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Merriam Webster

adjective ordinary
Definition of ordinary
1. 1: of a kind to be expected in the normal order of events : routine, usual an ordinary day
2. 2: having or constituting immediate or original jurisdiction; also : belonging to such
3. 3a : of common quality, rank, or ability an ordinary teenagerb : deficient in
quality : poor, inferior ordinary wine

Synonyms and Antonyms of ordinary

1. 1being of the type that is encountered in the normal course of events it was a
perfectlyordinary and undistinguished
shirtSynonyms average, common, commonplace, cut-and-dried (also cut-and-dry), every
day, garden-variety, normal, prosaic, routine, run-of-the-mill, standard, standard-issue, un
exceptional, unremarkable, usual, workadayRelated
Words regular, typical, unextraordinary; familiar, homely, plain, plain-Jane, popular, vul
gar; natural; customary, wonted; insignificant, trivial, unimportant; frequent, habitual; ex
pected, predictablePhrases par for the courseNear
Antonyms curious, funny, peculiar, quaint, queer; aberrant, anomalous, atypical, irregula
r, untypical; rare, recherch, scarce; fantastic (also fantastical), phenomenal; bizarre, far-
out, Kafkaesque, outrageous, outr, wacky (also whacky), way-out, weird, wild; eccentri
c, idiosyncratic, kooky (also kookie), nonconformist, oddball, offbeat, unconventional, un
orthodox; freak, freakish; conspicuous, notable, novel, outstanding, prominent, salient, si
gnal, striking, unexampled, unprecedented; singular, unique, unparalleledAntonyms abno
rmal, exceptional, extraordinary, odd, out-of-the-way, strange, unusual
2. 2of average to below average quality the pizza at that restaurant is just ordinaryit's
nothing to write home
aboutSynonyms common, fair, indifferent, medium, middling, mediocre, passable, run-
of-the-mill, run-of-the-mine (or run-of-mine), second-class, second-rate, so-soRelated
Words acceptable, adequate, all
right, alright, decent, OK (or okay), reasonable, satisfactory, sufficient, sufficing, tolerabl
e; moderate, modest; presentable, respectable; minimal, unexceptional; fine, good, niceN
Antonyms A1, capital, choice, classic, distinguished, excellent, exceptional, exquisite, fa
bulous, fantastic, fine, first-class, first-rate, grand, great, marvelous (or marvellous), matc
hless, maximum, nifty, number one (also No. 1), optimal, optimum, outstanding, par
excellence, peerless, preeminent, prime, sensational, special, splendid, stellar, sterling, su
perb, superior, superlative, supreme, swell, terrific, tip-top, top, top-notch; unmatched, un
paralleled, unsurpassed; deficient, inadequate, insufficient, lacking, unacceptable, unsatisf
actory, wanting
3. 3often observed or encountered an ordinary hairstyle for boys of that
ageSynonyms common or garden [chiefly
British], commonplace, everyday, familiar, frequent, garden-variety, household, commo
n, quotidian, routine, ubiquitous, usualRelated Words normal, regular, standard; de
rigueur, mandatory, obligatory; general, universal; ceaseless, constant, continual, continu
ous, incessant, unceasing; endemic, popular, prevailing, prevalent, rampant; perennial, re
current, repeatedNear
Antonyms aberrant, abnormal, irregular, unnatural; intermittent, occasional, sporadicAnt
onyms extraordinary, infrequent, rare, seldom, uncommon, unfamiliar, unusual

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