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DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SQ T.B.C. : B-GTD-O-SAB Test Booxlet Series Serial TEST BOOKLET ELECTRONICS & TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Paper II Time Allowed : Two Hours Mcximum Marks : 200 INSTRUCTIONS 1, IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETC. IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET. 2, Please note that it is the candidate's responsibility to encode and fill in the Roll Number and Test Booklet Series Code A, 8, C or D carefully and without any omission or discrepancy at the appropriate places in the OMR Answer Sheet. Any omission/discrepancy will render the Answer Sheet liable for rejection. 3. You have to enter your Roll Number on the ‘Test Booklet in the Box provided alongsi DO NOT write anything else on the Test Booklet. 4. This Teet Booklet contains 120 items (questions). Back: item comprises four responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case, you feel that there is ‘more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the hest. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item. 5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet srovided. See directions in the Answer Sheet. 6. Allitems carry equal marks. 7. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer Sheet the response to various iters in the Test Booklet, you have to fill in some particulars in the Answer Sheet as per instructions sent to you with your ‘Admission Certificate. 8 After you have completed filling in all your responses on the Answer Sheet aad the exami ation has conchided, you should hand over to the Invigilator only the Answer Sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet. 9. Shoes for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end. 10. Penalty for wrong answers : ‘THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY A CANDIDATE. There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For cach question ‘cr which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one-third (033) of the marks assigned to tia: question will be deducted es penalty, Gi) Ifa candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated es a wrong answer even if one af the given ansvvers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as aoove to that question Gi) Tf question is left blank, i.e., no answer is given by the candidate, there wil. se no penaity for that question DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO B-GTD-O-SAB (1-A) 2. A_ transistor uses potential divider | 4. metbod of biasing. Ry = 50 kQ, Ry = Rg = 1k. If Voc = 12 V and Vpg = 0-1 Vy then Ig is (a) 19mA (b) mA ( 19mA (@) G-19mA 2. Corsider the following statements in the con:ext of the conditions needed to operace a Bipolar Cunction Transistor (BJT) in active regio: in a linear cireuit 1. The emitter diode must be forward biased. 2 The collector diode must be reverse siased. 3, ‘The voltage across the collector divde must be greater than the breakdcwn voltage 6 4, The voltage across the collector dicde must be less than the breakdown voltage. Whict of the above statements are correct ? (a) 1,2and 3 only (b) 1, 8and 4 only (©) 4,2and4only @) 2,8and4 3. An FE“input IC operational amplifier has an open I:op differential gain of 1,00,000 and a commen mode gain of 25. Then the commen mode rejection ratio is (a) 46aB () 724B (©) 196 4B @ «B B-GTD-O-SAE (2-A) In biasing of BJT calculated usirg 1¢ slope of lead line ean be (a, Operating base curren: cb. \ Operating co'lector current -Lzetor junetion must exceed the race at ~kich the heat can be dissipated under steady-state canditions. la 1,2and3 b Qand 3 only ©) Land only ‘d) Land only B.GTD-O-SAB Upper 3 4B anplifier depends on cut-off of common emitter & w (©) Capacitan2es of both junctions E-B junction capacitance C-B junction capacitance <6) Coupling capacitor capacitance Densider the following statements in respect ofan R-C coupled transistor amplifier : 2. The low frequeney response is determined by the transistor junction capacitors. 2. ‘The high frequency response is limived by coupling capacitors. £. Tze Miller eapacitance reduces the gain at high frecuencies. 4. As the gair. is increased the bandwidth gets reduced. Which of the above statements are correct ? (a) Land 2 (b) Qand3 (© Band4 (©) tand4 Tae transfer funtion of any stable system which has no zeros or poles in the right half of the s:plane is said to be a (b) Minimum phase transfer funetion Non-minimem phase transfer funetion (¢ Mizimum frequency response function (@) Minimum gain transfer function Ge 10. lu. 12, A) ‘The 2-parames rs fa CE amplifier feeding a load of 10k are h., = ~ KO, by, = 50, hye = J, and 1/h,, = 40kQ. Tae veltage gain would be (@) -40 ) -109 @ ~40) @ ~50 Which of the following is the principa’ facto: that cont-ibutes t> the doubling of the conve-sion efficiney in a transformer coupled amplier ? (a) Reducing che power dissipated in the cransistor (b) Zliminating the power dissipation in che transfoeme= (©) Zlimination of de power dissipated in she load (@) Impedance matching of te transformer A power amplifier operated from 12 V battery gives an outpu: of £°¥. The maximum collector current in the cireuit is (a) 166-7 4A () 186-7 2A (© 13674 (@) 1567mA ‘The sele:tivity of tuned radio frequency (TRF) reos'ver is poor because 1. Q-factor requirement of tuned circuits in RF amplifier is not fixed. 2. Q required for upper side of short weve is 2900. 3. Q-fector is zero, Which of the above statements are correct ? (a) 1,2and3 (b) Lani 2only (©) Land 3 only (@) Bonly 14. Consider the following statements pertaining to frequency response of RC coupled amplifisr: 1. Coupling capacitance affects high frequency response. 2, Bypass capacitance affects high frequeacy response. 3. Coupling capacitance affects low frequency response. 4. Byoass capacitance affects low frequency response. Which of the above statements are correct ? (a) lend? %) Band4 i) Qard3 (a) land4 E-3TD-O-SAB (4e 15. 16. 17. A) An cp2rational amplifier 3ossesses (a) Very large inpit -esistance and ver large output resistace (b) Very large input resistarce and very emall output resistance (© Very small input resistance and very small output resistance (@) Very small inpu> resistance and very lenge output resiscance ‘A power supply uses bridge resti‘ier w-th capsci:or input filter. I one of the: diodes is defective, then 1. Te de load voltage will be lower than irs expected value. 2. Ripple frequency vil be lower than its expected value. 3. The surge manifold. current will -nerease Which cf'the above statements are correct ? (a) tand 2only () Land 3 only (©) 2ard8only i) +,2ands In an ~-seetion filter, a bleeder resistence is connee:ed across the load to (a) Provide good reguiation for all values of lead (bo) Basuze lower PIV of tae diodes, (©) Ensare lower values of capacitance in the “iter (d) Reduce ripple content 18. A full wave rectifier uses 2 diodes. The | 21. internal resistance of each diode is 20 9. The transformer RMS secondary voltage from | centre tay to ezch end of secondary is 50 V and the load resistance is 980 . Mean load current will be (a) 454 (b) 45.4 (©) 45mA @ 19. In avo.tage regulator, zener diode is 1. Connected in series with filter output. 2. Forward biased. 3. Connected in parallel with filter outpu:. | 99 4. Reverse biased. Which ef the above are correct ? (a) Land2 ) 3ané4 (© lands @) 2and3 20. For en OP-Amp phase shift oscillation, the frequency of oscillations is 1 @ (b) 1 C) ie 2nRC V6 1 a RC B-GTD-0-SAB (5-A) Consider the following stetements : A. Schottky diode -s indaded when a transistor is fabricazed 0 as te 1. Prevent the saturation, trensistor fram ull 2. Eliminate saturction do'ay time. 3. Achieve better switching speed. 4. Reduce thermal stability Waich of the above stetements are co-rect ? fa b) 2and 4 only 2and 3 only (1 2,3.and4only (D 42,8and4 ‘Fe transistors T, ard T, shown in :he fizare have 3 threshold voltage of 1 volt. The device perameters K, end Ky cf T, and 7, are 3 wA/V? and 9 nA/V? respec x tpt voltage V, is nearly (a) iv ) 2V ) BY @ 4v 28, On simplification of expression ¥=(A-B-C\A+B+O), using Boolean elgebra, the solution is (a) (4+B+O)(A+B-©) (b) (A+B +C)(A+B+O (2) (A+B+ €)(A-C+B) (@) B-C+ A)A-B+C) 24 The large signal bandwidth of an operazional amplifier is limited by its (a) CMRR ) Sew rete (©) Gain-bandwidth product (@) ‘Input impedance 26, The minimum number of gates requ:red to realize the function AB + C (using NAND gates only) is (a) 2 ) 3. w 4 6 23 What is the correct sequence when tke logic families TTL, ECL, IL and CMOS are arranged ir descending order of fan-out eapab ities ? ta) CMOS TTL, ECL and IL, 'b) IIL, TTL, ECL and CMOS te) TIL, BCL, TTL and CMOS: ‘@) CMOS, ECL, TTL and IL B-STD-O-SAB 29. 80. (6-A) K-map method of applied when the given function :s simplifizatina can be fa) Product of sum form (b) Sum of produet form (Canonical form @ Any form Hf the operational amplifier is grourded and a inverting -nput termiral of an sinusoidal voltag2 waveform & eppled at the non-inverting input terminal, the output will be (a) Square wave (b) Triangular wave (c) Half-wave rectified sine weve (@) Fullewave recti‘ied sire wave ‘The function ¥ = of product form is (a) Y=E1,3,5,4,7 @) Y=51,4,5,3,7 @ Y="23,5,3 @ Y=E23,5,7 + B-C incenanical sum ‘Tae correct instruction executior. s2q:ence is (e) Execute, Decode and (bk) Fetch, Execute and Decode (©) Execute, Fetch and Dacede (©) Fetch, Decode and Exeeate Abalf adder can be constructed 15.5 () One XOR and one CR gete with their outputs cor nec:ed in >acalle (b) One XOR and one CR gete -rith their outputs cor.nected in series (©) One XCR gat2 and one AND ge (@) Two XNOR gates only 82, For an SR flip-flop, S and R are made equa’ to 1, What is the value of @? (a) Unchanged ) Clear too 2) Set to '€) Indeterminate 33, Which of the following statements are corzeet ? 1. A magnitude comparator is a sequential circuit that compares 2 numbers. 2 & decoder with enable input can function as a demultiplexer. 3. The number of AND gates in a 32-to-1 “ine multiplexer is 32. 4 The number of 3 x 8 decoders required tw realize a 6 x 64 decoder is 8. (a) 2,8.and4 only (b) 1,2and 4 only (© 1,8and4only (@) 42,8and4 34, ‘The nu:nber of branches of the root loci of the equation 5 (5 +41(s +5) +K(s+2)=0 is 2 3 | 4 | @ 5 when K varies from ~co to +00. B-GTD-0-SAB (7- 35. 37. A) ‘What is the frecvensy of the output Q for the cireait shown in te figure ? Gutput D Type FF CLK cuccKk ‘a) Twice the input slcck frequency ‘b) Helf the inpt eloc's frequency lc) Same as the :nput *Iock foequensy (d) _Taverse of the propegation delay of the fig-flop Four memory chips of 16 » 4 sizes have their address buses conrectel together. This systera w Il be of s-ne (a) Bo 4 32-8 fo) 1€ x16 (@) 256x1 ‘The time required for the ster respense to decrease and stay w:thin a specified percen-age ofits final valu: is called (a Delay time (b) Rise time (© Lag time (@) Settling time A corverter type 8-bit A/D converter is driven by 2 500 kHz clock. What are the maximum courts, average conversion time and maxir-um conversion rate respectively ? 256 counts, 200 x 10° see and 1000 conversions/see fa) (b) 256 counts, 256 x 10-6 see and 1953 conversions/see (©) 128 counts, 256 x 10-8 see and 1200 conversions/sec (d) 128 counts, 200 x 10-6 see and 1000 conversions/see 89, The speed of conversion is maximum in (a) Successive approximation A/D converter (t) Parallel comparative A/D converte: (©) Counter ramp A/D converter (c) Dual slope A/D converter 40. In an S-bit D/A converter, the reference woltsge used is 10V. What voltage is represented by 1010 0001 ? (a) 0:00392V @) 6314 (©) 6288V (@ 5814V B-GTD-O-SAB (8- 41. 42, 43. 44, A) When the unit impul:e resporse of a second order system is Ze-F* sia Ot, the natural frequency and demping ratic of the system are espectively (@) Irad/s a2 98 () O64 rads and 08 (1 rad/s and @) 0-64rads and] ‘The second-orcer system defined by 3. — is given a step input. The time 358425 taken for the output to setzle within + 2@ is (a) 125 b) 2s © 165 @ O45 ‘bit modvlo-6 ripple counter uses K Jip-flops. If the propegat on delay of each “lop is 50 ns, the clock frequency thet can b: used is (a) 5 MHz (b) 6-95 MHz (© 10MHz (@) 20 MHz The following ewitcaing furctions are to be incplemented using ¢ Deeader : fy=Em,%,4,8,19, 14) = m(2,£,9 11) fy=Em2,4,5.6,7 The minimum configuraticn of the decoder should be (a) 2-to-4 lines (t) B-to-B lines (©) 4-to-16 lines (€) 5-to-B2 lines 45. 46, The effects of feedback on stability and sensitivity are (a) Negative feedback improves stability and system response is less sensitive to external inputs and parameter variations (b1 Feedback does not affect stability but system response is insensitive to dist arbances and parameter variatiors (Feedback does not affect stability end system response is sensitive to disturbances and parameter variations (a) Negative feedback affects stability and system response is more sensitive disturbances and parameter variations 47. Waich of the following techniques are used to decermine relative stability of a closed leop linear system ? 1. Bode plot 2 Nyquist plot 8. Nickol’s chart 4, Routh-Hurwitz criterion (@) 1,2and 4 only ()1,3.and 4 only (©) 1,2and 3 only @ 1,2,3and4 B-GTD-C-SAB 19- ‘Transistor is in saturation when (a) (b) ch @ 48, 50. 51. A) A-Atit D/A converter gives an output voltage of 4 ¥ for an input ecde of 1001. The output voltaze for an input eoce of C110 is @ 15v @) 20V (c) 30V @ 45V Giver that tho transfer foretion Gs) = Zw’ the type and oréer of this system are respectively (a) 5and2 (b) 2and2 © 2and3 @ Sanda ‘The feedback system with equation charac:ecistie si + 20Ks9+ 5s’ + 10s + 15 -(:8 (@) Stable for all veluzs of (b) Stable for posit:ve valuns of K (©) Stable for70) Periodic sine pulse (c) Periodic sampled sinc pulse (d) None of the above 68. A signal of maximum frequency of 2 MHz modv_ated by 4 GHz carrier is DSB/SC. If the resulcant signal is sampled ideally as low pass signal, the minimum sampling frequency should de a) 4MHz a b) 3 MBz te) 4004 GHz id) 8-008 GHz 69, f'n, =nd n, are the refractive indices of the core and cladding respectively, the maximum | 72, ecceptance angle at the air-core interface shoulc be () tant (b) entyn} - nf ( sntynP—n? © B.GTD-D-SA3 (2-a) Whith of the “ollovirg statements regarding binary counter are correct ? 1. Clock inputs of all the flip-flops of a synchronous scnter are applied from the same source whereas those in an asynchroaous esunter are from different sources, Asynchronous counter has rigple effects ‘whereas synct rcnous coualer has not. 3. Only JK flip-sleps car be usec in synchronous counter. whereas asynchronous ccunter can be designed with any -ype of flip-flops (a) =,2and8 () >and 3only (©) Band 8 orly (@) Land 2orly Maximum frequency reflacted ftom ionosshere is 9 MHz on a particular day. The mavimum ion density/metre is (a) 108 %b) 108 ee a 1 The enti-aliasing filer has a hizher cut-off srequency fy. Its output is sampled periséically every Ts seconds. For proper recovery of the s gna! at the receiver, Ts ms: be (@ Mea or Kegh, teak a es 2 73, A binary channel with capacity 36 kbite/s is available for PCM voice transmission. If signal is band limited to 82 kHz, then the appropriate values of quantizing level L and sampling frequency will be (a) 64 and 7-2 ki (b) 82and 7-2 kHz, (©) 64 and 36 kHz (@) 82 and 36 kHz 74, A fibre-optic cable has the indices of refraction of core of 1:6 and of cladding of 1-4. Fer an angle of incidence 70°, the angle of return light ray will be (@ 35° () 61° ©) 70° (@) 90° 75. In an optical communication system, having an operating wavelength 2 in metres, only X% of its source frequency can be used as its channel bandwidth. The system is to be used for transmitting TV signal requiring a bandwidth of f Hz. The number of channels transmitted by this system simultaneously is (c= speed of light) 100% ¢ @ Se 100%£ b) ® © Xe @ Xt. @ joo.F B-GT2-0-50B o13- 76. 1. A) An optical fibre communication system works on a wavelergth of 1:3 am. The number of subscribers it :an fead, -f a channel requires 20 kHz, is (a) 23x10" (b) 1x 108 (©) 115 «10-0 (@) 10 Consider the follow-ng statements regarding a common emitter ar-pl_fier. I: can be converted into an oscillator br 1. Providing adequate 2ositive feedback. 2. Phase shiftirg the ousput by 180° and feeding tis phase-siifted output to the input. 3. Using only a series turned circuit as a load on the ar-plifier. 4. Using the negative resistance device as a load on tae amplifier. Which of the abe statements are correct ? (@) 1,2,8ane4 () Land 2 orly (©) 2and 8 only (@) Band 4 only 78. Foran angle modulated signal, 81. Nit) = 6 cos (2n x 10°t + 2 sin (8000 rt) + 4-cos (£000 rt) The average power of x(t) is @ 10W ) 18W ©) 20W @ 23W 79. A single tone 4kHz message signal is sampled with 10 kHz and 6 kHs. Aliasing | gp, effect will be seen in the recons:rueted signal when the signal is sampled with (2) 10kHz (bl 6 KH: (Both 10 kHz and 6 kHz (© Neither 10 kHz nor 6 kHz 80. A source produces 26 symbols with equal probabilities. What is the average information | produced by the source ? (a Less than 4 bits/symbol (©) 6 bits/symbol (©) Tbits/symbol (d) Between 4 bits/symbol and 6 biss/symboi B-GTD-C-SAB (14-A) In order to improve the system response trarsient behavicur. the ype of son-roller used is (a) Phase lead con-roller (b) Phase lag controller (©) Plcontroller (@ controller ‘The suilt-in potential (diffusion potential) in a p»n janction 1. is equal x che cifference ir the Fermi-level of the two s des, expressed in volts. increases wth the iner2ase in doping levels of the tc sidas. 3. increases with the -nerease in temperature. 4. is equal to the everage of the Fermi-level: of the twe sides. Which of the above statemer.ts are correct ? (a) Land 2 only (>) Land 3 only ©) 1,2and3 @ and 4 83. Consider the following statements for TEM (Transverse Electro Magnetic) waves 1. Only for TEM wave, could the conductor seperation be small compared with a wavelength. TEM mode needs to be considered at low Zrequencies. TEM waves are usually not obeying Maxwell's equations. 4, TEM waves are usually treated like ‘ordinary transmission line signals’. Which of the above statements are correct ? (a) 1,2and 3 only ©) Land 2onty (©) 2,8.and 4only @)1,2,3and< ‘84. An analog signal is sampled at 35 kHz and quantized into 256 levels. The time duration of a bit of the binery coded signal is, a) ‘b) 6-43 ys fe) 847 us () 147 us 88, The ratio 1. Intrinsie rato £. Loss tangent £. Conduction ratio 4. Dissipation factor Which of these are correct ? a) Land2 ‘by land ©) 2and3 id) Qand4 B-GTD-O-SAB 87. (13-A) 4 transmitting antenna with a 300 MHz carcier frequency produces 2 kW of power. If transmitting and receiving antennas heve unity power ga:n, the power received by the receiving anvenna at a distance of 1 km is (18 mW (184 mW © 184 uw 127 aW HF the iameter of a 2 dipole antonta is ad cased from * ty © then its increased fom A by @ b) Bandwidth decreases (c: Gain inereeses ia Bandwidth increases Gain decreases The diamete> 10 m fo a wavelengch of 816 cm is (a £04B ideal gain of © parabolic antenna of (ob: 204B ce) 404B id) 60aB An enteana consists of 4 identical He: dipoles vniformly located along the z-axis and polarizeé in z-direetion. The spacing between, the Cipoles is 1. The group pattern funccion (@) “eos €) cos & 40s (Fens 6) eos (Fens 0) (b) x, x 4e0s & 2x86) 1 devs Fens 0) sin F286) {@) 4ecsFeosOsin gue) . 91. 93, Curren: required to radiate 100 W of power at | 94. 100 MHz from 0-01 m dipole will be @ 1A >) 141A () 151A (@) 161A The length of half-wave dipole at 30 MHz will de a) on 95. b> 102 ©) 16m @ 5m Microwave impedance measurement is carried out by 4a) line method, Reactive discontinuity and Reflectomater (>) Wave mater method, Slotted line | yg ‘method and Down eonversian method 7 (c)_ Slotted line method, CW measurement and Swep: frequeney measurement (a) Nene of the above ‘A mocukated signal is given by s(t) = c08 [(e, + Ao) t] ult) ‘The complex envelop of s(t) is 97. fa) ett elilee+0rthy yy ye eb Sty) bac (a) allloe*1y(ty where, a, @, End A@ are positive constents > da. (16-A} The frequency range fer_—_satalite communication is (a) 1 sHz-100kEz (b) 100 Ha - 1 Maz (©) 19 MHz~30 MHz @ 1GEz-30GEz A paraoliz dish antenna of 1 m diame-e> and efficien xy of 70%, operating at 20 GHz, -will have a gaia of nearly (a) 2948 (bo) 25.aB () £94B (a) 04B ‘The de imal equivalen> of Binary 120-001 is (a) @26 (b) e185 (ae @ Given (125)p = (2C3);. The value of radix R will be a) 6 (b) 10 © 3 @ 3 38. Tae #s comalement of (25:689),o is ‘a 74-36 ) 06782 @) 9-732 (7-436 99. Ccrsider the following statements 1. When two unsigned numbers are acded, ar overflow is detected from the carry into the most significant position, 2. An overflow does not occur if the two sumbers edded are both negative. 3. If the carry into the sign bit position exd carry out of the sign bit position are rot equal, an overflow condition is proceed. Whica of te above statements is/are correct ? ‘ab 1,2end3. tealy (© fonly (@ Bonly 100. ‘Th staterrert label in a subroutine (a) Mey be the same as in the main pregram: (b) Is always the same as in the main program () annct be the same as in the main program (@) Canrot be used 8.GTD-0-SAB aT 101. 102. 103. AY ‘Techniques that automatically nove program and data blocks into the physizal mé memory when they are required for axeeu:ion are called a) Main memory techniques ®) Virtual memory techniques (©) Cache memory techniques (©) Associate mapping techniques Minimum sampling frequency required te reconstruct Ld ° in Qr 16Ct verso) 222 soon -o[’ and } is (a) 1« 103He (b) 2% 103 Hz (© 4x 10° He (@) 6x 103 Hz In a microprocessor, WAIT states are us2d tc (a) Make the processor WAIT dung a DMA operation (b) Make the processor WAIT during en interrupt processing (©) Make the processor WAIT during a povrer shut down (a) Interface processor SLOW peripheral to ‘hz 104. A register of microprocessor which keeps track of the execution of a program and which contains the memory address of the next instruction to be executed is called (a) Index register (b) Memory address register (©) Program counter (d) Instruction register 107. 105, Which of the following statements are correct ? 1. DRAM offers reduced power consumption, 108. 2, An associative memory is cheaper than RAM. 3. The fastest and most flexible cache organization uses content addresszble memory. 4. The address generated by a segmented program is called a physical address. (a) land3 (b) land4 (© 2and3 (@) ands B-GTD-O-SAB (18-4) 106. What is the activity of the micro>rocessor 8086/888 when the signals 58, , DT/F. and 10/Mare 1, 0 and 1 respectively in rainimsum mode ? (a) Read memery (b) Read VO port (©) Code Access (a) Write YO port OS thet permits multiple prog-ams to be run, simultaneously asirg a single grovessor is referred to as @) (b) Multithreading Multitasking (c) Multi-user (@ — Multi-processing In mode 0, Interrupt on terminal coun: of 8253, if the gate pin is made low while counter is decremerting, which one cf the following operations will follow ? (a) Counter stops and cieared to ‘0 and starts decrementing when ga:e pin is made high (b) Counter stops and thereafter it increments till gate pin =‘ high (©) Counter stops, the currest conten’s are held and the decrement >pe-ation resumes only after gete pin is made high (@) Counter stops, the current conten-s are held for one clock cycle anc the decrement >pe-ation resemes 109, 110. 1. (a) Stops execution of instructions (b)_Acknowlecges interrupt and branches of subrou-ine (©) Acknow.edzes interrupt and continues (@) Acknowtedges interrupt and waits for the next instruction from the interrupting device B-GTD-0-SAB (19-. Wok respect to the default IR7 routine in 8289 PIC, which of the following statements are correct 7 1. Default CALL to the IR7 routine when a: invalid interrupt occurs at IR pin, 2. A default IR7 CALL does not set the corresponding ISR bit. 3, A iefault IR7 routine is nothing but the same valid IR7 routine with lowest orisrity. (a) 3,2and3 (b) tard only (©) Land 3 only @ Zandi 3orly In a microprocessor system with memory mapped /0 (a) Devices have 8-bit addresses (b) Devices are accessed using IN and OUT instcuctions (©) There can be a maximum of 256 input devices and 256 output devices (d) _Aritiametie and logic operations can be directly oerformed with the /O data In a micccprocessor when a CPU is interrupted, it 112, 118, m4, A) Consider the following statements The advantage of cycle stealing in DBA is that, 1. It increases the maximum VO transfor rate. 2. It reduces the interference b: the DMA controller in the CPU's memory aceees. 3. It is benaficially employed for VO device with shorter bursts of data traasfer, ‘Which of the above stat2ments are ccrrect ? (a) 1and 2 only (b) and 3 only (c) 2and3only id) 1,2and3 D input of a clocked D-ilip-flop receives an input A © Q, where A is an external logic input end Q,, is the outpat of the nth D-FF before the clock apzears. The circuit works as (a) Ex OR gate (>) T-8F (© DIF @) JKFF Which one of the following is the correct answer when 110172 is subtracted from 11101, by using the 1’s complement method ? (a) 0100: (6) 10001 (© 00011 (@ 00010 115. 116, 117. E-GTD-O-SAB An Exzess-3 eode erithmetic operation is used to perform the (a) Binary addition (b) Binary subtraction (©) 3CD addition (@) 30D subtraction Convert the decimal 41-6875 into octal. (a) 5154 (b) 5113 () 5413 @ 6251 If the variance 0,2 of din) = X(n) ~ Xin ~ 1) is one-tenth the variance o,2 of a stationary zero-mean discrete-time signal X(n), then tae normali autocorrelation Ryy(K/o,2 at K= 1 is funetion (a) 095 (b) o-s0 (©) 0-10 @ 0-05 Directions : Each of tie nest three (03) irems consists of two statements, ae labelled as the ‘Statement (2 and the otwer as ‘Stetement (IL. Examine these two state nents carejuliy and s2lect the answers to these items uring the codes given below Codes: f@) (b) © @ 118. 119. 120. (20-A) Both Statement I) aad Statement (I) are individually true anc Statement (ID) is the correct explanatioa of Stelement 1) Boch Statement (J) anc Statement (II) are individually true but Stalement (ID) is not the correct explanation of Statement <1) Statement (1) is true but Statement (ID is false Statement (1) is fals2 tat Statement (Il) is true Statement (+ A differential amylifer is used at the input stage of an operations! amplifier. Statement (ID): Differential amplifiers hve very high CMRR, Statement (): Lead compensation is used to improve system stability margins, Statement (1): Lead compensa:ion achieves the desired result through the merits of its phase lead contribution. Statement (D ‘The bandwidth of AM signal depends or. the bandwidth of the modul:ting signal. Statement (ID): ‘The emplitude-raodulated signa! contains f,, £, +f, frequency sigr. B-GTC-2-SAB SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK (21-A) SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 5-GTD-O-SAE (22-A) SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK B-STD-O-SAB (23-A) SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK B-GTD-0-SAB (24-A)

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