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Required Text

Wager, K., Lee, F., & Glasser, J. (2017). Health care information systems: a practical approach for health
care management (4th ed.). San Fransisco, CA: Josey-Bass.

ISBN: 9781119337188

Course Description

Students examine the foundations of clinical information collection, processing, recording, and use to
support decision-making in healthcare environments. The importance of patient information privacy,
compliance with regulatory standards, safety, and data integrity is prominent throughout the course.
Topics covered include types of health care information systems for specific healthcare settings, system
selection, implementation process, system security, and data standards. In addition, students will
explore strategic planning and management implications associated with information technology in
healthcare management.

Course Objectives

Evaluate the major types of healthcare information that are captured and/or used in healthcare
Examine the use of healthcare information systems within a variety of healthcare settings
Critique the data and information collection points throughout a patients encounter
Assess the various regulatory standards as they relate to healthcare information systems
Analyze the implications to an organization for having poor data integrity, poor patient
information privacy, and poor system security
Develop an overview of the impact clinical and administrative systems have on managerial
Analyze the role of healthcare information systems in strategic planning
Create a high-level plan for implementing a new healthcare information system

Tentative Course Schedule

Week 1 Read Chapter 1

Lecture 1 "Introduction to Healthcare Information Systems"
Lecture 2 "Types of Healthcare Information"
Video Lecture 3 "Introduction to Healthcare Information"
Discussion "Welcome and Introductions/Virtual Physicians"
Assignment "Healthcare Information Standards"

Read Chapters 3 & 4

Lecture 1 "Structure of Health Information"
Week 2 Lecture 2 "Protection of Health Information"
Discussion "The Beatrice Vance Case"
Assignment "HIS and Staffing"

Read Chapter 2
Lecture 1 "Gathering Data"
Week 3 Lecture 2 "Information Data Sets"
Assignment "Inter-System Communications"

Read Chapters 10 & 11

Lecture 1 "HIS Legislation"
Lecture 2 "The Affordable Care Act"
Week 4
Video Lecture 3 Application and Legislation of HIS
Discussion "IOM and Waster"
Assignment "HIS Regulations

Read Chapters 7 & 9

Lecture 1 "Poor Data Quality"
Lecture 2 "Fraud Issues"
Week 5
Video Lecture 3 Data Integrity
Discussion "Ethical Dilemma"
Assignment "Fraud in the United States"

Read Chapters 13 & 14

Lecture 1 "Decision-Making with HIT"
Week 6 Lecture 2 "Technological Advancements Now and in the Future"
Discussion "Future of Health Care Delivery"
Assignment "Decision-Making with HIT"

Read Chapter 12
Week 7 Lecture 1 "Strategic Plan"
Lecture 2 "Federal Health IT Strategic Plan"
Discussion "Communicating the Plan"
Assignment "Assessing the Governments IT Strategic Plan"

Read Chapters 5 & 6

Lecture 1 "Implementation Success Factors"
Lecture 2 "Change and the Implementation Dip"
Week 8
Video Lecture 3 HIS Implementation
Discussion "Impact of the Implementation Dip"
Assignment "Final Project"

Grading Policy

Discussions 30%

Assignments 40%

Final 30%

Time Management

The following table outlines the academic effort required by students to be successful in this course.
While the times in the table are approximate, it is presented to help students with their time
management. Please note, depending on the student's background knowledge and experience of the
course subject and an individual student's academic capabilities, these times will vary. If you have any
questions or concerns, please direct them to your instructor or student advisor.

Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity

Readings/Lectures 0.8

Online Discussions 2.0

Assignments 0.0

1 Readings 1.7

Discussions 1.0
Assignments 9.0

Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0

Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity

Readings/Lectures 0.9

Online Discussions 2.0

Assignments 0.0

2 Readings 2.4

Discussions 1.0
Assignments 9.0

Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0

Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity

Readings/Lectures 0.5

Online Discussions 2.0

Assignments 0.0

3 Readings 0.7

Discussions 1.0
Assignments 9.0

Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0

Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity

Readings/Lectures 0.8

Online Discussions 1.0

Assignments 0.0
Readings 2.8

Preparation Discussions 0.0

Assignments 9.0
Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0

Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity

Readings/Lectures 0.5

Online Discussions 2.0

Assignments 0.0

5 Readings 2.8

Discussions 1.0
Assignments 9.0

Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0

Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity

Readings/Lectures 0.4

Online Discussions 2.0

Assignments 0.0

6 Readings 3.0

Discussions 1.0
Assignments 9.0

Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0

Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity

Readings/Lectures 2.3

Online Discussions 2.0

Assignments 0.0

Preparation Readings 1.6

Discussions 1.0

Assignments 9.0

Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0

Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity

Readings/Lectures 0.5

Online Discussions 2.0

Assignments 0.3

8 Readings 2.8

Discussions 0.0
Assignments 18.0

Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0

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