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From: Douglas Grandt answerthecall@icloud.

Subject: Take the leadon COP21/22 1.5C aspiration to eliminate CO2
Date: April 7, 2017 at 8:01 AM
To: Suzanne M. McCarron
Cc: Darren W. Woods, William (Bill) M. Colton, Max Schulz

Dear Suzanne
In your May 24, 2016 Opinion piece in The Dallas Morning News, you stated:
The recent Paris Agreement, in which the overwhelming majority of nations
pledged to take action to address greenhouse gas emissions linked to climate
change, was an important step forward.
As policymakers develop mechanisms to meet the Paris goals, they should
focus on reducing the greatest amount of emissions at the lowest cost to
society. To do so, they should ensure a uniform and predictable cost of carbon,
allow market prices to drive solutions, maximize transparency to stakeholders,
reduce administrative complexity, promote global participation and easily adjust
to future developments in climate science and policy consequences. Of the
policy options being considered by governments, we believe a revenue-neutral
carbon tax is the besta position we first took more than seven years ago.
Do you really expect the U.S. government is capable of delivering effective
and timely legislation or regulation to accomplish ExxonMobils aspirations?

Sincerely yours,
Doug Grandt

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