 mode Two of the X, Distance from start ooint to end
Y, and Z axes point 4
4 Distance from start Tvro of the I, The signed distance from start
point to center J, and K axes point to center
Arc radius R Arc radius
5 Feed rate F Velocity along arc

The view is from the positive direction of the Z axis (Y axis or X axis) to the
negative direction on XY plane (ZX plane or \Z plane) in the right hand
Cartesian coordinate system.

I \\ \
"o' \\co3
lcor\ \

I G17

Clockwise and counterclockwise directions

The end point of an arc ls specified by address X, Y or Z, and is expressed as
an absolute or incremental value according to G90 or G91. For the incremental
value, the coordinate of the end point which is viewed from the start point of
the arc is specifled. The arc center is specified by addresses I, J, and K for
the X, Y, and Z axes, respeetively. The numerical value following I, J, or K,
however, is a vector component in which the arc center is seen from the start
point, and is always specified as an incremental value irrespective of G90 and
G9 I, as shor,rn below.

End point (x, y) End point (2, x)

xl z1
| lt t_

nnin t tart nni 11i
Start point
Center I Center j
Programming for circular interpolation

I, be signed according to the direction.

J , and K must
The radius can be specified with address'R instead of specifying the center by
I, J ,orK.
The command format is as follows:
c02 l Y
In this case, two types of arcs (one arc is less than 180o, and the other is
more than 180") are considered, as shown in the figure below. hrhen an arc
exceeding 180o is commanded, the radius must be specified with a negative value.
(Examp le q ).
For arc (!) (1ess than 180')
c9 rc02x60. 0Y20. 0R50. 0F300. 0:
For arc O, (gr"ffithan i8o')
c9 IG02X60. 0Y20. 0R-50. 0 F300. 0;


End point


: j ir'r.1; I
l:i,,,,";. 'i. '
' l, l,t:-t1,

(Program examPles)
Y axis




X axis
0 90 r20 140 200

The above tool path can be programmed as follows:

l) In absolute programming
G92 x200.0 Y 40.0 z0 ;
c90# c03 x140.0 Y100.0 r-60.0 F300. :
c02 x120.0 Y 60.0 I=50.0 ;
G92 X200.0 Y 40.0 Z0 t
c90 G03 xr40.0 Y100.0 R60.0 F300. ;
c02 xl20.0 Y 60.0 R50.0 ;
2) In incremental programming
c9l c03 x-60.0 Y 60.0 r-60.0 F300. ;
c02 x-20.0 Y-40.0 r-50.0 ;
c91 c03 X-60.0 Y 60.0 R 60.0 F300. i
c02 x-20.0 Y-40.0 R 50.0 ;
The feed rate in circular interpolation is equal to the feed rate specified by
the F code, and the feed rate along the arc (the tangegtial feed rate of the
arc) is controlled to be the specified feed rate.
(Note 1) I0, J0, and K0 can be omitted.
(Note 2) If X, Y, and Z are all omitted or if the end point is located at the
same posi-tion as the start point, and when the center is commanded by
I, J, and K, an arc of 360o (a complete circle) is assumed.
c02I ; (A complete circle)
when nTs-@ an arc of 0o is programmed.
GO2R ; (The cutter does not move.)
(Note 3) The error between the specified feed rate and the actual tool feed rate
' is *2 - or less. However, this feed rate is measured along the arc
after the cutter compensation iS applied.
(Note 4) If I, J, K, and R addresses are specified'simultaneously, the arc
specified by address R takes precedence and the other are ignored.
(Note 5) If an axis not comprising the specified plane is commanded, an alarm j,s
4.5 Helical Cuttins (G02, c03)

Helical interpolation is enabled by specifylng another axis which moves

synchronously with the circular interpolation by circular commands. That is,
the Lool can be moved helicallv.
ur/ ,G02. rr\ I D
tGo3J Lr r I t
^ !U

c18 ,G02
\ rR
tI }Y t

cl9 tco: ,R-
tJ- lv

The command method is to simply add a move command axis which is not circular
interpolation axes.

An F command specifies a feed rate along a circular arc. Thereforc - the feed
t !rr\
rate of the linear axis is as follows:

-- " Length of Linear axis

Length of circular arc
Determine the feed rate so the linear axis feed rate does not exceed any of the
various limit values.

Tool path

The feedrate along the circumference

of two circular interpolated axes is
the specified feedrate.

(Note l) Cutter compensation 1s applied only for a circular arc.

(Note 2) Tool length compensation cannot be used in a block in which a helical
cutting is commanded.
(Note 3) The additional axes can be specified as not the circular axes but the
linear axes.

4.6 Equal Lead Thread Cutting (G33)

Equal lead straight threads can be cut with a G33 command.

The command shown below is used for thread cutting and the lead is specified
numerically following address F.
In general, thread cutting is repeated along the same tool path 1n rough cutting
through finish cutting for a screw. Since thread cutting starts when the
positlon coder mounted on the spindle detects a I-turn signal, threading is
started at a fixed point and the tool path on the workpiece is unchaged for
repeated thread cutting. NoEe that the spindle speed must remain constant from
!vu6rr crrttins th-^..-L
fIMIDTT ^..!+ jh-
l! f -^r
lluL, inCOrt.eCt
I thread leaO will OCCur.
In general, the lag of the servo system, etc. will produce somewhat incorrect
leads at the starting and ending points of a thread cut. To compensate for
this, a threading length somewhat longer than required should be specified.
Programmable lead legnth is as follows:

Least command increment Lead range

lrfafrin innrrf 0.001 mm Fl - F50000
(0.01 - 500.00 mm)
0.0001 mm F1 - F50000
(0.01 - 500.00 mm)

Tnnh i nnrr l- 0.000I inch Fl - F500000

(0.000i - 50.0000 inch)
0.00001 inch Fl - F99999
(0.0001 - 9.9999 inch)

The spindle speed is limited as follows:

Maximum feedrate
I <K
Thread Ieao
Allowab le number of positlon coder revolutions
p. spindle speed (rpn)
Thread lead or inch : mm
Maximum feed rate: mm/min or inch/mj,n
The smaller value of the maximum command value in the feed
per minute or of the maximum feed rate subj ect to
restriction by motors and machine tool.
Allowab le number of position coder revolutions: 4000 rpm (position coder A)
6000 rpm (position coder B)
(Note I ) Spindle speed is read continuously from the position coder mounted on
the spindle and converted into the feed raEe per minute to feed the
(Note 2) Feedrate override is applied to the converted feedrate, but is fixed to
(Note 3) The converted feed rate applied with the feed rate clamp.
(Noce 4 ) The feed hold is ineffective during thread cutting. If the feed hold
button is pushed during thread cuEting, the tool stops at the end point
of the block immediately following the block in which Ehread cutting is
5.1 Rapid Traverse

Positioning is done in rapi<i motion by the positjoning command (G00).

There is no need to program rapid traverse rate, because the rates are set in
the parameter (parameter No. 05lB to No. 0521) (per axis).
Rapid traverse rate can be overridden by a switch on the machine operator I s
F0, 25, 50, 1002.
F0: A eonstant speed set by parameter (data No. 0533)
5.2 Cutting Feed Rate

Feed speed of llnear interpolation (G01), and circular interpolation (G02, G03)
are conmanded with numbers after the F code.
5.2.1 Tangential speed constant control
In cutting feed' it is controlled so that speed of the tarrgential dlrectlon is
always the same commanded speed.

Starting point
\ \E-
\ rr
End point
/', \l
/ 'xl l\at-

./ L_J

Starting End point


For arc

F: Feedrate along tangential dlrection

Fx: Feedrate component along X-axis direction
Fz:, Feedrate component along Z-axls direction
F = G;ryfrt
5.2.2 Cutting feed rate clamp
cuttlng feed rate uPper liurit can be set as parameter (data No.
actual cutting feed rate (feed rate with override) is conrmanded0527). rf the
exceedlng the
upPer limit, it i-s clanped to a speed not exceedlng the upper
The clamped va'lues is set in mr/rnin or inch/urln. linit value.
Except during acceleration or deceleration, the cNC arithmetlc
command value of the feed rate is hrithin +22. This error
error for the
measured for the tool to move a dlstanG of 500 mm or is applied to the tine
conditions. more'under stationary)


5.2.3 Feed per minute (G94)
With the per minute feed mode G94, tool feed rate per minute is directlv
commanded bv numerical value after F.

Feed per minute

(mm/min or inch/min)

5.2.4 Feed per revolution (G95)

Specify feed per revolution mode by G95.
Following F, direetly specify the feed of tool per spindle revolution. It is
necessary to mount a position coder on the spindle.
c95 is modal. After G95 is specified, it is effective until G94 (feed per
minute) is specified.
Feed per spindle revolution
(mm/rev or inch/rev)

Per revolution feed

(Note) When the rotation speed of the position coder is I rpm or less, the feed
rate becomes nonunif orm.
In cases where rnachining is not adversely affected by feed rate
nonuniformity, the position coder can be used at I rpm or less.
Though the degree of nonuniformity differs according to the case, the
degree becomes large as the rotation speed becomes low under I rpm.
5.2.5 One-digit F code feed
Specifying a one-digit number (1 to 9) following F produces a feed rate set
correspondingly to that number. The feed rate is set in advance as a parameter
for each number. F0 produces rapid traverse speed.
Rotating the manual pulse generator with the F l-digit feed rate change switch
on the machine operatorfs panel ON, increases or decreases the feed rate for the
currently selected number.
The increase or decrease of feed rate AF = -Fmax i per scale of manual pulse
where, Fmax l: feed rate upper limit for Fl-F4 (parameter setEing No. 583)
Fmax2: feed rate upper limit for F5-F9 (parameter setting No. 584)
X:any value of l-127 (parameter setting No. 216)

The feed rate set or altered is kept even while the power 1S off. The current
feed rate is displayed on the CRT.
When plural manual pulse generators are available, use the Ist manual pulse
generator without fail.
Format of G94 and G95 is shown below.

Feed per minute Feed per revolution

Meaning Tool feed amount oer minute Tool feed amount per
Address F F

G code G94 c95

Override Overrides can be applied.

Clamp The feed rate is clamped at the maximum feedrate.
Value The clamp value is set by the machine tool builder.
(The feedrate with an override applied is clamped.)

5.3 Override
Refer to machine tool builderfs manual for detai,ls of overrides.
5.3.1 Feed rate override
The per minute feed (G94) can be overridden using the switch on the machine
operatorrs panel by:
0 to 1502 (per every IO7") .
Feed rate override cannot. be applied to functions in which overrj-de 1s . in-
5.3.2 Rapid traverse override
Rapid traverse rate can be overridden using the switch on the machine operatorrs
panel by:
!'0, 25 , 50, 1002.
F0: A constant speed set by parameter (data No. 0533)


5.4 Automatic Acceleration/Deceleration

5.4.1 Automatic acceleration/deceleration after interpolation

Acceleration and deceleration 1s performed when st.arting and ending movement,
resulting in smooth start and stop.
Automatic acceleration/deceleration is also performed when feed rate changes, so
change in speed is also srnoothly done.
It is not necessary to take acceleration/deceleration into consideration when
Rapid traverse:Liner acceleration/deceleration (time constant is parameEer
set per axis) (Dara No. 0522 to 0525)
Cuttlng feed : Exponential acceleration/deceleration (time constant is para-
meter set conmon to al1 axes) (Data No. 0530)
Jogging feed : Exponential acceleration/deceleration (time constant is para-
meter ser per axis) (Data No. 0601 to 0604)
Rate after acceleration/deceleration
Rate after interpolation control

Servo motor
Pulse distribution

R.Bte after interpolation

Rate after acceieration/decelera tion

Rate after acceleration/deceleration


Rapid traverse
- Rapid traverse
-R Accelerat ion,/
deceleration time
(data No. 0522 to
0s 2s)

t* -l t*"

JOG feed
Jog feed rate r

'J' Jog feed time constant :

Speed FJ (data No. 0530)

Fr: Low feed rate after
F1 " deceleration
(dara No. 0548)
*Ty TJ

F:c Feed rate, Dry run

F:c Acceleration/
time constant
(data No. 0530)

5.5 Speed Control at Corners of Blocks

For linear acceleration/deceleration after interpolation, the acceleration or

deceleration is applied in feed start and feed stop, automatically with a time
constant so that the machine tool system is not jarred. Therefore, this need
not be considered when programming.
Because of automatic acceleration and deceleration, corners are not cut sharply.
In this case' cieceleration command (G04;) rnust be commanded at the corner to cut
For example, if the tool moves along the X axis only in one block and along the
Z axis in the next block' the feed rate for the X axis decelerates while motion
along the Z axis accelerates and the actual tool path is as follows.

Insert a deceleration command here

'/ X Programmedpath

Actual tool path


If the decele.ration command is j-nserted, the actual tool path matches the pro-
grarnmed path. The faster the feed rate and the larger the acceleration/
decereration tiine constant, the larger the error at the corner.
In circular lnterpolation, the actual arc radius is smaller than that of the
prograuuned arc. (See the Appendix. 3) This error can be mininized by rnaking
the acceleration/deceleration time constant of feed rate sma11.

(Note I) The following chart shows feed rate changes between blocks of
information specifying different types of movement.
Prev ious
-----_r_...--. block
New -------\ Posi t ioning Feed Not moving
Posi t ioning x x

Feed x o x
Not moving x

The next block is executed after commanded rate has decelerated to

The next block is executed sequentially so that the feed rate is not
changed by very much.
However in the block G09 is specified or G6l mode, the next block is
not execut,ed until the feed rate is decelerated and reached to zero.
5.5.1 Exact stop (G04)
Move command in blocks commanded wiEh the command (G04;) decelerates, and
-in-nnqi t.i nn nhonI is performed. This command (G04; ) is not necessary for
deceleration at Ehe end point for positioning and in-position check is also done
r.l ^ ^ 1 1 ,,
duLUrudLrLdLLy. This func.tion is used when sharp edges are required for work-
piece corners in cutting feed.
r'Nnro I ) rrTn-nncigiontt means that the feed motor is within the specif ied range.
(This range is determined by machine tool builder.)

5.5.2 Exact stop mode (G61)

l.lhen G6 I
is commanded, deceleration is applied to the en? point of cutting block
and in-position check is performed per block thereafter. This G6l is valid till
G61+ (cutting mode) , G62 (automatic corner override), or G63 (tapping mode) is

5.5.3 Cutting mode (G64)

When G64 is commanded, deceleration at the end point of each block thereafter is
not performed, and cutting goes on to the next block. This command is valid
till G6t (exact stop mode), G62 (automatic corner override), or G63 (tapping
mode) is commanded.
However, in G64 mode, feed rate is decelerated to zero and in-position check is
performed in the following case;
I) Posj-tioning mode (G00, c60)
2) Block with exact stop check (G09)
3) Next block is a block without movemenc cornmand
5.5.4 Tapping mode (G63)
When G63 is commanded, feed rate override is ignored (always regarded as l00Z)'
and feed hold also becomes invalid. Cutting feed does not decelerate at the end
of block to transfer to the next block. This command is valid till G6I (exact
stop mode), G62 (automatic corner override), or G64 (cut-ting mode) is commanded.
5.5.5 Automatic corner override (G62)
When G62 is commanded during cutter compensation, cutting feed rate is
automatically overridden at corner. The cutting quantity per unit time of the
corner is thus controlled so as no! to increase. This command is valid till G61
(exact stop mode), G64 (cutting mode), or G63 (tapping mode) is comnanded.
If cutting is made at a programmed feedrate at inner circular region during the
execuEion of the cutter compensation, Ehe cutter may be overloaded to rough cut
surfaces. This function automatically decelerates the tool movement to lighten
the cutter load at these region so as to obtain clean cut surfaces.
1) Automatic override at inner corners
a) Operating conditions
The feedrate is automatically overridden when all the following
conditions are satisfied in both blocks before and after a corner.
i) G code of group 0I is G0I, G02, or G03
ii) The offset quantity is not 0 in the offset mode.
i.ii) The offset is made inside at a corner to be machined.
iv) An axis moves along the offset plane.
v) Neither G4I nor G42 command is included in the subsequent block.
vi) Neither G4l nor G42 command is included in the previous block, or the
block is not started up, if either command is included.
vii) An inner corner is smaller than 0 preset by a parameter.
The angle is judged about the programmed path.
i) Straight line - straight line
Programmed path

Cutter center path

ii) Straight line-arc

iii) Arc - straight line

iv) Are - arc

t'lhen 0 5 0p, the corner is regarded as inside.
0p value is set by parameter (No. 0215) (2S0pSl78 unir.)
rf I is almost, equal to gp, the decision may include an error wirhln
b) Motion area
When a corner is judged as inside, the feedrate is overridden from the
distance range within Le of the block on this side from the intersect.j-on
of the corner to the distance range within Ls of the next block from the
intersection of the corner. Distances Ls and Le are linear distances
from a point on the cutter center path to the intersection of the
corner. Le and Ls are set by parameters (No. 0580 and 0581), respective-

hogrammed path

.,,rrA, uviltcr L -a/ \-
Lurlsr ^ohro? -.rh
plrL - \- - f

The feedrate is overriden from point a to point b.

Programnred path

Cutter center path

The feedrate is overridden from point a to b.

In case of an arc, this override function to the end point of a block is
effective when the following condition is satisfied.
1) The distance is within Le.
2) The start point of an arc is in the same quadrant of the end point or
in the next quadrant.
The override function to the end point of a block is effective when the
following condition is satisfied.
i) The distance is within Ls.
2) The start point of an arc is in the same quadrant of the end point or
in the next quadrant.

(ExarnpIe) In case of disc

| '/ ",r.'l'r,

'/ ./ L,l

I Progranrnrerd path

\' - --/ center path

Regarding program @ of an arc, the feed.rate is overridden from point a

to point b and from point c to point d.
(Note) Ls and Le are the distances along the arc in case of 10/fl series, while
they are the distances between point a and b and between c and d along
the straight line in case of 0 series.
c) Overri-de quantity
The override guantity is set by parameter No. 0214
l<override quanrity (I7. srep)s100(%)
It is also effective for the dry run and FI digit coumand.
In case of an F4 digit command, actual feedrate becomes
F x (internal corner override) x (feedrate override)
d) Whether internal corner override is effective or not
Whether the internal corner is overridden or not i,s selectable by G
codes. G62 is added to G61 and G64 in group 15 as shown in the fo11ow-
ing table. These G codes are also related to whether the exact stop
check mode is effective or not.

Exact stoD check mode Internal corner override

G61 Effective Ineffective
c62 Ineffective Ef fect ive
c64 Ineffective Ineffective

(Note 1) G64 functions when povrer is turned on or under the clear condition.
(Note 2) Specify G09, if you want to check the exact stop in G62 mode.
(Note 3) The internal circular feedrate change described in (2) 1e
always effective without being affected by these G codes.

* ;tt'

Internal circular cuEting feedrate change

In case of the internal offset circular cutting, the feedrate 1n the
programmed path is se! to the specified F by setting actual feedrate to F x
Rc/Rp (where, Rc: Cutter center path radius Rp: progranmed rbdius) wirh
reference to the specified feedrate (F).
This change is also effective for dry run and Fl digit command.
(Example 1)

ogrammed path

However, if Rc is very small as compared with Rp, nc/Rp = 0, causing the

cutter to stop. Accordingly, the minimum reduction ratio (lDR) is set to
nake the actual feedrate. F x (MDR) when Rc/npSlOn.
MDR is set by parameter No. 02i3.
I SI,TDR ( 1Z sreP) S100
This is also applicable to Fl digit and dry run.
The reduction ratio of the automatic override at internal corners is not
affected by MDR.
(Note 1) If the automatic override at internal corner overlaps the internal
circular cutting, actual feedrate becomes as folfows.
FxRc/Rpx(override at corner)x(feedrate override)
5.6 Dwell, Exact Stop (G04)

With the G04 cornmand, shifting to the next block can be delayed.
Shifting to the next block can be delaved for the commanded minutes.
Per second dwe11
c94c04 {:.

orX : Dwell time coruranded in seconds

-} (0.001 9999.999 sec In incrernent system 1/10,
0.0001 -
9999.9999 sec)
When P or X is omiEted, t.his command (G04;) is turned to exacE stop command.

-41 -

The reference point is a fixed position on a machine tool to which the tool can
easily be moved by the reference point return function.

Re ference poin

6.1 Automatic Reference Point Return (G28, G2g)

6.1.1 Automatic return to reference point (G28)

G28rP _;
This command specifies automatic return to the reference point for the specified
axes. IP is an intgrmediate coordinate and is conmanded by absolute or
incrementaTvalue. Thg intermediate coordinate specified in thls block are
stored in memory.
The G2B block is used to position the tool at the interurediate point of all
specified axes at the rapid traverse speed, then move to the reference point at
the rapid traverse rate. rf the machine lock has not been set, the Reference
Return lamp goes on.
Positioning to the interrnediate point or to the refererice point is done at rapid
traverse rate of each axis. (Non linear positioning).
rn general, this command is usec for automatic tool changing (ATC).
for safety, the cutter rad.ius compensation, ." Therefore,
b" should
(Note 1) when the G28 command is specified when manual return
polnt has not been performed after the power has been to the reference
turned on; the
movement from the intermediate point is the same as in manual return
the reference point. In this ease, the direction from the intermediate to
point is equal to that for return to reference point selected by para-
Deter (No. 0003 ZMX, ZI,IR, ZIIZ).
(Note 2) The coordinate value specified in G28 command is memori zed for
all axes
as is tlte coordinate value of the intermediate point. In othr words,
for axes not specified in the G28 block, the cooidinate value memorlzed
for intermediate point earlier is Eaken as the coordinate value of the
intermediate point for the axj-s.
N2G28X40.0; Intermediate point (40.0, )
N3G28260.0; Intermediare poinr (40.0, 60.0)

6.1.2 Automatic return from reference point (G29)
G29P _;
This command positions the tool at the cornmanded position via the intermediate
point of a conunanded axj-s . In general, it is commanded immediately following
in" cz8 ccmmand or G30.
For incremental programming, the cornmand value specifies the incremental value
from the intermediate Point.
In the G29 block operation, all commanded axes are positioned at thg inter-
mediate point defined by the previous G2B or G30 corunand, and then to the
commanded point from the intermediate point at the rapld traverse speed.
Application example of G28 and G29

Reference poinl

Tool is changed
ai R point.

Intermediate point

X (rnm)
0 300 I 300 r 800

G28X1300.0Y700.0; (Program A to B)
G29X1800.0Y300.0; (Program B to C)
As shov,rn in the example, the prograuuer is not required to calculate the actual
nove distance from the intermediate point to the reference point.
(Note l) llhen the work coordinate system is changed after the tool reaches the
reference point through the intermediate point by the G28 or G30 com-
mandr'the intermediate point also shifts to a ner^r coordinate system.
{ If G29 is then commanded, the tool moves to the commanded position
through the intermediate point which has been shifted to the new coor-
Si dinate system.
g 6.2 Reference Point Return Check (GZ7l
A reference point is fixed on the rnachine tool and the cutter can be moved to
that point by the reference point return function.
s The G27 reference point return check functlon checks whether or not the program
returns to the reference point normal1y, as programmed.
G27lF :
This comnnnd-positions the tool at rapid traverse rate. If the tool reaches the
reference point, the reference point return lamp lights up and the next block is
executed. However, if the position reached by the tool is not the reference
Point, an alarm is displayed.

(uote t) In an offset mode, the position to be reached by the tool with the G27
cornmand is the posiEion obtained by adding the offset va1ue.
Therefore, if the position with the offset value added is not the
reference point, the lamp does not light up, but an ararm is displayed
instead. Usually, cancel offsets before G27 is commanded.
(Note 2) when the machine tool system is an inch system wit.h metric input, the
reference poinr return lamp may also light up even if the programmed
position is shifted from the reference point by lp. This is because
the least input increment of the machine tool system is smaller than
its least command increment.
(Note 3) If G27 is commanded with machine lock on, the reference point return
check is not done.
6.3 2nd,3rd,4th Reference Point Return (G30)

c30 {P3)
tl - _-t
P2, P4: Selection of the 2nd, 3rd or 4th reference point
If omitted, the 2nd reference point is selected.
This com-and returns the commanded axis to the 2nd, 3rd or 4th reference point
automatically through the specified position. Each reference point return LED
lights after completion of the return.
The positions of the 2nd, 3rd or 4th reference point are determined by
presetting the distance from the reference point as a pararDeter (Dat.a No. 0735
to No. 0738, No. 0780 to,A787) during field adjustment. This funcrion can be
used after the first reference point return has been completed. This function
is the same as G28 reference point return, except that this function returns the
tool to the 2nd, 3rd or 4th reference point instead of the primary reference
If G29 1s commanded imrnediately following G30, the tool is positioned to the
point commanded by G29 through the intermediate point commanded by G30. This
motion is the same as thac by the G29 command following the G28 command.
The G30 command is generally used when the automatic tool changer (ATC) position
differs from the reference point.
(Note I) At least one manual reference point return or automatic reference point
return must be performed by the G28 command after the power supply is
turned on, prior to issuing G30 command.
(Note 2) Like the G2B command, cancel the cutter compensation, and tool length
offset before thi-s command is executed.


the position to be reached by the tool is taught, the CNC moves the tool to
that position. The position to be reached by the tool is given as'a coordinate
value in a coordinate system.
The position to be reached by the tool id commanded with a coordinate value of
one of the coordi-nate systems, as required. The coordinate value consi-sts of
one component for each program axis.
If there are t.hree program axes (X, Y, and Z), the coordinate value is expressed
as follows:

I 40.0 -

Position of a tool when X40.0Y30.0235.0 is commanded

Since the number of program axes, that is, the number of components for the
coordinate value, varies with the machine tools, the coordinate value is
referred to as IP in this manual.
7.1 Programming of Work Coordinate System (G92, GS4-G59)

A coordinate system used for work machining is called the work coordinate
system. The work coordinate system is set by either of the following method:
l) Using G92 command.
2) Using G54 ro G59 command.
In case of 1),'a work coordinate system is established by specifying coordinate
values after G92.
In case of 2), six work coordinate systems are preset from CRT/MDI panel as
setting data and any of them can be selected by G54 to G59 command.
7.1.'l Setting work coordinate system - Method by G92
1) Establishing coordinate system
Thi;-;*","nd-Lstablishes rhe work coordinare sysrem so that a certain point.
of the tool, for example the tool tip, becomes Ip in the established work
coordinate system.
A.y subsequent absolute commands use the DosiEion in Ehis work coordinaEe

(Exarnple 1)
Meet the programming
start point with the tool
tip and command G92 at
the start of program.

(Exanple 2)

Coordinate system setting by the G92X600.021200.0, command

(When a start point is based on the base point of the tool holder)

As shovrn above, G92 is also used to align the base point of the tool holder with
the start poinf and to establish a coordinate system at the beginning of the
program. If an absolute command is issued, the base point moves to the com-
manded position. In order to move the tool tip to the comrnanded position, the
difference from the tool tip to the base point is compensated by tool length
(Note 1) If a coordinaie system is set with the G92 comrnand in offset mode, the
coordinate system is set so that. the position before tool length
compensation is applied becomes that specified by G92.
(Note 2) In the cutter radius compensation, offset is temporarily cancelled by a
G92 command.

' 'lj:.:i

Automatic coordinate system setting

If rtlrr is seE to the parameter APRS (No. 0010), the work coordinare systeu is
se! automatically when the manual reference poinc return has been completed.
In this case' set the distance o, B, and y to the parameters No. 0708, No. 0709
and No.0710 so that the machine position (top of the standard tool or the
standard point of holder) after manual reference point return becomes X = o, Y =
B and Z = "y.
It is equivalent to command the following.
G92X a Y B Zy;
7.1.2 Setting work coordinate system - Method by G54 - G59
l) Setting work coordinate system
Six work coordinaEe systems can be set.
These six systems are decided by setting the distances of each axis from the
machine zero point to the zero points of the coordinate systems, (i.e. the
work zero point offset value, by using the CRT/MDI panel).

Work coordinate Work coordinate Work coordinate Work coordinate

system 1 system 2 systern 3 system 4


Work coordinate
system 5

Work coordinate
system 6

ZOFSI: Work zero point offset value

of work coordinaEe system I
Z0FS2: Work zero point offset value
of work coordinate system 2
Z0FS3: Work zero poi.nt offset value
of work coordj-nate system 3
Z0FS4: Work zero point offset value
of work coordinate system 4
Z0FS5: Work zero point offset value
of work coordinate system 5
Z0FS6: Work zero point offset value
of work coordinate system 6

re -47-
2) Shifting work coordinate svstem
Six work coordinate systems can be shifted bY a specified value (external
work zero point offset value).

Work coordinate Work coordinate

systern I Work coordinate
systern 3 system 4



Work coordinate
system 5


Machine zero point ZOFS 6

Wotk coordinate
systenr 6

EXOFS: External work zero point offset value

Elternal work zero poig,t offset value can be changed in three ways.
a Using CRT/MDI panel
Q] Using program (cl0)
(f Using external work c oordinate system shift function.
An input sign enables you to change work coordinate systems. Refer to
machine tool builder's manual for detiils.
(Note l) The external work zero point offset amount can be
set within the
range of 0 and +7.999 nm or 0 and +0. 799 inch for every axis.
(Note 2) When G92 i.s sp&ifi.ed afrer a shlft value has been
specified, the
shift value is ignored.
is courmanded, a work coordinate system in which present
when G92x100.0280.0;
tool position is x = 100.0, z - 80.0 is establishei, irrespective of set
shift value.
7.1.3Selecting work coordinate system (Gb4 Gsg)
Six coordinate systems proper to- the machine tool are set in advance, permitting
the selecrion of any of rhem by G54 ro G59.
G54 L{ork coordinate system I
G55 . I^/ork coordinate system 2
G56 . Worli coordinate system 3
G57 Work coordinate system 4
G58 Work coordinate system 5
G59 . Liork coordinate system 6
The six coordinate systems are determined by setting distances (work
varues) in each axis from the machine i"to point to their respective zero offset
points zero

, , . rr=:,;f;_;
. i:!;'.

I :.;

Example: G55G00X20.02100. 0;
x 40.0220.0;
In the above example, positioning is made to positions ({=20.0, Z=100.0) and
({=40.0e Z=20.0) in work coordinate sysrem 2.
Where the tool is positi.oned on the machine depends on work ,"ro poirrt offset
Work eoordinate
Work coordinate
Work coordinate systemlto6are
System I
System 2 established after
4 0.0 --l ( 40.0 , 20.0 ) reference point
--1-- return after Ehe
20.0 --1(20.o,loo.o) po!r'er. is turned on.
20.0 I 00.0
Z When the power is
turned onr G54
coordinate system
Machine zero point is selected.

7.1.4 Changing work coordinate system by program command (Gs4

- - G59)
When they are to be moved for each program, a progranmed command can be used to
shift them.
1) Using Gl0
clO L2 Pg lP t P/ = Gs-'(
p=0 : External work zero point offset value. DL= 6j-f
I to 6: Correspond to work coordinate system 1 to 6. P)
lP : Work zero point offset value of each axis. = 6fL
2) Using G92 Dd :' Ci'l
ce2P _; P"rJfT
By this command, six !/ork coordinate systems move to creatf a new work
coordinate system so that the tool tip becomes the coordinate value IP
commanded by G92.
Since the distance shifteC at this time is added to al& subsequent work zero
point offset values, all work coordinate systems move by Ehe sarne distance.
Y' If G92X100Y100; is
commanded when the
tool is positioned
ar (200, 160) in
G54 mode, work
coordinate system I
(X' - Y') shifted
by vector A is

100 200

i{hen creating a new work coordinate system with the G92 command, a certain point
of the tool becomes a certain coordinate value; therefore, the new work
coordinate system can be determined irrespective of the old work coordinate
system. If the G92 command is used to determine a start point for machining
based on workpieces, a nerd coordinate system can be created even if there is an
error in the old work coordinate system. If the relative relationship among the
G54 to G59 work coordinate systems are correctly set at the beginni-ng, all work
coordinate systems become new coordinate systems as desired.

I 2000

G54 work

G55 rvork


Work zero point

shift value created
by G92

New rvork zero point

offset value


Work zero point offset value

specified by parameter

- L' 01d work coordinate system

X -Z New work coordinate system
If G92X600.021200.0; is commanded,(shov,rn ia the dlagram above) when the G54 work
coordinate system is specified, the G55 work coordinate system is set in so that
the black point on the tool shor,un in the diagram above becomes position (600.0,
f200.0); provided that the relative relationship between the G54 and G55 work
coordinate systems is set correctly.
Therefore, :ln loading pallets aE te/o different positions, the two pallet
eoordinate systems are set as G54 and G55 work coordinate systems. hrhen the
coordinate system of one pallet is moved by the G92 command, the coordinate
system of the other pa1let is also moved in the same manner, provided that the
relative relationship of the two \^/ork coordinate systems is set correctly.
Accordingly, a wbrkpiece placed on two pallets can be machined with the same
program by merely specifying either G54 or G55.

7.1.5 Setting and display of work zero point offset amount

I ) Display
a) l-oFSETl.
b) Press FFacfr tey to display ttlnlork Coordinates" screen (Press soft k.y
"woRKtt. )

c) The work zero point offset amount is displayed on two pages: press
k"y, and select a required page. "PAGE',

t{Xt< CIRDII.fITES (E1B 1.810

Ml. MTR f. MTA
_ax L.4 @,x a.w
Y -3.s@ a.gzg
z o.&t z a.em
A a.@ A a.m
01 X t4.@
ta,w 6X 9-m
z L5..m z 9.WA
A o.s@ A 9.@B
11:S:45 l.rDt

lsr.srll,,*-1 tr*.ln
The following is displayed on each page.
i) Page t
00: Shift amount of work coordj.nate system
01: Work zero point offset amount of work coordi.nate system I (c54)
02: Work zero point offset amount of work coordinate system 2 (G55)
03: Work zero point offset amount of work coordinate system 3 (C56)
11/ Eage I
04: Work zero point offset amount of work coordi.nate sistem i (c57)
05: Work zero point offset amount of work coordi.nate system 2 (c58)
06: Work zero point offset amount of work coord.inate system 3 (c59)
2) Set t ing
a) Adjust the cursor to the number to be changed or set.
Step I
Press [Tl E. A continuous push on this key moves -the cursor. Move the
cursor over the Pa8e, and the screen will be changed to the screen on the
next Page.
Step 2
Key inl No. IINUMBER ll mTur-l
b) T:y in.E: l-y .l,.[ z I or [E_l
(Note l) rhe workEoordiiii'tE system amount can be entere within the
range of 0 - +7.999 mmor0 - +0. 7999 inch.
7.1.6 System variables
It is possible to know the offsec amount by reading the value of system
ables tt2500 to ll2806 for rhe work offser amount, and vari-
it is also
modify the offset amount by substituting a value for system variable possible to

- 51 -
Work offset No. Work offset amount

Y External work zero point offset {t2500

c54 It2sor
t I
c59 {t2506

Y External work zero point offset 112600

c54 It260L
5 I
c59 112606

Z External work zero point offset ll27 00

c54 ll27 0r

c59 ll27 06

4 Ext.ernal work zero point offset #2800

c54 ll28Ar
c59 #2806

7.2 Plane Selection (G17, G18, G19)

A plane in which circular interpolation and cutter compensation is performed can

be selected with one of th,ese G codes:
ci7 . XY plane
c18 . ZX plane
c19. YZ plane
If GI7, Gl8, or Gl9 is not specified in a b1ock, the plane remains unchanged.
G18X Z ZX plane
The plane is not changed (ZX plane)
The movement command is not related to the plane selectj-on.
For example, when G177. ; is specified, the Z axis does not exist in the XY
plane. OnIy the XY plane is selected and Z axLs moves independently of the

, ' :,t,::-


8.1 Absolute and Incremental Programming (G90, Gg1)

There are t\,to ways to corunand travels of the axes; the absolute command, and the
incremental command. In the absolute command, coordinate value of the end point
is programmed; in the incremental conunand, move distance of the axis itself is
programmed. , G90 and G91 are used to couunand absolute or incremental command,
G90: Absolute comrnand
G9l : Incremental cormand


For the above figure, incremental conmand prograrnming results in:

c9l x-60.0 Y40.0;
While absolute command programnring results in:
c90 x40.0 Y70.0;
8.2 Inch/Metric Conversion (G20, G21)

Either inch or metric input can be selected bv G code.

Unit systems G code Least input increment

Inch c20 0.0001 inch
Millimeter c21 0.001 mn

This G code must be specified in an independent block before setting the coordi-
nate system at the beginning of the program. The unit systems of the following
itens can be changed with G codes:
(l) Feedrate comrnanded by F code
(2) Positional command
(3) Offset value
(4) Unit of scale for manual pulse generaEor
(5) Ilovement distance in step feed
(6) Some parameters
(Note l) I^Ihen the power is turned oo, the NC status is the same as that held
before the power r{as turned off.
(Note 2) GzO and G2l must not be swltched during a program.
(Note 3) When the machine unit and the input unit systems are different, the
maxlmum error is half of the least command increment. This error is
not accumulated.
(Note 4) When switching inch input (G20) to metric input (c2l) and vice versa,
the offset value must be reset according to the input unit.

8.3 Decimal Point Programming/Pocket Calculator Type Decimal Point Programming

This control can input numerical values with a decimal point. However, some
addresses cannot use a decimal point. A decimal point may be used with rnm,
inches or second values. The location of decimal point is mm, inch or second.
ZL5.O 215 millimeters or Zl5 inches.
F10.0 10 uun/min. or l0 inch/min.
G04X1 . D,rell for one second
The following addresses can be used with a decj-mal point iXrYrZrIrJrKrQ,
R, 4-th, F.
Use a parameter to select input method; whether to input by pocket calculator
type input, or by the former type decirnal point input.
(Example )

Pocket calculator type Former type decimal
decimal point input point input
xl 000 1 000 mm lmm
xl 000. 1 000 nm 1000 nm

(I{ote i) In the dwell comrLand, decimal point can be used wj-th address X but not
with address P. (This is because P is also used for a sequence
number. )
(Note 2) The appropriate G code should be specified before the numerical values
are specified {n one block.
l) G20; (inch dimension)
Xl.0G04;....... Because the value Xt.0 is not regarded as the
number of seconds, buE the distance of motion (in
inches), Xl0000G04 is assumed resulting in dwelling
for f0 seconds. Indication also changes from 1.0
to 10.0 when G04 is input.
G04Xt.0 .. This is regarded as G04X1000 and dwell is performed
tor a seconcl .
(Note 3) There is a great difference in values with and without the decimal
point, when programned by conventional decimal point progra'nming.
G2L ; (rniillmeter dimensions)
]ll. ,!L mm
..I X0.001 mn
G20; (inch dimension s)
xt. Xl inch
X0.0001 inch
(Note 4) Values with and without a decimal point can be specified together.
(Note 5) Valuef less than the least input increment are rounded off.
When XL.23456 is specified, XI.234 is assumed in rnillimeter input and
XL.2345 is assumed in inch inpuE.
Also, the number of digits must not exceed the ma:<imum number of digits
XL.23456789 This is an error because it exceeds B digits.
XL.2345678 ... This is not an error because it is within 8 disits.

- Jq -
$-.o" ,

(Note 6) When a number ryith a decimal point has been input, the number is con-
verted into an integer of the least input increment.
XI2.34 X123400 (input in inches)
This converted integer is checked for its number of digits.
x123456.7 Xl23456700 (input in inch)
An alarm occurs because the converted integer exceeds 8 digits.


9.1 Spindle Speed Command

By specifying a numerical value following address S, a code signal and a strobe

signal are transmitted to the machine tool. This ls mainly used to control the
spindle speed.
An S code can be comnanded in a block. Refer to the machlne tool bui-lder's
manual for the number of digits com-andable with address S and the correspond-
ence between the S codes and machine operations.
Llhen a move corrmand and an S code are specified in the same block, the commands
are executed in one of the following two ways:
i) Simultaneous executlon of the move cornmand and S function comnands.
ii) Executtng S function comrnands upon completion of move cornmand execution.
The selection of either sequence depends on the machine tool builderrs specifi-
catLons. In certain cases, these sequences nay be provided together in an NC
machine. Refer to the manual issued by the machine tool bullder for details.
9.1.1 S 2-digit code
The spindle speed is controlled by address S and a following 2-digit number.
Refer to the manual issued by the machine tool builder for details.
(Note 1) htren a 2-digit S code is set in parameters and the 5-digit S code has
been commanded, the loner two digits are available.
9.1.2 S S-disit code
The spindle speed ls directly controlled by address S and a followlng 5 dlgits
The unit of spindle spe& may differ depending on nachlne tool builder.



10.1 Tool Selection Command

By specifying a 2-d,igitl4-digit numerical value following address ;, a BCD
2-digit l 4-digit code signal and a strobe signal are transmitted to the machine
tool. This is mainly used to select tools on the machine.
One T code can be commanded in a block. Refer to the machine tool builder's
manual for the number of digits commandable with address T and Ehe correspond-
ence between the T eodes and machine operations.
When a move conmand and a T code are specified in the same block, the commands
are executed in one of the fol|owing two ways:
(i) Simultaneous execution of the move conunand and T function commands.
(ii) Executing T function commands upon completion of move command execution.
The selection of either sequence depends on the machine tool builderts specifi-
cations. Refer to the manual issued by the machine tool builder for details.
1O.2 Tool Life Management

Tools are classified into various groups, with the tool life (time or frequency
of use) for each group being specified. The function of accumulating the tool
life of each group in use and selecting and using che next tool previously
sequenced in the same group, is called the tool life management function.

1) Setting the tool life dara

Tools used sequentially in each group and their respective tool life are
previously set by the following format tape in the cNC equipment.

Tape format Meaning

0 ____ Prog ram number

c10T ? , Star t of setting tool life data

_L AA A Pfo llowed by group No. (l to 128)

Lfo llowed by tool life (l to 9999) (Note
TAAAAH00D (2) T followed by tool No.
H followed by tool length offset No.
D followed by cutter compensation No.
Tools are selected in the sequence of (1
through (2) ro (N).
rAAAA;ooD (N)

o"." for the next group

GII ; End of setting tool life data

MN? /M?N\
\rrJv" t End of Program

-57 -
The setting operation is as follows.
(i) Insert the aborze tape into the tape
(iii) TAPE mode
reader and load the tape in the EDIT
mode, as an ordinary CNC tape.
The program will be registered in
the part program memory and will be
made ready for display and editing.
Part Program
storage &
(ii) Perform a cycle srarr operation in
editine area the AUTO mode to run the program.
The data will be stored in the tool
(ij) AUTO life data area of the memory; at the
mode same time, the already existing tool
life data of all groups will be
Presetting cancelled and the life counters will
be cleared. Data once stored is not
Tool life data area erased by turning the power off.
(iii) Executing a cycle start operation in
the TAPE mode instead of rhe
operation of (i), stores the program
contents directly from the tape onto
the tool life data area. In this
case, however, display and editing
cannot be done as i_n (i).
(Note) TAPE mode is not always prepared according to the machine tool builders
in 0 series.
(Note l) Whether tool life is to be indicated by time (minutes) or by frequency,
it is set by a parameter. (No. 0039-LCTH)
(tlote 2) Tool nurnber is up to 4 digits.
(Note 3) D and H codes are up to 254,

No. of groups No. of tools

I I6 r6

L 32 8

J 64 L

4 128 2

(Note 4) The number of groups and the number of tools per group Ehat can be
registered are combined by setting in one of four ways as follows:
In any combination, up to 256 tools can be registered. Combination i
is selected for up to 16 gruops, each with up to 16 toolsl combination
2 for.up to 32 groups, each wit.h up to 8 tools; and the tike. To
change a combination, change the parameter, then reset the tool groups.
If the tool groups are not reset, former tool groups are selected.
Therefore after changing parameter, execute the group setting program
^ ^^.i *
(tlote 5) CJaes H and D, when not in use, can be omitted.
(Note 6) The same tool No. can appear at any frequency and at any place in the
set data.

The following is a concrete example of the tape format.

0000i ;
GlOL3 ;
T001 lH02Dl3 ;
Data of group I
P002L1400 ;
T0061H15D07 ;
T024LH25D04 ; Data of group 2
P003L0700 ;
T0012H14D08; Data of group 3
T0202H22DO2 ;

(Note 7) Group Nos. specified by P need not be consecutive. A11 registerable

groups need not be set, either.
(Note 8) When the optional tool life nanagemenr 5L2 pairs is combined, 53m of
part program length is used for the data storage. Accordingly, 320m
or more part storage is required.
(Note 9) The tool compensation numbers registered as the tool life management
data is linited to the tool compensation numbers permitted to the NC.
2) Specifying tool life data, etc. in a machining program
In a machining program, tool groups, eEc. are specified by using the T codes
as follows.

Tape format Meaning I

TVVVV Group No.of tools which are to be used after

the next M06 command + tool life management
ignore No. (Note I)
MO6T n Terminates the tool specified by
L-l LJ L-I
(Note 2) and begins to use the tool specified by
V V V V.

c43H 6a [99: makes the tool offset specified by group No.

{ effective.
l.00: Cancels tool length offset.

c4lH o 0 [99: Makes cutter compensaEion, specified by

i gtonp No. effecEive.
l.OO: Cancels cutter compensation.

TAAAA Uses a tool specified by A A A A after the next

M06 command.

MO6T V V Terminates the tools ofVVVVandbegins to

use the tool of A A
*or- r"rol End of the machining program.

_ _59 _
(Note l) From T0000 to TAAAA, stipulated by the tool life management ignore No.
AAAA, are handled as ordinary T code commands, and no tool life
management is Performed. When the T code of AAAA plus the group No. is
designated, tool life management is executed for the related group.
The value of the tool life management ignore No. is set by a parameter.
When the value is 100, for example, from T0000 to T0I00 are output as
ordinary T codes; and when the T0t0l is designated, a T code of a tool,
which has not reached its life end among the tools of group 1, is
(Note 2) The above tape format uses the tool return No. command method (Type A),
which requires a tool return command at the time of tool change. Type
B and Tvpe C are also available.

Concrete examples of the tape fomat when the tool life management ignore No. is
100 are described on each type.

Tvoe A

Format lleaning

Set the tool of group 01 to the waiting position.

1,t06 (Toloo) ; Set the tool of group 01 to the spindle. (Uote I)
Set the tool of group 02 to the waiting position.
Machining using the tool of group 01.
Set the tool of group 02 to the spindle.
Load the tool of group 01 to the magazine.

Set the tool of group 03 to the waiting position.

Machining using the tool- of group 02.

M06T102; Bring the tool of group 03 to the spindle.

Load the tool of group 02 to the magazine.
Machining using the tool of group 03.

Uses the tool length compensation value of the
I tool of group 03.

G4 lH99; Uses the cutter compensation value of the tool of

group 03.

Cutter comDensation cancel.
t .'
unn. Tool length compensation cancel.

(Note i) The return tool may not be specified. If a T code is specified in

the same block as I'106, the T code shall be the tool number of the tool
to be loaded in the magazine. The tool number is of the tool attached
to the spindle at present. If the tool is under the tool life
management, specify the tool group of the too1. When the tool group
must, be specified, if the tool group specified here (group of return
tool) and che tool group currently under management is different for
each other, an alarm is generated. (No alarm is issued if parameter
0039-IGIN is set).

TyPe B

Format Meaning

; Set the tool of group 0l to the waiting posit,ion.

M06T102; Set the tool of group 01 to the spindle.

Set the tool of group 02 to the waiting position.

Machining using the tool of group 01.


M06T103; Set the tool of group 02 to the spindle.

Load the tool of group 0l to the magazi-ne.
Load the tool of group 03 to the waiting
posi tion.

Machining using the tool of group 02.

c43H99; Uses the tool length compensation value of the
tool of group 02.

c4 rH99 Uses the cutter comDensation value of the tool of

I group 02.

t CuEter compensation cancel.

Tool length compensation cancel.
M06T104; Bring the tool of group 03 to the spindle.
Load the tool of group 02 to the magazine.
Bring the tool of group 04 to the waiting
posit 1on.
Machining using the tool of group 03.

-61 -
Type C

Format Meaning

MO6T IO 1 Bring the tool of group 01 to the waiting

I position.

M06T102; Bring the tool of group 0l to the spindle.

Bring the rnn'l ^f -r^"^
Ot F^
w4 LU
LLIE --^i+i-^

Machinign using the tool of group 01.

Set the tool of group 02 to the spindle.
I Load the tool of group 0l to the magazine.
I Load the Eool of group 03 to the

pos it ion.

Machining usign the tool of group 02.

G43H99; Uses the tool length compensation value of the

tool of group 02.

G4lH99; Uses the cutter compensation value of the tool of

group 02.

Cutter compensation cancel.

rJnn. Tool length compensation cancel.

(Note l) Whether T code following M06 is used as back number or as waiting code
for next exchange is set by the parameter (No. 0039-I'16TCD).
2) Counting tool life
Tool life is counted by time or by frequency. The life count is executed
every group and the contents of life counter is not cleared by turning off
a) tool life is specified by time (minutes)
In this case, a T code in the machining program specifies tool life
management group and the time during which the tool is used in the cutting
mode from the M06 specification to the next M06 specification is countec
at certain intervals (four seconds). The time for single block stop, feed
hold, rapid traverse, dwell, machine lock, time to wait for FIN signal
etc., is disregarded.
(Note 1) The tool life can be set up to max of 4300 min.
b) When tool life is specified by frequency
The couriter for groups of tools that were used is increased by one, every
process from the time that a cycle start operation is performed until the
time that M02 or M30 is commanded and the CNC is reset. Even if the
eonmand for the same group is given a number of times in one process, the
counter increase stays at one.
(Note l) I^lhen having executed M02 or 1130 with life specified by the frequency of
use, input the External Reset (ERS) signal to the CNC.
(Note 2) l"lax. f requency of the tool lif e i-s 9999 .

r.,1ri:,; ::;i


when a move command and M or B codes are specified in the same block, the com-
mands are executed in one of the following two ways:
i) Simultaneous execution of the move command and M or B function commands.
ii) Executing M and B function commands upon completion of move command
execut ion,
(Example) Nl G0l c91X50.0Y-50.0 M05; (Spindte srop)

Move command and

spindle stop command

L\ tl
F s0 ---l
The spindle stops at
the end of move
command execution.

Sequence (i) Sequence (ii)

The selection of either sequence depends on the machine tool builder's specifi-
cation. Refer to the manual issued by the machine tool builder for details.
11.1 Miscellaneous Function (M Function)

Itlhen a 3-digit f igure is specif ied f ollowing address M, a 3-digir BCD code
signal and a strobe signal are transnitted. These signals .ru ,rs.d for 9N/OFF
control of a rnachine function. One M code can be specified in one block.
Selection of M codes for functions varies with the rnachine tool builder.
The following M codes indicate special meaning. t
1) M02, M30: End of program
i) This indicates the end of the main program and is necessary fnr rooi qfrr-
tion of NC commands from tape to memory.
ii) cycle operation is stopped and the NC unit is reset. (This differs with
the machine tool builder. )
iii) The NC tape is turned to the beginning of the program.
2) t"tOO: Program stop
Cyc1e operatj,on is stopped after a block containing !100 is executed. When
the program is stopped, all existing modal information remains unchanged as
in single block operation. The cycle operation can be restarted by actlatlng
the cNC. (This differs wirh rhe machine tool builder.)
3) M0t: Optional stop
simi lrrlrr tn |r{QQ, cycle operation is stopped after a block containins M0 I is
executed- This code is only effective when the Optional Stop switch on the
machi-ne control panel has been pressed.
4) MgA: Calling of subprogram
This code is used to call a subprogram. See section 12.4.1 (2) for details.
5) M99: End of subprogram
This code indicates the end of a subprogram. M99 execution returns control
tne ..^-:-.
LO +!'a
mal-n -Program. See the subprogram control section for details. (Sec-
tion 12.4.r (2))
(Note l) The block following M00, M01, M02 and M30, is not read inro rhe inpur
buffer register, if present. Similarly, t\ro M codes which do not
buffer the next block can be set by parameters (No.0lll, 0l12). Refer
Eo the machi-ne tool builderts instruction manual for these M codes.

- 63 -
(Note 2) The code and strobe signals are not sent to the machine tool- side for
the M98, M99.
(Note 3) Except for M98, M99, all M codes are processed by 'the nachine too1, but
they are not done by the CNC side. Refer to the machine tool builder's
instruction manual for details.
11.2 Auxiliary Functions
Indexing of the table is performed by address B and a following 3-digit or
5-digit number. The relationship between B codes and the corresponding indexing
differs between machlne tool bullders.

A program is composed of the following sections:
-- (i) TaPe Start
(ii) Leader
(i11) Program Start
(iv) Program Section
(v) Comment
(vi) Program End
(vii) Tape End

1) A nain program on a taPe

Program - I Comment
Section I
(if necessary)
hogIam Start

Main Program End Tape End

(Note 1) lI02 can be used instead of M30 at the end of the maln progran.
(Note 2) Wtren in IS0 code, LF is used for ;, while in EIA code, CR is used.
2) One subprogram on a tape

t'""o"t *f{- f;ffff

\l*Tape Start Program Start


ffi -L -L-l
Tape End

A subprogram must be used after being entered into the part program memory



. -, r.Jlit-fJ;,
-55- ,+ $p,iil
3) one main progran and a number of subprograms on a taDe

Main Program
(if necessary, insert aJ6frrnent
sectlon in the proper section.)
Program Start


ubprogram End

Tape End

A program including subprograms on a tape must be used after being entered

into the part program memory area.
4) A number of programs on a tape

Program Section
+- Comn:ent
Tape Start Program Start

Program Section
Program Section

Tape End
Program End

A program number must be put at the first block of each main program section
or subprogram section.
A prograur number is a four-digit number following address 0. (lrlhen in ISO,:
can be also used instead of O. )
Program numbers are not necessarily given. See Secti"on 12. 4'.2 f or details.

0r001c0Ixr2 300.


12.1 Tape Start

The Tape Start must be punched at the top of the paper tape by using the follow-
ing code. This section is necessary to stop rewinding the tape when used with a
Tape Reader with Reels. This section may be omifted when the Eape is used with
a Tape Reader without Reels.

EIA ISO Meani-ng

ER Tape Start (Rewind Stop)

12.2 Leader Section and Lable Skip

Information punched before the first LF (for IS0 code) or CR (for EIA code) on a
paper tape is called the Leader Section. Normally, the CNC is set to the Label
Skip condition when turning the power on or resetting and this section of paper
tape is loaded on a PPR. The PPR reads but skips this section (by the Label
Skip function). Generally, a labe1 for a tape is punched in this section.
Since no parity check is performed on the skipped leader section, any combina-
tion of codes other than LF and cR may be punched in this section.
(Note) The 1abe1 skip function is used to ignore all information up to the first
EOB code.

12.3 Program Start

Punching the following code immediately after the end of the Leader section (at
the top of the first block of a program) indicates the start of a program. This
code is necessary to release the LabeL skip function.

EIA ISO I'feaning

t, It L.T Program Start

-61 -
12.4 Program Section

The part of the paPer tape punched between the Program Start and program End
code (except the Cortment section explained in Section 12.5) is called the
Program Section. Information specifying tool travel and machine ON/6FF function
is punched in this section. This section is cal1ed the significant section and
is different from the non-si-gnificant section which includes the Leader and
Conrment Section.
A program section is composed of a number of blocks. A block is partitioned
into a number of words, and the end of a block is identified by an End of Block
Code (LF in ISO code and CR in EIA code).

l-- u,""u
(Note 1) TV check (vertical parity check)
A parity check is performed in the vertical direction of a b1ock, and
alarm 002 is generated if the block is found to contain an odd number
of characters (between a code j-rnmediately following an EOB and the next
EOB). The TV check is not performed for a part of tape which is read
but skipped by the Label Skip function, but the Command Section between
rr (f
' and tr) I' ig checked f or the total number of characters in each
block. The TV check function can be specified Valid/Invalid through
the IIDI keyboard. (See Section Il.3 in Chaprer III.)
(tlote Z) In program examples in this manual,; is used instead of the End of
Block code (LF for IS0 and CR for EIA), but the proper EOB code LF
(IS0) or CR (EIA) must be used in actual programming.
12.4.1 Main program and sub program
1) Main program
A program is divided into a main program and subprogram: Norma1ly, the NC
operates according to the main program, but when a comnand calling a
subprogram is encountered in the main program, control is passed to the
subprogram. When a corunand indicating to return to the main prograp is
encountered in the subprogram, control is returned to the main program.

Main program Subprogam
Information I Information 1

Information 2 Information 2

'Fg[o.w m rnrormaRon
tn lne sll rDfOqfam--
Information n
lnfolmation n + I

Retun to main program

A total of 125 main programs and subprograms may be stored in the NC nemory,
and the CNC uses one of these main programs to move the CNC machine tool.

#r a>

.7 @ I


Refer to III 9. 2 for how to register programs.


tu -69-
?l Subprograms
When a program contains certain fixed sequences or frequently repeated pat-
terns, these sequences or patterns may be entered into memory as a subprogran
to sinplify programming.
The subprogram can be ca11ed in AUTO mode. A subprogram can call another
hthen the main program calls a subprogram, it is regarded as a one loop sub-
program ca11. Thus, two loop subprograrn call can be executed as shown below.
However, four loop subprogram call can be executed using custom macro.
Main program Sub program Sub propgam



M98P1 000; r!{98P3000:

I {oop nesting 2Loop nesting

A call command can call a subprogram repeatedly A call command can specify
up to 999 repeations of a subprogram.
a) Preparation of subprogram
A subprogram is prepared in the following format:
O(:)XXXX; Subprogram number


At the top of subprogram, a subprogram No. identifying the subprogram is
specified after "0" (EIA) or ":" (IS0). Specify M99 at the end of a sub-
program. Subprogram end command 'rM99rt need not be sneeified in a block by
(Example) X M99 ;
For how to enter subprograms into memory, see Chapter III-9.1.1
(Note t) For compatibility of the CNC tape with other devices, "i{xxxx" is also
used as a subprogram No. instead of 0(:).
A sequence number under N is registered as a subprogram number.
b) Subprogram e.xecution
A subprogram is executed when cal1ed by the main program or another
A subprogram call has the following format:
Subprogram number
Number of times the subprogram
is to be repeated.
When the repetition times is omitted, the subprogram is repeated once.
(Example) t'tggPS1002;
This command is read "Ca11 the subprogram (subprogram number 1002) five
The subprogram catl command (M9BP ) and a move command can be
specified in the same b1ock.
- 70 -

& (Example) X1000 M9BP 1200;

In thls example, the subprogram (subprogram number 1200) is ca1led after
;{. completing movement in the X-axis direction.
(Example )
The execution sequence of a main program which calls a subprogram is as
Main program Subprogram
t o10I0; ;
N0020--_-_-; }t1020
N0030M98P21010; N1030 _;
N0040 --------; N1040
N0050M98P1010; Ni050
N0060 ---------; N1060 M99;

k4ren the subprogram is ca11ed by another -subprogrann, it is executed in the

same sequence as shown in the above example.
(Note 1) M98 and M99 signals are not issued to the machine tool.
(Note 2) If the subprogram number specified by address P can not be found, an
alarm (PS078) is displayed.
(Note 3) The subprogram call command "M9BP ;" cannot be input frorn the
MDI, In this case, prepare the maitr-f,Efr"m in EDIT mode as follows:
M98P xxrx;
Then execute it in the AUTO rnode.
c) Notes on subprogram control
The following special specifications can be used to control subprogram
i) When a sequence nunber is specified in address P of the last block of a
subprogram, control does not return to the block after the block in
which the subprogram \./as called, but rather to the block with the
sequence number specified in address P. However, this is only effec-
tive in memory operation. t
The processing time for return to the specifi-ed block is considerably
longer than that for normal return.
Ilain program Subprograrn
N0010 ___a 01010 t-i
N0020 N1020
N0030 _____1 N1030
N0040M98P1010; N1040
N0050 _____;\
---x--- N I05O
N0070 N1070M99P0070;

ii) If the M99 command is executed in the main program, control returns to
the start of the main program. For example, a " ll"l99;" block is j-n-
serted in the proper position of Ehe main program and the optional
block skip is off' M99 is executed, and control returns to the start of
the main program and the program is executed again.
rf the optional block skip is turned on, "/1499;" is omitted and control
is passed to the next block.
If "/M99Pn;" has been inserted, control does not return to the start,
but returns to the block whose sequence number is ttntt. The processing
time for return to sequence number n is lonqer than return to the

- 7t -
N0040 -;
Optional block N0050
skip OFF N0060
Optional block
skip ON
N00901'102; ;
iii) It is possible to execute a subprogram from the start by specifying a
search for it from the IDr keyboard as well as the main program.
(Refer to III 10.4 and 10.9 for the search operation).
In this case' if the M99 command is executed, control returns to the
top of the subprogram and execution is repeated. IfttMggPn;" is exe-
cuted, control returns to the block whose sequence number is rrnrr and
execution ls repeated.
In the above operation, if you want to stop execution, insert "fl'1021"
or the "/M30;" at the appropriate position. Lrhen the optional block
skip swi-tch is turned off, the above cornmand is executed and the pro-
gram 1s terminated. In the example be1ow, execution will continue
while the optional block skip i-s on and will stop when the optional
block skip is turned off.
Nl 040
Nr060 ,
/Nr070 M02;
N1080 M99 P1050;

12.4.2 Program number

This control can store program in itfs memory.
A 4-digit program number following address O is used to differentiate one Dro-
graru from another.
O trtrDD
Program number (l-9999, Leading zero suppression)
Address O

011r1... ..M02; I O2222 .....M30;


Progran I1 Il Program 2222

M02; or M30; means the end of a main program.
M99; means the end of a subprogram.

05555. .... M99;

Subrogram 5555
(Note 1) In ISO code, colon (:) can be used instead of O.
(Note 2) A block with an optional block skip code such as /uoz3, /M30; or /ugg:
is not regarded as the end of a program.

- 72 -
(Note 3) When lhe program number is not specified at the of the program,
the first sequence number (N...) in that program is regarded as the
program number. However, N0 is not used as the program number.
(Note 4) When nej-ther program number nor sequence number are specified, a pro-
gram number must be specified from the CRT/IDI when the program is
(Note 5) When a taPe contains more than one program, an EOB code j-s unnecessary
before the second and subsequent programs. However, when a preceding
program ends with ER (EIA code) or % (IS0 code) r 3o EOB code is
necessary at the head of a program. This is because of the 1abel skip
f eature .
/rr^+^ 4.\ ru
u/ r- Duure cases, program numbers nnnn n
\L\uLE ----L^-^ 9000-9899 are reservEd and cannot be
used by users.
12.4.3 Sequence number and block
A prograu is composed of several commands.
One command is ca11ed a block.
One block is separated from another block with an end of block code.
manual uses ; as the end of block code.

!- nro"r. Brock
--l l- Block

(Note l) The end of block code is

CR in EIA code and LF in ISO code.
A 4-digit sequence number can be specified (I - 9999) following address N at the
head of a block. The order of sequence numbers is arbitrary and need not be
consecutive. Sequence numbers can be specified in all blocks or only in blocks
requiring them.
It is recornmended that sequence numbers be specified sequentially at important
points such as when a tool is changed and a ne\^r tool is used.
(Noce i) Sequence number N0 should not be used for compatibility with other NC
(Note 2) Because program number 0 is invalid, a secuence numDer reqarceo as a
program number must not be 0.

12.4.4 Optional block skip

When a slash followed by a number (/n n = I - 9) is specified at the beginning
of a block and the optional block skip switch n on the machine operator panel is
set ON, the block with ln corresponding to switch number n is ignored in the
tape or memory operation.
When the optional block skip switch n is set OFF, the block with ln is valid.
Thoror^ro rha nperstor can sklp a block with /n at his discretion. L in / I may
be omitted.

- t? _
The following range is ignored when the optional block skip switch is 0N.
; /2Nl23G0lX4. ....; N7856
l- Range ignored I

In the above example, the blocks of NlOl and NI02 when switch No.2 is ON, and
the blocks of Nl02 and Nl03 when switch No.3 is ON, are skipped.
(Note 1) A slash (/) must be specified at the start of a block. If it is placed
elsewhere in the block, the information from the slash (l) to the EOB
code is ignored, r^rhile information before the slash (l) is ef fective.
(Note 2) \tlhen the optional block skip switch is ON, TH and TV checks are
performed for skipped portions, as when the switch is OFF.
(Note 3) The optional block skip is identified when the information is read into
Lhe buffer storage from the tape or memory. I^lhen a block preceded by a
slash has been read into the buffer, it is not ignored even if the
OPTIONAL BLOCK SKIP switch is turned on.
(Note 4) This function is also effective during a sequence number search.
(Note 5) When storing the program in memory, this function is ineffective. A
block with a slash (/) is also stored in the memory regardless of the
position of the OPTIONAL BLOCK SKIP switch.
(Note 6) When punchi$g out the program from memory, the program is punched out
regardless of the position of the OPTIONAL BLOCK SKIP switch.
(Note 7) Some of the optional block skip switches (l to 9) may not be used on
some machine tools. Ask the machine tool manufacturer how many
sr^iitches can be used.
(Note 8) If more than one optional block skip code is specified in a block for
the system with additional optional block skip function, I in /l cannot
be omitted.
Please specify /1 under Ehe above condition.
-m Gooxlo.o;
--7TTz cooXro. o:

12.4.5 Word and address

A block is composed of one or more words. A word 1s composed of an address
followed by a number as i-s shown below. (An algebraic sign (+ or -) may be
added before the numerical va1ue.)
X i 000
T ''t
Address Numerical value
The address is a letter which indicates the meanins of the numerical value
following the address.
Addresses and their meanings are shown below.
Some addresses may vary 1n meaning depending on preparatory functions specified
in the program.

| ,:
I - 74 -
Function Address Meaning

Program number : (ISO) /o(nre) Program number

Sequence number N Sequence number

Preparatory function G Mot.ion mode (Linear, arc, etc.)

Dimension word xrY ,z,ArB, C Coordinate axis motion command

K Arc radius, corner R

I, J,K Coordinate values of arc center,

Feed function F Feedrate, thread lead
Spindle speed function b Spindle speed

Tool function .F
Tool number, tool offset number
Miscellaneous function M ON/OFF control on the machine t,ool
B Index of table, etc.
Offset nunber H Designation of offset number

Dwe1l PY Dwell time

Program number P Designation of the subprogram number
Repetitive count P Repetitive count in subprogram
Parameter P Parameters in canned cvcles
For example, the following block is cornposed of words:

N X Y s T M
heparatory Dimension Feed Spindle Tool Miscellaneous
number function rvord function function function iunction

In the next Process sheet example, one line represents a b1ock. And one frame
in a block is a word.

Progran name -Note
Test Program 2 Da te
Proglam number '85.10.10
o(:) zooz Programmer

x1 96. 0 Y3 15. 0


(Note ) End of block code (;) is CR in EIA code or LF in ISO code.


12.4.6 Basic addresses and command value range
The basic addresses and command value range are listed in Table L2.4.6. Note
that these figures give the maximum numerical liurit, not the mechanical limit of
the CNC machine tool. Under CNC control, the tool rnay traverse up to 10 m (in
millimeter input) along the X axi-s, but actually travelling distance may be
lirnited to 2 m for the specific machine tool. Sirnilarly, CNC control may permit
a maximum cutting feed of 25 m/min., but the CNC machine tool may be limited to
3 m/min. The manual issued by the machine tool manufacturer should be closely
consulted' in addition to this rnanual when programming to ensure that the actual
limitations of the specific machine tool are not exceeded.
Table 12.4.6 Basic address and command value range

Funct ion Address Input in mm Input in inch

: (IS0)
Program number
o (ErA) L - 9999 L- 9999

Sequence number N L - 9999 L- 9999

Preparatory function 0-99 0-99

Dimension word X, Y, Z, Q, R, +99999.999 nrn +9999.9999 inch
I, J, K,
Increment system l/10 +9999.9999 mnr +999.99999 inch
Feed per minute 1 - 100,000 0.0r - 400.00
mm/min inch/min
Increment systern l/10 I - t2,000 0.01 - 480.00
mn/rnin inch/min
Feed per revolution F 0.0i - 5m.00 0.0001 - 9.9999
rim/ rev inch/rev
Spindle speed function S 0- 9999 0- 9999

Tool functions T 0-99 0-99

Miscellaneous functions M 0-99 0-99
Dwell o- 99999.999 o- 99999.999
sec. sec.
Increment system l/10 o- 9999.9999 0- 9999.9999
sec. qoa

Designation of sequence
number, number of P r- 9999999 | - 9999999

0ffset number II l-200 l-200

2nd miscellaneous function B 0- 999999 o- 999999

- l7 -
12.5 Comment Section

The information punched between the control out and the cont.rol in codes shown
below is all considered as a comment and is skipped . Since a TH check is not
performed, a heading, cofi[nents, and indications for the operator can be punched
by combining any code of arbitrary holes. The TV check is oerformed on the
conment section.

EIA ISO Meaning

2-4-5x ( Cnntrnl nrrf! (efarf

\eLur e nf
vr nnmmont-

z-+- I ^ ) Control in (end of comment)

* Indicates the hole combination for the EIA code.

Channei 7 a\
Channel 5
Channel 4 Channel 4 -)
oo o o o o o o o o oo o

Channei 2 Channel 2 a)
Control In
Control Out c
(Exarnple) In IS0 code
N1000c00x. LF
(MEASURE WORK.........) LF
Nl00 1G0 lx LF
When a command tape is read into memory, for memory-controlled operation, the
comment section is read into memory. However, codes not listed in Appendix 7
are ignored and are not read into memory. When daEa in the memory is punched
out, information in the Comment Section is also punched out. The Comment Sec-
+i ^.. i!>^ urDPr4J
Lfurr ,r't ^*1 ^-'ed on the program screen. However, codes ignored when read-in
are neither punched nor displayed on the CRT screen.
During a memory-controlled operation in memory command mode, the comment section
in memory is ignored and operation is executed.
(ExarnpIe) Used as heading

F1000cR( )N 110

Significant section Name of the tape, etc Signficant section

(Note l) The rewind stop code (Z or ER) cannot be used in the comment section.
Reading this code resets the CNC.
(Note 2) When a connent section is in the middle of a Program section and is
long, movement is interrupted for a long time. Therefore, insert
corment sections in a place where movement can be interrupted or a
place specifying no movement.

- 18 -
(Note 3) The length of the conment sectj-on is unlimited.
(Note 4) When the eontrol out code does not come first and only the control in
code is read in, it is ignored.
(Note 5) The TV check for the comment section can be disabled by sp eci fy ing
paramerer TVC. (Data No. 0000)

12.6 Program End

The end of a program is indicated by punching the following code at the end of
the Program Section.

EIA T. SO Meaning

I'1O2CR I'1O2LF Program End

M3OCR M3OLF Program End and Rewind

M99CR M99LF Subprogram End

When the End of Program is sensed during the execution of a programr the CNC
unit terminates the execution of the program and enters a reset state. In case
of M30CR or I'130LF, the program is returned to its beginning (in l'femory Courmand
Wrrgrl -L.e
Ltr subprogram. end code is sensed in a subprogram, control is
returned to the program which called the subprogram. (Whether or not the tape
is rewound by exeeution of I'130 depends on the machine tool.)
12.7 Tape End
The end of a tape is indicated by punching the code below immediately following
the Program End of the last program on a tape. t

EIA ISO Meaning

ER Tape End

(Note) If M02 and M30 are not at the end of the program section, and ER (EIA) or
Z (IS0) is about to be executed, the CNC enters the reset state.
12.8 Tape Format
The variable block word address format with decimal point is adopted as tape
12.9 Tape Codes

Eit,her the EIA or the IS0 code can be used as tape codes The input program
code is distinguished with the first end of block code. See Tape Codes in
Appendix l.


13.1 Canned Cycles (G73, G74, G76, G80 to G89)

A canned cycle siruplifies the program by using a single block with a G code to
specify the nachining operations usually specifleci in several blocks.
Table 13.1 lists canned cycles.
Table 13.'l Canned cycles

G code
Drilling Operation at the Re trac t ion
(-Z direction) bottom of a hole (+Z direcrion) Applicat ion

c73 Intermittent Rapid traverse High-speed peck

feed drilling cycle
c74 Feed Dwel1 + Spindle CW Feed Left-hand tapping
G76 Feed Oriented spindle Rapid traverse Fine boring cycle
s top
Cancel pla
c8l Feed Rapid traverse Drilling cyc1e, Ih"
sp_s!_ !r:llling eac
c82 Feed Dwe1l Rapid traverse Drilling cycle,
cycle (2)
c83 Intermittent Rapid traverse Peck driIllng
feed cycle (3)
c84 Feed Dwell + Spindle Feed Tapping cycle

c85 Feed Feed Boring cycle

c86 Feed Spindle stop Rapid traverse Boring cycle
c87 Feed Spindle CW Rapid t.raverse Back boring cycle
c88 Feed Dwell + spindle Manua 1 Boring cycle
s top
c89 Feed Dwe1l Feed Boring cycle
Generally, a canned cycle consists of a'sequence of six operations as shom
Operation I Positioning of axes X and y (including also another rvi c'l
Operation 2 Rapid traverse up to point R
Operation 3 Hole machining
Operation 4 Operation at the bottom of a hole
Operation 5
Operation 6 Rapid traverse up to the initial point


Operation I
Initial point
Operation 2 *l I
l+ Operation 6

Point R J I
I l* Operation 5
Operation 3-l I
-- -+ Rapid traverse
I I Feed
t I

/ -
Operation 4

Fig. 13.1 (a) Canned cycle operation

Positioning is performed on the xY plane and hole rnachining is performed on the

Z axis' Positloning and hole urachining cannot be perfoimed
plane and this axis combination. Canned cycle indifferent other to
than this
the plane
selection G command.
These canned cycle operatio5rsr. to be more stri.ct, of these
three modes,
each of which are specified in a particular modal G code, as shom below.
(1) Data formar
J c9O Absolute.
I C91 Incremenral
(2) Return point leve1 G98 Inirial point 1evel
:.. . {
I c99 R poinr level
t ,
f: (3) Drilling node c73
t c74
.9t See Table 13.1

(Note) The initial level means the absolute value
of the Z-axls
changing fron the canned cycle cancel mode into the canned aL the tine of
cycle mode.

- 8t -
a) Fig. 13.1 (b) shows how to specify data according to the rnode (C90 or G9I)

G90 G91

v____*" I
I Rl
-|ts-T1 R

z'n- llt
lir I I
Point Z
Poirt Z
Absoiute Incremental

Fig. 13.1 (b) Absolute and incremental programming

b) Whether the tool is to be returned to point R or to the initial level is

specified according to G98 or G99. This is shown in Fig. 13.1 (c).
Use G99 for the first dril1ing, and use G98 for the last drilling. When the
canned cycle is to be repeated by K in G98,mode, tool is returned to the
initial leve1 from the first time drilling.
In the G99 mode, the initial 1evel does not change even when drilling is
performed. r


| | Initial Initial
level ,z level
V--- -*o/ rlrl
rl Point R
Ir sz/ level

Initial level return Point R level return

Fig. 13.1 (c) lnitial level and point R level

c) The drilling data can be specified following G73/G74/c76/G81 to c89 and a

single block can be formed.
This command permits the data to be stored in the control unit as a modal
The machining data in a canned cycle D specified as shom below:

G [tr X a r.
LNumber of
repeat s
II - Hole position data
Drilling mode -Dritlingdata

llrl lllno m^dp
[[ See Table 13.1
Hole positlon ;;;;' rxl Specifies the hole position by an increnental or
absolute value. The path and feed rate are the
same as G00 pcsitioning.
Drilling data Specifies the distance fron point R to the bottom
of the hole in Fig. 13.1 (a) with an increnental
value or the position of the hole bottom with an
absolute value. The feed rate is specified in the
F code in operation 3.
In operatJon 5, it becomes the rapid traverse rate
or the feed rate specified in the F code, accordlng
to the drilling mode.
Specifies the d.j stance frorn the initial 1eve1 to
polnt R 1eve1 in Fig, 13.1 (a) with an absolute
value. The feeC rate i-s the rapid traverse rate in
operatlon 2 and 6.
Specifies each cut-in value with G73 and GB3 or the
shift value with G76 and G87. (Always speclfled
with an increnrental value.)
Specifies the dwe11 time at the botton of the hole.
The relationship betrveen the time and the specified
value is the same as for G04.
F ... Specifies the feed rate;
Number of K ... Specifies the number of repeats for a series cf
repea t s operation 1 to 6. When K is not specifled, K = 1
is assumed.
When K = 0 is specified, the drllling data is
sinply stored, and drilling ls not performed.
Since the drilling node (GID remains unchanged untl1 another drilling node
is speci-fied or the canned cycle is cancelled with a G code, j-t must not be
speclfied any blocks when the same drilling mode continues. G80 and the 0l
group G codes are used to cancel a canned cycle. Once the drilling data has
been specified in the canned cycle, it is retained until it is changed or the
canned cycle is cancelled. Therefore, all requlred drilllng data shal1 be
specified when the canned cycle is started and only data to be changed sha11
be specified during the cycle.
The number of repeats K shall be specifled only when operation $ust be re-
peated. Data K is not retalned. The feed rate specified with the F code ls
retained even if the canned cycle ls cancelled.
When the system is reset during the canned cycle, the drilling mode, drllllng
data, hole position data and repetition count are deleteC.
An example of the above data retention and deletion ls shown below.
x coo x Mo3;
@ G8IX Y-Z-_R-F-K- ; .....
In the beglnning, Z, R, and F speclfy necessary
values. Drilling ls repeated K times according to
c81 .
O Y _; . Slnce the drllling mode and drllling data are the
same as those specif ied in O , G8 l, Z _, R _,
and F can be ornltted. The hole posltion moves
only f6T Y _ and drilling is performed only once to G8l.
@ c82x K-;
ThEFole posltlon moves only for X _ from O and
the hole is drilled according to G82 with Z, R, and
F speclfled ln @ and the drilling data P specl-
fled in @. Thls Ls repeated K times,

\)-/ G80 X Mq.

Drilling is not performed. All drilling data (ex-

cept F) is cancelled.
@ G85 X RP
Since drilling data is cancelled in O, Z arrd, R
must be respeci.fied. Since F is the same as F
specified j.n O, it can be onitted. p is noc
required in this block, but it is stored.
Ox Performs drilling which differs only for the Z
value with @ by moving the hole position only for
@ G89 X Y
Performs drilling according to G89 by using the Z
specified i1 O , R and P speeified in @, and F
specified @ as drilling daia.
O colx Y
The drl11j-ng mode and a1l drilling data (excepr F)
are deleted.
d) Repeat of canned cycle
When holes are repeatedly drilled at equal j-ntervals in the same canned
cycle, the number of repeats can be specified by using address K.
The maximum value of K is 9999.
K is effective only for the specifled block.

machining position

machining position

G81 X K5F _;
X Y _ specifies
-it the first drilling positi-on for an incremental
cofrand- (egi)]f f is specif ied for an absolute cornmand (c90), a hole is
repeatedly drilled at the salne position. The canned cycle automatic
deceleration time constant is automatically switched to the rapid traverse or
feed tirne constant according to the feed used for each operation. At the end
point; the tool decelerates and moves on to the next sequence. However, when
return frorn the bottom of the hole to the R 1evel is performed at the rapid
traverse rate with G98 (initial 1evel return) (for example, G8I), the tool
does not decelerate, but inmediately returns to the initial level at the
rapid traverse rate.
Each hole machining operation is detailed below.

I 1) G73 (High-speed peck drilling cycle)

i G73',(G98) G73 (G99)


Initial point
Point R


+ I
i, I
{} I
.: I




Point Z

The retraction is set by a paranelgr --_(No. 0531). Sinc-e rhe Z-axis direction
int"TmiiiEnr--Itad simplifies ai;pbsaf'-?nd p'ermlts a very small
retraction value to be set in "trip
deep hole dr1lling, efficient machining is
performed. Retraction is performed at the rapid traverse rate.
2) c74 (Left-handed tapping cycle) _

c74 (c98) | c74 (c99)

i Spindle

i ,/'"*

*''. Feed

Point z
| |
O\ spindre

At the bottom of the hole, the splndle rotates clockwise and left-handed
tapping perforroed.
{ (Note) During left-handed tapping speclfied in G74, rhe feed rare override ls
! i-gnored and the cycle does not stop until the end of the return
operation, even if a feed hold is applied.

3) G76 (fine boring cYcle)

G76 (G98) G76 (c99)

Spindle C\!
"'*F1 Initial

Point R

Point Z
Point Z

oss Oriented Spindle Stop

+ Shift (rapid traverse)

l+ Shift amount q

Since a spindle oriented stop is performed at the bottom of the hole and the
spindl.e retracts after shifting i-n the direction opposite to the cutter
direction, high precision and efficient boring is performed without scratch-
ing the workpiece surface.
(Note) The shift value is specified by Q. The Q value is always a positive
value. If a negative value is specified, the sign is ignored. For
the shift directionr dny of +X, -X, *Y and -Y is selected by setting
parameter (data No. 0002). The Q value is modal in the canned cycle.
Since it is also used as the cut-in value for G73 and G83, specify it

/+) G80 Canned cycle cancel
The canned cycle (G73, G74, G76, G81 to GB9) is cancelled and normal opera-
tion is subsequently performed. The points R and Z are aI'so cancelled.
(That is, R = 0 ar,d Z = 0 for the incremental command.) other drilling data
is also cancelled.
5) c8l (drilling cycle' spot boring cycle)
\ U6I G81 (c99)
'\ ./

Point R :.Glr.-,
Point Z llll
o Point Z

---*Rapid travelse


6) c82 (drilling cycle, counter boring cycle) -Cutting

cbz icgal G82 (G99)

___---* ?

tilr Poirt R
Point R

Point Z
'@ Point Z
,'Jr"{ 6-- D well

This is the same as G81. Dwell (specified by the P code) is performed at Eire
bottom of the hole and the spindle is raised. Dwell at the bottom of the
hole improves the hole depth precision in blind hole dri1ling.
i) c83 (Peck drilllng cYcle)

c83 (c98) c83 (c99)

tl Initial
v-----? point

T- lts
cf It i li tt
qlT-:- of-"-i-llT
- t

YI qT- ----iJ-T At r- a

Point Z

G83 X Y _ Z _ a _ R _ F _;
The coromand above specifies the peck drilling cycle. a is the cut-i.n value
each time and specify with an incremental value. When the second and sub-
sequent cut-in is performed, rapid traverse- is switched to feed by d nn (or
inch) before the position where cut-in is performed. The specified Q value
must always be positive. If a negative value is specified, the FlEn*is
lgnored. The d value is set by parameter (data No. 0532).
8) c84 (tapping cycle)

G84 (G98) G84 (Ge9)


r: R
V----+ o Initial v____+o
I t:""' I ,snittar" c*
I tG). spinare cw
Ii/ i@/
ll po.,z
il Pottz
O-- rni*.* $- rn"u," ".rn
RaPid traverse
+ Feed

The spindie is reversed at the bottom of the hole and the tapping cycle ls
(Note) During tapping specified in G84, the feed rate override is ignglad,;tnd
the cycle does.-not _s:9-p-_""!i!_,the-snd.-o-f the reTTrrfrEeTefi-on, .even lf
feed hold is applled.

9) cB5 (boring cycle)

0____*" ..-9

il I

il I
ti I I


This is the same as C84, but the spindle

hole. i,s not reversed at the bottom of .the

10) c86 (boring cycle)

r: snndtec$
U ,
',* -9 I


Rapid traverse

This ls the same as Ggl, but the spindle

and is retracted at the rapid traverse stops at the bottom .of the holes
rate. -



1l) G87 (boring cycle/back boring cycle)

G87 (G99)

11 @s5)f=1
/L--=6 =+ I Initial
/ + tti point
Spindle CW t i
,,=: !l
+ | pointZ
vlt Rated traverse
\Spindte CW
Point R
+ Shift

After the tool is positioned along the X and Y axes, the spindle stoPs at
the orientation position. The spindle i-s then shifted in the direction
opposite to the tool and is positioned at the botton of the hole (Point R)
at the rapid traverse rate. At this position, the tool returns only for the
shift value and the spindle rotates clockwise. Machining is performed up to
the point Z in the positive direction of the Z axis. At this position, the
splndle again stops at the orientation position and shifts in the direction
opposiEe to the tool and the tool is withdrawn from the hole. After the
tool returns to the initial point, it returns only for the shift value. The
spindle rotates clockwise and the tool moves according to the command of the
next b1ock. The-shift value and direct.ion are the same as those for G76.
(Direction setti;g is common to both G76 and G87.)
L2) c88 (boring cycle)

I spindle cw
SPindle CW
Point R

Poht z )

spindle stop
after drvell
o- Spirdle stop
after dwell

Rapid iraverse


Manual feed


t:) c89 (boring cycle)

G89 (G98) c89 (c99)

a 9, Initial
i!rl I
rl I

I Point R
Point R
ll Ir
PontZ II Point Z

This is the same as G85, but dwe1l is performed at the bottorn of Ehe ho1e.
14) Rigid mode
To set the rigid mode, specify M29s*J^**1 before command of tappi_ng cycle and
reverse tapping cycle.
By this operation, the spindle stops, the rigid mod.e Dr signal turns on, and the
rigid mode j-s set for the. tapping cycle or reverse tapping cycle which i^IS
commanded next.
l'129 is called a rigid tapping prepare auxiliary function. The rigid tapping
Prepare auxiliary functj-on code can be changed to another M-code by setting the
corresPonding value in the parameter 0256, However, 1429 is used fhroughout thi-s
manual to make the description consistent.
Specify GBO; to reset the rigid mode. The rigid mode can also be reset by the
another canned cycle G-code or the group 01G code, that ls, the commands that
clear the tapping cycle.
The rigid mode DI signal is turned off by this rigid mode reset conmand.
Irrhen the rigid tapping is ended by the rigid mode reset command, the spindle
stops and the S-code goes to the state with S0 specified.
The ri-gid mode can also be reset by the reset operation (reset button, external
reset). However, note that the canned cycle mode is not reset bv the reset

G7 4 /c84X-Y Z._R-P-F-K- -]
XY Rigid mode


Precautions on camrnand
a) F /5***x is a screw lead.
b) 5T-*** nusg be lower than the value set in the parameter (No. 0617).
Otherwise, p/S alarm occurs in the G f] f] block. (Refer to Section 5
for the alarm No.)
c) F must be lower Ehan the cutting feed rate upper limit value
(piraureter No. 527) . Otherwise, P/S alarm (011) occurs.

- 91 -
d) Don't specify S and axis motion berween M29 and G ! !.
Donr t specify 1429 during tapping cyc1e. p/S afarrn occurs in both
e) Donrt speeify S in the block immediately after rhe block of c | [ and

(NoEes on canned cycle specifications)

(Note 1) The spindle must be rotated by the miscellaneous function (M code)
before a canned cycle is specified.
M?. Spindle CW

n r-1 t-]|
v I ll ...., Co rrec E

Nfq. Spindle stop

G fl n ; Incorrect (1.13 or M4 must be specif ied before this

block. )
(Note 2) If the block contains X, Y, Z, or R data, drilling is perforned in
canned cycle mode. If the block does not contain the X, Y, Z, and R
data, drilling is not performed. However, when G04X ; is specified,
drilling is nct performed even if X is soecified
c00 x _;
G81X Y Z R

t (Drilling is not perforned)

E. (Dri11ing is not performed. Value F is updated.)
v-. (Dri11ing is not performed. ) (Onfy the miscellaneous
function is executed.)
G04P _; (Drilling is not performed. Drilling data P is not
changed by c04P. )
(Note 3) Specify drilling data Q, P in the block where drilling is performed.
In other words, specify it in the block for which the X, Y, Z, or R,
axis data is specified. This data is not stored as modal data if
specified in a block where drilling is not performed.
(Note 4) When the canned cycle (G74, GB4, G86) which performs the rotational
control of the spindle is used and drilling rrrith a short distance
between the hole .positions (X, Y) or the initial level to the R point
Ievel is short, the spindle may not reach the normal rotation before it
enters the cutting operation (-Z) of the ho1e.
When this occurs, a time lag musc be provided by inserting a dwe11
commarld (G04) between each drilling operation. In this case, without
specifying the number of repeats with K, prograrn as shovm be1ow.

Drvell is applied anC waits for the nornrrl
spindle rotation.
V *o{_-*, Tl-


GB6X Y Z R F :
GOa P ]; is perforrned, but drilling is not performed)
XY: -(Dwell
G04 P ; (Dwell is performed, but drilling is not performed)
aa- is performed, but drilling is not performed)
j -t -tlwell

This may not have to be considered, depending on the machine tool.

Refer to the machine tool builderts instrucEion manual
(Note 5) As previously mentioned, a canned cycle may also be cancelled with G00
to G03 (group 0l G code). This cancel is performed when G00 to c03 is
read if it is specified in the same block as G (i/ indicates 0 to 3,
indicates the canned cycle code):
EI' G X Y Z R Q P F K ;
(The canned i-s perfo?rned.)-
(t"tovement alon[-the x y a*""-is perforred as specified
in G//, R, P, Q and K ""d
are ignored and F is stored.)
(Note 6) When a miscellaneous function is specified in the same block as a
canned cycle command, the M code and MF signals are sent at Ehe first
positioning operati-on (operation l). The controlr waits for the finish
signal (FIN) aE the end of positioning before starting the next dril-
ling operation. When the number of repeats (K) is specified, the M
code and MF signals are senL only the first time.
(Note 7) The tool offset commands (G45 or G48) are ignored in canned cycle mode.
(Note 8) When tool length offset (G43, G44, G49) is specified in canned cycle
mode, offset is applied when the tool is positioned to poinE R (opera-
tion 2).
(Note 9) Operator precautions
a) Single block
When a canned cycle is performed in the single block mode, the con-
trol stops at the end of operation l, 2, and 6, as shown in Fig.
f3.l (a). Therefore, it must be started three times to dri1l one
ho1e. The feed hold lamp lights at the end of operations I and 2.
When the number of repeats is left at the end of operation 6, the
system stops \,iith feed hold state, and when not, the system stops in
stop state.
D) feed nord
When a feed hold is applied between operations 3 to 5 in canned
cycle G74 or GB4, the feed hold lamp imrnediately lights, but the
control continues to operate up to operation 6 and stops. If a feed
hold is applied again during operation 6, it immediaEely stops.
c) Override
ie The feed rate override is assumed to be 100% during the operation of
canned cycle G74 or G84.

Program exampl-e using tool length offset and a canned eycle ffi
Reference point ffi

[.: :

I E.:
t t#6
/T\ #10


| +r'
/t\ #9




l/1ru 6 Drilling of a 10 mm diameter hole

ll 7*19 Drilling of a 2O uun diameter hole
/lll t 13 Boring of a 95 rnn diameter hole (depth 50 rnrn)

Retract position F


l-x Initial level


Tll Ti5


-n -E


i-U Ln

L_u E

Offset value +200.0 is set in offset No.1l, *190.0
+150.0 is set in offset No.3l. is set in offset No. l5, and

-94- F

Program example
N001 G92 X0 Y0 Z0; Coordinate setting at reference poinr
N002 G90 G00 2250.0
T11 M6; Tool change
N003 G43 ZO Hll; Initial level, tool length offset
N004 S30 M3; Spindle start
N005 G99 G8l X400.0
Y-350.0 2-153.0
R-97.0 Fl20; Positioning, then /11 drilling
N006 Y-550.0; Positioning, then /i2 drilling and point R level return
N007 G98 Y-750.0; Positioning, then //3 drilling and initial level return
N008 G99 XI200.0; Positioning, then /14 drilling and point R'level return
N009 Y-550.0; Positioning, then ii5 drilling and point R leve1 return
N010 G98 Y-350.0; Positioning, then //6 drilling and j-nitial 1eve1 return
NOil G00 X0 Y0 M5; Reference point return, spindle stop
N0l2 G49 2250.0 T15
M6; Tool length offset cancel, tool change
N013 G43 ZO H15; Initial level, tool length offset
N014 S20 M3; Spindle start
N0l5 c99 G82 X550.0
Y-450.0 Z-130.0
R-97.0 P300 F70; Positioni-ng, then /i7 drilling, point R 1evel return
N016 G98 Y-650.0; Positioning, then /18 drilling, initial leve1 return
N017 G99 X1050.0; Positioning, then ii9 drilling, poJ.nt R level return
N018 G98 Y-450.0; Positioning, then /i10 dri11ing, initial level return
N0l9 G00 X0 Y0 M5; Reference point return, spindle stop
N020 c49 2250.0 T3l
M6; Tool length offset cancel, tool change
N02i c43 Z0 H31; Initial level, tool length offset
N022 StO M3; Spindle start
N023 cB5 c99 x800.0
Y-350.0 Z-t53.0 t
R47.0 F50; Positioning, then /ll1 drilling, point R leve1 return
N024 G91 Y-200.0 K2; Positioning then i/12, 13 drilling, point R 1eve1 return
N025 G28 X0 Y0 M5; Reference point return, spindle stop
N026 G49 Z0; Tool length offset cancel
N027 M0; Program stop
(Note) When the number of repeats is specifled by K in G98 and G99, the tool
returns to the initial level (G9B) or point R level (G99) from the first
13.2 External Motion Function (G80, G81)
G81 ]P
Thi; an external motion function signal to be sent to the
machine tool side from the CNC every time the positioning to IP is completed and
thi e _qi^o^^-.-
on:'l i s used to perform operations such as clamplng, drilling, and
punching and cycles on the machine tool side.
Thie eionel ic sent every positioning until it is cancelled with a G80 and G
code in group 0i command. The external motion signal is not sent during exe-
cution of block that does not contain neither X nor Y. Parameter (No. 0011,
MCF) determines whether G8l ls used as an external operation function or as a
canned cycle.


* -95-

14.1 Tool Length Offset (G43, c44, c49)

14.1.1 Tool length offset A
By the command of G43 \ .z
G43 r ,r
trq 4
The position of the terminal point of the movement command in the Z axis can be
shifted + or - by as much as the value set in the offset memory. This function
can be used by setting the difference between the tool length assumed during
progranming and the actual tool length of the tool used when the work is
performed into the offset memory. It is now possible to apply compensation
without changing the program. Assign the offset direction with a G43 or G44,
and designate the offset amount that has been set in the offseE memorv with an H
l) Direction of offset
C43 + side offset
C44 - side offset
rrr drrJ LdDE of absolute or incremental commands, the offset amount thag has
been set into the offset memory assigned by H code is in G43, added to, and
in G44, subtracted from the coordinate value of the terminal point of tlne Z
axis movement command. The coordinate value after the calculation becomes
the terminal point.
When the movement cornmagl for the Z axis was omitted, it is taken in the same
way as:
.1, 1
1 cqt znu
J vl LUvLL
^, 4
and the tool moves by the offset amount in the * direction in G43 and in the
- direction in G44.
G43 and G44 being modal codes, are effective until another G code in the same
group is programmed.
2) Assignment of offset amount
^EE^^+. number by H code. The offset amount that has been set in the
^^^i^- Vr!JCL
nffcar mamnr\7 is added to or subtracted froro the programmed command value for Z axis. The offset number can be assigned by H00 - H200. However, there
are 200 offsets to be used jointly with the H codes used for cutter
The offset amount may be set in the offset memory through rhe CRT/I,IDI panel.
rrrs lerr6e
TL^ -^--^ wr
^t values that can be set as the offset amount is as follows:

mm input 'in^1'
rrrLrr fi-^,,+
rrPu L

Offset amount o - +999.999 mm 0 - +99.9999 inch

The offset value corresponding to offset No. 00 or H00 always means 0. It iS

irnpossible to set H00 to any other offset value.
?\ Cancelling tool length compensation
To cancel the offset, couunand a G49 or assign offset H00. L^,rlren H00 or G49 is
commanded, the cancelling acti-on is taken immediately.

f,. /\ Example of tool length compensation
.+ )
(No. l, 2 and 3 borings)


I /t


i-- I v--
\9 +Y
-\/ a
\t) ,--'I -1-rr


H01 = -4.0 (Offser amounr)

N1c91 c00 xl20.0 Y80.0;
N2 c43 2-32.0 HOl; /t\
N3 c01 z-2I.0 F1000; ;\
N4 c04 P2000;
N5 c00 22t.0; /?\
N6 X30.0 Z-50.0;
N7 c01 Z-4t.0;
N9 X50.0 Y30.0;
N10 cOt 2-25.0;
NIl c04 P2000; rn
N12 c00 257.0 H00; rfa
Ni3 X-200.0 Y-60.0; @
Nl4 M02;
(Note 1) When the offset amount 1s changed due to a change of the offset
number, the offset value changes to the new offset amount, the new
offset amount is not added to the old offset amount.
HOI ... Offset anounr 20.0
H02 ... Offset anount 30.0
c90 c43 2100.0 H0t; ... Z vtLLL go ro 120.0
c90 c43 2100.0 H02; ... Z witl go to 130.0

h -97-
14.1.2 Tool length offset B
ci7) ^,^\ z
ci8l :i;l
b'+'+., Y
GIgj x ]'
GITl nrr\
Glgj u'+'+J
::ll H ,

The end point of the move command in Z, Y, or X axj-s can be shifted + or - by as

much as the value set i-n the offset memory by the above command. The offset
axis is specified by Gl7, GI8, or Gl9, and offset direction is specified by G43
or G44. The offset, amount that has been set in the offset memory is designated
by an H code.
1) Offset axis
The axis being vertical to the plane specified by Gl 7 , GI8, or Gl 9 is
designated as offset axis.

Plane selection Offset axis

^11 Z axis
c18 Y axis
c19 X axis

The tool offset irtwo or more axes can be commanded bv two or more blocks as
shown below.
(Exarnple) 0ffset 1 n X and Y axes.
G19 G43 H , Offset in X axis
GI8 G43 H , Offset in Y axis (Offset in X and Y axes is
2) Direction of offset
G43 * side offsec
G44 - side offset
In any case of absolute or incremental commands, the offset amount that has
been set into the offset memory assigned by H code is in G43, added to, and
in G44, subtracted from the coordinate value of the terminal point of the
specified axis movement coumand. The coordinate value after the calculation
becomes the terminal point.
When the movement command for the specified axis was omitted. 1t is taken in
the same way as,
GI7'l c6?t Z0l
crsi ."'++)
:;;l Y0f H
GlgJ xo,J
and it moves by the offset amount in the + direction in G43 and 1n the
- direction in G44.
G 43 and G44 being modal codes, are effective until another G code in the
same group is programmed.
Assignment of offset amount
Assign offset number by H code. The offset amount that has been set in the
offset memory is added to or subtracted from the programmed command value for
the specified axis. The offset number can be assigned by H00 to H200.
However, there are 200 offsets to be used jointly with the H codes used for
cutter compensation.
The offset amount rnay be set in the offset memory through The CRT/I'DI panel.
The range of values t.hat can be set as the offset amount is as follows:

mm input inch input
0ffsec amount 0 - +999.999 mm 0 - +99.9999 inch

The offset value corresponding to offset No. 00 or H00 always means 0. It is

impossible to set H00 to any other offset value.
4) Cancelling tool length compensation
To cancel the offset, command a G49 or assign offset H00. In t.he case of
offset in two or more axes, the offset in all axes is cancelled by G49
command and the offset in the axis specifled by plane selection G code is
cancelled by H00
The canceLling action 1s taken immediately after G49 or H00 is comrnanded.
(Note l) Tool length offset A and B can be selected by the parameter No. 0003

(Note 2) In the case of the offset in three axes, if t.he of f set is cancelled
by G49 code, the P/S alarm 015 is generated. Cancel the offset by
usinq G49 and H00.
14.2 Cutter Compensation B {G39 - G42\

14.2.1 Cutter compensation function

Thic ffinnfinn nolssits the tool to be offSet by the tool radius value given, that
is, to pass through the offset path. Thls offset command is specified by a
G-code function on CNC tape or on the MDI unit. The offset amount (tool radius
value) shall previously be stored in the memory correspondingly to the H code
via the MDI unit. This memory is called the Offset memory, and it can be stored
maximum 200 kinds of offset value.
Offset number is specified by the H code. H code is modal.
The G functions related to this offset are as in Table 14.2.L.

Table 14.2.'l G functions related to cutter compensation

G code Group Frrnction

c39 00 Corner offset circular interpolation

G40 Cutter comDensatlon cancel
L:4 I 07 Cutter compensation left side
G42 Cutter compensation right side

If G4L ox G42 is specified, the equipment. is said to be in the offset model if

G40, in the cancel mode. When the power is turned on, it is in the cancel mode.
These cutter comDensation modes are not affected by the non-modal G function
G4L and G42 belong to group 07. These codes are specified mixedly with C00,
GOl, G02 and G03, and cooperate with each other to define a mode related to tool
movement (Offset).
i The program sha11 always terminate with the cancel mode.

14.2.2 Offset amount (H codel
The offset amount can be set in the offset memory up to max. 200 offsets.
(However, they are 200 offsets in total for tool length offset and cutter
compensation.) The offset amount depends on the two digit number following the
H code commanded on the program, and shall be set via the CRT/l-DI. (For
details, refer to item III I0. I. l).
The range of values in which the offseE amount can be set is as followsl

mm input inch input

Offset amount 0 - +999.999 mn 0 - +99.9999 inch

The offset amount corresponding to offset No. 00 or H00 always means 0. Ir is

irnpossible to set H00 to any other offset amount.
14.2.3 Offset vector
In Fig. 14.2.3, in order to cut a work shaped as lndicated by A with an R-radius
too1, the path for the center of the tool to pass through must be the figure B
which is separate R fron the figure A. The tool- being separate some distance
like this, is called offset. That is, the figure B is the path which is offset
R frorn the figure A.
The offset vector is a 2-dimensional vector equivalent in size to a specified
offset amount, and this value is kept stored in the control unit, and its
direction is rewritten from moment to moment as the tool moves. This offset
vector (cal1ed simply vector later) is, in order to know how much offset is to
be made i-n the directirn of a tool, etc., created in the control unit, and is
used to calculate a path offset by the tool radius from a given figure.
This vector always belongs to and follows the tool as it advances, and it is
very important in programming to know the behavior of the vector.
As shown in Fig. L4.2.3 the vector is usually at right angles with Ehe direction
in which tool advances, and faces toward the tool- center as seen from the work.

Fis. 14.2.3 Offset and vector

14.2.4 Plane selection and vector

Offset calculation is carried out in the plane determined by Gl7, GIB and GI9,
(C codes for,plane selection.) This plane is called the offset plane. For
instance, when the XY plane has been selected, the offset calculations are
carried out using (X, Y) in the program tape and the vector is eomputed. The
coordinate values of an axis which is not in the offset plane are not subject to
the offset, and the command values programmed is used as it is.
In the sequel, what vector is created, what offset calculation is made, by an
offset command, will be discussed on assumption that an XY plane is selected.
This discussion applies also when another plane is selected. The offset vector
is cleared by reset.


14.2.5 Corner offset circular interpolation (G39)

The G39X _ Y_ I ; or c39
J ; in c0l, c\Z or c03 mode
pernits eieiuiing offset circular iit.rpof"tion wittt the tool radius at a
eorner. A new vector is created to the left (G4i) or to the right (G42) looking
toward (X, Y) from the end point at right angles therewith, and the tool moves
along the arc from the polnt of the old vector toward that of the new vector.
(X, Y) is expressed in a value according to the G90/G9L respectively. (I, J) 1s
expressed in an value from the end point.

center path (X, Y)

or (I, J)
,Tool Gr_ ___
,'ha- Tool center path

1T New vector
Old vector
ord vecto/ or (r. J)
tl \\
Fig. 14.2.5 (a) In case of G41 Fig. 14.2.5 (b) In case of G42

This command can be given in offset mode, that is, only when G4l or G42 has
already been specified. Whether the arc is to turn clockwise or
counterclockwise, is defined by G4I or G42, respectlvely. This command is not
moda1, and executes circular interpolation, whatever the G function of group 01
nay be. The G function of group 01 remains even through this conmand is
14.2.6 Cutter compensation cancel (G40)
The command G40X Y ; in G00 or G01 specifies each axis to move
straightly from tnlpo-int o}-tn. old vector on the start point toward the end
point in G01 mode and eaeh axis to move at rapid traverse in G00 mode. This
command speeifies the eguipment to enter from the cutter compensation mode into
the cancel mode.

Tool center path


Old vector

Start point

When onlyG4O; is specified, and X Y is not specified, the tool
I moves the old vector amount in the opp-E3Fe diffion.


14.2.7 Cutter compensation left (G41)
I) Case of c00, cOl
ThecommandG4lX Y I J H :
specifies a new vG-r t6JF"."iFat@i-t anffi with the direction of
(I, J) on the end point, and the tool center moves toward the point of the
new vector from that of the o1d vector on the start point.
(I, J) is expressed in an incremental value from the end point, and is
significant only as a direction, and its amount is arbitrary.

center patl
New vector

\ (I , J)
Start point programmed path

In case the old vector is zero, this command specifies the equipment to enter
from the cancel mode into the cutter compensation mode. At this time, the
offset number is specified bv the H code.

New vector

Start poinl
Tool center path
Programmed path

III or J is omitted, (I, J) is assumed to be the same as (X, Y). That is,
the conrnand G4 I X Y ; specifies a new vector at right angles with
(x, Y) to be creatEdl-

New vector

rY Yl

Programmed path

Old vector Start point

If, however, G00 is specified, each axis moves independently at. the rapid
traverse rate.
2) Case of c02, G03

The commald

G02(c03)X Y R ;
specifies a tteffitorE-be cEl-ea to the left looking toward the direction
in which an arc advances on a line connecting the arc center and the arc end
point, and the tool center to move along t,he arc advancing from the point of
the old vector on the arc starE point toward that of the new vector. This
is, however, established on assumption the old vector is created correctly.
The offset vector is created toward the arc center or opposite direction
agalnst the arc eenter.

Tool center path

New vector (X,Y)

(X,Y) Tool center path

Progammed path

R Old vector

Start point

14.2.8 Cutter compensation right (G42)

G42, contrary to G41, specifies a tool to be offsec ro the right of work looking
toward the direction i.n which the tool advanees. That is, the vector created by
G42 is toward the direction opposite to that created by G41. Except for this,
Ehe o.ffset method is quite the same as in the case of G4L.
1) Case of G00, c01

Programmed path

t New vectot



New vector

Start point
Tool center path

Old vector

In the case of G00, however, each axis moves independently at the rapid
Eraverse rate.

z) Case of c02, G03

Programmed path (x,Y)

New vector
New vector

Tool center path

-_\R Programmed path

Start point
Old vector
Tool center path

Example 14.2.8(a)

Y axis
| -xoi,

Unit: mm

c91 c17 c41 c01 X15.00{y25.00 Ft80 H05;

c39 135.00 J15.00;
x35.00 Yl5.00;
G39 r25.00 J-20.00;
x25 .00 Y-20.00;
c39 15.00 J-25.00;
G03 X25.00 Y-20.50 R25.50; (Ineremental programming)

Example 14.2.8(b)

Tool center path

Programmed path

Y axis

| _ **,

Unit: mm

c9r c17 c41 c01 x50.00 y50.00 F150 H06;

c02 x96.57 Y-40.00 R56.57;
G01 Y-40.00; (Incremental- prograraming)

14.2.9 General notes on offset

1) Specification of the offset number
The offset 4umber ls specified by the H code, and can be specified anywhere
before the flrst ehange from the offset cancel mode to the cutter
compensation mode. Also, once speclfled, the offset number does not need to
be specified agaLn, unless lt has to be changed'

2) Change from the offset cancel mode to the cutter compensation mode
A move command at the time of change from the offset cancel mode to the cut-
ter compensation mode, must be positioning (G00) or linear interpolation
(G0l). The circular interpolation (G02, G03) cannot be used.
Change from the cutter compensation mode to the offset cancel mode
A move command at the time of change from the cutter compensation mode to the
offset cancel mode, must be positioning (G00) or li-near interpolation (G0l).
The circular interpolation (G02, G03) cannot be used.
4) Switch between cutter compensation left and cutter compensation right
The offset direction is switched from left to right, or frorn right to left
generally through the offset cancel mode, but can be s\,/itched not through it
only i-n positioning (G00) or linear interpolarion (G0l).
In this case, the tool path is as showl be1ow.

Newvector 2$'t)
Tool center
/' / -/ --
New vector

Tool center path (X, Y)

(Generally not \
Programmed path
Old vector


c41 ; c42 ;

Switch of offset direction


5) Change of the offset amount

The offset amount is changed generally when the tool is changed in the offset
caneel mode' but can be changed in the offset mode only in positioning (G00)
or linear interpolation (G01).
New vector
Tool center Nerv vector
Programmed path Programmed path
,/ GO1X _Y_H05;
(H0s irdicates new
offset number)
Old vector
OId vector

Change of the offset amount

6) Positive/negative offset amount. and tool center path

If the offset amount is made negative (-), it is equal that G41 and G42 are
replaced with each other in the process sheet. Consequently, if the tool
center is passing around the outside of the work it will pass around the
inside thereof, and vise versa.
rur-tuwru6 rrgiur
D^l1^,.i-^ : ^ shows one example. Generally speaking, the offset amount
ehall lro nrnol4mmed to be posi_tive (+). When a tool path is programmed as in
(a) if the offset amount is made negative (-), the tool center moves as in
(b),' and vise versa.

(a) Tool center pa*t (b) Tool center path

Tool center path made in accordance with positive or negative value of tool offset

For a cornered figure (involved in corner circular interpolation) in general,

the offset amount naturally cannot be made negative (-) to cut the inside.
In order to cut the inside corner of a cornered figure, an arc with an apPro-
priate radius must be lnserted there to provide smooth cutting.
7) If the tool length offset is commanded during cutter compensation, the offset
amount of cutter compensation is also regarded to have been changed.

14.2,10 Programexample



I X axis

Unit: mm

Zero point

O c9l cr7 coo c4r Y2o.oo rio8; (H08 is a tool offset number, and the
cutter radius value should be stored in the
memory corresponding to this number).
@ G}I Z-25.00 F100;

o Y40.00 F250;
@ c39 r40 .00 J.20 .00 ;
\) x40.00 Y20.00;
@ G39 r40.00;
o c02 x40.00 Y-40.00 R40.00;
@ x-20.00 Y-20.00 R20.00;
@ c01 x-60.00;
@ G00 Z-25.00;
@ c40 Y-20.00 Ia02;

;'. ., .' i

14.3 Cutter Compensation C (G40 - G42l

14.3.1 Cutter compensation function

In the figure below, in order to cut a workpiece indicated as A with an R-radius
tool, the path for the center of the tool must be the B which is separated R
distance from the A. The tool being separated some distance like this is called
offset. By the cutter compensation function, the tool path being separated some
distance (name1y, offset) is computed.
Therefore, the workpiece shape ls programmed with the cutter compensation node
by a programmer, and in machining, if the cutter radius (offset amounts) is
measured and set to Ehe CNC, the tool path is offset (path B) regardless of the

Offset and Vector

14.3.2 Offset amount (H code)

The offset amount can be set in the offset memory up to 200 offsets. (However,
they are 200 offsets in total with tool length compensation.) The offset amount
depends on the two digit number following the H code commanded on the program,
and is set via the CRT/MDI. .
The range of values in which the offset amount can be set is as follows;

mm input inch input

Offset amount 0 - +999.999 rnn 0 - +99.9999 inch
The offset amount corresponding to offset No. 00 or H00 always means 0. Ir is
impossible to set H00 to any other offset amount.
14.3.3 Offset vector
The offset vector is the two dimensional vector that is equal to the amount
assigned by H code. It is calculated inside the control unit, and its dj-rection
is up-dated in accordance with the progress of Ehe tool in each block. This
offset vector (hereinafter called veetor) is produced the control unit in
order to find out how much the tool motion should be offset, and is used to com-
Pute a path offset from the programmed path by the tool radius. The offset
vector is deleted by reset.
This vector always follows the tool as its progress, and it is very important,
when making a program, to understand the siatus oi the vector. Read Ehe follow-
ing description carefully to understand how the vector is generated.

_, 1^l
"na is carried out in the plane determined by
Eion Gl7, Glg and Gl9,
igo; plane selection.) This plane is ca1led the offset plane. For
Iwhen the xY plane has been selected, the offset calculations are
6ut usitg (X, Y) )t (I, J) in the program tape and rhe vector is com-
The coordinate values of an axis not in the offset plane are not subject
lf.lEli;"'offset, and the command values for that axis on the program tape are used
aa theY are.
in stmuttaneous 3 axes control, the tool path projected on the offset plane is
The offset Plane must be changed dur:ing the offset cancel mode. If it is per-
formed during the offset mode, an alarm (No. 37) is displayed and the machine is
s topped.

G code Offset plane

Gl7 X-Y plane
GI8 Z-X plane
GI9 Y-Z plane

14.3.5 G40, G41 and G42

Using G40' G4l and G42, the deletion and generation of cutter compensation
vectors is commanded. They are commanded simultaneously with G00, G01, GOz or
G03 to define a mode qhich determines the amount and direction of offsec
vectors, and the direction of tool motion.

G code Function
c40 Cutter compensation cancel
Cutter compensation left
G42 Cutter compensation right

A G4l or G42 command causes the equipment to enter the offset mode, and a G40
command causes the equipment to enter the cancel node.
The offset procedure, for example, is explained in the next figure.
The block Q) is called the start-up. In this block, the offset cancel mode is
changed to the offset mode (G41). At the end point of thls block, the tool
center is translated by the cutter radius in the direction being vertlcal to the
next block path (from Pl to P2). The cutter conopensation value ls specified by
H07, namely the offset nurbber is 7, and G41 means the cutter compens"li-otr 1eft.
After being startiup, when the workpiece shape is programmed as PI + p2 ->
P8 + p9 + Pl, the cutter compensation is performed automatically.
In the block (! , the cutter returns to the start_ point by corornanding G40
(of f set cancel) . At the end point of the block @-, the cutter center is
translated vertically to the prograrnmed path (from P9 to pl).
At the end of the program, the G40 (offset cancel) must be commanded.

program of cutter compensation C
Example of

cr (700, 1300)

(-l s0 c2 (1sso , 1sso)

(4so eoo)
izso , soo)P3 '

(1 ls0 , s50)

@ r0\

(^/ / Unit: mm
Y a-ris

art poin

\v Nl c90 c17 c00 c41 H07 X250.0 Y550.0 In advance, the offset
/l amount must be set with
\:/ N2 cOl Y900.0 F150; the offset number 07.
N3 X450.0;
N4 c03 X500.0 Yr1s0.0 R650.0;
\) N5 c02 X900.0 R-250.0;
@ N6 c03 X950.0 Y900.0 R650.0;
(, N7 cOi xl150.0;
@ N8 Y550.0;
o N9 X700.0 Y650.0;
@ NlO x 250.0 Y550.0;
@ Nll c00 G40 x0 Y0;

- 109

14.3.6 Details of cutter compensation C

In thls item, the details of the cutter compensation C ls explained.
i) Cancel mode
At the beginning when power is applied the control is ln the cancel mode.
In the cancel mode, the vector is always 0, and the tool center
coincides wlth the progralnmed path. The cancel mode (c40) should
programmed before the end of a program.
I{hen the program ends in the offset mode, positioning cannot be rnade to
terninal point of the program, and the tool position will be separated f
the terminal position by the vector value.
2) Start up
In the cancel mode, when a block which sacisfies a1I of the following co
tions is executed, the equipment enters the offset mode, this is called
start up bloek.
a) G4I or G42 has been commanded. Or, it has already been commandedr a11d
centrol enters the G4l or G42 mode.
b) The offset number for cutter compensation 1s not H00.
c) A nrove in any of the axes (I, J, K are excluded) in the offset plane
been cornmanded, and its commanded move is not 0.
In the start up block, arc commands (G02' G03) are not a1lowed, as the al
(No. 3i) is generated and the tool stops. At start up, two blocks are
After the first block is read and executed, the next block enters the cu
compensation buffer (which cannot be indicated).
In the ueantime, in the case of single block mode, two blocks are read
the mrrchine stops after the first block execution.
There.qfter,2 blocks are read in advance normally, lnside the CNC, there
three blocks, the block under execution, and the next two blocks which
entered into buffcr.
(\'ote\ The meanlng of trinner-sidet' and of ttouter-sidet' encountered later
as follows:
An angle of intersection created by two bloclcs of move commands,
referred to as ttinner-sidett, when over 180o and as ttouter sidett '
0" to 180", as measured at the workpiece side.
C Inner side Workpiece side


c ) 180"

Ou:er .side

hoglammed path

0"S a < 180"

a) When going around an inside corner (180" s0)
i) Linear + Linear ii) Linear + Arc

Programmed path

/t \\ Programmed path
Hereafter, in the figures
1 S means a single block stop poinr
{ L indicates a straight line. Tool center path
t C indicates an arc.

b) When the tool goes around the outside of a corner dL an obtuse angle
(90" Sct5IB0").
Tool path in start up or cancel has two types d rnd R. and they are select-
ed by paraneter SUPM (Data No. 0016).
Type A i) Linear -> Linear fi) Linear + Arc

Programmed paih

Tool center path

Tool center path

Type i) Linear + Linear ii) Linear -) Arc


/ ll

'r Programmed path
(Note) The intersection is the In tersectlon Tool center path
point where two offset
paths calculated by con-
tinuous two blocks are

c) Llhen going around the outside of an acute angle (a < 90.)
Ilp" A i) Linear + ii) Iinear -) Arc

Programmed path

Tool center path

Type B i) Linear + Linear

., Progr'immed paih
Tool center path

When the tool goes around the outside linear + linear

less than I degree, compensation is performed as at an acuce angle

Tool center path

t. \

anl r \ \ - Programmed path

Less than I deg.

LTz _

3) In offset mode
In the offset mode, offset ls performed correctly, if non-positioning com-
mands such as auxiliary functions or dwell would not be prograrutred in two or
more successive blocks. Otherwise overcuttlng or undercutting wi1l,occur.
Offset plane must not be changed during offset mode. Otherwise an alaru is
displaved and the tool stoDs.

a) When going around the inside (a > 180')

i) Linear + Linear ii) Linear + Arc

Programmed path

,,S L Tool center path

,/ Intersecting
/ L Point ,r lr,r"rr..rir)r\
/ LPont t t,
,'- \ Programmedpath

iii) Arc + Linear iv) Arc -) Arc

Programmed path

/S L Tool center path


point Ct.. Plogrammed

Tool center path

v) Straight line to straight line in the case in which it goes around at

a narror{ angle (less than 1o) and the offset vector becames abnorrnally


Also in case of arc to straight 1ine, stralght to arc,

the reader should infer 1n the same procedure.

- lI3 -
b) when going around an outside corner at an obtuse angle (90 < c < Ig0o)
i) Linear + Linear ii) Linear + Arc

S L Tool center path i-i
t"l L

Intersecting Tool )enter path


iii) Arc + Linear iv) Arc + Arc

lntr$ecting T,
pornt \
point L
S ho$ammed path
lqteriecting Tool mer path C"
'Iooi center path

- - -.r+!'.,r ;
,:+siF.. g
'_' ;1a: g
' lil: rl'-;i n

c) L4ren going an outside corner ac an acute angle

i)Linear + Li.near ii) Linear + Arc

Programmed path

t.r, Programmed path

Tool center path
Tool center path

iii) Arc + Linear iv) Arc + Arc

Programmed path

Tool center path

d) Exceptional cases
i) The end point of arc is not oq the arc
If there is an arc, lead-in line
as shown, assume an imaginary
circle which passes through the
arc end point and is concen-trical
-\ to the arc, and draw vectors for
Programmed comp ensa t ion , on th e as s ump t i-on
End oi arc
that the cutter compensation has
Lead arc\ been carried out for

u.S the
, \ \ \,i imaginary circle. As a result, a
/ ,.\' path for the cutter center, is
{^o' established, which is differenr
from the path compensa t ed
according to the program that
regards the arc lead-in l-ine as a
straight 1ine.
Similarly consider a case of

- ll5 -
ii') There is no inner intersecting point
In regard to the left figure, the
intersecting point of the arcs is
present on the offset path if the
offset value is smaIl, but it may
Al.n alarm occutes
annd the tool stops
disappear if the offset value is
\\rhen the off \EL
amount is lar quite large. In this case, alarm
fn. centel (No. 33) occurs at the end point
When the offsel amo .of t he arc B The center
of the arc A
of the preceding block, and Ehe
tool will stop.
parh Concerning the left figure, there
is an intersecting point P of Ehe
offset paths for the arcs A and
B, if the offset value is smal1,
but the intersecting point cannot
be found if the offset value is
quite 1arge.
iii) The center of the arc is identical with the start Doint or end Doint
If the center of the arc is identical with the start point or end
point, Alarm No. 38 is displayed, and the tool will stop at the end
point of the preceding block.
(G4I rnode)
An alarm is generated N5 c01 X1000;
and the tool stoPs N6 GO2 XIOOO IO JO;
Tool center path N7 c03 Y-1000 J-1000;


4) Offset cancel
In the offset mode, vrhen a block which satisfies any one of the following
conditions is executed, the equipment enters the cutter compensation cancel
mode, and the action of this block is ca11ed the offset cancel.
a) G40 has been commanded.
b) H00 has been commanded as the offset number for cutter compensation.
Lhen performing offset cancel, circular arc commands (G02 and G03) are not
available. -'If a circular arc is commanded, an alarm (No. 34) is generated
and the tool stops.
In the offset cancel, the control executes the instructions in that block and
the block in the cutter compensation buffer. In the meantime, in the case of
a single block mode, after reading one block, the control executes it and
stoPS. By pushing the cycle start button once more, one block is executed
without reading the next block.
Then the control is in the cancel mode, and norma11y, the btock to be
executed. next will be stored in the buffer register and the next block is not
read into the buffer for cutter compensation-

- 116 -
a) When going around an inside corner (o > 180")
i) Linear + I.inear ii) Arc + Linear

Programmed path


path Tool center

b) When going around an outside corner at an obtuse angle (90" <0< Ig0')
Type A i) Linear + Linear ii) Arc + Linear

Programmed path
(o{ 2) /L

Tool center path

path Tool center path

Type B i) Linear + Linear ii) Arc + Linear


Programmed path

Programmed path ..t C
,/ Intersection
Tool center path

- I17 -
c) When going around outside corner at an acute angle (q
< 90,)
i) Linear + Linear ii) Arc -> Linear


Programmed Tooi center

path path

i) Linear + Linear ii) Arc -> Linear

Programmed path a

Tool center path

d) L4ren the tool goes around the outside linear +

li.near at
less than I degree, compensation is performed as fo11ows. an acute angle

Tool celrter path


Less than 1 deg.

- ll8 -
* .:i'
)) Change of offset dlrection in the offset mode
The offset direction is decided by G codes (c41 and G42) for cutter com-
pensation and the sign of offset amount as follows.

(inolo nf nffcor
--t=\ amOUnt +
G code

G4l Left side offset Right side offset

\r4 L Right side offset Left side offset

fn a special case, the offset direction may be changed in the offset mode.
However, the change is not available i-n the start up block and the block
following it. When the offset direction is changed, the conception of inside
and outside disappears to become common for all cases. The offset amount in
the following example i-s assumed to be positive.

i) Linear + Lj-near ii) Linear + Arc

Programmed path

Tool center

iii) Arc + J,inear iv) Arc + Arc

Tool center path

- il9 -
v) Llhen an intersection is not obtained if offset is normally performed._
G42, if intersection with the offset Path is not required, the vector
normal to block B Ls created at the start point of block B.
i) Linear + Linear


Tool center


Tool center
Path c'

ii) Linear + Arc

L --'

Programmed path

iii) Arc + Arc

Block A


(G42) /\
rl An arc whose end
point is not on
the alc.

w./ J

TooI center

iv) When the length of tool center path becomes more than a circle because
of cutter comDensation
ation. However, when G41 and G42 are changed, or when a G40 was com-
manded with address I, J, and K the above situation can oecur.

Tool center
path \ (G42)
N5 c02 c9l x5000 Y-7000;
/ N6 c4l c02 J-5000;
N7 G42 G01 X5000 Y7000:

I In this case, the cutter
L' p\
\ compensation is not per-
formed with more than one
circle circumference: an
arc is formed from Pl to
P2 as shown. (Depending
on the circumstances, an
alarm may be displayed due
to the ttlnterference
Check" described 1ater. )
To execute a circle with
more than one ci.rcumf er-
ence, the circle must be
specified in segments.

- 121 -
6) Tennporary offset cancel
rf the commands below are speclfied in the offset mode, a temporary offset
cancel is actuated and thereafter the system will restore the offset mode
Refer to 14.3.6(4) Offser cancel and 14.3.6(2) Starr-up, for detalls of these
a) G2B automatic return to reference point
If G28 is commanded in the offset mode, the offset will be cancelled at
the intermediate point, and the offset mode will be automaticallv restored
after the reference point is reached.
If the offset vector remains at the reference point return in such a case
as the current position being the intermediate point, the CNC makes it to
zero for each axis of which reference point return was completed.
G 28 lntermediate point


(G42 G00)

Reference point

b) G29 automatic return from reference point

It G29 is commanded in the offset mode, the offset will be cancelled at
the intermediate point r ard the offset mode will be restored
automatically fron the subsequent block.
When cornmanded inmrediately after G28

lntermediate poinl


(G42 G00)

Reference point

When cornmanded not irnmediately after G28

lntermediate point

7) Cutter compensation G code in the offset mode

The offset vector can be set to form a right angle to the moving direction in
the previous block, irrespective of rnachining on inner or outer wall, by
commanding the cutter compensation G code (G41, G42) in the offset mode,
If this code is specified in a clrcular command, correct circular motion will
not be obtained.
When the direction of offset is expected to reverse by the command of cutter
compensation G code (G41, G42), refer to (5).
Linear + Linear

G42 mode)


Arc + Linear

(G42 mode)


8) Comrand for tenporary cancelling offset vector
During offset mode, if G92 (absolute zero point programrning) is conrnanded,
the offset vector js teuporarlly cancelled and thereafter offset node is
automaticallY restored.
In this case, without movement of offset cancel, the tool moves directly from
the intersectirrg point to the coumanded point where offseE vector 1s
canceled. Also when restored to offset mode, the tool moves directly to the
intersecting point.
Tool center path
S (Intersection) S (In!ersection)

t-4' /-\ L
' -t\

-/\ /
I\ )'- /t


G92 block

(G4l rnode)
N5 G9I G01 X 30O Y7000;
N6 X-3000 Y6000;
N7 G92 X 1000 Y2000;
N8 G90 G01 X 4000 Y8000;
(lJote) SS indicates the polnt where the tool stops twlce ln the single block mode.

9) A block without tool ncvement

The followlng blocks have no tool movement. In these blocks , the tool will
not move even if cutter radius.compensatlon is effected.
O M05; .. o.. M code outpur
A S2I; . .... S code output
() G04 XiO000; Dr.'ell
@ clo Pol xloo;
offset varue serring No movement
O Z,2000; .. Move cornmandnot includea
in the offset plane.
@ Geo; C code only
@ cel XO; Move distance is zero. Move distance
ls zero.

a) When commandedat start-up
If a block withouL tool novenent is commanded at start-up, the offset
vector is not produced.

G40 c91

N6 X1000.0 Y1000.0;
N7 G4I XO;
N8 Y-1000.0;
N9 Yi000.0 x-:1000.0;

b) When cornmanded in offset mode

When a single block without tool movement is commanded ln the offset mode,
the vector and tool center path are the same as those when the block is
not connanded. (Refer to item (3) Offset node) This block is executed at
the single block stop point.

N6 c91 X100.0 Y200.0;

N7 c04 X100.0;
N8 Xl00.0;

However, when the move distance is zeto, even if the block is commanded
singly, tool motion becomes the same as that when more than one block of
without tool movement are commanded, which will be described subsequently.

N6 c91 xl000 Y2000;

N7 XO;

Two blocks without tool movement should not be commanded consecutively.

If comrnanded, a vector whose length is equal to the offset value is pro-
duced in a normal direction to tool motion in earlier block, so over-
cutting may result.

N7 Nq..

(Note 4) N6 c91 x100.0 Y200.0

N7 S21;
N9 N8 G04 X1.0;
N9 Xl00.0;

Blocks N7 and N8
/N6 are executed here.

(Note) SSS means that tool stops three times by single block operation.


c) I^lhen commanded together with offset cancel

When a block without tool movement is comrnanded together with an offset
cancel' a vector whose length is equal to the offset value is produced in
a direction normal to tool motion in the earlier b1ock, the Vector is
cancelled in the next move command.

N6 c91 Xr00.0 Y100.0;

N7 G4O;
N8 X100-0 Y0;

l0) When a block contains aG40andI J K included in the offset

i) When the of the previous block ls G4L or G42
In this case the CNC assumes that the movement frorn the end point of the
previous block in the direction of (I, J or K) has been commanded.
E (x,y)
Tool comes here
by G40 block.
(I, J)

Center of tool goes

S to X in (G42) block.

Programmed path
(G 42)

N1 tu4z mode)
N2 b.+ ul\ ^.J.,

In this case, note that the CNC obtalns an intersection of the tool path
irrespective of whether inner or outer wal1 machinlng ls specified.

t _/ _/
x-/ --/ --/
Tool center path
--\ -
-- mmed path

-\ \


Whenan i.ntersection is not obtainabJ-e, the tool comes to the posltion

normal to the previous block at the end of the previous b1ock.

s Tool center path
Programmed path
r 0, J)

- 128 -
11) When the length of the tool center path becomes more than a clrcle.

Programmed ,P2

N5 c01 G91 X10000;
N6 c02 J-6000;
N7 c40 c01 x5000 Y5000 r_100J_lo0;

In the above case' the tool center path does not go around a circle but
moves only from point PI to p2 along an arc.
According to under some ci-rcumstance, an alarm may be generated by the
interference check described 1ater. (if lt is ddsired to move a tool
around a circle, a circle must be conrnanded with partitions.)
ll) Cornermovement
When two or more vectors are produced at the end of a block, the tool moves
linearly from one vector to another. This movement is called the corner
If these vectors almost coincide with each other, the corner movement isnrt
performed and the latter vector is ignored.

This vector is ignored,

if avx< aV limit,
avy<av limit

If AVx<AVlimit and AVycAVlimit, the latter vector is ignored. The AVIimit
is set in advance by parameter No. 0557, CRCDL.
If Ehese vectors do not coi-ncide, a move is generated to turn around the
corner. This move belongs to the latter block.
This move belongs to block N7,
thus, the feed rate is equal to
that in block N7
If the block N7 is G00 mode, the
tool is moved at the rapid traverse
rate, while if it is G01, G02, G03,
the tool is moved at the cutting
feed rate.

However, if the path of the next block is semicircular or Eore, the above
function is not performed.
The reason for thia j-s as follows:
P2 P3,P4 P5

N4 c4l c91 cOi x1500 Y2000;

/ \ N5 x1500 Y2000;
I \ N6 G02 J-6000;
I N7 c01 xl500 Y-2000;
I N8 G40 Xl500 Y-2000;


center path

If the vector is not ignored, the tool path is as f ollor+s:

P0 + Pl + P2 + P3 + (Circ1e) + P4 + P5 +P6+P7
But if the dlstance between P2 and P3 is negligible, the polnt P3 1C

ignored.. Therefore, the tool path is as follows:

P0 + Pl -> P2 + P4 + P5 + P6 -> P7
Nanely, circle cutting by the block N6 1s ignored.

12) Interference check
Tool overcutting is called rinterferencet. The interference check funetion
checks for tool overcutting i-n advance. However, all interference can not
be checked by this function. The interference check is performed even if
overcutting does not occur.
a) Reference conditions for interference

c The direction of the tool path is different from that of the program-
med path. (From 90 degrees to 270 degrees between these paths).
o rn addition to the above condition, the angle between the sLart point
and end point on the tool center path is quite different from that
between the start point and end point on the prograffred path in
ci-rcular rnachining. (More than lB0 degrees)
t:: Example of condition O

: path
The directions of these two
paths are quite different
(180" to each other)

Tool nose center path

Programmed path

The dtections of these two paths ale

quite different (180" to each other)

1f 1
Example of condition @

Tool center oath ,/- -


f ,/"ou \

/ I

Center I

N5 c01 c9l x8000 Y2000 HOi;
N6 c02 X3200 Y-r600 r-2000 J-8000 H02;
N7 cOl x2000 Y-5000;
(Offset value corresponding to H01 : r-1 = 2000)
(Offset value corresponding to H02 : t2 - 6000)
In the above example, the arc in block N6 is placed in the one quadrant.
But after cutter compensation, the arc is placed in the four quadrants.
b) Correction of interference in advance
O Removal of the vector causing the interference
When cutter radj-us compensation is performed for blocks A, B and C and
vectors Vl, YZ, V3 and V4 between blocks A and B, and V5 , V6, V7 and
V6 between B and C are produced, the nearest veccors are checked
first. If interference occurs, they are ignored. But if the vectors
to be i-gnored Cue to interference are the last vectors at the corner,
they cbnnot be ignored.
Interference check
between vectors V6 and Vc -- Interfere V4 and V5 are ignored
between V3 and VU Interference Ignored
between V2 and V7 Interference - Ignored
Check between V 1 and Ve Interfere - Cannot be lgnored
If, whl1e checking, a vector wlth no interference is detected, sub-
sequent vectors are not checked. If block B is a circular movement, a
Ij-near movement 1s produced
- if the vectors are interfered.

( Exarnp le I) The tool Floves li-nearlv

c--/ c
Tool nose
center path \


I V4, V5 : Interference
l V3 , V6: Interference
\ Y2,Y1 Interference
I I V1 , Vs: No interfere
If the tool is stopped by \
single block operation at
block A, the tool center \
\ I
moves to Vr.
or O2
(Example 2) The tool moves linearly as fo11 ows:
T'ooI path: V r +VZ+V7+ Vg


Tool nose
center path
I'if--- \C

Programmed path

If the tool is stopped by

single block operatj.on at
block A, the tool center V
or o:
V4, V5 : Interference
V3, V6 : Interference
V2, V7 : No interfere
moves to Va.
Then puttiig the operatlon
into start moves t.he tool
to \,7_ or V^.

@ If the interference occurs after correction O , the tool is stopped
wi-th an alarm.
If the interference occurs after correction O or if there are only
one pair of vectors from the beginning of checking and the vectors
interfere, the alarm (No.41) is displayed and the tool is stopped
jmmediately after execution of the preceding block. (If the block is
executed by the single block operatj-on, the tool is stopped at the end
of the block.)
Tool nose center path Stopped

v2, v5 : Interference
v1,v6: Interference

After ignoring vectors V, and V5 because of interference, interference

also occurs between vectors V1 and V6. The alarm is displayed and the
tool is stopped.
c) When interference is supposed though there is no actual interference
Several examples will be given.
(!) Depression which is smaller than the offset value
Tool center path
Programmed path

There'is no actual interference, but since the di-rection programmed in

block B is opposite to that of the path after cutter compensatlon the
tool stops and an alarm is displayed.

O Groove which is smaller than the offset value
Programme<1 path Tool center path


Like O, the direction is reverse in block B.

l3) Input command fron MDI

Compensation is not performed for conmands input from the MDI.
However, when automatic operation using the NC tape composed of absolute
commands is temporarily stopped by the single block function, l'{DI operation
is performed, then automatic operation starts agains, the tool path is as
In this case, the vectors at the start point of the next block are trans-
lated and the other vectors are produced by the next two blocks.
Therefore, from point Pc, compensation is accurately performed.


"t, ( Programmed path in

absolute command


When points Po, Po and P" are programmed j-n an absolute command, the tool is
stopped by thb single block function after executing the block from P^ to
Pp and the tool is moved by MDI operation. Vectors V-, and V-. ^are
t?anslated to V'-, and V'-^ and offset vectors are recal3illated fBi the
vectors V^, ana 4,t^ betweenbflock p--p^ and p^-p*.
t"lrr"" lr3"tto, Vo, is not scalucutatef, afain, compensation is accu-
rately performed from po{n-t P".
I 4 ) Manual operat i.on
For manual operation during the cutter compensatlon, refer to item III-4.5.

- 135 -
15) If the tool leneth compensation is executed during cutter compensation, the
compensatlon amJunt of the cutter is regarded to be changed.
16) General precautions on offset
a) Offset value command
The offset value is cornmanded by a H code which specifies an offset value
Once eomnanded, a H code rematns valld until another H code is commanded
or cleared.
In addltion to specifying the offset value for cutter compensation, the H
code ls also used to command offset value for tool offset.
b) Changing the offset value
In general, the offset value shall be changed in the cancel mode, when
changing tools. If the offset value is changed in offset mode, the
vector at the end point of the block is calculated for the new offset
Calculated from offset
value in block 6.

Calculated from offset

value in block 7.

c) Positive/negative offset amount and tool center path

If the offset amount is negative (-), distribution is made for a figure
in which G4Irs and G42's are all replaced with each other on the process
sheet. Consequently, if the tool eenter is passing around the outsj-de of
the workpiece, it will pass around the inside, and vise versa.
The figure below shows one example. Generally,'the offset amount is
programmed to be positive (+).
When a tool path is programned as in (a), if the offset amount is rnade
negative (-), the tool center moves as j-n (b), and rrise versa. Con-
sequently, the same tape permits cutting both male and female shapes, and
any gap between them can be adjusted by the selection of the offset
amount. (applicable if start-up and cancel is A type).

Tool center path

(a) Tool center path

- 136 -
d) Overcutting by cutter compensation
i) Machining an inside corner at a radius smaller than the cutter radius
hthen the radius of a corner is smaller than the cutter radius, because
the inner offsetting of the cutter: will result in overcdttings, an
alarm is generated and the NC stops at the start of the block. In
single block operation, the overcutting is generated because the tool
is stopped after the block execution.
Tool center path

An alarm is Senerated
and the operation stops

Programmed path
An alarm is generated
and the operation stops here
in single block operation.

If the NC does not stop,

' overcuttlng occurs.

ii) Machining a groove smaller than the tool radius

Since the cutter compensation forces the path of the center of the
tool to move in the reverse of the prograromed direction, overcutting
will result.
In this case an alarm is generated and the NC dtops at the start of
the block.
An alarm is generated and
the operation stops.

Tool center path



Overcu!ring if the operation

rvould not stop.

- 137 -
iii) When machining a step smaller than the tool radius
When machlning of the step is commanded by circular machlning in the
case of a program containing a step smaller than the tool radius, the
path of the center of tool with the ordinary offset becomes reverse to
the programmed dj-rection. In this case, the first vector is ignored,
and the tool moves linearly to the second vector position. The single
block operation is stopped at this point. If the machining is not in
the single block mode, the cycle operation is continued. If the step
is of linear, no alarru generated and cut correctly. However
uncut part will remain.

Linear movemenl

End point of single biock

Tool center path

Prosrammed path

Circular -. _
CEntor of circular machining

The fust vector is ignored

An overcutting will result if the first vector is not isnored

iv) Ttre start up and the movement in Z axts on the cutter compensation C
It is usually used such a method that the tool is moved along the Z
axi-s after the cutter compensation is effected at some distance from
the workpiece at the start of the machining.
In the case above, if it is desired to divide the uotj-on along the Z
axi-s into rapid trave.rse and cutting feed, follow the procedure below.
Nl c9t c00 c41 x50000 Y50000 Hl;
N3 G01 2-30000 Fi;
N6 Yi00000 F2; N6: Offset mode

In the program example above, when

executing block Nl, blocks N3 and
N6 are also entered into the buffer
storager arrd by the relationship Move command
in Z axis.
amon thero the correct compensati-on
is performed as in the figure to
the rieht. Start up

- 138 -
Then, if the block N3 (move comrnand
in Z axis) is divided as follows:
I N3, N5; lvlove
I command in Z ads.
Nl c9l c00 c4l x50000 Y50000 Hl;
N3 Z-25000i --r
N5 cOl 2-5000 Fl:r
N6 Y100000 F2;
As there are two move command blocks not included in the selected
plane and the block N6 cannot be entered into the buffer storage, the
tool center path is calculated by the information of NI in the fi-gure
above. That is, the offset vector is not calculated in start up and
the overcutting may result.
The above example should be modified as follow:
The move command in the same direction as that of the move command
after the motion in Z axis should be programmsd.
Nl c9l c00 c41 x50000 Y40000 Hl;
N2 Y10000;
N3 2-25000;
N5 cOl 2-5000 FI;
N6 Yi00000 F2; N6

(The direction of the move command N3, N5

N2 is the same as that of N6.) lvlove command
in Z axts

When executing the block Nl, the blocks N2 and N3 are entered into the
buffer storage and the correct comDensation is performed by the re-
lationship between Nl and N2.

- rJ'-{ -
14.4 Changing of Tool Offset Amount (programmable data input) (G10)

The offsec amount, which are used in tool length offset and cutter compensation,
can be set by G10 command in programming. The command format. is as follows.
G1OP R t
P: OffseT number
R: 0ffset amount
The offset amount is absolute or incremental depending on the G90 or G9l
14.5 Scaling (G50, c51)

Scaling is commanded to figures specified by machining programs. To specify

scaling, effectuate it by setting parameter (No.36 SCLX, Y, Z) first.
G51r J _K_P_;
IrJ,F-S.afing cettter x,v,Z coordinate values
(Specify the absolute posirion)
P : Scale factor (Least input increment: 0.00I or 0.00001 ....
parameter selection (No. 36 SCR))
By this command, the subsequent move command is scaled by the scale factor
specified by P, starting with the point specified by I,J,K as the scaling
This scaling mode is cancelled by G50.
G50 : Scaling mode cancel command
G51 : Scaling mode com:nand
The scale factor can be specified within the following range:
0.0000f - 9.99999 or 0S0L * 999.999 times

Pa P3

\.Po' Pe'
l,'t1t: -l-
,/ P!' P2'- --

Pl - P4 : Figures of machining program

PIr - P4': Figures after scaling
Po : Scaling center
If P is not specified, the scaling factor preset by the I{DI & CRT is applicable.
If I,J,K are omitted, the G51 comrnand point serves as the scaling center.
This scaling is not applicable to the offset quantities such as cutter
compensation amount, tool length compensati-on amount, tool offset amount, and

---\ I

l12 scalng
o L)l

(Note l) Specify G51 in an independent block. Cancel G5I by G50 without fail
after scaling.
(Note 2) The position display represents the coordinate value after scaling.
(Note 3) If a setting value is employed as a scale factor r^rithout specifying P,
the setting value at G5l courmand time is employed as the scale factor,
and a change of this value by another command, if anlr is noL
(Note 4) Whether the scaling function is effective or not, it can be set by a
n'rtmprer for each axis. The scaling function always becomes effecti-ve
for the clrcular radius coruoand R in the G5l mode, irrespecti-ve of
these parameters.
(Note 5) Scaling is not effective for manual operation, but is effeeLive for
the tape, memory, or MDI operations.
(Note 6) Scaling is not applicable to the followi-ng movement in case of the
canned cycle Z-axj-s movement
* Cutting depth Q and return relief of deep hole cycle (G83, G73).
x X, Y shift quantity in fine boring (c76) and back boring (c87).
(Note 7) Specify G27, G28, G29, c30, and G92 in G50 mode wiChout fail.
(Note 8) If scaling results are rounded by counting fractions of 5 and over as
a unit and disregarding the rest, the move amount may become zero. In
chis a case, the block is regarded as a no movement block, and
therefore, it may affect the cutter movement by cutter compensation C.
14.6 Coordinate System Rotation (c68, Gj9]_.
A programmed shape can be rotated. By using this function it becomes possible,
for example, to modify a program using a rotation command when a workpiece has
been placed with some angle rotated from the programmed position on the machine.
Further, when there is a pattern comprising some identical shapes in the
posi-tions rotated from a shape, the time required for programming and the length
of the program can be reduced by preparing a subprogram of the shape and calling
it after rotation.

- l4i -
Center of


14.6.1 Command format

Icl7 ]
icl8 | c68 RR t
I G19.'

o,B: Designate two axes among X, Y and Z (coordinate value of rotational

center) rhar correspond to cI7, Gl8 and Gf9. (G90/G9l mode 1s
Angle of rotation ('r+rr is the CCW direction. Comnand with an
absolute value. An incremental value can also be comnanded by the
setting of a parameter. (No. 4i RIN))
After this command is specified, the subsequent cosmands are rotated by the
angle specified with R around the point designated with cr and B. Command the
angle of rotatj.on within the range of -360,000<R5360,000 in 0.001 deg.


The rotation plane depends on the plane (G17, Gl8, Gl9) selected when G68 is
designated. Gl7, GIB or Gl9 is not required to be designated in the same block
as G6B.
When o and B are omitted, the position where G68 is commanded is Set as the
center of rotation.
As for the incremental commands up to an absolute position command' following a
G68 cornmand, it is assumed that the rotary center were not specified (the point
where G68 was commanded is the center of rotation).
When R is omitted, the value set to parameter is regarded as the angle.
The coordinate system rotatj-on is cancelled by G69;
G69 may be designated in the same block as the other commands.
Tool offset, such as cutter compensation, tool length compensation, or tool
offset, is performed after t.he coordinate sysLem is rotated fo? the command
p rogram.
As for the incremental position commands designated between the G68 block and a
block with an absolute comnand; it is regarded that the center of rotation is
not designated (that is, it is regarded that the point where G68 was designated
is the center of rotation).
(Note l) When a value with a decimal point is designated for R, the position of
the decimal point becomes the unit of angle.
(Note 2) If a movement command is specified with G69, the following lncremental
command does not move the tool in the incremental motion.
(Exarnple I )
Nl c92 X-5000 Y-5000 G69 G17; a/-\ Tuol palh whn rhe incremnrdt
N2 c68 G90 X7000 Y3000 R60.000; .\
/ comnd s desrtsnated in the \l
blk rm parenlhcsis)
N3 c90 GOl x0 Y0 F200; \ Origimlly programm.d
(c9r xs000 Y5000) / _
tool palh

N4 G91 X10000; 60. \

N5 G02 Y10000 R10000;
N6 G03 X-10000 r-5000 J-5000; {
N7 G0r Y-10000;
N8 c69 c90 x-5000 Y-5000 M02; a

Center 0f

I (7000,3000)

(-5000, -5000)

(Note 3) Do not change the plane selection in the G68 mode (command Gl7, G18 or
G19 in the G69.mode).

14.6.2 Relationship to other functions
l) Cutter ComPensation C
IE is possible to specify G68 and G69 wit.hin cutter compensation C. The
rotation plane must coi.ncide with the plane of cutter comDensation C.
(Exarnple 2)
N2 G42 G90 X1000 Y1000 Fi000 H01
N3 G68 R-30000;
N4 G9 I X2000;
N5 G03 Y1000 r-1000 J500:
N6 G01 X-2000;
N7 Y-1000;
N8 c69 G40 c90 X0 Y0 M30:

\*)r- hogrammed shape before
coordinate s),stem rotation

Programmed shape after

coordinate system rotation

(0, 0)

Tool path

2) Coordinate system rotation in the scaling mode.

If a coordinate system rotation corrmand is executed in the scaling mode (G51
mode), the coordinate value (cl,B) of the rotat.ion center will also be scaled,
but not the rotation angle (R). When a move eouuland is issued, the scaling
i e annl i od first and then the coordinates are rotated. Therefore, the
commands must be specified in the order shown below for programming.
(Example 1)
G5f . .. . . .; (Scaling node)
a:t . . . ...; (Coordinate system rotation 0N)

G69 ......; (.Coordinate system rotation QFf):

G50 ......; (Scaling mode cancel)
A coordinate'system rotation command (G68) should not be issued in cutter
comPensation C mode (G41, G42) on scaling mode (G51). The coordinate system
rotation command should always be specified prior to setting the cutter
compensation C mode.

i@ Repetitive Commands
It is possible to store one Program as a subprogram and recall the subprogram
by changing the angIe.
(Exaurple 4) Setting the parameter RIN (No. 4I ) to I
G92 X0 Y0 G69 Gi7:
GOl F200 H01;
M98 P2100;
I"198 P072200 L7;
c00 c90 x0 Y0 M30;
o 2200 G68 X0 Y0 c9l R45.0;
c9o M98 P2r00;

o 2100 G90 c01 c42 x0 Y-10.0;

x4.r42 Y-10.0;
x7.07r Y-7.071;


When offset is
not applied

I I wn.n offset is
I {

\_-_ l___ _ _J

(Example 2)
( Cut ter compensation cancel)
G51 ..; (Scaling mode)
c68 ..; (Coordinate system rotation 0N)

uar ..; (Cutter compensation C)

(Example 3)
c5 1X3000Y1500P500;
c68x2000Y I 000R45000 ;
When only coordinate system
rotation is applied.

When scaling and coordinate

system rotation are applied.

- -1 When only scaling
/l is applied.

' A cutting program

Actual motion

Motion without
skip signal
Skip signal is
input here.

\\4' s (3oo,1oo)
t'\t-// 1"
L<:- - u',

100 200 300

The coordinate values when the skip signal is turned on can be used in a
custom nacro because they are stored in the custom mrcro system variable
#5061 to /15064, as follows:
#5061 . X axis coordinate value
1t5062 . Y axis coordlnate value
115063 . Z axls coordinate value
115064 4th axis coordinate value
The skip functlon can be used when the movement distance is not known as in
the standard-size feed in grinders.
Refer to the manualg published by the machine tool bullder.
(Note 1) If G3t comnand is issued while cutter compensation C is applied, an
alarm is displayed. Cancel the cutter compensation with the G40 com-
mand before the G31 comrnand is specified.
(Note 2) Dry run, override and automatlc acceleration/deceleration are in_
effective for skip function. However, it is possible to make effective
them by parameter setting (SKPF, parameter No. 0015)


15.1 Skip Function (G31)

Linear interpolation can be commanded by specifying axial move followi-ng the G3 I

command' like GOl. If an external skip signal is input during the execution of
this command, executlon of the comrnand is interrupted and the next block is
executed. G3l is a one-shot command and is effective onJ-y in the block in which
it is specified. The motion after the input of the skip signal depends on
whether the next block is an incremental or absolute command.
l) When the next block is an incremental command:
The motj.on in the next block is performed incrementally from the position at
which it is interrupted by the skip signal.
(Example) C31C9lXI00.0F100;
Y 50.0;

Actuai motion

Skip signal is \
5 0.0 Motion without
skip signal
\ \ .\

-=\- 100.0

2) When the next bl-ock is an absolute command with only one axis specified:
The specified axis moves to the commanded position. The axi-s which was not
specified remains at the position when the skip signal is input.
(Example) c31c90X200.0Fr00;
YI 00.0;

Actual motion

Motion without
skip signal
Skip signal is
irput here.

A 6x = zoo.or

3) lihen the next block is an absolute cornmand with t\^'o axes specif ied:
The tool moves to the posiEion specified by next block even if the skip
signal is input.
(lixample) C31C90X200.0F100;

16,1 Custom Macro Command

The custom macro command is the command to call the custom macro body.
Custom macro or subprogram can be called by the following commands.

16.1.1 M98 (Sinsle call)

Command format is as follows:
t- Called macro body program No.
With the above command, the macro body specified by P is called
16.1 .2 Subprogram call using M code
The subprogram can be called using M code set in parameter.
N G X ... M98 P<pt;
iiitEa-of commanding as above , the same operat ion can be commanded using
following command:
The correspondence of M code <m> which calls subplogram and the program number
<P> (09001 - 09003) of the called subprogram shall be set by paramerers (tlo.
0240 UMMCDI - No . 0242 UMI'ICD3)
ffi5p"Cram caff , E -maiirnuru of 3 among M03 - I'1255, except M30 and t"l code
which does not buffer (parameter No. 0035,'0036 MBUFI, MBUF2) can be used.
(Note l) Sirnilarly to M98, signal MF and I"1 code are not output.
(Note 2) Delivery of argument is not possible.
(Note 3) Subprogram call M code used in the subprogram which is called by M or T
code does not,executes subprogram call but as an ordinal M code.
16.1.3 Subprogram call using T code
When parameter (No. 0040 TMCR) is set beforehand, subprogram (09000) can be
called using T code.
N G X T<t>;
the above command resul-ts in the same operation of command of the following 2
i/I49 = <t> i
N_G_X_... M9B P9000;
The T code <t> is stored in a common variable /10149_as j1"_:ryIsrrl.
(Note 1) It is not possible to command with a same block as that. of subprogram
call using I'1 code.
(Note 2) Subprogram call T code used in the subprogram which is called by M or T
code does not executds subprogram call but as an ordinal T code.
16.1.4 G66 (Modal call)
The command format is as follows:
G66P :
L Called.macro body program No.
The above command selects the macr.o modal call mode for NC. In other words,
every time each block subsequent to the above command is executed, the macro
designated by P is called. A1so, an argument can be designated by a block
subsequent Eo the above command. For this argument, refer to 16.1.3. The macro
modal call mode is cancelted by the command below.
G67 ;

- r50 -
li Machine tools builders are requested to attach your custom macro program tape
or program list to the CNC unit without fai1.
i If. it is necessary to replace part program. storage memory due to a failure,
: FANUC sert'icemen or end users operators in charge of maintenance should know
i the contents of custom ruacro for the purp-o-56-oTElTiring the trouble immedi-

A function covering a group of instructions is stored in menory lhe same as a

subprogram. The stored function is represented by one instructiori, so that only
the representative instruction need be specified to execute the function. This
group of registered instructions is ca11ed a "custom macro bodytl_ and the repre-
body may simply be cal1ed a macro. And the custom nacro instruction may be
ca11ed a macro eall command.

Custom macro body

A group of instructions
for a certain function
Custom macro

Programmers need only remember representative macrg i.pslructiong without having

to remember all the instructions in a euEEom-EEEi6-6oty
The three most significant points on custom macros are that [yg!Se? can be
used in the custom macro body, .$!'Ei?ITin$ can be performed on-EiiaLles and
actual values\ can be asslgned to cne vartabl-es in custom macro instructions.

Table 16.1.5 (b) correspondence between group number of G code and variabre

Variable number Variable number G code group

(value) (flag) number Remarks

#8030 #8130 00 One shot and others

#803 1 #8131 01 G00, G0l, c02, c03

#8032 tt8t32 o2 Gl7, cl8, cig
#803 3 #8133 03 c90, c9 l
#8035 #8135 05 G94

#803 6 #8136 06 c20, G2 I

#8037 #8137 o7 G40, G4l, G42

#8038 #8i38 08 G43, G44, c4g

#8039 #8 r39 09 c73, G74, G76, c80 - c8g

#8040 #8 140 t0 coR

vtvt coa

#804 r "?18141 l1 G66, G67

#8045 #8 145 I5 G6I, G62, c63, G64

# 8046 tt8L46 16 c68, c69

//8I00rs variables are flags to indicaEe whetehr an argument has been speci f ied
or not every call. These variables are I if an argument is specified, and 0 if
no argumenE is specified.
#8000's variables show a specified value, if an argument is specified. However,
they become as specified below, j-f no argument is specified.
i) Reference in NC command
The address itself is neglected.
2) Reference in macro command (G65 block)
This value is undefined. Use it after confirming 8f00's numbers.
If plural G codes are specified a arguments in the same block, a value is input
to variables in each group as shovrn in Table L6.1 .2 (b). In rhis case, /18010 is
the smallest group nuuber out of the numbers specified at a time. No value can
institute into //8100's and 8000f s variables.

16.1.5 Argument specification
An argument means an actual value given to a variable employed in a salled
llldLr V. ^- 4!^-^"ment
dll 5u can be specified at all addresses employable'in this CNC
except for 0. The format of argument specification is f-he same as in normal CNC
command. The llmitation at each address as a normal CNC command, such as
decimal point, sign, maximum number of digits, etc., is also applicable t.o the
format. The following table indicates the correspondence between argument
specification addresses and variable numbers.
Table 16.1.5 (a) Correspondence between addresses and variable numbers

Variable number number

Address Remarks
(value) (flag)
#8004 #8104 I
#800s #8105 J

#8006 #8 106 K

#800 9 #8 109 -f

#80 r0 #8i10

#80rr #8llt H

#8013 #81 l3 M

#80r4 #8r14 N

#80r6 #8rl6 P

#8017 #81i7 a

#8018 #8IIB R

#8019 #8rl9 J

#8020 #8120 T

{t8024 tt8l24

#80 25 #8125 I

tf 8026 {t8r26 Z

- l5l -
16.22 Kind of variables
Variables are sort.ed into conmon vari-ab1es and system
variable_s according to
1) Common variable //100 to ilt49 and //SO0 to ii 531
Common variables are cornmon to main programs and each macro
called from these
main programs. That is, i/i in a macro is equal to /li in another macro.
Common variables //L00 co--_il_I49 are cleared when the power is turned off, and
reset to "0" jusr after por6Fw66 turned on. Cbninon v-arial tEslSOO ro rI53l
clea:9{,= _:ygl _ i{"."._poy_er is turned ,- of f ,-- and - thJii--vaiu-eF:-ena-in
2) 51'stem variable
The system variables are defined as variables whose appllcati-ons remain
f ixed
a) Tool of f set amounr #L - 1199, IIZOOO - llZ2OO
The offset amount can be known by reading system variable //l to ll99 values
for tool offset amounts, and these values can be changed by substituting
them into system variables llL to 1199. Among these offset numbers I to 99,
those which are not used as offset amounts can be treated as hold tvDe
cofftron variables (#500 to ilS:t) .
The system variables il200L to ll22O0 correspond to the tool offset numbers
1 to 200. They can be read and substituted as the same as /ll to 1199.
b) Inrerface inpur signals i/1000 to /ll0I5, llLo3z
Interface input signals can be known, by reading system variables //1000 to
#1015 for reading interface signals.

zrs 2r4 2r2 2rr r1o 29 28 2l 26 25 24 23 22 2l zo

DI UI ":
I5 UI14 UI13 UI I2 UI1 1 UIlO UI9 UI8 UI7 UI6 UI5 UI4 UI3 UI2 UI1 UIC

#1014 | #ror2 I #roio liiroos llrrooo lltrdoa l+rooz llrr 000

#1015 # 1013 10 i/1009 #L007 /l l00s # 1003 /i1001

Input signal Variable value

Contact closed I

Contact opened 0

By system variable lt1032, all the lnput signals can be read at
tt'L032: L /t(i000 -f t) x I^1
(Note I) No .r"1rl. can be substituted into system bariables #1000 to llL032.
(Note 2) System variables #1000 ro i/tOt5 can be <iisplayed by diagnostic
f uncti-on.
DGNOS No. i10 UlO to Ul7
DGNOS No. lll Ul8 to Ul5
(Note 3) System variables i/1000 to llLO32 can be used only when FANUC PMC
is comblned.

16.2 Custom Macro Body

]n the custom macro body, the CNC command, which uses ordinary ala command
variables, calculation, and branch command can be used.
The custom macro body starts from the program No. which irunediately follows 0
and ends at M99.

0 De^^e^..
r rl^
, rvSr4ur rrv.
c6EoT-. . . , Calculation command
G90c00x/r 10 r t CNC command using variables

c65H82 Branch command

End of custom Eacro

Fig. 16.2 Construction of the custom macro body

16.2.1 Variables
Instead of dj,rectly providing a numeral to an address in the macro, a variable
can be specified to make the macro flexible and versatile by applying the
calculated variable when calling t,he macro or when executj-ng the macro itself.
Multiple variables are identified from each other by variable numbers.
I ) How te-exol:ss--lari-ables-
Variables are exPressed by variable numbers following /l as shor^m below.
ll_i (i = l, 2, 3, 4 ...... )
(Exarnple) !!5, tJQ-- #199:-
2) How to quote variables
A numeral following an address can be repraced by a variable.
Assume that <Address> //i or <Address> - /li is programmed, and it means that
the variable value or its complement serves as the tommand value of the
: ]'i-fl?3:: il:i::::: :H: ;:;,;';":"Hilfi":n;il"11'li,J I'i,0.
. "G it139" indicates that G3 was commanded when /1130 = 3.
When replacing a variable number with a variable, it is not expressed as
tt//ill00tt, for example, but expressed astt//9100". That is, rrgtr
rr.*t to ttlftj
indicates the substitute of the variable number, while the lower number to be
rep laced.
(Example) If*/i 10O--=_._!_Q5- and /1105 = -500 , "Xi/9100" indicates that X-500 r^ras
commanded, and "X-/19100" indicaCes that X500 \4ras conrmandJ.".

(Note 1) No variable can be quoted at address 0 and N. Neither 0#100 nor N//120
can be programured.
(trtote 2) IT-Is not possible to command a value exceeding the maxi-mum comnand
value set in each address. When #30 = I20, M/130 has exceeded the
maximum command value.

3) How to display and set a variable value

Tt is possible to display a variable value on the CRT screen or set a
variable value to a variable by MDI key.

e) Number of necessary parts, number of machined parts
It is possible to read and substitute the number of necessary parts and
number of machined parts by use of system variables.

Kind System variable

Number of machined parts #390I

Number of necessarv parts #3902

(Note l) Do not substitute a negative value.

f ) I'Iodel inf ormation /f400L - #4120
It is possible to know the current values of modal information (modal
command given ti11 irnmediately preceding block) by reading values of
system variables #4001 - li4120.

Variab Ies Model information

#400 r G code (group 01)
114002 G code (group 02)
#4003 G code (group 03)

#4022 G code (group 22)

tt4L09 F code
lf 4t13 M code
tt4rt4 Sequence No.
{t4IL5 Program No.
tt4t19 S code
ll4t20 T code

(Note l) The unit will be the one being used when .the command is given.
C) Position information //5001 to /15083
The position information can be known by reading system variables ii500I to
#5083. The unit of position information is.0.001 mm in metric input and
0.000I inch in inch input.

- 156 -
c) Interf ace ourpur signals //t tOO to /l lll5, #t132, #I133
A value can be substituted into system variables #1100 to #1 1 l5 for
sending the interface signals.
2r5 214 213 212 2Lt I 10
29 28 27 26 25 24 23 2' 2' 2"
DO J0l5 uo14 uol 3 u0l2 u01 1 uol0 uo9 uo8 u07 u06 u05 u04 uo3 u02 u01 uoc

llLLr4 | llrrl2 I /t1110 l/tl108 I /11106 I /il104 | #1102 i #rro

I) I 109 {trro7 #1 105 #r103 111101

Variable value Output signal

I Contact closed
0 Contact opened

By substituting a value into system variable Itll32, all output signals

(uoo to u0l5) can be sent out. at once.
I|LL3Z = L #(1100 -tr-)xz ^I


32 interface signals (UO100 to U0131) can be sent out by #II33 at once.

#ii33= r il(24*vi) -z3L
Vi = 0 when UO (100+i) is LOW.
Vl = 1 when UO (100+i) is HIGH.

(Note 4) If any other number than '0' or ' I ' is subsEituted into system
variables #1100 to /ll1l5, it is treated as 'l'.
(Note 5) It is possible to read the values of sysrem variables /llt00 ro /lll33.
(Note 6) System variables /lll00 to #1115 and #1133 can be displayed by
diagnostic function.
DGNOS No. 126 UOO to UO7 No. 127 U08 to UOl5
No. 196 U0100 ro u0107 No. 197 u0108 ro U0ll5
No. I98 U0116 ro U0123 No. 199 UOl24 ro UOl3l
(Note 7) System variables #1f00 to llll3z can be used only when FANUC PMC is

d) Clock inf ormation /i 301I , ll3Ol2

It is possible to know the year, mont.h, day, hour, minute, and second by
reading system variables #3011, ll30L2.

Kind System variable

Year, Month, Day #3011

Hour, Minute, Second #3Alz

(Example) When i-t is May 20, L98l 4: 17 5" PM

#30 I 2 = 19870520, It30L2 = 16r705

(Meaning) i/i = ttj @ #k
Operator ( Speci f ied Hm)
(Exanple) p/l100 Q#l0l Rii 102 # 100 = //l0I + # t02
P# i00 Q/i l0 r RI5 #r00 = //l0l + I5
P# IOO Q-100 R/i 102 # 100 = -100 + l!r02
P# 100 Qr 20 R-50 # 100 = 120 + en
P# 100 Q-# l0 I R/i i 02 /r I00 = -/1101 + tno2

(Note I) No decimal point can be put to variable values. Therefore, the meanlng
of each vaLue is the same as that designated without decimal point when
quoted in each address.
(Examp le) /1100 = i0
X#100 0.01 mm (metric input)
(Note 2) Those indicating an angle must be expressed by degree, and the least
input increment is 1/1000 degree.
(Example) 100 0,1"
(Note 3) H code specified by G65 does not affect any selection of offset amount

Table of macro i nstru ctions

G code H code Function Definition

H0l Def inition, substitution lti = lli
HO2 Addition ili=#j+i/k
H03 Sub tract ion li]-=#J-ilk
H04 Produc t s lli=lll+tlk
H05 ni.,i^i^-,,'
uLv L>LwLL2/ ili=i/jx/lk
HII Logical sum {t1 = tij .0R. #k
Hl2 Logical product #i = #j.AND. /lk
HI3 Exclusive 0R Iti = llj .xOR. #k
H21 Snrrrro rnnl- #i = {tE
H22 Absolute value //i = I/rjl
#i = #j - rrunc (//j///k) x llk
H23 Remainder trunc: Discard fractions
less than I
H24 Conversion from BCD to binarl /li = BrN (//j)
H25 Converslon from binarv to BCD /ii = BDC (#j)
Cornbined multiplic aLion /
H27 Combined square root I *i = frjz-a16r
H28 .^-L-'*^r
uurlutLlcu >Yuot g root 2 tli='fr42-1;pz

rl ev-"'
Position information
Re:d'ino Cutter and tool
variab 1e while moving length compensation
#500 I Rl ne k end nni nl- n^q'i f i nn nf Possible Not considered.
X axis (ABSI0) Position of tool
115002 Block end point position of nose (program com-
Y awi q mand position)
#500 3 Block end point position of
#5004 Block end point position of
4th axis
It502L X axis coordinate position Impossible Considered.
tf 5022 Y axis coordinate posi.tion Position of tool
#5023 Z axis coordinate position roForanoo nninl-
{t5024 4th axis coordinate oosition (Machine coordinate)

{t5041 Present position of X axis I frnnccl h I a Considered.

(ABS0r) Position of tool
tt5042 Present position of Y axis raFaranaa nnini
#5043 Present position of Z axis (Same as ABSOLUTE
{ts044 Present position of 4th axis indication at POS)
#506 I Skip signal position of Possible Considered.
X axis Position of tool
#5062 Skip signal position of roforanno nninf
Y axis
#50 63 Skip si-gnal position of
tf 5064 Skip signal position of
4th axis
#508 0 Value of cutter compensation Possible
#508 I Value of tool length
compensation (X axis)
{t5082 Value of tool length
compensation (Y axis)
#508 3 Value of tool length
compensation (Z axis)

(Note !.)It is not possible to substitute any value into system variabtes /lS00l
ro /15083.
(Note o\ When the skip signal doesn't turn on, the skip signal position is the
end point of that block.
16.2.3 Macro instructions (G65)
Generar I orm
G65 Hm e/i i qili n/ik;
m Indicates macro functions at 01 to 99.
tti Variable name to which arithmetic result is loaded.
ltj Variable name I to be operated. A constant is also acceptable.
Itk Variable name 2 to be operated. A constant is also acceptable.

h) Exclusive 0R /fi = //j .xoR. #k
G6s H13 P#i Q/ij Rifk;
(Ex.) c65 Hl3 P#l0l Q/i102 R#103; (#I0l = ttroT .XOR. #i03)
r) Square root /ii = /#j
G65 H21 P/l j. Q//j;
(Ex.) c6s H21 p/ll0r Q/i102; (#l0r = /#ro2)
j) nUsolute value /i i = l#j I

G65 H22 P/li Q/13;

(Ex.) G65 H22 p//10r Q//102; (//l0r = l+rozl
k) Remainder lli- = ltj - trunc (/lj///k) x i/k trunc: Discard fractions less than
c6s H23 P/li Q/ij Rilk;
(Ex.) G65 H23 P//101 Q//102 R//103; (//r0r = llt02 - rrunc(lfLOzlltrO3) x ilr03)
f) Conversion from BCD to binary /li = BIN (//j)
G65 H24 P/lr. Q/li;
(Ex.) G65 H24 p//l0l Q//102; (iil0r = BrN (#102))
m) Conversion from binary to BCD i/i = BCD (#j)
G65 H25 P#i Q#j;
(Ex.) c65 H2s p//r01 Q//r02; (/ir0r = BCD (#102))

n) Conbined multiplication/division (/li x i/j) + //k

G6s H26 e;[i Qili ni/k;
(Ex.) G65 H26 p/lr0l Q#r02 R/i103; (//10r = (#101 x /i102) + /1103)

o) combined square roor I lli = {iliT +-tl?

G65 H27 P#i Q/ij R#k;
(Ex. ) G65 H27 pill0l Q#102 R/i 103; (#101 = ltltoZ2 + 1lLO32

rt Combined square root 2 11i = /142 - 1S1rz
G65 H2B r/ll Q//5 ni/k;
(Ex. ) c65 H28 p//r01 Q//102 R//103; (/i 101 = /llL022 - llLnz
1l Sine //i = //j . SIN (i/k) (degree unir)
c65 H3r P#i q/li n/lk;
(Ex.) G65 H31 p//r0r Q//r02 R//r03; (#r0L = llro2 SrN (#103))
r) Cosine lti = lli COS (#k) (degree unit)
G65 H32 e//i qi/t n//r;
(Ex. ) c65 H32 p//r01 Q/i 102 R//103; (/lr0r = llr02 cos (#103) )

J) Tangent lli = ltj TAN (//k) (degree unit)

cps H33 P//r Q/ii Ri/k;
(Ex.) G65 H33 p/ii0r Q#102 R//103; (//l0r = #ro2 TAN (#103))

r) Arctangenr lti = ATAN (#j/#k) (degree unit)

c65 H34 p//i Q/lj n/lk; (0"</li<360")
(rx.; c65 H34 p/ll0l Q//102 R#103; (#l0r = ArAN (llLozllll03))
(Note 1) Angle in (q) to (t) must be indicated by degree and the least f rrPu L
increment is l/1000 degree.
(Note 2) If .either Q or R necessary for each arithmetic operation was not indi-
cated, i-ts value is calculated as t0t.
(Note 3) A11 figures below decimal point are truncated if each arithmetic result
includes decimal point.

- 160 -

U LUUE H code Function Definitlon

c65 H3l Sine lli = ,'Jlli . crN
ultl /ilr,\

H32 Co sine tli = ,,J
ll: . nnc
H33 Tangent ttj- = ltj . TAN (//k)
H34 Arctangent /ii = ArAN (tti/#k)
H80 Unconditional divergence G0T0n
H8i Conditional divereence 1 IF i/j = llk, GO TO n
H82 Conditional divergence 2 rF #j + lfk, Go TO n
H83 Conditional di.vergence 3 rF //j > {lk, Go ro n
H84 Conditional divergence 4 rF #j < llk, G0 TO n
H85 Conditional divergence 5 rF /ij z /ik, GO TO n

H86 Conditional divergence 6 IF /ij : /lk, G0 T0 n

H99 P/S alarm occurrence P/S alarrn number 500 + n


I) Variable arithmetic command

a,, uer].n]-c1on ancl substitution of variable lli = #i
c65 HOl P//i Q/ij;
(Ex. ) c65 H0l p/tl0l Q1005; (/i 101 = 1005)
c6s H01 P#101 Q//r10; (//101 = #110)
c65 H01 p//101 Q_/i 112; (li 101 = _#LLz)
b) Addirion //i = #j + ttk
. c6s H02 P//i Q/tj R//k;
(Ex. ) c6s H02 pitlol Q/ir02 R15; (#101 = #L02 + 15)
c) Subtracrion //i = /li - +t<
c6s H03 r/tt q//i n/tk;
(Ex. ) c65 H03 p//r01 Q#102 R//103; (//10 r = #102 - #103)
d) Product i/i = #j x #k
c65 H04 r/ti Q//5 n/ik;
(Ex.) c6s H04 p#101 Q#102 R/t103; (//l0l = #ro2 x /1103)

e) Division /ii = /li + iik

c65 H05 Pili Q/tj R//k;
(Ex. ) c6s H05 pii r0r Q#102 R#103; (i/101 = #r02 + i/r03)
f) Logical surn /fi = //j .0R. #k
c6s Hll P/ti q//i n//k;
(Ex. ) c65 Hr r p/ll0l Q//102 R//103; (/t101 = #r02 .oR. #i03)
g) Logical product lti = lli .AND. #k
c65 H12 P#i Q#j R//k;
(Ex. ) c65 Hl2 p#l0l Q#102 R#103; (ttl01 = #to2 .AND. #103)

2) Control command
a) Unconditional branch
G65 HBO Pn; n: Sequence number
(Ex. ) c65 H80 PI20; (Diverge ro Nl20)
b) Conditional divergence I ilj EQ. #k (=)
G65 H81 Pn Q/lj n/lk; n: Sequence number
(Ex.) c6s H8l Pr000 Q/ll0l R/ti02;
/lI0l = llt02, go ro N1000
#t0l I lll02, go ro nexr
Conditional divergence 2 //j . NE . #k (l)
c65 H82 Pn Q//j R/lk; n: Sequence number
(Ex.) c6s H82 P1000 Qillol R//102;
IIIOL + llT02, go ro Nt000
lll0l = lllo2, go ro nexr
d) Conditi-onal divergence 3 ilj cT //k (>)
c65 H83 Pn Qilj n/lk; n: Sequence number
(Ex.) c6s H83 Pr000 Qllr0l R//102;
/1101 > ltLO2, go ro N1000
# I01 < ltLO2, go to nexr
Conditional divergence 4 /lj LT /lk (<)
_q05--H9-4 Pn Qilj R/lk; n: Sequence number
(Ex.) c6s H84 P1000 Q#lOi n/1102;
#i0I < llL02, go ro N1000
#101 Z llL02, go ro nexr

L) Conditional divergence 5 /ij cE /ik (>)

c65 H85 Pn Qilj R/lk; n: SequencE number
(Ex. ) c6s H8s P1000 Qi/101 R//i02;
//f 0l Z tlI02, go ro N1000
//101 < lll02, go ro nexr

C) Conditional divergence 6 /13 LE . #k (<)

G65 H86 fn Ql/5 n/tt; n: SequencE number
(Ex. ) c65 H86 P1000 Q//iOl R//102;
/1101 S lfloz, go ro N1000
# l0 i > ltI}z, go ro nexr

h) P/S alarur occurrence

c65 H99 Pi; i: Alarm No. +500
(Ex. ) G65 H99 PI5;
P/S alarrn 515 occurrence
(Note If positive numbers were designated as sequence numbers at branch
designations, they are searched forward first and then, backward. If
negative numbers were designated, they are searched backward first and
then, forward.
(Note 2) Sequence number can also be designated by variables.
(Example) c65 H8l P#100 Q#l0l R//102;
When conditions are satisfied, processing branches to the block having
the sequence number designated with #100.

- 16l -
16.2.4 Notes on custom macro
l) How to input "//"
when l#l key is depressed af ter address G, X, Y, Z, R, I, J, K, F, H, M, S,
T, P or Q, i/ code is input.
2) It is also possible to give a macro instruction in the I'IDI mode. However,
address data other than G65 are not displayed by keying operation.
3) Addresses H, P, Q and R of macro instruction must always be written after
G65. Address 0 and N only are writable before G65.
4) Single block
Generaliy, the macro instruction block does nor stop even if single block
stop is turned on. However, by setting parameter SBKM of parameter No. 0011,
it is possible to make single block effective. This is used for macro
5) Variable values can be taken within a range of -232 to 232-t, but they are
not displayed correctly, except for -99999999 to 99999999. If they exceed
the above range, they are displayed as *ti*?k****.
6) it is possible to nest subprograms up to four tj-mes.
7) Since an integer only is employable as the variable value, in case the opera-
ti,on results with decirnal numbers, the figures below decinal point truncated,
if an arithmetic result contains a fractj-on part.
Particularly be carful with the arithmetic sequence, accordingly.
(Ex.) When /1100 = 35, /ll0l = I0, lllo2 = 5 the followlngs results.
//110 = /1100 + /lI0l (= 3)
#l1l = #110 x #102 (= 15)
llr20 = i/100 x /i I02 (: I75)
ItL2I = //120 + /i101 (= tl)
/tI11 = 15 ard lf L2I = 17
8) The execution time of macro instruction differs according to varj-ous condi-
tions (for example, if the axis is under movement or not). It may be several
Eens msec. on an average.

9) When a custom macro is loaded from a paper tape in the EIA code, '&' code is
treated as t'//tt, because there is in no "//t' code in the EIA code.

Examples of Custom Macro

$.3.1 Bolt hole circle

Set ref erence Point -(X-0, Y o) at the center of a circle. Drill n pieces of, holes
rtn?r on the circumference of the circle having radius (r),
squally divlded.. bY
Jiartittg with angle (a).

point (X6, Ye)
(n- I )th hole

\ Present position

Yn : Coordinate values at the reference point of bolt hole circle.
r : Radius
a : Starting angle
n : Number of holes I
The following variables are used:
#500 X coordinate value at reference point (Xo)
ii 50r Y coordinate value at reference point (Yn)
{t502 Radius (r)
#503- Starting angle (a)
Itso4 Number of holes (n)
However, when n > 0, counterclockwise (n pieces)
when n < 3, clockwise (-n pieces)
The following are used as r.rorks in custom macro:
#f00 : Counter showing the drilling of the i-th hole in progress (i)
#10r Last value of counter (= l"ll (ie)
ItLO2 Angle of the i-th circle (ei)
#t03 X axis value of rhe i-ch hole (Xi)
It LOA Y axis value of the l-th hole (ti)

Custom macro instructions are programmed as follows:
o90 t0;
N100 c65 HOr P//100 Q0: {-n
c6s H22 P/t101 Qitsoa; ie = l"l
N200 G65 H04 P//102 Q//100 R360000;
G65 H05 PllLO2 Q/i 102 R/i504; I .360o x 1
G65 H02 Plfr}z Q#s03 Rillo2 i I n
G65 H32 P//103 Qll502 R/1r02;
c6s Ho2 P/1103 Q/1500 Ri/r03;
Xi=Xo*rCOS (ei)
c65 H31 P/1r04 Q/1s02 R/1i02; 'l
c6s H02 Pillo4 Q/1s01 R#104 t )
G90 H00 x#r03 Y/1104; Positioning to the i-t.h hole
M10; Output of hole machining M code
c6s H02 P# 100 Q// 100 Rl ; r - lr l-
c6s H84 P-200 Q#100 R/li0r; Wheni<ie,branches to N200 to dri1l
ie pieces of holes
The program to call thls custom macro, for example, will be as follows:
o00 r0;
G65 H01 P#500 Q100000; Xn = 100 nrm
G65 HOl P#50I Q-200000; Yo = -200 mm
c65 HOI Plt502 Q100000; r = 100 nm
G65 Hol P/1503 Q20000 i a= 20"
c65 H01 P//504 Q12; Counrerelockwise (n = t2)
c92 X0 Y0 Z0
lI98 P9010' Custom rnacro call
;0" ;6f .r
i1500to i/504 can also be set by MDI operation.
rn this case, blocks with G65 of the above program are not necessary
16.3.2 Pocket machining
A pocket milling cycle to machine the area illustrated below can be programmed
by custom macro. Area cutting is done with a certain depth and another area
cutting is done after the tool is cut-in along the Z axis.

Rapid traverse


Feed r3le e or f
(e : Z direction
f : XY plane)
Starting point (x, y) r z


Respect ive variables mean as follows:
#500 X axis absolute coordinate value at left lower part of pocket,
starting point (x).
#50 I Y axls absoluLe coordinate value at left lower part of pocket,
starting point (V).
11502 Z point absolute coordinate value (z)
#503 R point absolute coordinate value (r)
lls04 Cutting quantity at one time (q), positive number
/150s Length of X axis direction in area (i), positive number
{t506 Length of Y axis direction in area (j), posltive number
11507 Finishing margin (k)
#s08 tZ when machining width is set to cutter diameter x tZ
# 509 TooI radius (d)
#s l0 Feed rate in XY plane (f)
#51 r Feed rate in Z axis (e)
Tool is fed at a rate of 8 x e until it reaehes I mm before the starting point
of cutting.
/1100 to i1113: Used as a work for calculations.
Custom macro instructions are programmed as follows:
c6s H02 P#100 Q#s09 R/1507;
c65 H04 PltLO2 Q#509 R2;
c65 H26 Pllro2 Q#508 R100;
c6s H02 PllLO2 Qi/102 Rl;
c65 H02 P#103 Q/1s00 R//100;
c65 H02 PllLO4 Q//s01 R//r00;
c6s H02 P//10s Q//s00 R//505;
c65 H02 P//105 Q//10s Riir00;
c6s H02 P/1r06 Q//s01 R//506;
c6s H03 P#106 Qil106 R/i100;
c6s H02 PitLOT Qilso2 R/1507;
c 90 c00 x/l 103 Yil i 04 ;
c65 H0l P//108 Q//503;
N 100 c6s H03 P# 108 Q# 108 Rit5 04 ;
c65 H85 P110 Q#108 Ri/107;
c6s H01 P#108 Qi/107;
Nl10 c0l zllIoS F/t511;
xlll0s F//510;
c65 H01 P#109 Ql;
N 120 G6s H04 P# I 10 Q# 109 R/l 102 ;
c65 H02 P/tl l0 Q/t110 R//r04;
c6s H86 Pr 30 Q# r l0 Ril i 06 ;
c6s H01 P#1 t0 Q// r06 ;
N 130 Y/l l 10;
c65 H23 Pil I I I Qil109 R2 ;
G65 H8l Pt40 Q#l ir R0;
c65 H80 P150;
N 140 xi/ 105 ;
Nl50 c65 n02 P#i09 Q#109 Rr;
c6s H84 P-120 Q#l r0 R/l106;
c00 zll503;
x// 103 Yil r 04 ;
c6s H86 P200 Q//108 u/107;
c65 Ho2 PlltL2 Q/lr08 Rl000;
c6s H04 P#t 13 Q//s l r R8;
c0l zllLr2 Filrl3;
c65 H80 P-100;
N200 M99;

16.3.3 Interface signal
Read signed BCD 3 digirs by address swirching ln //100.
Structure of DI

zr5 zr4 2r3 2L2 zrl zlo z9 28 27 26 25 24 23 22

Used for S ign

Data send signal
Structure of DO

zB 27 26 25 24 23 22 2r 20

Used for Address


Address send signal

Custom macro instructions are prograrnraed as follows:

09 I 00;
G65 H12 PllLr32 Q/11132 R480; Address (7) send
G65 HIl PllLr32 Q/11 132 R23; Address send signal ON

N10 c65 H8l P10 Q//10r3 R0; I^/aiting for data send
G65 P#r00 Q//r032 R4095;
HT2 BCD 3 digits read
c65 H24 P//r00 Q//100; Conversion into binary number
c65 H8l P20 Q/11012 R0; l Addition of sign
c65 H01 00 Q-/1100; I
P// r

N20 c65 HI2 Pltrr3z Q//1132 R495; Address send signal OFF

16.3.4 Shearing machine

X axis
+ _--- I




# 500 Width of workpiece (r)

#50 I First margin (o)
{t502 Shearing width (Ax)
#503 margin for grasping workpiece (B)
lf )u4 Distance from reference point Eo cutter (h)
Custom mac ro instructions are programmed as follows:
091 10;
c65 H03 P#100 Q#s00 R//50i; 0-n
N10 c65 H03 P#r01 Q//s04 R/l t00; h - //r00
c90 G00 x#l0l X axis positioning
M?n. Cutting command
c65 H03 P#100 Q# 100 n/i502 ; ilr00 -A{
uo) H85 P-10 Q#r00 n/i 503; IF #100 : B, c0 TO N10

The macro call program, for example, will be as follows:

00009; (i1500 to ii504 are set by l"lDI operation.)
G92 XO;
M98 P9110;
rr v t

16.3.5 Program examples

Conversion from cartesian coordinate system (X-Y-Z) into cylindrical coordinate
system (r-e-Z).
r = tQr +l;2-
0 = arcEan (y/x) (-180" < e < 180')

Common variable employed:
i1501 =X
ll5o2 = Y
//505 = r
//506 = e
{1507 = Sequence number at the call cOmrnand
#Ilo, //Ill, llrr2, /1120 = I,trork
01000 G90; Absolute command
c66 P8000; 08000 is called every block in nodal cal,1 rnode.
Nlr00 c92 X0 Y0 z0; Coordinate system setting
(X, Y, Z) = (0, 0, 0) Point O
(r, e, Z) = (0,90.000,0)
N1200 s2000 M03 T02;
NI300 G00;
NI400 xl00.0 Y100.0; (X, Y) = (100.0, 100.0) poinr
(r, e) = (141.42I, 45.000)
N1500 x200.0 Y-200.0; (X, Y) = (200.0, -200.0) point
(r, e) = (282.842, -45.000)
N1600 x0 Y-I00.0; (X, Y) = (0, -100.0) poinr
(r, ) - (100.0, -90.000)
N2000 c04 P1000; hrell I sec.

N8000 G67 i Modal call node cancel

N9000 M02;


16.4 Pattern Data Input Function

This function is provided to enable users to make CNC programrning by taking

numerj.c data (patcern data) only out of a drawing and setting thesd numerical
values from CRT/MDI panel without any need of programming using an existing NC
With the aid of this function, a machine tool builder can freely prepare a
hole machining cycle (boring cycle, tapping cycle, or the like), for example, by
utilizing the custom macro function, and load the hole machining cycle lnto the
program memory.
f) This cycle is designated as pattern names like BORI, TAP3, DRL2, ....
An operator can select a desired pattern out of the menu of pattern names
being displayed on CRT
2) A cycle should be prepared by using variables (pattern data) which are
specified by the operator.
The operator can identify these variables as depth, return relief, feed'
blank, and other pattern data names. The operator gives values (pattern
data) to these names.
16.4.1 Pattern menu display
ffi sl'l t"y again after selecting an offset or custom macro variable
When depressing IJFS

screen by depressing the m Pr*'rl

k"y, Ehe following pattern menu screen is


5. EmIfS
8. PEG<
>. tESl
1O. BrcK

HOLE PATTERN Menu title An optional character string 1S settable within

l2 characters.
BOLT HOLE Pattern name An optional character string 1S settable within
l0 characters.
The machine tool builder should program the character strings of menu title and
pattern name by the custom macro, and load it into the program memory as a
subprogram of program number "9500".
l) Macro instruction to describe the menu title
Menu title
ci cz t3 c+ cs ce cl cg cg cto cii ctz
Cl, CZ .... CtZ : Characters of menu (L2 characters)

l'lacro i-nstruction
c65 H90P p Q q R TJ
H90 : Specifies the menu ri_11e
p : Assuure a, and a, be the codes of characters C, and C^,
L Z'
-L Code a, of character c.
Code a, of character C

See 16.7.3 for character codes.

q : Assume or.lO aO be the codes of characters C, and C4,

r : Assume a. and a. be the codes of characters c. and c.,
i : Assume rr rld a, be the codes of characters C, and C'
j : t"t coqes
Assume ao and a.,.., be the codes or
of cnaracters C^ ttd
characters cg and L10'

, =;";";r-;.t'0^"-
k , A=".*l f.,' and 0" rhe codes of characrers c.. and'"12'
? "'",
^. rr
(Example) Assume that the rnenu title is "HOLE PATTERN", and the macro
instruction is given as follows.
c6s H90 Po72 079 Q076 069 R032 080 1065 084 J0B4 o0g K082
078 ;
For codes corresponding to these characters, refer to item i6.8.3.
2) Macroinstruction to clescribe pattern name
Pattern name
ct t3 f to tg tg tto
cl' c2 "" '4
Characters of pattern nane (10 characters)
L1acro ins truct ion
G65 Ii91 P n a qRrI iJiK
H91 Specifies the pattern name
n Specif ies the menu number of pattern name (n = I to I0)
Y Assume a, ., be the codes of characters C., and C,r,
r Assume aa and ar, be the codes of characters C, and CO,
.=t3xl0-+aO 1

f Assurne a_ and a- be the codes of characters C, and CU,

Assume a_ and a^ be the codes of characters C7 Cg,
t?d "rd
k Assume uld r b. the codes of characters Cg rrd Cl0,
"g l0

- 170 -
(Example) Assume that the pattern name of menu No. I is "BOLT HOLE", and the
macro instructlon ls glven by;
G65 H9t pl Q066 079 R076 084 1032 072 JO79 076 K069 032 t
(Note) If a part of characters are not specified by P, Q, R, I, J or K which
designace character strings, but they are omitEed, the characters (two
characters) at that part are regarded as space characters.
3) Pattern number selection
Enter a desired pattern number by keying operation from the pattern nenu CRT
as fo11ows, for example.

The selected pattern number is set to system variable "//5900". The custou
macro of the selected pattern can be started by starting a fixed program
(external program number search) with an external signal and then, referring
to system variable #5900 by the program.
4) Menu title: Example of custom mrcro to describe pattern names
Nl c65 H90 P072 079 Q076 059 R032 080
1065 084 J084 069 K082 078; HOLE PATTERN
N2 c65 H91 P1 Q066 079 R076 084
T032 072 J079 076 K069 032: i. BOLT HOLE
N3 G65 H91 P2 Q071 082 R073 068; 2. GRID
N4 c65 H9l P3 Q076 073 R078 069
1032 065 J078 071 K076 069; 3. LINE ANGLE
Ns c65 H91 P4 0084 065 R080 080
1073 078 J071 032; 4. TAPPING
N6 C65 H91 P5 Q068 082 R073 076
T076 473 J078 071; 5. DRILLING
N7 c65 H91 P6 Q066 079 R082 073
1078 07 1; 6. BORING
N8 c65 H91 P7 Q0B0 079 R067 07s
1069 084; 7. POCKET
N9 c65 H9i P8 Q080 069 RO67 075; 8. PECK
N10 c65 H9i P9 Q084 069 R083 084; q TEST
Nit c65 H91 PrO Q066 065 R067 075; IO. BACK
Nl2 M99;

- 171 -
16.4.2 Pattern data display
When a pattern menu is selected, necessary pattern data are displayed

t.,FRIABLE 01@ N1@

}.tr. t*HE DnTC qf'ENT
5@ Tm-
-541 KIJIN X *E[LT Fg-E
5@ KlJll.l 6 CIRCLET
5er s. $E- Z DATA TO UR.
56 l{-E. l. a r',5@-585.
%a 6
g7g 6
x @.w Y @.m
z @.w
f.5. W= S 6T

BOLT HOLE : Pattern data title

An optional character string is settable within 12
TOOL .... : Variabl.e name
An optional character string l-s settable within 10
*BCLT HOLE CIRCLE* : Comnent statemelit
A comment of an optional character string can be
displayed up to 12 characters/line, and B lines.
The machine tool bui,Lder should program t.he character strings of pattern data
titler pattern name, and variable name by utilizing the custom macro A, and load
them into the program memory as a subprogram of program number "9500 * pattern
number" (O9501 - 09510).
1) I'lacro instruction to describe patlerrr data title
Pattern data title
ct cz t: ts t6 te tto tr t 9n
"t 'g
Characters of nenu title (12 characters)
" r' c2 ""
Ilacro instructic.rn
G65 Hq?pn t' qRr JjKk;
H92 Specifies the uenrr title
Y Assume a, @rlu a, be the codes of characters C, and Cr,
p = al 10" +
q Assune
", .lU a
be the codes of characiers C, and CO,
q = a^ x10-*aO
r Assurne a anC a be the codes of characters C and C
5 ? 6 5 6'
.) r - a- xI0-*a, D
Assume a_ and a^ be the codes of characters C_ anci C^,
-:-^ 7 ^ B t 8'
t - o7 xI0r+aU
Assume r o and a ]n be the codes of character" Cg ,nd CI0,
J*O x 10" *.10
Assume *;- - L2be the
and a codes of characters C and C
1r "^'- "12'
N x l0'* a,^
- ^

For codes corresponding to these characters, refer to item 16.8.3.

- 172 -
(Example) Assume that the pattern data
title 1s ,,BOLT HOLE", and the maero
instruction is given by;
c6s Hez t99_q gp Q076 084 R032 072 r07s 076
B o L r L__,- H o f -f ! 032 ,
2) Macro instruction to describe varlable name i-_l-
Variable name
t, t, t, au ,-, ag a,
',C2...- Cl0
'o t Variable a,.
name (10 characters)
Macro instruction
G65H93P n Qe r r n i J j
He3 : sp.lfri!" tllGri"rfGur" K

n Specifies the varlable number (n = 500 to 531)

t Assune al and a" be the codes of characters C,
and c2'
Assume a" and a, be the codes of characters C,
J?4 and c4'
Assume a. and a - be the of characters C,
)?6 and c6'
Assume a, and a. be the codes of characters C, and C'
", "10."10 b" the eodes of characters cn "rd cl0,
(Example) Assume that the variable name of variable No.
503 is ,,RA_Drusr,, and
the macro instruction is given by;
c65 H93 p503 Q082 065 R068 OZS rb8s 083
-R--T- -D-T u s
(Note) varlable names are designated by 32 co 'non varlables
are not cleared by turning off power supply. /1500 - lt53I which
{l Macro instructlon to descrlbe a comment
One comnent line
a,. ,, a, ,o a, a6 ,, aa an aro art
CI, C2.... CIZ, Characters string of one comment Line (12 characters)
Macro instructlon
c6sH94_p_LQ q R r JjKk;
H94 : Specifies the couunenT
p : Assume .lO a, be rhe codes of characters C, and C,,
q Assumea. and a , be the codes of characters C, and CO,
r Assume a_ and a- be the codes of characters C, and
).b CU,
: .,
"lO a, be rhe codes of characters C, and CU,
f Assume
j : Assume g .
" "lO ,0 b. the codes of character" C9 "rd Cl0,
k : Assumetr, bu the codes of characters cll cl2,
""X.r, "nd
A comment can be displayed by 8 lines. The comment consists of the lst line
to Sth line in the programmed sequence of G65H94
(Example) Assume that the corunent is "*BOLT HOLE", and the macro instruction
is given bY;
c65 H94 p042 066 Q079 076 R084 032 T072 079 J076 069 ;
4) Example of custom macro of the prerrious CRT
Nl c65 H92 P066 079 Q076 084 R032 072
ro79 076 J069 032: VAR: BOLT HOLE
N2 c65 H93 P500 Q084 079 R079 076; /1500 TOOL
N3 c65 H93 P501 Q07s 073 R074 085
1078 032 J088 032: /1501 KIJUN X
N4 c65 H93 P502 0075 073 R074 085
1078 032 J089 032; #502 KIJUN Y
N5 c65 H93 P503 O0B2 065 R068 073
r085 083; #503 MNIUS
N6 c65 H93 P504 Q083 046 R032 065
r07B 07 I J076 n?, . #504 S. ANGL
N7 G65 H93 P5 05 Q07 2 079 R076 069
r083 032 J07 8 079 K046 032; #505 HOLES NO
N8 G65 H94; Coroment instruction
N9 c65 H94 PO42 066 Q079 076 R084 032
IO72 079 J076 069; .. *BgLT H6LE
NlO G65 H94 R032 067 1073 AB2 J067 076
K069 042; CIRCLE*
Nll c65 H94 P083 069 Q084 032 R080 065
1084 084 J069 092 K078 032; SET PATTERN
N12 c65 H94 P068 06s Q084 065 R032 084
1079 032 J086 065 K082 n/,e. DATA NO VAR.
NI3 G65 H94 P078 079 Q046 0s3 R048 048
1045 053 J048 053 K046 0321' No. 500 - 505
N14 I'199;

- r74 -
16.4.3 correspondence table

Character Code Comment Character Code Conrmgnl

065 054
IJ 066 7 055
C 067 8 056
D 068 9 057
E 069 032 Space
F 070 t
033 Exclanation mark
G 07r 034 Quotation mark
H 072 1f 035 Sharp
I 073 ) 036 Dollar svmbol
J 074 037 Percent
K 075 & 038 Ampersand
L 076 039 ApostroDhe
M 077 ( 040 Left parenthesis
N 078 041 Right parenthesis
o 079 * 042 Asterlsk
P 080 + 043 PIus sign
o 081 , 044 Comma
K 082 045 Minus sign
083 046 Period
T 084 o47 Slash
T] 085 058 CoIon
086 059 Semi-co1on
w 087 060 Left angle bracket
X 088 061 Sign of equalitv
Y 089 062 Right angle bracket
Z 090 ? 063
Question mark
048 @ 064 Commercial at mark
t 049 t
z 050
091 left square bracket
J 051 u 093 Yen syrnbol
l 094 Right square bracket
09s Underline

- 175 -
Subprograms employed in pattern data input function

Subprogram No. Functlon

o9500 Speclfies character string of pattern data menu display
o9s0 I Specifies character string of pattern data corresponding to
pattern number 1.
09502 Specifies character string of pattern data corresponding to
Dattern number 2.
o9503 Specifies character string of pattern data corresponding to
pattern number 3.
o9504 Specifies character string of pattern data corresponding to
pattern number 4.
o9505 Specifies character string of pattern data corresponding to
pattern number 5.
o9506 Specifies character string of pattern data corresponding to
pattern number 6.
o9507 Specifies character string of pattern data corresponding to
Dattern number 7.
o9508 Specifies character string of pattern data corresponding to
pattern number 8.
o9509 Specifies character string of pattern data corresponding EO
pattern number 9.
o9510 Specifies character string of pattern data corresponding to
Dattern number 10.

Macro instruction employed in pattern data input function

G code H code Function

c65 H90 Specified menu title
c65 H91 Specifies pattern name

G65 H92 Specifies pattern data title

c65 H93 Specifies variable name

c65 H94 Specifies comment

System variable employed in pattern data input function

Svstem variable Meanlngs


,,]:ts_i. : #5900 Pattern number selected by user

r,.1,,. $i.l'

- 176 -

Machine tools builders: You are requested to attach your custom macro
program tape or program list to the CNC unit without fail.
If it is necessary to replace part program storage memory due to a failure,
FANUC servicemen or end user operators in charge of maintenance should know
the contents of your custom macro for the purpose of repairing the trouble

A function covering a group of instructions is stored i.n memory.'the same as a

subprogram. The stored function is represented by one instruction, so that only
the representative instruction need be specified to execute the function. This
group of registered instructions is ca1led a trcustom macro body" and the
representative instruction is called a ttcustom macro instructionrr. The custom
macro body rnay siurply be called a macro. And the custom macro instruction may
be ca11ed a macro call command.

A group of instructions
for a certain function

Programmers need only remember representative macro instructions without having

to remember all the instructions ln a custom macro body.
The three most significant points on custom macros are that variables can be
used in the custom macro body, operations can be performed on variables and
actual values can be assigned to the variables ln custom macro instructions.

- r77 -

G55P9011A101s: (
X=l Z = 4:

I ()

l )/'

Calls custom macro body 9011

and defines variables =1 and
#4 10 and 5 respectively.

Variables ;1 and #4 can be

used instead of the unknotsn
traverse distance.

This enables the user to improve the CNC performance by themselves. Custom
macro bodies may be cprovided by the machine tool builder, but they can be
created by users, EOO.

Bolt hole circles as shown in the above figure can be rnade easily'.
Once a custom macro body for the bolt hole circle is programned and registered,
the CNC can operate as if it has the bolt hole circle cutting function.
Programmers can use the bolt hole circle functj.on by using the following command
c65P Pr.R t A o B B k ;
r Macro number "
of Em-hole circle
r Radius
Start angle
li Angle between circles
k Number of circles

Address of the argument assignment I Variable ln custom macro body


T #20

U #21

V #22

In 1t zJ


I #25

Z #26

b) Argument assignment II
In addition to the fact that arguments can be addresses A, B, and
C, a maximum of ten sets of arguments can be -ssigGE--in
set for addresses I, J and K.
When several numbers are assigned in the same address, they must be assigned
in the determined sequence.
Addresses not requj-red can be omitted.
Addresses assigned jn argument assignment II and the number of the variable
used in the macro corresDond as follows:

Address of the argument assignment II Variable in user macro bodv

lt L

B 1rL



Jt tt5

Kt #o


,z tt8

Kz #9

T #t0
{ tfll

K^ #12

-4 lf L)

17.1 Macro Call Command (Custom Macro Command)

A macro can be called from a single block, or modally from each block in the
call mode
Note) A macro call command cannot be specified in the MDI rnode.
17 .1.1 Simple calls
When the following command is executed, the custom macro body identified by P
(program number) is ca11ed.
G65 P(ptogr"* f(it.r.tio" ti*"") <argument assignment>;
When it is necessary ""*b"r)to transfer arguments to a custom macro body, the argument
is specified by <argument assignment>. The followlng tTr/o types'of <argument
asslgnment> can be specified. The argument menti-oned here is the actual
numerical value assigned to a variable.
(Note) G65 must be specified before arguments in the G65 block. The negative
sign and the decimal point can be used regardless of addresses in
<argument assignment>.

a) Argurnent assignment I
A-B-q D . ... .z
An argument can be assigned for all addresses except G, L, N, 0, and P.
Assignment need not be made in alphabetical order. Specification is made
according to word address format. Addresses not required may be omitted.
However, when I, J, and K are used, assignment must be made in the
alphabetical order.
UdU. I K valid
B_A__q .....J T
! . .. . . if -,.^-l
trv4rlu .' 'l
Addresses assigned in argument assignment I and the number of the variable in
custom macro body correspond as follows:

Address of the argument assignment I Variable in qustom macro body

lt L

L 1tJ

E #8

F tt9

H #11

J lft


M flJ

a ttLT

R // 18

- r79 -
G65AI .082.0r-3.014 .0D5.0Pi000;
It). ) n
ll4 z-3 .
tl7 : )bt{ 5.0
In this example, even if arguments I4.0 and D5.0 are specified to variable
ll7 , rhe latter is effective.

17 .1.2 Modal call

The macro call mode can be specified by executing the followlng command.
G66P program number L repetitive count <argument assignment>;
The <argument assignment> is the same as for a simple call. The macro call mode
can be cancelled by executing the following command;
G67 ;
(Note 1) rn a G66 block, G66 rnust be specified before any arguments. Decimal
points and signs can be used in the arguments.
(Note 2) G66 and G67 should rnake a pair in the same program.

During the macro call mode, the specified macro call instruction is called
every tj-me a motion command is executed..
(Example l) Drilling Cyele
At each positioning-point, the drilling cycle is operated.

X move function
Flow of program

ll Ir

Dwell Dwell

uoo P9082R(R point)X(Z point)X(Dwell);

X ,
M )
I The drilling cycle is performed at each end of
the motion block in this region.

G67 ;
Macro is as follows. (In case of incremental programming)
o 9082 t
GOO Z //tB;
GOI Z #26;
GO4 X #24:
GOO Z- lROUND [/ilBl + ROUND ttt26));

- 182 -
Address of the argument assignment II Variable in user macro body

t4 ttr4

1f It
Jl1 /
T #1r)

J. {ttt


T. #L9

I ll2A
K. lILL 1

Tl Jlaa

Jl tt L)

K.t tt24

I^at ll2s

J^ It26

I^9 #28

J9 #29

K^ #30
rto 'IJI

Jto ttJZ

Kto #33

Suffixes I to l0 of I, J and K indicate the sequence of the assigned set.

Coexistence of argument assignment I and II
No alarm is generated even if arguments of both assignment I and II are
specified in the same block with a G65 command.
If an argument of type I and an argument of type II are specified to the same
variable, the argument specified later is effective.

-181 -
'17.1.5 Subprogram call with M code
An M code can be set by a parameter to call a subprogram. That is, instead of
tE;E-r ow i n g s i*pTJ-c o*tnf,T-tcan be specified.
N G X Y ....
As f or ltg8, tt* 'i""Effiiort *^ro urDproJeq
,*^-1^.,^'1 vrr
^^ the program check screen, but I"IF and
M codes are not transmit.ted.
The correspondence between the calling M code xx and the program number AAAA of
the ealled subprogram must be set as a parameter.
Up to three 11 codes can be used for a subprogram call.
hrhen these M codes are specif ied in a macro called wit.h a G code or in a
subprogram called with an M code or a T code, the subprogram is not ca1led, but
these M codes are treated as ordinary M codes. Set the following parameters.

FI M code used to call subprogram: 9001

i."f M code used to call subprogras:1" 9002

F-t M code used to ."ff subprogram: 9003

17.1.6 Subprogram call with T code

A T code can be set by a parameter to call a subprogram.
N G X Z " .....T t; is equivalent to the foltowing two blocks.
r-coae t ir ETea-lT .n argument in comnon variable 1ll4g. The T code is
displayed on the program check screen, but TF and T codes are not. transmitted.
When this T code is specified in a macro called with a G code, or in a
subprogram called with an M or T code the subprogram is not called; buE this T
code is treated as ordinary T code.
Set. the following parameter.

0 0 0 TMCR

When parameter No. 0040, TLICR = 1, a subprogram is called in a block with a T


17.1.7 Difference between M98 (subprogram call) and G65 (custom macro body calt)
a) G65 can include arguments; I,198 cannot.
b) ItgA is used to branch to a subprogram after executing a command other than M,
P or L in the block; G65 is used to branch only.
c) When a I'198 b'lock includes an address other than O, N, P and L, execution of
the block stops as single block stop, a G65 block does not.
d) COS changes the level of local variable; M98 does nor. That. is, /ll specified
before G65 is one thing and /lI in the calling cusrom macro body is another.
iil specified before M98 is the same as /i I in the calling subprogram.
e). Up to four G65 calls, G66, can be made in addition, M9B cal1s can
be made up to eight calls rogether with calls by G65 and G66.

- r84 -

17.1.3 Macro call using G codes

A G code can be set by a parameter to call macro. That is, instead of
specifying N_G65PAAAA <argument assignment t the following simple command
can be used.
Gxx<argument. assignment> ;
The correspondence between the calling G code xx and the program number AAAA of
the called macro must be set. as a parameter.
-\ calling G code xx and the program number AAAA of a called macro are set in a
Up to ten G01 to G255 commands can be used to call macros. G00, G65 to G67
cannot be used. In case of macro call by G code, the P code does not indicate a
program number but an argument. The P code is stored in lfL6 as an argument.
These G codes cannot be specified in a macro called with a G code. These G
codes cannot be specified in a subprogram called with an M code or a T code.
Set the following parameters.
Data No.
G code used to call macro: 9010

G code used to call macro: 90il

G code used to call macro: 9019

17.1.4 Custom rnacro call with M code

Macro can be ca11ed with an M code set by a parameter, namely, the following
N G65 PAAAA <argument assignment>1
ifQ-nivalent to the following -ommand:
N_ M X X <argument assignment>;
Coordinate with t.he M code X X which executes macro calling and the macro
program No. AAAA accessed with a parameter. I'IF and M codes are not issued the
same as to call the subprogram with an 1"1 code.
When this ll code is specified in a macro called with a G code, or in a
subprograrn called with an M or T code, the macro is not called; but this M code
is treated as ordinary M code.
Up to l0 codes of l10l - M97 can be used to call macro. Set the following

M code to call macro: 9020

!1 code to call macro: 9021

l{ code to call macro: 9029

(Note) These ln{ codes are different from usual M codes and theY must be commanded
at the star t of a block (just after the sequence No., if there is).

- lB3 -
Macro Macro Macro Macro
Main program (Level I ) (Level 2) (Level 3) (Level 4)
o o--

G65P G65P G65P G65P

- - - -

M99 M99

Local rariable
(Level 0) (Leve1 1) (Level 2) (Level 4)

l) The main program is provided with ill to /133 local variables (leve1 0).
2) When the macro (leve1 1) is called with G65, etc., the local variable
(level 0) of the main program is stored, and llI to #33 local variables
(level 1) for lihe macro (1evel l) are prepared. Argument transfer is
possible for this purpose. (This also applies to (3) below).
3) The loca1 variables (level I, 2,3) are stored each time the macros (leve1
2,3,4) are ca11ed, and new local variables (level 2,3,4) are prepared.
4) When the operation returns from each macro with M99, the local varlables
(1evel 0, l, 2,3) stored in (2) and (3) are set in the same conditions as
when they were stored.

17.2 Creation of Custom Macro Bodv

17.2.'l Custom macro tiody format
The format of a custom macro body is the same as that of a subprogram as shown

0 (Prograrn Number);


(Variables, arithmecic
operation and control
'' instruction can be
sPsLrr rcu. ,l

LL,2 ,

Program numbers are determined as follows:

1) Or - 08999 for programs that can be freely registered, cancelled and
2) 09020 -.09899 for programs that cannot be registered, cancelled or edited
without setting a parameter


.8 Multiplex calls
l) Multiplex ca11s
Similarly to a subprogram ca11ed from another subprogram, a macro can be
called from another macro
The multiplicity should be less than or equal to four including simple and
modal calls.
2) Multiplex modal calls
In modal calls, the specified macro is called each time a motion command is
executed. When several modal macros are specified, the next macro is ca1led
each time a motion command in the first macro is executed. Macros are
successively called from those assigned later.
(Example 1)
G66 P9i00;
z 10000; (1-r)
G66 P9200;
z i5000 t (L-2)
G67; : P9200 cancelled
G67; : P9100 cancelled
z-zsooo; (l-3)
o 9100;
X 5000; (2-L)

0 9200;
z 6000; (3-i)
z 7000; (3-2)
Sequence of execution (A block vrithout a motion command is omitted in
this chart. )

(1 - 1) ft -?\

(Note ) A rnodal macro is not called after (l-3), which is not in macro call
3) Custom macro level and local variable
l^lhen a macro is called with G65, G66, or a G code which calls a macro, the
level of t.he macro increases by one. As a result, the 1evel of the local
variable also increases by one. Namely, t.he relationship between the macro
call and loeal variable is as follows.

3) Undefined variables
The value of a variable whi,ch has not yet been defined is called <vacant>.
Variable #0 is used for a variable that is always <vacant>.
An undefined variable has the following naEure:
'a) Quotation
When an undefined variable is quoted , the address itself is also ignored.

When //l = <vacant> When //l = 0

c90x1002/l l c90x1002/l l
c90x100 G90X10020

b) Operation
<vacant> is the same as 0 except when replaced by <vacant>.

i4'hgn #l = <vacant> When/il=0

ll2=#r tl2=lll
/12=<vacant> It2=0

ll2=lllx5 ll2=lll*'5
*zlo 112=0

ll2={lI+lll llZ=lll+ttt
It2=0 1t2=0

c) Conditional expressions
<vacant> differs from 0 only for EQ and NE.

When /il = <vacant> When ill = 0

ill EQ #0 #1 EQ /10

Established Not established
Established Not established
#i cE /i0 #l cE #0
i I
Established Established
/ll cr 0 ill cT 0
i I
Not established Not established

d) Display and setting variable values

Variable values can be displayed on the CRT screen. Variable values can
also be set in the MDT mode.

gariables can be used j.n a custom macro body. Also arithmetic instructions and
control instructions are commandable.
Actual values for variables are specified with a macro call command.
17.2.2 Variables
Variables can be used in the macro instead of numerical data. The user can
assign any value (within the allowed range) to them. Using variables allow
custom macros to become much more flexible than the conventional sub-routines.
Several variables can be used, and each variable is identified by a variable
1) Varlable expressions
A variable is composed of the code /i and a number as shown belovi.
//l(i=L,2,3 ,4.....)
(Example I ) lt5
tf Lo9
The following format can also be used where numbers are replaced bv <Formula>
il [<Forrnula> I
(Example 2) # t#1001
# ltt6l 2l
Variable lli explained hereafter can always be replaced with variable ll
[<Forrnula> ]
Quotation variables
The numerical value following an address can be replaced with a variable.
<address>i/i or <address>-ili indicates that the value of the variable or its
complement is substituted for the command value of the address.

(Exarnple 3) F#33 If /133 = 1.5, ir is rhe same as FI.5.

Z-ltl8 If i/18 = 20.0, ir is rhe same as 2-20.0.
c#130 If //130 = 3.0, ir is rhe same as G3.
a) using a variable with addresses/,:, o and N is prohibited, (i.e.,:1127 or
N/f I cannot be used).
The value of n(n =l to 9) in an optional block skip/n cannot be used as a
h\ A variable number cannot be replaced by a variable. when 5 in tls is
replaced with #30, it does nor become llll3O but ii t#301.
The value of a variable cannot exceed the maximum set for each address.
For example, when #140 = 120, M// 140 exceeds the maximum (an l"t code must be
less than 99).
d) When a variable is used for address data, its value is rounded to the
significant digit.
e) By using <Formula>, as explained later, a numerical value following the
address can also be replaced with <Formula>. <address> [<Formula>] or
<address>-[<formula>] indicates that the value of the <formula> or its
complement is substituted for the command value of the address.
Note that a constant with no decimal point used between brackets is
assumed to have a decimal point at its end.
(Example 4) xI li24+ltl8*c0s t/lr 1 1

z-l #18+1t261

List'of System Variables

Variable number Variable number

#1000 - #1015, llro32 Dr #5041 - 115044 Work coordinates

/lli00 - llllt5, lltr32, #1133 D0 #506I - {i5064 Skip signal position

#2000 - 112200 Tool compensation value /l50Bl - #5083 TooL compensation

#3000 Llacro alarm #510i - #5I04 Servo deviation

l/3001 , lf3}02 Clock

1f2500 - 112506 Work of f set value
(X axis)

#3003 , 113004 Cycle operation control

it2600 - 112606 Work offset value
(Y axis)

#3005 Setting
lf27O0 - #2706 Work offset value
(Z axis)

//301 1 - #3AL2 Clocktnf ormation #2800 - 112806 Work offset value

(4th axis)

#3901 - #3902 Number of parts

/1400f - #4L20 I1odal information

il500l - /15004 Block end position

lf5A2l - t|5024 Machine coordinates

a) Inrerface signals /1f000 ro /ll0f5 and tlL032, /i1100 ro /lir55 and llLl32,
IrrPuL ^-i ^'.^1
The status of the interface input q'i on: I i q dof orm'i narl hrr rorrl i no the
values of the system variables /I1000 to /f I0l5 , li1032.

- 190 -

17.2.3 TYPes of variables

Variables are classified into local variables, conmon variables and system
variables, depending on the variable number. Usage and properties are different
for each EyPe of variable
l) Local variable lll to il33
The local variable is a variable local1y used in the macro. That is, a local
variable /li used in the macro and called at one point in time, is different
from iii used in the macro (whether it is t.he same macro or not) ca11ed at
another point in time. Accordingly, when macro B is called from macro A, as
in a multiplex call, a local variable used in macro A is not destroyed by
beins rrsed in macro B.
A local variable is used for an argument transfer. For inforfnation on the
correspondence to the argument address. A local variabie without a
transferred argument i-s vacant in its initial status and'can be used freely.
2) Common variable #100 - #L99, /1500 - //53i
Just as a local variable is used locally in the macro, a comnon variable is
in common use throughout the main program, throughout each subprograrn called
from the main program, and throughout each macro. That is, llL used in a
certain macro is the same as /ii used in another macro. Accordingly, the cal-
culated value of a conmon variable lti in a certain macro can be used in
another macro.
The use of common variables is not specially determi-ned in the system. They
can be used freely.
3) System variables
Use of a system variable is fixed in the system.

Output signal
Interface output signals can be issued by assigning values to system
variables #1100 to /11115, Itrr32, #1133.

System variable Point Interface

output signal
#1r00 I ,0, uoooo
#1101 1 2; uo00r
tf ILo2 I 2\ uo002
#r r03 I 2; uo003
llrr04 i 2;
#1 r05 I 26 U0005
#1i06 I 2; rj0006
#rr07 I 2; u0007
#IIO8 I 2; u0008
#i109 I 2in u0009
#1110 I 2;; uoOr0
#i111 1
I 2;; u001 r
tf IIt2 1
2;; uoor2
#1113 I
2:: uool3
#rl I4 t 2:: uoot4
#1ir5 II z') uoor5

System variable Point Interface

output signal
lt1 i'1.') r6 u00 - uols
I I JJ 32 u100 - uol3l

Value of variable Output signal

i Contact closed (HIGH)

Contact open (LOW)

t6 and 32 points output signals can be issued at one time by assigning a

value to the system variable /llt32 and #1 133,
/1111? = j tI " L"ll0o+il
#f xZL

rrrrJJ = L tz
Jlrraa r^a
- * Vi) - 2-' * V-

When UO[100+il is Low, Vi=0

When UOIi00+i] is High, Vi=l

System varj-able Po inL Interface
input signal
# 1000 I ?
o rTr nnn
//r00r I 2; ur001
#1002 I 2; ur002
#1003 i 2;, ur003
#1004 I 2; ur004
#1005 I 2; ur00s
// r 006 I 2; ur006
#1007 I 2; ur007
#1008 i )"
-q rTT ong
#1009 I 2: ^ Ur009
#r0r0 i )Lv
ITTor o
2:: uroll

#i0l I I
tf t0L2 I )rz?
-t rTTnr?
# l0r3 I 2:: urOi3
#10i4 I 2r, laJ
i/1015 I 2^' ur015

System variable Point Interface

input signal
# t032 lo UIO - UI15

Value of variable Input signal


I Contact closed (HIGH)

n ConEac! open (LOW)

Since the variable value read is 1.0 or 0.0 regardless of the unit system,
t.he unit system must be considered in preparing a macro.
The readlng system variable 1t'1032 is used to read 16 points lnput signals
at one time.
: 15 j
li 1032 = I /l [1000+i] *2'

System variables i/1000 to /lt0t5, llL032 cannor be used as a lefr side rerm
a! i-n a calculation command.


- 191 -
b) Tool offset amounr ll2o00 to ll22o0
The tool offset amount can be determined by reading the value of the
system variable ll200l to ll22o0. The offset values can also be modified by
assigning a value to the system variable //1.
System variable numbers for tool offset amounr
(rn case of memory c and compensation numbers are uo to 200)

Offset number Variable

i lt2001
2 {t2002
1f 20.03

199 tf2199
200 {t2200

(Note) The value of variable number /i2000 is only used to read the value. The
value is alwavs 0.
c) System variables for work zero point offset values tt2500 - 112906
By reading the values of system variables ll25OO - ll29O6, work zero point
offset values are determined.
By assigning va,lues to these variables, work zero point offset values can
be chansed.

Axis Work zero point offset value System variable No.

X External work compensation lt2500

G54 (Work coordinate system l) #25.0r

G59 (Work coordinare sysrem 6) 112506

Y External work compensat.ion #2600

G54 (Work coordinate system l) ti260l

G59 (Work coordinare system 6) *zZoo

External work compensation #27 00
G54 (Work coordinate system l) lt2t 0I

G59 (Work coordinare system 6) lf 27 06

4rh External work compensation ll2800

G54 (Work coordinare system 1) #280 I

G59 (Work coordinare sysrem 6) {t2806


The last values of the system variable #1100 to #Ill5, ltLl32 and #if33
issued are stored as 1.0 or 0.0.
(llote) When a value other than I.0 or 0.0 is assigned to //1100 ro //1115,
<vacant> is assumed as 0 and values other than <vacant>,and 0 are
assumed as l. A value under 0.00000001 is indefinite.
(Example l)
1) llacro used to read three digits of BCD data with a sign by address
Structure of DI
zLs 2r4 2r3 2ro
e2E 21 26 2s 24 23 22 2L

Used for Stgn 102 10r 100

other purposes

Structure -of DO

2E 27 26 2" 24 23 22 2' 20

Not used Used for Address

other putpose

Macro call cornnand

c65P9100D (address);
The custom macro body is specified as
09 IOO;
llll32=lll132 AND 496 oRllT t Address feed out
c65P9101T60; Timer macro
/i 100=BIN llt1032 AND 4095l , Reading in of 3-digit BCD data
rF[/l10r2EQ 0] coro9r00; Sign a

/l r00=-il r00;
N9 100M99;

2) Read eight types of signed 6-digit BCD data (three digits to the left
of the decimal point and. three digits t.o the right of the decimal
point) by address switching in #101.
Machine tool composition
When D0 2 = O, three digits to the right of the decimal point
? - l. r I three digits to the left of the decimal point
When DO 2- to 2- = 000, data No.l
001, data No.2
11 t , data tlo. 8
Macro call command
c65P9l0lD (data number) ;
The custom macro body is specified as follows:
09101 ;
c65P9l00D I lt7*2+I) i
/f l0l=/l100;
c6 5P 9 l00D I lt7 x2] ;
# L)r=lf r0 l+/r r00/ l 000 ;

(Example 3) Drill cycle (For incremental programming)
(Equivalent to G8l)
llacro call command
c65 P9081 L (Repetition time) R (R point) W (Z-point);
The custom macro body is specified as follows:
0908 r ;
c00w /llB; The single block stoP is not
G0lI^I i/23 ; executed. #18 corresponds to
c00w-[RouND[#r8] + ROUND llt23)l; R and ll23 corresponds to W.

(Note) The state of //3003 is cleared by resetting.

g) Feed hold, feed rate override, and exact stop check suppression specified
in /13004
hllaen the following values are assigned to the system variable /l 3004, feed
hold and feed rate override are suppressed for subsequent blockq and the
exact stop check is not performed. Pressing the feed hold button during
execution of a block for which feed hold has been suppressed:
/a\ Executes feed hold at the start of the first block outside the
suppression range (when the button is kept pushed).
(, Lights the feed hold lamp, and does not execute feed hold at t.his
point, but at the end of the first block outside the suppression
range, (when the button is pushed and released).

# 3004 ! eed nolcl Feed rate override Exact stop check

U 0 o 0

1 0 0

2 0 0

3 0

4 0 0

0 X

6 o X

0: F'f f o n t i rra
V. Suppressed

(Note) The state of {i3004 is cleared by resetting.

.iil " ?'.:

d) Alarm #3000
hlhen detecting an error in the macro, an alarm can be generated. When an
alarm number is specified in the system variabte /i3000, the alarm lamp is
turned on and the alarm status is entered after the proceeding block is
/l 3000=n (ALARI MES SAGE) ;
(05n<99), an alarm No.=500+n
An alarm message of less than 26 characters can be specified in the
section between control-out and control-in.
e) Clock #300I , 1t3002
The clock time can be determined by reading the values of the system
variables #3001 , 113002. The time can be preset by assignirfg a value to
the system variable.

Kind System variable Unit time At the time of Counting

Clock I /i 3001 I msec Reset to 0 Always

Clock 2 lf 3002 I hour Same as at the time While STL signal-

of power-off. is on.

The accuracy of each clock is within 16 msec. Clock 1 overflows at 65536

(Example 2) Timer
I'licro call command
G65P9l0l T (Awaiting time) msec;
This macro may be specified as follows:
/f 3001 = 0; : Initial setting
wHrLE[#300r LE ll2OlD0l; : Wait for the prescribed. length of time
LLJ / ,

+l The suppression of the single block stop and the wait for the auxiliary
function end signal.
lrrhen the following values are assigned to the system variable #3003, the
single block st.op function is suppressed and execution advances from one
block to the next without awaiting the end signal (FIN) of auxiliary
functions (S, T, 1"1 and B). When the end signal is not awaited, the
distribuEion end signal (DEN) is not transmitted. Be careful not to
specify a subsequent auxiliary function without awaiting the end signal.

#3003 Single block stop Auxiliary function end signal

Not suppressed Awaited

I Suppressed Av/aited

2 Not suppressed Not awaited

3 Suppres s ed Not awaited

Modal information i
Sv stern variab le of preceding block :

#400 I G code (group 0l)

114022 G code (group 22)

{t4L02 B code
#4 109 F code
#4i11 H code
lt4Lt3 M code
ll4LL4 Sequence number
tt4LI5 Program number
tf 4It9 S code
lt 4t20 T code

f) Positional information /15001 to ii5106

Positional information can be determined by reading the system variables
#500i to #5016. The unit of posit.ional inf ormation is inxn or inches
depending on the input system.
System variables 1i5001 to /15106 cannot be used as the left-hand-side term
of an arithmet.ic command.

System variable r Positional information Reading in

during movement
#500 i X axis block end coordinate (ABSI0)
{t5002 Y axis block end coordinate (ABSI0)
Possib le
#5003 Z axis block end coordinate (ABSI0)
#5004 4th axis block end coordinate (ABSI0)

lf 502r X axis present coordinate (ABSMT)

#5022 Y axis present coordinate (ABSMT)
{t5023 Z axis present coordinate (ABSMT)
Impossib 1e
#5024 4th axis present coordinate (ABSI'{T)
1i5025 5th axis present coordinate (PI"IC)
it5026 6th axis present coordinate (PMC)

Its04r X axis present coordinate (ABS0T)

tf 5042 Y axis present coordinate (ABS0T)
lf 5043 Z axis present coordinate (ABS0T)
Impo s sib 1e
i|5044 4th axis present coordinate (PMC)
{t5045 5th axis present coordinate (PMC)
t!5046 6th axis present coordinate (PMC)

#506 I X axis skip signal position (ABSKP)

lf 5Ub. Z Y axis skip signal position (ABSKP)
#506 3 Z axis skip signal position (ABSKP)
Possib le
{t5064 4th axis skip signal position (ABSKP)

- r98 -

h) Variable corresponding ro the serring #3005

By substitution of system variable /13005 by a value, the setting data can
be set.
07 06 05 04 03 02 0l 00


REVX X axis mirror image

REVY Y axis mirror image
TVON TV check
ISO Changeover of code system ISO/EIA
INCI{ Changeover of input unit system inch input/uun input
ABS Changeover of absolute/incremental command
SEQ Automatic insertion of sequence No.
15 L4 13 12 lr 10 09 08


REV4 4th axis mirror image

TAPEF t0/11 /L2 Tape format conversion
Clock information ii3011, /13012
It is possible to know the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second by
reading system variables il30i1, ll30l2.

Kind System variables

Year, Month, Day #30rr

Hour, Minute, Second ll3roz

(Exanple) When it is May 20, 1987 4:17 5" PM

1t3}l2 = 19870520, #30I2 = I6L105
J) Number of parts, //3901 , 113902
It. is possible to know the count value by reading the system variables
//390r and //3902.
Also it is possible to change the count value of parts by substituting the
system variables.

Kind Svstem variables

Number of machined Darts #390 l

Number of necessary parts {t3902

(Note 1) Do not substitute a negative value.

k) Modal inf orrnation i14001 ro 114120

Modal commands specified up to the preceding block can be determined by
reading t.he values of the system variables #400f to ltl+I20. The unit
F specified is effective.

(Exaurple 4)
The tool moves to a point appropriate to the machine tool (xp, yp, zp
distant from a reference point) through a programmed intermediate point;
and after processing a sequence of operations, returns to the original
Macro call command
G65 P9300 X(Intermediate point)Y(Intermediate point)Z (Intermediate
point) ;
The custom macro body is specified as follows:
//3=/i 5003;
G00 z1126;
xll24 \1125; I

G04; (Move is interrupted to read ll502l to /i5023)

G9 I x Ixp-//502i lY Iyp-i|5022]zlzp-115023) z

./ ,
x#24 Yltzs zlt26;
x#L \lt2z
... . ,

17.2.4 Arithmetic commands

A variety of arithmetic operations can be performed on variables. An arithmetic
command must be specified the same as in general arithrnetic expressions.
<Formula>, the right-hand-side of an arithrnetic command is a combination of
constants, variables, functions and operators. A constant can be used instead
of li i and #k. A const.ant without a decimal point used in <Formula> is
considered to have a d.ecimal point at the end.
l) Definiti-on and substitution of variables
lli=tl j Definj-tion, subst.itution
2) Addition arithmetic
ili=il j+#k Sum
lli=#i-#k Subrracrion
Iti=lll OR /lk Logical surn (ar every bir of 32 bits)
lli=llj XOR /ik Exclusive 0R (ar every bir of 32 birs)
3) Multiplication arithmetic
llj-=ll jxtlk Product
ll.l=lfi llfk Quotient
tti=lti AND #k Logical producr (at every bir of 32 bits)
4) Functions
li [/ij Sine (degree unit)
#i=cos j[ /l Cosine (degree unit)
/i i=TAN Iil j Tangent (degree unit)
ili=Rreni#j l/ t#kl Arct.angent (degree unit)
i/i=sQRr[/lj] Square root
/li=ABS [//j Absolute value
/li=BrN [# j Conversion from BCD to BIN
/li=Rcnfrli Conversion from BIN to BCD
//i=RouND I /lj I Rounding off
/li=FIX [ /l jI Discard fractions less than I
#i=FUP [,/l j I Add i for fractions less than


System variable Positional inf ormation Reading in

during movement

#508 r lst axis Tool offset value

{t5082 2nd axis Tool offset value Impos sib le
#5083 3rd axis tool offset value
#5I01 X axis servo position deviation
ll5LOz Y axis servo position deviation
#5103 Z axis servo position deviation Irnpossib 1e
#5104 4th axis servo position deviation

Abbreviation ABSIO ABSl'17 ABSOT ABSKP

Meaning End point Command Couunand Position

coordinate present PresenE where skip
of the preceding coordinate coordinate signal has
block turned on in
the G3l block
Coordinate Work coordinate Machine tlork Work
-J D LEU system coordinate coordinate coordinate
sysEem sysEem sysEem

Tool offset Not considered Considered Considered Considered

Tool length Tool top Tool standard Tool standard Tool standard
of f set position point point point

(Note 1) The tool length offset amount is not the amount. in effect just
before the block is executed; it is the amount for the current
(Note 2) The block end point (ABSI0) of the skip (c31) is the position where
the skip signal has turned on or the end point of the block if the
skip signal has not turned on.

t) Prgcision
Always consider the precision of a custom macro function used for Preparation
of programs.
a) Data format
Numeric data handled by a custom macro is in a floating decimal point
format as follows:
1"1* 2

where M: l-bit sign + 31-bit binary data

E: l-bit sign + 7-bit binary data
b) Operational precision
An operation executed once generates the following error. These errors
are accumulat.ed with each repeated oDeration.

Operation format Average error Maximum error Type of error

a = b^"c I.)) .
X IU^-10 1+.OO X rU -10
Relative error
a = b/c q.oo x ru -10 1.86 x l0-g- e
d-fu i.24 x l0-q- 3.73 x l0-q-

a=b-c 2. X ^ l0
,IU- 5.32 x I0-I0 mln. (;,:)

a=SINb - 5.0 x 10-q- I.U X IU -R Absolute error

b=COSb e degrees
a= ATAN b/c 1.8 x 10-6- 3.6xI0" -6
(note) Function TAN perforrns SIN/COS.
8) Notes on decreased precision
a) Addition and subtraction
Note that when absolute values are used subtractively iloaddition or
subtraction, the relative error cannot be held under l0 ". For example,
suppose that the real values of /iI and JlZ are as follows.
ttr = 98765432L0123.456
ll2 = 9876543211711 .777
Performing operation ll2 - /ll does not produce
since the custom macro has a precision of only eight decimal digits, the
values of /fl and ll2 have a precision as lcw as approximately
tir = 987 6543200000.000
liT respectively. (The internal values differ
somewhat from the above values because they are binary numbers.)
ll2 - lll = 100000.000
which generates a large error.

How to use function ROUND
1) If function ROUND is employed in an arithmetic operation command or in an
IF or WHILE conditional expression, the figure in function ROUND is
rounded off (counting fractions of 5 and over as a unit and disrdgarding
the rest) as is ordinary data with a decimal point.
( Example)
/ll becornes 1.0.
rF[#1 LE ROUNDlllZll G0r0 l0;
ROUND [//2 ] is 4. 0 it ltz is 3 . 567 .
2) If function ROUND is employed in a command to an address, it is rounded
off to the least input increment of the address.
l F Ytmn f

c0lx IRouNl [//r I I ;

If /ll is 1.4567 and the least input increment of X is 0.001, this
block becomes c01 Xl.45L.
In this example, the conmand is the same as GOI X /l1; command.
Function ROUND in an address command is used rnainly in the following
Program to move incrementally by /11 and ll2 oni-y and then return to
the starting point
Nt //1 = I.2345i
N2 tlz = 2.3456;
N3 c01 X ill F100; : X moves 1.235.
N4X//2; : Xmoves2.346.
N5 X -lll].+ll2l; : X moves -3.58, since #l + llL is 3.5g01.
Since I.235 + 2.346 = 3.581, the progr.oo d6e" not return to thE-starting
point by N5.
Assume N5 X- IROUND Iii I ] + ROUND tll2ll ;
It becomes egual to N5 X-[1.235+2.346]; and the program returns ro rhe
starting point. I
5) Combination of arithmetic operations
The above arithmetic operations and functions can be combined. The order of
priority in an arithmetic operation is function, multiplication arithmetic
then addition arithmetic.
\[xampre L ) /ii=//j+/lk*srN llltl
Sequence of
arithmetic operations
6) Uoaifi,cation of arithmetic sequence using
A portion to be assigned priority in an ari-thmetic sequence can be enclosed
in t l.
t I can be nested up to five times (including t ] used j-n functions).
(Example 2) //i=sru t t tiij+litl*//!,+//rnl*/lnl (Three f o1d nesting)

Sequence of
arthimetic operation
- 201 -
(Lxampre l)


Repeated ten
N2 WHrLE //30 EQI DO2; times
Repeated while
N3END 2; variab le //30= I


(Note 1) Notes on REPEAT ptograrnming.

OO r,ru"a be specified before END m.

END 1;


nn l.
D0 m and END m must correspond to each other in one program.


DO (No)



F\TN 1. (No)

END 1;

b) Logical operation
EQ, NE, GT, LT, GE and LE are basically the same as addition and
subtraction. Therefore, be careful of errors. To determine whether or
not //l and ll2 are equal in the above, for example, '
rF ltr EQ ll2
is not always evaluated correctly. When the error is evaluated as in
and the difference between /i I and tl2 f.a1-1s within the range error, both
values must be considered equal.
c) Trigonometric functions
Absolute_Frrors occur in trigonometric functions; but, since they are not
under l0 " be careful of integration or division after using'a
trigonometric function.
17.2.5 Control commands
The program flow can be controlled by using the following commands.
1) D;{ergence (G0T0)
tiJ IF [<Conditional expression>] GOTOn
When <condltional expression> is satisfied, the next operation is
executed in the block with the sequence number n in the same program.
Sequence number n can be replaced by a variable or <Formul-a> .
When the condition is not satisfied, the control proceeds to the next
b 1ock.
IF [<condltional expression>] can also be omitted; and when it is, the
control passes to block n unconditionally.
The following expressions can be used for <conditional expression>.
#j EQ#k =
#j NE iik
#i cr /lk
#j LT /ik
/li cE i/k
#j LE ltk 5 t

<Formula> can be used instead of lli and /lk, and a variable or <Formula>
can be used instead of n.
(Note l) In the block with the sequence number "n" which will be executed after
a GOTO n command, the sequence number must be at the top of the block.
Branching in the reverse direction takes more time than that in the
forward direction.
2) IteraEion
WHILE l<conditional expression>] D0 m (m = L,2,3)

While <conditional expression> is satisfied, blocks DO m to END m are
repeatedly executed, That is, Ehe condition of DO m block ls examined and
when the <conditional expression> is satisfied, control passes to the next
block. But when it is not satisfied, the block after END m is executed.
WHILE [<conditional expression>] can also be omitted 'as with IF, and if
omitted, blocks from D0 m to END m are executed eternally.
WHILE l<conditional expression>] D0 m and END m must be used as a pair.
Identification number m identifies this pair.

DO ranges cannot be intersected.
no l.

DO ?.
-- -,
. (No)

FNtn I!t .

LL| v
L ,

A branch can be made from inside to outside a D0 range.

nn t.

coTn qnnn. 'vvv,

. (yes)
F\tn 1
rt .


(?) The same iden c if ica t ion number can be used many times.

no r.

tr'I\in r .


no r.

[i\u I;

DO statement can be nested up to three times.

nn r.

nn ?.

Dn ?.

\ tcD/

END 3;

,c,t\U I;

trNn r.
Custom macro bodies or subprograms can be called from inside a D0
range. D0 statements can be nested up to three times more in the
custom macro body or in the subprogram.

arar t .

c65. . . (Yes)

G66.....; (Yes)

G67.....; (Yes)

!L!U I .

nn t.

rrlv..... t (Yes)

END 1;

17.2.6 Macro and CNC statements

The following blocks are called macro statement.s.
i) Operation command (block including=)
ii) Control command (block including G0T0, DO or END)
iii) Macro call'command (block including G65, G66, G67 or G codes calling macro)
The following blocks have the same features as the macro statements:
i) A subprogram call block (a block including subprogram call comrnand by M98,
M, or T code) which does not include any conmand address oEher than O, N, P
and L..
ii) g block which includes !'199 but does not include anv command address other
than 0, N, p and L.

A branch cannot be made from outside to insj_de a D0 range.

GOTO 9000;

D0 1; (No)


FI\IN 1.

nn 1.



GOTO 9000;

207 -
(Example 3)
N lXl 000; Block currently executed
N2i/ t0= 100; I'tacro statement alreadv executed
N3Y I 000; Firs t CNCstatement
N4/11 100= 1 ; I'lacro statement executed
N5/i l= l0; Iulacro statement executed
N6X- 1000; Second CNC statement

Execution of
macro stalement

Execution of
CNC statemcnt

When the second CNC statement after the block currently executed is
the no-movement b1ock, macro statements up to that and next to the
second cNC statement (i.e. the no-movement block) the block
currentlv executed are executed.
(Exarnple 4)
N lXi 000; Bfock currently executed
N2//10=100; Macro statement already executed
N3Y 1000; First CNC statement
N4/iIr00=1; Macro statement executed
N5//l=I0; - Macro st.atement executed
N6Z IOOO; Second CNC sEatement (no-movement block)
NTilli0l=1; Macro statement executed
u8il2=20; Macro statement executed
N9X-i000; Third CNC statement

Execution of N4 N5
macro statement

Execution of
CNC statemenr

When the firsr- CNC statement after the block currently executed is the
no-movement block, the macro stat.emenE is not executed.
(Example 5)
N lY 1000; Block currently executed
N2ilI100=l; Ilacro statement already executed
ll3/i l= i0; Ilacro statement already executed
N421000; First CNC statement (no-movement block)
N5/l1l0l=l; Macro statement execuEed
N6i/2=20; l'lacro statement executed
N7X-1000; Second CNC staternent

Exccution of
CNC sratenrcnt

Blocks other than macro statements are sometimes referred Eo as CNC statements.
The nacro stat.ement differs from the CNC statement, in the following points:
i) In the normal single block mode, the single block stop does not occur.
(See item (3), Chapter 8)
ii) The macro sEatement. is not regarded as the no movement block in the cutter
compensation c.
iii) The time of execution differs.
iii) j-s described below in further detaj-l.
a) The macro statement existing next to the block which does not buffer the
next one (b1ock of non-buffering M code, or G3l block) is executed after
that block is executed.
(Example l)
NlXt000M00; Block currently execut.ed
N2i/1100=l; Macro statement

of macro statement

Execution of
CNC statement

b) llacro statement existing next to the block buffering the next one.
i) When not in cutter compensation C mode
When the current. block starts to be executed, the nexE nacro
statement is imnediately executed. The macro statement up to the
next CNC statement is executed.
(Exarnple 2)
N1G0 1X1000; Block currently executed
N2/il i00=1; Macro statement executed
N3i/ l= l0; Macro stat.ement executed
N4X2000; Next CNC statement .

Execution of
macro statement

Execution of
CNC statement

ii) When in cutter compensation C mode

When the first CNC statement next to the block currently execut.ed is
noc the no-movement block (block containing no movement command in
the cutter compensation plan).
When t,he second CNC sEatement i-s not the no-movement block.
The macro statement, after the first CNC statement. next to the block
currently executed, is executed.

A block including a macro call command (G65, G66, G67), arithmetic command
and control command is not stopped even by single block operation.
The following parameter setting executes a single block stop for commands
other than macro call commands. This function is used for testins a custom
ulo!!v L^l-,


When SBI(M=I,single stop is done in every macro stalement.

A block in which a macro statement has executed a single block stop, is
assumed to have no movement in the cuEter compensation mode. Sometimes
incorrect compensation is performed. (This case is handled the same as it is
for a movement amount of 0 although a move has been speci,fied.)
L+) Optional block sklp

l, appearing in the uiddle of <expression>(right-hand-side of an arithmetic

formula, or j-n ), is treated as division, and not an optional block skip.
s) Operation in EDIT urode
The fo11o\,ring settings can be used to protect registered custom macro bodies
and subprograms from accidental destruction.

0 0 I
(Setting operation is effective)
Setting to I specifies that custom macro bodies or subprograms wich
program numbers 9000 to 9999 cannot be cancelled, and edited.
However, this affeets Ehe deletion of al1 programs during turning on.
I^lhen a clearedstatus is produced by a reset, all local variables and eommon
variables ill00 to if 149 become <vacant>.
System variables //1000 x ll Ll32 are not cleared.
Call condition and D0 condition are cleared by reset.
However a cleared status cannot be produced by the parameter (No. 040, LOCC,
7) Display j-n PROGMM RESTART page
The M and T code" rrqerl fnr errhnrsgl4m calllng are not displayed like M98.
8) Feed hold
Macro statement execution stops at the end of the biock by turning on feed
hold. (It also stops by resetting or by alarm generation).
9) Other llmitations
a) Usable variables
//0, llL to /i33, #100 to tll49 , #500 to /1531, sysrem variables.
h) V:1id veriable values

Ilaximum value +10+ /

Minimum value TtO-29
c) Constant value-rralid in <FormuIa>
.value +99999999
Minimum value +0.0000001
Decj-mal point can be used
v) Arithmat-ir --i
,t\ '
Eight-digit decimal number
e) I'tacro nesting
Maximum of four
f) Iteration identification number
g) Nesti-ng of
Llaximum of five
h) Subprogram nesting
Eight (Subprogram call and macro call)

17.2.7 Codes and words used in custom macro
The following code can be used in the program of the macro in addition to
'i codes used in conventional programs.
1) rso
Meaning 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I Character
: n o f!
i t o o 0 0 0
l 0 0 0 OO 0 UJ
ll o tl
+. 0 o 0 0 1l
* 0 o o
0 .*
o o 0 0
oo 0
o 0 0 0
oo 0 o 0

z) ErA

Meaning 8 7 6 4 J 2 1
r Character
L Parameter (Data No. 0053)
l Parameter (Dara No. 0054)
Parameter (Dara No. 0044)
Parameter (Dara No. 0042)
Parameter (Dara No. 0043)

0, the same code 0 as in the program number, must be used. The hole pattern
for . ll, + and = in EIA code must be set as parameters (Data No.
0042 Eo 0044, 0053, 0054). Ilowever, the character with no punched hole
eannot be used. Note that alphabetic characters can be used, but when used
as /1, they are not used in their proper sense.
Special words used in custorn macro are: .

17.3 Registration of Custom Macro Body
A custom macro body is similar to a subprogram; it is registered and edited in
the same \^iay as a subprogram.
The memory used to register custom macro bodies is included in the storage
capacity of the CNC.
17.4 Limitations
r) MDI operation
Macro call and subprogram call command cannot be specified in MDI mode.
However, if I'IDI operation B function i.s provided, subprogram call command can
be performed.
2) Sequence number search
Sequence numbersin the custom macro body cannot be searched for.
1) Single block
A block, other than one including a macro call command, arithmetic command,
or control command, can be executed as a single block stop even when in the


- 2rl -
18.3 Key Position
The location of keys is shown in the figure below.


tr trETE tr B-4rh-D
18.4 Each Address Restrictions

\ rf rha nffeol No. is commanded by address D, the modal value of H is also
rewritten. (Distj-nqs use of addresses D and H cannot be done.)
18.5 Setting of Setting Parameters

The format conversion can be set by setting parameters.

By setting the page as " (SETTING 2)" and by rewriting of "TAPEF", it becones as
TAPEF = Format conversion v41id
Ot Format conversion invalid.

PARAMETER 02000 N0130

_TAPEF = 0


18.6 Cautions of each Function

1) Subprogeram call
To call .61 srrlrnrnorom i f a command of more than 4 digits is used for
designati." *". (address P), the last 4 digits become the
subprogram No. and"lfot"*t"*
if the times of repetitive calling (address L) is not
specified, the tj-mes of repetition becomes one.

18. 10/11 TAPE FORMAT

Memory operation of the progran registered by 10/ll tape format is possible for
rhe following funcEions with setting of the seEting parameters.
a) Cutter compensation (G40, G4l, G42)
b) Subprogram call (UlAl
c) Canned cycle (G73, G74, G76, G80 - G89)

18.1 Difference Points of Tape Format

F Difference of tape format between 0/00 and 10/11 is shovm in TabIe below.
Function IO/II OM

Cutter comDensation rGl7. rG40r P r Gl7 r rG40r P

ictsir ic+ri
L LG42)
D-; icrair ic+ti
L LG42)
G19 G19

P: (One of X, Y, Z or 4th) P: (One of X, Y, Z or 4th)

D: Offset No. H: 0ffset No.
Subprogram call M98 P_r_ ; M98 P 1l1pppp ;

P: Subprogram No. P
L: Times of repetitive call 111: Times of repetive call
pppp: Subprogram No.
Canned cvcle rG73r X Y ; G73-r X Y
iCllrt, Z R_
ttGT4tl Z R-
i ic76i 0-
rG8lr F
_ 1G76 t P-
i cgr
L i
I I' I
n. rlt
t LG89I L.Atl
& L: Times of repetition K: Tirnes of repetition
18.2 Address and Range of Command Values
Some addresses which could not be used for 0/00 series can be used by format
conversion. In this case, even if format conversion is set, restriction of 0/00
format is applied to the range of conaand values being used for the basic
address, and if a value out of the 0/00 fornat range is registered, a P/S alarm
is generated.
Added basic addresses and their range of command values are mentioned in Table
below. 0ther addresses will have the same specification as address in 0/00

Function Address rnm input ineh input

Times of repet.ition L I - 9999 l - 9999
0ffset No. 0-999 0-999

iii) Manual handle feed (See Section III-4.4)
By rotatlng the manual handle, the tool moves by the distance cor-
respondlng to the degree of handle rotation.
?\ Toor movement by prograrni-ng - Automatic operation (see Sect ion III-5)


Automatic operation is to operate the machine according to the ereated pro-

gram. It includes memory and MDI operations.
i) Memory operatiorf


Memory operation

After the program is once registered in memory, the machine can be run
according to the program instructions. This operation is cal1ed memory
operat ion.

- 2IB -

1) Manual operation
a) Manual reference point return (See Sectlon III-4.1)
The LNC machine tool has a position used to deternine the machlne posi-
This position is called the reference point, where the tool is replaced or
the coordinates are set. Ordinarily, after the power is turned onr the
tool is moved to the reference polnt.
Manual reference point return is to move the tool to the reference point
using switches and pushbuttons located on the operator's pane1.
Op"r"tor's panei

ooo o
oo | |

The tool can be moved to the reference point also with program cornnands.
This operation is called automatlc reference polnt return. (See Section
rr-6. I)

b) Tool movernent by manual operatlon

Using operatorrs panel switchesr pushbuttons, or the manual handle, the
tool can be noved along each axis.

Operator's panel

ooo oo



The tool can be moved 1n the followlng ways:

i) Manual conrinuous feed (See Secrfoi ffi-+.2)
The tool moves continuously while a pushbutton remains pressed.
ii) Step feed (See Sectlon III-4.3)
The tool lDoves by the predetermlned dlstance each tlne a pushbutton ls

* -217-
ii) Start and stop (See Section III-5.5)
Cycle start

Feed hold
Automatic operation

Stop caused
Program stop I by program
Program end

PressLng the cycle start pushbutton eauses automatic operation to start.

By pressing the feed hold or reset pushbutton, automatic operation pauses
or stops. By specifying the program stop or program termination command
in the program, the running will stop during automatic operation. trrlhen
one process machining ls completed, aulomatic operation stops.
iii) Handle interruption


I Workpiece i I

Depth of Depth-of-
manual cut specified
handle by the program

While automatic operation is being executed,

tool movement can overlap automatic opera-
tion by rotating the manual handle.

1i) I,IDI operation

MDI operation
After the program is entered, as an eornrnand group, from the I"IDI keyboard,
the nachine can be run according to the program. Thls operatlon is called
MDI operation.

3) Automatic operation
1) Program selection (See Secrion III_5.2.I)
Data format in memory

0 1001 Program number

Work-l program

M30 I
0 1002 Program number
Program number
Work-2 program Automatlc
0 1003 Program number

I.lork-3 program

select the program used for the work. ordinarlly, one program is prepared
for one work. rf two or more progra*s are in me'ory, select the progran
to be used, by searchlng the progra' number (Sectron rrr-10.4).

ili) Single block (See Sectlon III-6.7)



t,/ ,/ )
Stop Stop

When the c]'cle start

pushbutton is pressed, the
tool executes one operation
then stops. By pressing the
cycle start again, the tool
cxecutes the ne\t operation then
stops. The program is checked
in this manner.

Single block
b) How to view the posicion display change without running the machine
i) M,achine lock (Sef Sections III-6. I and III-6.2)

V7j tool

Change caused by
machine movemcnt

The tool remains stoppcd, and only the posi'

rional displays of the axes change.

Machine lock

ii) Auxiliary function lock

When automatic running is placed into the auxiliary function lock mode
during the machine lock mode, all auxiliary functions (spindle rota-
tion, tool replacement, coolant on/off' etc.) are disabled.

4) Program test
Before machining is started, the automatic running check can be executed. It
checks whether the created program can operate the machine as desired. This
check can be accomplished by running the machine actually or viewing the
position display change (without running the machine).
a) Check by running
i) Dry run (See Section III-6.6)

Remove the work, check only

movement of the tool.
Select the tool movement rate
using the dial on the operator's

i'l----- -- It |t;
-- -- -L I --__ _ _t: L'

Drv run

ii) Feed rate overrlde

Feed rate specified by program:

Adjust the rate value smaller
50 mm/min. by
than that specificd the
Feed rate after feed rate override:
l0 mm/min.
Overside is 20%

Feed rate overrlde

i) Off set value (See ,sectlon III-10.1. )

Tool compcnsation
number I
Tool compensation
number 2
Tool compensation
Screen Keys number 3

CNC memory

The tool has the tool dimension

(length, dianeter).
When a workpiece is machlned,
the tool movement route depends
on the tool dlmensions.
By setting tool dimension data
in CNC memory beforehand, auto-
matically generates tool routes
that perrnit any grol to cut the
work shape specified by the
program. Tool dinension data
is cal-led the offset value.
-] | |r orir.tvalue of
the 2nd tool
I i

5) Parr program editing (See secti-on III-9)
After a created program is once reglstered in memory, it can be correct.ed or
modlfied from the CRT/MDI panel.
Program correction
Program registmtion or modification

Nl .

{} NC tape (program)


This operation can be executed using the part program storage/edit function.

6) Data display/setting ( See Section III-10.)

Data setting


Screen Keys


CNC memory

Data stored i-n NC menory can be displayed and corrected via the CRT/MDI
sc reen.

ii) Displaylng and setting parameters (See Sectlon III-10.4)

Rapid traverse rate
Positional control system
Reference point return sYstem
Screen KeYs
Backlash compensation data
Pitch error compensation data

CNC memory


The functions have versatllity ln order to take actlon in character-

istics of varlous machines. For example, CNC can specify the following:
I ) Ra,gld-l:la;zerse-rat-e--of=each, axis
2) Whether incre.qe_ilE-sy-stem is based on metric system or lnch system.
3) How ro ser @Avg -'
Data to make the above speclfication is called pardmeters. (See Sectlon
III-10.4) Parameters differ dependlng on machine tool.

iii) Displaying and setting operatorrs setting data (See Section III-I0.2)

Setting data
M^irror image machining on/
olt setttng
Screen Keys

CNC memory



Apart from parameters, there is data that is set by the operator rn ope-
ration. This data causes urachine characteristics to change.
The above data is called setting data.

iv) Data protection key (See Section III-I0.6)

Operator's panel


Offset value
Setting data

CNC memory

A key called the data protection key can be defined. rr is used to pre-
vent the program, offsetr pararneters, setting daEa, etc. from being
registered, set, modified, or deleted erroneously.

i) Prograrn display (See Section III-1 I . 1. )

Active program


The cursor indicates

the currently executed
Program contents

01 002 01 046
01057 01245 01556....
02006 02567 03456...,

Program list

The contentsof the currently active program are displayed.

In addition, the programs scheduled next and the'program list are dis-

ii) Current position display (See Sectlon III-11.3)

"l I x OOOO @O
I Y oo@ ooo


Work coordinate CRT screen

The current posit,ion of the tool ls displayed with the coordinate values.
The distance from the current position to the target position can also be
iii) Alarm display (See Section IIL-11. s)
When an alarm occurs and ALARM is displayed at bottom, pressing the
l-ALAffil button displays the alarm message, as in the photo below.


518 O.ER TRA\jEL : +X

iv) Parts count display

When this option is selected, two types of run time and number of parts
are displayed on the screen.


a2@@@ NATSA
x -1,2.54@
Y -42.5@A
z @.a@@
RLN rrF *r- .r.,-ETT,Sfl *.J

.'. .'i::{

v) Graphic display (See Section III-12.5)

Display on the Display on the

XZ plane YZ plane

Display on the
XY pla4e Three dimensional display

Programmsd tool movement can be displayed on the follcfuing planes:

1) XY plane
2) Yz plane
3) XZ plane
4) Three dimensional display

229 -

B) Data output (See Section III-12)

Tape reader
Portable tape read et

V Paper tape


ITANUC cassettc and

cassette adapter



Automatic programming

The program, offset, parameters, etc. input in NC memory can be output to

paper tape, cassette, or a floppy disk for saving. After once output to a
medium, the data can be input into CNC memory.

-;:.'Ir-. '
'-;'1.--.: r

2.1 CRT/MDl Panel

The CRT/|'lDI panel consists of a CRT display (9" amber) and keyboard as in the
following illustration.
l) CRT/MDI panel for 0-I1B

CRT character display (9") Reset key Data input key

EEE Program
edit key

Input key

Page Function key Start/output key
change key I

moYe key

2) Full key

Reset keY Data input key


POftR edit key

Input key

lo*' g

EMMBBMH rtr @tr@E

Cursor move key Start/output key

Function key
Page change key

- 23r -
2.1.1 MDI keyboard

Table 2.1.1 MDI keyboard functions ('l12)

No. Name Func t ions

( 1) RESET key Pr:ess this key to reset the CNC, to cancel
an alarm, elc.
(2) START key Press this key to start the IIDI conmands, or
to start the automatic operation cycle.
Since this key's operating method differs
according to the machine tools, refer to the
rnachine tool builderts operation manual.

(3) Address and numerical key Press these keys to input alphabetic, nu-
meric, and other characters.
(4) INPUT key When an address or a numerical key is
pressed, the alphabet or the numeral is
input once to the key input buffer, and it
is displayed on the CRT screen. To set the
data input to the key input buffer in the
offset register, etc., press the INPUT key.
Thls key is equivalent to rhe INPUT key of
the soft keys, so the same results can be
obtained by pressing either of them.
(5) Cancel (CAN) key Press this key to delete the last character
or symbol input to the key input buffer.
The contents of the key input buffer are
displayed on the CRT screen. When the ad-
dress key or the, numerical key is pressed
next, the position where the alphabet or the
numeral is inserted next is indicated by
rt lt

lflnen the cancel (CAN) key is pressedr the

character immediately before the rr rr is
Example: I,Jhen the key in ut buffer displays >N00lxl0002 and rhe cancel
(CAN) key is pr ssed, Z is cancelled and >NO0ITIOOO is dis-
(6) Cursor shift keys There are two kinds of cursor shift key
described be1ow.
* : This key is used to shift the cursor a
short distance in the forward direc-
t : This key is used to shift the cursor a
short distance in the reverse direc-

_ a')a
Table 2.1.1 MDI keyboard function (2/2)

No. Name Functions

(7) Page changeover key Two kinds of page changeover keys ar: de-
scribed be1ow.
+ : This key is used to changeover the page
on the CRT screen in the forward direc-
i : This key is used to changeover the page
on the CRT screen in the teverse direc-
(8) Soft keys (option) The soft keys have various functions '
according to the Applications.
The soft key functions are displayed at the
bottom of the CRT screen.
Left-end soft key [< I :
This key is used in order to exit to
the initial stats (condition when the
function button is depressed when each
feature has been operated vla soft
Right-end soft key Dl :
This key is used when operate functions
which have nor yet been displayed.

2.1.2 Function buttons

Function buttons indicate large items like chapters in a document.

E Indicates the current position.

@ Conducts the following:

In EDIT mode ... edits and displays the program in the
In MDI mode ... inputs and displays the MDI data

In automatic operation ... displays command value.

lTffid-l Setting and display of offset value, setting and display of variable.
I opsnr I

Setting and display of parameter
Alarm nurnber display and setting and display
and dlsplay of diagnostic daEa.

of soflware operatort s

Graphic function.

Several pages are inciuded in the chapter selected wlth each function button.
The page is selected with PAGE button.
(Note) The data displayed on the screen disappears when one of the function
buttons and the lffil key are pressed. Thereafter, when either function
button is pressed, the corresponding screen is dlsplayed again. When the
unit is not used with the povrer turned on for long time, turn off the
screen. This ls effective to prevent the image quality from deterio-

2.2 Machine Operator,s panel

The operatorrs panel varies in functioning and switch arrangement between the
different tools. Operations of a typical operator t s panel are explained as
shown Fig. 2.2. However, for details, refer to the manual issued bv the machine
tool builder.

ra c o

/A ""2 @
,ffi \r'*"^""6 roL&sTEpFr:Fr)

o,'' I \ltll 1,n,, lt ri v(o66
+x +\'
\/ v \r'


(N) -

\z/ \)l7N \)Z

,*vlR,, *,.,,
ovERRtDE ((\l


o ""(N"'i
rFF ,.-=\ nN z' n \ ,/ I /-1\ xloo

i dlD\
.t,,. o \lIeY r:ro
LOCK OVERIDE m/mm r"TJil3.',?*

Fig.2,2 An illustration for operator,s panel

Table 2.2 Element functions

Name Function

Cycle start button By selecting an execution program then pressing this push-
button, automat ic operation is started . During automatic
operation, the lamp inclicating automat ic operation is on.
l'eed hold button hlhenthis pushbutton is pressed drrring automatic opera-
tion, the tool decelerates then stops.
Mode selection Select a mode, depending on the operation type.
but ton

Rapi-d traverse By pressing this pushbutton, the tool is fed rapidly.

Jog & step feed By pressing this button, manual continuous or sEep feed
is executed.
Handle By rotating the handle, the tool is rotated in the cor-
responding direction.
Single block By placing the single block switch in Ehe 0N position,
automatic operation is executed by one block.
Optional block skip By placing this switch in the 0N position, the optional
switch block skip is executed.
h rrr
rr rn Bv placing this switch in the 0N posiEion, the dry run is

Reference point By placing this switch in the Oll position, reference

return point return is executed.
Rapid traverse Lhen the rapid traverse override is to be executed, this
override element selects the amounE of override.
Step feed amount This element selects the amounE of one steo of steo feed.
Emergency stop Bv pressing this button, the machine is stopped emer-
Lock selection Selects display or machine Lock.
llanual ab solute hhen manual operation is to intervene during automatic
operat j-on, this elemen! selects the amount of movement by
manual operati-on be set in the absolute register or not

Feed rate override Selects the amount of override for automatic or manual
opera t ion.

Jog feed rate Selects the manual continuous feed rate.

Handle axis Sel-ects the axis moved bv the manual handle.
Handle multiplying During manual handle feed, select the multlplier of the
selectlon moving amount per step.

2.3 Tape Reader

Portable tape reader j-s used for the tape reader'

2.3.1 Portable taPe reader
t) Name and description of each section

6. Grips reader
3. Capstan
opera.tlon ,1 1- Cable stored p a11
swrtcn i _

2. r sourcell
Light 1| t[ l-- I

reader part
lll - 13. Readeri
Metal ll lil ll lj ,lr
fittingA ll lll I l: ii
Twinderll lil ll .l , lll
)3."., fl] ,111_ _-]---r
Iock Photo
Iever amplifier

5. Tape

Fig. 2.3.1 Name of each section

Tabte 2.3.1 Descriptions {or each part (1/4)


Light Sources An LED (Light emitting diode) is mounted for

each channJl and for ihe feed hole (9 diodes
in total). A built-in Stop Shoe functions
to decelerate the taPe.
The light source is attracted to the optical
reader by a magnet so that the tape will be
held in the eorrect position. Thls unit can
be opened upward, by turning the tape reader
control switch to the RELEASE position (this
turns off the magnet).
Optical Reader Reads data punched on the tape ' through a
glass wlndow. Dust or scratches on the
glass window can result in reading errors'
Keep this window cLean-

Capstan Roller Controls the feeding of tape as specified by

the control unit.

Table 2.3.1 Descriptions for each part (214l.

No. Name Functions

4. Tape Reader Control Switch A 3-position switch used to control the Tape

RELEASE The tape is allowed to be free,

or used to open the light
source. When loading or
unloadi-ng the l tape, this
position is selectbd.
AUTO ... The tape is set to fixed
position by the Stop Shoe. The
feed and stop of the tape is
controlled by commands from the
Control Unit.
During a taPe-controlled
operation or data input from
tape, the Light Source must be
closed and this position must be
MANUAL The tape can be fed in the
forward reading direction. If
another position is selected,
the tape feed is stopped.
Tape Box A Tape Box is located below the Tape Reader.
A belt used to draw out a paper tape is
located inside the box. The paper tape can
easily be pulled out using this belt.
6. Grips For carrylng the portable tape reader.
7. I^linder Used to supply or rewind tape.

Table 2.3.1 Descriptions for each part (3/4)

Metal fitting A


To remove rewound tape, decrease the

internal diarneter by pushing the fastener as
shown in the above figure.

Cover lock While the tape reader is being carried, be

sure to keep the cover under this lock.
Lowering lock lever I^lhen the tape reader is raised, the latch
mechanism secures the reader. As a result,
the tape reader is not lowered. The latch
is locked with this lock lever. Thus, the
latch is not released by raising the tape
reader with the grips.
I{hile the tape reader is kept under the
1ock, the lever remains horizontal. When
storing the tape reader, release the lock by
pressing this lever.
Then, raise the reader wlth the grips, and
release the latch.
After the latch is released, the tape reader
can be stored in the tape box.
After storage, secure the tape reader wlth
the cover lock.

Tabf e 2.3.1 Descriptions for each part (4141

No. Name Functions

ll Cable storage block The power and signal cables are rolled up.
The cable length is I.5 ro.
1') Photoamplifler Tape reader photoamplifier.
'I ?
Reader/puncher interface 200 VAC z 5 YDC power supply + reader/
adapter puncher interface adapter pCB.

2) Tape reader handling

a) Preparations
(1) Remove the cover lock (9). Raise the tape reader with rhe grips (6)
until a click is heard. Then, lower the tape reader. At this t1me,
the tape reader is viewed and seeured. Check that the lowering lock
lever (10) is horizontal.
@ Take out the signal and power cables from the cable storage box (Il).
Connect the signal cable and the poner cable to NC's reader/puncher
interface port and power source, respectively.
b) Tape loading
Set_ the Tape Reader swirch to rhe RELEASE position.
(, Lift the Light Source Uni-t, and insert an Nc tape between the gap.
The tape must be posltioned as shown in the figure, when viewed
looking downward.

Feed hole

<\__ -----l Direction of tape feeding

(41 !y1r- the tape until the top of the tape goes past the capstan roller.
check that the NC rape is correctry pbsllionei by the Tape Guide.
(q) Lower the Light
(6) Turn the switch to the AUTO position.
\1-i Suspend the top and rear-end of the tape in the Tape Box.
c) Un1 oading the NC tape
X Turn the switch to the RELEASE position.
(2) Lift the Light Source and remove
the tape.
/1\ Lower the Light Source.
d) Sto rage
rr ) Store
the cables into the cable box (11).
(2) Pressthe lowering lock lever (r0) dor,mward at both sldes.
(, Raise the taBe reader wlth the grips (6) (ratch release operation).
Then, lower it.
(A setfing the cover lock (g), carry the tape reader with the grlps

2.3.2 Note for handling tape reader
1) Precautions on tape loading
When the NC tape is loaded, the Label Skip function should be activated to
read but skip data until first End of Block code (CR in EIA code or LF in ISO
code) is read. When loading an NC tape, the location within rhe tape, from
which data reading should be started must properly be selected and the NC
tape should be set as shown in the figure below.

|l.-...'----.-'...---* lhe program which should he read
Set the tape so that this section Actually, the end of block code (;) is
is under the glass window. CR in EIA code or is LF in ISO code.

2) Disconnection and connection of tape reader connection cable

Don't disconnect or connect CNC +-) tape reader connection cable (signal
cable) without turning off the CNC and tape reader po!/er supply when using a
separate tape reader, otherwise the PCB of the tape reader and master PCB of
CNC controller nay be broken. Turn off the CNC and tape reader power supply
before dj-sconnecting or connecting the connection cable, accordingly.
2.4 FANUC Cassette BllB2lF1

Data can be stored in afcassette with bubble memory (Bl/82). NC data can also
be input from this cassette co the NC. The interface is reader/puncher


NC connecting
connector Fio^f l-"-.

In the case FANUC cassette B1 or 82

See the FANUC CASSETTE Operatorrs Manual (B-53484E) for rhe FANUC CASSETTE ope-
rat ion.
See Chapter III-12 in this rnanual for data input/output operation from and to
FANUC cassette.


An I/O device with paper tape reader, tape punch, and prlnter in'one systep.
Interface is reader/puncher interface.

Reel unit
tape punch

Paper tape reader

Switch unit


Paper tape reader read speed 150 ch/sec or more

Paper tape punch punching speed 50 ch/sec
Printer characters per line 40 ch. (dot lnpact method)
Printlng speed 1.2 line/sec
See the FANUC PPR Operator?s Manual (B-54584E) for the FANUC PPR Operatlon.

1) Turning on the power

q2 check that the appearance of the CNC machine tool is normal.
lD Turn on the power according to the instruction manual of the machine tool
a Check that some data is being displayed on the CRT screen.
q!) Check that the fan motor is rotating.

NOTE: When pressing the POWER ON k.y, do not touch any other CRT/l-DI panel
keys. Until the positional or alarm screen is displayed t uv
Ja -^+
llvL ts^"^L
them. Some keys are used for the maintenance or special operation pur-
pose. When they are pressed, unexpected operation may be caused.

z) Tur ning off the power

ri\ Check that the lamp indicating the cycle start is off on the operator's
/;\ Check that all movable blocks of the NC machine tool is
v If I/O devices such as the tape punch unit are connected to the NC rna-
chine too1, turn off the power to these devices.
Contlnue to press the POWER OFF pushbutton for about 5 seconds.
(q Refer to the machine tool builder's manual for turning off the power to

the machine.

-242- 'd
s 't,


4.1 Manual Reference Point Return

O Ser the MODE SELECT swirch to Ehe JOG position.


@ Turn on the REFERENCE POINT RETURN switch.



O Jog Feed to reference polnt dlrection by each axis

Keep this switch on until

th,e reference point is reached.

The tool Boves along the selected axis to the decelerated point
rapid traverse rate, then moves to the reference point at the FL at the
A rapid traverse override is effective during rapid traverse speed.

@ fn" machine stops at the reference point lighring the REFERENCE POINT


(Note 1) Once the

completion of reference point return, the tool does not move
unless the REFERENCE POINT RETURN swirch is rurned off.
(Note 2) The REFERENCE P0rNT RETIIRN COMPLETToN LED is extinguished by
either of the following operations:
(i) Moving from the reference point.
(ii) Entering an emergency stop state.
(Note 3) For the distance (Not in the deceleration condition) to reEurn
the tool to reference point, refer to the manual issued by the
machine tool builder.
4.2 Manual Continuous Feed

The machine tool can be continuously moved manually as follows.

o Set the MODE SELECT sr^ritch to the JOG position.

{ {N
uo,, lS1,o"
@ S"t."t the axis ro be moved.

+X +Y +Z

V V V _Z
/A -X
/A V -Y

\\ ))

The selected axis moves in its direction.

(Note i) rf 3 axes are selected simultaneously by three swi-tches, I axis
selected at first only moves because Manual operation is allowed
for one axis at a time.
(Note 2) when the mode is switched to the JOG mode while po\rer is oD, axis
will not move even 1f it has already been selected. Axis selection
must be performed again.

@ Select JoG feedrate

.\ \t'Jy I,,uo


Position on rotarv switch Metric input Inch input

mrn/min inch/nin
0 0 0

I )n 0. 08

2 1t 0. t2

3 5.0 n,

4 7.9 0.3

5 12.6 0.5
6 20 0.8

32 , 1.2

I 50 2.0

9 79 3.0

r+ 10 t26 5.0
lt 200 8.0
L2 320 l2
t.3 500 20

: t4 790 30

t l5 L260 50


(Note 1) The feedrate error (about +3%) affects on the feedrate in the table
i above.

@ Rapid traverse
To execute the rapld traverse by manual mode, push RAPID TRAVERSE button


It is possible to move the axis in the selected direction at rapid traverse

while this button is pushed.
(Note 1) Feedrate, time constant and rnethod of automatic acceleration/
deceleration for manual rapid traverse are the same as G00 in
prograrmed command

4.3 STEP Feed

u, Set MODE SELECT switch ro STEp posirion.

STEP feed is available for the machine without manual pulse generator.
Select the desired amount of movement.




Input system l\| xl0 xl00 x1000

Millimeter input 0. 001 rnm 0.01 run 0.1 rnn L rnm

Inch input 0.000I inch 0.001 inch 0.01 inch 0. I inch

-246- I
@ Select the axis

Wtrenthe switch is pressed once, the axis Eoves by the anount speclfied in
lts direction.
Then when the switch ls pressed after releasLng it once, the axis moves by
the specified amount.
(Note 1) The feed rate is the same as the jog feed rate.
(Note 2) The rapid traverse button is also effective. Rapid traverse over-
rlde is effecttwe during rapid traverse.
4.4 Manual Handle Feed

The feed rate can be adjusted precisely by usLng the manual pulse generator.
s./ Set the MODE SELECT swltch to the IIANDLE position.

Awo // \ srep/HaNor-e

..*( @),""
O Select an axis.



O Rotate the handle of the manual pulse generator.

a a

a a
clockwise rotation * direction
counterclockrrise rotation direction
(The direction varies with the machine tool builder.)
@ Movernent amount
In some cases, thejperatorrs panel is provided with the following selector
switch. xl0 nultiplies the movement l0;x100 by 100.
X100 (Note 2)

Handle Multiplier

Movement amount per degree

Input system XI xl0 x100
Metrlc input 0.00I nn 0.01 nn 0.1 nsl

Inch input 0.0001 inch 0.0O1 inch 0.01 inch

(Note 1) 9!6"1 amount may be usecl depending on machine tool.
(Note 2) rf the handre is rotated in excess of 5 turns/sec, there ls a dif-
ference between the handle rotation amourrt and the machine Ioovement
(Note 3) Rotating the handle too fast when X100 is selected moves the
or table at a rate as fast as the rapid traverse rate. A sudden
stop gives the machine tool a shock.

4.5 Manual Absolute ON and OFF

Ihis switch selects whether the amount of manual movement is to be added to the
absolute value.
1) Wtren the switch is ON.


The coordinate values change by the amount of manual operation.

2) When the switch is OFF.



The coordinate values do not change.

(Exanple 1) Suppose the next tape comands

G0lc90xr00. 0Y100. 0F0 10;
x200.0YI50.0 ;
x300.0Y200.0 ;
a) Wtren block @ has been executed after nanual oDeration (X-axis +20.0'
Y-axls +100.0) at the end of movement of block O:

( r2o.o,2oo.o) Qzo.o '250.0)

( 200.0 , 150.0 )
Manual opetation-
When manual absolute switch is ON
( 1 00.0 , 100.0 )

b) l.then the feed hold button is pressed while block
@ is being executed,
manual operation (y-axls +75.0) is performed, and che
is pressed and released. cycle start button

( 200.0 ,225.0) [{anual absolute switch ON

( 150.0 , 200.0 )

- 1ioo.o,2oo.o)
Manual operation + -
( 200.0 , r s0.0 )

( 1s0.0 , 125.0 )

c) the feed hold button is pressed while block

I'ltren is being execured,
manual operation (Y-axis +75.0) i_s performedr the @
iontrol unit is reset
with the RESET button, and block @ is read again.


( 200.0 , 225.0)
(l sos ,200.0 ) .-\ -e_
Manual absolute srvitch OFF
lr{anual absolute srvitch ON ( 300.0 , 200.0 )
Manual operation

( 200.0 , l 50.0 )
( 1s0.0 ,I 2s.0 )
( r 00.0 , 100.0 )

Fd, axlsWhen there is only one axis in the following
cornmand, only the conmanded
-ri _

Nlc0 1c90x100. 0Yl 00.0F500;

N2 X200.0;
N3 Yl50.0;


Manual absolute switch ON

Manual absolute switch


e) When the following' commands are incremental conmands, operati-on is the

same as when the MANUAL ABSOLUTE switch is set to OFF.

(Note 1) The followlng occurs when manual operation ls performed during cutter
1) Tfre I{ANUAI ABSOLUTE swl-tch ts OFF and cutter compensatlon is being performed.
Afteilnanual operatlon ls performed with the MANUAL ABSOLUTE switch ln the
OFF position durLng cutter compensatlon, autonattc operation is restarted
then the tool moves parallel to the movement that would have been performed
if nanual novement had not been performed. The anount of separati;n eguals
to the amount that was performed nanually.

oo"r"rrol /
Cutter center path

" ,.t:il
-251- .- l.-+T;i*
2) The MANUAL ABSOLUTE switch is ON and cutter compensation is being performed.
Operation of the machine upon return to automatlc operation after manuaL
intervention with the manual absolute switch in the 0N position during exe-
cution with an absolute command Program in the cutter compensation rnode will
be described. The vector, the remalning part of the current block and the
beginning of the next block is shifted in parallel the amount of manual move-
menL performed is included in the calculations of the vectors of the two
blocks subsequent to the current block. This also applies when manual opera-
t ion is performed during cornering.
a) During block executj-on
(Exarnple 1)

,/l t,
\--- -/1vc2


Absolute command program Path

VBl' Y
\ \ )\
Tool center path
'\l'I '\ Tool center path before manual operation

Manual operation


Assume that the feed hold was applied at. point Pr. whlle moving from p^ to
* Po of prograrmed path P^ , Po, and P^ and that th6 tool was manually ntved
i td PHr. The block end^polfrt Po moVes to the point Po'by the amount of
nanudl movement, and vectors V-i and V-^ at P- also mo'7e to V-,t e.nd V-^t.
Vectors V.' and V", between tff6 next tfso blo"cks Po - t,- anf,!,- - prrofre
discarded "alnd new "vbctors V^r t and V^"t (V..rt = Y ni in t'he examlle aSove)
i are produced from the relaUton betwE'en Po*'- P""?nd Pn - Pn. However,
since Vor t is not a newly calculated vecflor, co"rrect olfset "ls not per-
formed trf block Pr' - PC. 0ffset is correctly performed after PC.
(Example 2)

l'B2 l/rt

lrBl t''cz

\,-' \
--\ \
/\\ '.
/\ \ /,
Absolute command program path

r. _==\41
vBl Y.-.-- \ ,,.

\YB\ \
_t \\
\ ru\,i
center puth t
) l'A2
Manual operation


t. V,aZ' Pn' V.A. l'

This is an example when manual operation is performed during cutter com-
pensation cornering. VAZt, VBlr' and Vg2t are vectors moved in parallel
wlth V62' VBl and Vg2 by the amount of manual movement. The new vectors
are calculated from VCt and YCZ. Then correct cutter compensation is
performed for the blocks following Pc.
b) Manual operation was performed when execution of a block was terminated by
single block stop.

l'B2 VCl



Vn t' ,/

vst' /4
Absolute command program path
Tool center path

vectors Vg1 and vg2 are shifted by the amount of manual operation Sub-
sequent processing is the same as case a) described above.
An MDI operation can also be interveneted as well as manual operation.
The movement is the same as that by manual operation.


5.1 Operation Mode

5.1.1 Memory operation

Load the program to the memory (III-9)

Select the program to be operated
Set the node selector to the AUTO posltion




,o,,( ),""
@ Press the cycle start button.
Cycle start tamp lights


VCycle start

hltren pressed, automatic operat.ion beglns and the cycle start larnp lights.
5.1.2 MDI operation
One command block can be entered frour the CRT/UDI panel- for execution.
1) For example, X10.5 Y200.5; I
a) Set the mode select switch to MDI mod.e.

ouro- /--]\ srEp/HANDLE

/ ,4)t \-
| il\ \
uo,,\ \tt"y
^t 1,o"

b) Push rhe l-pRocRAlt I burton.

c) Push PAGE button to display a screen with llDr at the top left.

0'rDI ) (|'{]DA_)
G1? P
G96 A
G94 H
G21 N

d) p""h in this order.

nl, H, H, E'"0 E
push tt'tFEFl
e) l- button. The dara, xlO. 5 , is inpur and displayed.
rf you are aware of an error in _the keyed-in number before pushing the
fTNryil buttonr push the [CAil but,ion and key in rhe correcr number
again. If notice an error after ttre I fnFUfl button is pushed, key in rhe
data again from the beginnins.
rTr rtr Fl -l-0-l "[ I . t-s-r kevs in this order.
f) e""nl i
I' L.l' s I l'
s I I'1_3l'"dl ; I
o/ rnstr l-rllFuT-l key. The dara, y200.5 is input and displayed.
If you pushed $tong number keys, correct the operation following the
instruction described above.

0,'rDI) (F0m_)
Y M.ffi GMR
G96 e
E1 t'l
G49 T

h) p"sn l-sranr-l burton.

Push the cycle start button on the machine operator's panel (depending on
the machine tool).

2) canceling Y200.5 of XI0.5 Y200.5; before pressing tn" I-SfAnfl button (cycle
D ^' F
+L4r L L.
r rlVrr/
^- \

a)' Push the lTl

u", and the [El,.N]
"r,a l-rllpJTl
buttons in this order.
h) Prrsh the I S1'ART I brriton or the evcl e sf erf button on the machine ope-
rator t s pane1.
(Note) Modal G codes cannot be cancelled. Enter the correct data again.
5.1.3 MDI operation-B
Wlth the MDI operati.on - B specification, it is possible to prepare a program
and execute it similarly to usual registration program, in che MDI mode.
l) Program preparation
If the I'IDI program screen is selected, display of the format below is shown.

PROGRAM (}DI) 00010 N0010


c00 c90 G2t G49 c98 G54
c17 G94 c40 c80 G67 G64
F 1000 P H 5300
R Q M03 T0i01


Tho nrnor'- No. t'00000tt is automatically inserted. Thereafter, prepare the

program to be executed by operation similar to normal program editing.
Insertion, modification, deletion of word
Word search, address searchr program star! search, etc.
Since a prepared program is noE deleted by a reset operationr perform the
operation of Note 3) to delete the program.
Note 1) Operation on the regi-stered program is not possible.
(Registration, deletion, punch, comparison, etc.)
Note 2) The length of a program which can be prepared is limited to one page of
a CRT screen.
In the above case' the longest program is 6 lines with specification of
the Parameter (No. 0028 MMDL), if the mode is switched to Ehar of no
modal information display, up to t0 lines of program can be prepared.
If the number of lines of program exceeds the limir, Z(ER) will
disappear and insertion and modification operation will become
Note 3) To erase all the prepared program, operate O "DELETE".

- L) I
2) Program execution

PROGRAM (mr1 00010 N00r0

00000 c00 xr00.0 Y200.0;
I'103 i
c01 2L20.0 F500;
M98 P9010 ;
20.0 ;

GOO G9O GzT G49 G9B G54
c17 G94 G40 c80 G67 G64
F 1000 P H s300
R a M03 r0r01


Set the cursor on the head of the program. (Start from an intermedi.ate point
is possible. )
Push "START" key or Cycle Start button on the operatorrs panel. By tiris
action, the prepared program will start. When the program end (M02, M30) or
ER(%) is executed, the prepared prograrn will be automatically erased and the d

operation will endr. rif

By command of M99, return to the head of the prepared program is performed. a

3) Cautions
a) Programs registered in the program tnemory can be called as subprogram. In
thi-s case, the nest of subprogram is up to 2-loops combined with automatic
operation (AUTO) program. (If a custom macro option is provided, up to
4-loops combined is possible.)
b) If the custom macro option is provided, even in the MDI mode, custom macro
program preparation and execution is possible.
However, macro call is not possible.
c) A program to be prepared in the MDI mode uses program memory vacant area.
If there is no vacancy in the program memory, program preparation in the
MDI mode is not possible.
d) Programs prepared in the MDI urode will be erased in the following cases:
i) In MDI operation, if M02, M30 or ER(%) is executed.
ii) In AUTO mode, if memory operation is perforned.
iii) In EDIT mode, if any editing is performed.
iv) Background editing is performed.
e) The editing operation during the stop of MDI operation will start from
Ehe cursor position which makes start, but not from the current cursor

5.2 Starting Automatic OPeration
r) I',1emo ry operation

a Select AUTO mode.

t Select execution program.
Press cycle start button on the machine operatorts pane1.

5.3 Executing Automatic Operation

Afr er automatic operation is started, the following are executed:

e A one-block command is read from the specified program.
(2) The block command is decoded.
at The command execution is started.
6 The command in the next block is read.
('>< Buffering is executed. That is, the cornmand is decoded to allow irnmediate
@ Immediately after the preceding block is executed, execution of the nexE
block can be started. This is because buffering has been executed.
o I{ereafter, automatic operation can be executed by repeating the st.eps @ to

5.4 Stopping Automatic OPeration

There are two means to stop the automatic operaLion. One is to command a stop
command in a program where the exeeution is to be stopped (See 5.4.1 - 5.4.3)
and the other is to stop the operation at any time by pushing an appropriate
button on the operator's panel (See 5.4.4 and, 5.4.5).
5.4.1 Program stop (M00)
Cycle operation is stopped after a block containing M00 is executed. When the
program is stopped, all modal information remains unchanged as in
single block operation. The cycle operation can be restarted
by specifying an
NC start. (This differs with the machine tool builder.)

5.4.2 Optionat stop (M01)

Similarly to M00, cycle operat,ion is stopped af ter a block containing I"10 1 is
executed. This code is only effective when the Optional Stop switch on the
machine operatorts panel is set to 0N.

5.4.3 Program end (M02, M30)

l) This indicates the end of the main program and is necessary to store NC com-
mands from tape to memory.
2) Cycle operation is stopped and the NC unit is reset. (This differs with the
machine tool builder.)
3) OnIy M30
The control is rewound to Ehe start of the program in memory operation.
(This differs with the machine tool builder. Some machines indicate rewind
with M02.)


5.4.4 Feed hold
When Feed Hold button on the operatorrs panel is pressed during automatic ope-
ration, the tool decelerates to a stop at a time.
I Press the feed hold button.

Fecd hold lamp lighrs

Ileed hold button

I{hen pressed, the feed hold lamp lights and the cyc.le start lamp turns off.

Turns off

Cycle start

At this tine, tF
i) Feeding stops if the tool is moving.
ij-) Dwell execut.ion stops, if executing.
iii) l'1, S, T or B operation continues up to the end of the block.
5.4.5 Reset
Automatic operation can be stopped and the system can be rnade to the reseE
state by using RESET key on the CRT/IDI panel or e*ternal reset signal.
5.5 Program Re-start

This function specifies Sequency No. of a block to be re-started when a tool is

'broken down or when it is desired to re-start machining operation after a day
off, and re-starts the machining operation from that block. It can also be used
as a high-speed tape check function.
I) When a tool is damaged (P tYPe):
a) Press "Feed Hold" to escape the too1, and replace it with a new one.
I'iodify the offset amount if it varies.
b) Turn the program re-start switch on the machine operation panel 0N.
c) Press t'PRGRI'I" to display the present program.
'i , d) Find -the program head. Press "RESET".
il During memory bperation, select ttAUTOtt mode, and press o t.
l! e) Press P "Sequence No." +, and search t.he block with Sequence No. to be
fi re-starEed. When the same sequence No. appears many times, for examplet
when the subprogram is accessed several times in searching Sequence No. in
the subprogram, specify the frequency of a block with its sequence No. in
upper 4 digits, and specify Sequence No. in lower 4 digits as illustrated
P.r 2 3 4 0 r 2 3

Frequency Sequence No.

When the block is the first
time, the upper 4 digits can be onitted.
Furtherr the leading zero can be ornitted except Sequence No. when the
frequency is specified.
f) After completion of block search, the CRT screen is changed to the progran
re-start screen.


cDESTtMTIfi) I'fls a1a 6tL @ gls
x L@.m @r9 gv 6 w u4
Y Ln.w 65wgnwffi
z L@.@ d7? @. w2 @. gLs
A A.W A&.444 UA 955 ...
(DlSTFr.tCE TO @) ..r r.. r..
2 x L@.w
3 Y Lg3.@L r gLgL @.
4Z e,@. s w
1A A.@ 8...."

t**''-l t""*".l I '*'-l l"**l | **l

(DESTINATION) shows the position where the machining operation is re-started.
(DISTANCE T0 G0) shows the distance between the current tool position and the
machining re-start posi-tion. The figure at the left side of the axis name
shows the order (parameter settj-ng) described later when the tool moves to
the re-start posit.iotr.
M..... Shows M-code commanded recently 35 tirnes in the past.
T..... Shows M-code commanded recently 2 tiures in the past.
S ..... Shows S-code command in the last.
B' . . . . . Shows B-code command in the 1ast.
Display the most previously commanded code in the head. Each code is cleared
with the program re-start command and the cycle stalt command in reset condi-
g) Turn the program re-start switch OFF.
At this time, the figure at the left side of axis name (DISTANCE T0 c0)
h) Check the screen, and if M, S, T or B code should be output, select the
MDI rnode, and output M, S, T or B code from MDI. Each code in this case
is not displayed on the program re-start screen.
i) During memory operationr select "AUTO" mode, and check that the distance
of (DISTANCE T0 GO) is correct, and that the tool does not hit against the
work and others. If it is about to collide with an obstacle, move the
tool manually to the location where it does not collide, then press '?Cyc1e
Start" button. At this time, the tool moves to the machining re-start
position in the dry run mode by one axis in the order set to the para-
meters (No. 0124 to OI27), thus re-starting machi.ning operation in succes-
2) When re-starting machining operation after the following cases (Q type)
i) polrer is turned OFF once
ii) the emergency stop buEton is depressed once
iii) the coordinate system is changed after auEomatic operatj-on is pre-
viously stopped
For example; I When G92 was set from MDI
2 When the coordinate system was shifted
3 When the automatic coordinate sysEem was set by the refer-
ence point return
4 When the coordinate system was nodified by "RESET".

/h I
a) When power is turned 0N or emergency stop is released, perform all neces-
sary operati-ons at that time, including the reference point return. (See
Notes )
b) Move the tool manually to the program starting point (machining start
point), and keep the modal data and coordinate system in the same condi- {
tions as at the machining start. *
c) lf necessary, set and modify the offset amount. *.
d) Turn the program re-start SW on the machine operation panel ON. i

e) Press "PRGRM" to display the program. t

hhen it is not the specified one, search the specified program.
f ) Find the program head. Press t'RESETtt. Du::ing memory operation, select
t'AUTOtt mode, and press o t.

C) Press Q t'Sequence No.t' +, and search a block with Sequence No. to be

re-started. When the same sequence No. appears many times, specify the
frequency of a block with its sequence No. in upper 4 digits, and specify
Sequency No. in lower 4 digits.
h) Upon completion of block searching, the display on the CRT screen is
^L^'.^^l Eo tne program re-start screen.

i) Turn the program re-start switch OFF.

At this time, the figure at the left side of axis name (DISTANCE T0 G0)
j) Check the screen, and select the MDI mode if there are M, S, T or B codes
to be specified, and output M, S, T, or B codes from MDI. In this case,
each code is not displayed on the program re-start screen.
k) During memory operation, return the operation mode to ttAUTO" mode, check
that the distance (DISTANCE TO GO) i-s correct, and thar the tool does not
Ljr '^''r-^t a fork and others when moving to the machining re-start posi-
rrI L d6qrrlD
tion. If it is likely to hit against an obstacle, move the tool manually
to the position where it does not collide, then press the cycle start
button. At this time, the tool moves to the machining re-start position
in the dry run mode by one axj-s in the order preset to the parameters (No.
0124 to 0127).
(Note l) Under the following conditions, the program re-starting of P type is
not executed.
i) l{hen no autornatic operation is performed after power ON.
ii) When no automatic operation is performed after releasing the
emergency stop.
iii) Lhen no automatic operation is performed after the coordinate
system is set, modified or shifted (the external work zero point
offset amount is changed).
P/S alarm (No. 9l) for i), ii) above or after releasing P/S alarm
(No. 94 ro 97)
P/S alarm (No. 94) irtleen the coordinate system is set
P/S alarm (No. 95) When the coordinate system is shifted
P/S alarm (I{o. 96) When the coordinate system is changed
The blocks to which the tool can be correctly returned by the P
type program startup are those for which coordinate system is set
and modified just before the machining operation is interrupted.
(Note 2) When the tool moves to the machining restart position by one axis with
type P or Q,lt is possible to stop the tool each at a single block
,after completion of single axis operation. However, it is imposiible
to intervene IDI there.
l'Ianua1 operation is possible there, but the already returned axis does
nof move by the returning operation.
----..g searching operation, the tool will not return to a correct
-t , T)rrrinr
machining re-start position if the conditions of input signal and
offset amount, etc. are made idential to those for machining. Even
with the single block switch 0N, searching operation is continued.

(Note 4) Lrrhen "Feed Hold" is applied during searching or when re-setting opera-
tion is performed during searching or after searching, re-start Ehe
program re-start operation frorn the beginning
However, after search completion, resetting operation in the MDI node
is according to the parameter No. 045: CLER.
(Noce 5) When the program re-start SI^l is 0N, the cycle start is ignored.
(Note 6) Perform manual operation with "Manual Absolutett ON before and after
the machining.
(Note 7) As a rule, the t.oo1 cannot be returned to a correct posit |on under the
following conditions.
i) When the tool is operated manually with "Manual Absolute" OFF.
ii) when the tool is operared wich the machine ro6t and Z-axis
iii) When the mirror image is used.
iv) When the coordinate system is noE set at the beginning of a
program in the incremental mode.
v) I,rhen manual operation is performed in the course of axis move-
ment for returni-ng operati-on.
Vi) When the machine lock is released after directing the program
re-start under machine lock conditions.
vii) When the program re-start is commanded for a block between the
block for skip cutting and subsequent. absolute command b1ock.
viii) When the coordinate system is set, modified or shifted after
completion of searching operation.
However, for (3) above, resetting operation is possible in P type for
the ON-OFF switched blocks. At this time, maintain the mirror image
signal in the same conditions as during inEerruption. rn any case, it
should be noted that no alarm is produced.
(Note 8) When no specified block is found, P/S alarro (No. 60) occurs.
(Note 9) When a move conmand is given with MDI before axis movement afcer com-
pletion of seareh operation, P/S alarn (No. 99) is produced.
(Note 10) "RSTR" flashes at the lowermosE part of the CRT. display screen until
Ehe last axi-s completes returning after the program re-starE is com-
(Note I l) When the 4th axis is a rotary axis, the reference point return direc-
tion is rr-rr, and G28, G30 or subsequent incremental couunand is given
just before a block for which re-start is commanded, the absolute
position of 4th axis may deviate 360 degrees.
(Note l2) When an absolute pulse coder is provided, no operation for reference
poi-nt return is requi-red when poTrer is turned ON or emergency stop is

5.6 Manual Handle Interruption

The movement by manual operation of handle can be done by overlapping it wiEh
the movement by automatic operation in the automatic operat.ion mode.
5.6.1 Handle interrupt oPeration
The handle interrupti-on can be done by rotating the manual pulse generator under
the following conditions.
l) Mode
Other than HANDLE and TEACH IN HANDLE mode. (Norrnal handle feed is done in
JOG or TEACH IN JOG mode, if the manual pulse generator is effective. )
2) Operating condition
Operating conditions other than machine lock and interlock.
3) Handle interrupt axis selection signal
Llhen Ehe handle interrupt axis selection signal (HIX, Y, Z) is turned on in
the axis to which the handle incerrupc is attempEed. (The FANUC PMC is re-
quired for inputting this signat.)


5.6.2 Movement by handle interrupt x
l) Move amount E

The move amount by handle Interrupt is determined by the manual Pulse t:

generator scale and the handle feed magnification (xl, xl0, x100). Since the
interrupted move 1s not accelerated/decelerated, xl00 magnification is not
The move amount per scale at xl magnification is 0.001 nur (mrn output) or
0.0001 inch (inch output).
(Note) This move amount is 0.001 mrTr (nm input) or 0.0001 inch (inch input) in
manual handle feed.
This move amount is overlapped with the move amount by the automatic opera-
tion in the automatic operatj-on mode.
2) Relation with various signals
The following table indicates the relation between various sienals and the
movement by handle interrupt.

u r6.rdr Relation
l-fachine lock Machi-ne tool does not move when this sisnal
turns on.
Interlock Machine tool does not move when this sienal
turns on.
Mirror image Interrupt functions on the plus direction by
plus direction command, even if this signal
turns on.

3) Relation with various posirion display

The following table shows the relation between various position disolav data
and the movenent by handle interruDt.

Display Relation
Absolute coordinate value Interrupt pulses are not added.
Relative coordinate value Interrupt pulses are not added.
Maehine coordinate value Interrlrpt pulses are added.

4) Display of move amount by handle lnterrupt

If the handle interrupt function is provided, one page of position display
screen is added, and the move amount by the handle interrupt is displaved on
*t^ l, +L -^-^
LrlE aLrI PdEE.
The following 4 kinds of data are displayed concurrently on the handle inter-
rupt move anount display page.
a) Handle interrupt move amount in i-nput unit systeur (rNpur uNrr)
b) Handle interrupt move amount in output unit system (OUTpUT UNIT)
c) Position in relative coordinate system (RELATIVE)


-264- E
d) Residual move amount (DISTANCE TO GO)


x r.0000 x 25.400
Y 0.0000 Y 0.000
z -0.3937 z -10.000
x 10.2468 x 5.9706
Y -5.9713 Y -13.4680
z 2.3358 z 0.0000

The handle interrupt move amount ls cleared r"rhen the low speed reference
point return ends every axis.
5.6.3 High-speed reference point return of handle interrupt axis
l[hen the lnput unit and output unit are different from each other, the machlne
coordinate value (MACHINE) does not always become 0 when the high-speed
reference point return (G28) i-s executed on the axis in which the handle
interrupt move amount is not 0. However, the reference polnt return end signal
is output even ln such a case. (The devtation of the nachine coordinate value
is maximum 2 pulses when the high-speed reference point return ends.)
If the handle interrupt ls done during the reference polnt return, lt is pos-
sible that the reference point return end signal ls output, even if the nachine
tool does not return to the correct reference point yet.

6.1 AllAxes Machine Lock

When the switch is set to the MACHINE LOCK position, move conmand pulses are
suppressed. Consequently, the position dlsplay is updated as specified by the
program, but the tool does not move.
This function is used to check a program.



Display Iock/machine lock switch

(Note 1) When a G27, G28 or G30 command ls specified, the tool does not go to
the reference point and the REFERENCE POINT RETURN COMPLETION LED does
noE go on.
(Note 2) The M, S, T and 2nd auxl-liary function (B) are executed.
6.2 Machine Lock on Each Axis (Z-axis only)

When the switch is set to 0N position, the axis does not move during manual/
automatlc operation.,r
Position display as if the axis were moving.


Machine lock on each axis (Z-axis)

6.3 Auxiliary Function Lock

When the Auxiliary function lock switch is turned on, on the machine operatorts
panel, M, S, T and B function operations are locked.
This switch is used to check a program together with a machine lock switch.
(Note) M00, Mol, M02, M30, M98 and M99 are executed, even if the switch is on.

6.4 Feedrate Override

With this dlal, it ls posslble to overri-de the feedrate designatdd by the pro-

Feed Rate Override dial

Feed Rate Override dial

An override of 0 to l50Z can be applied.

(Note 1) In some machines, thi.s switch is common to the jog feedrate switch.
6.5 Rapid Traverse Override

The rapid traverse override switch of lO0"A, 502, 25il and, Fo is provided. When
the rapid traverse rate is 10 n/min and this dial ls set to 50y", actual rate
becomes 5 n/nin, t'Fo" is a constant value specified by the mnchine tool_ builder.
Thls function is available in the following movements.
t) Rapid traverse by G00
2) Rapid traverse durlng canned cycle.
3) Rapld traverse in G27 and G28.
4) Manual rapld traverse.
5) Rapid traverse in manual reference point return.

6.6 Dry Run I

If thls sv/irch is set to ON in the Cycle Operatlon, the feed rate specified by
the progran is ignored and becomes as follows:


DRY RUN switch

Prograu Conrmand
Rapid traverse burton ON/Opf'
Rapid traverse Cuttlng feed
Rapid traverse button 0N Rapid traverse I'Iax. JOG feed rate
Rapid traverse button OFF JOG feed rare (Note 1) JOG feed rate
(Note l) This speed can be ser to the rapid traverse rate by settlng paraneter
RDRN No. 0001.

6.7 Single Block
This function stops the machine after executing one block of the program.
t) Set the single block switch to ON.


Single block

One block of the program is executed, and then the execution is stopped. If
the cycle start button is pressed, the next block is executed and then the
execution is stopped again.
(Note 1) For G28 and G30, the single block function is effective at an lnter-
mediate point
(Note 2) I! a canned cycle, the single block stop points are the end of O,
@, and (0 shown below. When rhe single block function is
eFfective a-points O or @, the feed hold lamp lights.

F------- +?

(D @

G)l ,A

- .- Rapid traverse

.'-..-..-..-------.-...* Feed

(Note 3) Single block stop is not performed in blocks conraining M98P_; M99;
and G65. However, single block stop is even perforrned in a block
with M9BP or M99 command, if the block contains an address other
than O, Nir P.


7.1 Emergency Stop

If you press Emergency Stop button on the machine operatorts panel, the rnaghins
movement stops in a movement.


This button ls locked when pressed. Although it varles wlth the machlne tool
builder, the button can usuaily be unlocked b-y twisting Lt.
(Note 1) EI"IERGENCY sroP interrupts the current to the motor.
(Note 2) Causes cjf trouble must be removed before the button ls released.
7.2 Overtavel
When the tool tries to move beyond the stroke end set by the nachine tool linit
switch' or when lt enters , the stored stroke linit inhlbltion area spectfled by
the setting data or the program, an OVER TRAVEL ls dl.splayed and the tool slows
down and stoPs. In this case, press the reset button to reset the alarrn after
moving the tool to the 'safety directlon by manual operation. For detalls on
operation, refer to the operatorfs manual of the machine tool bullder.

Check the following items i-f normal operation cannot be done.
1) h''hen error code is displayed on the CRT
If an error code is displayed, refer to APPENDIX 9 "List of Error Codes" to
check the cause of the error. If the error number ranges frorn 000 t'o 128,
the error is related to the program or setEing data. Correct the program or
the setting data.
2) When no error code is displayed on the CRT
There are cases in which the system is executing some process and it seems
like the machine operation is stopping. Refer to Maintenance Volume,
Section 2.4 rrCNC slatus display".
3) Refer to Maintenance Volume, Chapter 2 "Troubleshootingrr.

$ '

9.1 Preparation for Part Program Storage and Editing Operation

The following preparatlon is necessary for the part program storage and edltlng
l) Set the reader/puncher.
2) Set the data on reader/puncher. (See il.3)
3) Turn on the data protection key (KEY).
Some system doesntt provide this key.
4) Set the operation mode to EDIT rnode.
5) Press the PROGRAM key and display the program.
g.2 Registering Program to Memory R\
9.2.1Registering with MDI key \
l) Select EDIT mode. \
2) Push the PRGRM button to display the program directory screen.
3) Key in address 0.
4) Key in the prograrn No.
5) Push the [-ttqsRT I key.
With the above procedure, the program No. is registered to the memory. There-
after, key in respective words of the program and press the [fnS-nT I key to
register them.
9.2.2 Registering from NC tape
1) Se1ect EDIT or AUTO uode.
2) Set the NC tape on the tape reader.
3) Push the PRGRM button.
4) lJhen there is no program No. on the NC tape or when the program No. is to be
changed, input a program No. (This is unnecessary if there is a program No.
on the tape and lt is not to be changed.)
i) Key in address 0.
ii) Key ln the program No.
5) Push l-Nut I key.
9.3 Registering Several Programs on a Tape to Memory (B)
0222 . M30; n?1?1 Mn?.

Proceed in the same \ray as registerlng the NC tape to the memory.

Data is read up to ER, and many programs are registered.
Program No. is set as follows:
l) When the program No. is not set from MDI.
a) The value of O (N of the first block when there is no O) ls set as the
program No.
b) When a program having no 0 nor N appears on the NC tape, a value obtained
by adding I to the previous program No. is set as the program No.
2) When the program No. is set from MDI before the NC tape is registered.
The value of 0 on the tape is ignored, and the set value ls set as the pro-
gram No. The subsequent program Nos. are set by sequentially adding l.

- 27r -
9.4 Program Number Search

trrlhen there are many programs in the memoryr one of them can be searched.

or97 2

.- Program No. is searched.

1) Method t
a) Select EDIT or AUTO node.
b) Push the PRGRIi button.
c) X.ey in address 0.
d) Key in the program No. to be searched.
. r---'button.
e)' Push CURSOR
f) When searching is over, the program No.searctred is indicated at the right
top of the CRT screen.
2) Method 2
a) Select EDIT or AUTO mode.
b) Push the PRGRM button.
c) Key in address O.
d) Push button. If it is kept pushed in the EDIT mode, the regi-stered
programs dre disglayed sequentially.
(Note) After displaying all program Nos. registered, the display returns to the
first one.
3) l,Iethod 3
a) Select AUTO inode.
b) Reset the machi-ne.
c) Set the signal for selecting the program No. on the machine si-de at 01 to
15. (For details, see the instruction manual of the machine tool
builder. )
d) Push the cycle start button.
The program No. (0001 to 0015) correspondlng to the signal on the machine
side is searched, and automatic operation starts.
(Note 1) The program No. is not searched when the signal on the machine side is
(Note 2) Alarm No. 59 is indicated if the program corresponding to the signal on
the rnachine side is not registered in the memory.
(Note 3) In the reset condition, the cycle operation larnp is off. (See the
instructi-on manual of the machine tool builder.)
9.5 Deleting a Program f \1 \
. \v/
To delete a prolram registered in memory.
t) Set the mode select swltch to EDIT.
2) Push the PRGRM button.
3) Key in the program number and push the I DELET I button. The program with the
keyed in number will be deleted.

- 272 -
9.6 Deleting All Programs (9)
To delete all programs registered in memory.
l) Set the mode select switch to EDIT.
2) Press the PRGRM button.
3) Kev in address O.
a) xey in I:1, lTl, [-tl, l-tl, and Fl and push the t DELEr 1 button.
t'1 ;Punching a Program

To punch out a regi-stered program in the memory

l) Make the Eape punch unit ready.
2) Set the punch code by setting parameter
3) Set the mode select switch to EDIT.
4) Push the PRGRM button to display the program directory screen.
5) Key in O.
6) Key in the program number.
7) Push the l-ffiTl button, and the program with the keyed number will be
punched out.

Program t (z)

3 feet of feed holes 3 feet of feed holes

(Note 1) The space code for the TV check is automatically punched.
(Note 2) Trro CRs are punched after LF in ISO code.


(Note 3) If the feed of 3 feet is too 1ong, push the TeAil button to stop punch-
ing feed holes nidway.
(Note 4) pushing the I RESETI iutton stops punching.
9.8 Punching All Programs
To punch out all the registered programs in the memory.
l) Make the tape punch unit ready.
2) Set the push code by setting parameter.
3) Set the mode select switch to EDIT.
4) Push the PRGRM button to display the program directory screen.
5) Key in the address 0.

- 27_1 -
6) Key in Fl, [-tl, l-e l, l-tl, l-tl, and l-srARr lbutton
3 feet of feed holes I foot of spaces

Program Program
- - /o/\

rogram rogram

I foot of spaces 3 feet of feed holes

(Note) The order of punehed programs is irregular.
9.9 Sequence Number Search

Sequence Number Search finds a sequence number halfway in a program and it is

usually used to start or restart the program at the block of that sequence
number. A block or blocks skipped during the search does not influence the NC;
the coordinate values, M, S, T or G code, etc. in skipped blocks do not change
the coordlnate values and nodal values of the NC. So specify necessary M, S, T
or G code, coordinate system setting, etc., in the first block at which the
program is to be star$ed or restarted with the Sequence Number Search. The
block searched for by sequence number search is usually at a break point in
Ehe processlng. If it is desired to search and start a block during process,
examine the condition of the nachine tool and NC and specify M, S, T and G code,
coordinate system setting, etc. from the MDI as required.

02222 . ,. N4030 ... 03333 .... I,II'

ol1 11 ; \

Object sequence

Searched from its

beginning (only
within the program)

1\ Sequence number search for a program in menory

a) Set the mode select srvirch to AUTO.
b) Push PRGR-II button.

- 274 -
c) Select the program number to which the sequence number to be searched for

Program selected

Range searched

Proceed to d) when the program contalns the sequence number; Otherwise,

execute Program Number Search to select a program number to whlch the
sequence number belongs.
d) Key in N.
e) Key 1n the sequence number to be searched for.
. CURSOR .button.
f) Push the 61
g) The sequence number searched will be displayed top right on the CRT when
the search is completed.
(Note Coordinate values and modal data are not altered during a search.
Specify these data from the MDI after the search ends as requlred.
(Note 2) During a search, the following items are checked.
o Optional block Sktp
' P/S Alarm Check (Alarur No. 003 to 010)
(Note 3) M98Pxx:o<(subprogram call) is not executed during a search. Searching
for a sequence number within a subprogram called frou a currently
selected program in AUTO mode generates alano No. 060.

M98 P5678

In the above example, searchlng for N8888 generates an alarm.

9.10 Collating Programs in Memory and NC Tape

Turn on the protect k"y, execute the same operation as the registration of NC
taPe lnto memory, and the reglstered progran and NC tape will be co1lated.
1) Select a mode (EDIT or AUTO).
2) Lock the protect key.
3) Load the program tape to be collated into the t.ape reader.
4) Push PRGRM button to display the program directory screen.
5) Push fINPUfl burron.
6) When the tape contalns several programs, collation ls performed rrntil ER (7")
is encountered.

- 275 -
(Note I) A rnismatch during collation generates rhe alarm (p/s No. 79). :.'
(Note 2) If'the above operation is executed wi th the protect key released, the
program will be registered into the memoryi the prograrn will not be
co 1lated. +

9.11 Insertion, Changing and Deleting the Word ,.1

This function is used to modify a program in memory.

I) Set the mode select switch to EDIT.
2) Push the pRGRM key.
3) Select a program. When it has been selected, proceed to (a); otherwise,
perform a Program Number Search.
4) Search for the hrord to be modified. A scan or a word search can be used.
5) Modify, i-nsert, or delete the word.
(Note 1) Words and editing unit
A word includes an address and the number following it. But in user
macros, the concept of a word is not clear. Consequently, "editing
unit" is used. This is the object of modification and deletion in one
operation. One scan causes the cursor to indicate the beginning of the
editing unit. In insertion, data is inserted after the editing unlt. t
Definition of editing unit F
I) From one address to the next address exclusive.
2) The address is an alphabetic charaeter, IF, WI{ILE, GOTO, END DO, =, .*
or; (EOB). {-

According to this definition, a word is also one editing unit. The 11

word referred to in the following explanation on editing should

strictly dle termed the editing unit.
(Note 2) It is not allowable to conEinue a program again after changing,
inserting, or deleti-ng data to the program while suspending *aE
the machi-ning by single block stop, feed ho1e, etc. during the execu- .
tion of the program, otherr,rise the program is not always executed :
correctly as specified by the program data being displayed on CRT after t
the continuance of rnachining.
If it is desired to change memory data by parE program editing, change
them under the reset condition, or perform a reset operation after
editing without fail, before executing the program.
9.11.1 Word search
1) Word scan

rusn tnef+ I

Nl 234X1 00 . Ozl250 3 S I 2 ; N5 67 8M03 ;

The cursor moves forward word by word on the screen; the cursor
displayed below the address character of a selected word.


- 276 -
o) vusn cne CURSOR .
N1234X100 . 0z L250; S5 6; N56 7BM0 3 ;

E tilEE

The cursor moves backward word by word on the screen; trrie cursor is dis-
played below the address character of a selected word.

Scanned here.

PRGRFT4 ffiB N123

CEEffi t
lllz34 X1n.6 ZIm t
s12 ;
FE6?t I'[l3 ;
YPP. t

r--l EDIT

c/ Keep pusnlng cne CURSOR .
or the CURSOR .
key to make a continuous search.
. PAGE key ro display the following page
d) Push the|-+_l and search the first
of word the page.
e)-lf'Push the r:*l key to display the preceding page and search the first
word of that page
f) Keep pushing .n" ffi
o. ffi key ro display one page afrer anorher.

-217 -
2) Word search
A specified word is searched for from the current position in the forward
direct ion.

Nl 234Xi00 . 0ZI 250 ; S I 2 ;N5 67 8M03 ;

Currently searched SI2 to be searched for

word (word indicated
by the cursor) Search dlrectlon

a) Kev in address S.
b) Key an I H Til . f-t]
I ano I F l.
.l .. I

(Note i) Keying in only SI does not execute a search for Sl2.

(Note 2) Keying in 59 does not execute a search for S09. Key in S09 to search
for S09. "0" of S09 cannot be omitted.
CURSOR 1---- -!-
v,/ Prrchino
n\ ..." -il"
! uolrrrr6 rh- k"y starts the search. The cursor is displayed
below S in SL2 at the end of the searctr.
rf pushing the PlslR 1"r, the search starts backward.

3) Search for addresses only

A specified address is searched for from the current position in the forward
direction. p

N1234XI 00. Oz 1250; s t 2; N567I M03 ;

Current searched M03 to be searched for

-word (word indi-
cated by the
a) Key in address M.
CPT9 key starts the search. The cursor is displayed below
M aE the end of the search.
If pushing the . CURSOR key, the search starts backward.
4) Returning the cursor to the head of a program

O I 1 0'0 N 0 0 0 I X L 2 . 3 4 3 Z I 5 . 6 7.; c 0 I X I 2 5; M 0 4

Head of Current searched

program word (word l-ndI-
cated by the
cursor )



-218- ..{

a) Merhod I
Press th" I ngSET I key when the EDIT mode is selected and E.he program
screen is selected. f,he program will be displayed from its head after
completing the heading.
b) Method 2
Execute a Program Number Seareh.
c) Method 3
Set the mode select s\^rirch ro
a Push AUTO or EDIT.
d Key the0. PRGRM keY.
() in
@ Push the u"r.
g.11.2 lnserting r*rorU ( I )
T15 to be inserted
Nl 2 34xl 00 . O21250; S1 2 ; N5 57 8M03 ;

To be searched for
1) Search for or scan the word immediately before the insertion location
2) Key in T (an address to be inserted.)
l-r I . l-tl
Keyinlrlandl. t

r:r LJ-l'
4) ru"tt I rllsFill tey.

PRMRtrl W NL?5/.
NI23/ xLn.A Zlm i
s12 :
t66?Er 1tr3 ;
j422. ,

N}1. T

Before Insertion

PRmRFf1 0ffi8 N123
N1234 X1uB.6 Zrm Tl5 t
s12 ;
t'66'Ul ttt3 ;


After Insertion
By a push on "INPUT" k"y instead of ttINSRT" continuous words can be inserted
according to the setting of parameter (No. 18, EDTB=1). However, finally,
press ttrNSRTtt or t'EOBtt key.
Key i" col t iNpurl xI23. t rNpurl y4s6. t iwuil Froo Iroal' cotxt23.
Y456.F100; can be inserted at a time.
(Note) The last word qE a block can be inserted as follows:
lTlt1 (instead tTtil
Key in zt00 of 2100 [ rNSRr lt
r.gj lrtlsnnrl. rhe resulr is
l;6; |
the same. )
9.11.3 Changinsaword (

N1234Xl 00 . Ozl 250T 15 ; S I 2 ;

To be changed to Ml5

1) Search forlscan the word to be changed.

2) Key in the address to be changed. In the above exarirple, key in address M.
3) Key in data. ( [l )
4) Push IETER I ;"P
N123 4x I 00 . oz L 2 5OEJJ; s I 2 ;

Modified program

9.11.4 Deleting . *rrd ( 8)

Nl 234X1 00 . 0zI250T I 5; S I 2;

21250 to be deleted
l) Search for/scan the word to be deleted.
2) Push the l-onrEr I butron.

Program after deletion

9.11.5 Deletins up to an EOB
Current sea rched word
(word indic ated by
the cursor)

N I 23 4l x I 0 0 . 0 z L 2 S 0 r I s M r 3 ;l s I Z ;


Pushing the I flR I and the I DELET I key deletes up to an EOB and causes rhe cursor
l_"* I
to move to below the address character of the next word.
e.11.6 Detetins arcars ( 8 )
The area from the currently displayed word to the block with a specified se-
quence number is deleted.
Current searched word
(word indicared by
the cursor) N2233 to be keyed in
N1234M10;M15xl0 0; Tt2;N2233'S12;

Area to be deleted

1) Key in address N.
2) Key in, 2, 2.3, and 3 in this example.
3) Push the l-5ftEt I key. The program up ro the N2233 block is deleted. The
cursor moves to the address next Eo the deleted block.

- 281 -
I i,)l

Automatic Insertion of Sequence No.

By setting the setting pgI3*9!9f_ffe;i-9:I

" it is possible
insert a sequence No. to each block-when programming
to automatically
via the MDI keyboard in
EDIT mode.
When EOB is keyed in and ttren [-ttqSRtl key is pressed, the sum of the current
sequence No. and Ehe incremental value (value set to SEQINC of parameter No.
0550) is automaticalty stored in the memorv.
I) Set the setting parameter S-EQ to I.\
z) >erecE. trIJrt mooe.

3) Push I PRGRM I key.

4) Key in address N.
5) Key in the initial value of N, e.g. 10.
6) r,-,sh [-JNsRtl key.
7) Insert each word of the dat.a in one bIock.
8) Key i" I l.i" l.
9 ) Push [_]N$!J key. EOB is stored in the memory . In case 2 is set at the
incremental value parameter, Nl2 is inserted to the next line and indicated.

PRmRFT'1 cEtulS twrz



(Note l) If N12 is desired qgt lo be inserted in the next block in the example
above, push tft" FELET-l key ro delet Nl2.
(Note If Nl00 is desired to be inserted to the next block instead of Nl2 in
the example above, key in N100 and push fgf,fgRl key. Wirh rhis, Nl00
is registered, and the initial value is changed to 100.
9.13 Background Editing

This function permits background editing regardless of mode selection and CNC
nnn.lirinnc (in automat.ic operatlon or not, etc.). No alarm which takes place
during background editing affects foreground operation. Conversely, background
editing is not'affected by an alarm in foreground.

9.13.1 Registration from MDI
l) A push on the soft key "BG-EDT't after pushing El
". the right side on the
program screen displays the background editing screen.

PPO@fr1 ( B.i-EDIT ) Eq^eq NZZgq



2) Specify a program to be edited.

a) When generating a program:
01234 trNSERl-], f or example
b) When edi ting th.e existing program:
0L234 [TER-fl, for example
3) Program edit
The program editing is' the same as with the foreground program editing ope-
ration. Graphic conversational programming can also be carried out in the
same manner as with the foreground program editing operation.


N16 G92 xB YA AA t
r@ W xLA6. YtW. t
l.EB @1 ZLA. FtA.s ,
Mg Y1g. f'133 ;
rB T61S1 ;
r'5 t'114 ;


4) Background edit end

It is necessary to save a program completely edited in background into the
foreground program memory.

5: -- 1.

9.13.2 Registration from CNC taPe
Registration operation is the same as r^Iith the foreground editing operation
method, but in this operation, the Program is registered to the background
editing area. The background edit end is required to register the program into
the foreground program qemory like the back ground editing operatj,on.
t) l-01 TProg;mNolf INPUf-l or [-rNpurl : It is registered from CNC Tape.
2) [BG-ENp ]
9.13.3 CNC tape punch
CNC tape is punched in the same procedure as in the foreground operation. As
far as this function is concerned, it is possible to punch out a program belng
selected in foreground as we11.
OE I Prosr"' No.l l-srenrl : The specified program is punched out.
@ E [=;te3l l-sreRrl The whole program is punched out.
(Note In background editing, it is possible to edit programs other than a
program being selected in foreground. If an attempt is made to edlt a
program being selected in foreground, BP/S alarm (140) occurs. On the
contrary, if an attempt is made to select a program being edited in
background, in foreground (program number search and program access by
external signal), P/S alarms (059, 078) occur in foreground.
(Note ,\ No program can be input/output by the external start signal (MINP) or
by the I/O device external control during the background editing.
(Note J) For the background alarm, a P/S alarm similar to one which is seen
during foreground program editing occurs; however, "BP/S" is displayed
on the data rinput line of the background edit screen in order to
discriminate between background and foreground alarms.
This alarm is reset, automatically by editing operation (some input
operation) .
(Note 4) background editing is carried out, a vacant area (not used) may be
present in the program memory. This area cannot be used as program
memory as it is. Therefore, it is necessary to compress program memory
in order to eliminate such a vacant area. This program memory
compressing operation can be performed by a push on the soft k.y
ttC0NDNS" or ttRESETt' on the foreground program direcEory screen.
(Note 5) During background editing, all programs cannot be erased.

9.14 Menu Programming

To assist programming in EDIT mode, the following menu is displayed on the CRT.
1) When G is keyed in, the G code menu is indicated on the lower half of the CRT
s creen.
2) htren a G code selected from the menu in (t) is input, the standard format of
the one block corresponding to the G code is indicated.
For example, when G is keyed in after inserting N102, the G code menu dD
shown below. is indicated on the CRT.

8L% ,
r@ W xlw. Y-fi. t

G81: 1i1.g1A 1P1.
GA3: CIRCLL-CR IH-. Ccl.t <O>
l.r_t'1. G
ilt I

The G code menus after G04 can be sequenrially indicared by pushing rhe lTl
ot l-+l k"y.
For example, when selecting G0l, key in 0 and l, and rhen prr"n rlrsnr-l
but ton. I
At this time, G01 is inserted to the memory as shown below, and the standard
format of the G01 block is indicated on the CRT screen.

PRIERFI1 ffitffi l2B3

UI@ t
f@ GPB XLW. Y-9. t
fa6 861

@1 X(Z,Y)_
tl_ s_ T_

Insertion of one block is cornpleted by keying in as follows:

x _ l-IffiTl, y I -rr^nm
Ir -I l-NsnT-], TltrnDl
I | lvu l .

PRmRFr.l ffi7n 12248

Btn t
FeA GA Xtn. Y-fi. t
fBa Ga1 >@. Y-&. FW M ;


..g.q.-Program Loading by TEACH lN Mode

If the prtyu."t-op;;;;;;;;l ,n" rEACH IN JOG mode and the rEACH IN

HANDLE mode are added. In these modes, the machine position obtained by the
manual operation is stored in the memory as a program position and a program can
be created. The words other than X, Y and Z (O, N, G, R, I, J, K, F, H, II , S,
T, P, Q, and EOB) can be stored in the memory in the same way as that conducted
in the EDIT mode.
l) Select the TEACH IN JOG mode or TEACH IN HANDLE mode.
2) Move the machine co che required positi.on.
3) Push the PRGRM key.
4) Enter the address ,X.*
5) Push the [-rllsnf Lt ey,-F.r, the machine position along the X axis is stored in
the rnemcif!.
X10.521 Absolute position (for metric input)
Xl052l Content stored in the program
6) Push ril [-E-l
|IIi; I, I INSRT | | I I and I fNSnf I tey, then the machine position along the
Y and Z axes is stored in the memory.
Note 1) After entering the address X, 'I or Z, enter a numerical value and push
I INSRT I key, then the value entered is added to the machine position.
This is used to correct the machine position through key entry.
Note 2) The coordinate value registered in this way will be an absolute coordi-
nate value. Enter G90 (Absolute programming) at the beginning of the
program. {r
Note 3) The command to be entered before and after machine position shall be
' entered by the same operation as that conducted in the EDIT mode before
and after registering the machine position, respect.ively.
f t tn
Note 4) Insert the EOB ( l;6; | ), the block registration completes.
Example) 01234 Ni G92 X Y Z ; ... Point P0
N2 c00 c96-x-v-; ... Point Pl
N3 cOl Z_Fm;
N4 1402: - . . Point P2

P0 0----- {P



The program of the above examplezis stored in the following procedure.

I) Set the setting parameter "SEQt'to I (For the incremental value parameter,
t'It' is assumed. )
2) Select the TEACH IN HANDLE mode.
3) Make positioning at P0 by the manual pulse generator.
4) Push the PRGRI'I button.
5) Enter the address O, numeric value 1234, and push tftu l-fllSnfl t"y. Then the
program number OI234 is stored in the memory
6) Enter the address N, numeric value l, and push the I INSRT I key. The sequence n
number I is stored in the memory as the initial value of the automatic :l
insertion. i
-286- E
7) Enter the address G, numeric value 92, and push tn" Fllffl tey. Then the
G92 is stored in the memory.
8) Enter the address X, and push tn" f-iGiill t"y.
Enter the address y, l-rNSRTl, address Z and push rhe I l;l I u"r.
Then the machine position at p0 is stored in rhe memoiyl-
9) After the step (8), the EOB is inserred and inpur of rhe block AL234 Nl G92
X Y Z ; completes.
10) ny ttre step (g), NZ is stored in the memory by the sequence number automatic
insertion function.
ll) Make positioning at Pl by rhe manual pulse generat.or.
12) Enter the address G, numeric value 00, IINSRTI k.y, addrels__lQr_ numeric
^ r--=:-----------
value 90, I rxsnt I key, address X, ENSRI_I k"y, address Z, ana I i;i I in this
sequence so that the 2nd block N2 G00 G90 X Y ; is stored in the
i3) N3 is stored in the memory afrer srep (12).
14) Make positioni,ng at P2.
15) Enter the address G, numeric valg1Ol, I lusnEl k"y, address Z, I rtqsnr I tuy,
address F, numeric value 300, l;i; I in this sequence so that the 3rd block
N3 G01 Z---F300; is stored in rhe uemory.
16) Then the N4 is stored in the memory. Enter address l'I, numerie 02 and
to store the final block N4 M02; in the memory. With lhis, registration of
the program example is .completed.
The contents of the program can also be checked in the TEACH IN mode with the
same operation as in the EDIT mode.

x 3.ffi x 3.ffi
Y 23.T23 Y 23.723
z z -a.ffi
N1 69 XtWY8ZIZzffi,
f Gm Gg >gEP5 Y2Tf8 t
fS m1 Z-fr FW t

9.16 Conversational Programming with Graphic Function

9.16.1 Programming
l) Depress the PRGRM function button. The screen will be displayed shown as
follows if the other program has not. been entered.
If the other program has already been entered, the currentlY selected
program will be displayed on the screen wi th the usual format.



Fis.9.16.1 (a)

2) After inputting address O and the program number of the newly registered
program for entry, depress the EOB key. When desired to entry the program of
program No. 10, forFinstance, depress the EOB key after inputting 0, 1, 0 by
key operations. A new program is then entered.
3) L{.hen depressing the soft key "IAP" on the screen of Fig. 9.16.1 (a), G code
menu shown as following in Fig. 9.f6.1 (b) is displayed on the screen.

PRIERFI1 wla vm
G@ : CIrctLtrR IPL. C1,J <o)
GA3 : CIRGIAR tPL. CO! <0)
B4 : U,ELL
61? : X/ Pt-$E
G18 : Z< PLSE
PB : IFrchl
@1 : I,ETRIC

Fig. 9.16.1 (b)

4) On the screen of Fig.9.I6.I (b), input G code corresponds to the function

one desires to program, by key operations. When desiring positioning, for
instance, the G code menu shows G 00, so input G 00 by key operations.
If functions desired for programming are not displayed on t.he screen,
depress the Page Key I-+l and then allow to display the next G code menu.
Repeat this operation ti11 the function desired for programming appears.
If the function desired to program is not G code, leave it without key
After Ehat, when depressing the soft key "I,IENU", a detailed screen of the G
code inpuE by key operations is displayed. An example of the detailed

screen of G00 is shown in t.he following Fig. 9.16. I (c).
When inputting anything by key operation, the detailed screen of the
standard format is displayed. (See following Fig. e.16. i (d) )



x L@. Y 56. -GGGG
_z (x, Y,:, )
t1 ,' R14
B/' JK

Fig. 9.16.1 (c) Fi9.9.16.1 (d)

5) In the detailed screens of examples Fig.9.l6.i (c) or (d), allow to travel

the cursor ti11 obtaining required data while depressing the cursor key.
During this time, the address in the figure corresponding to data shown by
the cursor will flicker. Input numeric data by depressing numeral keys,
depress the INPUT key after completing to inputting one piece of data.
Then, the inputting of one piece of data is completed. By repeating these
operations, input all data required for the G code. (See following
Fle.9.16.r (e))


x L@. Y 54.
z <x,Y,z, >

l1 r' "



Fi9.9.16.1 (e)

b) With screen 9.16.1 (e), depress the INSERT key. Thenr orr block of data has
registered in the program nemory. G code menu in Fig.9.16.I (b) is
displayed on the screen, and another block of data is permitted to 'be
entered, so repeat the operations from (4).
After the registration of all programs is completed, depress the leftmost
soft-key S] The programs that have been registered are then displayed on
the screen, converted into the conventional format. Depress the RESET key
to return the programs to the program head.


9.16.2 Confirmation of program

1) Depress the PRGRM function key. Search the program for which confirmation is
desired by using the MDI key. (Depress the cursor key l-+l after inputting
address 0 and the program number which you desire.) The program is displayed
on the screen in the usual format. (See following Fig. 9.16.2 (a))

PROGRRh owlg tW
frtw eaa xraa. Yffi. :
tffi t"t?.2 ;


Fis.9.16.2 (a)

2) After allowing the cursor to travel till the heading of the block for which
confirmation is desired on the interactive conversation type screen, depress
the soft key rrIAPrr, and then contents of its block are displayed by changing
them onto the inte;:,active conversation type screen. (See following Fig.
e.16.2 (b))
When contents of a block are displayed on the interactive conversarion type
screen, eontents of its next block can be displayed on the interactive type
screen by depressing the Page Key | * | (for instance) on the screen of Fig.
9.16.2 (b). Besides, by depressing the Page Key | + I as the same, contents of
one block before can be also displayed on the int.eractive conversation type

F@r4 wlg rwm

ffi-6 G G
z <x,Y,z, )
11 z'



Fis.9.16.2 (b)

9.16.3 Editing of program

While displaying the contents of the one blockr s program on the interactive
conversation type screen, their contents can be edited.
Editing of the program with the usual format was executed by one word units,
including basic insertion, replacement and deletion. On the oEher hand, on the
interactive conversation type screen, they are all edited by one block uniE.

Replacement of block
Allow contents of the block desired to replace to be displayed interactive
conversatj-on type screen. After allowing the cursor to traveI till the
heading of the block one desires to replace on the usual format screen, this
can be executed by depressing the soft keyttIAP"; or from the beginning, by
depressing the soft key rrIAPrr and bringing up the display of the interactive
conversation type screen, and then repeating to depress Page Keys l-t-l or Fl.
When replacing data, except G code which will be a headline, input new data
by depressing the INPUT key after allowing the cursor to travel to the data
required by using the cursor key and inputting a numerical value by
depressing the numerical keys on Ehe interactj-ve conversation type screen.
When replacing the G code itself which becomes the headline, depress the
soft k.y "G.MENU", then the G code menu is displayed. Accordingly, select
the G code required and input its numerical value by operation keys. For
instance, when replacement is required to t.he feedrate, the G code menu
shows G0l, so input 0i by k"y operation. After that, when depressing the
soft key "MENU", the detailed screen of G codes that are already input will
Accordingly, refer to 9.16.1 (l) and input dara.
When having completed the above replacing operations, depress the ALTER key.
By this operation, one block of the program can be replaced just as it is.
,\ Insertion of Block
Allow to display the block just before the section desired to insert a new
block by using the Page Key on the interactive conversation type screen. On
the usual format screen allow the cursor to travel till just before the
section desired to insert a new block by using t.he Page Key or Cursor Key.
After allowing to display the G code menu by depressing the soft key
"c.MENU", refer to item 9.f6.l (4) and 9.16.1 (5), and inpur data of a new
block. When completed the above operations for the data of one
block, depress the INSERT key.
By this operation, data of one block is inserted just as it is.
?) Deletion of a Block I
A1low contents of the block for which deletion is desired to display. After
that, by depressing the DELET key, contents of the block displayed in
deleted from the program memory.
On the screen, the contents of the next block is displayed with Ehe
interactive conversation tyDe screen.
9.17 Number of Registered Programs
Number of registered programs: 125 programs (Standard; 63 programs)
9.18 Part Program Storage Length

i) Part program sEorage length

Part program storage length can be seleeted from the followine:
Lo / 20 / 40 / 80 I r20 / 320 n.
?\ No. of offset pairs
231641991200 pairs

9.19 Editing Operation Using Full Keys

The following operations have been allowed by full keys:

1) Editing of custom macro B
2) I'lodification and insertion of numeric value only. (However, deletion and
search cannot be made.)
3) Several words and blocks can be edited simultaneously. (However, the number
of characters edited should be within 32.)
Note) Set the STDP of parameter No. 0014 to 0.
A program is edited when the program protection of EDIT mode has being cancelled
in the same way as in normal editing. But the following points differ.
a) Shift key
Press thettSHIFTttkey once to change the key i-nput cursor, which appears next
to the key input data, from norm"t tottntt. In this status, press the key
with symbols or characters marked on the lower right corner of key top to
a11ow those symbols and characters to be input.
Input one character to a1low the key input cursor to return to normaltt<tt.
Also, the key input cursor can ret.urn to the normal by pressing the shift
key again after pressing it once.
b) Cancel key
Press t.he eancel key I'CANrr once to delete one character in the key lnput
If the key input cursor is shifted, namelytt<tt, one character is deleted and
the shift status is cancelled at the same time. (The key input cursor
returns to the normal
c) Deletion, changej-and insertion of prograrn
When the custom macro which has already been input is editedr the cursor can
be moved to the position where only t.he following characters and symbols are
I) Address
2> // of top of left side of substitute statement
3) /, (,=, ;
4) Top characters of IF, WHILE, GOTO, and DO
One blank character is set before characters and symbols above on the CRT
screen. A program is deleted, changed, and inserted with the area fron the
above cursor position to Ehe position one character before the next cursor
position being one unit.
Example: Position of cursor
N00I xr-//100 ;
?Ft = Tzt ;
5oo7 12 ]x .r2til31 ;
N003 x-sQRr t#313 x ltt4 + rll ;
Noo+ i-itz z+r :
NOOS 7S = 1 +1 - /t10 ;
rr itlT Ne 0l coror0 ;
wHrLE ufz LE 5l DOl ;
Ttzooo + +2) = +7 * To ;
lnoT I

Note 1) The cursor does not stop within parentheses.
Example) ( XI00. Y100.) ;
ThE-cursor does not stop at these posidions.
However, when the parentheses are not a pair, the cursor moves as in the
Cursor forward
I LTo' jto9-tti" .rrr"or does not stoD here.
Cursor backr"rard
( x100. Y100. :
- T---:f- ,ihe cursor srops here.

Note 2) The cursor position uay be changed by rnodifying programs.

Example) By nodifying rhe 2200 ia Xt00 z:200g using the 100,'ALTER" key,
the XI00200 is obrained
I{owever, there is no change in the following case;
when insertion is made using the 100 ttINS'r key at the 2200 of
X100 2200 ; , XL00 7200 f 001 resulrs.
Never perform this procedures at the program number.
d) Abbreviation of words of custom macro B
When the words of custom macro B are changed and inserted, the top two
characters or more can be used instead of the whole word.

wD - \^II{ILE, WH - WI{rLE, GO - GOTO

XO - XOR, AN - AND, S] - SIN
c0 - cos, TA - TAN, AT - ATAN .

Exaurple) Keying in WI{ [AB [/|2]LERO I#3ll is rhe same as rhar of WHILE IABS
[/lzl LE ROUND t#31 l. A1so, rhe program is indicared in rhis

e) Control out/in
Comments can be wri-tten in programs.
Example) O000i (FANUC 0 SERIES) ;
Note l) The words of macro cannot be abbreviat,ed. However, do not input them
by dividing them into two or more sectors since they rnay be converted.
Note 2) The ttOtt, tt tt can also be input. Hotrever, cautions must be taken when
inputting them by dividing thern into two or more sectors.
Note 3) No period can be input af ter the rort and rtNrr even within the

parent.heses ( ) .


10. 1 Offset Amount

10,1.1 Setting and display of tool offset values (function t eyr lottretl)
Parameter IOF (No. 0001) selects absolute input and incremental lnput.
I) Input of absolute offset value.
a) Push [oFsgTl tey. (For the soft key, press the soft key lorrsEfll when the
other screen is displayed.)
b) Push a PAGE button to display the requlred page where the requlred offset
number is given.

ttr. mTA Fn. mTA
_ffir LA.W ffi A-W
w -L.ZzB Atg ta.effi
n3 a.w af. -n-w
w a.w atz
ffi n.w 813 A.W
re a.m a14 8.2ffi
w7 6.m Bls a-?ffi
m g.w aL6 0.828
x a.w Y s-m
l.O. Wl

c) Move the cursorto the offset number to be changed.

Method I
Continuously push the CURSOR key. The cursor will move in seguence.
Movine the [Tl cursor beyond the page changes the screen to the next
Method 2

Key in and offset number,.and press the l-rNFilfl tey.

d) Input the offset value (input with decimal point is also possible) with
the data input keys.
e) rush [-tNPuT I key.- The offset value is input and indicated.
(Exanple) I,"hen 15.4 is input for offset No. 25.

t'tr. mTA h0. mrA
ar? g.w Jffi !5.M
a1B A.W m 8.W
619 A.m @7 s-wB
w a-m @ a.wB
at 6.WB @ A.?n
@. a.zffi a3a 6.w
a3 a-m 431 z.nB
w4 g.w 632. a-m
x s.w
g.w Y 8.w
htr. m=

2) Input of incremental offset value
Input an increase or decrease value of the offset value
a) Shift the cursor to the position of the offset number to be changed.
(Same as l)-c))
b) Input the incremental value (input with declmal point is al-so posslble)
with the data input keys.
c) Push t INPUT-I button. ih" ittcremental value is input, and the offset value
corresponding to the sum of the incremental value and the current offset
value is indicated. This value indicated is the new offset value.
(Exarnple) Offset value currently set z 5.678
Value input (incremental value) :' 1.5
New off set value z 7.178 (= 5.678 + 1.5.t
(Note) When the offset value is changed during automatic operation, the neht
offset value does not become effective immediately. It becomes effectlve
after the H code specifying the offset No. corresponding to it is de-
1O.2 Setting Parameter (Function key: lFFRAfvtl)

t) Set the mode select switch to MDI.



2) Push key.
3) Push a PAGE button to display the setting parameter.

-FEu( =6
RELn/= A
IS[l = I (6:EIA lsu )
IlGl = A (g:l'tl Ir.0{)
l/o =g

r.o. RE\x =

4) Push a CURSOR key and move the cursor to the iten to be changed.
5) Input I or 0 according to the following description.
Setting X axis mirror image
I : X axis mirror image 0N
0 : X axis mirror irnage OFF
Setting Y axis mirror image
I : Y axis mirror irnage ON
0 : Y axis mirror irnage OFF

' -}.'.\ |

-(Note) If X and Y axis mi.rror images become effective, the X and Y axis movement
directi,on in AtlTO mode is opposed.
However, the movement direction in manual operation or the movement {
direction between the reference point and the intermediate point in auto- i'{{
matic reference point return are not opposed. i

c) TVON {
TV check when registering a program from a paper tape into a memory.
1 : Perform TV check 1

0 : No TV check
d) rso
Setting code, IS0 or EIA, when punching a program in the memory onto a
nrnar l-tna
I : IS0 code output
0 : EIA code output
Setting a program input unit, i-nch or metric system
1 : Inch
0 : Metric
f) L/o
- Setting reader/puncher device for prograrn input/output with reader/puncher
/' interf ace.
Select a device of a channel I set by parameters NFED, ASR33 and
STEP2 (parametaer No. 0002) and BMTED (parameter N0. 0552) .
Select a device of a channel 1 set by parameters NFED, ASR33 and STP2
(parameter No. 0013) and BMTE1 (parameter No. 0553) .
Select a device of a channel 2 set by parameGrs NFED, and STEP2
(paramet6,er No. 0050) and BRATE2 (parameter N0. 0250).
SeIect a device of a channel 2 set by parameters NFED, and STEP2
(parameter No. 0051) and BMTE3 (parameter No. 0251).
g) ABS
owrLgrrarrS between absolute and incremental comrnands in MDI mode.
I : Absolute command
0 : Incremental command
h) sEQ
Qarrino eequence number insert.ion automatically when registering a pro-
gram in the memory using the keys on the MDI panel. (See section
III-14. ll for details)
I : Perform automatic sequence number insertion.
0 : Does not perform aulomatic sequence number insertion.
i) Setting the tape format of l0/il series conversion.
I : Tape format is converted.
0 : Tape format is not converted.
6) Push I INPUT I key. Each paramerer is set and displayed.

15.1 Outline
The amount of machine movement according to the stress other than motor driving
power in servo off condition is reflected to various coordinate system of CNC
control unit.
In CNC control unit, the nachine movement is followed up as if move conmand r{ere
com-anded. So, when the servo po\^rer is turned on, the uachine position and the
NC coordinate system value match each other.
So, by using this function, it is possible to move the machine by hand using the
mechanical handle. For this function, PMC is required.
15.2 Follow-up Signal *FLWU

DGN. No. 0104 *FLWU

*FLWU I Not follow up in servo off condition

0 Fcllow up in servo off condition
This signal becomes effective when the system is provided with the mechanical
handle function (optlon) and PMC.
When the circuits for signals SVFX - SVFZ are closed, the servo off (No current
flows to servo motors) condition is set. Since the positioning control does not
function under thiF condltion, an error is produced when the machine tool moves.
For thls deflection arnount processlng, the following remedles are selectable
according to whether the clrcuit for signal *FLWU i.s open or closed.
o When the circuit for signal *FLWU is closed;
No follow-up function is alive.
The servo error amount ls recorded on the error counter. In this case, the
machine tool moves to cancel this error when the circuit for servo-off slgnal
has been reset to be open.
o When the clrcuit for signal *FLWU is open;.
The fo11ow-up function is a1lve
The present posltlon of the control unlt is changed to reset the error counter
to zero, assumlng that the command has been applied by the moving amount of
the machine tool.
In this case, the machine tool remalns devlated even after the circuit fot
servo-off signal ls reset to be open. However, since the present position of
the control unit changes ln correspondence to the rnachine tool position, the
machine moves to the correct position when the absolute cormand is applied
No follow-up functlons durLng the emergency stop or servo alarm.
15.3 Input'Signal


svFx, Y, zo XrYorZaxls servo is turned off.

I X,YorZaxls servo ls turned on.

14.2.3 Tool path drawing
1) Depress the soft key lmFfl after depressing the function key GRAPH/AIIX
the following will be displayed on Ehe CRT screen.

wt rcnLz
xY a.m
z a.w


2) The following machine movement are drawing by starting the automatic

Note 1) Since the graphic drawing is done when coordinate value is renewed
during automatic oPeration, etc., it is necessary t.o start the program
by automatic operation. When necessary to execute only drawing,
' therefore, select the machine lock mode.
Note 2) rn case the feed rate is high, drawing may not be executed correetly,
decrease the speed by dry-running, etc. to execute drawing.
Note 3) When the aut.omatic operation is started under reset condition, the
program is executed after deleting the previous drawing automatically.
Note 4) When necessary to display a part of the progran, search the display
start block by the sequence No. search, and set the sequence No. of the
end block to the PROGRAI'I STOP N of the graphic parameler before starting
the program under continuous operation mode.

14.2.2 Details of graphic parameter
1) AXES . Set the plane to plot.

AXES = 1 Select (2).
AXES = 2 Select (3).
AXES = 3 Select (4).
AXES = 4 SelecrJ5).
AXES = 5 Select (6).
The rotating angle (horizontal , vertical) for isometric di.spaly of 5 and 6
is fixed at 45" in both cases.
2) RANGET (uax.
), (MrN. )
x- )(=
J= l=
Set the maximum value/ninimum value of graphic range desired to display on
the screen.
o Setting range: 0 - +9999999 (unit: 0.001 nm or 0.0001 inch)
In this case, the value of MAX needs to be greater than that of MIN.
3) SCALE Set the graphic ruagnification
Setting range: o 100000 (unit:
0 - ioooo0 (unit: 0'01
0.01 tine)
Set the coordinate value on the work coordinate system at graphic center.
Llhen MAX and MIN of MNGE are set, the values will be set automatically .t
once drawing is executed.
Set the sequence No. of the end block when necessary to partially dispaly.
The value is cancelled automatically once drar.ring is executed.
1. Erase .the oldest drawing automatically when the automatic operation is
started under reset condition
0. Not erase automaticallv.


Gc (=30mmJ0mm)

Graphic origin Graphic origin = work coordinate origh

When the corninand of

ls given, the graphic point ls
G92 moved as shown by the
dashed line (---).
The tool path is shor.m with broken line for rapid feed and with full line for
cutting feed.
14.2 Setting of Graphic Parameter
14.2.1 Setting procedure of graphic parameter
Various parameters need to be pre-set for plotting.
These parameters can be set under any mode.
l) When the funcrion butron l@E-7ffi] is depressed, Ehe following graphic
parameter setting screen is displayed.
In case the screen ls not displayed, depress the soft key FGlffil, by which
the screen is displayed. I

GRTFHIC PNRfl'ETER 92ffi2. NO',$

(XY 4, YT- t, ZY=z, )C=3, )C/Z-:4, Z{y=S)
R$GE ct'p<. )
x= 115@F rW- S
)F AY= ab
K= n
X= 5?5m Y= mF8
fl.JTO ERffiE F 1

P= s oT

2) Depress the CURSOR [L [Tl t" move the cursor to t,he desired posirion.
3) After keying in the nun r-ir data, depress ttre lffil, by which the graphic
parameter is set.
4) Perform the above steps 2) and 3) repeatedly to set all graphic parameters.

-327 -
As shom in the example of the above flgure, the maximum drawing range will be
the area of approx. 144 nrn (wldth) x 108 mn (length).
In case the range to draw ls greater than the maxlmum drawing range, the drawlng
magnification is used.
The drawing ruagnificatl-on is 0.01 to 100.00 times, which is usually determined
as follows;
o Drawing rnagnificatLon = Drawing magnification (H),
or drawing rnagnificatlons
(V), whichever is smaller
o Drawing magnification H (length on program to horlzontal dlrection axis)
o Drawing magnification V = o/
= R/(length on program to vertical direction axis)
c : 144 nrn
B: 288mn
The drawing magnification is always based on the center of screen.

Gc: Center of screen




After magnification

In case the tool path will not exist near the center of screen, enlarging the
screen will cause the tool path to be drawn out of the drawing range.
To avoid such cases, the following four graphic parameters are prepared t
" RANGE x (MAx.) (range: X MAX.)
"O RANGE x (MIN. ) (range: X MIN.)
MNGE Y (MAX. ) ( range : Y llAX. )
" MNGE Y (MIN. ) (range: Y IIIN. )
O RANGE z (MAX. ( range :
) Z I'{AX. )
" MNGE Z (MIN. ) (range: Z IIIN. )
With the above parameters, the center of screen (Gex, Gcz) can be calcuLated as
The value will be 0.001 rnm or 0.0001 in. depending upon the input unit.
The graphic origin and graphic center point will not be changed even if the work
coordinate origirr is changed.
In other words, the work coordLnate origin is always consistent with the
graphic origin.


14.1 Drarruing Range

It is possible to draw the prograrmed tool path on the 9-inch cRT screen, which
makes it possible to check the progress of machining, while observing the path
on the screen.
rn addition, it is also possible to enlarge/reduce the screen.
Tool path drawing is possible on six coordinate sysEems.

The size of drawing screen will be as follows; a

Gc: Center of screen


54 mm

?2 mm

54 mm




Selection key PRGRAM

Software key LIB

Software key PRGRAM OR
Selection key PRGRAM

Library screen

Software key FLOPPY

Selection key PRGRAM
Software key PRGRM
Selection key PRGRAM Software key FLOPPY

Software key .Software key Software key


Software key

Selection key PRGRAM

3) Delete
Press the soft key "DELETE". The cursor indicates File No.


e Input File No
(?)Press the soft key "EXEC".
Delete the file with File No. designated by FILE NO.
After execution, subsequent files are shifted up one by one.
4) File search
Press the soft. key "SRHFIL". The cursor indicates File No.

Ent,er File No.

Press the soft key ttEXECrr.
First, the file designated by FILE N0. is displayed at the head of the

13.7.3 Other precautions

t) "CAN + INPUT" of FILE NO. and PROGRAI'{ NO. becomes blank.
2) The left-end soft key when the soft key is indicating "EXECt' is a return
key, which returns to the display screen of screen fornat No. I or No. 2.
3) Shift the screen from the directory display screen to other screens, and
press the function key "PROGRAM": a normal program screen is selected.
4) The device type shall be a floppy cassette.
Set parameter channel 1to No.0.0038 (RSCI,ID = 0), DEVFL = 1).
Set paramerer channel 2 ro No. 0.0038 (RSCMD2 = 0, DEVFL2 = l).
5) For the numeral input ln the data input area with FILE N0. AND PROGRAM NO. '
only lower 4 digits become valid.
Example: l{hen file No. = L2345678 is entered, 5678 is an actual data as Flle
6) When an improper data is entered into FILE NO. AND PROGRAM N0., an alarm
(P/S 71, P/S 86) is produced. -9999 and -9998 of FILE N0. becone invalid.
7) Program read . with KEY (edit protect) signal OFF corresponds to program
8) The parameter is input and output on the parameter screen in the same
manner as usual. Ilowever, the output file naue is reglstered as
9) The offset is input and output on the offset screen in the same manner as
usual. However, the output file name is registered as "OFFSETi'.
l0) Enter 0 in FILE No. and PROGMM No. "1" is displayed.
1l) On the program screen (not exclusively for the floppy cassette), no program
can be selected autonatlcally for punching, and the program is punched at
, the last of registered file. At this time, the designated prograrn No.
becomes a file name. (The file name for 0 to 9999 is registered as "ALL



c (No.): Means Itcontinuerl

L (No.): Means ttlasttt
No. : No. of floppy disks
13.7.2 File input/output
1) Input (Read)
Press soft key "READ". The cursor indicates FILE NO. At this time, FILE NO.
indicates File No. previously cued.

Deslgnate Filesl{o. to IIFILE NO. tt.

Press the soft key "EXEC". At this time, input program No., program No.
can be replaced and read.
After execution, File No. is I up automatically.
2) Output (Punch)
Press the soft key "pUNCH". The cursor displays Program No.

Input Program No. Program No. turns into the file name.
Press the sof t key t'EXEC".
At this time, if no File No. is entered, punch a program at the last of the
registered file
rf F1le No. is entered, the program is punched at File No. designated.
However, i-f File No. already in use is designated, subsequent files are
deleted and .File Name is registered as ttFCA3".
when all programs are punched in one fi1e, input -9gg9 to program No.

Screen format No. 2

0001. PARAl"lETER 20.5
0002. OFFSET 40.7
0003. ALL. PROGMM 32.2
0004. 00002 7.5
0005. 00003 t0.2
0006. 00004 2.6
0007. o0010 4.9
0008. o0020 11.8
0009. o0030 5.5



5) In screen format No. I or No. 2, when other soft keys than "PROGR.M,t are
depressed, the display is as shown in screen format No. 3.
Example: I{hen the soft key "RLAD|' is depressed:
Screen format No. 3


2. OFFSET 40.7
3. ALL. PROGRAM 32.2
4. 00002 7.5 '
5. 00003 10.2
6. 00004 2.6
7. OOOIO 4.9
8. 00020 1r .8
9. 00030 5 .5 C01

N0. Indicates File No.

FILE NAME Indicates the file name.
(METER) The file capaclLy is converted to a paper tape for display. It can
also be expressed in t'(FEET) ", using setting parameter (fnCU=t1.
VOL. Indicates the status when the file has a multivolume.

- 321 -
Slide the write-protect key
in the dbection indicated
by the arrow.

Fig. 13.6.3 (b) Write-protect key for FANUC CASSETTE

13.7 Floppy Cassette Directory Display

This function displays the directory of floppy cassette for file input and

13.7:1 Display
The directory is displayed in the edit and background edit nodes. Following 1S
the display operation.,_
1) Display a normal pfogram screen.
2) Press the soft key "FLOppy" or selector key "pRoGRAM" twice.
3) Screen format No. I is displayed.
Screen format No. I



4) Here, press.the page key: screen format No. 2 is displayed.


Note 2) When reset operation is applied to the CNC during a request for cassette
replacement, the CNC is not reset at once, but reset after the cassette
has been rePlaced.

13.5.2 Cassette adaptor lamp conditions

The red and green lamps of the cassette adaptor lndicate operating conditions.
1) Red laurp lights
Writable: This larnp lights when cassette is inserted after setting the write
protect slide of cassette uPward (RECORD side).
2) Green lanP lights
Readable: This lanp lights when cassette is inserted.
3) Red larnp flickers
Write in progress
4) Green lamP flickers
Read or searching of file head in Progress
5) Red and green lamps alternatety flicker
cassette is not lnsert.ed, or cassett,e exchange request is in progress.
6) Red and green lamps concurrently flickers
File deletion in Progress
Note l) Atl alarms occurred in the cassette adaptor are displayed as alano
No. 86.
13.6.3 Write'Protest ksy
The cassette is provided with a write-protect key in order to Protect data
written in the cassette when data is input, when file deletion is performed,
I) Writable
Slide the write-protect key Ln the direction indieated by the arrorr (see
diagraro). Data can not be written in the cassette'

Fig. 13.6.3 (a) Write-protect kev for FANUC CASSiTTE 81/82


13.4.2 Offset data input
The following operation enabl-es offset data input from the cassette to the CNC.
1) Selecr the EDIT mode.
Z) Select the of f set screen by pressing I-brSET-l tey.
3) Operate as same as program input operation.
4) The input offset data will be displayed on the screen in the form of offset
value input by prograrnming (GI0), after completion of input operation.
5) Select che ofGt data display screen and check that. the offset dara has been
correctly set.
13.4.3 CNC parameter input
Thg following operation enables CNC parameters input from the cassette to the
l) Press the. EMERGENCY STOP butron on the machine side.
2) Select the paramerer screen by pressing l-pAffi.l t.y.
3) Set the setting data P\^IE to 1. Alarm PSI0O is displayed ar rhis rime.
4) Operate as same as program input operation.
5) NC parameters are input to the memory for NC parameter by this operation.
Normally, alarm PS000 will activate after completion of reading.
6) Set the serring dara pWE to 0.
7) Turn on the NC power over again if alaru ps00o activates.
8) Release the emergency stop button of machine side.
13.5 File Deletion
The file in the cassette can be deleted as follows:
1) Select EDIT node. -
2) Push I-PRGRI,I l.
3) Turn off the protect key r@\
\ lt ).
4) Key in address N.
5) Key in file No. I to 9999 to be deleted.
6) Push ttre l-sffiTl tey.
With this operation, the k-th file input in (5) is deleted.
Note I) After the k-rh file is deleted, file Nos. k+l to n change to Nos. k to
Before deletion After deletion
t to (k-r) I to (k-1)
k Deleted
(k+1) ro k ro (n-l )
Note 2) Deletion is possible only when the write protect key of the cassette is
set to the upper posirion (RECORD side).
13.6 Precautions

13.6.1 Request for cassette replacement

l^ihen one file has been enteredover two cassettes, the red and. green lamps on
the adaptor fla'sh alternately on completion of data input/output between the
first cassetce and the CNC, prornpting cassette replacement. In this case, take
Ehe first cassette out of the adaptor and insert a second cassette in its place.
Then, data input/output will continue autoroatical-Iy.
Cassette replacement is pronpted when the second cassette is required during
file search-out, data input/output between the CNC and the cassette, or fil-e
Note I) Since cassette replacement is processed by the adaptorr oo special
operation is required. The CNC will inrerrupt data input/output opera-
tion until the next cassette is inserLed into the adaptor.

13.3.2 Offset data output
The following operation enables the output of offset data to the cassette.
l) Select the EDIT mode. i
2) Select the tool offset data display sereen by pressing OFSET key.
3) Press the START key.
4) Specify file search-out when required.
For which file the offset data is output to, refer to 13.3.1.
13.3.3 CNC parameter output
The following operation enables the output of CNC parameters to the cassette.
I) Select the EDIT mode.
2) Specify file search-out when required.
3) Select the parameter display screen by PARAM key.
4) Press che START key.
For which file the offset data is output to, refer to 13.3.1.
13.4 Data Input Operation
Observe the following procedures to input data from the cassette to the CNC.

13.4.1 CNC program input

A program can be input fron the cassette to the CNC by operatlng as described ln
"CNC tape input" after searching the file head in EDI'T or AUTO node as described
1) Search the file head.
' Push Nl to N9999, N-9999.or N-9998 l--ffil t.y.
2) Push INPUT button again. (Data is input by this operation.)
(When changing the program No. r push as follows.: f O-l r program No. + INPUT
button. )
(Note) If the above input operation is conducted by turning on the protect key
(r(d\.V ) the program in the memory is collated with that in the cassette
tr*"rpriiti;*r"."ring second to'fifrh files of the "r"".ttj ro the memory.
(Operation I) (Operation 2) (Operation 3)
N2 [-rNPUr I N2 l-rNPUfl N2 t INFUT-I ... Second file head searching

t-irFdf-l l-iNP-uT-l FN-FU-f-l ... Second file input

N3 frNFur I N-9999 l-rNPufll N-9998 | rNpur I ... Third file head searching
rTN'mrl [TN-mtl [TFFU-T-] ... Third f ile input
N4 ITTFI-fl] N-eeee |_Txmtl t-lN-FTf] .. . Fourth f i1e head searching
| ?t\lDrrT
I rrrr ur
I t-ffi] ... Third file input
Ns I rNPUfl N-eeee l-lNFtrT-l fTFmil ... Fif th f ile head searching
f rNPUr I frNpur I Fifth file input
Slow Quick Quick Head search tlme

c) N-9999
The file next to that accessed just before is searched.
d) N-9998
When N-9998 is designated, N-9999 in (c) is automatically
a file is input or output. This condition is reset by the inserted each time
(a), (b) or (c) or reser. designation of
Note I) when files exist in the cassette, designations of
the same effects. However, when the files do not exist N0 and NI resulr in
an ararm is indicated if Nt is designated (since there in the cassette,
file). When N0 is designated, an alarm is not indicated
1s no first
is searched regardless of the existence of file. since the head
searching when writing the programs from the beginning of the cassette N0 head
after cancelling a new cassette or a1r of the "fil.".
Note 2) An alarm is not in'uoediately indicated in the cNC
unlt even when an alarm
occurs during head searching (when a file is not found, or the like).
P/S alarm 86 is indicated when the inpui/output operation is performed
arEer Enat.
Note 3) The same result is obtained both by sequentially searching
specifying Nos. Nl ro N9999 and by firsr searching one of the files by
and then using rhe N_9999 searching nethod. The searching tj_me Nl ro N999b
shorter in the latter case. is
13.3 Data Output Operation

Observe the follcwing procedure to output data from the CNC

to the cassette.
output F
13.3.1 CNC program
A program can be output frorn the cNC Eo the cassette by the folrowing
1) Output of one program operation.
. o + program No. + [-srenFl tey
2) Output of all programs
o + _e999 * l-stenFl ruy
lfith this operation, the program is output as the. new file after
existing in the cassette. A new cassette or a cassette in which old the files
made invalid and new files are to be written from the are
output operation after the N0 head searching. beginning, use the above

Note r) when P/s alarm 86 occurs during program output, the cassette i,s restored
to the condition before the outpuc.
Note 2\ when program output is conducted after
NI to N9999 head searching,
new f_ile is output as the designated n-th position. rn this case, the
n-1 files are effective, but the files r to
deleted. rf an alarm occurs during output,"rt", the old n-th one are
only the 1 to n-I files are
Note 3) The cassette is provided with the wrj.te protect
the upper position (RECORD side) and inserr the cassetteset ro
the slide to
rhe adaprer.
rn thie condition, make sure that the red lamp lights. Then, start
output operation.
Note 4) Head searching with the file No. is necessary when
the cNC to the cassette is again input to ir," cNCthe file output from
memory or conpared
with the content of the CNC memory. Therefore, irnme4i3g"1, after the
file is output from the CNC to the cassette, record the file No. on the
memo sheet of the cassette.
Note 5) To efficiently use the memory in the cassette, output the program by
setting parameter NFED of parameter No. 0002 or 0012 to 1.


-316- r


13.1 What is a File

The unlt of data, which ls lnput/output between the cassette and the CNC by one
input/output operation (pressing the l-REID-l or l-?ffiettl k"y), is called a ttf iletr.
When inputting CNC programs from, or outputting them to the cassette, for ex-
ample, one or all programs within the CNC memory are handled as one file.
Files are assigned file numbers I,2,3r4 and so on, with the lead file as 1.

Flle I File 2 File 3 File n I Blan]c

One flle can also be written over two cassettes as folLows:

Cas- File(k-1) I
sette I File I File 2 File 3 FrLE k

Cas- ntinuation File (k+l ) File n I Blank

sette 2 of file k
Onee written ln the cassette, data can subsequently be read out by correspond-
ence between the data contents and file numbers. This correspondence cannot be
verified, unless the data contents and file numbers are outPut to the CNC and
displayed. Therefore, wtren,writing data Ln the cassette, enter the file numbers
and data contents in the memo column.
Entry example on MEMO
File NC parameters

File Offset data

File NC progran 00100

Ftle (n-1) NC program 00500

FiIe n NC program 00600

13.2 File Heading

When the program is input from the cassette, the file to be input first nust be
For this purpose, proceed as follows:
l) Select EDIT or AUTO node.
2) Push l-Pnffil t"y.
3) Key in address N.
4) Kev in the file No.
5) Push ttre l-rllPur I tey.
The following head searching occurs aecording to the nurnber speeified:
a) N0
The beginning of the cassette is searched.
b) One of NI to N9999
of rhe file Nos. I to 9999, the designated flle is searched.


12.1 Tool Offsets

The tool offsets set in offset memory can be output to the output device. The
output data format is the same as the offset data input (programnable data
input - G10 -) format specified by the tape command.
l) Seting the data output interface.
Set the data output interface in the parameter.
Data can be output via the FANUC PPR, FANUC casset.te, or ASR33/43.
2) Setfing the output code
Set whether the output data code is EIA or ISO. Set this selection to set-
ting data.
3) Set the mode to EDIT.
4) Press OFFSET key.
5) Press START key.
6) Offset values are started to be output and OUTPTTT is displayed during out-
put ting .
7) To stop the outputting, press RESET key.
After the RESET key is pressed, output of remaining offset data cannot be
12.2 Parameters

The parameters set in NC memory can be output to the output device. The output
data format is the same as the parameter tape format.
1) Setting the data ousput interface
Set the data output interface in the parameter.
Data can be output via the FANUC PPR, FANUC casserte, or ASR33/43.
2) Setting the output code
Set whether the output data code is EIA or ISO. Set this selection to set-
ting data.
3) Set the mode to EDIT.
4) Press PARAM.
5) Press START key.
6) Parameters are started to be output and "OUTPUT" is displayed during out-
Put t ing .
7) To stop the outputting, press RESET key.
After the RESET key is pressed, output of rernaining parameters cannot be

11.9 Clock
Time is displayed on the status indication line (line l5) and thg parameter
setting I screen.

PARA]"IETER 00001 N000i

REVX = 0
REVY = 0
TVON = 0
rS0 =0 (O:ErA 1:rSO)
ABS =0 (0:INC 1:ABS)
sEQ =0



Correction of time can be urade on the parameter setting I screen.

llove the cursor to the itern'to be corrected, enter correct time, and then press
the rrrNPUT" key.
However no time is set if a negative value is entered or the maximun value ln
each item is exceeded.

Item Maximum value

Year 99
I'1onth L2
Day 31
Time 23
Minute 59
Second 59

Note) The time at the status indication line (1ine l5th) is not displayed when
rhe "NOT READY'I is displayed.

- 313 -
HOLE PATTERN : Menu title
An optional character string can be displayed within 12
BOLT HOLE Pattern name
An optional character string can be displayed within l0
The machine tool builder should program character strings of menu title
and pattern name by custom macro, and load thern into the program memory.
Enter the desired pattern number by keying operation.
r--] -;l:
I TJIINPUT l, for example
2) Pattern data display
When a pattern menu is selected, necessary pattern data are di.splayed.

UAR. : BOLT HOLE M1@ t&glz

_5S8 Tm- a
5Z5r{_E. No a ND.5AA_5A5.
566 a
5A? a
x Y @.w
z g.w
f,. W= S gT

BOLT HOLE Pattern data title

An optional character string can be displayed within
12 characters.
TOOL .... Variable name
An optional character string can be displayed within
l0 characters.
*BOLT HOLE CIRCLE* : Corment statement
An optional charaeter string conment can be displayed
up to 12 characters/line, g lines.
The machine tool builder should program the character strings of variable
name and comment statement by custom macro, and load thern inlo the prograrn
Enter necessary pattern data value.
set the, cursor to a desired variable by cuRSoR E keys, and inpur rhe
udLd vdruE.
|I _ q r '
- lltl J llo
il v llll Tl\.]F"h
rr\rul I, Iof example
After inputting all pattern data, select the AUTo mode, and depress the
cycle start key, and the desired machining can be done.


b) Usage
When the command of M02 or 1,130 is executed, the total number of machined
parts and the number of nachined parts ar re dbv one.
Therefore, create the program so that t ar -eJ eggg e- 4-*-eJeJJ- !-lne
the _proce i"_9!_ ot. -par_t.-iE
Furthermore, even if the M code set to Ehe pararneter ry is made in the sinilar manner.
Also, it is possiJrle- to-*itle counting even if the M02 or M30 is executed
When the number of marc.--h1_-ed parts reaches the number of required parts'
signal is output to the PMC.
However, when the number of require-d. paEts is ttOtt (inf init{ maximum), no
11.7 Alarm Display (Function t<ey. IEAF'M])
When an alarm occurs and ALARM is displdyed at bottom, pressing the ALARM
button displays the alarm message, as in the photo below.
See APPENDIX 9 for the meaning of the alarm number.

514 GrR 1gq-n : +X
536 o|.,|:R TRT.E- : +Z

Note) When an alarm occurs the alarm message is usually automatically displayed.
11.8 Pattern Data and Pattern Menu Display
l) Pattern menu display
a) Select an offset or custom macro variable cRT by depressin,
b) Depres"
m key again.


1. Bg_T t-g_E
6. Bmlls
1el. mK
el=IFCT= S gT

- 311 -
PART COUNT : Indicates the number of parts. I^Ihen M02 or M30 is executed,
it is increased by +I. To preset the PART COUNT to "0",
press P and CAN key.
RUN TIME Indicates the total run time during automatic operation'
excluding the stop and feed hold time.
To preset the RUN TIME to "0", press R and CAN key.
(It is not preset Lo "0" by cutting off power. )
CYCLE TIME : Indicates the run time of one automatic operation, exclud-
ing the stop and feed hold time.
This is automatically preset to ttOrr when a cycle sEart is
performed at reset state.
(It is preset to "0" by cuEting off power.)
1 1.6.2 Parameter setting screen

PrnflIER (m1 h@
pt = 1 (O:DISAH 1:ElRHl)

PffiT TgTfl- = I
Ftl.t rric 1Ht6r,l cYol Tll anlgtE!;
fO. RE\4 =
29:3:l:43 FDI

lPffi*4 llFGll ll ll I

a) Display contents and setting

l) PART TOTAL (tota1 number of machined parts)
It is incremented by one when the M code specified by M02, M30 or
parameter fnO. --7T-91. i.s. commanded. The setling cannot be made on this
screen. On-FTetting of parameter :(\0: !ll2)'can be made.
2) PART REQUIRED (number of parts required)-
It is used for setting the number of machined parts required. When the
trOrr is set to it, there i-s no lirnitation to the number of parts. A1so,
its setting can be made by the parameter FO:lqC]
3) PART COUNT (number of machined parts)
It is incremented by one along with the total number of machined parts.
4) RllN TIME (operation time)
The operation time added during automatic operation is displayed.
5) CYCLE TIME (cutting tine)
The run time during one automatic operation is displayed.

Note 1) Negative value cannot be set. Also, the setting of ttMtt andttStt of run
time is valid from 0 to 59.
Note 2) Even if a negative value is set to the parameter nunber 0779 of the
total number of machined parts, a positive value can be displayed. Do
not set a negative value since the value is decremented by one when

iv) Actual rate display
The actual feedrate per ninute of machine can be displayed on the current
display screen and program check screen by setting the parameter (No. 0028
The actual rate is calculated by the following expression:

Fact = r (fi)z
n : Number of axes
fi : Cutting feed rate in the tangential direction of each axls or rapid
traverse rate
Fact: Display speed
The display unit: mm/urin (Input in units of mn).
inch/rnin (Input in units of inch. However' t\^to places
below the decimal point are displayed.)
Note 1) In the case of per revolution feed and thread cutting, the dtsplay speed
is displayed by the speed per minute rather than that per revolution.
Note 2) In the case of shift of rotary axis, the speed is displayed in units of
deg/min but is displayed on the screen in units of input system at that
time. For example, when the shift speed of rotary axis is 50 deg/rnin,
the following is displayed: 0.50 INCtiiM
Note 3) Display is made only during automatic operation on the program cheek

11.6 Display of Run Time and Parts Count

When this option is selected, two types of run time and number of parts are
displayed on the screen. '
11.6.1 Actual position screen


o2@@@ NA19A
x -1,2.5@A
Y -42.5@@
z @.@@@

RrN rrFE *,r- .*-ETIAfl -.J


ii) In the relatlve coordinate system
(It can be displayed by pressing soft key I REfl. )


a@@@L N@A@@
x L9@.299
Y 224.359
z 285.449
R.H TIt 1H1$1 Crc-E TII A.l 1l'143S
Ff,T.F tw llv'tl

t"* lf*-
29: 18:21 l'lDI

The relative position is displayed in which the position reset by an

operaEor is zero.
Reset oDeration
ffi; thG-G-Aisplayed, prss the l-Xl, l-Fl or l-ilI tcey. The address on
the display witl flicker. Then press the l-Tffi-l key. The relative
position of the flickering address will be reset to zero.
lii) Overall display
(It can be displyed by pressing soft key lTi,L-].)
The current position in the following coordinate system is displayed
' simultaneously:
(a) Position in the relative coordinate system (RELATIVE)
(b) Position in the work coordinate system (ABSOLUTE)
(c) Position in the machine coordinate system (MACHINE)
(d) Residual movement amount (DISTANCE T0 G0)

trruf_ P(FITtg{ tE61 r.@

xY &.*
G. 156
xY &.*
S. 156
z 4I.45 Z 4r.97
(Fm{r) (DlsTF}G TO Gn)
x 34.35Et X E_641
Y .234 Y W.Tn
z &L.g? 7 1g,.5E,62
PRT CCI.|.|T 15
R_N TIt ltAl CYCLE TIl Or 61455
FCT. F t@ rwtl
21:35: S llDI

IRE IIREL llflr ll ll I

The residual movement amount lndicates the uovenent amount remalning in

one block of a conrnand, and is displayed ln AUTO or MDI mode.
The unit of the machine coordinate system is the saue as that of Ehe
-achine system.

ira egz ><B Y8 F8 ,
t@ w xLffi. YLa. t
t{fi @l Z16. FL6.5 t
'/, x 6.@A W VA 6?
'( -5.%6 Y a.w GL? g9 Gg
z -15.n4 z a.qaa G% w 64
A -a.sw A A.AW G94 GS
GzL t=Jg
P o ttr657

F**'l I.*-*l l-**l F**l f*l

The data is displayed only in |'AUTO" mode. For the display of a Page of block
being executed withi.n the memory, the block being executed is displayed at the
top. The position (ABSOLUTE) in the work coordinate system or relative
coordinate system (RELATIVE) and remaining movement (DIST T0 G0) are displayed.
11.5 Current Position Display (Function key. lilSl)
(1) Push tne IETI tey.
(2) Push a PAGE key. Data will be displayed in one of the following three ways.
i) In the work coordinate system
(It can be displayed by pressing soft key I-AEil.)


o@@@1, N@A@A '
xY 22A.261
z 339.483
PrRT CofiT 6
RrNTtrG 1Ht3,| Crc-E TIt An il'ets
ACT.F ten l'nfl
2g:15:B llDI

I"*ll *"- ll*ll-lt-l

The current value in a prograrmed coordinate system seE with G92, is


111) Command values entered fron the MDI or nodal values prevlously speclfied
are displayed.
(It can be dlsplayed by pressing soft key llmt l.l

PR$RFr'r (]2m M138

0'1D I ) (ttrDnt_)
x La'fl2 F &B
Y M.ffi G@R
G1? P
. \ GgtH 2
G21 N
. BlaS 15
G49 T w.
fi GM
iiil I'IDI

l**'l l"*".'ll-*l [_*;l T-_l


Display in MDI mode only

lv) one page includLng a block currently executed in the program ls dls-
p 1ayed.
(It can be displayed by pressing soft key I-FRGRM l. )

PRfERtr,I TPM tg138

W: \t<9
N1@ G32 \g m. t
N11A G!f1VB Y-'78. :
Nlz Z-n. t
N13a G1? 4L GaL X1?.5 l FnzB t
N74Z U2 G39 l-l?.s :
N1s6 Br1 GA3 X-1?.5 Yi.?.s R1?.5 ;
N16A G81 X-?F. t
Nr? GzP p?.5 Y27.5 V7.5 t
N18[| G61 X-15. ;
N1*t BErt )<Et YEt ;

A cursor ls indlcated at the beginnLng of a block belng executed.

11.4 Display for Program Check

The program check screen is displayed by pushing the CHECK soft key. The
display includes the page for a program block in memory being displayed at
present, th'd present positi-on, and modal value previously conuranded.

11.3 Command Value Display (Function key: [FR-GF-M)

i) Push tt'e I-FIcnt't] tey.

2) Push a PAGE button. Data will be displayed in the following four'ways.
(Each screen can be selected by soft keys.)
i) Cornrnand values being executed, and modal values previously specified are
(It can be displayed by pressing sofr t.y l-cunnrlrl.)

PRGRFT.I tP@ l130

(CI-RRENT) (l'nDfl-)
x L?.v9 F m
G1?H 2 6I?P
G91 0
63lH 2
@1 M
uL er1 s
G49 T

11) Cornrnand values being executed or to be executed next are displayed.

(It can be displayed by pressing soft tey I nnxrl.;

PRGRFT,{ tP@ I.813B

x I?.frB G3Er I -t?.VB
G61F W
G1?H 2





a) PRoGRAM NO. USED The number of the programs registered (including uhe
subprograms) .
FREE The number of programs which can be registered ad-
b) MEMORY AREA USED The capacity of the program memory .in which data is
registered (indicated by the number of characters).
FREE The capacity of the program memory which can be used
additionally (indicated by the number of charac-
ters) ..
C) PROGMM LIBMRY LIST Program Nos. registered are indicated.

Also, the program name can be displayed in the program table by setting the
parameter No. 0040 (NAMPR).
0n the program name display screenr. the program number and program name are

PROGMM 00010 N0001

55 !
I'IEI'{ORY AREA USED : 321 FREE z 37 44
00001 (MACRO-GCODE. I'lArN)
00002 (MACRO-GCODE. suBl)
00100 (INCH/Ift,1 GNVERT CHECK NO. 1)
or000 (MACR0-MC0DE. SUB1)

Note l) Always register a program name beEween the control out and control in
codes irnmediatelv after the program nunber.
oDfrl (aaaa.

Program name (up to 31 characters.)

Program number

Note 2) Up to 3l characters can be used for naming a program within the

parentheses. If 31 characters are exceeded, the exceeded characters
are no! displayed.
Note 3) Only program nuurber is displayed for the program without any program


11.1 Program Display

A progran number and a sequence number are displayed at the top right ' as seen
in the photo.

N1@ G92 \i<9 Yg Zn. t
N116 m1 6n Y-79. ,
lll?fj Z-',n. t
N138 Gl? BI1 GB1 X1.?.s IJaP. FAEB
Nr4E H2 Gi39 I-1?.5 ; '
N158 Bl1 m3 X-1?.5 Y1?.5 R1?.5 ;
N16g GA1 X-8. t
N1'7g GEP }u7.5 Y27.5 p7.5 ,
N1E[| GA1 X-15. ;
N1*t G@ ru YA t

l**.1t"**.'ll '-.'l f-__l f--l

Wtrenthe program ls being edlted tn EDIT mode, the program No. being edited and
the sequence number just prior to the cursor are indicated.
In case other than program edit, the program No. and the sequence No. executed
last are indicated. Or, lnnnediately after the program No. search and sequence
No. search, the program No. .and the sequence No. searched are indlcated.
11.2 Displaying Program Memory Used

Proceed as follows:
I ) Select EDIT rnode.
2) Push the PRGRM button.
(For sof t key, press scf t tey [TnCml l. )
3) Kev in address P.
4) p"strlrllpurlbutton.
Or re-push the PRGRM button instead of the step 3) and 4).

PRGRtr'I (]2@ l.o1$

PRmRfl1 l.O. LEED: I FREE : S
u9@. wB3



6) Shift the cursor to the offset number position in the same way as in setting
rhe of f ser value l-6-1 r---T,1

7) Depress rrNpur r ;",' ;'J:l#

played as an offset value.
::ij. JJj ::r"ffi..:Jr:r|,*+1":n,,. ".,0


This difference is set

as an offset value.

Fixing point

(Note) rf either
H "'E n", is depressed insread or
t.r in 6), the
or Y axis relative coordinate value is input as an offset value.


-302- T
Sltg-E B-OCK :
-B-OA< FF l0.l
lGCtlll LOO( : IFF S{
DRI Rtfi : IFF S{
FEED F0-D : IOFF til


x g.w Y g.w
z g.w


c) Push [Tl or fTl key, and march rhe cursor ro the position of the desired
d) Push l-Fl or [Tl key to march the mark ! ro an arbitrary positlon and set
the desired condition.
2) Jog feed operation
a) Push the key to display the screen of the software operatorrs
b) Select JOG node
c) Jog feed can be performed by pushing the desired arrow
Jog rapid tr.averse can be conducted by pushing the
key together with the arrow key.

Note l) When the CRT indicates other than the software operatorrs panel screen,
jog feed is not conducted even if the arrow key is pushed.
Note 2) The feed axis and direction corresponding to the arrow keys can be set
with parameters (paramerer Nos. 0f30 to 0135).
3) General-purpose switches
Eight optionally definable switches are added as an extended function of che
software operatorts panel. The name of these switches can be set by para-
meters as characEer strings of max. 8 charact.ers.
For the meani.ngs of these switches, refer to the manual issued by machine
tool builder.
/ 10.8 Tool Length Measurement

--l:I Setect a reference tool, and attach the reference tool to the rnachine fixing
point (or fixing point on the workpiece) manually.
2) Display the relative coordinate positlons by depressing l-pOS I and PAGE keys.
3) Preset the Z-axis relative coordinate value- to depressing |)L |ana
l-aAN lkeys.>Ar z Zlaoecn^T*#''on' Cozt) a,t.,t.1 | I

4) Select an offset page by depressint U"t. I

5) Select a tool to be measured, and aitach it to thesame fixing point manual-
ly. A difference between the reference tool and the tool to be measured is
displayed as the relative coordinate va1ue. (This is also displayed on Lhe
offset page)

10.5 Pitch Error Compensation Data

The pitch error compensation data is set according to the characteristics of the
machine connected to the NC. The content of this data varies according to the
machine model. rf it is changed, the machine accuracy is reduced.
In principle, the end user must not alter this data.
10.6 Data Protection key

A data protection key can be installed on the machine side for protection of
parE program input and editing.
For where the kev is mounted, refer to the manual issued by machine tool
1O.7 Software Operator's Panel

I^lith this function, functions of the switches on the machine operatorrs panel
can be conducred from the CRT/MDI pane1.
The following can be conducted via the CRT/MDI panel.
a) Group I : Mode select.ion
b) Group 2 : Selection of jog feed axis, jog rapid traverse
c) Group 3 : Selection of manual pulse g"o"irtor feed axis, selecgion of manual
pulse magnification xl, xlO, xl00
d) Group 4 : Jog feedrate, feedrate override, rapid traverse override
e) Group 5 : optional block skip, single block, machine 1ock, dry run
f) Group 6 : Protect key
g) Group 7 : Feed hofd
Whether to operate from CRT or uachine operator's panel can be determined bv the
parameter OPGI to OpGT (No. 017) for each group.
I) Setting of mode selection, etc.
t-- EE-r
a)- Push | ALARM
| .."::t-1.I.
b) ry"n ffi key to display rhe necessary page
(rr can be"I1a
disptayed by pressing soft t"v ftpft-l]l

UcEqqTO?'S Pfl\FL 01@ tt&I3A

f-FND-E FllT. : l*1
RnPID O,RD. I ate2Y. gz 'f@
n4, FA
Jm FEED : 5cE1 tt'l,,t'ltN i
Err I
fff-r...... '


x g.w Y 9.@
z a.w g1

f) in a__p.ereqgter value by data input keys.
s) Depress lT?u-il. The paramerer value is input and displayed.
h) After all parameters have been set and confirmed, turn to the setting
screen, and return the PWE setting to i
i) Depress the RESET key ro release the alarm condition. When alarm No. 000
has occurred, turn off the power supply and t,hen t.urn it on, otherwise Ehe
alarm is not released.
?) Setting of parameters using a tape
This method is effect.ive only when the reader/puncher i.nterface option is
combined. Parameters can be input from the tape reader or teletypewriter

Vo (
(a) (e)

N I 0 D L
0 0 0 0 I 1
* \+
(b) (c) (d)
Fis. 10.4.2 Parameter setting tape format

a) Punch 7" (ia case of ISO code) or ER or CR (in case of LF of EIA code) at
the start of the tape.
b) Punch the data number following address N next to the end of block code
(lf i.n ISO code or CR in EIA code) .
c) Punch Ehe data to be set after address P. Punched data at the address
should correspond to the parameter number punched at address N.
d) Punch the end of block code. Continue steps b), c), d), as required. A
data number following address N must be punched at the start of each
block. Leading zeros of parameter data following P are omittable.
F LF and Z (in case of rso code) or cR or ER (in case of ErA code)
t )--f) Punch
(rf codes.
Data input from the tape is finished with'the input of these
?. Parameters not speclfied on the tape renain unchanged even if the para-
meter setting tape is input
f The Parameter setting tape prepared by the above procedure can be input
according to the following proeedure.
i) Ser PWE = I (CRT/MDI lanet).
ii) Select EDIT mode on operator's panel.
iii) Select PARAI'I on CRT/MDI panel.
iv) Turn on INPUT button on CRT/MDI panel.
v) SeE PWE = 0 (CRT/MDI panel).
vi) Turn on RESET key on CRT/I'{DI panel. (Turn on and off the pov/er of CNC,
if alarm number 000 occurred.)
Note l) The tape stops traveling when any of the following alarus ls detected.
i) TH or TV (with TV check rurned on) is in pariry error.
ii) An address other than N and P was input.
iii) An N or a P value is disallowable.
Note Ll Depress RESET k"y, if iE is desired to stop setting from the tape
Note 3) A part of parameters doesnrt become effective unless power supply is
turned off (when alarm No. 000 occurred).
Note 4) Parameters related to the reader/puncher interface must be set from MDI,
etc. before inputting paramet.ers from the tape.

10.4.2 Parameter setting
1) Setting of parameters by using buttons on CRT/MDI panel
paqE-l .
a) Press I n"r.
Press page key to display setting parameter page.
(Ir can be displayed by pressing sofr key fSETmil.)

jPtE = 6 (A:DISAE-E l:EMB-E)
REU4 = A

m. PlEi

TT-] _
- in Ii jn ft--
Press cursor button and set the cursor ro PI^IE. Key l rurut l, and
parameter is able to be written. NC is placed to P/S alaru No. 100 con-
b) Select tp_MD.lnFde (or ser rhe emdrgency stop condition).
c) Depress I PaneU I key ro display parameters on the CRT screen.
d) Depress the page key to display a desired parameter Daqe.
(It can be displayed by pressing soft key lTExr l.l '

f0. mTF hn. mTA
_mt wtffi e6tl w
w. wffit taIz w
@3 Wt @13 W
w ww7 @74 W
w6 w^r @ts w
w7 wwffi! eftt1 11111111
wE w e3L9 W
@74 Wtn @ @
I'O. @11 =
|IPRR4 il r-----l
lloaruos ll u l r

e) Shift the'cursor Eo the position of the parameter number to be changed.

Method I
Depress FdGsoE-l tey. If this button is depressed con-
tinuously, the cursor shi.fts sequent ia1ly . If the cursor
exceeds a page , the next page appears on the CRT screen.

Parameter number a.'a lrxFirill.


10.3 Custom Macro Variable
The common. variables (/l|100 to /1131, #500 to /153t) can be displayed on the CRT by
the following procedure.

fn. mTA fo. mTA
_l@ rw 1@ A
T61 6 LW $EM
L@. -W LLA L$Pffi
143 6 ItI 1
IU t?sffl.L LIz A
16 a L14 mffi
x s.w Y 6.WE
z s.w
hE- L@ =

When the absolute value of variable exceeds the value 99999999, rr**********tr is
l) Display
a)\ s .IMENT-I .butron.
Push t;:-:_ |
I urJlr I
b) Display the desired page by pAGE butron.
(It can be displayed by pressing sof t key I I,tecno-l.l
2) Serring
a) Display the desired page.
b) Move the cursor to the desired variable number. (Sane as item 10.i (l)
(c) )
c) Key-in the variable value by data i.nput kev.
d) Push I-INPUT lkey, and rhe input value is displayed. '
3) Setting the coordinate value to variable
a) Move the cursor to the desired variable number
b)J* [-fl tr.. X axis) , (ror Y axis) or l ; | (for Z axis) while pushing
E lLl
c)-pustr'I INpUT I burron. The relative coordinate value for X, Y or Z axis is
input and displayed on the variables.
10.4 System Parameter

Parameters must be set correctly so that' the servo motor charact.eristlcs,

machine tool specifications, and machine tool functions are fulIy displayed when
NC is connected to the DC servo motor or nachine tool. Since contents of para-
meters depend upon machine tools, refer to the atEached parameter table prepared
by the machine tool builder.
10.4.1 Parameter display
l) Depress [-F-AnMl button on CRT/MDI panel.
2) Select a desired page by depressing page k"y (,T1,[r]).

-297 -
15.4 Caution
1) Work coordlnate system revlsed by follow up becomes effective {rom the next
automatlc operation.
2) Inch/uretrl.c converslon functLon can not be used with this function.

;'Jd;*t4t*ciuz '
, / .,.
, ".r*;ii!'i"'


The CRT/IDI panel of 00-I{B consists of a CRT display (14" color) and keyboard.
Contents of display and operation by k.y input are completely different
depending on whether the CNC screen or I'ffC screen is displayed on the CRT/Mnf
panel. In this manual, the operation when only the CNC screen is displayed ig
described. Refer to the manual of machine tool builder for MMC screen.

MMC/CNC switch keY

Reset key
Shitt key


edit key


Function key

Fig. 16 CRT/MDI for 00-MB

^:'!6*^ .t

16.1 Display
Press "CNCtr key on the CRT/MDI panel to display the CNC screen when the MMC
screen is displayed on the CRT display of the CRT/I{DI panel. The bnC screen
consists of a variable section and a fixed section. The variable section is the
part that is surrounded by the fraue at t.he bottom right, and its display
contents are the same as displayed on the 9" CRT display of O-MB. Therefore'
the screen selecEed by function k"y, page k"y, cursor k"y, and soft key is
The fixed section is the rest of the above variable section, and its display
contents are position data, operation time (optional)' modal data,. and S, T
command value, as shown on the screen in the Fig. 16.1. Display -iterns of this
section cannot be changed by the screen selecEion operation.
However, its display contents are always renewed.


x @ .@60 0a@a9 ffi c!'|rn e

Er' rl' zn ,i
Y a . oo@
z @,a@a N@aag cl.'E'fc o'i"'6
I N}. DfiN XT hTA
omt _@1 !@tE ott @
64@F @ @11 @12 q&nt
61? R @ EW 613 rogfim0
BP a4 011181t1 a14 m
840 E t11t0111 A!5 @
EIH G 81118111 @15 @&D
64n g, at1!R111 017 0111111t
649 S @ @Ll 4$ @@
I @ u@!4 ef,t9 @94
F ale !t@1ss &D @

Fis. 16.1

16.2 Operation
Key operation can only be done when the CNC screen is displayed on the CRT
display of the CRT/MDI panel. Address keys and numerical keys are independently
arranged on 00-MB. However, inputting data is exactly the same as that of 0-l'IB.
The page key t *, cursor key t *, and selection key <- + on the software
operatort s panel are of combined use wich the function k.y. Press the
corresponding key for use as a page key, cursor key, and selection key on the
software operatorrs panel. Press the corresponding key while pressing the
ttFUNC" key as the function key.
Five keys on the righc half ten keys are effective for the varl-able section, and
Ehe other five keys on the left half are effective for selecting position
display data in the fixed section.



,,.,,, , -:i!#



When a fuse blows ln a part of the CNC unit, find and correct the cause of the
failure and replace the fuse. Fuses used in the CNC unit are as follows:
1.1 Specif ication of Fuses

Fuses used in CNC unlt are as follows:

Table 1.1 Units mounting fuses and specifications of fuses

Nrtne of unlt Parts svmbol Capacity Speclf icat ions Use

Power supply F11, Fl2 5A A60L-0001 For 200V AC lnput power

-0194 #5.0 supply
Fr3 3.2 L A60L-0001 For 24V DC for rnpstslr
-a046 113.2 option PCB, and CRT/MDI
F14 5A A60L-0001 Not used
-0046 #5.0
Additional F5l 1.6 A A60L-000r Protection from an
I/O 81 -0046 llr.6 external defect of
machlne side 24V DC
Input unit Fl, F2 l0A A60r-0001 -0901 For 200V AC input power
PCB #P41C0H supply
F3 0.3 A A60L-000i -0r72 Fot' power ON/OFF
/iDMo3 control clrcuit

1.2 Mounting Positions of Fuses

1.2.1 Power supply unit

3.2 A fuse (Fl3)

5A fuse (Fl4)

5 Afuse (Fll,Fl2)

1.2.2 Additional l/O 81
1.6A fuse (F5l)


DI/DO connectors
1.2.3 InPut unit

Input unit rcB

*:n ll+ll
:\J l-l
For input unit Y
without servo q

F--l .-

0.3A Fuse 10A Fuse

(F3) (Fl, F2)

-338- *

2.1 General

1) Check the type of problem:

In what mode is the controller?
What is displayed on the CRT/MDI?
What is the status dlsplay?
Is there a posltioning error? If so, on whlch axis and by what amount?
Is there a tool path error? If so, by what amount?
Is the speed normal?
Is the problem in an auxiliary function?
What is the alarm nuuber?
2) Check the frequency of occurrence:
When did the probleur occur? What is its frequency? (Was another machine
also being operated?)
What is the frequency on the same workpieces?
Which program is it; What is the sequence number?
Is the problem related to a specific mode?
Is the problem related to tool replacement?
Is the problen related to the feedrate?
3) For re-occurring problems:
Go through the program tape where the error occurs rePeatedl-y.
Check the numerical value in memory of NC and conpare it with the prograrlmed
numerical value.
Is the problem due to an external cause?
Check the stored offset amount and the amount remaining after distribution.
Check the response to override (decrease or increase the override amount).
Ask the operator about details of the problem.
2.2 Checking Input Voltage, Peripheral Conditions, Operation, Programming, Drives, Machine and
Interface Control .

l) Check the lnput voltage:

Are there fluctuations in the input voltage?
Is there a drop in the i.nput voltage?
Is front or rear door opened (door interlock)?
Is there some other device using large amounts of current?
Is there an electrlc discharge machine or welding nachine nearby?
2) Check perlpheral conditions:
What is the temperature of the controller? Did the temperaEure change? Is
it excessive?
Is the fllter dlrty?
Is the tape reader dirty?
Is there oil or cutting fluid about?
Are there any vibrations?
Is the unlt in direct sunlight?
3) Check for any external causes:
Has the machine recently been repalred or adjusted?
Has the magnetics cabinet recently been repaired or adjusted?
Has the NC unit recently been repaired or adjusted?
Is there a source of noise nearby?
(Example: Cranes, High-frequency machines, Electric dlscharge machines)
Has a new machine been mounted nearby?
Is there another NC with the same problern?
Has the user adjusted the NC?
Has the sarne problem occurred before?

4) Check phases of operation:
Has the operator been properly instructed?
Has the operator been rePlaced?
Is the operator familiar with the program?
Does the program finish too early or vras lt lnterrupted?
Does the program contain an incremental command?
Is the tool compensation value correctly set?
If the tool compensation value was changed, was it done correctly?
Does the rnachine change to another mode of operation?
Is the block skip function used correctly?
Is the tape set correctly?
Are there any tape coding errors?
Has the machine tool been operated incorrectly.
5) Check punched tapes:
Is there dirt on the tape?
Are there any folds or wrinkles on the tape?
Are joints normal?
Did the program previously run norrnal1y?
Was the tape copied from a Baster tape?
Was it the punched tape?
Was the tape correctly punched?
Is the tape puncher normal?
I{as the wrong tape used?
Is the puncher in good condition?
6) Check the program
Is the program new?
Was the program crated according to the OPEMTORTS UANUAL?
Are addresses in the right order?
Does the problem occur in any specific block?
Does the problem occur in the sub-program?
Was the list of tapes created for checking?
7) Check for changes in operation
Has any change or adjustment been made in the operation procedure?
Has a fuse been blown?
Is the NC in the emergency stop state?
Is the machine tool ready?
Is the NC in the alarm status?
Is the MODE SELECT switch set correctly?
Is the switch on the tape reader set correctly?
Is the override switch set to the zero position?
Is the NC in the nachine lock status?
Is the NC in the feed hold status?
8) Check the machine itself:
Is the machine properly installed?
Does vibration occur during operation?
Is the tool tip normal?
Is there ahy offset due to tool exchange?
Is there sufficient backlash compensation?
Are there distortions in any part of the machine due to temperature changes ?
Was the workpiece measured correctly?
Was the measurement nrade at a constant temperature? (1 meter of steel
changes lOp in length at a temperature change of loC)
Are the cables normal (bent, broken or damaged)?
Are the signal lines and power lines separated?

; r-
9) Check the lnterface control:
Are power lines and NC cables nounted separately?
Is the shield normal?
Is a noise suppressor attached to the relay, solenoLd, and notor?
2.3 NC System Check (No tools required)
1) Check control unit external conditions:
Is there damage to the cabinet?
Is the CRT/I"IDI panel normal?
Is the filter clean?
Is the reader clean?
Is the door of the reader closed?
Has operatlon nade with the door open?
Check that chips accurnulated on the cabinet did not fall inside when the door
was opened.
2) Cheek inside the control unit:
Is there dirt in the control unit?
Is the fan motor normal?
Is there corrosion?
3) Check the power unit:
Is the unit correctly connected?
Are all fuses OK?
Is the circuit breaker normal?
Is the voltage htithin the allowable range?
Are the shield and cable duct grounded correctly?
Is the wiring path OK?
Are all terml-nals fully tightened?
.4) The grounding
Is the grounding connectLon OK?
Is the shield ground OK?
5) Check all cables:
Are cable connectors fully pushed ln?
Are there any abnormalities in internal cables?
Are there any abnormalities in external cables?
Are there any scratches, bends or breaks?
6) Check prlnted circult boards:
Are all PCBs mounted properly?
Is the plug connector OK?
Are physlcal condltions normal (no distortlons, etc.)?
What is the PCB editlon?
Are connections between prlnted circuit boards good?
7) Check the CRT/MDI unir:
Do the push buttons operate norrnally?
Is the tape cable nornal?
2.4 CNC Status Display

When l-t seems that the CNC is executing nothing during cycle operatlng status,
the current status of the CNC is displayed on CRT screen at the diagnostic
number 700, 701 or 712 by pushing the DGNOS burton.


Diagnostic llo.


Whena digit is 'rlr', the corresponding status ls effectlve.

CFIN: The M, S, or T function is being executed.
CMTN: A move command in the cycle operation is being executed.
CDh{.: Dwell is being executed.
CINP: An in-position check is belng executed.
COVZ: Override is at 02.
CITL: Interlock signal (STLK) is turned on.
CSCT: Speed arrival signal of spindle i-s turned on.
Diagnostl-c No.

0 7 0 I CRST

CRST: One of the followlng: The reset button on the MDI panel, energency stop,
or remote reset is on.
Diagnostic No.


Indicates automatic operation stop or feed hold states. These are used for
troub leshooting
STP : The flag which stops the pulse distribution. This is set at the follow-
ing condition.
(a) External reset signal has been turned on.
. (b) Emergency stop signal has been turned on.
(c) Feed hold signal has been turned on.
(d) Reset button on the CRT/IDI panel has been turned on.
(e) The mode has been changed to the manual node, such as JOG, HANDLE/
(f) Alarm has been generated. (Soure alarms may not set the flag.)
RESET: This is set when one of the external reset, emergency stop, or reset
button has been turned on.
EMS : This is set when t.he emergency stop has been set on.
RSTB: This is set when the reset button i.s on.
CSU : This is set when the emergency stop has been turned orlr or when the
servo alarm has been generated.
2.5 Display of Position Deviation (DGNOS No. 800 - 805)

Diagnostic No.

0 8 0 0 SVERRX (X axis)

0 8 0 I SVERRY (Y axis)

0 8 0 2 SVERRZ (Z axis)

Position deviation value of X, Y, Z l4th, 5th and 6th axes in order.
Diagnostic No.

0 8 0 J SVERR4 (4th axis)

0 8 0 4 SVERR5 (5th axis)

0 8 0 5 SVERR6 (6th axis) '

2.6 Display of Machine Position from Reference Point (DGNOS No. 820 - 8251

Diagnoscic No.

0 8 2 0 ABSMTX (X axis)

0 B 2 1 ABSMTY (Y axis)

0 8 2 2 ABSMTZ (Z axis)

0 8 2 J ABSMT4 (4th axis)

i; 0 8 2 4 ABSMT5 (5th axis)


0 B 2 5 ABSMI6 (6th axis)

The machine position from the reference point can be displayed on the CRT screen
as fol1ows.
mTLH_ PtlSITI0.t @24 tWffi
x 19.868 X 18.86A
Y -?.*t Y -7.W
z -27.?L6 Z -27.7L6
x 5.141 X O.qBB
Y -48. LZ? Y A-zBB
z L. r73 Z A.@B


The values displayed under "MACHINE'| are these value.


S0 code EIA code

,naracter t' 7 6 5 q 3 2 I Character 8
6 4 3 2 I
o o 0 o
Nurneral 0
I o o o o L o Numeral I
o o o o o Nuneral 2
3 o o o o 3 0
o o o Numeral 3
4 o o o o 4 o Numeral 4
5 o o o 5 o o o Nuneral 5
6 o o o 6 o o o Numeral 6
7 o o o o o o 7 o
o o o Numeral 7
at o o o 8 o Numeral 8
9 o o 9 o o c Numeral 9
A o o o
o o c Address A
B o o b o o o Address B
o o o o o o o c Address C
D a
o d o o o Address D
E o o o o E o
o o o o Address E
F o o o o f o o o o
o o Address F
o o o c o o 0
o c Address G
o h o o Address H
I o o o o l- o o o o Address I
o o J o o Address J
K o o o k o o o Address K
o o o o 1 n o Address L
!1 o o o m o o Address M
o o o o n o o Address N
o o o o o o o o Not used at signifi-
cant information
section in ISO code.
Assumed as program No.
tn EIA code.
o o p o o
o o o Address P
o o o o
o o Address Q
R o o o o r o o o Address R
5 o o o o q o
o o Address S
T o o o
o t o o o Address T
U o o o u o o o
o ? Address U
o o o v o o o ? Address V
ti o U o o o o o o Address l.rl
A o o o x o o o o o Address X
I o o o o t o o o Address Y
o z o o o Address Z
DEL o o o o
O o o o De1 o o o o o o x Delete (cancel an
error punch).
Blank o
x Not punched. Can not
be used in significant
section in EIA code.
BS o BS o o o * Back space
o o Tab o o o o * Tabulator
-F or NL o o CR or EOB o End of block
c o o o Jr Carriage return
]P ? o SP o :t Space
u J o o o ER o o o Absolute rewind stoD
o o (2-4-s) o o Control- out (a comment
is started)
) o o o (2-4-7 ) o o o Control in (the end of
a conment)

IS0 code EIA code
Uharacter 8 6 5 q ? I Characte r 8 7 6 5
7 3 z I
.- o o o o 1- o o o * Positive sien I
o o o o Neqative sign {
o o o o Colon
o o
o o o o o o o o o Optional block skip
o o o o o o o c Period (A decinal
poinE )
It o o * Sharp
o o , Dollar sien
& o o o & o o * Ampersand
o o o o * Apos t rophe
* o o o o * As teri sk
, o o o o , o o o o o >t
o o o o o * Semicolon
o o o o * Left angle bracket
o o o o o o * Equal
o o o o JsRj-eht ansle bracket
o o o o * Ouestion mark
o Commercial at mark
o o * Ouotat ion
o o o o o Left brace
o o o o * Risht brace
(Note 1) *: when read in the 'significant
information section, the codes are
(Note 2) ?: when readr in the signi.ficant information section, an alarm is
generated. However, it is stored in the meruory.
(Note 3) Codes not in this table are ignored if their parity is correct.
(Note 4) codes with incorrecc parity cause che TH alarm. But they are ignored
without generating the TH alarrn when they are in the comment section.
(Note 5) A character wi-th all eight holes punched does not generate TH alarm
even in EIA code.



The symbols in the list represent the followings.

IP_:X Y Z A ...
As seen above, the format cons{sts of a combinatlon of arbitrary axis addresses
among X, Y, Z, A, B, and C.

x: First basic axis (X usually)

y: Second basl-c axis (Y usually)
z: Third basic axis (Z usually)
Functions Illustrations Tape format
Positioning GOO ]P
Start point

Linear inter- GOI]P F :

(c0r )
Start point

Circular inter
' - {l - , _ }' _t
polation c17
(c02, c03)
f G02't
lco:l x ,- [=-_i' _t

' -,{} - * _ i' -,
{:33 }

Dwel1 (c04) Per second dwell

{X - i'
Exact stop G04;

Change of off- GIOP R

set value by
program (ClO) - -;


Functlons I 1lust rat ions Tape format

Cutter compen- rcrTl f c40'l

sation B o4t
/-\/ 1c18flc41l P
(c3e - c42) $lorz
lcl9J \c42)
H: Tool offset
Cutter compen- Itl

sation C J
(c40 - c42)

Tool length I c43l 7 vl

offset A [c44J --"-'
(c43, G44, c49) Jc43 \
lc44 J

H: Tool-'offset No.
G49; Cancel

Tool length
offset B
(c03, c44, c49) {:ii}t:n}ii -
H: Tool offset
G49z Cancel
Inch/metric Inch input : GzO
conversion Metric input z G2l
(G20, G21)

Reference poin
return check
(G27 )
Start point

Reference point G28 IP _;

rerurn (G28) G30 IF _;
2nd reference
point return

Return from G29 rP _;

reference point

lntermediate Doint

Skip function

functions Illustrations Tape fornat
Custom acro General format c6s HnP/llQ/ljRi/k;
(c55, c66, c67) R/i k;
c6sHnP#IQ/ij Modal call
m : Specifles macro G66 P
functlons with G67: ...
-; Cancel
01 ro 99
/11: Variable number
of operatlon
#j: Variable number
used ln
(or constant)
/lk: Variable number
used in
lfi=llt @ #t
Operatlon IIm

Canned cycles c80 ... Cancel

(c73, c74, c76, c73
c80 - c89) c74
c81 xYz

Absolute/incre- G90 ; Ab'solute

mentaL program- G91 rncremental
ming (c90/c9l) G90 _ G91 _; Combined use
Change of work G92 IP'
coordinate -; -;

Initial point c98

return/R point I point c99
(c98, c99)
R point

Z point



Table 1 (a) Linear axis {in case of metric thread for feed screw and metric

Increment system
lou Standard o. 1u
Least input 0.01 0.001 0.000r
Least command 0.01 0. 001 0. 000 I

Max. programnable +999999.99 +99999.999 +9999.9999


Max. rapid 240,000 urm/min 100 , 000 rnrn/rnin 24,000 rnm/nin

traverse *l
Feedrate range *l I - 150,000 100,000 nrn/nln 12 , 000 nrn/urir

Step feed 0.01 , 0. 1, 1, 001, 0.01, 0.1,

l0rnm/ step
0 0 0001 , 0.001 ,
mur/step 0 0l, 0.1
rnm/ step

Tool compensation 0 - +999.99 +999.999

rnm 0 0 - 999.9999 rnrn

Backlash 0 - !2.55 m 0 *0. 255 nrn 0 - 10.255 urn


Dwe1l time 99999.999 99999.999 9999.9999

sec sec sec

Table 1 (b) Linear axis (in case of metric thread for feed screw and inch input)

Increment svstem
lou Standard o. 1u
Least input 0.001 inch 0.0001 inch 0.00001 inch

Least cornmand 0.01 0.001 0.0001

Max. programmable +99999.999 inches +9999.9999 inches -F393.70078 inch

Max. rapid 240 000 n'n/min 100 ,000 rnm/min 24'000 mm/min
traverse *1 '

Feedrate range *1 0.01 - 6,000 0.01 - 4,000

01 - 480
inch/nin inch/min
Step feed 0.001, 0.01, 0. 0.000r,0.001, 0 00001,0.0001
t{. 1 inch/step 0.01, 0. I lnch/srep 0 001 ,
0 .01
inch/ step
Tool compensation 0 - t99'.999 inches +99.9999 inches - 199 .99999
0 - ! +0.255 - +0.255 mn

Dwell tirne 99999.999 99999.999 9999.9999

sec sec sec




Table 1 (c) Linear axis (in case of inch thread for feed screw and inch input)

Increment svstem

Least input 0.00I inch 0.0001 inch 0.00001 inch

Least command 0.001 inch 0.000I inch 0.00001 inch
Max. programmable +99999.999 inches +9999.9999 inches +9999.9999 inch

Max. rapid 9,600 inch/rnin 4,000 inch/rnin 960 inch/urin

traverse *l
Feedrate range *1 0.01 - 6,000 0.01 - 4,000 0.01 - 480
inch/rnin inch/rnin inch/min

Step feed 0.001,0.01,0.i, 0.0001, 0.00I, 0.00001,0.0001,

I inch/step 0.0I, 0.1 inch/step 0.00r, 0.01
inch/ steP

Tool compensation - +99.999 inches 0 - t99.9999 inches 0 - +99.99999


Backlash - 40.255 inch 0 - +0.0255 inch 0 - +0.0255 inch


Dwell time o- 99999.999 0- 99999.999 0- 9999.9999

sec caa sec

Table 1 (d) Linear axis (in case of inch thread for feed screw and metric input)

Increment system
I0u Standard o. 1u
Least input 0.0r 0.00r 0.000 l
Least command 0.001 inch 0.0001 inch 0.00001 inch
Max. programmsflg +999999.999 +99999.999 19999.9999 uur

Max. rapid 9,600 inch/urin 4,000 inch/urin 960 inch/min

traverse *l
Feedrate range *1 - I50,000 - 100,000 - 12,000
rrn/min rnm/uin mm/min

Step feed 01, 0.1, 1, 10 0 001, 0.01, 0. t, 0 0001,0.001,

mrn/ s t ep I rnrn/ s tep 0 01, 0.I
nm/ s tep
Tool compensation +999.99 +999.999 - 999.9999

Backlash *0.255 inch +0.0255 inch - +0.0255 inch


Dwell tine 99999.999 99999.999 9999.9999

see sec sec

-!G qF

Table 1 (e) Rotation axis

Increment svstem
Standard 0.0001 deg

Least input increment 0.001 deg 0.0001 deg

Least command increment 0.001 deg 0.0001 deg

Max. prograromable dimension +99999.999 deg +9999.9999 deg

Max. rapid traverse *l 100,000 deg/min 24,000 deg/rnin
Feedrate range *l 1 - 100,000 deg/rnin L - L2,000 deg/min
Step feed 0.001, 0.0I, 0.1, 1 0.0001, 0.001 , 0.01, 0. I
deg/min deg/ scep

Backlash compensation 0 - +0.255 deg +0.255 deg

Note to Table f (a) - (e)

*l The feed rate range shown above are limitations depending on CNC
interpolation capacity. When ragarded as a whole system, limitations
depending on servo system must also be considered.





The leads of a thread are generally incorrect tn 61 and 62, as sholrn ln Fig, l,
due to automatic acceleratlon and deceleration.
Thus distance allowances must be made to the extent of d1 and 62 in the program.

. Fig. 1 Incorrect threaded length

1) 62 is deternlned by cutting speed V (nn/sec) and time constant (T1) of the

servo system as shown below.
62 = Tl . V (m) ..... ..... (1)
where T1 i-s in sec., and V is in nrn/sec.
v is determined by thread lead L and spindle speed R as shown below.
V = R (rpm) t (urn)/60
L (run) Lead of thread
R (rpn) ..... spindle-speed
o Time constant T, (sec.) of the servo system: Usually 0.033 sec.
2) How 61 is determined
The value of 61 is determined by cutting speed V in thread cuttlng, tlme
constant T1 for the servo system, and thread accuractttatt as shown below.
6r = {t - Tr * T1 exp (- f')i v (mm) (2)
, t.
a = exP ,- , . . o. . . . . . (3)
The lead at the beglnning of thread cutting is shorter than the specified
lead, L and the allowable lead error is AL.
a=T AL
when the value of rrarr is determlned, the time 1apse, t, until the thread
accuracy is attained can be calculated by formula (3) r The tine "t" is sub-
stituted in (2) to determlne 61. Constants V and T1 are determined in the
same eray as for 62.
Since the calculation of 61 is rather complex, a nomography is provided on
the following pages. Instructions on how to read the appropri.ate 6l value on
the nomography is shown below.

F. {G

,tr (V = lgpp/sec )

y: !Q6p/sec
y: dQ66/sec)

Tirne constant of servo system


First specify the cl4ss and the lead of a thread. The thread accuracy' a,
will be obtained at C, and depending on the time constant of cuEting feed
acceleration/dece1.r"iion, the 61 value when V = 10 urn/sec will be obtained
at @. Then, depending^on the speed of thread cutting the approach distance
O, witt be obtained ar @ for other speeds than 10 mm/sec.
(Note) The equation of 6-1, 62 is for when the acceleration/deceleratlon ti-me
constant for cutting feed ls 0.
Simple Calculation oll Incorrect Thread Length

L: Thread lead (rnm)

l) o, =
ffi to.)
. (-1-lna)
R: Spindle speed (rprn)
* I'Jhen time constant T of the servo
o, =#'. (-1-1na) = 6z
system is 0.033 sec. f

An t'att indicates the error allowances. And the "1-lna" follows as below. i

d - 1- lna (Exanple)

0.005 4.298 R = 350 rpn

0.01 3.. 60s a = 0.01
^ =ffi
Oz= = 0.194 nm
6l= 62 x 3.605 = 0.701
0 .02

J ,.1 .l
tl o a
6 -.t FI

dtr {{
;6 &d

^O o
@ Aa
N o
.ri o .!
-o d
Ea .9^ .E

,ui Gt E o
.9s E
o i""Ei'
rEc{6 6:
6zl 2 EeeE 3 Jhh9d
=a I z
>{r t-

.E d>
Ei; I

R\ q)

3 >:: I
: I
.!9s l-
-;3 ld
6 Ei
.,o- Ea I

'r il'

Ec lo
Ei: E
>J:r! o
@ I


I) Descriptfon
Inhen sLrvo system delay (by exponential acceleration/deceleration at cutting
or caused by the positioning systern when a servo motor is used) is accon-
panied by cornering, a slight deviation is produced between the tool path
(too1 center path) and the prograrmed path as shovm in Figure 2 (a).
Time constant T., of the exponential acceleration/deceleration is fixed to 0.


Programmed Path

Tool Path -

",f' Fig. 2 (a) Tool patch at cornering

This tool path is deternined by the following parameters:

a.) Feedrate (V r, .Yz)
b) Corner angle Gi
c) Exponential acceleration/deceleration time constant (Tr) at cutting (Tr=0)
d) Loop gain of positioning system
e) Presence or ab-.ence of buffer register l
The above parameters are'used to theoretically analyze the tool path. *
Itlhen actualJy programming, the above items must be considered and programrning t

must be performed carefully so that the shape of the workpiece is within the t
desired precision. i:
In other wo::ds, when the shape of the workpiece is not within the theoretical t
precision, the comrnands of the next block must not be read until the
conrnanded feedrate becomes zero. The dwell function is then used to stop the
machi-ne for the appropriate period
2) Analysis *
The tool path shor^m in Fig. 2 (b) is analyzed based on the following condi-
t ions

a) Feedrate is constant at the block before and afcer cornering.
i ,1


b) Thecontroller has a buffer reglster.
(Theerror differs with the reading speed of the tape reader, number of
characters of the next block, etc. )

Fig.2 (b) Gommand

(Conditions exPressions)
Yyz= V. sin q2
(Description of synbol)
V : Feedrate at the block before and after cornerlng
Vx1: X-axis comPonent of feedrate of preeeding block
, Vyr: Y-axis conPonent of feedrate of preeeding block
Yx2: X-axis comPonent of feedrate of following block
Vyit Y-axis comPonent of feedrate of followlng block
. 0 : Cornerangle
tt:. : Angle forned by comrnanded path dlrection of preceding block and X-axis
,!; : Angle forned by connanded path direction of following block and X-axis

Initial value calculation
-ttt" ittitial value at which cornering begins, that is, the X and Y coordinates at
the end of command distribution of the controller, is determined by the feedrate
and the positioning system time constant of the servo motor.

Fig. 2 (c) Initial value

Xs = Vx1 (Tl + T2) (I)

Y; vyi(r1 + 12) Q)
time eonstant. (=0)
fi, Exponential acceleration/deceleration(Inverse
Tz2 Tj-me constant of positioning system of position loop gain)
Tool path analYsis
Ttre equations below i.rePresent
direction and Y-axis direction.

vx(t) = (Vx2 - vxr) t r - #h; t'l - rt' exp,-

exP C-
d,} + vx1 l
Vxr. ,
'exP(-r,i) - 12 ' exp (- i)) (3)
vy(t) =ffi ttr. ""p (- d)l-tr.exp,-t'rr]+vyz (4)

Therefore, the coordinates of the tool path at time t are calculated from the
following equations:

x(r) = /f, v"(t)dt -xu

t', - ta'
Vx^ - Vxt
Tt -
{r? . exp (-
\41 exp (-
+ ] - vx2 (r1
Y(y) = ,ilU-Vv(t)dt
VY^ - VYr
{r? . exp ,- ,tJ - r? 'exp (- + ) - vyz (rt

When a servo motor is used, the positionlng system causes an error betyeen lnput
commands and outPut results. Since the tool advances along the cornnanded
segment' an error ls not produced ln linear lnterpolation, but when especially
high speed cutting is performed in circular interpolation, an error is produced
in the radius dlrectlon. This error can be sumnarized as follows:

Ar: Maximum radius error (m)

v: Feedrate (m/sec)
r: Circle radlus (m)
Tl: Exponentlal acceleration/deceleration time constant (sec) at cutting (=0)
Tzi Time constant of posltlonlng system (sec). (Inverse of position loop gain)

since the machining radlus r (m) and allowable error Ar (rm) of the workpiece
ls given in actual machining, the allowable lirnit feedrate y (m/sec) ls deter-
mined by equation (1).
Since the acceleratlon/deceleration time constant at cutting which ls set by
this equipment varies with the machine tool, refer to the machine tool builder's
i.nstruction manual.



If a loop of punched tape is to be rnade or tape is broken or in similar cases,

two tape sections must be joined. Join these tape sections as described below.
a) Butt the two tape sections and paste them together, placing the section on
the side on which the tape is fed' on top of the other.
b) The joint at which the two tape sections overlap must be approx. 3 pitches.
, 3 pitches

Less than 0.270 mm

Direction of feed

c) l'lake sure the punched holes of the overlapped cape sections at the joi-nt are
correctly aligned. IIse special care with the feed holes.

d) Trin both edges of the joint to smooth them.


e) Ilake sure punched holes are not clogged up with the paste.


Parameter (No. 045,. CLER) sets whether clear condition by reset or reset
: condition.
o: The status is not changed or the movement is continued.
x: The status is cancelled or the movement is interrupted.

I tem
When turning power
When reset When clear

serrinE Offset value o o o

Data set by the o o o
MDI setting
Parameter o o o

Other Programs in o o o
Contents in the x o: MDI mode x
buffer storage x: Other mode

Display of x o (Note 1) o (Note 1)

sequence number

One shot G code X x x

I"lodal G code Initial G codes. Inirial G

(For G20 and G21 codes.
the one eftectivi (G20 and G21
before cutting are noE
off the power is changed. )
F Zero o Zeto

S, T, M x o o

Repetition x x x

Work ccordinate value Zero o o

Action Movement x x x
ation Dwe11 x x x

Issuance of M,S x x x
and T codes a

Tool length x o: MDI mode Depending on

compensat ion Other modes Parameter
depend on para-
meter "RS43".

When turning power
When reset When clear

Action Cutter x o: MDI mode x

in compensation x: Other mode
ation Storing called x o: MDI mode x (Note 2)
x: Other mode

output ALM Extinguishes if Extinguishes if Extingui shes

there is no cause there is no cause if there is no
for for the alarm for the alarm cause for the
indi- |

(Lights in
emergency stop)
(Llghts in
emergency stoP)
BUF Extinguishes o: MDI mode Extinguishes
x: Other mode

RETURN COMPLE- (x: Emergency (x: EmergencY
TION LED stop) stop)
S, T and B codes x o o

I'1 code x x x

M,SandT x x x
strobe signals
Spindle revolu- o o o
tion signal
(S analog
CNC ready signal ON o o

Servo ready 0N (When other 0N (When other ON (When other

signal than servo alarm) than servo alarm) than servo
.START x x



(Note 1) When heading is performed; the main Program number is displaYed.

(Note 2) When a reset is performed during execution of a subprogram, execution
returns to Ehe head of Ehe main program. Execution cannot be started
. frsrn the middle of the subprogram.


's. I

1) Press the "PARAM" k"y to select a parameter screen.
2) Key in Address No.
3) Press cursor key or page key to change the screen instead of Address No;
Set parameters to 0 without fail, if their usage is not specified in the
following detailed description.
Parameters dontt always function unless the CNC function (option) is provided, i

even if their usage is specified. Confirm which paraueter options 3re mounted ,l

in advance. 'I
Note) The name of parameters on upper side are used for only T series: CNC
e'. 1

f or__Tutning machine (0-TB,..-00-_TB) , the names of Parameters on l


are used for only M series: CNC for Machining center (0-l[B, I

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

Bit No.

RDRN 1: Dry run is effective for rapid traverse.

0: Dry run is not effective for rapid traverse.
DECI 1: Declaration signal "1" in reference point retu;n
indicates deceleration.
oRc 1: Offset value becomes a radius designatlon.
0: Offset value becomes a diameter designation.
IOF l: Offset value is input in incremental value.
it 0: Offset value is input in absolute value.

TOC 1: Offset is cancelled by reset button.

0: Offset it not cancelled by reset button.
RS43 1: Offset vectof in G43, G44 rernains in reset state.
0: Offset vector in G43, G44 is cleared in reset state.
DCS 1: Pushing the START button on the MDI panel directly
actuate the CNC start without going through the
machine side (MDI mode only)
0: Pushing the START button on the MDI panel issues
the signal to the machine side. The CNC start is I

actuated when the CNC receives the start signal

from machine side. \

't' F'

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

PROD 1: Displays progranmed position in current value

displaying for U and W.
0: Displays actual posi-tion.
scI\I 1: Less command increment is input in inch system.
(Machine tool: inch 'systern)
0: Less command ingrement is input in metric system.
(Machine tool: mm system)
If you want to change this parameter, turn off


0 o 0 2 l


Bir No.

NFED 1: Feed is not output before and after progran is Ine Daucl ,
output by using the reader/puncher interface. rate is
(Sg.!_ "1" f or FANUC cassette. ) set with *J
0: reEl*ii o"tp"t befd;;;"-a*"ii"r program is ourpur parame ter .i
by using the reader/puncher interface. No. 0552.
(Effectiver(rhen the setting parameter I/O is 0.)
TJHD t: Handle feed in the TEACH IN JOG node by manual
pulse generator is possible.
O: Handle feed in the TEACH IN JOG mode by manual
pulse generator is not possible
HSLE When the manual pulse generators are provided for
two axis, the axis selecting signal is valid
(When the axis selecting signal is off, the manual
pulse generators can not operate.)
0: When the uianual pulse generators are provided for
(The axis whose manual pulse generator is rotated
is moved regardless of the axis selecting signal.)
(Note) When one manual pulse generatgr is provided,
set 0 to this parametei
PI'O(Y2, I The shift direction in canned cycles G76, GBl .

Pldff2 PlorYl Shift direction

0 0 +x

0 i -X
0 0 '1- I

I I -Y



Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

ARS33 I: The 2OmA current interface is used as the reader/

puncher interface.
0: FANUC PPR, FANUC cassette, or portable tape reader
are used as the reader/punch interface. (Effective
when the setting parameter I/O is 0..)

PPD I: The relative coordinate value is preset when the

coordinate system is set.
0: The relative coordinate value is not preset when
the coordinate system is set
STP2 1: In the reader/puncher interface, the stop bit is
set by 2 bits
0: In the reader/puncher i_nterfaee, the stop bit is f
set by I bit.
(Effective when the setting parameter I/O is 0.)

PSG2 PSGl OVRI. zt{,4 zM3 ZI,4Z ztfi.

0 0 0 3
HSLE TLCP GST OVRI zyw zlu ZI,[Y ztff.
Bir No. 7 6 s43 2l
PSG2, 1 Gear ratio of splndle and position coder.

Magnification PSG2 PSGI

xl 0 0

x2 0 I
x4 1 0

x8 I I

Magnification r= Number.of position coder rotation

I{SLE l: When the manual pulse generators are provided for
three axes, the axis selecting signal is valid.
(When the axis selecting signal is off, the manual
pulse generators can not operate.)
0: When the manual pulse generators are provided for
three axes, the axis selecting signal is invalid.
(The axis whose manual pulse generator is rotated
is moved regdrdless of the axis selegting signal.)
(When one or two manual pulse generators are
provided, see ttOtt to Ehis parameter. )

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

TLCP I: The tool length offset is perforrned in the axis

direction being normal to the plane specified by
plane selection (G17, G1B, c19)
(Tool length offset B).
0: The tool length offset is performed in the Z axis
irrespective of plane selection.
(Too1 length offset A).

GST t: Gear shift is performed by SOR signal when S analog

is outputted. (Spindle speed is constant)
0: Spindle orientation is performed by SOR signal when
S analog is outputted. (Spindle speed is constant)

OVRI Setting values 0 and I can determine the direction

in which the override value increase. See table 6
(a) in following page for details.
21"ff, z\N The reference point return direction and the back-
zl4z, zl44 lash initial direction at power on for X, Y, Z and
(0M) 4th axis in order.
l: Mlnus
0: Plus
(Note) file Uactfash compensation is inirially
performed when the axis moves in the
opposite direction against the direction
which is set by this parameter after the
po\^rer is turned on.

zux, zttz The reference poi-nt return direction and the back-
ztq3, zl{,4 lash initial direction at power on for X, Z, 3rd and
(0r) and 4th axis i-n order.
l: Minus
0: Plus

Pararneter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

Table 6 (a) Relationship between Overrlde Signals and Override


Parameter OVRI=0 Parameter OVRI=l

Contact status on Manual I'tanual
Machine side Over- continue Over- continue
ride feedrate ride feedrate
kov I *ov2 *ov4 :tovt Metric Inch Me tric Inch
svstem svs t en svstem sys ten
0 0 L2 6 0 50
07" nm/ inchl 1507" nm/ inch/
min min min min
10 2.0 0. 0t 140 790 30
o 20 3.2 0.1 130 500 20
o o 30 5.0 0.2 L20 320 L2
o 40 70 0.3 tl0 200 8.0
o o 50 t2.6 0.5 100 LZA ).u
o 60 20 0.8 90 79 3.0
o o o 70 30 L.2 80 50 JA
tr o 80 50 z.o 70 32 1')
J o o 90 79 3.0 60 20 0.8
o o I00. r26 5.0 50 12.6 0.5
t o o 110 200 8.0 40 7.9 0.3
tti o o 120 320 t2 30 5.0 0.2
o o o 130 500 20 20 3.2 0.1
o o o 140 790 30 t0 2.0 0. 0i
.o o o 150 r260 50 0 0 0

(Note 1) o indicates signal is open and blank indicates signal

is closed.
(Noce 2) When the override switch is changed during axis move-
ment, the axis moves at the new speed.
(Note 3) Generally, this signal is designated by the override
(Note 4) In the above table, the speed error is +32.

- 371 -
Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 0 0 .+


Bir No.

0 0 0 5

Bir No.

Dl,lR3 GRD3
0 0 0 6

Bit No.

0 0 0 7

Bir No.

DMRX to DMR4 Setting of detecrive mulriplier

Setting code
Detective rnultiplier

654 Analogue servo Digital servo

0 0 0 r/2 r/2
0 0 I I I
0 I 0 I 3/2
0 1 I 2 2
t 0 0 3/2 s/2
I 0 I 3 5
0 2 7 /2
I I I 4 4

GRDX to GRD4 Capacity of reference counrer

Capacity of reference counter

Setting code
Except for 0.lU 0. lU detector
3210 Analogue servo detector for for Digital
Digital servo servo
0 0 0 0 1000 10000
0 0 0 I 2000 2000 20000
0 0 1 0 3000 3000 30000
0 0 I I 4000 4000 40000
0 I 0 0 5000 5000 50000
0 I 0 I 6000 6000 60000
0 I I 0 7000 7 0000
0 1 I I 8000 8000 80000
I 0 0 0 9000 90000
I 0 0 I 10000 10000 r00000
I 0 I 0 I 1000 r 10000
I 0 I I I 2000 I 20000
I I 0 0 I 3000 I 30000
I I 0 I 14000 140000
I 1 I 0 15000 r 50000
I I I I I 6000 t 60000

Relationship among DMR, CMR and GRD. (In case of System series T)

Metric system

l,loving distance Counting Command Detect multiply Capacity of

per I revolu- (de tec tion) nult iply ratio (DMR)
Axis unit ratio Pulse Pulse Pulse
tion of motor counter
(Pulse coder) (um) (cm1 2000 2500 3000
X I | /0.5 4 6000
12 mm ,t
z 1 I 4 6000
X r/0.5 .I 10000 *I
10 mn
Z I I 4 10000 *

X I r /o.s 4 8000 '&
z I 1 4 8000

X 1/0. s t zl'+ 6000

Z I I 3 2 6000

X 1i0.s t 2/4 5000/ 10000

5 nrm
z tI I 2 5000

X 1/0.s I 2/4 4000/8000

L I 2 4000

X | /0.s 1 L.5 /3 r/2 3000 / 6000

, I I 1.5 I 3000

X 1/0.s I I r/2 2000 / 4000

2 ntm
Z I I 1
r 2000

X 0.5 2/r I 2000

X 0.5 2 I 2000

Note 1) In thq above table, right side value is in diameter designati-on, and
lett eiae value is in radius designation in X axis.
Note ?\ Data in the above table is standard. Command and detect multiplY
ratio can be changed, but in that case there is limit for maximum

- 374 -
Relationship among DMR, CMR, and GRD. (In case of series T)
Inch svstem
ltoving distance Count ing Command Detect rnultiply Capacity of
per I revolu- Axis
(de tec tion) urultiply rario (DlR) reference
tion of motor unit ratio Pulse Pu I SE Pulse
(Pulse coder) ( 10-4) (CMR) 2000 2500 3000
X 1/0. s I 3 2l+ 6000
0.6 inch
Z I t 3 2 6000

l\ r /o.s I 2/a s000/ r0000

0.5 inch
Z I I 2 5000

X L/0.s I 2/4 4000/8000

0.4 inch
Z I I 2 4000

x r/0.s I L.s /3 r/2 3000/6000

0.3 inch
z I I t\ I

x L /O.s I r/2 5000

0.25 lnch
L 0.5 n
L 2 5000

X r/0.s I r/2 2000/4000

0.2 inch
t I 2000

X 0.5 2 I.5 I 3000

0.15 inch
Z 0.5 2 1.5 t 3000

x 0.5 2 I 2000
0. I inch
7 0.5 2 I 2000

Note r) In the above tab1e, right side value is in diameter designation, left
side value is in radius designation in X axis.
Note L) Data in the above table is standard. Conunand and detect nultiply
ratio can be changed, but in that case there is limit for naximum

- 375 '-
Relationship anong DMR, CMR and GRD. (In case of series M)

Metric system

oving distance Counting Command Detect nultiply

er I revolu- (detection) mult iply ratio (DMR) Capaclty 1,1
re f eretr1,1,
ion of motor unit rat io Pulse Pulse Pulse
Pulse coder) (um) (CMR) 2000 2500 3000
12 mm I 4 6000

l0 mm i 2 4 r0000

8mm 1
I t 4 8000

6mm I I 3 2 6000

5mm I rI 2 5000

4m- I I 2 4000

3mm I I
I t.5 I 3000

2mm I I I 2000
lmm 0.5 L I 2000

Note l) Data in the above table is standard. Command and detect multiply :'ij
ratio can be changed, but in that case there is linit for maximuur r:.-

feedrate. .'.

Inch system
Moving dj-stance Counting Command Detect rnultiply
per I revolu- (detection) roult iply ratio (DlR) Capacitv of
tion of motor unit ratio Pulse Pulse Pu 1 S
(Pulse coder) ( 1o-+r; (cl,IR) 2000 2500 3000
0.6 inch i I 3 2 6000

0. 5 inch I I 5000

0.4 inch I 2 4000

0. 3 inch I I 1 3000

0.25 inch . 0.5 2 2 5000

0.2 inch 1 1 2000

0. 15 inch 0.5 1
I 3000

0. I inch 0.5 2 1 2000

Note 1) Data in the above table is standard. Comrand and detect mult ip ly-
ratio can be changed, but in that case there is lirnit for maximun

- 376 -
Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 0 8

BiE No.

I EILK l: Interlock is performed for each axis.
(FANUC PMC-MODEL L is necessary.)
i 0: Interlock is performed for all axes or for Z axis
(it needs that No. 012 ZILK=I) on1y.
NOFC l: Offset counter input is not used.
0: Offset counter input is used.
OTZN I: Z axis sEored strok check is not done.
0: Z axis stored strok check is done.
ROVE 1: Rapid traverse override signal ROV2 is noE
effective. (1002, Fo)
0: Rapid traverse override signal R0V2 is effective.
( 100%, 507., .257" Fo)

}MPR 1: Manual synchronous feed is done.

0: Manual synchronous feed is not done.
ADW2, ADI4I1 Name of the 4th axis


0 0 0 A

n 0 I B

0 I 0 c

0 I I
t U

I 0 0 V

1 0 I w

I t 0 t\

t I I A

-377 -
Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 0 0 9

Bit No. 43,2 l0

TMF Time from M, S, T code issue to MF, SF, TF issue.
Setting range 16 to 256 msec. (16 msec increment)
TFIN Time of reception width of FIN.
Setting range 16 to 256 usec. (16 sec increment).

T code


Fl! signal is ignored, because X < T FIN

l6 msec More than 16 msec 0 0 0 0

32 msec More than 32 msec 0 ,0 0 t

48 msec More than 48 msec 0 0 I 0

64 msec More than 64 msec 0 0 1 I

80 msec More than 80 msec 0 I 0 0

96 msec More than 96 msec 0 I 0 1


1 12 msec More than l12 msec 0 I

I 0

128 msec Mcre than 128 msec 0 t I I

144 msec More than 144 msec I

0 0 0

160 msec More than 160 rnsec 1 0 0 II

I 76 msec More than 176 rnsec I 0 I 0

192 msec More than 192 msec I 0 t

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series; Lower : M series) Remarks

208 msec More than 208 msec I I 0 0

224 msec More than 224 rnsec I 1 0 I

240 msec More than 240 msec I I I 0

256 rnsec More than 256 msec I

I 1 I I


0 0 I 0

Bir No.

APRS l: Aut.omatic coordinat.e system setting is conducted

when manual reference point return is performed.
0: Automatic co.ordinate svstem setting is not

WSFT I: The di-rect measured value input for tool offset is

set in the work shift memory.
0: The work coordinate system is not shifted.
DOFSI l: The direct measured value input for tool offset is
0: The direct measured value input for tool offset is
PRG9 1: The subprograms with program number 9000 to 9999
are protected. The following edit function are
(l) Deletion of program
When the deletion of all programs is
specified, the programs with program number
9000 to 9999 are nor delered.
(2) Punch of program
These subprograms are not punched out when
the punch of all programs is specified.
(3) Program number search.

(4) Edit of program after registration.



Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series ' Lo\iter : !1 series) Remarks

llowever, the followings are possible.

(1) Registration of Program
Registration by MDI key and through paper
(2) Collation of program
(Note) These programs are not normally indicated,
because program number search is disabled
in the EDIT rnode. However, it maY be
indicdted when protected programs alone
remain in the memory after deletion of al-l
programs, for example, or when a protected
subprogram is interrupted while it is
running, by a single block stop and the
EDIT rnode is set in. In such a case, the
program edit is abled.

0: The subprograms with program number 9000 to 9999

can also be dated.
OFFVY 1: Servo afarm ls not actuated when VRDY is on before
PRDY is output.
n. Servo alarm is actuated when VRDY is on before PRDY
is output.
EBCL 1: In the display of the nto*t"t stored in the memorlr
the EOB code is indicated by * (asterisk).
0: In the display of the program stored in the memorlr
the EOB code is indicated by; (semicolon).
ISOT l. Rapid traverse is effective even when reference
point return is not conducted after turning the
power on.
0: Rapid traverse is invalid unless reference point
return is conducted after turning the power on.


0 0 I I

Bit No. 543 2L0

MCINP 1: Program input is started with the data input
external start signal MINP.
0: Program input is not started with the data input
external start signal MINP.

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

c0t l: GOl mode when power is on.

0: G00 mode when power is on.

SBKM 1: Machine is stopped in single block skip by macro'

0: Machine is not stopped in single block skip by
macro command.
(usua1ly set rr0'f)
MCF l: EF (external operation slgnaL) is output when G8l
positioning is completed.
0: EF (external operation signal) is not output when
G81 positioning is not completed.

ADNW l: Select B type for feed rate.

0: Select A type for feed rate.
(A type)
(1) JoG feed rate
JOG feed rate of additional axis is the same AS
that of basic axes.
(2) Cutting feed upper lirnit feed rate
Tangential speed is clamped at. parameter value
for a1l axis.
(B type) ,

(1) JOG feed rate

JOG feed rates of basic axes and rotary axis can
be set by different parameter (No. 565, 566).
When an additional axis is moved with another axis
in simultaneously 2 or more axes control, feed rate
is the same as that of another axes.
(2) Cutting feed upper liurit feed rate
When command linear interpolation including
addit.ional axis, (G01), clamp each axis feed rate at
smaller than the setting value j-n another parameter
(No. 567). In circular interpolation, tangential
speed i,s clamped at parameter value.
(Sane as A type)

(3) Minimum rapid traverse rate (Fo)

0n1y additional axis is set by another parameter.
(No. 0568)
(4) Low feedrate (FL) additional axis at reference
point return is seE to another parameter.

Parameter No. parameter (upper : T series, Lower
: M series) Remarks

ADLN 1: 4th axis is used as a linear axis.

0: 4th axis is used as a rotary axis.
When 4th axis is used as linear axis, there are
following restrictions.
1) Circular interpolation including the 4th axis
cannot be performed.
2) Cutter compensation B/C in the 4th axis
3) Tool length compensation in the 4th axis cannot
be applied.
PML2, t Pitch error compensation magnification.
The value, with this magni.fication multiplied
set compensation value, is outDut. to the

PML2 PMLl Magnification

0 0 X1

0 I x2
I Fo
I I X8

(Cornmon to all axes)

0 0 I 2

Bir No.

NFED 1: Feed is not output before and after the progran

outPut by using the reader/puncher interface. is Baudrate
(Set to "1" when FANUC is set by
"""""tt" is used.) parameter
0: Feed is_ output before and after the program is
by using rhe reader/puncher interface. No. 0553.
(Effective when the setting parameter I/O is 1.)
G84S Type B is effective in canned cycle G74
and GB4
with S analog voltage output.
Type A is effective in canned cycle G74
and Gg4 '
with S analog voltage output.
(See connecting manual for type A/B.)

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

I: In canned cycle G76 and G87, the oriented spindle

stop is performed without outputting M05.
0: In canned cycle G76 and G87, the oriented spindle
stop is performed after outputting M05.


In canned cycle G74 or G84, spindte CH/CCW
rotation is performed without M05 code output.
In canned cycle G74 or G84, spindle CW/CCW
rotation is performed afcer M05 signal output.
The 2OmA currerlt Lnterface ls used as the reader/
puncher interface.
o: FANUC PRR, FANUC cassette, or portable tape reader
are used as the reader/puncher interface. .-
(Effective when the setting parameter I/O is 1.)
ZTLK 1: Interlock is effective only for Z axis. Relative
0: Interlock is effective for all axes. parameter is
1: In the reader/puncher interface, the stop bit 1S
set by 2 bits.
0: In the reader/puncher interface, the stop bit ls
set by I bit.
(Effective when the setting parameter I/O is 1.)


0 0 t 3

Bit No.

TCW, CWM Output code at S analog output.

TCI,J cI.]M Output code

0 0 Plus ouEpuE for both M03 and M04.

0 I Minus output for both !103 and M04

Plus output for M03, uinus output for
Minus output for M03, plus output for

0Rct^l 1: Minus output in orientation S analog output.

0: Plus output in orientation S analog output.

.::,* i$i

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

INHMN l: The menu ls not indicated even r^rhen the menu a

programrning option is provided.
0: The menu is indicated when the menu programming
option is provided.
GOFC l: The tool geometry offset is also cancelled with
the designation of offset No. 0.
0: The tool geometry offset is not cancelled with the
designation of offset No. 0.
GMOFS 1: The tool geometry offset is cancelled with vector
processing, i.e. tool movement.
0: The tool geometry offset is conducted by the
shifting of the coordinate system.
GOFU2 l: The geornetry offset number is designated by two
high order digits of the T code.
0: The geometry offset number is designated by the
two low order digits of the T code.
JHD 1: The manual pulse generator is valid in JOG mode.
0: The manual pulse generator is invalid in JOG mode.


0 0 I 4

Bit No. 3210

T2T4 I: the T code is designated with a 2-digit value,
I,ltren Parameter
it is regarded that the two high order digits are No. 014:
equal to the two low order digits and the T code is ir is
set to the 4-digit value. e ffec t ive
0: When the T code is designated with a 2-digit value, only when
the two high order digits are regarded as 00, and T2D=0
the T code is set to the 4-digit value.
WIGA 1: Setting of the tool wear offset amount ls lirnited
to incremental designation, and the setting of the
tool geometry offset amount is lirnited to absolute
de s ignation.
0;. The incremental and absolute designations are
possible for both tool wear offset amount and tool
geometry offset amount.

OFSB 1: Tool offset is conducted tosether with axis

o: Tool offset is conducted by the T code block.
(The tool geometry offset by the shifting of the
coordinate system is conducted by the T code block
regardless of this parameter.)

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

STDP t: The actual spindle speed and the code are always
0: The actual spindle speed and the T code are not
always displayed.
GMCL 1: Cancels the tool geometry offset vector by resetting.
0: Does not cancel the tool figure correction vector by
T2D t: T code is specified in 2-digits.
0: T code is specified in 4-digits.


0 0 I 5

Bit No. 2

CPRD l. Unit is set to mm, inch or sec. When the decimal

point is omitted in the address for which the
decinal point can be used.
0: The least input increment is set when the decimal
point is omitted in the address for which Ehe
decimal point can be used.
REP 1: When the program with same program nuuber in the
memory is registered through interface, the altarm
does not occur and the registered reader/puncher
program is replaced.
n. When the program with same program number in the
memory is registered through reader/puncher
interface, the alarm occurs.
PRWD I: Rewind signal is output by portable tape reader.
0: Rewind signal is noE output by portable tape
'I .
MORB The direct neasured value input for tool offset and
work coordinate system shift is performed by
retracting both 2 axes after cutting and pushing the
RECORD button.
(FANUC PMC-L/M is necessary for this function.)
n. The button is not provided for direct measured
value input.
Lr42 t: Makes valid stroke limit 2 switching signal
(EXrM2 Gr29.6).
0: Makes invalid stroke limit 2 switching signal
(EXLM2 Gr29.6) .

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T serles, Lower : M series) Remarks

1: Dry run, overri-de and automatic acceleration/

deceleration is effective in skip function (G3l).
0: Dry run, override and automatic acceleration/
deceleration is ineffective in skip function (G31).
RILK 1: Interlock processing is done at htgh speed.
(FANUC PMC-MODEL L or M is necessary. )
0: Normal interlock processing is done.
NWCH 1: The character "W" is not displayed at the left
side of the offset No. in wear offset value
0: The character "I'1" is displayed at the left side of
the offset No. in wear offset value display.
't. The cursor does not blink.
0: The cursor blinks.


0 0 1 6

Bir No. 7 6 5 4 3 2 r 0

MDEC 1: M code is output in decode signal. (not available)

0: M code is ouEpur in BCD 2 digits.
NPRD 1: Input and display with decimal point is ineffectlve.
0: Input and display with decimal point is effective.
SUPM 1: Start-up B type is effective i-n cutEer compensation *

0: Start-up type is effective in cutter compensation C.

For details of start-up, refer to operatorts manual.
RST}ts 1: B group decode M signal (M21A, 1422A) is cleared by
reset. (not. available)
0: A group decode M signal is not cleared by rest.
RSTMA 1.: A group decode M signal (MflA-Al38) is cleared by
reset. (not available)
0: A group decode 11 signal is not cleared by reset.

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lo\rer : M series) Remarks


0 0 I 7

Bit No.

OPGT I: Feed hold is effected with the software operatorrs

0: Feed hold is not effected with the software
operaEorts panel.
OPG6 I: Protect key is actuated with the software
operatorts panel
0: Protect key is not actuated with the software
operatort s panel.
OPG5 1: Optional block skip, single block, machine 1ock
and dry run switches are actuated with the software
operatorrs panel.
0: The above switches are not actuated with the sofc-
rdare operatorf s pane1.

OPG4 1: Jog feed rate, override, and rapid traverse

override switches are actuated with the software
operatorts panel.
0: The above switches are not actuated with the
software operatorts panel .

OPG3 1: Axis select (IIX, Hy, HZ) and magnification (x10,

x100) switches for manual pulse generator are
actuated with the software operatorts panel.
0: The above switches are not actuated with the
software3 operatorrs panel.
OPG2 I: Jog feed axis select and jog rapid traverse buttons
are actuated with the software operatorrs panel.
' 0: The above buttons are not actuated with the
software operatorts panel.
OPGl l: Mode select (MDl to MD4, ZRN) is conducted from
the software operatorts panel.
n. Mode select is not conducted from the software
operatorrs panel.
(Note) The above parameters are effective only when
the optional software operatorts panel is


Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 0 1

Bit No. 7 6 5 4 3 2 | 0

EDITB l: Editing on standard keyboard shal1 be editing

oPeration B, 1'
0: EdiEing operation shall be as specifie{ in standard a

TVC I: TV check at the conment.
0: No TV check at the comment
SQTYP 1: The program restart method should be R type. (not
0: The program restart meEhod should be P or Q type.
N)O{P2, 1: Handle feed magnification xl00 is ineffective for
NYI'IP2, X, Y, Z and 4th axes' resPectivelY.
NZMP2, 0: Handlerfeed rnagnif icati-on x100 is ef fective for X,
NZMP4 Y, Z and 4t.h axis' resPectivelY.
(Note) The magnification of an axis whose rnagnifi-
cation xl00 is ineffective becomes xl or x10
by signal MPI.
MPl=0:x I


0 n I 9

Bit No, J

DBCD 1: In the diagnosis display' the timer counter data is

displayed in decimal.
n. The diagnosis display is d isplayed in binary as
NEOP l: M02, M30 and M99 command the end of registration
into part program storage editing area.
0: M02, M30 and M99 do not command the end of
registration into part program storage editing area.
MO2NR I: Return to the head of program after executing M02.
O: Do not return to the head of program after
executing M02.

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series Lower : M series) Remarks

SRGTP l. G135.0 is used for the rigid tap selection signal.

0: G123. I is used for the rigid tap selection signal.

1: Diameter designated for Z axis (Disable).

0: Radius designated for Z axis.
XRC 1: X-axis is rad.ius desi-gnati.on.
0: X-axis is dianeter desi_gnation.
DC4 l. Diameter designated for 4th axis (Disable).
0: Radius designated for 4th axis
C4NG t: 4th axis neglect signal is valid
0: 4th axis neglect signal is invalid.
DC3 t: Diameter designated for 3rd axis (Disable).
0: Radius designated for 3rd axis.
MHPGB I: Multi-handle function is specification B.
0: Multi-handle function is specification A.
(For specification A/B, see connecting manual.)

0 0 2 0

Bir No. to
SFOUT 1. SF is output in S4/5 digit even if gear change
is not performed.
0: SF is output in S4/5 digit on changing a gear.

NCIPS 1: In deceleration, the control proceeds to Ehe next

block after the specified speed has become zero.
The control does not confirm that the machine
position meets a specified position. (No inposition
checking) .
0: The control proceeds to the next block after the
spcified speed has become zero and confirms that the
machine position has reached the specified position
in deceleration. (Inposition ckecking).
BCD3 l. B code is 3-digit output.
0: B code is 6-digir output.

ma .re: l

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 0 2 I

Bit No. 16 *
APCX, 1: When absolute pulse coder detector is optioned.
Y, Z, 0: When absolute oulse coder detector is not optioned

0 0 2 2

Bit No. I
A3SX, l: Reference point position in absolute Pulse coder &

Y, Z, se ttled . {
4 0: Referepce point position in absolute pulse coder is
not settled.
(It is automatically set to "1" when manual
reference point return is executed. Do not change
the setting without changing the detecEor')
Set "0" without fail when primary field
installation and adjustment and when position
detector exchanging. And execute manual reference
point return after Power on/off.


0 L


Bir No. 5432 I


DITA CRT screen ls displayed in Italian.

DCHI CRT screen is displayed in Chinese (ROC) -

DFRN CRT screen is displayed in French

DGRM CRT scteen is displayed in German.

DJPN CRT screen is displayed in JaPanese.

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks


0 0 2 .+


Bit No. 765

Data format: Bit
EDILK 1: Interlock signal per axis direction is va1id.
0: Interlock signal per axis direction is invalid.
QNr 1: Automatic selection of tool offset number is done
during offset writing mode.
0: Automatic selection of tool offset number is not
done during offset writing mode.

NEGWSF 1: When work shift amount is input in incremental

system, sign is eonverted and input to memory.
0: When work shift amount is input in incremental
systen, sign is not converted. (Usual)
UWKZ I. When the work zero point offset value is modified'
absolute coordinate value is changed at once.
(Not available)
0: After modification, the absolute coordinate value
is updated at the initial preProcessing.
INOUT 1: Outside of the 2nd stored stroke lirnit is set to
the forbidden area.
0: Inside of the 2nd stored stroke lirnit is set to
the forbidden area.
GNSR 1: ,Progranmedposition is drawn in graphic function.
0: Actual position where tool nose radius compensation
is thought in is dravm in graphic function.
SCTO 1: Spindle speed reach signal is checked.
0: Spindle speed reach signal is not checked.
LIIlO 1: Inputting/Outputting unit is 0.01 unn/O.001 inch.
0: Inputting/Outputting unit is 0.001 mrn/0.0001 inch-

IGNPMC 1. Control by PMC is made ineffective.

(Same as without PMC)
F 0: Control by PMC is made effective
0 0 L 8

Blr No.

- 391 -

Paraneter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

PSGl, 2 Gear ratio of spindle and position coder

Scale factor PSG2 PSGI

xl 0 0

x2 0 I

x4 I 0

x8 I I

RSFT 1: value is entered with a radius value in work

coordinate system shift.
0: lD( value is entered with a diameter value in work
coordinate system shift.
(It is valid only when radius designation XRC=I.)
EXlOD 1: External work coordinate svstem shift function:
1O times the input value to the
external work zero point offset value.
0: The inpu= value corresponds to the external work
zero point offset value
EXTS 1: Search by external program No. search (01 to 0999
0: Search by external work No. search (01 to 015

DACTF 1: Actual speed is displayed on the current position

display screen and program check screen.
0: Not displayed.
M}!DL 1: Modal status is displayed in MDI operation B.
0: Modal status is not displayed in MDI operation B.


On the program check screen, a message fron
is displayed. (not available)
The remaining motion is displayed
PRCPOS I: On the program check screen, the absolute
coordj-nates are displayed.
0: The relative coordinates are displaved.

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks


0 0 2 9

Bit No.

DSPSUB t: Displays 5th/6th axis current positions for PMC axis

0: Does not display 5th/6th axis current positions for
PMC axis. The axis name is in accordance with the
parameters (No. 7130, 7131).
ADRC 1: Use ttlil or tfKtr, not ttCtt for the address in
chamfering and corner radius (R). For the addresses
used for direct drawing dimension prograrnming, use
tt,Ctt and ttrRtt (a eonma is put before C
and R).
0: For the address in chamfering, corner R, and direct
drawing dimension programmingr use ttCtt and |tRtt as
per the standard specification.
(3rd axis cannot be used with address "C".)
c60x - 4 Specify the approach direction in the unidirectional
positioning of X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis and 4th in
I: Minus direction
0: Plus direction
DSP3 - 4 The current position of 3rd and 4th axes is dis-
played in sequence.
l: The present position is displayed.
0: The present position is not displayed.

0 0 3 0

Bit No.

ADW30, 40 The nane of 3rd and 4th axes is specified in

1: The name is C and the Y axis control is used.
0: The name is B.

It, | ,,fr,,
, uoo . Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Reuarke
t'ACl: Axis setting for PMC axis control

EACl EACO ConErolled axis

0 0 4th axis
0 I X axis
I 0 Y axis
I 1 Z axis


"l,' l,E

11o. 1

l. At the time of reference point return, Cf axis
relative coordinate value is cleared.
n. At the time of reference point return, Cf axis
relatiye coordinate value is not cleared.
l: Even in the turning mode (signal COFF is closed) in
Cf axis control, the feedback pulse from the
position detector becomes effective.
o: The feedback pulse in the turning mode in Cf axis
control becomes invalid.
t: Signals DRN, GRl, GR2 are set to Gl23 (DGN 123) of
PMC address.
tl. Signals DRN, GRl, GR2 are set ro cl18 (DGN 118)
(standard specif ications) .
t; In the deep hole drilling cycle (G83, c87), the
tool returns to R point level in the course of
drilling. (B type)
t|: In the deep hole drilling cycle (G83, G87), the
tool returns by the retract amount in the course
of drilling. (Type A)
t. In the drilling cycle, the init ia1 point level is
updated by resetting.
tl. In the drilling cycle, no init ial point level is
updated by resetting.
^l,ll t. In the tapping cyele, M05 is sent out first when
the spindle rotates CW and CCW.
lt: In the tapping cycle, I'103 and M04 are sent out when
the spindle rotates CW and CCW.

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

SDRT l. The spindle indexing direction by M conmand IS

0: The spindle indexing direction by M cornrnand IS
SNRL l. The spindle indexing rnode is released by resetting.
n. The spindle indexing mode is not released by


U 0 3 L

Bit No.

R0Tl0 1: The parameter unit of JOG feed, cutting feed upper

limit speed, rapid FO speed and FL speed for
reference point return at the tine of inch output
for Cs axis is I deg/min.
0: The parameter unit is 0. I deg/urin.
.BLIN l. For B8-digit input, the input unit when the decimal
point is inputted is 1.000 (metric system) and 1.0000
(inch system)
n. 1.000 regardless of the input unit.
PNGMLK 1: In PMC axis control, machine l-oek shall be intalid.
n. In PMC axis control, machine lock sha11 be valid.
LrN3,4 Selection of linear /rotary axis for 3rd and 4th axls
1: Linear axis
0: Rotary axis

0 n 3 5

Blr No.

ACMR l. Optional CMR is used.

0: Optional Cl"fi. is not used.
LGCM 1: Low-and high-speed gear changing speed rpm depends
on parameter SPDWL (No. 585). l.Ihen gear 3-step is
used, low- and medium-speed gears, and medium- and
high-speed gears changing speed rpm dpend on
parameter SPDIO(L (No.585) and SPDUCT (No.586).
0: Gear changing speed rprn shall be the respective
maximum gear speed rpm.

Parameter (UPPer : T series, Lower : M series)
Parameter No.
X, Y, Z and 4th
NDSP4, Z, \, X, whether the current positions of
axes are disPlaYed or not
l: The current Position is not disPlaYed.
0: The eurrent Position is displaYed.

0 0 3 o

I 0
Bir No.
be 0.001 .
1: The scaling rnagnification incrernent sha1l
The scaling magnification increment shall
SCR be 0.0001.

1: Special G code system "1"11 be C type'

0: Special G code system shall be B type'

SCLX, 1: Each axis scaling is valid'

SCLY, 0: Each axis scaling is invalid'

0 0 J

Bir No. 7

1: A pulse coder of 0'1u detection is to

be used'
(Va1id for OG onlY)
to be used'
0: A pulse coder of b'1u detection is not
SPTPX TypesofpositiondetectoroftheX,Y(Z)'z(ct)andthe
to fturth axis in this order' as a
SPTP4 1: The separate tyPe pulse coder is to be used
detector. be used as
0: The separate type pulse coder is not to
a detector.

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lohrer : M series) Remarks

In case of the FOG with 0.1U pulse coder, set the

following parameters in units of lU. (The set data
is multiplied by ten within the CNC)

No. Paraueter Contents

0504 SERRX (X) Limitation value of position deviation
amount during movement of X axis.

0505 SERRY (Z) Limitation value of position deviaEion

amount during movement of Y(Z) axis.
0506 SERRZ (3) Linitation value of position deviation
amount during movement ot Z(3) axis.

0507 SERR4 (4) Limitation value of position deviation

amount during movement of 4th axis.

0508 GRDSX (x) Grid shift amount of the X-axis

0509 GRDSY (Z) Grid shift amount of the Y(Z)-axis.
05 r0 GRDSZ (3) Grid shift amount of the Z(3)-axis.
051i GRDS4 (4) Grid shift amount of the 4th axis.

Note) Above explanation is applied when the y'arameter "PLCOI"

(No. 0037 bir 7) = 1.


0 0 3 8

Bir No. I 6 5 2

RSCMDl: Setting r/o device of reader puncher interface

DEVFL 1 channel l-

RSCMD2: Sett ing rlo device of reader puncher interface

DEVFL2 channel 2

RSCMD DEVFL I/O device used

0 0 Bubble cassette, PPR

0 I Floppy cassetEe
I 0 Paper tape reader
I I Paper tape reader, etc.

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T seriesl Lower : M series) Remarks

FLKY t: CRT/MDI keyboard uses a fuIl key

0: CRT /},ID I keyboard uses a standard key.
DEC34: Changes deceleration signals for reference point
return *DEC3/*DEC4 addresses .

DEC34 = 0 DEC34 =I
:IDEC3 xI9.7 x16. 7

*DEC4 xI9. 5 xI7 .7

0 0 3 9

Bit No. 32
Following is the setring for tool life management.
M6TCD 1: Regards M06 and the same block T code as the next
tool group comrnand.
0: Regards M06 and the same block T code as backnumber.
IGIN 1: Ignores tool backnumber.
0: Does not ignore tool backnumber.

IGSK 1: Took skip signal is accepted only while the tool life
managed tool is in use.
0: Tool skip signal is always aceepted.
GRST 1: Clears all group executlon data at the tirne of
tool reset signal input. (This is the same with
when this operation is performed.)
0: Clears execution data only for the group with
the nurnber inputted from the outside at the time
of tool reset signal input. (Only the group shown
by the cursor positi-on when thj,s operation is
performed from MDI.)
TLSK 1: At the time of tool skip signal input, Group No. is
also entered.
0: At the time of tool skip signal input, the group
eurrently being selected is skipped.

Parameter No Parameter (Upper: Tseries, Lower: Mseries) Remarks

LCTM 1: Designates the tool life by tirne.

0: Designates the tool life by frequency.
GSTI /GST2: Designate the number of registerable groups in tool
group setting.

GST2 GSTl No. of groups No. of tools/group

0 0 r- 16 i-16
0 t l- 32 l- 8

0 r- 64 r- 4

I I t - 128 1- 2

0 n 4 0

Bir No. 76 s4i,

<> 'i
.> c) 'J
LOCC 1: Does not place 1oca1 variables (/tl to 33) in
<vacant> state during resetting. i'"i
0: Places local variables (lfl to 33) in <vacant>. state
during resetting.
coMc t: Does not place conmon varLables (#100 to 149) ln
<vacant> state during resetting.
0: P1aces conrmon variables (/1100 to 149) in <vacant>
state during resetting.
T},TCR 1: T code calling subprogram 09000
0: T code as a normal tool function
.- RrtefrFl (i.i Does not count the total number of parts machined
*/- and the number of parts machined even when
-/ U9?lyiA_erS_ :sessqed .
0: Counts the total number of oarts machined and the
n"rb";-E-Darts rr"tritt.a "iffi
NAMPR I: Displays the program name on the program directory
display unit. ':
0: Does not display the program name on the prograu
directory display unit.


Parameter No Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 0 4

Bir No. 2

RIN 1: Commands the coordinate rotation angle by

incremental command.
0: Commands the coordinate ro t at i-on angle by absolute

0 0 4 2 I


0 0 {+


0 n 4 q

Bir No. 7 6 5 432 t 0

ASTCD/EQCD/ Set the hole parrern of *, =, /l EIA codes f- custom

SHPCD: macro B in sequence, using 8-bit data.


0 0 4 5

Bit No. 76543210

HSIF I: 14/S/T/B code processing sha11 be a high-speed interface.
0: l{/SlT/B code processing shal1 be a normal interface.
CLER 1: Selects clear conditions, using the reset button,
external reset signal and emergency stop.
0: Selects reset conditions, using the reset button,
external si-gna1 and emergency stop.

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

NUABS 1: Returns to the status when the coordinate system is

ON with machine lock signal OFF. (Disable)
0: Does not return to the status when the coordinate
system is 0N with machine lock signal OFF.
CCINP 1: In-position width between a feed block and a feed
block is set by another parameter (No. 0609 to
0612) (Must not be used)
0: In In-position width is set by nornal parameter.
RAI I: Registers only one program for reading in readerf
0: Registers all programs for reading in reader/

RDL l. Registers a program after all programs are erased

for reading in reader puncher interface.
0: The reading is the same as in normal specJ.fication
in reader puncher interface.


0 0 4

Bit No.

GRPOS 1: The actual position I-S displayed on the graphit only 0TT
0: The actual position is not displayed on the graphic

IGNAL 1: Even when an alarm occurs on the other tool post, only 0TT
no feed hold status is reached.
0: When an alarm occurs on the other tool post,
the feed hold status is selected
SBAB l: Head 1 is upper on the conmon screen. only 0TT
0: Head 2 is upper on the conrmon screen.
RSTSW l: The reset key is valid only for the tool post only Ofi
se lec ted
0: The reset key is valid for both tool posts.


Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks


0 0 7

Bir No.

M3LU[ 1: The range of the waiting M code is. only 0TT

(Parameter No. 243 value) x (100) to 999.
0: The rane of the waiting 1"1 code is (parameter No. 243
value) x 100 to subsequent 100 pieces.
2SP 1: Two spindle (Two spindle Two tool post) only 0TT
0: Single spindle (Single spindle Two tool post) t4,

SEPII I: The lst handle pulse of manual handle feed is sent only 0TT
to 1st tool post, and the 2nd handle pulse to the
2nd tool post.
0: The handle pulse of manual handle feed is sent in
parallel to both tool posts.
SP2C 1: GraphiqS;are drawn on a single screen for both only 0TT
tool posts.
0: Graphics are drawn on a separate screen by both
tool posts. 4

TIST 1: Tool post selecting signal is invalid (HEADI only). .

0: Tool post selecting signal is valid. *

0 0 4 8 IFE ITO IFM FY1 TYO ,I

Bir No. 76 54

Set the parameter only to lst tool post .!




Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

-1- 1 2nd tool post

lst tool post

0l not'



IFE [: Even when the conditlons for tool post checking are
established, no tool post interference is checked.
n. I.lhen the conditioons for tool post checking are
established, tool post interference is checked.
ITO l: When Offset No. 0 is designated by T code,
interference check ls contlnued according to the
current Offset No.
0: Wtren Offset No. 0 is deslgnated, using T code, tool
post interference check 1s lnterrupted until offset
No. other than 0 ls designated by the next T code.

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

IFM I: Tool post interference is checked in the manual mode

Tool post interference is not checked in the mnaual

0 0 9
Bit No.

FML1O 1: The rapid traverse rate and cutting feed upper liurit
speed parameter increment system shatl be l0 nun/min
or I inch/min.
..g) For 100 m/min, the increment system shall be
n. As per normal specifications.
NPRV 1: Even when no position coder is provided, the
per-revolution feed command sha1l be valid.
(The per-revolution feed command is converted
automatipally to the per-minute feed in CNC.)
0: When no position coder is provided, the
per-revolution feed command shall be invalid.
EFML 1O 1. The feedrate command (cutting feed) of pMC axis
control is used by I0 times.
0: Standard specif ication.
RDIK 1. The high-speed interlock signal sha11 be invalid
when the each directional interlock signal goes off.
0: The high-speed interlock signal shall be always
DILK l. The each directional interlock signal shatl be valid
only in manual operation.
0: The directional interlock slgnal shall be invalid.


0 0 5 0


0 0 5 I

Blt No.

Parameter No Parameter (Upper : T series, Lolrer : M series) Remarks

Parame t er Nos. 0050/0051 correspond to setting l/O=2 and 3.


When the reader puncher interface is used to output
a program, no feed is output before and after that.
When the reader puncher interface is used to output
L p
a program, feed is output before and after that..
RSASCI 1: When the reader puncher interface is used to
input a program, ASCII code is used.
0: When the reader puncher interface is used to input
a program, ISO/EIA code is used.
STP2 l: Stop blt shall be 2 birs in rhe reader puncher
0: Stop bit shall be I bit in the reader puncher
PARTY 1: Parity bit shall be present.
0: Parity bit shall be absent.


0 0 5
BirNo. 7 6 5 4 3 2 I 0

NODICX-NODIC6: For increment systen 1/10, this sets wherfier

the decimal point position of the current positLon
display of each axis PMC axis control is made
identi-cal to increment systen 1/I0 or not.
NODIC 1: The current position display of PMC axLs control
sh.all be the same as in standard specifications,
not in accordance with the decimal point position
of increment systen 1/10
0: The current position display of PMC axis control is
in accordance with the decinal point position of
increment system 1i tO.


Parameter No Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 0 5 3

0 0 5 4

Bit No. 4 3210

LBLCD /RBLCD: The hole pattern of [' ] in EIA code in custom
macro B is set by 8-bit data in sequence. t


0 0 5

Bit No. 10 I

PRORCA I: ao. protocol, protocol A is used.

For "ororlication
0: communication protocol, protocol B is used. I

EXT 1: End Code shall be I'ETXrr.

0: End Code shall be "CR".

ASCII 1: For all communj-cations except NC data, ASCII code

is used
0: For all cornmunications except NC data, ISO code
is used.

D D]C il 7

" u(\

tt -_

-406- &-
Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

Al-1 subsequent parameters are set in decirnal . Refer to

No. 0004-
0 I 0 0

0 I 0 I

0 I 0 2

0 I 0 3

When an optional comand nulttply (No. 0035 4CMR=1)

is used, there are 2 types of setting methods as
1) Whena corwmand.nultiply 7s I/2 to |127z
(Comand rnultiply)

2) a comand rnultiply is 2 to 48:

Preset value = 2 x (Comnand urultiply)
Note 1) For (2) above, be sure !o set a value such
that the coumand rnultiply should be always
an integer.
Note 2) Set the backlash compensation and pitch
error compensation values with detection
unit when an arbitrary conutrand rnultiply
is used.

Parameter No. Pararneter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

CMRX, CMRY Cgmmand rnultiply for X, Z and 4th axes, in turn.


Setting code I'lultiplier

t 0.5

2 I

4 2

l0 5

20 10.

I 0 d

SPLOW For spifidle speed during constant speed spindle

For spindle speed at gear shift
(when parameter No. 0003, GST=I), set as
Gear shift spindle speed __ ,^^
Maxi-mum *oaoffi x 4095 '
Setting range: 0 to 255 (unit: rprn)

0 I 0 9

THDCH Width of chambering for thread cutting cycle in G92.

Setting range: 0 to I27 (unit : 0.1 lead)

-408- .?

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 t l n

SCTTIM Set the delay timer for checking. the spindle speed
reach signal. This sets the time required from
execution of the S function to the beginning of
checking the spindle speed reach signal.
Setting range: 0 to 255 (unit: msec)
Spindle speed J
reach signal.


0 I t I


0 I I 2

MBUFI,2 Up to two 14codes which are not subjected to

buffering for the next block can be set.
When 03 is set' M03 is not subjected to buffering
for the next block.

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 I I 3

0 I I

PSORGX, Grid numbers at the reference point of X and Z axes,

PSORGZ respectively.
Setting range: o-255 ,3

0 I 1 7

0 I I 8

0 I I 9

0 I 2 0

OFCMP Offset value compensation value setting value

0 - 32.
TLCMD Tool selection number compensation value
Setting value: 0 - 99
NU}4HG The number of manual pulse generators to be used
in multi-handle is set.
Setting value z l/2/3 (unit)
OFMAX Maximum value of offset number
Setting valuez O - 32
TLMAX Maximum value of tool setting number
Settingvalue: 0-99

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

HZNO In case of multi-handle B specification, which

manual pulse generator is used for the Z axis in
Setting value: 1, 2 or 3

H4NO In case of rnulti-handle B specification, which

manual pulse generator is used for the 4th axis 1S
Setting valuei l, 2 or 3

settlng method
Second digit: H4NO
First digir : HZNo

(Exanple) When the 2nd manual pulse generator is

used for the Z-axis and the 3rd manual'
pulse generator is used for the 4th axis.
Setting value. 32

0 t 2 I


},IOLHPG Multiplier n of the manual handle feed

Setting valuez L - 127
Uultiplier n when selection sighal MP2 for the
manual hand feed move distance in on, set to 100 as
a standard value.

0 2 2


OFSNO Setting of tool offset number Ln tool offset value

direct input function B (at the setting of work
coordinate system shift amount).
Setting valuet | - 32

- 4II -
Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M seri_es) Remarks

0 I 2 3

GRPAX Graphic coordinate system setting in graphic

func t ion.


(Note) The difference between GRpAX=0, lr 2 and

GRPAX=3,4,5 is the difference that the work
coordinate system zero point is at chuck
side or not.

0 t 2

0 1 L 5

0 2 6


Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 I 2 7

PSRNOI - 4 Set the order of moving to the dry run restart

position in program restart of X-axis, Y-axis,
Z-axis and 4th axis in sequence. value: I - No. of axes (Moves in the order
of 1, 2, 3 and 4)
(eg) When setting to PSRNQ1=2, PSRNQ2=3, PSRNQ3=4
and PSRNQ4=l, the tool moves to the restart
position by one axis in the order of 4th - X
(Note) When all zero, the value out of the setting
range or the same value is overlapped on the
above parameter for setting, the setting is
made automaticallv in the order of 4th - X

0 I 3 0

0 I J I


0 t 3 )

0 I 3 J

0 t J

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 I 3 5

Specify the JOG move axis and direction on the

software operatorts panel corresponding to keys.

Setting value: I to 6

Axis /Direc t ion Setting Value

+x I
-X 2

+z 3

-z 4

+;t 5

-5 6

ro *x,
when serri"c
K m qlro -X, FFI to +2,
f-il Trl f
l*i1.. I ulto +3 anal . I
to -3, set as follows


0 I 6

0 I J 7


Parameter No. Parameter (Upper: Tseries, Lower: Mseries) Remarks

a) In case of T series
UPKY, Sets the jog feed axes and directions on the
DWNKY, software operatorts Danel corresponding to
Axis, direction Setting value
+X t
-x 2

+Z 3

-z 4

(Examo 1e )

*"' ""..r", E to *x,

E ro -x,
H.' *2, and

to -2, set as follows.


b) In case of M series
URKY - Set the jog feed axes and directions on the
LTUKY software operatorts Danel corresponding to

EEtrEtr Eil EE
Axis, direction

Setting value
+X I
_X 2

+Y 3

-Y 4
+z 5

-z 6
+4 1

-4 8

When setting to +2, to -2, to *X,

to -X, to *Y and to -Y, set as follows.


Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 L 4 0

i \
0 2 0 J

The names of general purpose switches (SIGNAL 0 -

SIGNAL 7) on the software operatorts panel in the
following figure are set as fo1lows.


SIGN.trt 3 : IOFF ON

Characters are set by codes in parameters 0140 to

0203 as follows:

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

PRM. No. 140 Code (083) corresponding to character ttStt

of SIGNAL 0 in the above figure is set.
PRM. No. 141 Code (073) corresponding to character ttltt
of SIGNAL 0 in the above figure is set.
PRM. No. t42 Code (071) corresponding to character ttGtt
of SIGNAL 0 in the above figure is set.
PRM. No. 143 Code (078) corresponding to character ttNtt
of SIGNAL 0 in the above figure is set.
PRM. No. 144 Code (065) corresponding to character ttAtt
of SIGNAL 0 in the above figure is set.
PRM. No. 145 Code (076) corresponding to character ttlt'
of SIGNAL 0 in the above figure is set.
PRM. No. 146 Code (032) corresponding to character tt tt
of SIGNAL 0 in the above figure is set.
PRI"I. No. L47 Code (048) corresponding to character ttort
of SIGNAL 0 in the above figure is set.
PRM. No. 0148-0155 Characters corresponding to SIGNAL I in the
above figure.

PRM. No. 0156-0163 Characters corresponding to SIGNAL 2 {n the

above figure.

PRM. No.0164-0171 Characters corresponding to SIGNAL 3 in the

above figure.
PRM. No. OL72-0179 Characters corresponding to SIGNAL 4 in the
above figure.

PRM. No. 0180-0187 Characters corresponding to SIGNAL 5 ln the

above figure.

PRM. No. 0188-0195 Characters corresponding to SIGNAL 5 in the

above figure.
PRM. No. 0196-0203 Characters corresponding to SIGNAL 7 in the
above fisure.
For character codes, refer to the
characters-to-codes table in the next page.
Setting value 0 is a space.

Character-to-codes Correspondence Table

Character Code Conment Character Code Comment

A 065 6 054 :
B 066 7 055 i
C 067 8 056
D 068 9 057
E 069 032 Space
F 070 033 Exclamation mark
G 071 034 Quotation mark
H 072 tl 035 Sharp i

I 073 $ 036 Dollar svmbol


J 074 037 Percent
K 075 & 038 Ampersand 1

L 076 039 Apostrophe i
M 077 ( 040 Left parenthesis
N 078 ) 041 Risht parenthesis
o O79 F 042 Aster j-sk
P 080 + 043 Plus sien
0 081 044 Comma

R 082 045 Minus sisn

S 083 046 Period
T 084 047 Slash
U 085 0s8 Colon
086 0s9 Semi-co1on
!l 087 060 Left ansle bracket
Y 088 061 Sisn of equality
Y 089 062 Rieht anele bracket
Z 090 UOJ Question mark
0 048 G uo4 Commercial at mark
I 049 09r Left square bracket
2 050 A 092
J 051 093 Yen srrmbol
4 052 094 Risht square bracket
0s3 095 Underline

-4rB- .:
Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 2 0 .+


0 2 0 5

0 2 0 6

0 2 0 7

0 2 I 2 I

INTPLN 0: G17 is selected with power on.

1: G18 is seleeted with power on.
2: Gl9 is selected with power on.
CCLMP M-code of clamp of C-axis in the drilling cycle
Setting value 00 to 99

POSTN1 - Approach amount for single directi-on posi-tioning of

X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axi-s and 4th axis
Setting value 0 to 255 Unit 0.0I m
(rnetric output)
setring value 0 ro 255 unit 0.001 inch
- (inch output)
Note) In increment systern l/10, the uni-t is the
same as above. But the Max. value is 163.

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 2 I 3

AOVMDR: Mininum deceleration ratio of circular cutting

speed inside the automatic override-
Setting range: I to 100%
Standard preset value: I
Set the mj-nimum deceleration ratio (lDR) when the
inside circular cutting speed is changed.

0 2 I 4

AOVCR: Deceleration ratio of inside corner automatic

Setting Jange: I to 1001l
Standard preset value: 50
Set the inside corner override value.

0 2 5

AOVTH: Inside judgement angle of automatic override at

inside corner part.
Setting range: I to 179"
Standard preset value: 91


Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower': M series) Remarks

0 2 I 6

FIDN: Constant to find the feedrate variations when manual

pulse generator is one scale for Fl digit

Fmax i
AF= 100n

Set n above. In other words, set the feedrate Fmax

when the manual pulse generator is rotated.
Preset value I to I27

Frnax i in the above equatlon is the upper linit

value of feedrate for Fl digit conmand: set it to
parameter Nos. 0583/0584.

trhax 1: Upper linit value of Fl to F4 feedrate

Fmax 2: Upper linit value of F5 to F9 feedrate

0 2 I 9

MCDCNT:/ the preset M*cgqg_ig executed, the total- number

of machined parts and the number of machined parts
are counted.
Settlng value: l_tg 255
(0 is eguivalent
to no setting.
E 98 and 99 cannot be set.)

0 2 2 0

0 2 2 9 ----.-

: M series) Remarks
Parameter No Parameter (UPPer : T series' Lower

Set uP fo l0 G codes calling custom
U},IGCDO: G code calling custom macro bodY 090 10
UMGCDI: G code calling custom macro bodY 0901r
UMGCD2: G code calling custom uacro bodY 090r2
UMGCD3: G code calling custom macro bodY 090r3
UMGCD : G code calling custom macro bodY 090I4
UMGCD5: G code calling custom macro bodY 090I5
UI"IGCD6: G code calling custom macro bodY 0901 6
UMGCDT: G code calling custom macro bodY 090i7
UMGCD8: G code calling custom macro bodY 090r8
U]'IGCD9: G code calling custom macro bodY 090r9

Setting value: 001 to 255

(with G00' no custom macro can be
called. Even when 0 is called'
it is equivalent to no setting. )

0 2 3 0


0 2 3 9

Set up to 10 M codes calling custom macro'

1"1code calling custom macro bodY 09020
custom macro bodY 0902 I
M code calling

UWCD6: M code calling custom macro bodY 09022
UMMCDT: M code calling custom macro bodY 09023
UMMCD8: 1"1 code calling custom macro bodY 09024
iD,IMCDg: M code calling custom macro bodY 090 2s
UMMCDlO: M code calling custom macro bodY 09026
UMMCDIl: !1 code calling custom macro bodY 09027
UI'IMCD 12 : M code calling custom macro bodY 09028
UMMCDI3: U cbde calling custom macro bodY 09029

Setting value: 006 to 255

(with M00' no cuscom macro can be
called. 0 is set'
Even when
ic is equivalent no setting.
to )


Paranoe ter No. Parameter (Upper: Tserles, Lower: Mseries) Remarks

0 2 4 0

0 2 4 I

0 2 4 2

Set up to 3 M codes calling custom Dacro.

UMMCD1: 1.1 code calling custom macro body 09001
UMMCD2: M code calling custom macro body 09002
UMMCD3: M code calling custom macro body 09003
Setting value: 003 to 255
(With M00, no custom Eacro can be
cal1ed. Even when 0 is set,
it is equivalent to no settipg.)

0 2 4 3

I.IAITM: Setting of the mlnimum value of 3-diglt code which only OTT
becomes a waiting M code (only OTT):
Input the 3rd figure as a setting value.
Up to 100 waiting M codes are available.

Exanple) When the setting value = 5, the lraiting

M codes are 500 to 599.

ifJ+*F.+i-a4 i-{F

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 L 5 0

BMTE2: Baud rate when the reader puncher interface is

used (valid when setting parameEer Ilo is 2).
BRATE3: Baud rate when remote buffer F*used
(va1id when setting paramete
The correspondence between Secting No. and actual
baud rate i-s as fol1ows.

SettiFg No. Baud rate

t 50
2 r00
3 110
4 150
5 200
6 300
7 600

0 2 5 POFF

TPSUP: Z-axis acceleration/deceleraEion type in fhe rigid

: tapping node
Data type: Byte type
Set value: 0: Exponenti-al acceleration/
Standard set value: 0

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 2 5 5

Spindle backlash amount Ln the rigid talnin8 node

Data type: Byte type
. Set value: O - LZ7
Unit : Detection unit
Note) Power should be turned off whenever the parameter is

0 2 5 6

MCODE: M-code to specify the rigid tapping mode

Datatype: Byte tyPe

Setvalue: 0-99
Note) Power should bef,turned off whenever the pararneter ls

rNPx Standard
0 5 0 0 setting
INPX 20 (netric
12 (lnch
0 5 0 I

0 5 0 2

INP3 3rd axls Ln-posltion width

Settlng value O to 32767 detection unit


Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 5 0 3

INPX, INPY In-position width for X, Y, Z, and 4th axis,

INPZ, INP4 respectively.
Setting range: 0 to 32767 (detection unit)
value Next block

In-position width
In position check is performed when the feed mode
changes from rapid traverse to rapid traverse,
rapid traverse to cutting feed , or cutting feed to
rapid traverse.

0 5 0 4

0 5 0 5

0 5 0 6

SERR3 3rd axis position deviation linit value

Setting value 0 to 32767 detection unit

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 5 0 7


SERRX, Lirnitation value of position deviation amount during

SERRY, movenent for X, Y, Z and 4th axis' resPectively.
SERRZ, serring range: 0 to 32767 (detection unit)
(Exarnple) When the rapid traverse rate is 10 n/nin.
and the position gain is 30, the error is
calculated by:
Conversion of 10 u/nin. into pulses/sec.
with the detecEion unit of 1u/pulse gives
166,666 pulses/sec.
Therefore, E = L66,665/30 - 5'555 pulses.
Multiply this value by a factor of 1.5'
and set the obtained value 8333 as the

0 5 0 8

0 5 0 9

U 5 I n

GRDS3 3rd axis grid shift amount setting

Setting value O to +32767 detecting unit

0 5 I I

GRDSX, Setting of grid shift amount of X axis, Y axis, Z

GRDSY, axis and 4th axis respectively.
GRDSZ, serring range 0 to +32767 (detect unit).
GRDS4 Wtren the reference !'oint is shiftefiTte slgn of
this parameter is necessary.


Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : 11 series) Remarks

(i) Reference point return procedure

Select manual continuous feed mode, and turn
signal ZRN on (connect it with +24V) ' When
feed towards the reference poi-nt is designaEed
with the manual feed button, the moving part of
the machine Doves at rapid traverse.
When the deceleration limit switch is operated
and the contact of reference point return
deceleration signal ttDCX, *DCY, i<DCZ, *DC4
opens, and the feed is decelerated.
Thereafter, the moving part moves at a Pre-
determined low sPeed.
Thereafter, when the deceleration lirnit switch
is operated and the rnoving Part reaches the
electric grid position, feed stops, and
reference point return completion signal ZPX,
ZPY, ZPZ, ZP4 is outPut.
The direction in which an axis is returned to
reference point can be set for each axis.
Once an axis is returned to reference point
and the corresponding signal ZPX, ZPY' ZPZ ot
Z{4 is output, jog feed for that axis is
invalid until signal ZRN is turned off'
(2) Timing charE
Lock condition
ZRN (Reference Point return)
ffi--- +X
(Reference point I
is reached with the \
/one rotation sisnal I *
v \ / after *DCX is iurned \
/ on) I

i (Set Darameter
V \r tr
pL No.0534)

o (Grid shift amount set bY
parameter No. 0508 - 05f I
(One.rotation signal) PX
(X axis plus return direction.)


-428- {_
Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series' Lower : M series )

0 I 6

PSANGN S4/S5 digits control (Analog output)

Sets the data for adjusting the gain of constant
surface speed control. (analog output) This seEs
the data for gain adjustment in analog output'
setting range: 700 to 1250
Standard setting value: 1000
(Adjusting nethod)
(1)- Set the standard setting value 1000'
(2) Designate the maximum S analog value (fOVl '
(3) Measure the outPut voltage.
(4) Set this value according to the following
i0 x 1000 = setting value
lfeasured voltage (V)
(5) After setting the Paramqter.' designate the
maximum S analog value (10V) again, and make
sure that the outPut voltage is 10V.

0 5 I a

LPGIN Setting of servo loop gain in position control' Standard

Setting range: t to- 9i99 (unit: 0.01 sec-1) setting
Note) To set a loop gain to each axis, set No' 5L7
to 0 and set a loop gain of X axis, Yaxis and
so on. (The increment system is the same' )

0 ) 1 8

0 5 I r.l


; ,{aE}F.

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T seriep, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 5 0

0 5 2

PPNFY Rapid traverse rate of X, Y, Z and 4th axes in turn.

RPDFY, Setting range
RPDF/32, 30 to 24000 Unit mm/nin (mno output)
RPFD4 30 to 9600 Unit 0.1 inch/min (inch output)
Note i) Set rrl'r to the FML10 of parameter No. 49
for the other seting values.
Note 2) In increment system 1/10, the unit is the

0 I 2

0 5 2

0 5 L 4

LINT3 3rd axis linear acceleration/deceleration time

constant (for rapid traverse)
Setting value 8 to 4000 Unit msec

Parameter No. Par'ameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 5 2 5

LINTX, Time constant of linear acceleration/deceleration

LINTY, of X, Y, Z and 4th axes in turn during rapid
LINTZ, traverse.
LINT4 Setting range: 8 to 4000 (unit: msec.)

0 5 2

THRDT The time constant value of X axis in thread cutting

cycle (G92).
Setting range: I to 4000 (unit: msec.)
Set the most suitable value to this parameter in
combination with the parameter THDFL (pararneter
No. 0528)

0 5 7

FED}fl( Upper speed of cutting feed (available for X, Y, z

Setting range
6 to 15000 unit: rnn/rnin (m outPut)
6 to 6000 unit: 0.I inch/nin (inch output)
Note 1) Set 'r1" to the FMLI0 of parameter No. 49
for the other cutting values.
Note 2) In increment system the unit is the same.

0 5 2 8

THDFL The lower linit value (FL) of X axis acceleration/ See

deceleration in thread cutting cycle. (G92) parameter
Setting range No. 0526
6 to i5000 unit: nm/rnin (rnm output)
6 to 6000 unit: 0.1 inch/nin (inch output)
Set the most suitable value to this parameter in
consideration of the parameter No. 0526.
Note 1) In incrernent systen the unit is the same.

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 5 9

FEEDT Time constant of the exponential acceleration/

deceleration in cutting feed and jog feed.
Setting range: 0 to 4000 unit: msec
Set this to tt0tt, when the exponential accelerati-on/
deceleration is not used.

0 5 3 0

FEDFL The lor.rer lirnit of feed rate in exponential

acceleration /deceleraE ion.
SeEting range
6 to t5000 unit: mu,/min (nrn output)
6 to 6000 unit: 0.I inch/nin (inch output)
Note)rIn increment system 1/10, the unit is the
r'. !
'1l/ -,
/ f--'1:--T--1
I 1
0 5 J I


SPALW Tolerance (g) at which the actual spindle speed is

regarded to reach the command value in the detection
of soindle function.
Setting range: I to 100 (7")
(For constant surface sPeed control)
CYCR Setting of relief amount in canned cycle G73 (high
speed peck drilling cYcle)
Setting range: 0 to 32767 unit: 0.001 mn ., /
(rnrn input) -J

0 to 3/767 unit: 0.0001 inch
Noce) In increment systern 1/10, the unit is the

0 5 3

SPLMT Spindle speed fluctuation (r) at which an alarm is

indicated in the detection of spindle speed
Setting range: I to 100 (%)
(For constant surface speed control)

Parameter No. Paraureter (Upper: Tseries, Lower: Mseries) Rernarks

CYCD Setting of the cutting start point in canned cycle

G73 (peck drilling cycte)
Setting range: 0 to 32767 unir: 0.001 un
(rnn input)
O to 32767 unit: 0.0001 inch
(inch input)
Note) In increment system L/IO, the unit is the

0 5 3 3

RPDFL The least speed of rapid traverse override (Fo)

(Cornrnon to all axis)
Setting range
6 to 15000 unit: mr/min (mr output)
6 to 6000 unir: 0.1 inch/nin (inch ourpur)
Note) In increment systern 1/10, the unit is the

0 5 J 4

ZRNFL Low feed speed at reference point return (FL)

(Cornmon to all axes)
Setting range
6 to 15000 unit: rmn/min (mr output)
6 to 6000 unit: 0.1 inch/min (inch output)
Note) In increment systen l/10, the unit is the

0 5 3 5

0 5 J 6


Parameter No. Parameter (Upper: Tseries, Lower: Mseries) Remarks

0 5 5

0 5 J 8

BKLX, Backlash amount of X, Y, Z and 4th axes,

I)I\LZ / I t respect ively.
BKL3IZ Setting amount
BLK4 0 to 2550 unit: 0.001 nm (rnm output)
0 to 2550 unit: 0.000I inch (lnch output)
In diameter progranming, set the value of X axis
i-n diameter va1ue. (For T series)
Note I) Unit becomes l/tO in increment system LlL}.
t Setting M series spindle function
2-stage 3-stage Remarks
gear gear
GRIO Low Low L0\{ : LOW Gear
GR2O Hieh l'liddle l"liddle: Middle Gear
GR3O Hieh Hieh : Hieh Gear
Spindle motor rotation command
(analog voltage output)

i; l0v
Voltage (NC) corresponding
to the upper limit of the I GR2O
spindle motor rPm | (GR2q

Spindle rotation
lBf (S code input)

,x vmin V*""
*?ffi Vmux
A 76t5 B c *?0ff
Designation included in parentheses
is concerned with the 3-stage gear.

Note 2) Set a backlash compensation value with a

detection unit when an arbitrary command
multiply is used.

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T seri-es, Lower : M series) Remarks

The following values are first. set in the parameters

. Constant Vmax regarding the upper limit of the
spindle motor rpm (parameter No. 542).
This constant is obtained by the equation below.
The upper lirnit of the
spindle motor rpm
Vmax = 4095 x The spindle motor rpm when
the command voltage is 10 V
. Constant Vmin regarding the lower limit of the
spindle motor rpm (parameter No. 543)
The lower linit of the
soindle motor rDm
Vglin = 4095 x
The spindle motor rpm when
the comrnand voltage is 10 V
. Spindle rpm A with low gear whei-the comnand vifltage
is l0 V (parameter No. 541)
. Spindle rpm B with high (or middle) gearwhen the
corrnand voltage is 10 V (parameter No. 539)
. Spindle rpm C with high gear when the command
volEage is I0 V (parameter No. 555) (3-stage gear)
(Note) If the sPecified voltage exceeds the allowable input
voltage for the spindle drive system' rpu at l0 V
is assumed by proportional calculation, and the
resultant assumption should be used.
From above, the spindlJ'motor rotation conrmand (0 - 10 V) and
the gear selectj-on command (GR30, GR20, GRl0) are outPut for
the specified S code, as shom in the Fig. above.

J TU L\,
0 5 3 9

SPDLC Sets the spindle speed offset compensation value,

that is, compensation value of zero offset of
spindle speed command voltage.
(for constant surface speed control)
Setting range: 0 to +8191 (unit: VELO)
GRH}IA.X Maximum spindle speed (for analog output with In case of-
spindle funct,ion) at high gear (intermediate only one
gear in case of 3-stage gear). gear, set
thi-s value
(Spindle speed with spindle speed voltage of 10V) to low gear
Setting range: I to 19999 (unit: rpm)

--'{'+Tc e{4ilEF:

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lo\ter : M series) Remarks

0 5 q 0

0 5 I

0 5 2

0 5 4 J

GRI'D(I - 4 The spindle speed corresponding to gears I to 4

when the spindle speed command is lOV.
(for constant surface speed control)
Secting range: 1 to 19999 (unit: rpn) /
GRHMIN Setting of the lower limit of the spindle speed
when using high speed gear. (Medium speed gear in
3-step gear selection) (for S analog output type B)
(for S analog output)
Setting range: I to L9999 (unit: rPn)
GRLMAX Setting of the max. spindle speed at low speed
gear (for S analog outPut).
Set the spindle speed when the velocity command
voltage is 10V.
Setting range: 1 to 19999 (unit: rPm)
SPDMAX Setting of the upper limit of output value to the
spindle motor.
(for S analog output)
Setting value Upper limit of spindle motor 4095
llax. spindle motor speed x
Setting range: I to 4095
SPDI'TIN Setting of the upper limit of output value to the
spindle motor.
(for S analog output)
* Setting value = Lower limit of spindle motor X +uY]
Setting range: I ro 4095

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Rem:aft5

0 5 4 6

DRFT3 Set a compensation value for drift generated in the

Cs-axis servo loop.
Setting value 0 to +8191
The value of this parameter changes automatically
during the automatic compensation.

0 5 (+ 8

JOGFL The lower linit of jog feed in exponential

acceleration/ deceleration (FL)
Setting range
6 co 15000 unit: nrn/min (mm oucpur)
6 to 6000 unit: 0.1 inch/min (inch output)
Note) In increment systen 1/10, the unit is Ehe

0 5 4 9

FINT The cutting feedrate in AUTO rnode at turning po\.rer

Setting range
6 to 15000 unic: mn/rnin (uru input)
6 to 6000 unit: 0.1 inch/nin (inch input)
(Generally, set ttO" to this parameter and change it
by program command. When the feedrate i.s constant
and it is not necessary to change, set the feedrate
to this paraDeter. )

0 0

SEQINC Number increment value in automatic insertion of

sequence No.
Setting range: 0 to 9999

,*rf,l|;F* *

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 5 5 I

LOWSP llj-nimum spindle .speed in constant surface speed

control mode (G96)
Setting range: 0 to 9999 (unit: rpm)



BRATEO This sets the baud rate when the rea_d_e-{puncher

interface is used.
(Effective when the setting parameter I/O is 0. )
Relation between the setting value and the baud
rate is as follows:
Settiff value Baud rate

I 50
2 100
3 110
4 150
5 200
6 300
7 600
B 1 200
9 2400
96 00

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks



BRATEl This sets the baud rate r^/hen the reader/puncher

interface is used. ,-\
(Effective when the setting paraaeter I/O is i.;,/
Relation between the setting value and the baud
rate is as follows:
Setting value Baud rate 'k
".t* |.?
I 50
2 100
3 110
4 150 a
5 200
6 300 \ n/*
7 600
8 I 200
ln -24Sq
l',.2 f e600 \

0 5 5 5

GRTMAX Setting of the max. spindle speed at high speed

gear in 3-step gear selection (for S analog output)
Setting range: I to 19999 (unir: rpm)

0 5 6

SCLMP Upper linit of spindle speed (for constant surface

speed control)
Setting range: I to f9999 (unlt: rpn)
(Valid both in G96 and G97 rnodes.)
GRTMIN Setting of the'lower timit of.rhe spindle speed
when using high speed gear in 3-step gear
selection. (For S analog output type B)
Setting range: I to 19999 (unir: rpm)

n F,

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 5 5 7

CRCDL I{hen tool moves along the outside of an acute

angle close to 90" during tool nose radius
compensation (T-system) or cutEer compensation
(M-system) limitations on ignoring a small movement
Setting range:
0 to 16383 unit: 0.001 mrn (mrn input)
0 to 16383 unit: 0:0001 inch (inch input)

Note) Unit becornes t/10 in increment system 1/f0'

z (AY)

path after offset

Programmed Path

If AX < CRCDL and AZ(AY) < CRCDL, the smal1

movement is ignored. This prevents the workpiece
from being affected by sEopping the tool at the

0 5 5 8

ACAIFL Feedrate during rneasuring in automatic tool

ebmpensation function (common for a1I axes) '
Setting range:
0 to 15000 unit: rnrn/min (mrn input)
0 to 6000 unit: 0. I inch/min (inch input)
Note) In increment systern l/10, the unit is the

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lotrer : M series) Remarks

0 5 5 9

0 5 o 0

0 5 6 1


0 o 2

RPDJX, Rapid traverse rate in JOG node for X, Y, Z and

RPDJZ/Y, 4th axis in turn.
PFDJ3 /2, Setting range:
RPDJ4 30 to 24000 unit: nm/min (nn output)
30 to 9600 unir: 0. I inch/nin (inch output)
If 'r0rr is set to these parameters, the set vd.lues
of parameEer No. 0518, 0519' 0520 and 0521 are

Note 1) Set the FML10 of parameter No. 49 to I for

the other setting values.
Note 2) In increment systern l/10, the unit is the

0 5 6

JOGF JOG feed rate when the rotary switch position is I0

in feed rate B specification:
Setting value I to 2000 Unit mrn/rnin. deg/nin
(Metric ouEput)
Setting value I to 800 Unir 0.1 inch/min deg/nin
(Inch output)
Note) In increment system 1/10, the unit is rhe

i6;aar*ii,'. - .....*"crl|ff;F

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series' Lower : M series) Remarks

(eg) When 200 is set to Parameter No. 565:

Feed rate becomes geometrlcal series of 200
rnm/min (for rnetric output) or 20 inch/rnin
(for inch output) in rotary SW position 10.

Rotarv SW conditions Manual continuous feed rate

When parameter hrhen parameter
I Metric output Inch output
los i- 0VRI=0 OVRI=
Eion *ov8 *ov4 *ov2 *ov 1 *ov8 *ov4 *ov2 *ov1 Me tric Inch Me tric Inch
input input input input
0 0 0
0 o o o o mrn/ inch/ rnn/ inch/
min. min. min.
I o o o o r0 0.4 25 t.0
2 o o o o t4 0.5 35 t.4
3 o o o o 20 0.8 49 2.O

4 o o o o 27 1.1 68 2.7

5 o o o o 37 1.5 9s 3.7

6 o o o o 52 2.0 t32 5.2

7 o o 72 3.0 r83 7.2

8 o o o o 100 250 t0.0

9 o o o o 140 5.0 3s0 r4.0

E o o o o @ 8.0 490

I1 o o o o 270 rl.0 bdu 27 .O

L2 o o o o 370 15. 0 950 37.0

l3 o o o o 520 20. 0 r320 57.0

L4 o o o o 720 30. 0 I 830 7 2.0

15 o o o o r000 40. 0 2 500 100.0

(Note) O in the table above shows that the corresponding signal contact
is open, and Ehe blank shows that it is closed.

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper: Tseries, Lower: Mseries) Remarks

0 5 6 5

JOGFAD JOG feed rate when rotary SW position is 10 for the

additional axis (rotary shaft) in feed rate B
Setting value 1 to 2000 unit: deg/nin
(eg) When 200 is set to parameter No. 566:
Feed rate becomes geometrical series of 200
deg/nin in rotary switch position 10.
Rotarv SI.I conditions Manual
I{hen parameter When parameter
Pos t_- OVRI=0
tion feed
*ov8 *0v4 *0v2 *ovi *ov8 *ov4 *0v2 *ovl rate
0 o o o
1 o o o o 10

2 o o o o L4

3 o o o o 20

4 o o o ro 27

5 o o o o 37

6 o o o o 52

7 o o o o 72

8 o o o o r00

9 o o o o 140

tr o o o o @
ll o o o ?7i

L2 o o o o 370

l3 o o o o 520

l4 o o o o 720

l5 o o o o r000

(Note l) O in the table above shows that the corresponding signal

contact Ls open , and the blank shows that it is closed.
Note 2 In increment s stem I 10, unit is the same.

Parameter No Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 5 6 7

FEDMAD Upper lirnit of feed rate of all axes in case of

feed rate B specification.
Setting range:
6 to 15000 unit: deg/rnin (rotary axis)
6 to 15000 unit: mm/rnin (mrn outPut)
6 to 15000 unit: inch/min (inch output)
Note) In increment systen i/10, unit is the same.

0 5 o 8

RPDFLAD Low speed (Fo) of rapid traverse override for the

additional axis in case of feed rate B specifica-
tion. F
Setting range: 6 to 15000 unit: deg/min
Note) In increment systen t/tO, unit is the same'

0 6 o

ZRNFLAD Low feed raEe (FL) at reference point return of the

additional axis in case of feed rate B sPecifica-
Setting range: 6 to 15000 unit: deg/nin
Note) In incremeht svstem 1/10' uniE ls the same.

0 5 7

SPDLC Set the compensaEion value for zeto offset of

spindle speed command voltage (for 54l55 digits
control option)
Setting range: 0 - +8191 unit: VELO

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 5 8 0

AOVLE: End point deceleration distance of automatic

override at inside corner Part.
serting range: I to 3999
Unit: 0.1rnn - Metric inPut I
0.01 inch - Inch inPut !

Set the oPerating range Le.

0 5 I I

AOVLS: End point deceleration distance of automatic

override at inside eorner.
Setting range: 1 to 3999
Unit: 0.1 rnur'- Metric inch
0.01 inch - Inch inPut
Set the oPerating range Ls.


0 5 R 2

0 5 8 3

0 5 8 4

FIDMAX1 / Upper lirnit of Fl digit command feedrate


FIDT'IAXI: Upper linit of Fl to F4 feedrate

FID}(AX2: Upper limit of F5 to F9 feedrate


Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

Setting value: 0 to 15000 unit I mrn/min

(Metric output) {i
I to 6000 unit 0.1 inch/rnin
(Inch output)
For deviation, refer to parameter No. 216.

SLPGM i Servo loop gain rnultiplier of spindle for gears I to

-4 4 in sequence.
Setting value = 2048 x (E/L) x a x 1000
where: E = Voltage when spi-ndle motor is rotating
at 1000 rpro (V)
L = Angle per spindle motor rotation
(normally 360)
s = Detecting unit (deg)
SLPGIN Spindle loop gain
Setting value I to 9999 Unit 0.01 (l/sec)

0 5 8 )

SRPDFL: Minimum speed of spindle rapid feed override (FO)

Setting value 660 to 15000 Unit deg/nin
SPD}fiL: Sets the spindle speed rpm when low- and high-speed
gears are changed over. Or set the spindle speed
rpm when 1or.r- and medium-gears (3-step gears are
used) are changed over
Set Spindle changing speed x 4095
Spindle max. speed
Setting value: 1 to 4095

ii Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series ' : M serles) Remarks 5.
0 5 8 6
-t- SPD}O(H

SZRNFL: FL speed at spindle orientation
Setting value 660 to 15000 Unit deglmin

Sets the spindle motor speed rpn at the time of


- medium- and high-speed gear change when 3-s tep

gears are used.
Set Spindle changing sp_eed rpm x 4095
F-fl Spindle nax. sPeed
Setting value: 1 to 4095
'i '*
+l 0 5 8 7
i.a t


; MORT Spindle orientation M-code

Set ting value 06 to 97
-I 0 8 8

MSRES Splndle indexing reset M-code

Setting value 06 to 97 t

n 8 9


MSINDX M-code inlrial value for M-code lndexlng

$: Setting value 06 to 92

0 5 9 0

{9. MSDEG Baslc rotatlon angle for M-code lndexlng

Settlng value I to 60 Unlt deg

fG -447-
# itffie:'

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 5 9 I

PDWEL Dwell time at the tiure of C-axis unclamp command in

the drilling cycle
Setting value 0 to 32767 Unit msec

0 5 9 2

PECKC Setting of return amount (d) for peck drilling

in the drilling cycle
Setting value O to 32767 Unit 0.001 uun
(l'le tric input)
Setting value O to 32767 Unit 0.0001 inch
(Inch input)
Note) Ifiit b.cor"" 1/ 10 in increment system 1/10.

n 5 9 J

0 5 9

0 5 9 5

0 5 9 6

qTDFY Y, Position error i inrit rral-ue during X-axis, Y-axis,

Z, 3, 4 Z-axis, 3rd axis and 4th axis stop in seqr-re;:ce
Setting value 0 to 32767 Detecting unit ---*





Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 5 9 8

PCI{K: Minimum value of Progran No. used in coruron i.n tool

posts I and 2. oply 0TT

0 5 9 9

TLCNEG: Tool life management ignore No.

Setcing value 0 to 9999

0 o 0 0

PARTRQ: 9eqs--llrg number of machined parts required.

Setting value 0_ rg_ 99pj

0 6 0 l-


0 o n 2

n 6 0 J


Parameter No. Pararneter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 6 0 4

PEXPJX- Sets exponential acceleration/deceleration time

PEXPJ4: constant sequentially in manual feed.
Setting value 0 to 4000 Unit: msec
When no exponential acceleration/deceleration is
used, set them to 0.

0 o 0 5

0 6 0 6

0 6 0

0 6 0 8

PFLJGX- Sets exponential acceleration/deceleration rate

PFLJG4: sequenti-ally in manual feed.
Setting value 6 ro i5000 Unit: rn/min
Serting value 6 to 6000 Unir: inch/min
Usuallv set them to 0.

0 6 q

0 o I 0

ParameEer No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Rem:rks

0 6 I I

0 6 I 2

INPDZ Sets the in-position width between a feed block and

to a feed block.
INPD4 (Must not be used)
(Valid when parameter No. 45 CCINP=l)

ttPoFFtt means
0 6 I 3 POFF that power
TPFDT should be
turned off
whenever the
TPFDT: Time constants of spindle and Z-axis aeceleration/ parameter is
decelerati-on in Ehe tapping in the rigid mode changed.
(Exponential/linear type is selected by TPSUP.)
The threading accuracy is affeeted when the time
constant is either too long or too short. '
Data type: Word type
Setvalue: 0-4000
UniE : msec
Standard setting: 200 - 150

0 I 4 POFF

TPFFL: Lower speed linit (valid only when TPSUP = 0) at

exponential acceleration/deceleration of the spindle
and Z-axis in the rigid tapping. When this is
increased, lact time is reduced, but the threading
accuracy is affected.
Data Eype: Word type
Setvalue: 6-15000
Unit : rnm/min
Srandard settlng: 30 - 10

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

ttPOFF" means

0 6 I 5 POFF that power

TPLPG should be
turned off
whenever the
TPLPG: Spindle and Z-axis Position control loop gain in the parameter is
rigid tapping. changed.
This has a large influence uPon the threading
accuracy. Make fine adjustment to obtain the
optimurn value by perforrning the cutEing test and
matching wiEh the loop gain multiplier.
Data type: Word tYPe
Set value: I - 9999 -l
Unit : 0.01 msec -
Standard set value: 1500 - 3000

0 o 1

LPGM9: Loop gg,in nultiplier of the spindle in the rigid

tapping for the high speed range. This has a large
influence upon the thread accuracy. Make fine
adjustment Eo obtain the optimum value by
peiforming the cutEing test and natching with the
loop gain.
Data type: Word tYPe
Setvalue: I-32767
Calculation = 2048 * E/L * G * 1000'
E = Speed comrnand voltage at 1000 rpn
L = Spindle rotation angle per spindle
motor rotation
G = Detection uniE
Calculation example:
trr4ren the configuration is as shown
coder in the left drawing:
E = 1.667 [V]
(motor of 6000 rpm at 10 tvl)
SPINDLE L = 360"
I\'lOTOR (Spindle is rotated one turn bY
one spindle motor rotacion. )
p = la/4096
= 720" 14096 = 0.17578'
La = 720"
(Spindle must make two rotations
= 360o * 2 for rot.ating the
position coder one turn. )
l:l;2 4096 = Detection pulse per position
coder rotation

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M serie s )

Gea r ratio between the spindle and the position

cod er
I I ... 0. 0 8 7 8 9 deg
I 2 ... 0. I 7 5 7 8 deg
I 4 ...0. 3 5 I 5 6 deg
I 8 ... 0. 7 0 3 I 3 deg
Therefore, the loop gain nultiplier = 2048 x
L.667 /360 x 0.17578 x 1000 = L667
Note) Do not ml-ss to set the gear ratio parameter
(No. 0028) between the spindle and the position
coder. Decide the detection uniE based on thi-s

ttPoFFtt means
0 6 I POFF that po\ter
TPS}'( should be
turned off
whenever the
TPSMX: Maximum allowable speed of the spindle in the rigid parameter is
tapping. changed.
Data type: Word type
Set value: spindle: position coder gear ratio
1: t 0 - 7400
l:2 0- 9999
1:4 0- 9999
1:8 0- 9999
Unit : PRM
Standard setting: 3600

0 6 I 8

TPIPZ: Z-axis in-position width in the rigid tapping

Data type: Word type
Setvalue: l-32767
Unit : DetecEion unit
Standard setting: 2O




Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks


0 6 I 9 .x

INP9: Spindle in-position width in the rigid tapping :

I,'{ren this is too much increased, the threading .n

accuracy is affected.
Data type: I^lord type
SeEvalue: 0-32767 t
Unit : DeEection unit
Standard setting: 20 :

0 2 0

TPERZ: Linit value of position deviation during movement

Z axis in the rigid tapping rnode
Data type: Word type
Setvalue: 0-32767
Unit : DetecEion unlt
When a one-tenth resolution det.ector is used, the
unit becomes Een times the detection unit.

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 6 2 I

TPER9: Limit value of position deviation during novement of

the spindle (5th axis) in the rigid mode tapping
Data type: Word type
Set. value: o - 32767
Calculation = S x 360/60 x l/G x l/G x 100 x 1.5
S: Maximum spindle speed to perform the
rigid tapping
(Value of paraneter No. 0517)
G: Axis loop gain in the rigid node tapping
(Value of parameter No. 06f5)
G: Detection type
Spindle: Position coder Gear ratio
I : I ... 0. 0 8789deg
I : 2 ...0. I 7578deg
1 : 4 ... 0. 3 5156deg
I : 8... 0. 7 0313deg
Calculation example:
s . .. 3600
G ... 3000
@... 0.17578
(Gear ratio between spindle and position
coder l: 2)
TPER5 = x 360) ldo x I/3000 x 1/0.17578 x .

0 o 2 2

TPESZ: Limit value of posiEion deviation during stop of

Z axis in the rigid node tapping
Data type: Word type
Setvalue: 0-32767
Unit : Detection unit
Standard setting: 500






-45s- I

: T series, Lower :
Parameter No. Parameter (Upper M series) Remarks

0 6 2 3

TPES9: LimiE value of position deviation during stop of the

spindle in the rigid mode tapping
Data type: Word type
Setvalue: 0-32767
Unit : Detection unit
Standard value: 500

ttPoFFtt means
0 6 L 4 POFF that power
LGM9M should be
turned off
-whenever the
LGM9M: Spindle loop gain rnultiplier in the rigid rnode parameter is
tapping for rniddle gear. (Set when one or more changed.
gears are used).
Data type: Word type
setvalufi l-32767
Calculation = 2048 x E/L x G x 1000
E = Speed command voltage at 1000 rpra
L = Spindle rotation angle per spindle
motor rotation
G = Detection unit
Calculation example:
trrlhen the configuration is as shown
in the left drawi-ng:
E = 1.667 [V]
SPINDLE (motor of 6000 rpm ar 10 [v])
MOTOR L = 720"
(Spindle makes two rotaEions
when spindle motor rotates
one turn. )
G= La/ 4096
720" 14096 = 0.17578"
Ld- - 7 2A"
(Spindle must make two
rotating the position coder
one turn. )
4096 = Detection pulse per position
coder rotation
Loop gain multiplier = 2048 * *
1.667 |TZO x 0. 17578 * 1000 = 833



Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

J ttPoFFtt means
0 o 2 5 POFF that power
LGM9H should be
turned off
Spindle loop gain nultiplier for high speed gear in whenever the
the rigid tapping. (Used for 3-srage gear).- parameter is
Data type : Word type ctianged.
Setring value: I to 32767
(Note) Refer to parameter No . 0624 for calculation

0 6 L 7

ERR9: Spindle position deviation value in the rigid

tapping. (Used for diagnosis)
Data type: Word type
Unit : DeEection unit

0 6 z 8

IPL9: Spindle distribution amount in the rigid tapping.

(Used for diagnosis)
Data type: Word type
Unit : Detection unit



Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 7 0 0

0 0 I i

0 0

0 7 0 J
a LTI41

0 0 4
LT 1X2

0 7 0

0 7 0 6

0 7 0 I

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

Lrlnll t

TI- nth top in square zone (see figure) .)v

I axis )-t

Set stroke lirnit mentioned above.

Serring amount 0 to *999ggggg (unit: 0.001 rnrn in
mm output or 0.000I Tnch in inch outpuL)
Set with the distance from the reference poLnt.
In the case of diameter designation, set the X axis
with the diameter designation value. (For OT)
The outside of the boundary set with the Parameter
is set as the inhibited region. Normally, set at
the max. stroke of the machine.
the axis enters the inhibited region'
overtravel alarm is indicated. A margin should be
provided with respect. to the stroke to cope wi-th
' the fluctuation in the detecting operation. As a
rule, in the case of metric designation, multiply
the rapid traverse by a factor of 1/5 and set it
as the margin.
(Example) Rapid traverse 10 m/rnin.

The actual position of the machine slightly

differs from the position stored in the CNC unit
after the power is turned on, emergency stop is
reset' or servo alarm is reset. Therefore, before
starting operation, be sure to return Ehe axes to
reference point. Otherwise, overtravel detecting
position deviates by the value corresponding to
the above-described deviation in the position.

Axis name

(Exarnple) LTIZI = -1 and LTIZZ = L

the Z axis stroke becomes infinite.
(Note 1) For the axis whose stroke is infinite,
the incremental command can be specified.
If the absolute co-mand is specified, the
absolute register may overflow and it is
not operated normallY.
(Note 2) These parameters cannot be set for the
rotary axis.
(Note 3) Unlt becomes 1/10 tn increment system 1/10.

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lorver : M series)

0 7 0 c

0 0 9

0 7 I 0

0 1 I


PRSX, These set the coordinate values of the reference

PRSY, point of the X, y, Z and 4th axes when automatic
PRSZ, coordinate system setting is conducted,
PRS4 respec tive ly.
Setting range:
0 to +99999999 unir: 0.001 rnrn (mm inpur)
unit: 0.0001 inch (inch inpur)
Note) Unit becornes 1/10 in incremenr systen 1/lO.

Pararneter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lourer : M series) Remarks

0 1
I 2

U t 3

n - I 4

0 I 5

SPTIME Tine (P) when starting rhe spindle speed

fluctuation after the comanded speed is not
reached a certain time.
Serting range: 0 to ggggggg (unit: r"".)'
PECINTX, Pitch error compensation Lnterval for each axis
PEXINTY, Setting range
PECINTZ, 8000 to 99999999 unir: 0.001 m (m inpur)
PECINT4 4000 to 99999999 unir: 0.000f inch (inch inpur)

Note 1) It zero is set, no compensation is done.

Note 2) Unit becomes 1/10 in increment system t/iO.
PSGRDX, Grid width of X and Z axes, respectively.
PSGRDZ Setting range: 0 ro 99999999 unit: 0.001 nn
(run output)
unit: 0.001 inch
(inch ourpur)
No position signal is output vhen the setting
value is 0.
In order to output the position signal securely
without any skip when each axis moves at the
maximum setting value 24 m/min of the rapid
traverse speed, the grid width must be set to be
more than 6400.
Note) Unit becomes 1/10 in increment sysrem 1/10.





Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

I 1
U 7

MRCCD Depth of eut in multiPle repetitive cycle G7l' G72.

Setting range:
I to 99999999 unit: 0.001 mn (rm input)
L to 99999999 unit: 0.0001 inch (inch input)

Note) Unit becomes 1/10 in increment system l/10.

0 7 t 6

MRCDT Relief amount in multiPle repetitive cycle G7l' Gl2.

Setting range:
I to 99999999 unit: 0. 001 rnm (rnetric input)
| 6 9v999999 unit: 0.0001 ineh (inch input)
Note) Unit becomes 1/10 in increment system l/10.

0 1

0 2 0

DFC'Y Relief values in X and Z directions in rnultiple

PESCZ repetitive cycle G73, respectively.
Setting range:
I to *99999999 unit: 0.001 nn (mm input)
1 ro 1999 99999 uni-t : 0 . 0001 inch (inch input)
Note) Unit becomes t/t0 in increment system 1/10.

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 7 2 I

PATIM Number of div.isions in urultiole repetitive cyc1e.'

Setting range: I to 99999999

0 7 2 2

GROVE Return amount in multiple repetitive cycle G74, C75

Setting range:
0 to 99999999 unir: 0.001 m (nn input)
O to 99999999 unir: 0.000i inch (inch inpur)
Note) Unit becornes I/10 in increment system t/10.

0 2 3

THRPT Number of repetitions of final finishing in

multiple repetitive cycle G76.
Setting range: I to gggggggg

0 7 2 4

TIIANG Tool nose angle in nultiple repetitive cycle G76.

Setting value: 0, 29, 30, 55, 60, g0



Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 2 5

THCLM l"linimum depth of cut in multiple repetitive cYcle

Setting range:
0to 99999999 unit: 0.001 nnn (nmr input)
0to 99999999 unit: 0.0001 inch (inch inPut)

Note) Unit becornes 1/ 10 in increment system 1/10.

0 7 2 6

TT{DFN Finishing allowance in multiple repetitive cycle

Setting ?.ttg" t
O to 99999999 unit: 0.00I nrm (uur input)
0 to 99999999 unit: 0.0001 inch (inch inPut)

Note) Unit becornes 1/10 in increment system 1/10.

0 l 2 8

I{IMAX Sets the tolerance value of tool wear offset

incremental input.
Setting range:
I to 999999 unit: 0.001 run (nur input)
unit: 0.0001 inch (inch inPut)
Note) Unit becomes 1/10 in increment system 1/10.

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 7 L o

WOMAX Sets the uaximum of the tool wear offset value.

Setting range:
I to 9999999 unlt: o.ool m (m inPut)
unit: 0.0001 inch (inch input)
(Check together with pararneter No. 0728 in the
case of incremental input)
Note) Unit becones l/10 in increment system 1/10.

0 7 3 0

MIRSS Used for mirror image for opposite tool post.

This parameter sets the distance between the tool
posts in the shifting of coordinate system.
Setting range:
I to 9999999 unit: 0.001 m (m output)
unit: 0.000I inch (inch output)
Sets with a radius value.
Note) Unit becornes 1/10 in increment syster ,rr0.
PROTAG: Parameter of angle vilue used when no angle command
is present at coordinate rotation.
Setting value:
-360000 to 360000 unlt: 0.00I deg.

0 3 I

0 3 2

Parameter No. Pararneter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

GAN]"IAX, The value of e on the X ar.d Z axes in the auto-

GANMAZ matic tool compensation function' respectively.
Setting range:
I to 99999999 unit: 0.001 uun (mn output)
I to 99999999 unit: 0.0001 inch (inch output)
The X axis value should be set with a radius value.

Note) Unit becomes l/10 in increment system 1/10.

PSCRT: Parameter of magnifLcation value used when no
rnagnification command is present in scaling.
Setting value:
I to 999999 (Unit depends on parameter)
Unit: x0.001, x0.00001

0 7 J 3

0 7 3 4

EPCX, The value of e on the X and Z axes, in the auto-

EPCZ rnatic tool compensation functi-on, respectively.
Setting range:
L to 99999999 unit: 0.001 nun (urn output)
I to 99999999 unit: 0.0001 inch (inch output)
The X axis value should be set with a radius value.

Note) Unit becomes 1/lO in increment system 1/10.

0 3 5

0 l 3 o


Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 1 3 T


0 7 3 8

REF2X, Distance from the reference polnt to the 2nd

REF2Y, reference point for X, Y, Z, and 4th axes,
REFZZ, respectively.
REF24 Setting range:
0 to +99999999 unit: 0.001 rnm (mm ourpur)
O to Tgggggggg unir: 0.0001 inch (incir output)
0 to ;9999999 unit: 0.001 deg (rotary a*il)
Note) Unit becornes 1/10 in increment system l/10.

0 7 9

0 4 0

0 7 4 I

0 7 4 2

ABSXP, Counter data at the reference point when the

ABSYP, absolute pulse coder is used.
ABSZP, These parameters are automatically set when the
ABS4P tool has ret.urned co the reference point. So it is
not necessary to set values to these paiameters.

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

n 7 3

0 7 4 4

0 7 {+ 5

0 7 q 6

0 7


0 1 d

0 7 9

0 1 5 0

0 l 5 I


Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 5

T ' Apex No. of square area
Represents the axis
Set the stroke limit represented above.
Setting value 0 to +99999999 Unit 0.001 urn
(l"letric output)
Setting value 0 to +99999999 Unir 0.0001 inch
(Inch output)
Set the stroke lirnit by the distance from the
reference point. For the designation of dianeter,
set X-axis sith the diameter.designated value. Use
parameter INOUT (No. 24) to set the forbidden area
to the inside or outside.
Note) Unit becoines l/t0 in increment system l/10.
TLSXP X axis * distance to contaet surface (Xp)
TLS)O{ X axis - distance to contact surface (Xm)

TLSZP Z axis * d.istance to contact surface (Zp) |

TLSZM Z axis - distance to contact surface (Zrn)

Note) Unit becomes 1/10 in increment system 1/10.

Set the distance from the measurement standard
polnt to each contact surface (with sign).
For the diameter designated axis, set in diameter

X axis surface

Z axis ,J

X axis ,_1) contact surface

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks f
LT2XI- Check stroke lirnit using these parameters, not
LT242: parameter Nos. 0700 to 0707 when EXLM2 (G129.6)
(M series) signal is ON.

Note) Valid only when parameter No. 0I5 LM2=1

0 1 5 J

0 7 5 4

EXOFSI _ 4 External work zero-point offset amount of X-axis,

Y-axis, Z-axis and th-axis in sequence.
Setting value 0 to +7999 Unit 0. 001 rmn
(Metric output)
serring lalue 0 to +7999 Unit 0.0001 inch
(Inch output)
Note) Unit becoures 1/10 in incrernent system 1/10.
This parameter sets the zero-point position of work
coordinate system (G54 to G59). The work zero-
point offset amount is different for every work
coordinate system, but this parameter sets the
offset amount colnmon to all work coordinate
systems. Normal1y, machine-side input (external
data input) is used for automatic settl-ng.

0 - 5 5

U 7 5 6

0 7
ZOF 1 S3

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series' Lovter : M series)

0 7 5 8

0 7 5 9

0 o 0

0 7 o t

0 6 z

zoFlsl 1st work zero-point offset amount of X-axis,

-4 Y-axis, Z-axis and 4th axis in sequence.
Setting value 0 to +99999999 Unit 0.001 mm
(Metric output)
setting value 0 ro +99999999 unit 0.0001 inch
(Inch output)
Normally, data are inputted from the work coordinate
system setting screen.
Note) Unit becomes 1/10 in increment system t/10.


Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks


PECINTX, Compensation intervals at pitch error compensation
PECINTZ, of each axis. *
PECINT3, Setting value:

PECINT4: hrlren the radius is designated
8000 - 99999999 (Metric outPut)
4000 - 99999999 (Inch outPut)
Ilowever' set in diameter value for the diameter
designated axis.
hhen the diameter is designated
I6000 - 99999999 (Metric outPut)
8000 - 99999999 (Inch orrtPut)
ZOF2S I 2nd work zero-point offset amount of X-axis'
-4 Y-axis, Z-axis and 4th axis in sequence.
(css )
Setting value 0 to +99999999 unir 0.001 rmr
(Metric output)
Setting value 0 to +99999999 Unit 0.0001 inch
(Inch output)
Nornally, data are inputted from the work coordinate
system setting screen.
Note) Unit becornes l/10 in increment system 1/10.

0 l 6 3
z0F3s I

0 4

0 b 5

0 o 6

ZOF35 1 3rd work zero-point offset amount of X-axis,

-4 Y-axis, Z-axis and 4th axis in sequence.
Setting value 0 to !99999999 Unit 0.001 unt
(Metric input)
Set t ing value 0 to +99999999 unir 0.000I inch
(Inch input)
Normally' data are input from the work coordinate
system setting screen.
Note) Unit becomes 1/10 in increment system 1/10'

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 - o 7
zoF4s t

0 6 8

0 7 6 9

0 7 0

z0F4s 1 4th work zero-point offset amount of X-axis,

-t+ Y-axis, Z-axis and 4th axis in sequence.
(cs 7)
Serring value 0 ro +99999999 Unit 0.001 ffi
(Metric input)
Setring value 0 ro +99999999 Unit 0.0001 inch
(Inch input)
Normally, data are input from the work coordinate
system setting screen.
Note) Unit becomes 1/10 in increment system 1/10.
IDSTX: Distance from the first. tool head standard point t.o only 0TT
the 2nd tool head standard point on the X axis.
IDSTZ: Distance from the first tool head standard point to only 0TT
the 2nd tool head standard point on the Z axis.
Setring 0 ro +99999999 Unit:0.001 umr
(mn output)
0.0001 inch
(Inch output)


Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 7 I


0 l 7 J

n a a

zoF5s I 5th work zero-point offset amount of X-axis,

-4 Y-axis , Z-axis and 4th axis in sequence.
Serring value 0 to +99999999 Unit 0.001 rm
(Metric output)
serring value 0 ro +99999999 Unit 0.0001 inch
(Inch output)
Norma11y, data are input frorn the work coordinate
system setting screen.
Note) Unit becomes 1/10 in increment system i/10.

0 7 5

0 7 1 6

- 474 -
Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series)


0 7 8

ZOF6S 1 6th work zero-point offset amount of X-axis,

-4 Y-axis, Z-axis and 4th axis in sequence.
serring value 0 ro +99999999 Unit 0.001 urn
(Metric output)
Setting value 0 to +99999999 Unir 0.0001 inch
Normalty, data are inpur from the ri:1":":::il:1"
system setting screen.
Note) Unit becones l/I0 in increment system.


{g=-sl-eaqb+leq parts in total

Setting value 0 to ggggYggg -:

0 7 8 0

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 B I

0 7 d 2
I(-L.r JZ

0 1 8 3

REF3X - Sets distance of 3rd reference point on X axis to

REF34: 4th axis from lst reference point sequentially.
Set t
o - +99999999 Unit: 0.00f rnrn (Metric output)
o - iggsggggg Unit: 0.0001 inch (Inch ourpur)

0 7 8 4

0 7 tJ 5

n 7 8 o

- 476 -
Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series ) Remarks

0 8 7

REF4X - Sets distance of 4th reference point on X axis to

REF44: 4th axis froro lst reference point sequentially.
Setting value
0 - +99999999 Unit: 0.001 rnm (Merric ourpur)
O -1SSSSSSSS Unir: 0.0001 inch (rnch oulput)

0 7 8 8

0 1 8 9

0 9 0

0 9 I


0 9 2
F 1DF5





-477- ll
- Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 7 9 J

0 o

0 l 9

0 9 6

FlDFI,2, Feedrate for Fl digit coflrmands FI to F9 in sequence

3, 4, 5, 6, Setting value
7,8, 9: 0 - 15000 Unit: 0.1 nrar/min (Metric output)
0 - 6000 Unit: 0.1 inch/min (Inch output)
When the manual pulse generator is rotated to change
the feedrate for Fl digit comnand, the value of this
parameter changes accordingly. This parameter can
be set even in setting.

0 7 9 9

ABS9: Spindle distribution cumulative value for the rigid

tapping. (Used for diagnosis)
data type: 2-word type
Unit : Detection unit

- 478 -
Parameter No. Parameter (Upper: Tseries, Lower: Mseries) Remarks

I 0 0 0

PECORGX X axis zero point of pitch error compensation.

Setting range 0 to 127

0 0
1 I
Setting of pitch error compensation amount for
Z axLs.
Setting range 0 to +7
I I 2 8

2 0 0 n

PECORGY Y axis zero point of pitch error compensation..

Setting range 0 to 127
PECORGZ Z axis zero point of pitch error'compensation.
setting range 0 to 127 |

2 0 0 I
Setting of pitch error compensation amount for
Y axis (for M series), Z axis (for T series).
to Setting range 0 to +7
2 I 2 8

3 0 0 0

PECORGZ Z axis zero point of pitch error compensation.

setting range 0 to I27
PECORG3 3rd axis zero point of pitch error compensation.
serting range 0 to 127

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper i T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

0 0
Setting of picch error compensation amount for
Z axis (for M series), 3rd axis (for T series).
to Setting range 0 to +7
I 8

4 0 0 0

PECORG4 4th axis zero point of pitch error compensation.

Setting range 0 to L27

4 0 0 I
Setting of pitch error compensation amount for
to 4th axis.
Setting range 0 to +7
q I 8

5 0 0 0

PECORG5 5th axis pitch error origin

Setting range 0 r^ -Ll 17

5 0 n I
< t+' axis pitch error offset setting
t Set ting range 0 to +7
5 I 8

6 0 0 0.

PECORG6 6th axis pitch error origin

Setting range 0 to +127

Parameter No. Pararneter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series)

6 0 0 1

6th axis pitch error offset setting

) Setting range 0to*7
o I z 8


7 0 0 I

Blr No. 76543210

DECIS 1: Machine decelerates when deceleration signal is I 1n
reference point return.
0: l'lachine decelerates when deceleration signal is 0 1n
reference point return.
scws l: Miniuum comand.increment is the inch system
(Machine inch system).
0: Minimum cowtand increment is the metric system
(Machine metric systeur) .

7 0 0 2

Bir No. 43 zr0

PPDS 1: Relative coordinate IS also preset by coordinate
0: Relative coordinate l-s not preset by coordinate

ZYL6 zt't5
7 0 0 J

Bit No. 7 6 543210

5th/6th axes reference Point return direction and backlash
initial directlon at Power 0N in the order of ZM5 and ZM6-
1: Minus direction
0: Plus direction


I -48r-
t" .ry'

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

D!{R5 GRD5
0 0

Bit No. 654 32t0

Detection mult iplier for 5th/6th axes in the order of DMR5 and 6

D}G.6 GRD6
0 0

Bir No. 765 43 2L0

Reference counter capacity for 5th/6th axes in the order of GRD5
and 6.

l 0 t 0

Bir No. 76543210

APRSS 1: Sets automatic coordinate system at reference point
0: Does not set automatic coordinate system at
reference point return.
OFFVYS l. Servo alarm d.oes not occur even when VRDI is ON
before outputting PRDY.
0: Servo alarm occurs when VRDY is ON before outputting


7 U z I


APC5/ 1: l,ihen the absolute pulse coder detector is rnounted.

APC 6 0: When the absolute pulse coder detector is not

SUB I l: PMC axis control is the 5th axls.

0: PMC axis control is the 5th/6th axes.
APC5, : Absolute pulse coder provided.
APC6 0: Absolute pulse coder not provided.


: -482-
Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : series)

0 2 2
ABS6 ABS5 ii:

Bir No.

ABS5, 1: Reference point position in absolute pulse coder is

ABS6 defined.
0: Reference point position in absolute corder is
not defined.
(The signal becomes r'1r' automatlcally if the
reference point return is performed by Pl'tC axis
control. Do not change setting by the time the
detector is replaced.)
When installing the CNC or replacing the position
detector, always set these Parameter to 0, turn off
and on the power then perforn manual reference
point return.


7 0 3 2

Bit No.

PNGULK 1: signal is invalid for the 5th/5th axes.

0: MLK signal is valid for the 5th/6th axes.
ROT5,6 1 : The 5th/6th axes is a rotary axis.
0: The 5th/6th axes is a linear axis

I 0 0

7 1 0 t

Comnand multiplier for 5th/6th axes in the order of CMR5 and


7 t 3 0

F- ilt? #'

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

t J t

DSPSUBl, 2z Set the axis names of the 5th/6th axes in sequence.

The setting code shall be in accordance with the
general switch code on the operatorrs panel.
Usable characters:
(x, Y, z, u, V, w, A, B, C, H, 0 - 9, O, N, D, -, .)
Note) When displaying the 5/6th axis posi-tions,
the run hour, for example, is displayed on
the overall position display screen.

5 0

u rNp6
7 5 0 I

In-position width for 5th/6th axes in the order of INP5 and INP6.

1 0

5 0 5

Lirnit val-ue of rnoving position deviation for 5th/6th axes in

the order of -'SnnnS and SERR6.

7 5 0 8

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks

7 5 0 9

Grid shift amount for 5th/6th axes in the order of GRDS5 and

5 7

Settlng of position control loop gain (5th/6th axes Ln co-.on).

7 5 I 8

5 t 9

5th/6th axis rapid traverse rate in the order of RpDF5 and RpDF6.

5 a 2

7 5 2 3

Time constant of linear acceleration and deceLeration for 5th/6th

axes in the order of LINT5 and LINT6.



I -485-
Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : l'1 series) Remarks

7 2 9

Time constant of cutting feed exponent ial accel-eration/

deceleration (5th/6Eh axes in common).

7 5 0

Lower lirnit speed of cutting feed exponential acceleration and

deceleration (FL) (5th/6th axes in common).
Usuallv set this parameter to 0.

5 3 4

Low feedrate at reference point return (FL) (5th/6th axes l-n

common) .

1 5 3 5

7 5 3 6

Backlash amounc for 5th/6th axes in the order of BKL5 and BKL6.

7 5 9 3

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lorrer : M series) . Remarks

5 9 4

Linit value of positional deviatlon for 5th and 6th axes at stop
in the order of STPE5 and STPE6.

5 I 6

PSAI{GNS Subspindle 54/55 digit control (Analog output).

Analog output gain adjusting data. (Set the data for
gain adjustment at analog output.)
The setting range, etc. is the sarne as with the main
spindle parameter (No. 5f5).

5 3 9

SPDLCS Set Ehe subspinble speed offset compensated valuel

the zero offset compensation value of subspindle
speed corumand voltage.

7 0 0

0 I

7 1 0 4

1q*[ *!flprr{pee


.i _"-

Parameter No. Parameter (Upper : T series, Lower : M series) Remarks I

7 7 0 5

LT151, 161, L52, r52

Stored st.roke lirnit of 5th and 6th axes.

1 7 0 8

0 q

Coordinate value of 5th and 6th axes reference point.

8 5 0 0

Parameters related to dlgital servo for 5th axis.

6 5 6 5

B o 0 0

Parameters related to digital servo for 6th axis.

I 6 6

Ttre parameters of each axis for the digital servo are

Parameter No. Product Axis

The lst axis 8100 - 8165 OT/OG X axis
OM X axis

The 2nd axis 8200 - 8265 or/oc Z axis

OM Y axis
Cf axis,
The 3rd axi-s 8300 - 8365 OT/OG
PMC axis
OM Z axis
Cf axis,
The 3rd axi-s 8400 - 8465 OT/OG
PMC axis
OM The fourth axis

In the followingr parrmeter numbers of each axis are to be indicated by *.

Parameter No. Data


BirNo. 7 6 5 4 3 2 I 0

DGPRM While the power is turned orlr the standard values of

parameters related to Digital Servo are '
0: to be set
l: noE to be set
When this parameter is set to 0 after seEting the motor tyPe'
the standard values which have been set corresponding to the
motor type of the parameter 8 * 20 are automatically set and
this parameter becomes ttltt.
Parameter No. Data


Bit No.



Motor type
No. of pulses/pulse
coder rotation(p/r)

5 q 3 2 I 0

2-0, 1-0: 0, 5, 10, 2000 0 I I i I I

2500 0 I I 0 I 0

3000 0 1
I 0 0 0 I

4-0, 3-0 2000 0 i 0 1

l. 0 I

5-0 1000 0 t 0 0 0 0

2-O, l-0, 0, 5, 10, I 2500 0 0 0 0 0 I

20, 20M, 30, 30R
20000 I I t

25000 I
t f 0 I 0

Parameter No. Data

8E oz
Btr No. 7 6s t

Since the set value has been fixed as in the following, never change lt. The
setting value of the PSSEL is 1, While that of the VFSEL is
Parameter No. Data.

Bit No.

Parameter No. Data

Bit No.

Setting data related to Digital Servo.

Nore) I^Ihen phrameter No. 8 * 00 bit 1 (DGPRM) is set to 0, the standard
values of these parameEers are auturatically set. Normally' never
change these values.

Parameter No. Data

8E2o t'totor type

Parameter input
Data type : Word axls type i
Data unit :
Data range: L to 32767 1

The standard values of the parameters related to the Digital Servo are stored
in the menory of the NC corresponding to each motor type. Set them for each
When this parameter is 0 or less or an unavailable value is set, an-alarn

Motor type
Parameter No.
5-0 4-0 3-0 2-O t-0
sIz o 3 4 5 6 7

Motor type
Parameter No.
0 5 t0 20M 20

eflz o 8 9 i0 11 L2

Motor type I
Parameter No.
30 30R

aIz o 13 L4

Parameter No. Data

sEzL Load l-nertia ratio (LDINT)

Parameter input
Data type : I^Iord axis type
Data unit :
Data range: L to 32767
When Digital Servo is to be used, calculate the inertia ratio of the load
inertia and motor rotor inertia according to the following expression and set
lt for each axis.
Load inertla ratio = load ir-rerti+ x 256
Rotor lnertra


\'- I
Paraueter No. Data

-sE 22 Rotating direction of motor (DIRCTL)

Parameter input
Data type : Word axis type
Set the rotating direction of a motor.
llI: The motor rotares in the positive direction (Viewed from the motor
shaft side, it rotates in the CCW direction.)
-111: The motor rotates in the negative direction (Viewed from the motor
shaft side, it rotates in the CW direction.
If a value exceDt the aobve has been set, an alarm results.
Parameter No. Data

8Ez3 Digital Servo related (PULCO)

Parameter input
Data type : Word axis type
Data unit : PULSE/REV
Dara range: I to 32167
When Digical Servo is to be used, set the number of pulses per rotation of
the motor of the detector to be used for the velocity feedback. Perform
calculaEion supposing-ttrat there are four pulses per pulse cycle phases A and
However, when a pulse coder of is to be used, set l/10 data.
If this parameter is 0 or less, an alarm results.
Parameter No. Data

BEz4 Digital Servo related (PPLS)

Parameter input
Data type : Word axis type
Data unit : PULSE/REV
Data range: I to 32767
When Digital Servo is to be usedr st the number of pulses per one rotation
of t.he motor of the detecEor to be used for the position feedback. Perform
calculation supposing that there are hour pulses per pulse cycle of phases A
and B. (Exarnple, 2,000 x 4 = 8,000 for a pulse coder of 2,000 p/r.)
If this parameter is 0 or less, an alarm results.

Parameter No. Data
8E 40 Parameters related to Digital Servo
a $50 s

Parameter input
Data type : Word axis type
Data unit :
Data range:
Parameters related to Digital Servo
Note) I{hen parameter No. 8 * 0O bit I (DGPRM) is set to 0 and rhe moror type
is set to parameter No. 8 * 20, the standard value is autonatically
set. Norma11y, it is not necessry to change this parameter.
Parameters which can be determined by the motor to be applied.
(Data type: Word axis rye) (l)

AC servo uotor co be applied

Parameter No.
5-0 4-0 3-0 2-O t-0 0

a[+ o 241 460 669 322 469 828

a pa r -527 -L467 -2I26 -1 103 -1625 -2782

s[+ z -i873 -2373 -237 4 -2488 -2503 -2457
a[+: 80 r04 96 267
2I7 226

a[a + -300 -517 -47 7 -1330 - 1082 -1t27

a[a s 0 0 0 0 0 0

a[a o -1647 L -1647 | -1647 I -1547 L -1647 L -1647 r

afla z U 0 0 22556 r 3582 4t73
afl+ a 0 0 0 ra24 ro24 LO24

afla s 0 0 0 22552 13679 4t7 2

afls o 2607 2607 2607 2607 2607 2607

aEs r 5560 5560 5560 5560 5560 5s60

a[s z 0 0 0 0 0 0

a fls r 2T 2L 2L 2I 2T 2l
s[s + 3787 3787 3787 3787 3787 3787

a[s s 319 319 319 319 3r9 319

a ps e 0 0 0 0 0 0

Falxlrr: -'r{.i6*r.tdffir"

AC servo motor Co be applied

Parameter No
5-0 4-0 3-0 2-O 1-0 0

s[s z 2330 2330 2330 2330 2330 2330

e[s a 57 (7 57 57 57

e[s e 0 0 0 U 0 0

a flo o 7 282 7282 7282 7282 7282 7 282

a[o r 32256 32256 32256 32256 32256 32256

af,o z 325t4 32543 3257 6 32507 325r9 327 t2

a[e : 317 3 28t7 2401 3265 3Lt2 706

e[o + 85 225 475 853 L7 28 5440

s[o s 9437 83 75 7 136 97 L3 9256 2094

Pararueters which can be determined by the motor to be applied,

(Data type: Word axis type) (2)

AC servo motor fo be applied

Parameter No.
5 l0 20r4 20 30 30R

afl+ o t7 20 Y44 808 970 I t,<) 705

s[+ i -27 8r -3532 -307 4 -3682 -557 6 -27 16

e[+ z -30s 2 -2622 -2649 -2646 -2665 -2669

a[+: 3s9 654 824 535 s05 674

aIa a -L7 89 -3259 -4103 -2666 -25L6 -JJ)O

a[+ s 0 0 0 0 0 0

a[+ o -1647 L -1647 r -t647 L -1647 L -t647 r -r647 L

sfln 2.. t 941 835 491 49r 348 348

aIa a l024 LO24 t024 1024 1024 L024

sIa e L94L 834 49r 49r 348 348

eIs o 2607 /-6U T zou I 2607 2607 2607

a[s r 55 60 55 60 55 60 5560 5560 5560

I aIs z 0 0 U 0 0 0


AC servo aot.or t,o be applied
Parameter No i
5 10 201.1 20 30 30R
a[s r 2l 2L 2L 2I 2L 2L i
a[s + 3787 3787 3787 3787 3781 3787 t

eIs s 3r9 319 319 319 3r9 319


aIs o 0 0 0 0 0 0

aIs z 2330 2330 2330 2330 2330 2330

aIs e 57 57 57 57 57 57

aIs s 0 0 0 0 0 0

aIo o 7282 7282 7282 6918 6918 6554

a[o r 32256 32256 32256 32256 32256 32256

aIo z 32645 32645 32r55 32509 32452 324L9

aIo r r 539 3796 7 6s9 3242 3947 4366

eIs + 7 312 9410 r2705 r 95s6 29250 21926

sIo s 4567 11299 22907 9644 LL752 r3005

Note 1) The parameters marked by * are not used currently.

Note 2) Wtren a pulse coder of 0.1u is used, the values of the paraneters
marked by /l are to be changed to 1/10.

Co'nnon parameters for each motor model (Data type: bit axls type)

Parameter No.
It7 It6 tt\ #4 #3 ll2 tfL ll0

aPo: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I
sSo a 0 0 0 I I 0 I 0


Character-to-codes correspondence table

Character Code Comment Character Code Comment

A u65 6 054
B 066 7 055
o67 8 056
D 068 9 05 r-
E 069 032 Space
070 033 Exclamation mark
071 034 Ouotation mark
H tl 035 Sharp
I 073 c 036 Dollar svmbol
J 414 o37 Percent
K 075 & 038 Ampersand
L 076 039 Aoostrophe
M 077 030 Left oarenthesis
N 078 ) 041 Rieht parenthesis
0 079 o42 As teri sk
P 080 + 043 Plus sien
O 081 t 044 Conma
D 082 045 |linus sign
S 083 046 Period
T 084 / 047 SIash
U 085 058 Co lon
\/ 086 059 Semi-colon
w 087 060 Left ansle bracket
X 088 uol Sien of eaualitv
I 089 062 Rieht angle braeket
Z 090 ? 063 0uestion mark
0 048 G
.064 Coumercial at mark
I o49 t 091 Left square bracket
050 t\ 092
3 051 093 Yen svmbol
4 052 l 094 Rieht square bracket
053 095 Underline
000 Space




1) Program errors (p/S alarm)

A parameter which requires the power off was input,
off power. curn

THalarn (A character with incorrect parity was input).

Correct the tape.
TV alarrn (The nunber of characters in
block is odd).
This alarm will be generared oniy when a the TV check is
effective. Correct the tape.
Data exceeding the maximum allowable number of
was input. (Refer to the item of max. prograrnnabie
dimensions. )

A nuueral or the sign tt-tt eras input without an

at the beginning of a b1ock.
The address was noE followed by Ehe appropriate
was followed by another address or EOB cod.e. data but

sign rt-tt i-nput error (sign tt-tt was i-nput af Eer an address
with which i.t cannot be used. Or two or more,r_r,
were input. ) "1rrr"--
Decinal point tt.,t input error (A decinal point was.
after an address with which it ean not be used. Orinput
decimal points were input.)
Unusable character was input in significant area.
An unusable G code was

Feedrate was not cornmanded to a cutting feed or

feedrate was inadequate. the

In variable lead threading, the lead incremental and

decremental outputted by idd.""" K exceed the maximum T only
command value or a conmand such that the
lead becomes
negative value is given.
A synchronous feed is specified without t.he option
threading /synchronous feed. for

The nunber of the corqmanded axes exceeded

simultaneously controlled axes that bf

An axis not included in the selected plane (by using

GI7, Gl8, Gt9) was commanded in ci-reular interDolation. M only

In circular interpolation bv radius designation,

negative value was corr-andei for address R.
Note) ttTtt is a general term for OT-B and OOT-8.
ttMtt is a general
term for OM-B and OOM-B.


Number Contents Remarks

029 The offset value specified by H code is Eoo large. M only

The offset value specified by T code is too large. T only

030 The offset number specified by H code for tool length M only
offset only or cutter compensation is too large.
The offset number in T function specified for tool T only
offset is too large
03r In setting an offset arnount by G10' the offset number
following address P was excessive or it was not
032 In setting an offset amount by GIO, the offset amount
\itaS eXceSSive.

033 A poinf of intersection cannot be determined for cuEter M only

comDensation C.

A point of intersection cannot be determined for tool nose T only

radius comDensation.
034 The start up ror cancel was going to be performed in the M only
G02 or G03 rnode in cutter comPensation C.

The start up or cancel was going to be performed in the T only

G02 or G03 mode in tool nose radius compensation.

035 G39 is commanded in cutter comPensation B cancel mode or M only

on the plane other than offset plane
Skip cutting (C:t) was specified in tool nose radius T only
compensaEion mode.

036 Skip cutting (G31) was specified in cutter compensation M only


037 G40 (offset cancel) is commanded at the plane other than M only
offset plane in cutter compensation B. The plane selected
by using GI7, G18 or G19 is changed in cutter compensati-on
C mode.

038 Over.outting will occur in cutter compensation C because M only

the arc start point or end ooint coincides with the arc
0vercuttlng will occur in tool nose radius compensation T only
because the arc start point or end point coincides wi-th
the arc center.
039 Chamfering or corner R was specified with a start-up, a T only
chncel, or switching between G41 and G42 in tool nose
radius compensation. The program may cause overcutting to
occur in chamfering or corner R.

Number ConEents Remarks
040 overcutting will occur in tool nose radius compensation T only
in a canned cycle G90 or G94.
041 Overcutting vill occur in cutter compensation C. M only
Overcutting will occur in tool nose radius compensation. T only
o44 One of G27 t.o G30 is conmanded i"n canned cycle mode. 'M only
046 Other than P2, P3 and P4 are comnanded for 2nd, 3rd and
4th reference point return command.
050 The chanfering or a corner R was specified in a block T only
which includes a thread cutting command.
051 The block after a block containing a chamfering or a T only
corner R specification e/as not a GOl cornmand.
052 The nove direction or the move amount in a block T only
following chaufering or a corner R command was not

053 2 or more of IrKandRare directed in chamfering and T only

corner radius R corrmand or C or R does not come after a
con-a (, ) in direct drawing dimension programming.
054 A block in which the chamfering or the corner R was T only
specified includes a taper corrmand.

055 The uove distance in the block which includes the T only
chamfering or the corner R specification is sualler than
the chamfering aaount or the corner R.

0s6 Both end point and angle are not designated in the next T only
block comrnand of the angle designation block (A ).
I (K) is commanded to X-axis (Z-axis) in chamferin=g

057 Block end point ls not calculated correctly in direct T only

-i I
dlmension drawing programming.

0s8 Block end point is not found in direct dimension drawing T only
'--i progranning.
i 059 The program wlth the selected number cannot be searched,
1n external program number search.

060 Cormranded sequence number was not found in the sequence

number search.

061 Address P or Q is not specified in G70, G7I, G7Z, or G73 T only



Number Content s Remarks

062 o The depth of cut in G7l or G72 is zero or negative T only

o The repetitive count in G73 is zero or negative value.
o The negative value is specified to Ai or Ak in G74
or G75.
o A value other than zero is specified to address U or W,
though Ai or Ak is zero in G74 or G75.
o negative value is specified to Ad, though the
relief direction in G74 or G75 is determined.
o Zero on a negative value is specified to Ehe height of
thread or depth of cut of lst time in G76.
o The specified minimum depth of cut in G76 is greater
than the height of thread.
o An unusable angle of tool tip is specified in G76.
063 The sequence number specified by address P in G70, G7L, T only .l
G72, or G73 command cannot be searched. .*

065 o G00 or GOl is not at the block with the
commanded T only :ia
sequence number which is specified by address P in G71, 1;

G72, or G73 command.

o Address Z(W) or X(U) was commanded in the block with a
sequence number which is specified by address P in G71
or G72, rejlpectively.
066 An unallowable G code was comxnanded between two blocks T only
specified by address P and Q in G7l, G72 or G73.
067 G70, G7I, G72, or G73 command with address P and Q was T only
specified in MDI mode.
069 The final move command in fhe blocks specified by P and T only
Q of G70, G7l, G72 and G73 ended with chamfering or
corner R.

070 The memory area is insufficient.

07r The address to be searched was not found. Or the

program with specified program number was not found in
progran number search.
072 The number of programs to be sEored exceeded 63 or I25
073 The commanded program number has already been used.

074 The'program number is oEher than I to 9999.

076 Address P was not commanded in the block which includes

an M98 command or a G65 command. -
077 The subprogram was called in three or five folds.

Number Contents Remarks
078 A prograu number or a sequence number which was
specified by address P in the block which includes an t
M98, M99 or G56 was not found. I

079 The contents of the program stored in the memory did not
agree r^'ith that in tape in collation.

080 In the area specified by parameter e, the ueasuring T only

posicion reach signal does, not come on. (Autornatic tool
compensation function)

08I Autonatic tool compensation was specified wlthout a T T only

code. (Automatic tool compensation function)
082 T code and automatic tool compensation were specified in T only
the same block. (Automatic tool compensation function) t

083 In automatic tool compensation, an invalid axis was T only i
specified or the command is incremental. (Automatic
tool compensation function) I

085 When entering data in the meuory by using ASR or Reader/

Puncher interface, an overrun, parity or framing error
lras generated. The number of bits of input data or
setting of baud rate is incorrect.
086 When entering data in the memory by using Reader/Puncher
interface, the ready signal (DR) of reader/puncher was
turned off'. I

087 When entering data in the memory by using Reader/puncher

interface, though the read terninaEe command is
specified, lnput is not interrupted after 10 characters
090 The reference point return cannot be performed normally
because the reference point return start point is too
close to the reference point or the speed is too slow.
092 The commanded axis by G27 (Reference point return check)
did not return to the reference point.
094 P type cannot be specified when the program is M only
re-started. (After program interruption, the coordi-
nate system setting operation was perforned.)
095 P type cannot be specified when the program is M only
re-started. (After program interruption, the external
work offset amount changed.)
096 P type cannot be specified when che program is M only
re-started. (After prograrr lnterrupti-on, the work
offset amount changed.)

*t -501-



P type cannot be'directed when the prograrn is

re-started. (After power 0N, after emergency stop or P/S

M only
94 to 97 reset, no autonatic operation is performed.)
098 A command of the program re-start was specified without M only
the reference point return operation after power 0N and
emergency stop, and G28 was found during search.

099 After completion of search in program re-start, a move I"1 only

command is given with MDI.

100 Setting data PWE is set to 1. Turn it to 0 and reset

the system.
101 The power r{tas turned off while rewriting the contents of
the memory in the part program storage & editing
operation. I{hen this alarm is generated, set the
setting data PWE to I and turn on the po\rer while
pushing the DELET to clear the memory.

110 The absolute value of fixed decimal point display data

exceeds the allowable ranse.

111 The calculatlsn result of macro instruction exceeds the

allowable range Gzsz to 232-1).
Lt2 Division by Zero was specified. (including tan 90")
1r3 A function which cannot be used in custom macro is

1i4 An undefined H code is designated in G65 block. For custom

l"lacro A

There is an error in other formats than <Formula>.

115 A value not defined as a variable number is deslgnated.

ti6 The variable number designated with P is forbidden for For custom
assignment. macro A

The left side of substitution statement is a variable

whose substitution is inhibited.

rl8 The nesting of bracket exceeds the upper limit

iI9 The argurnent of SQRT or BCD is negative. For custom
Macro A

The SQRT argument 1s negative. Or BCD argument is

negative, and other values chan 0 to 9 are preserlt on
eAch line of BIN argument.

Number Contents Rem:rks

L22 The macro rnodal call l_s specified in double M only

L23 Macro control cornmand is used.

t24 DO-END does not corresporid to 1: I

L25 <Formula> format is erroneous.

126 In DOn, lcn<3is not established.

t27 NC and macro conrmands are confused.
128 The sequence number specified in the branch comrnand rras
not 0 to 9999. Or, it cannot be searched.
lzg An addres3dni"n is nor allowed in <Argument
Designation> is used.
r30 In 3rd axis control-, a 3rd axis control command was n T only
given by PMC during Cf control. On the contrary, an
attenpt was made for Cf control fron PMC during axis
contro l.

i31 Five or more alarms have generated in external alarm


L32 No alarm No. concerned exists in external alarm message

133 Snall section data is erroneous in external alarn
message or external operator message.
135 Without any spindle orientatloD, an attempE was made for T only
spindle indexj-ng.
136 A move command of other axes was specified to the same T only
block as spindle indexing addresses C, H.
t37 A move command of other axes was specified to che same T only
block as M-code related to spindle indexing.
141 G51 (Scaling ON) is commanded in the tool offset mode. M only

t42 Scaling uagnif ion 1S commanded in other than M only


143 The scaling results, move distance, coordinate value and M only
circular radius exceed the maximum conmand value.
144 The coordinate rotatlon plane and arc or tool offset C M only
plane differ from each other.
148 AutomatLc override deceleration is out of the settable M only
range of judgernent angle. Check parameter No. O2l3'


Number Contents Remarks

r50 Tool Group No. exceeds the maxi-mum a11owable va1ue. M only

151 The tool group commanded in the rnachining program i-s not M only
t52 The number of tools within one group exceeds the maxi-mum M only
value registerable.
153 The program setting the tool group is not entered in a M only
block to store T code.
t <,/, When the group is not commanded, H99 or D99 was M only

i55 In the machining program, M06 and T code in the same M only
block do not correspond to the group in use.
156 P and L commands are missing at the head of program in M only
which the tool group is set.
r57 The number of tool groups to be set exceeds the maxinum M only
a1lowab1e va1ue.

158 The tool life to be set is too excessive. M only

159 | During setting program executionr power was OFF. M only

160 Different M code is commanded in Heads I and 2 as waiting 0TT only

M code.

r65 An attempt was made to execute a program of an even 0TT only

number in Head I or an odd program number in Head 2.

199 Special word which cannot be used is commanded.

200 In the rigid tap, an S value is out of the range or is

not specified. (programming error)
20r In the rigid tap, no F value is specified. (progranming
error )

202 In the rigid tap, spindle distribution value is too

large. (system error)
203 In the rigid tap, position for 1429 or an S command is
incorrect .
204 In the rigid tap' an axis rnovement is specified between
M29 and G84 (G74) blocks. (programrning error)
205 In the rigid tap, no rigid mode DI signal is turned on
desoite M29 is specified.

2) Alarms on the absolute pulse coder (APC)

Number Contents Renaiks

310 Manual reference point return is required for the

311 X-axis APC communication error Failure in data

312 X-axis APC overtime error Failu-re in data

313 X-axis APC framing error Failure in data
314 X-axis APC parity error Failure in data

3r5 X-axis APC pulse miss alarm APC alarm

316 X-axis APC battery voltage has decreased to a low APC alarn
level so that the date cannot be held.
317 X-axis APC battery voltage ac a level where the APC alarm
battery must be renewed.
318 X-axis APC battery voltage has reached a level APC alarm
where the batterv musE be renewed (including when
por./er is OFF) .

-l 320 Manual reference point return is required for the

Z-axis (T) or Y-axis (M).
321 Z-axis APC communication error (T) Failure in data
I : transmission
Y-axis APC communication error (M)
I 322 Z-axis APC overtirne error (T) Failure in data
I transmi-s s ion
Y-axis APC overtine error (M)

323 Z-axis APC framing error (T) Failure in data

Y-axis APC framing error (l{)
324 Z-axis APC paritv error (T) Failure in data
transmiss ion
Y-axis APC parity error (U)

325 Z-axis APC pulse miss alann (T) APC alarm

Y-axis APC pulse miss alarn (M)

326 Y-axis APC battery voltage has decreased to a lott APC alarm
level so that the date cannot be held.


Number Contents Remarks

327 Y-axis APC battery voltage at a level where the APC alarm
batterv must be renewed.
328 Y-axis APC battery volcage has reached a level APC alarm
where the batterv must be renewed (including when
porder is OFF) .

330 Manual reference point return is required for the

Z-axis. (M)

33L Z-axis APC communication error (I'1) Failure in data

332 Z-axis APC overtime error (M) Fai-lure in data
t ransmission
333 Z-axis APC framing error (M) Failure in data
J Jc+ Z-axis APC parity error (M) Failure in data
335 Z-axis APC pulse miss alarrn (M) APC alarm

JJO Z-axis APC bfttery voltage has decreased to a Iow APC alarm
level so that the date eannot be held.
337 | Z-axis APC battery voltage at a level where the APC alarm
I baccerv must be renewed.
338 Z-axis APC battery voltage has reached a level APC alarm
wherejthe battery must be renev/ed (including when
power is OFF).

340 Manual reference ooint return is required for the

4th-axis. (M)

341 4th-axis APC communication error (M) Failure in data

transmiss ion
342 4th-axis APC overtime error (M) Failure in data
343 4th-axis APC frarning error (I'1) Failure in data
t ransmis s ion

344 4th-axis APC parity error (l'1) Failure in data

345 th-axis APC pulse miss alarm (M) APC alarm

346 4th-axis APC battery voltage has decreased to a low APC alarm
level so that the data cannot be held.


Number Contents Renarks

347 4th-axis APC battery voltage at a level where the APC a1-arm
battery must be renewed.
348 4th-axis APC batLery voltage has reached a leve1 APC alarm
where the battery must be renewed.
(including when por^rer is OFF.)

3) Servo alarms
Number Contents Remarks

400 The lst, 2nd-axis overload signal turns on.

401 The lst, 2nd-axis velocity control READY signal (VRDY)
turns off.
402 The 3rd, 4th-axis overload signal turns on.

403 The 3rd, 4th-axis velocity control READY signal (VRDY)

turns off.
404 Position control READY signal (READY) turns off, while
velocity control READY signal (VRDY) does not turn
off, or velocity control READY signal (VRDY) turns on'
although READY signal (PRDY) is not turned on yet when
turning on the power supply.
405 A position control system error. A reference point
return failure due to a trouble in CNC or servo systtem.
Start operation with the manual reference point return

410 In X-axis, the position deviation amount during stop is T

(Note) greater than the setting value.
In X-axis, the position deviation amount during stop is M
greater than the setting va1ue.
411 The position deviation amount is larger than the set
value during move in X-axis.
413 The content.s of the X-axis error register exceed "32767,
or the velocity command value of DA converter is outside
a range of -8192 - +8191. This error is usually caused
by various setting failures.
4r4 Anerror has occurred in the Digital Servo system of the
X-axis. Details of the error are output to the DGN0S
No. 720.

F*. ""i-w

Number Contents Remarks

415 An attempt \.ras made to specify a velocity of exceediirg

5f1875 detection unit/sec in X-axis. This error is
usually caused by a CIIR setting failure. I

4t6 An error in the position detection system of X-axis

pulse coder (break alarm)
417 When the X-axis enters any of the conditions shovm in ;
the following, this alarm results.
1) A value which is out of the specified range has been
set to the parameter 8120 for motor type.
2) A proper value (l1I or -I1I) has not been set to the
parameter 8122 for the rotating direction of the it
motor. fg

3) An inproper data such as 0 or less has b..n set to
parameter 8123 for the number of velocity feedback i
pulses per rotation of. the motor a

4) An improper data such as 0 or less has been set to ^
parameter 8124 for Ehe number of positi-on feedback
pulses pef rotation of motor. g,

/,') i In Z-axis; the position deviation amount during scop is T

(Note ) greater than the setting value
In Y-axis" the position deviation amount during stop is M
greater than the setting value.
421 | The position deviation amount is larger than the set
I value during move in Y-axis (M) or Z-axis (T).
423 The position deviation amount exceeds "32767 in Y-axis
(M) or Z-axis (T), or the velocity couunand value of DA
converter is outside a range of -8192 - +8191. This
error is usually caused by various setting failures.
424 An error has occurred in Ehe DigiLaI Servo system of rhe
X(0II) or Z(OT) axis.
o The details of the error are output to the DGNOS 721.
14 25 An attempt was made to specify a velocity of exceeding
511875 detection unit/sec in Y-axis (M) or Z-axi-s (T).
This error is caused by a CMR setting failure.
4LO An error of the position deEection system of Y-axis
pulse coder (M) or Z-axls pulse coder (T) (break alarrn)

Number Contents Remarks
When-the Y-axis (01,I) or Z axis (0T) encers any of the
conditions shorsn in the following, this alarm results.
1) A value which is out of the specified range has been
' set to the parameter 8220 for motor type.
2) A proper value (lI1 or -fll) has not been ser ro the
parameter 8222 for the rotating direction of the

3) An improper data such as 0 or less has been sec to

paraueter 8223 for the number of velocity feedback
pulses per rotation of the motor
4) en improper data such as 0 or less has been set to
parameter 8224 for the nuuber of position feedback
pulses per rotation of motor.
430 In 3rd axis, the position deviation amount during stop T
(No te ) is greater than the setting va1ue.
In Z-axis, the position deviation amount during stop is M
greater than the setting va1ue.
431 Position deviation amount is larger than the set value M only
during move in Z-axis.
433 The position dqvi.ation amount exceeds "32767 in Z-axis M only
or the velocity command value af DA converter is outside
a range of -8L92 - +8191. This error is usuallv caused
by various setting failures.
434 An error has occurred in the Digital Servo system of Ehe
Z(oM) or 3rd (OT) axis. The details of the error are
output to the DGNOS 722.

435 An attenpt was made to specify a velocity.of exceeding M only

51 18 75 detection unit/sec i.n Z-axis. This error l-s
caused by a CMR setting failure.

436 An error of the position detection system of Z-axis M only

pulse coder (break alarrn).


Nurnber Contents Remarks

437 When the Z (0M) or the third (OT) axis becomes any of the
conditi-ons shown in the following, this alarm results.

1) A value which is out of the specified range has been

set to the parameter 8320 for motor type.
2) A proper value (111 or -I11) has not been set to the
parameter'8322 for the rotating direction of the

3) An inproper data such as 0 or less has been Set to

parameter 8323 for the number of velocity feedback
pulses per rotation of Ehe motor.
4) An improper data such as 0 or less has been set to
parameter 8324 for the number of position feedback
pulses per rotation of the motor.
440 In 4th axis, the position deviation amount during stop is T
(Note) greater than the setting value.
In 4th axis, the position deviation amount during stop ts M
greater than the setting va1ue.
44L Position devfition amount is larger than the set value M only
during move in the 4th-axis.
443 The position deviation aurount exceeds !32767 in the M only
4th-axis or the velocity command value of DA converter
is outside a range of -8L92 - +8191. This error is
usually caused by various setting faj.lures..
444 An error has occurred in the DigitalServo system of the
fourth axis. Details of the error are output to the
DGNOS No. 723.

445 An attempt was made to specify a velocity of exceeding I'1 only

511875 detection unit/sec in the Ath-axis.

446 An error of the position detection system of the M only

4th-axis pulse coder (break alarm)

Number Content s Remarks

447 When the fourth axis enters any of the conditions shown
in the following, this alarm results
1) A value whieh is out of the specified range has been
set to the parameter 8420 for motor type.
2) A proper value (1ll or -tll) has not been ser ro the
parameter 8422 for the rotating direction of the

3) An improper data such as 0 or 1es6 has been set to

the parameEer 8423 for the number of velocity
feedback pulses per rotation of the motor.
4) en improper data such as 0 or less has been set to
parameter 8424 f.or the number of position feedback
pulses per rotation of motor.
4) Overtravel alarms
Number Contents Remarks

510 Overtravel to exceed the (+) stroke l_init of X-axis.

511 Overtravel to exceed the (-) stroke limit of X-axis.
5r2 2nd stroke linit at * side of X-axis was exceeded. T

513 2nd stroke liurit at - side of X-axis was exceeded. T


520 Overtravel to exceed the (+) stroke lfuoit of y-axis (M)

or Z-axis (T).
521 Overtravel to exceed the (-) stroke linit of y-axis (M)
or Z-axis (T).
522 2nd stroke linit at * side of Z-axis was exceeded. T

523 2nd stroke lirnit aE - side of X-axis was exceeded. T.

530 Overtravel to exceed the (+) stroke linit of Z-axis. M only

531 Overtravel Eo exceed the (-) stroke liurit of Z-axis. M only

540 Overtravel to exceed the (+) srroke limit of the M only

541 Overtravel to exceed the (-) stroke linit of the M only

- 5lr -

5) Alarm in FANUC PMC MODEL I,/M

Number Contents Remarks

600 Interruption by illegal command is occurred

60r PMC RAM Parity error is occurred
602 PMC serial transmission error is occurred
603 PMC watch dog error is occurred
604 PMC ROM Parity error is occurred.
605 LADDER Contents which can be stored in PMC is exceeded.

5) Overheat alarm
Number Contents Remarks

700 Master PCB is overheated.

Spindle overheat is detected by spindle flactuation

7> System alarm F

Number Contents Remarks

9r0 RAII parity error (1ow byte). Replace master PCB

911 RAM parity error (high byte). Replace master PCB.

9t2 Parity error of shared RAM with digital servo (LOW).

913 Parity error of shared RAM with digital servo (HIGH)

9t4 Parity error of 1ocal RAM of digital servo.

920 Watch dog alarrn. Reolace master PCB.

930 CPU error (abnormal interrupt). Replace master PCB.

940 This alarm results when any of the following conditions

is encountered:
1) A PCB used for Digital Servo system is
2) Evel when there are more than two control axes, the
third axis (the third/fourth-axes) control printed-
circuit board is not mounted. Example) The Z-axis
of the 0M becomes the Chird.
:) fhe master printed-clrcuit board for the analog
servo is in use.

Number Content s Remarks

950 Fuse disconnection alarm. Replace the +24E: Fx14 Fuse.

998 ROM paritv error.

8) Background edit alarm (BP/S)

Number Contents Remarks

't?2 BP/S alarm ls produced with the same nunber as P/S alarur
taking place in normal program editing. (070, 071, 072,
073, 074, etc.)

l 140 An attempt lras made to select or delete a program being

selected in foreground.

Note) An alarm on background editing is displayed on the key input line of

background editing screen, not on a normal alarm screen. It is possible
to reset it by some following MDI key operation.

The details of Digital Serv.o system alarm No. 4t 4 are indicated at the
diagnosis numbers 72O,721,722, and 723 in order for the X, Y(Z), Z(C and
PMC) , and the fourth (Y and PMC) axis.




OFAL: An overflow alarm has occurred.

FBAL: A wire disconnection alarm has occurred.
DCAL: An alarm of regenerative discharge circuit has occurred
HVAL: An overvoltage alarm has occurred.
I{CAL: An improper current alann has occurred.
OVC : An excessive current alarm has occurred.
LV : A voltage shortage alarm has occurred.
OVL : An overload alarn has occurred.

i:{r;:=lifi {q*e**itidbeil *a*f rL*sra



Mode Func ! i on
Class i f ica- swi rch Operation
Func t i on switch PI,JE=l but ton
t ion button
Power 0N and
Clear Mernory all o
Power ON


Clearing o Power ON

s to red
Parameter o ED IT PARA}I
Data InPut
from TaPe (Tape MemorY)

Offset value EDIT OFSET firlpUrl

Program inPut o EDIT/AUTO PRGRM flNPUfl

Data InPut Parameter + Parameter No. +

from MDI 1:t

? PWE=0+

Offset value + of fser 11e. * FfrFffl

+ Offset data +

Setting data +0- + Data

Parameter EDIT PARAM
Tape Punch

Offset value ED 1T OFSET fsTFR-f]

A1l program EDIT PRGRM Io l. -9999 + | srARr I

One Prograrn LUII PRGR}I El . P.ogram No. + | START I

ED IT i AUTO PRGRM [-1-l * -

Program xo. * fII
Search Program No.

AUTO PRGR}4 Program No. search * l-I--l

Add res s
+ Sequence ,.'o. * fll
number search

Address r,rord ED IT PRCRM Searching address and data

input + l-Il (cunson)

EDIT PRGRM Searching address * l-T-l

Address (CURSOR)

Deletion of o ED IT PRCRM [-b-l - -eeee * rcE ET]

all Programs

Classif ica- Key SETTING Func t ion
Func t lon switch switch 0pera t ion
t ion PI.JE = I but ton
but ton
Prograo Deletion of a o ED1T .
PRGRM I U I r rrogram No. +l ur,Lt r I

Edir ing progran

Deletion of o EDIT PRGRM [-N-l + sequence No. * l-SEiEfl

seve ral
b locks

Deletion of
a block
o EDIT PRGRM f-mfr-l ' l-5ErET-l

Deletion of o EDIT PRGRM Search the word to be

a word deleted ' I-bEIEfl
Alternation o EDIT PRGRM Search the word to be
of a word deleted+Addtess+Data

lnserti.on of o EDIT I PRGRM Search the word before the

a word pLace in the program
+ Address + Dara * fTfrSItl

CoIIation Collacion in EDIT/AUTO PRGRM f ilreur I

menory with

Input / Output Progran input o EDIT/AUTO PRGRM File tqo. . FIFFI

with FANUC
Output all EDIT PRGRM I-o]. -nrrg *l-srARr-l

outPut one EDI,T PRGRM ffl i No. * I-sreETl


Searching ior EDIT/AUTO PRGRM f-ilI + File No. or -9999 or

a head of a _eee8 + rTfrPtri-l
Deletion of
f ile
o EDIT PRGRI.l El* rtr. * l-3Te.fl*l
CoIIation in
file with
ED IT /AUTO PRGRM E File No. * [-r]iFuE


/..r*#*.;". " ;.d!e*l, -r1*q



f; Optional *; Function included in other optional items

o;t PMC is required
Name Specification itern

Concrolled axis 3 axes (X, Y' Z)

* 4 axes (4th axis/PMC axis) rr-2
* 5 axes (PMC axis)
* 6 axes (PMC axis)
Simultaneously 2 axes rr-2. i
controlled axes
3 axes

fi 4 axes

Axis control bY PllC * Controlled (3 axes Max.) o rr-2.1

Least input 0.00t mm/O.0001 inch Appendix 3
*0.0001 run/0.00001 inch

Least command ? 0.001 mm/O.0001 inch Appendix 3

x0.0001 rnm/0.00001 inch

Increment system Provided Tr-2.2

Max. Programmable +8 digi ts Appendix 3

Rapid traverse rate 100 m/min, 4000 inch/min I I-5 1

x24 mlmin, 960 inch/rnin

Rapid traverse Fo, 25, 50, 1002 TT-5.3.2

Feedrate Per- I - 100000 mrn/min Tr-5 .2.3
range minute- 0.01 - 4000 inch/min
*1 - 12000 mm/min
i - 480 inch/rnin
0 .0

Per- * o.ol - 5oo.oo mm/rev rr-5 .2.4

revolution 0.000L - 9.9999 inch/rev

Automatic Provided rr-5.4

ac ce 1 erat ion /


PMC is required
Name Specification itern

Feedrate override 0- 1502 rr-5 .3. 1

Jog override * Provided o

Override cancel Provided o

Manual continuous feed Simultaneous 1-axis TTI-4.2
Manual synchronous *Provided

Positioning Provided rr-4. i

Single direction :t Provided Tr-4.2
Interpolation Linear/circular rr-4.3
Thread cutting/ * Provided
synchronous feed
Helical cutting *' Provided rr-4.5
Fl-digit feed * Provided rr-5 . 2. 5

Reference point Provided II-6. I

Reference point Provided rr-6.2
return check
2nd reference Provided o rr-6.3
point return
3rd/4th reference * Provided o
point return
CRT/MDI (sma11) 9tt monochrome III-2
CRT/MDr (small) 9tt color IIT-2
CRT/MDI (ful1 key) 9tt monochrome III-2
CRT/MDI (full key) 9tt color III-2
MDI soft key *'5 + 2 pcs. rIr-2. 1.1

I"lanual handle feed I unit III-4 .4

2 units
3 units


o;, PMC is required

Name Specification Reference
Manual handle feed xl,xI0,xM
magnifying factor
Handle interrupt * Provided III-5 .6

Job and handle in Provided

the same mode

Incremental feed x 1, x 10, x 100, x 1000

Rigid tap * Provided

Program restart *'Provided o III_5 .5
Reader puncher * Reader puncher interface
inEerface (1st channel)/ASR33 interface
*' Reader puncher interfaee
(2nd channel)
Dwe1l time Provided rr-5 .6
(every seeond) t
Each axis interlock Provided o

Machine lock A11 axes III-6. 1

Stored stroke check 1 Provided

Stroke limit external * Provided o


Z-axis command cancel Provided o

Additional axls Provided

Mechanical handle feed * Provided o III-I5
Skip function Provided rr-i5.1
Exact stop mode Provided rr-5 .5 .2

Exact stop Provided o rr-5. 5. I

S ervo-of f Provided o

Manual absolute ON/OFF Provided o

Stored pitch error * Provided rrr-10. 5

compensat ldn


o;, PMC is required

Name Soecification i teirn

Clock function * Provided III-II.9

MDI ooeration Provided III-5.1.I
MDI operation B * Provided rrr-5 . I .3

0rder-made macro * Provided (64K8/128K8)

Reset Provided rrr-5. 4.5
Optional CMR Provided

Rapid traversing Provided o

signal output.
Dry run Provided III-6 .6

Single block Provided III-6.7

Program protect signal Provided

Self-diagnosis Provided
Emergency stop Provided III-7 . I
St.atus output. CNC ready signal, servo ready
signal, alarm signal' distri-
bution end signal, automatic
operating signal, automatic
operation starting signal,feed
hold larnp signalr power supply
ready signal and resetting
Battery alaru signal o

Position coder *'4000 rpn

t 6000 rpur

External dimensions 560(W) nn x 400(n) rolo x 200(D) nn

It Power supply I phase 200 V AC +102, -L57"
t: 5O Hzl6O Fz +t ttz
I phase 220 V AC +102,
I. -157"
60 Hz *l Hz

Connection servo motor FANUC AC servo motor

Connectable spindle FANUC AC spindle motor, etc.



o:t PMC is required

. I"lachine Operatorrs ?anel
Name Specification i i6m

* Provided o ITT_2
Software oPeratorr s
Software oPeratorr s * Provided
panel general Purpose
Machine oPeratorr s * Provided

, PMC is required
. Position Detector
Name Specification itern

Incremental Pulse Provided

coder interface
Absolute Pulse coder Provided
i-nterf ace ,

PMC required

Speci fi cation

* 3000 stePs

* 3000 steps
* 5ooo steps
* 8000 steps
* 12000 steps

No. of DI/DO


. Program Inpu o:t PMC is required
Name Speci f icat ion item

Coordinate system Provided rr-7. I

Automatic coordinate Provided rr-7 . I .2
system setting
[,Iork coordinate svstem ;t Provided rr-7.1.I
Decimal point Provided rr-8.3

Pocket calculator type Provided rr-8.3

decimal point program-

Program input of * Provided

offset data
Custom macro :k Provided II-I6
Custom B (F10/fl * Provided II- I7
format )

Inch/uretric conversion | * Provided rr-8.2

Cutter compensat.ion B * Provided II-T4.2
Cutter comDensation C * Provided rr-14.3
Canned cvcle rY Provided rr-13. I
Playback * Provided
I Circular interpolation Provided
by R programming
EIA/ISO automatic * Provided
discriuinat ion
Mirror image Provided o

Automatic corner *' Provided

Scaling rt Provided rr-14.5
Coordinate rotation * Provided rr-14.5
I'lenu programming :Y Provided rrr-9. 14

Ff0/ffl tape format * Provided II-18

'l - .521 -
- I
o:t PMC is required
Name Soecification item

Pattern data input * Provided

Conversational *'Provided
programming with
Conversational *'Provided
programming with
graph for machining
Ilacro execucer * 64KB/*i28KB

. Auxiliary
r rt- lunction o;, PMC is required
Name Specification item

Auxiliary function M2 digits rr-11.1

M3 digits o

2nd auxiliarv funcEion 86 digits o

Auxiliary function Provided o III-6 .3


. Soindle Function , PMC s requlre

Name Specification item

Spindle function S2 digits rr-9.1. i

* s4ls5 dlgirs
Spindle analog output * Provided
Spindle overr.ide t, 50 - l2O% o

Analog voltage control Provided o

by PMC

. Tool Function t s requ

Name Specification item
Tool function T2 II-10
T4 o

Tool offset memory *6 di-gits x 32

* 64 nemories
f 99 memories
* 200 nemories
Tool length Provided rr-14. I

Tool length measure- * Provided

Tool life management * Provided o rr-10.2
External tool offset *'Provided o

, Edit/Operation
Edi lo o;, PMC is required
Name Specification item
Part program storage 10n rrr-9. l8
length *.20 n
rt 120 n
No. of programs * 63 programs rrr-9. l7
registered * 125 programs
g 200 programs
Program name display Provided rrr-1 I . 2
Sequence No. search Provided III-9.9
Program No. search Provided III-9.4
Optional block skip I block rr-13 .4.4

9 blocks o rr-I3.4.4
Sequence No. * Provided
comparison and stop

o: PMC is required
Name Speci fication Reference
External work No. Provided (15)

Program protect Provided

Background edit * Provided rrr-9. I 3

. Dlspl.a
Di , PMC 1S req u ired

Name Speci fication Reference

Languages English
* Japanese (Chinese characters)
* German/French
* Chinese
* Italian
Run tine/No. of parts Provided III_I I .6
display '. t -: .j

Graphic display * Provided III-14

Actual speed display Provided rrr-1 1 .4
Floppy cassette * Provided rrr-13.7
directory display

. External Data
Dat rnput/uutpu
/o,t o:, PMC is required
Name Specification Reference
External key i,nput *'Provided o

External tool offset * Provided o

External message *' Provided o

External dafa inDut * Provided o,

External work No. 15 works

Remote buffer ':t Provided

High-speed remote * Provided

buffer A

is required
Name Sp ecifi cation Reference
High-speed remote * Provided
buffer B

I/0 device external * Provided o






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-t I cc EI I
o E.

o I
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F. o
po (J
l+' o6
lrt 6-



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. l/o fart af this mnnunl may be *

refiroduced in any form.

. All specifications and desigrs

are subject to cltnnge without ii




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