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Journal week 1

Students names and ID number: Date:

Badreyya Abdulla from 19th February, 2017
H00303679 To 22th February, 2017
Journal title:

Planning for Sciences


Grade two
lesson plan

Figure2: Grade
two annual plan
Journal body

As a student teacher, I do understand carefully that lesson plan is a

significant element of the teaching-learning process. Besides, I believe that

lesson plans contribute to making the teacher organized and manage her

classroom comfortably. Furthermore, being well-equipped builds arranged

lessons and assist the teacher in overcoming the unexpected issues that

related to the concept or technical problems that could occur during a lesson.

In my sixth teaching practice, I was a trainer at GEMS School with MST

Jincy. I discussed with my MST about her planning for science lessons. Each

Sunday, all grade one teachers gather to do discussion or meeting that aims to

come up with specific learning objectives. Another point worth noticing is that

each teacher participated actively during the meeting by giving appropriate

suggested activities and techniques for science concepts. Figure 1, As it seen

in figure 1, all the teachers follow the given lesson template as weekly lesson

plan which involves learning objectives and outcomes, activities, differentiation

strategies used and materials. From my observation, I discovered that my MST

devote part of the lesson to link the science to real life examples. For

instance, in rocks and soil types lesson she asked students to bring any

attractive rocks that they could find it in RAK mountains to determine with

whole class the kind of each stone. Moreover, I see that my shows students
the relationship between science concept and everyday lives contribute to

making science much appealing and acceptable to them (Linking science in our

daily life, 2014). In other words, it also helps all learners to make sense of the

worlds phenomena surrounding them more than it just structured information.

By the same token, as HCT college students we are implementing the efficient

and useful planning strategy which are 5 Es lesson plan. The meaning of 5 Es

is Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration and Evaluation. However,

each stage contributes to accomplishing lessons learning objectives and

encourage students to assess their understanding and abilities (Admin,2015).

References used:
Linking science in our everyday lives. (2014) Retrieved on 19th
February, 2017 from
Admin. (2015). 5 e lesson plan template. Retrieved on 19th
February, 2017 from

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