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Mackenzie Aaron

ENG 302
Thomas Jefferson Builds a Library

Grade: 3rd
Unit: Learning about Thomas Jefferson and Self-Selecting Books
Objectives: The student will read informational text
Standards: This lesson will help children to know themselves as
readers and they kind of books they enjoy, along with branching off
and learning more about books. Students will be able to use their
creativity to build their own library.

Art supplies
Writing Journals
The book Thomas Jefferson Builds a Library

Anticipatory Set: Before reading the texts students will be learning

about self-selection of books along with building a reading
community. The students will be reading, recommending, and
communicating about the books they have been reading. Students
may or may not be studying history of the United States and Thomas
Jefferson. Show students the cover of the book Thomas Jefferson Builds
a Library and ask students:
How do you predict Thomas Jefferson will
build a library?
In what way can you build a library
What do you think might be something
important in the story?
Teaching: Input
Guided reading of the story Thomas Jefferson Builds a Library by
Barb Rosenstock. Through out the book, the teacher should facilitate
learning by asking questions such as:
What kind of books was Thomas Jefferson
reading? What kinds are in our library too?
With all the other things Jefferson is doing, how
does he find time to read?
Books made him laugh, they made him
wonder What do books do for you.
What do you see in all the illustrations?
Did you notice anything else on the pages?
How did Jefferson actually build a library

Discussion: Ask students about their opinion of the book and what
they thought about when they read the story. Discuss the importance
of being knowledgeable about books and reading and how it could
impact your life.

Activity and Engagements:

1. Have students obtain art supplies to draw their own library. Have
students create their dream library this includes detail of what
it looks like both inside and out. Also encourage them to add
what kinds or furniture or possessions they might want in their
2. Have students make a list of the books they would want to build
their library. Have students create a list of:
a. Books they have already read and would have to have in
their library.
b. Books that have been recommended by their peers
c. Books that they do not care for but others might enjoy in
their library.
3. By having students include this list of books they are able to
appreciate all kinds of readers and what they enjoy. Also they are
expanding their knowledge of books.

Closure: Invite students to share their libraries with the class and
explain the meaning of the library to them. Also discuss the
importance of reading and books and how they can be appreciated.

Independent Practice: Have the students pick from one of the

quotes listed below. These quotes cam from different pages within the
story. Have students write in their journals about the quote, why they
picked it, and reflect on their thinking.

I cannot live without books. Thomas Jefferson

A room without books is like a life without meaning.

Thomas Jefferson

I am a part of everything that I have read. Theodore

The person who deserves most pity is a lonesome one on a
rainy day who doesnt know how to read. Benjamin Franklin

I read my eyes out and cant read half enough. . . . The more
one reads the more one sees we have to read. John Adams

All I have learned, I learned from books. Abraham Lincoln

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The
more that you learn, the more places youll go. Dr. Seuss, I
Can Read with My Eyes Shut!

I cannot sleep unless I am surrounded by books. Jorge Luis


Books are a uniquely portable magic. Stephen King, On


Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are
the destination, and the journey. They are home. Anna
Quindlen, How Reading Changed My Life

I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns

on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.
Groucho Marx

Today a reader, tomorrow a leader. W. Fusselman

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