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Task 3

Words and Voices:
In radio dramas, listeners dont have the visual link that they do with film or TV. As such,
every word that a character or narrator says needs to be crafted to create that link for the
viewer. Without this, the listener wont have any clue on what people are feeling, where
they are or what they are doing.
The narrative in Blind Mans Confession is driven by the main character as the narrator.
He describes the scenery and everything he is feeling throughout, with him occasionally
voicing anything he says. There are only two other characters, with the unnamed killer being
the only one that delivers further exposition.
In the on-going show The Archers, the conversations between various characters are
formed to give exposition as they talk. Examples are whenever a new character enters a
room all the people in the scene will say their name, with the new person greeting them by
name back. This is much more effective than Blind Mans Confession, as it is far clearer as
to who each character are, since many in the first are unnamed.
So that listeners can distinguish between characters, attention will be given to make sure
the difference is noticeable. This can range from using different accents, tones, pitches and
other such techniques to aid in this.
Between the three characters in Blind Mans Characters, they each are different actors to
help tell them apart. To further aid this, the main character is in the middle of sobbing and
crying when talking to the unnamed killer, whom has a gravelly voice, so making it even
easier to determine whos who.
As well as greeting everyone by name, the show The Archers uses other techniques to
distinguish characters. The cast ranges from older to younger characters, each having a
different accent.
The Archers is more effective at using this code, as it has a far wider range of ways used to
differentiate characters and scenes. One example is when a particular scene ends and starts
with the same character, they have him talking normally then as if hes using a microphone.
Music and Ambience:
Similar to the way it is used in other forms of media, music is presented to create a mood or
tension in a particular scene, further helping the viewer understand the scene they are in. In
addition, various sound effects are used to create the setting. These sounds would usually
be stereotypical to the area, such as restaurant having clattering cutlery in the background.
In Blind Mans Confession, to keep the mood constant, dramatic irony is used throughout,
keeping the weather as an intense thunderstorm; lightning striking whenever a moment
needs further drama.
The Archers relies heavily on background ambience and sound effects to denote the
setting. Whether it simply being footsteps on a path or the sounds of a clothes rack being
wheeled in as a new character enters the scene.
Both dramas use music and ambience effectively, creating mood and setting to a
professional degree. Though Blind Mans Confession is what I believe does it better. The
use of pathetic irony in the thunderstorm, as well as its use to create scenery create a more
ominous and scary mood, which is much more dramatic than The Archers.
Sound and Silence:
Silence is primarily used to either denote a scene change or for dramatic tension. This needs
to be carefully balanced to make sure the listener doesnt lose interest in the production.
Though too much silence would be bad, too much dialogue can result in the same too.
In the short story Blind Mans Confession, there are large gaps of silence used to denote
the drama in the narrative that is being told. The main character will often pause to add
more emotion to what he says. As there is the presence of a narrator there are little no
examples of silence being used to change scene.
Being mainly used for scene changes and tense moments in conversations, The Archers
uses rarely uses silence. An example is a conversation between two people, about who runs
the farm, which is quite a touchy subject and so there are often pauses during the topic.
Blind Mans Confession uses these pauses more effectively, as they use them to create
dramatic tension and horror, along with changes of scenes.
Aural Signposting:
To help denote a scene change, an aural signpost may be used. There are many ways of
doing this, with some examples being: vehicle noises, doors shutting, crowds of people or
other background noises. Music may also be used instead.
The scene doesnt change much in Blind Mans Confession, but when it does there is a
clear and usually loud sound to denote it. One scene is thunder and lightning, that makes a
moment more dramatic, and another is the sound of the car crashing and landing the lake.
Sirens and talking also are used toward one of the end scenes.
As such, The Archers are more effective at using aural sign posting. They use background
sound well to help the listener discern where the scene is taking place, using fades if it
changes. In one scene. we can tell the two different characters are outside walking down a
gravel path, as we can hear their footsteps as they walk. They also say how cold they are,
further giving the viewer more information on what the setting is like.
Cliff-hanger Ending:
A technique used in visual dramas too, by keeping details or by not completing stories, the
viewer is kept interested. It also provides the listener with a more intense experience.
The ending of Blind Mans Confession isnt a cliff-hanger in the sense that it is setting up
for a sequel, but it leaves an open ending for the listeners to interpret as they see fit. This is
evidenced through when the main character ends by talking to listener, as he says how he
wishes to meet his tormenter again.
As it is an on-going drama, The Archers constantly ends on a cliff-hanger as to keep the
audience captivated and watching. As such, it uses this convention to a better degree.
Use of Fades:
When the scene needs to be changed, there are several conventions to do this. Though
silence will be used, it will likely be transitioned by a fade of some sort. This can range from
the background ambience slowly getting quieter to a car driving by.
There are only a few uses of fades in Blind Mans Confession, one of which is when the
scene changes to morning, we hear the background noise of emergency services and voices
getting closer to the main character.
In The Archers uses fades frequently to create transitions between scenes. During a dinner
scene, as there a lot of different conversations that are being transitioned to, the
background dinner ambience is faded in and out quickly to let the audience know that there
are different people that are talking.
Both dramas were equally effective in the use of these, as they are used in the most clear
ways to denote scene changes.
Narration and Direct Speech:
As there are no visuals, all exposition has to be worked into what characters say. This can
sometimes seem forced and unnatural to the conversation, but is necessary for the listener
to understand the scene. Another way for this done however, could be through the use of a
Blind Mans Confession is primarily narrated, which is done by the main character. He
describes everything he sees and feels in a lot of detail to the audience, not only to give an
idea of the scene he is in, but also to purvey his own emotions and reactions to the
Most of the script of The Archers works in exposition into everything they say. Names will
constantly be used in conversation make sure the listener is aware of who is present, and if
they do leave or anyone enters their names will be mentioned in the goodbyes and hellos.
Though the narration is far better at giving the listener a clear way of telling what is
happening in the scene, The Archers technique is far better, as it feels much more natural
and less forced.
Titles and Credits:
Due to the lack of visuals, all titles and credits to those taking part in the production have to
be spoken. This can be done by the narrator, director, an actor or another important figure
to the piece.
In Blind Mans Confession, those who took part in production are spoken at the end, with
the narrator being the one who conveys this. In The Archers, there is instead an opening and
closing theme, to bookend each episode. The cast and crew, however, arent mentioned in
the drama itself. This is more effective than the first drama however, as it is less distracting
from the viewer, lowers the duration time and gives the show a better pacing.
Some radio dramas will use flashbacks as a way to provide exposition. This form of non-
linear narrative will, however, need to use specific key words, background sounds or other
such techniques to make sure that the listener understands what is happening.
The Archers doesnt use flashbacks, as it is a heavily linear series. Though Blind Mans
Confession uses flashbacks, in its own way. The main character spends the entire drama
describing the experience of crashing and meeting a psychopath from the past tense, using
phrasing like I was or I stuttered to convey this.
Appropriateness to TA:
If a radio drama doesnt keep their story appropriate to their TA, then they will lose
listeners. A TA is chosen or researched for a reason, and if elements are included that dont
appeal to them, they will simply stop listening.
Because they have had time to develop and understand their audience, The Archers are
more effective at catering to their TA. They use scenarios and character language to do this,
with examples being when an episode is centred around a play that is being produced for an
event, whilst drama around who will inherit a farm is also being discussed.
The Archers fit their Target Audience because their content is what theyd be interested in
or experience themselves. It will always be drama based around realistic events, whether it
be a dinner party or other typical family events. In an episode, there is a character fretting
about the production of a play, which seems boring to certain age groups, but the TA would
enjoy the humour based around this.
Dramatic Reconstruction:
Some narratives may choose to be based on real events, but adding more drama and
tension to the narrative. The writer may then bend some of the facts to better fit the story,
or create events that didnt take place.
Both the radio dramas are based around events that are realistic, though I believe Blind
Mans Confession does it better. Its story is based around the main character retelling a
story he experienced, but it clearly didnt happen. His character also narrates the story,
which makes it seem more eerie, as he describes every detail of what he sees.
Drama Styles:
There are five styles of drama. Traditional; which is the most basic form that usually involves
a narrator and characters that have some form of dilemma that they need to overcome,
adaptation; where an idea will be taken and adapted for a different audience, Kitchen Sink;
this is simply constructed around a family in an everyday home, Soap; which is almost the
same as Kitchen Sink but with a difference in the dilemma of the narrative usually being
more of a danger or threat, and finally post-modern; where the narrative and dilemma will
tend to be more open ended, allowing the audience to try and answer the many questions
that are raised.
The Archers is mostly a Kitchen Sink style, though with some elements of a Soap. It is
generally based around a group of people living in a rural area. The dilemmas will often be
everyday problems that the characters have to solve, whether they be about farm
inheritance or particular characters falling out over a play.
The drama Blind Mans Confession is a post-modern style, through its use of having the
end of the drama being open ended. The main character speaks to the listener, as if the
narrative actually happened, saying how he hopes to meet the person who blinded him. I
personally believe this style was better, as it stays constantly engaging, and doesnt go stale
from the use of similar realistic scenarios.
Creation of Mood:
Mood is incredibly important to create when making a radio drama, as it is key to making
the listener feel for the characters. This can be created through various things, such as
music, the acting, dialogue or even pathetic irony.
Though both the radio dramas are very different in style and narrative, I think Blind Mans
Confession is more effective at creating mood. The drama uses pathetic irony and music as a
powerful way to create an instant mood of fear and intense moments. The dialogue spoken
by the narrator and characters are also effective, with the genuine panic in the main
characters voice being purveyed incredibly well. This is most clearly heard when hes
begging for his life and saying dialogue like Please, I wont tell anyone, I swear!
The length of the narrative is important to get right. This is because one that is too long will
bore the audience, with the expectation of a much more deep and satisfying ending being
lost due to the too large of a build-up. In contrast, if too short, the narrative wont have time
to develop enough to be interesting. The length needed will depend of how engaging and
complex the narrative itself is.
Blind Mans Confession is roughly 12 minutes long, which is a good amount of time to keep
the audience engaged. Though it feels too short, due to the build-up in the narrative
through the amount of questions the audience would feel throughout.
Each episode of The Archers is around 15 minutes long, with multiple scenes occurring in
each. Though it is longer, this use of having more than one setting or scenario an episode
makes it much more engaging. The open ending of each episode is also better, as the series
will keep continuing and so the audience will keep getting answers to their questions.
Narrative Structure:
The structure of a radio drama will vary depending on the narrative. Most are linear, to keep
it easy for the listener to keep up, with clear signposting as to when events are taking place.
If there is a flashback, or flash-forward, then a character or narrator will mention it in
Both of the dramas are linear, though Blind Mans Confession could be considered non-
linear as a narrator is describing his experience from the future. Each drama use constant
signposting in their dialogue and ambience effects to make sure the listener isnt confused
about what is happening.
Development of Plot:
Similar to the importance behind the duration of a radio drama, exposition and other plot
points have to be given to the audience at the right points. Done too soon, it will be too
much to take in, and too much will bore them. The pacing has to be kept steady, with clear
explanation throughout.
Through the use of a narrator, Blind Mans Confession develops the plot steadily, giving a
large amount of descriptions to do this. An example is I sank to my knees, lifting my head
to see the grizzly scene. This gives enough information to the viewer, whilst using creative
language to create a more dramatic mood as a bonus.
The Archers dont have a narrator, so all exposition will be given through characters. In a
scene where two characters are talking about owning the farm, one eludes to how another
person has always been after being in charge of the farm. From this simple dialogue, the
listener now understands some backstory on a character, since they might have missed it
from a previous episode.

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