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IDL - International Digital Library Of

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Volume 1, Issue 3, Mar 2017 Available at:

International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017

Design of Tele command SOC-IP by AES

Cryptographic Method Using VHDL
Scholars. B S Sahana Raj 5 , Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering,
PESCE, Mandya. An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological
University, Belgaum)

Literature Review Article

ABSTRACT Advanced Research in Computer and
The goal of this project is to implement the (AES)
Communication Engineering Vol. 2, Issue 3,
encryption system using Verilog. To do this, several separate
March 2014
sections of the algorithm will be coded to work together
The emerging developments in semiconductor
towards the end goal of performing the correct encryption
routines. A telecommand is a command sent to control a technology have made possible to design entire
remote system or systems i.e not directly connected (e.g. via system onto a single chip, commonly known as
wires) to the place from which the telecommand is sent. The System-On-Chip (SoC). The incresase in Space
telecommand word is derived from tele = remote (Greek), and Systems capabilities kindled by the On-board data
command = to entrust/order (Latin). Systems that need remote processing capabilities can be overcome by
measurement and reporting of information of interest to the optimizing the SoCs to provide cost effective, high
system designer or operator, require the counterpart of
performance, and reliable data. This is achieved by
telecommand, telemetry. For a telecommand (TC) to be
embedding pre-designed functions into a single
effective, it must be compiled into a pre-arranged format
SoC, which utilizes specialized reusable core (IP
(which may follow a standard structure), modulated onto a
cores) architecture into complex chip.This paper is
carrier wave which is then transmitted with adequate power to
the remote system. The remote system will then demodulates concerned with the design of telecommand system
the digital signal from the carrier, decode the telecommand, for transfer of signals from ground station to space
and execute it. station by the integration of SRAM(Static Random
I. REVIEW PAPERS Access Memory), ARM (Advanced RISC Machine)
1. System-on-Chip (SoC) for Telecommand Processor, EDAC unit (Error Detection And

System Design International Journal of Correction)and CCSDS (Consultative Committee

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IDL - International Digital Library Of
Technology & Research
Volume 1, Issue 3, Mar 2017 Available at:

International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017

for Space Data System) decoder system.In this methodology will have to change from being gate-
paper we designed the Telecommand SoC. level oriented to the integration of complex building

2. HIGH SPEED IP BASED blocks. The designers will have to rely on pre-
existing building blocks with already verified
functionality, with documentation and production test
SYSTEM Proceedings of Third IRF
vectors being available, and which have ultimately
International Conference, 07th March-2015,
been validated on silicon.
Mysore, India, ISBN: 978-93-82702-74-0
An IP (intellectual property) core is a block of logic
or data that is used for making a field programmable
gate array ( FPGA ) or application-specific integrated
ISSN (Print): 2278-5140, Volume-2, Issue 2,
circuit ( ASIC ) for a product. Design reuse IP cores
are part of the growing electronic design automation 2013
(EDA ) industry which allows the repeated use of This paper deals with the design of Space Data Link

previously designed components. Using many IP layer of a Telecommand Decoder using CCSDS

cores a system itself can be designed, System on protocol. Telecommand Decoder is a part of

Chip (SoC) offers this requirement. In the current Telecommand subsystem which receives uplinked

telecommand communication method, excess number data/ commands and distributes it to all subsystems.

of physical devices is present, which cause a major All commands received will be validated and

communication delay. Combining many of the thereafter depending on the address, commands will

predesigned internal blocks in to a single chip can be delivered to their respective destinations. Space

solve this problem. Data Link sublayer was designed to meet the

3. Designing Space Applications Using requirements of space missions for efficient transfer
of space application data or commands to control the
Synthesisable Cores- European Space Agency
Spacecraft. Space Data Link modules are designed
European Space Research and Technology
using CCSDS protocol and VHDL code for the same.
Centre (ESTEC) Postbus 299, NL-2200 AG
Simulation is performed using modelsim.
Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Very high integration levels of microelectronics will
be required to fulfil the ever-increasing demands for The main objective of the project is to design and develop
high processing performance, low mass and power. architecture for Design of Tele command soc IP by using
With an increasing number of available gates on AES cryptographic method using VHDL. To overcome the
silicon, the functionality being implemented will shortfall of the present design where the major drawback has
move away from the use of traditional components to been the increased delay and decrease in frequency for
more advanced and complex systems within a single transmission of data packets. The new architecture is designed
device. To develop such complex circuits the design
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IDL - International Digital Library Of
Technology & Research
Volume 1, Issue 3, Mar 2017 Available at:

International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017

to analyze the scope for a performance enhancement with [5] Lin, Shu, and Daniel J. Costello, Jr., Error Control
respect to the present system. Coding: Fundamentals and Applications, Englewood Cliffs,
III. MOTIVATION NJ, PrenticeHall, 1983.

Consumer demands for high performance and rich [6] Dr. PS. Sathyanarayana Concepts of Information Theory

functionality have driven the semiconductor manufacturing and Coding

industry to the integration of multiple complex components [7] Proximity-1 SPACE LINK PROTOCOLCODING AND

onto a single chip. As the complexity of the remotely located SYNCHRONIZATION SUBLAYER Recommended

physical devices increases, the requirement for a greater standard, Blue book, CCSDS 211.2-B1, April 2003.

telecommanding capability and efficiency arises, but present [8] Telecommand Part 1.Channel Service. Recommendation

IP Core Based Architecture of telecommand System-on-a- for Space Data System Standards, CCSDS 201.0-B-3.Blue

Chip (SoC) has increased delay in transmission of data Book. Issue 3. Washington, D.C.: CCSDS, June2000.

packets. The increase in demand for better throughput and [9] Packet Telemetry. Recommendation for Space Data

increase features has lead to the motivation of this project. System Standards, CCSDS 102.0B-5.Blue Book. Issue 5.
Washington, D.C.: CCSDS, November 2000.
[10] Telecommand Part 2.1.Command Operation Procedures.
In this proposed design, plan to achieve by
Recommendation for Space Data System Standards, CCSDS
embedding pre-designed functions into a single SoC, which
202.1-B-2.Blue Book. Issue 2. Washington, D.C.: CCSDS,
utilizes specialized reusable core (IP cores) architecture into
June 2001.
complex chip. The conventional telecommand system is
[11] Rajesvari., Manoj G, Angelin Ponrani.M )IP Core Based
designed with Telecommand Processor and they are integrated
Architecture of Telecommand System-on-Chip (SoC) for
onto a chip .In this project, which reduces the utilization of
Spacecraft applications International Conference on Signal
slices and hence time delay is reduced.
Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition- 2013
Since IP cores are pre-designed and pre-verified, the
[12] SoC: A Real Platform for IP Reuse, IP Infringement, and
designer can concentrate on the complete system without
IP Protection Debasri Saha and Susmita Sur-Kolay Advanced
having to worry about the correctness or performance of the
Computing and Microelectronics Unit, Indian Statistical
individual components.
Institute, Kolkata 700108, India, Received 12 October 2010;
Revised 4 January 2011; Accepted 24 January 2011
[13] Reduced Precision Redundancy for Satellite
standard, Blue book issue 1, CCSDS 231.0-B1, SEP 2003.
Telecommand Receiver Module on FPGA Salman Sadruddin
and Arshad Aziz,National University of Science and
standard, Blue book issue 2, CCSDS 231.0-B2, Sep 2010.
Technology (NUST), H-12, Islamabad, Pakistan, Hindawi
[3] Detailed Design Review Document of TTCB/B System of
Publishing Corporation ,Chinese Journal of
INSAT-4B ISRO, Aug 2005.
Engineering,Volume 2013, Article ID 453872, 8 pages.
[4] Baseline Design Review Document of TTCB/B System
[14] The International Journal Of Engineering And Science
of INSAT-4B ISRO, Mar 2011.
(IJES) || Volume || 3 || Issue || 6 || Pages || 17-24 || 2014 || ISSN
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Volume 1, Issue 3, Mar 2017 Available at:

International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017

(e): 2319 1813 ISSN (p): 2319 1805 The Ravichandran, P.N. Kulkarni S. Sharma, S. Vasudevamurthy,
IJES Page 17,FPGA Implementation of System-on-chip H.S. Vanitha, M. Lakshminarsimhan, P. Digital Syst. Group,
(SOC) Architecture for Spacecraft Application ,Kiran Kumar ISRO Satellite Center, and Bangalore, India this paper appears
B.G ,Dr. Kaushik Bhattacharyya in: Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and
[15] International journal of electronics and communication Computing, 2009. ARTCom '09. International Conference.
engineering & technology(IJECET) ,Volume 5, Issue 8, [17] System-on-Chip: Reuse and Integration Pre-designed and
August (2014), pp. 139-149, designing of telecommand pre-verified hardware and software blocks can be combined
system using system on chip(soc) for spacecraft control on chips for many different applicationsVthey promise large
applications by Anupama sindgi, u.b.Mahadevaswamy productivity gains. By Resve Saleh, Fellow IEEE,
[16] Wireless Telecommand and Telemetry Systems for SteveWilton, Senior Member IEEE, Shahriar Mirabbasi,
Satellite Communication Using ZigBee Network Member IEEE

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