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Making Herbal Liquid Soap out of Sambong Leaves

(Blumea Balsamifea) Extract


Sambong leaves also known as Bluemea Balsamifera is a medicinal herb that

can heal different kinds of illnesses like skin infection, diabetes, urinary tract
infection.,high blood pressure Etc. Sambong

Grows all over in the tropics of Asia and in the Philippines where Sambong is
well known as a powerful healing agent. Sambong is also use in China, Korea,
Thailand, Africa and even India. Sambong has been used effectively in Asia for
treating all kinds of health challenges for hundred years.

Background of the study:

To heal and prevent skin infection and to know and understand the cause and
effect of Sambong soap in our skin.

Significance of the study:

The rationale of the study is to cure skin infection and on the other side the
study aims to create a product or investigatory project out of Sambong extract that
can help to lower the risk of having skin infection. Hence this will benefit the People
who have skin infection and to those who do not have.

Statement of the problem:

Our study aims about some Filipinos whose suffering in skin infection. Some
Filipinos in the Philippines are having different kinds of skin infections. The
researcher said that Sambong plants have benefits that can cure skin infection.


In this study the main objective is to prove the effectiveness of Sambong

extract capability to prevent skin infection.

There is a significant effect of prepare Sambong leaves use as herbal
There is a possibility that Sambong leaves help us cure skin infection.

Materials and ingredients

Baking Soda
Sambong Extract
Food Color
Oil scent


-Step 1: Prepare all needed ingredients for making soap

-Step 2: Boil the Sambong leaves to get the Sambong extract

-Step 3: Mix all the ingredients

-Step 4: Let it cool

-Step 5: Pour the mixture in the container

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