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Revolutions Storybook Project

Name: _______________________ Revolution: ______________________________

Congratulations! You have been hired by Gray Publishers to create a childrens book that teaches children (ages
7-10) about a revolution of your choice.

Choose a Revolution (Glorious Revolution, French Revolution, or Haitian Revolution) and turn the story of the
revolution into a childrens story with pictures or comics.

Each book must be a minimum of 10 pages. Each page must have a color picture or comic, and text that
explains the events of the revolution. Use vocabulary that is appropriate for the age group, and be sure to
clearly explain any advanced vocabulary you use. To ensure that no important details are accidentally left out,
there is a list of terms that must be included in the storybook for each revolution. However, do not limit
yourself to these terms to complete the whole story. Some lists are longer than others, but that does not make
any revolutions book harder than another in fact, it probably makes it easier because it is so specific. Each
student will need to have a rough draft and turn in the final book on the assigned days to receive full credit.

Required Terms for the Glorious Required Terms for the Haitian Required Terms for the French
Revolution Revolution Revolution

William and Mary American Revolution Absolute Monarchy

King James II French Revolution First Estate

King Charles II Colony Second Estate

Absolute Monarchy Plantation Third Estate

Divine Right Declaration of the Rights of Man King Louis XVI and Marie

Catholic Church Slave Storming of the Bastille

Protestant Equality Famine

English Bill of Rights Toussaint Louverture Declaration of the Rights of Man

Parliament National Assembly Reign of Terror

Limited Monarchy Democracy Guillotine

American Revolution National Assembly

French Revolution Tennis Court Oath

Maximilien Robespierre

Napoleon Bonaparte
To be completed after the project:

1. On a scale of 1-5, I used my time wisely at a level _______.
2. One area that I can improve on is
3. One thing that I found frustrating was
4. One thing that I really enjoyed was

Teacher Evaluation
1. Student used time effectively 12345
2. Student was respectful to teacher and students 12345
3. Student showed evidence of preparing and organizing information 12345
4. Student followed classroom procedures 12345

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