English in Indonesia

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IVB / 03


English as an international language is very important for all people in the world because
it is used to communicate by people all over the world. Because of the importance role, English
each level education in Indonesia takes English as one of prime subjects. Even, in high school it
determines the students passing. In high school level, English is taught as compulsory subject.
while in elementary school level, English is as content local subject, and in university it is also
taught in one up to two semesters

In English learning, students should to increase their ability or competence because it

will be very useful for future. But in fact, it can be seen that the students competence is still low
whether in junior high school, senior high school, or university. We can say that their competence
is not suitable with their level. How it can be??? Because many of students in Indonesia are not
used to and unwilling to use and learn English. So that is why their quality is low.

There are many problems can be seen in English teaching and learning process. One of
them is the lack of facilities. We can compare the facilities of education in Indonesia with other
countries. For example is library. In Indonesia, one regency have one library, but in Singapore
more than two libraries in one regency. Other problem we can be found is the quality of the
teachers. There are so many teachers in Indonesia have low quality, especially in English subject.
It can be seen because almost all of teachers in Indonesia just want to get the title. Not the
knowledge anymore. The reality can be seen with the method in teaching. Almost of teachers in
Indonesia just command the students to read the book and then give some exercises. It is so
bored for students and can decreasing their motivation to learn.
To solve the problems above, the government must more serious in increasing the quality
of education. It can be done by fulfilling the lack of facilities so that the students can easier to
study English. And the quality of the teachers should be increase and that they can transform
their knowledge to the students effectively. Hopefully, the quality of education in the future
especially English subject will be better than today.

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