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6. Analysis of Student LearningLesson One (s) (LO 1.

1) (APS 3)

TWS Standard
The teacher uses assessment data to profile student learning and
communicate information about
student progress and achievement.

Note: The term analyze in TWS 6 means to determine whether the intervention brought about the desired
results. You can also examine the data in ways that reveal the relationships, patterns, trends, etc. that can
be found within it.

Analyze your assessment data, including pre/during/post assessment data summary
(formative) to determine students progress related to the lesson objective(s) in
your "showcase" lesson. Use visual representations and narrative to communicate
the performance of the whole class and three (3) individual students (one low, one
average, and one high performer).
*Conclusions drawn from this analysis will be provided in TWS section 8 - Reflection,
Self-Evaluation, and Professional Development.

In this section, you will analyze data to explain progress and achievement toward
"showcase" lesson objective(s) demonstrated by your whole class and three (3)
individual students (one low, one average, and one high performer).

A Whole class
A) Assessment Chart
Student Pre During Post
Student 1 3 2 2
Student 2 3 2 2
Student 3* 3 1 1
Student 4*** 3 3 3
Student 5 3 3 2
Student 6 Absent Absent 1
Student 7 3 3 2
Student 8 3 3 2
Student 9 3 3 2
Student 10 Absent Absent 2
Student 11 3 3 2
Student 12 3 3 3
Student 13 3 3 2
Student 14 3 3 3
Student 15 3 3 2
Student 16 Absent Absent Absent
Student 17** 3 2 2
Student 18 3 3 3
Student 19 3 2 2
Student 20 3 2 2
Mean 3 2.58 2.16
Median 3 3 2
Mode 3 3 2

3= the student did what was expected, 2 =the student somewhat did
what was expected and needed assistance, 1= the student did not do
what was expected.

Lesson One




Pre During Post


C) The above graph shows that from the pre-assessment to the post assessment, the class
average decreased. This was certainly not the goal and shows me that the class did not
understand the content of the material being taught. Next time, I must explain directions
more clearly, or I must provide simpler activities so that the class will understand the
material better.
B Individuals
a Discuss the importance of analyzing data from a high, average, and
low performing student.
The three students who were identified as the low, average, and high
performing students really showed the different spectrums of learners
in the class. The low performing student showed how he does not
concentrate and is easily distracted, and often needs assistance, and
therefore does not complete work. The average performing student
performs well while working on their own, but needs assistance every
so often and usually performs well on work. The high performing
student works hard and is consistent, and does what Is expected of
him, therefore he gets his work finished thoroughly.

b Use pre- and post-assessment data and examples of the students

work to determine the extent to which these students attained the
lesson objectives.
i Quantitative data: see highlighted chart
ii Qualitative data:
The low performing student did not really understand the
content of the lesson. For the pre-assessment, he
received a 3 because he was assisted on what to do, for
the during assessment, he received a 1 because he was
not able to answer the 5Ws and 1H from the story, and for
the post assessment he received a 1 because he was
unfocused and did not choose a book of his choice to
complete the story map, which resulted in incompletion of
The average performing student somewhat understood
most of the content of the lesson taught. For the pre-
assessment, he received a 3 because he could answer
each question, for the during assessment, he received a 2
because he only completed part of the graphic organizer,
and for the post assessment he received a 2 because he
only complete part of the story map, but with assistance.
The high performing student fully understood the material
of this lesson. For the pre-assessment, he received a 3 for
answering all the questions, he received a 3 for the during
assessment for finishing the graphic organizer, and a 3 for
the post assessment for completing the story map with a
book of his choice. This shows that the student was
engaged in the lesson and understood what was going on.

Post assessment of high performing student:

6. Analysis of Student LearningLesson Two(s) (LO 1.1) (APS 3)

TWS Standard
The teacher uses assessment data to profile student learning and
communicate information about
student progress and achievement.

Note: The term analyze in TWS 6 means to determine whether the intervention brought about the desired
results. You can also examine the data in ways that reveal the relationships, patterns, trends, etc. that can
be found within it.
Analyze your assessment data, including pre/during/post assessment data summary
(formative) to determine students progress related to the lesson objective(s) in
your "showcase" lesson. Use visual representations and narrative to communicate
the performance of the whole class and three (3) individual students (one low, one
average, and one high performer).
*Conclusions drawn from this analysis will be provided in TWS section 8 - Reflection,
Self-Evaluation, and Professional Development.
In this section, you will analyze data to explain progress and achievement toward
"showcase" lesson objective(s) demonstrated by your whole class and three (3)
individual students (one low, one average, and one high performer).
C Whole class
A) Assessment Chart
Student Pre During Post
Student 1 3 3 3
Student 2 3 3 3
Student 3 3 2 2
Student 4*** 3 3 3
Student 5 3 3 2
Student 6* 1 1 1
Student 7 3 3 2
Student 8 3 3 3
Student 9 2 2 2
Student 10 3 3 3
Student 11 3 3 2
Student 12** 3 3 2
Student 13 3 3 3
Student 14 3 3 3
Student 15 3 3 3
Student 16 3 3 3
Student 17 3 2 2
Student 18 3 3 2
Student 19 3 3 2
Student 20 3 3 3
Mean 2.85 2.75 3.45
Median 3 3 2.5
Mode 3 3 3

3= the student did what was expected, 2 =the student somewhat did what was
expected and needed assistance, 1= the student did not do what was expected.

Lesson Two





Pre During Post


C) The above graph shows that from the pre-assessment to the post assessment, the class
average increased. This certainly was the goal and shows me that the class understood the
content of the material that was taught. The activities were on the students level so they
could complete these activities with little to no help.
D Individuals
a Discuss the importance of analyzing data from a high, average, and
low performing student.
The three students who were identified as the low, average, and high
performing students really showed the diversity of learners in the
class. The low performing student showed how he does not
concentrate and is easily distracted, and often needs assistance, and
therefore does not complete his work. The average performing student
performs well while working on their own, but needs assistance every
so often and usually performs well on all her assignments. The high
performing student works hard and is very consistent, and does what is
expected of her, therefore she gets her work finished thoroughly.

b Use pre- and post-assessment data and examples of the students

work to determine the extent to which these students attained the
lesson objectives.
i Quantitative data: see highlighted chart
ii Qualitative data:
The low performing student did not quite understand the
content of the lesson. For the pre-assessment, he
received a 1 because he marked the wrong answers for
each of the fill-in the blanks, for the during-assessment,
he received a 1 because he did use the correct colors for
the graph and did not complete it, and for the post
assessment he received a 1 because he was unfocused
and did not complete the worksheet.
The average performing student somewhat understood
most of the content of the lesson taught. For the pre-
assessment, she received a 3 because she could answer
each question, for the during-assessment, she received a
3 because she completed the graph worksheet, and for
the post assessment she received a 2 because she was
distracted and only completed two of the four parts of the
The high performing student fully understood the material
of this lesson. For the pre-assessment, he received a 3 for
answering all the questions, he received a 3 for the
during-assessment for completing the graph worksheet,
and a 3 for the post assessment for completing all parts of
the worksheet. This shows that the student was engaged
in the lesson and understood what was going on
throughout the entire lesson.

Post assessment of high performing student:

. Analysis of Student LearningLesson 3(s) (LO 1.1) (APS 3)

TWS Standard
The teacher uses assessment data to profile student learning and
communicate information about
student progress and achievement.

Note: The term analyze in TWS 6 means to determine whether the intervention brought about the desired
results. You can also examine the data in ways that reveal the relationships, patterns, trends, etc. that can
be found within it.
Analyze your assessment data, including pre/during/post assessment data summary
(formative) to determine students progress related to the lesson objective(s) in
your "showcase" lesson. Use visual representations and narrative to communicate
the performance of the whole class and three (3) individual students (one low, one
average, and one high performer).
*Conclusions drawn from this analysis will be provided in TWS section 8 - Reflection,
Self-Evaluation, and Professional Development.
In this section, you will analyze data to explain progress and achievement toward
"showcase" lesson objective(s) demonstrated by your whole class and three (3)
individual students (one low, one average, and one high performer).
E Whole class
A) Assessment Chart
Student Pre During Post
Student 1 3
Student 2 3
Student 3 2
Student 4*** 3
Student 5 2
Student 6* 1
Student 7 2
Student 8 3
Student 9 Absent Absent 2
Student 10 3
Student 11 Absent Absent 2
Student 12** 3
Student 13 3
Student 14 3
Student 15 3
Student 16 3
Student 17 2
Student 18 2
Student 19 2
Student 20 3
Mean .95 .75 3.45
Median 2.5
Mode 3

- Correct answer
-Incorrect answer
3- Student stated community worker, how they would help the community, and
provided an illustration
2- Student stated the community worker and provided an illustration
1- Student either provided just an illustration or just name a community worker
*** High performing student
** Average performing student
*Low performing student


Lesson Three





Pre During Post


C) The above graph shows that from the pre-assessment to the post assessment, the class
average increased. This certainly was the goal and shows me that the class understood the
content of the material that was taught. The activities were on the students level so they
could complete these activities with little to no help.

F Individuals
a Discuss the importance of analyzing data from a high, average, and
low performing student.
The three students who were identified as the low, average, and high
performing students really showed the diversity of learners in the
class. The low performing student showed how he does not
concentrate and is easily distracted, and often needs assistance.
Therefore, he does not complete his work. The average performing
student performs well while working on their own, but needs
assistance every so often and usually performs well on all her
assignments. The high performing student works hard and is very
consistent, and does what is expected of her, therefore, she gets her
work finished thoroughly.

b Use pre- and post-assessment data and examples of the students

work to determine the extent to which these students attained the
lesson objectives.
i Quantitative data: see highlighted chart
ii Qualitative data:
The low performing student did not fully understand the
content of the lesson. For the pre-assessment, he
received a check mark because he wrote down a
community worker. For the during-assessment, he
received an X because he did not write down anything
about what he learned from the story, and for the post
assessment he received a 1 because he was unfocused
and did not complete the worksheet.
The average performing student somewhat understood
most of the content of the lesson taught. For the pre-
assessment, she received a check because she wrote
down one community helper. For the during-assessment,
she received a 3 because she named one community
worker she learned from the story and a description of
their job, and for the post assessment she received a 3
because she drew a picture of what she wanted to be
when she grew up, named that person, and stated how
she would help the community.
The high performing student fully understood the material
of this lesson. For the pre-assessment, he received a
check for naming one community helper, he received a
check for the during-assessment for writing one
community helper he learned from the story and a
description of that community helper, and a 3 for the post
assessment because he drew a picture of what he wanted
to be when he grew up, named that person, and stated
how he would help the community. This shows that the
student was engaged in the lesson and understood what
was going on throughout the entire lesson.

Post assessment of high performing student:

6. Analysis of Student LearningLesson 4(s) (LO 1.1) (APS 3)

TWS Standard
The teacher uses assessment data to profile student learning and
communicate information about
student progress and achievement.

Note: The term analyze in TWS 6 means to determine whether the intervention brought about the desired
results. You can also examine the data in ways that reveal the relationships, patterns, trends, etc. that can
be found within it.
Analyze your assessment data, including pre/during/post assessment data summary
(formative) to determine students progress related to the lesson objective(s) in
your "showcase" lesson. Use visual representations and narrative to communicate
the performance of the whole class and three (3) individual students (one low, one
average, and one high performer).
*Conclusions drawn from this analysis will be provided in TWS section 8 - Reflection,
Self-Evaluation, and Professional Development.
In this section, you will analyze data to explain progress and achievement toward
"showcase" lesson objective(s) demonstrated by your whole class and three (3)
individual students (one low, one average, and one high performer).
G Whole class
A) Assessment Chart
Student Pre During Post
Student 1 3
Student 2 3
Student 3 x 3
Student 4*** 3
Student 5 3
Student 6* x 1
Student 7 3
Student 8 3
Student 9 x 3
Student 10 3
Student 11 3
Student 12 3
Student 13 3
Student 14 3
Student 15 3
Student 16** 3
Student 17 3
Student 18 Absent Absent
Student 19 3
Student 20 3
Mean .89 .88 3.46
Median 3
Mode 3
- Correct answer
-Incorrect answer
3- Student answered all questions on BUDDY OR BULLY worksheet correctly
2- Student answered 3 or 4 questions correctly
1- Student answered 1 or no questions at all on the worksheet
*** High performing student
** Average performing student
*Low performing student


Lesson Four





Pre During Post


C) The above graph shows that from the pre-assessment to the post assessment, the class
average increased. This certainly was the goal and shows me that the class understood the
content of the material that was taught. The activities were on the students level so they
could complete these activities with little to no help.

H Individuals
a Discuss the importance of analyzing data from a high, average, and
low performing student.
The three students who were identified as the low, average, and high
performing students really showed the diversity of learners in the
class. The low performing student showed how he does not
concentrate and is easily distracted, and often needs assistance.
Therefore, he does not complete his work. The average performing
student performs well while working on their own, but needs
assistance every so often and usually performs well on all her
assignments. The high performing student works hard and is very
consistent, and does what is expected of her, therefore, she gets her
work finished thoroughly.

b Use pre- and post-assessment data and examples of the students

work to determine the extent to which these students attained the
lesson objectives.
i Quantitative data: see highlighted chart
ii Qualitative data:
The low performing student did not fully understand the
content of the lesson. For the pre-assessment, he
received an X mark because he did not write down his
own definition of bullying. For the during-assessment, he
received a check because he responded to all of the
pictures correctly, and for the post assessment he
received a 1 because he was unfocused and did not
complete the worksheet.
The average performing student understood most of the
content of the lesson taught. For the pre-assessment, she
received a check because she wrote down her own
definition of bullying. For the during-assessment, she
received a check because she responded to all of the
pictures with the YES/NO cards, and for the post
assessment she received a 3 because she completed her
BUDDY OR BULLY worksheet correctly.
The high performing student fully understood the material
of this lesson. For the pre-assessment, he received a
check for writing a thorough definition of bullying, he
received a check for the during-assessment for
responding to each picture correctly with the YES/NO
cards, and a 3 for the post assessment because he
answered all of the questions correctly on the BUDDY OR
BULLY worksheet. This shows that the student was
engaged in the lesson and understood what was going on
throughout the entire lesson.

Post assessment of high performing student:

6. Analysis of
Student Learning
Lesson Five(s) (LO 1.1)
(APS 3)

TWS Standard
The teacher uses
assessment data to
profile student
learning and
communicate information about
student progress and achievement.

Note: The term analyze in TWS 6 means to determine whether the intervention brought about the desired
results. You can also examine the data in ways that reveal the relationships, patterns, trends, etc. that can
be found within it.
Analyze your assessment data, including pre/during/post assessment data summary
(formative) to determine students progress related to the lesson objective(s) in
your "showcase" lesson. Use visual representations and narrative to communicate
the performance of the whole class and three (3) individual students (one low, one
average, and one high performer).
*Conclusions drawn from this analysis will be provided in TWS section 8 - Reflection,
Self-Evaluation, and Professional Development.
In this section, you will analyze data to explain progress and achievement toward
"showcase" lesson objective(s) demonstrated by your whole class and three (3)
individual students (one low, one average, and one high performer).
I Whole class
A) Assessment Chart
Student Pre During Post
Student 1 Absent Absent Absent
Student 2 3 3
Student 3 2 2
Student 4*** 3 3
Student 5 3 2
Student 6* 1 1
Student 7 3 3
Student 8 2 3
Student 9 3 2
Student 10 2 3
Student 11 3 2
Student 12 3 3
Student 13 3 3
Student 14 3 3
Student 15 3 3
Student 16** 3 3
Student 17 3 2
Student 18 3 2
Student 19 3 2
Student 20 3 3
Mean 3.0 2.60 2.40
Median 3 2.5
Mode 3 3

3- Student answered all questions correctly on the reading a map handout and
created a picture of a map with colored illustration and named what they drew a
map of.
2- Students answered three questions correctly on the worksheet and created a
picture of a map.
1- Student answered one or less questions correctly on the worksheet and did
not create a picture of a map.
- Correct answer
-Incorrect answer
*** High performing student
** Average performing student
*Low performing student
Lesson Five




Pre During Post


C) The above graph shows that from the pre-assessment to the post assessment, the class
average slightly decreased. The goal was for the average to increase and this shows me
that the class understood most of the content of the material, but some students became
confused towards the end. The first two assessments were on the students level so they
could complete these activities with little to no help, but towards the end, on the last
assessment, students struggled some. In the future, I will certainly make directions more
clearly and maybe provide a less challenging task for the post assessment.

J Individuals
a Discuss the importance of analyzing data from a high, average, and
low performing student.
The three students who were identified as the low, average, and high
performing students really showed the diversity of learners in the
class. The low performing student showed how he does not
concentrate and is easily distracted, and often needs assistance.
Therefore, he does not complete his work. The average performing
student performs well while working on their own, but needs
assistance every so often and usually performs well on all her
assignments. The high performing student works hard and is very
consistent, and does what is expected of her, therefore, she gets her
work finished thoroughly.
b Use pre- and post-assessment data and examples of the students
work to determine the extent to which these students attained the
lesson objectives.
i Quantitative data: see highlighted chart
ii Qualitative data:
The low performing student did not fully understand the
content of the lesson. For the pre-assessment, he
received a check mark because he did answer the
question correctly related to maps. For the during-
assessment, he received a 1 because he did not complete
the worksheet because he was unfocused and talking to
others, and for the post assessment he received a 1
because he did not attempt to draw a picture of a map of
his choice.
The average performing student understood most of the
content of the lesson taught. For the pre-assessment, she
received a check because she wrote down her answer
choice relating to identifying a map. For the during-
assessment, she received a 3 because she answered all
questions correctly on the handout, and for the post
assessment she received a 3 because she completed her
creation of her own map.
The high performing student fully understood the material
of this lesson. For the pre-assessment, he received a
check for writing the correct choice, he received a 3 for
the during-assessment for answering all answers on the
handout correctly, and a 3 for the post assessment
because he completed his illustration of a map with color,
and wrote what his map was an illustration of. This shows
that the student was engaged in the lesson and
understood what was going on throughout the entire

Post assessment of high performing student:

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