Sons of The Prophet

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Playscript Stephen Karam Sons of the Prophet

Sons of the Happiness does not await us all. One neednt

be a prophet to say that there will be more
whos the favorite to go to Hershey for the
state play-offs

grief and pain than serenity and money. That JOSEPH: Yeah, well, footballs big here.
is why we must hang on to one another. GLORIA: Im learning. I spent most of my life
Anton Chekhov, letter to K.S. Barantsevich, in Manhattan, soI keep forgetting parts of

By Stephen March 3, 1888 Pennsylvania never made it above the Mason-

Dixon line.

Karam it seems that in a little while we shall

know why we are living, why we are suffer-
ingIf only we could know, if only we could
JOSEPH: I just need you to sign where Ive
GLORIA: Were in Nazareth for the love of
Characters know! God, how can we be so detached from the
JOSEPH: 29 Anton Chekhov, The Three Sisters Middle East whendrive 10 minutes and you
GLORIA: 59 find yourself in Bethlehem, Jordan, Egypt,
CHARLES:18 I shouldnt be doing this, but Im going Lebanon or any other town off I-78.
BILL: 74 to JOSEPH: Just need you to sign herealso, I
TIMOTHY: 28 Judge Gary F. McKinley, Kenton, Ohio need to leave early
VIN: 18 Associated Press, August 15, 2006 GLORIA: Oh of course, I thought you might
WOMAN: 40s/50s need to, go, get out of here
(plays Doctor Manor, Physicians JOSEPH: Why would you think I might /
Assistant, Board Member #1) Prologue need to
WOMAN: 60s Night. GLORIA: Well because ofI heard about the
(plays Mrs. McAndrew, Ticket Agent, A deer decoy sits atop the crest of a hilly road. bombing of the Lebanese airport, the civilian
Board Member #2) It looks real. casualtieshave you not seen the news?
Headlights appear in the distance, growing JOSEPH: No, I mean, Ive caught bits and
Time closer. pieces of it on TV, /but
July 2006March 2007 Closer. GLORIA: And thats exactly what Beiruts been
Closer. reduced to again, isnt itbits and pieces,
Place Closer. Godso much suffering in that part of the
Eastern Pennsylvania Just before impact, the house goes black with the world
sound of twisting, crunching metal. They both go about some business. Gloria scans
the Set her copy of the New York Times.
The set should be spare. The various locales GLORIA: I dont know how the Lebanese are
should suggest human spaces, but not be SCENE 1 able to endure so much pain, it never ends for
burdened by realistic details. The play takes ON WORK them, does it?and these images of Israeli
place in a pocket of Pennsylvania thats getting Joseph stands in a pool of light and performs a tanks driving by Beirutis whileBeirutis
increasingly worn down; small towns whose simple arm stretch (an ulnar nerve glide). Theres sounds like a fruity candy, is that the right/
identities were built around industries that a kind of grace to his movement; he has the body- Beirutis?
are no longer operative. Cracked sidewalks, awareness of an athlete. JOSEPH: Beirutis is the correct /term, I
leaning porches, weathered siding. If the Lights reveal his location: a modest office in think.
space allows, I say: lets see the back wall of Nazareth, PA. The room is expansive. Its also GLORIA: oh good, good, wellIm sure
the theater; expose the brick, electrical wires virtually empty except for two desks. One desk is your family agrees that Israels, their desire
and sockets, etc. beautiful and bare save a copy of the New York to defeat Hamas is so /untenable
Scene titles should appear before each Times. The other is ordinary and crowded with JOSEPH: Hizbollah, I think you /mean
scene. office supplies. GLORIA: oh Hizbollah is, also, yes, as well.
Gloria, a well-dressed woman, enters with an Awkward. They go about separate bits of busi-
AUTHORs Note Allentown newspaper. Joseph stops his stretch, ness.
At the risk of stating the obvious, N.B.: all the returns to the ordinary desk. JOSEPH: Did someone tell you Im Leba-
characters are equally human. Eschew broad GLORIA: Joe, have you seen these headlines? nese?
comedy and characterizations. Gloria may Im beginning to think Pennsylvania is the GLORIA: Well, you do share a last name with
say ridiculous things, but her mannerisms Alabama of the North. a young man who helped run the Geography
arent ridiculous. Timothy has the occasional JOSEPH: No, Gloria, did you get my e-mail? Bee at Nazareth High this weekend
arrogant, off-putting comment, but he is still I need to leave early JOSEPH: I see.
completely sincere in his beliefs, etc., etc. GLORIA: No, my BlackBerry is busted, think GLORIA: I joined the board of that founda-
This also pertains to the actresses playing you can fix? tion, I sponsored the whole event, so when
multiple rolesmaintaining believability is She plops the BlackBerry on his desk. The phone I heard them announce former champion
more important than dynamic changes in rings. Charles DouaihyDouaihy isnt a common
voice, etc. JOSEPH (Answering the phone): Gloria Gur- /name
A slash (/) indicates the point of overlap neys Book Packaging, how mayno, wrong JOSEPH: No, yeah, Charles is my brother
in dialogue. numberbye. GLORIA: Yes, well, I found that out after speak-
Words in brackets [ ] are expressed non- GLORIA (Engrossed in the newspaper): With ing to one of his teachers, so
verbally. everything going on in the Middle East can JOSEPH: I see.
Douaihy is pronounced: Doo-WHY- you believe the paper leads with a story about GLORIA: who also told me that your family
hee. high school football? A pre-season look at was Lebanese, so
joan marcus

Charles (Chris Perfetti, left) listens as Uncle Bill (Yusef Bulos) prays the rosary in Roundabout Theatre Companys staging of Sons of the Prophet.

JOSEPH: Yeah, we are. JOSEPH: Not really, what is the reason / fifth cousin removedGibrans name sells
GLORIA: No keeping secrets in Nazareth, why bookswhy would you hide this from me?
thats all Im saying. GLORIA: Well, Joe, heres theeven if no JOSEPH: I wasnt hiding anythingGloria, I
JOSEPH: Right, but you realize I wasnt keep- ones willing to discuss it, much of the pub- am Lebanese. And my parents were born in
ing a secret. lishing industry wont do business with me Bsharri, but thats the extent of my Arabian
GLORIA: Right, but you realize Im only bring- anymore. heritage. Look at me, Im white. We were born
ing it up becausethere were all these people JOSEPH: Whos not willing to discuss that? and raised in Pennsylvania. Were white.
at the event who were surprised I didnt know GLORIA: Im saying, Joe, you know where GLORIA: Yes, but youre white in the same
you had a brother, thats all Im saying. Im coming from; youre a runner andand way a Jewish person is white, you see what
JOSEPH: What people were surprised? with the knee problems youre having Im saying?
GLORIA: Well, thats not the point of the mat- we both know what its like to be suddenly JOSEPH: What are you saying?
ter, youre missing the point of the /matter sidelined GLORIA: Wed pitch it as a family memoir: Id
JOSEPH: Oh sorry, waitwhat is /the point JOSEPH: I guess, yeah. hire the right ghost-writer, weave in Gibran
of the GLORIA: Yeah, yeah, we both know what quotes
GLORIA: The point of the matter is just that it means to be on top, thensuddenly, fall JOSEPH: Theres no story, youd have to
you shouldnt feel shy about discussing your from grace. make stuff up.
family /in the office JOSEPH: I didnt fall from grace, I think I GLORIA: The best memoirs are fictional. We
JOSEPH: No, Im not shy, /I just tore my meniscus. can work in your athletic ambitionsa former
GLORIA: No no no, I understand GLORIA: Im saying I was hurt you never told Steamtown Marathon champion
JOSEPH: when Im in the office I just dont methe teacher I spoke with, she mentioned JOSEPH: My trainings on hold
like to discuss /my personal life. your brother did a whole report about a famous GLORIA: Then well work in the athletic
GLORIA: Your brothers disability. Lebanese relation of yours, which is, Joe, thats comeback element
Beat. all Ive been trying to say. JOSEPH: I might not recover
GLORIA: Oh /I [thought you were going to JOSEPH (Genuinely unclear): What have you GLORIA: If Lance Armstrong died of tes-
say]sorry, sorry been trying to say? ticular cancer, would he have won the Tour
JOSEPH: No, II just dont like to discuss GLORIA: You are a blood relative of Kahlil de France?
my personal life in the office Gibran!the best-selling author of all time JOSEPH (That makes no sense): No.
GLORIA: I respect that, obviously. behind Shakespeare and Lao Tzu! GLORIA: Precisely. The whole meaning of The
They go about some business. JOSEPH: No, no nowere distantly related, Prophet according to Gibran is: You are far, far
GLORIA: The, the only reason I even brought as in our great-great grandfathers /were cous- greater than you know, and /All is well.
it up is thatand you may have already ins JOSEPH: All is well, I know. My father says
picked up on the reason /why GLORIA: I dont care if hes your grandfathers that all the time.
Playscript Stephen Karam Sons of the Prophet

Beat. Gloria senses Joseph doesnt want to continue GLORIA: Thats what Im thinking of, thats it. JOSEPH: Thats not what Im worried /
the dialogue, but cant help herself (Beat) And hows your little brother holding about
GLORIA: In Arabic, or does he speak /Eng- up? God love him GLORIA (Starts to pick up some paperwork on
lish JOSEPH: Hes fine. Josephs desk): Is the knee pain why youve been
JOSEPH: I need to get going, /Im sorry GLORIA: The teacher I spoke with said he doing all this /paperwork?
GLORIA: Of course, no Im sorry, look why has a, uhhearing problem, but maybe she JOSEPH: Just leave thatthe business bureaus
dont you just ask your father if hed be will- meantis it(Picks up a paper on his desk) helping me and itll be better for you tax-
ing to just noticed this handout on MS, does he wise
JOSEPH: My father is in the hospital. He was have GLORIA: Why not let me pay you extra, you
in a car accident. JOSEPH: No thats just some scrap papercan can buy private insurance
GLORIA: A car accident? I please have that? Sorry(Puts the paper in JOSEPH: Because I have a preexisting condi-
JOSEPH: Yes, /I sent you an e-mail because I the recycling bin) Charles doesnt haveshe tion that makes me ineligible to do that, okay?
didnt want to discuss this in the office, so probably told you he was born with one ear, I have to get it through my employer so Im,
GLORIA: Oh my GodIm sorry, you shouldnt its not a big deal, he had one made out of his Im happy to do the paperwork, okay?
even have come in own cartilage when he was six, so you cant GLORIA: Okay, Im sorry. Go, get out of
JOSEPH: hes stableI was at the hospital even tell. here.
all weekend, my uncles with him now/thats GLORIA: One ear, what are the odds. Gloria, a bit wounded, picks up the New York
why I need to leave early, so JOSEPH: Its not all that uncommon a Times again, studies the images.
GLORIA: Oh my Godof course, Im so sorry defect. GLORIA (Half to herself): So much suffer-
/I didnt know GLORIA: Right, no, Im just saying its not as ing
JOSEPH: Im fine, its okay common as being born with two ears, is my Joseph is at the door; he studies Gloria.
GLORIA: Its not okayGod, Joseph, what only point. JOSEPH: Youll be okay?
happened? Awkward. GLORIA (Nodding yes): and Ill wait to
JOSEPH: He was doing maintenance work up JOSEPH: What is your only point? speak to your father about the book until
at Penn State, and driving home he swerved GLORIA (Answering her cell): Hello?one hesonce hes recovered from the, uh
to avoidthe police thinks its some sort of second, Josephyeah?uh-huh testicular can/cer
deer decoy hunters use ortheres also a deer JOSEPH: Your BlackBerry has no power. JOSEPH: Car/acci
statue near Dunmore High School, they dont GLORIA: greatokay, call me later, Im GLORIA: car accident, I knowGod what
knowit was all smashed, so talking with my assistantbye. did I say
GLORIA: The Dunmore mascot? Gloria puts the phone down. Awkward. Joseph JOSEPH: Testicular /cancer
JOSEPH: Well, /the police think picks up the phone, plugs it into the charger. They GLORIA: Right, because, who do I know that
GLORIA: Thatd make sense, their mascot look around the room. had testicular
istheyre the Mighty Bucks, yes? GLORIA: You /should know Im clinically JOSEPH: Lance Armstrong.
JOSEPH: Yeah. depressed. GLORIA: Right, thats it, thats it.
GLORIA: though bucks have antlers, so if it JOSEPH: I should go. JOSEPH: My family is very protective of their
was a deer decoy, a female deer, it wouldnt Beat. history. Theyd never agree to a book about
have antlers, I hope the police know that. GLORIA: Im /on medication though. their past. Its a bad idea.
JOSEPH: Im just gladmy dad could have JOSEPH: Good-bye. GLORIA: Some people think its a bad idea
died. GLORIA: Im sorry, normally I, I dont like to offer full health coverage to a part-time
GLORIA: Do they know who did it? to discuss personal matters in the office, employee.
JOSEPH: Gloria, sorry, can you sign where I dont, its justever since my husbands Beat.
Ive flagged here?this sets up the health suicide, Ivedid I tell you my husband / JOSEPH: Thats irrelevant, Gloria, it was the
insurance plan under the name of your busi- took his own major reason I accepted the position. You
ness. And your BlackBerry isnt broken, you JOSEPH: No, God know that.
just need to charge it. GLORIA: its too painful for me to talk GLORIA: I also knowits more than just knee
GLORIA: Of course, Ill get that, here, go, get about, but pain youve got, right?
out of hereand give my best to your mother. JOSEPH: Im sorry Gloria takes the MS pamphlet out of the recycling
Hows she holding up? GLORIA: he did, sohe grew up in this bin, puts it on his desk.
JOSEPH: Oh, my mother is /dead area, we built a home here, I thought moving GLORIA: You need health insurance. I need a
GLORIA (Genuinely embarrassed): Dead, oh back wouldbut for now his family wants to book. You see what Im saying?
God shes dead youve told me ten times, stayestranged from me, soI dont have JOSEPH: I have to go.
/Im so sorry very many /people to Joseph exits.
JOSEPH: Its fine, /dont worry about it JOSEPH: Thats fine.
GLORIA: No, Im so sorry. She died ofit was GLORIA: Thanks, Joe. SCENE 2
cervical cancer, right? Joseph is about to leave. ON PAIN
JOSEPH: No, and /I GLORIA: Oh, and can Ialsoask younot A small doctors office. Josephs uncle, Bill, and
GLORIA: Was it your aunt who had cervical to(Re: a bottle of pills, hidden on Josephs desk) brother, Charles, sit in the corner on two hard
JOSEPH: I dont know anyone whos had leave any kind ofmedication lying aroundI chairs. Joseph sits on an exam table. A Physi-
cervical cancer have a bit of a, Im in recovery cians Assistant speaks to Joseph regarding his
GLORIA: Someone hadwas it your cousin JOSEPH: Those are for my knee paindid MRI films.
who you take some of these!? PHYSICIANS ASSISTANT: the MRI reports
JOSEPH: My uncle had to go on oxygen a few GLORIA: I, I take others that counter the show some clear deterioration in your knees,
weeks ago, I might have mentioned that. effect theyre arthritic
JOSEPH: Why is this happening? and alsoin your history you have your father She exits.
PHYSICIANS ASSISTANT: You have hypo- checked as living, but he just said CHARLES: Doc
plastic throchleasif you /look here JOSEPH: Yeah, sorry, he died a few weeks ago. BILL: Nice girl.
JOSEPH: What /does that mean? PHYSICIANS ASSISTANT: Im sorry. And the CHARLES: Yes, shes a nice 45-year-old girl.
BILL: Is /this bad? What is that? cause of death?we need the history Beat.
CHARLES: Whats a hyploplastic trochlea? JOSEPH: Heart /disease. Stop talking. BILL (To Joseph): Hey, whatd Gibran say?
JOSEPH: Guys, let me ask the questions, BILL: He died because of some asshole kid The most massive characters are seared with
please. (To Physicians Assistant) Is this because some jerk thought itd be funny to put a deer scars. All is well, offer it up
of my running? decoy in the middle of a dark road JOSEPH: Im not offering my suffering up to
CHARLES: He won the Steamtown Mara- PHYSICIANS ASSISTANT: Oh God I read the baby Jesus, Uncle Bill, Im going to feel
thon about this, /Im so sorry shitty about it for 10 seconds /okay?
JOSEPH: Charles, /shuttup please JOSEPH: Yes but thats notthats not how he CHARLES: Hey, /cool it
BILL: Hey relax, /okay? died. A week after the accident he had a heart BILL: Im saying be gratefulyou have your
JOSEPH: Then /tell him to wait outside. attack, the doctor thinks theyre unrelated. health, you have us
CHARLES: Im here to support you BILL: Of course it was related. JOSEPH: I dont have my health, were in a
BILL: Calm down, were fine. Im sorry. PHYSICIANS ASSISTANT: Does heart disease doctors office because my knees are radiating
PHYSICIANS ASSISTANT: Its fine. Youre run in your family? hot pain all the time!
the father? JOSEPH: Yeah, and my fathers cholesterol Uncomfortable silence.
BILL: The uncle. was off the charts. CHARLES: Can I have 50 dollars?
CHARLES: Our father died BILL: I dont like the way you say that, his JOSEPH: No, /no way.
JOSEPH: Charles cholesterol was off the charts, like he com- BILL: What for?
CHARLES: Its not a secret, relax. mitted a grave sin. CHARLES: A map of Indo-China
BILL: Okay, all right CHARLES: He doesnt mean it that way. JOSEPH: What do /you need that for?
PHYSICIANS ASSISTANT: Im sorry to hear PHYSICIANS ASSISTANT: Did they find out BILL: Indo-what?
that. who caused the accident? CHARLES: To help the middle school kids
CHARLES: Thank you. BILL: Oh, /the police found the asshole prepare for the Geography Bee, Angry. (Re:
BILL: Hypo-what, Doc? You were saying JOSEPH: Noplease stop talking. Uncle Bill laughing) Dont laugh at me.
JOSEPH: Uncle Bill, can you let me do the CHARLES: This is a sensitive subject JOSEPH: Its too much money
talking, sorryjust(To Physicians Assistant) BILL: The boy happens to be the star of Cedar BILL: You laugh at me all the time!
just talk to me, please Crest High Schools football team. A team JOSEPH: use the games Dad came up with,
CHARLES: I cant believe you say Doc thats pretty competitive this year, so guess thosere free.
BILL: Dont /be wise. whos getting treated with kid gloves CHARLES: Theyre too childishSomalia
JOSEPH (To Charles): Please /wait out in the PHYSICIANS ASSISTANT: What do you looks like the number seven? /Afghanistan
waiting room mean? looks like a clenched fist?
PHYSICIANS ASSISTANT: Im actually a BILL: Some former jock judge decidesright JOSEPH: They work.
physicians assistant before he hands down the kids sentence, the CHARLES: They work for five year olds/
CHARLES: Im not /waiting in the waiting judge says, publicly and on record: I know I Japan looks like a snake
roomtell him to calm down. shouldnt be doing this, but Im going to. BILL (Examining the paper): Goddammit
BILL (Half in Levantine Arabic): Hey, habibi PHYSICIANS ASSISTANT: Why would a judge JOSEPH: What?
skotCharles, do you hear me? Skot, ma tehko. preface his ruling /with BILL: They still havent published my letter
[Quiet, dont speak]. BILL: Because hes postponing the kids time to the editor
The Physicians Assistant isnt sure whether to in juvenile detention until after football sea- JOSEPH: You mailed it yesterday.
address anything thats just been said. son. CHARLES (Half to himself): Russia looks like
you the films, youll be able to see the divots, BILL: Oh yeah, cited some bullshit logic BILL: they wont publish a photo of that kid
the lines in the bones where the cartilage is about the positive effects of participating when he kills your father cause hes underage,
being worn away in football but they will print one of him when it comes to
During the above line, Charles switches places PHYSICIANS ASSISTANT: Unreal, and my profiling the top football players in the state?
with Joseph so that his good ear is closer to the nephew plays football for Berwick, so if any- Give me a break.
Physicians Assistant. thing I should be /siding with CHARLES: Slovenia looks like a chicken
CHARLES: Can you say that again? CHARLES: Please stop talking to him about JOSEPH (To Charles): Whats he look like? Did
JOSEPH (To Physicians Assistant): He cant hear this. you see the photo
out of his left(To Charles) Stand still. PHYSICIANS ASSISTANT: Whats that, / BILL: He looks like a punk, shaved head,
CHARLES: I am, Bossy. sweetie? mulatto, wears a chain
PHYSICIANS ASSISTANT: Im just giving BILL: The school board has the power to JOSEPH: Thats /kind of an outdated
you guys the rundown, the doctor will be in stop the kid from playing. /You should write term
shortly them a letter. CHARLES: Are you kidding me? Say half-black.
JOSEPH: Could the inflammation be caused JOSEPH: Shouldnt we be seeing the doctor Mulatto is offensive
by somethingelse, some kind ofmy arms by now? BILL: People call me things all the time, they
have been feeling a little, I dunnoburning PHYSICIANS ASSISTANT: Im sorry, hes very always think Im Italian or Jewish, I dont
andheavy? Kind ofIll wait to ask the behind, was in surgery this morningyou guys take offense.
doctor. can wait out in the lobby if youd prefer? JOSEPH: Calling someone Italian or Jewish
PHYSICIANS ASSISTANT: Yeah, bring it up, BILL: No, no, were fine. Thanks, Doc. isnt offensive!
Playscript Stephen Karam Sons of the Prophet

BILL: Okay, hes half-black or do I have to say BILL: Well I dont know what you think Beat.
half-African-American, what makes you boys about, uh CHARLES: We stopped going to church.
comfortable? CHARLES (Smiling): What, old man? JOSEPH: Charles! /Are you kidding me?!
CHARLES: Oh my God BILL: what if I moved into the house for a CHARLES: I dont /want to lie to him
JOSEPH: Hes just some kid doing a bit? Im thinking your dad would want that, BILL: Why would you do that?
prank just for a little while. Until this ones off to CHARLES (To Bill): its a 25-minute drive
CHARLES: And hes in foster care. college /and
BILL: Youre making excuses for him? JOSEPH: Ive got things under control. (Beat) BILL: Oh well God forbid you have to spend
CHARLES: If wed been bouncing around Hows your hip? 25 minutes in a car, CharlesMwarneh [we are
foster homes our whole life, who knows / BILL: Its fine. Maronite]You want to know real suffering,
where wed be. JOSEPH: Yeah? And shouldnt you be wearing take a look at your bloodline, the Maronites
JOSEPH: Plus, the stuff I didwhen I put that that little oxygen backpack thing? of the Diaspora gave their lives for your /
gnome in front of Mr. Budashs driveway? BILL: No, I just wear it at home, I dont like faithMwarneh
CHARLES: When did you do that? /Where carting it JOSEPH: We knowokay
did the gnome come from? JOSEPH: But /if BILL (Shaking his head): a 25-minute drive
BILL: That was different BILL: Trust me, its you boys Im worried Bobo and Momo would turn over in their
JOSEPH: His yard. It wasnt different about, you with your hypo-whatevers graves.
BILL: Budash deserved thatwhy would CHARLES: We are turning into the disabled CHARLES: You notice how our grandparents
anyone want a plastic bearded man guarding family. sound like clowns?
their yard? BILL: Speak for yourself, I walk all over, you Joseph shoots him a look: Leave it alone. Uncle
JOSEPH (To Charles): He couldve been in a just gotta be careful now with all the colored Bill registers a cramp
bad accident kids /hanging out at the corners JOSEPH: You okay?
BILL: No one swerves to avoid a plastic elf JOSEPH: Uncle /Bill! Its ignorant to say some- BILL: Yeah, just give me a lift, gonna use the
creature, the black kid knew a deer decoy thing like that, its embarrassing for you. restroom.
would make drivers CHARLES: Oh my Godyou cant ever use JOSEPH (To Charles): Go with him
JOSEPH: Stop calling him the black kid the word colored, are you kidding me? BILL: No, no, there we go, thanks.
BILL: Im sorry, the mulatto man knew BILL: Im saying this to youI worked at the Bill exits. Charles gestures for Joseph to shut
JOSEPH: Stop it. plant for 29 yearsthe moment Bethlehem the door.
CHARLES: This whole thing has messed up Steel starts recruiting in Puerto Rico in the CHARLES: Does Uncle Bill knowdo you
his life too. Hes really sorry. 70s, then the Dominicans came inyou think Dad ever told him were gay? I cant
JOSEPH: How would you know? think that corporation collapsed just cause tell if he
CHARLES: We chatted. of finances? The /plant could JOSEPH: No, he knows
JOSEPH: What? /When JOSEPH: Yes, I do. CHARLES: he never talks about ithe still
BILL: What does that mean, you chatted? BILL: have lasted longer, your father uses the word faggy
CHARLES: Online, he sent me a note saying shouldnt have had to switch jobs. JOSEPH: Hes a devout Maronite, he handled
he didnt expect us to forgive him, buthes CHARLES: Im glad he didnt have to work near it really well. (Re: Charless outfit) Besides, did
sorry and a blast furnace his whole life, thats progress. you even have to come out?
JOSEPH: I dont believe this Beat. CHARLES (Re: Josephs shirt): I dont dress like
BILL: I dont want you talking to him BILL: You finish going through his stuff? a lumberjack if thats /what you mean
CHARLES: Its not your decision, I already Joseph shakes his head no. JOSEPH: Please
did. He wants to meet us JOSEPH: If I do too much at once its [stressful CHARLES: thats why you dont date more,
JOSEPH: Were not meeting this kidno and overwhelming] no one in town knows
good can come of itthat kind of healing Beat. JOSEPH: People in town know Im
only happens in Lifetime movies. BILL: How about the picture of St. Rafka, did CHARLES: If people in Nazareth think youre
CHARLES: Ill meet /him alone then you leave that up? gay, its because they think youre a lesbian.
BILL: Whats Lifetime movies? JOSEPH: Yeah. You have to drop hints, /dont assume guys
JOSEPH: Television for women. CHARLES: No. know
CHARLES: I dont need your permission to JOSEPH: Charles... JOSEPH: Charles, I know how to
meet him CHARLES: (To Joseph) Hell find out /when CHARLES: no in this town you must drop
JOSEPH: Of /course you do he comes over. hints; you get clued in by a guys voice or
BILL: Yes you do, youre not calling the shots. BILL: Why not? Put it back up shoes, /right?
Just cause we never talked about it officially, JOSEPH: Shes on her death bed, Uncle Bill, JOSEPH: Charlesyoure worrying about
doesnt mean thatLegally, Im your guardian she has no eyes in the photo the wrong thingsyou dont thinkdoesnt
now, sofor both you boys. BILL: Her suffering is whats beautiful /about Uncle Bill seem less steady?
Joseph and Charles stifle laughter. it CHARLES: Hes always used a cane.
BILL: What? CHARLES: Right, no hes just saying an eyeless JOSEPH: No, Dad, before the accidenthe
JOSEPH: Uncle Bill, you arent my legal woman isnt fun to look at. mentioned, he thought Uncle Billd be moving
guardian. BILL: She was your fathers favorite saint. He in with you soon.
BILL: Of course I am, who else wouldnt want it in some drawer. CHARLES: Why?
JOSEPH: Im 29. Beat. JOSEPH: He caught him sleeping on his couch
BILL: Are you that old, /my God CHARLES: Ill hang it up. one weekendit freaked him out.
CHARLES (Laughing): Uncle Bill BILL: Rafka wont let you suffer alone, you CHARLES: Why would Uncle Bill sleep on
JOSEPH: How old are you? hear me? Keep praying to her. All is well. his couch?
JOSEPH (Duh): Cause he couldnt make TIMOTHY: Yes, sorry bottom? Uncle Bill translated it for me
it up the stairs. AuTOMATED VOICE (V.O.): Your call is impor- JOSEPH: Okay
CHARLES: Seriously? tant to us. Please leave a detailed message / CHARLES: All is well. It means All is well,
JOSEPH: I dunno if I should say something to and someone will return your call within 24 soI wanted to see what Gibran poem thats
him, orI dunno if I should wait or what. hours. from so online, the first thing that came up is
Charles starts to cry. JOSEPH: Oh come on(Sound of the beep) this hymn wherethats whats repeated in the
JOSEPH: Oh come on, Charles Hi, this is Joseph Douaihy, D-O-U-A-I-H-Y, chorus, All is well, All is well, I put it on your
CHARLES: This is not goodthis is not good I was supposed to get my test results three iPod, its in your bag just listen to it
JOSEPH: Were gonna be fine. days agosoif you could just727-2538, JOSEPH: No, not now are you /crazy?
The Physicians Assistant enters. thanks. CHARLES: no, no, Joseph, take 10 seconds
PHYSICIANS ASSISTANT: Guys, your uncle Joseph hangs up. He sees Timothy with the map. and listen to it, the song isokay under the
took a bad fall in the bathroom, can you JOSEPH: Hey, let me just do this now, let me song, online, there was this scripture passage
come help? see that map. (Looking at the map) Yeah, this is /that says
Joseph and Charles run out of the room. fine, whats outlined here, but the snows gonna JOSEPH: What scripture? Are you insane?!
be panked down all along these roads CHARLES: it matches Dads birthday per-
scene 3 TIMOTHY: Panked? What does that mean? Is fectly, 12:17
ON TALKING that likepacked? JOSEPH: Charles, you cant keep /doing
Bus station in Bethlehem, PA. A few worn, plastic JOSEPH: Panked ishow you, I dunno, pank this
seats in the waiting area. things down. CHARLES: My son, peace be unto thy soul;
Joseph is in the middle of a stressful phone call, TIMOTHY (Smiling): Like what do you pank thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be
pacing. We hear the automated voice at the end down? but a small moment. My son, peace be unto
of the lineit is the ubiquitous female voice for JOSEPH: Besides snow? Uh, you pank your thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions
most banks, doctors offices, etc. hair down if its sticking up. (Joseph starts to shall be but a small moment. (Beat) Of course
Timothysharply dressed, handsometalks redialthen he notices Timothy staring at him) that could be random, butfinding it after
to a ticket agent, having an equally rough time. Can I help you with something? from the picture?(Pissed Joseph isnt jumping
TIMOTHY (To the ticket agent): Is the storm TIMOTHY: No, sorry, Im trying to think how in)are you there?
really that bad? I dont want to wait if to best say this so you arent weirded outIm JOSEPH: Yeah Im in a bus station that smells
TICKET AGENT: All dem carsr all panked up a reporter, Ive been in town to capture some like urine, I cant have an emotional moment
wit ice, youse gotta wait, even dinnerstates sound-bitesIm covering the board decision with you now, /Ill be home soon, okay?
panked wit snow. about whether to let that kid who set up the CHARLES: Youre an asshole. Yeah, also I
Timothy doesnt know what she said. deer decoy /play football bought the Indo-China map using your credit
AUTOMATED VOICE (V.O.): Welcome to Dr. JOSEPH: Who told you Id be here? card, /sorry.
Manors automated voice system. To continue, TIMOTHY: No one, I just heard your name and JOSEPH: You are such a shit, good-bye.
in English, please press one. wanted to, to say how sorry I am, so(Beat) CHARLES: Bye you look like a lesbian bye.
Joseph sighs, hes been on the phone all day. Timo- I was told that your family isnt interested in Charles hangs up, disappears. Joseph notices
thy hands his map to the ticket agent. doing interviews, is that right? (Joseph nods, Timothy smiling.
TIMOTHY: Can you outline on this map not buying Timothys story) I had to ask, sorry JOSEPH: This better not end up on the nightly
here? good night, Im justwaiting for the storm news.
AUTOMATED VOICE (V.O.): If youre calling to die down. TIMOTHY: No, and my broadcasts only reach
from a pharmacy, say pharmacy; if youre a Timothy moves to a seat further away. Josephs the greater Harrisburg region, so Some
patient looking to schedule an appointment, cell rings. of the national networks are watching my
say JOSEPH (Answering his cell phone): What do reels, but(Beat) I really am sorry about your
JOSEPH: Schedule an appointment. you want? father. One of my closest friends, he lost his
AUTOMATED VOICE (V.O.): I think you said, Charles appears on the phone in his bedroom. A dad when he was 10, soand like a year later
pharmacy, is that right? black & white picture of St. Rafka (in agony) his mom was in this bad motorcycle accident,
JOSEPH: No, schedule an appointment. hangs on his wall. There is Arabic writing at the which wascrazy
AUTOMATED VOICE (V.O.): I think you said, bottom of the picture. A little awkward. Joseph stares at Timothy a bit
medical emergency, is that right? CHARLES: Is he there yet? harder, making a connection
JOSEPH: Nospeak to a real person. Real JOSEPH: No, the bus is delayed cause of the JOSEPH: Did you run for Pocono Mountain?
person please snow. You guys okay? TIMOTHY: Yeahwhy did you
AUTOMATED VOICE (V.O.): Sorry you are CHARLES: Uncle Bills praying the rosary. JOSEPH: I ran cross country for Nazareth
having trouble. Sorrowful Mysteries. Kill me. High, you dont remember me?
JOSEPH: Im not having trouble JOSEPH: Can you just say it with him? Hell TIMOTHY: I dont think so...
AUTOMATED VOICE (V.O.): I think you said, be in a better mood. JOSEPH: Really? I had good races against you
refill a prescription, is that right? CHARLES: I said Id join him after The guys. You were all terrible runners
JOSEPH: Fuck you in your asshole. Scourging at the Pilar. TIMOTHY: We were terrible runners. But our
AUTOMATED VOICE (V.O.): One moment, Ill JOSEPH: Good man, /Ill see you soon uniforms were excellent
transfer you. CHARLES: Ive also beencan you talk for a sec? JOSEPH: You had excellent uniforms.
Timothy approaches Joseph. JOSEPH: What? Beat. Joseph goes back to some business. Timothy
TIMOTHY: Are you from around here? Could CHARLES: So, okay, so Rafka is back on the follows suit. Joseph thinks for a minute, recalls
you show me wall/in my bedroom, Touchy some of Charless advicestares at Timothy. Who
JOSEPH: Im on the phone, can you hang on JOSEPH: I dont want her is handsome. Timothy crosses his legs. Hes wearing
a second CHARLES: and that Arabic writing at the nicepossibly gay?shoesBeat.
Playscript Stephen Karam Sons of the Prophet

JOSEPH: You still live in the Poconos? JOSEPH: yeah, no it was a great experience, the hour might pass away from him. Then he
TIMOTHY: Oh, Harrisburg now, for work, I came really close. came to his disciples and found them sleeping.
but my dad owns Mount Airy Lodge, /so TIMOTHY: Thats awesome. And now, do And he said to Peter, Could you not, then,
Im back a lot. you still? watch one hour with me?
JOSEPH: Get out. (Lightly singing the jingle) JOSEPH: Now, I, uh, work for a wealthy Bill proceeds with the rosary, Charles lies down,
Beautiful /Mount Airy Lodge. deranged woman. facing away from Bill, almost in tears. Atten-
TIMOTHY: Mount Airy Lodge. Yeah, yes Timothy smiles. tion returns to Joseph and Timothy. Timothy
Ive heard that before. JOSEPH: I have 14 unread e-mails from her. notices a copy of The Prophet sticking out of
JOSEPH: Fancy (Noticing a new one) Oh, 15 Josephs bag.
TIMOTHY: No, please, thats my dads side of Beat. He puts his phone away. TIMOTHY: Youre reading The Prophet?
my familymy moms side is blue collar all JOSEPH: I /used to JOSEPH: Rereading. My boss(Checking his
the way, my grandma still lives in this, this run- TIMOTHY: Is sheno, what? phone)17she thinks creating a product
down house not too far from here, actually, JOSEPH (A thought that amuses him): No, I was connected to Gibrand be some kind of gold
soI prefer to be with her for the holidays [gonna say]I used to have this image of my mine.
and stuff, feels morerealthan [the rich grandfather as this kinda woeful, uneducated TIMOTHY: Shes probably right in terms of sales,
side of my family] guynow Im like: the skills he hadthree I mean with The Prophetnever before has
A little awkward. languages, a practical trade, made extra money bad writing been so richly rewarded. May I?
JOSEPH: So /do youno, you go as a tailorI went to college and the only (Flipping through chapters) Lets see hereOn
TIMOTHY: What kind ofoh sorry marketable skill I have is stuff I knew before TeachingOn PainOn Death, here we
TIMOTHY: No I was just gonna ask what kind college, like word processing. go: when the earth shall claim your limbs,
of name is Douaihy? TIMOTHY: Im sure hed be proud to know you then shall you truly dance. [I mean come on!]
JOSEPH: Off the record, /yes? work for a wealthy deranged woman. Did you highlight all the worst lines?
TIMOTHY: Of course off the record, yes JOSEPH: True. JOSEPH: It belonged to my father, kind /of a
JOSEPH: Its Lebanese. Were supposedly TIMOTHY: Im sure he hemmed the dress of many family tome, no, please
descended from, from French knights in a wealthy deranged woman in his day. TIMOTHY: Oh God, sorry, dont listen to me
Douai, France. JOSEPH: Very trueman, I cant imagine what JOSEPH: Im just in search of /[who the
TIMOTHY: Chevaliers? Je suis trs impres- hed make of/nothing, no, nothing hell knows]
sionn. TIMOTHY: What? Cmon TIMOTHY: no, well he, Gibran comforts
JOSEPH: What? JOSEPH: the man winds up with two gay millions of people out there, so, I just resent
TIMOTHY: Oh [forget it, not important]I, grandsons, were the end of the line he does it viakindasuperlative youth-
Ive been to Lebanon. TIMOTHY: Wait, two gay grandsons? What are group-retreat-poetry? /I mean
JOSEPH: The one in Pennsylvania /or the odds of that? JOSEPH: Yeah, yeahits too easy, /
TIMOTHY: No, the real one Joseph sighs. right?
JOSEPH: My dad was born there. TIMOTHY: What? TIMOTHY: Well the easy opposites are his
TIMOTHY: Really? Btehke Arab? [Do you JOSEPH: I get that all the time cause of that geniuspain is joyhard times are good
speak Arabic?] and now cause of my mom and dad, its always timesagony is like a breakfast with angels,
Timothys Arabic makes Joseph smile involun- the slowly shaking head in the grocery store whateverits barely intelligible but exactly
tarily. God love em, what are the odds what a, a suffering world wants to hear.
JOSEPH: Uh, shway [a little], /shway. TIMOTHY: Did your mom pass away /too? JOSEPH: All is well.
TIMOTHY: Ah, shway, shwayhey dont laugh JOSEPH: Yeah but /its TIMOTHY: Exactlybut man, as a reporter,
at my Arabic. How many times have you TIMOTHY: Im sorry the stuff I see on a daily basisAll is not well
been? JOSEPH: No please, every familys got their out there.
JOSEPH: Oh, never. stuff, right? The Douaihys have a habit of JOSEPH: You live in Harrisburg/whats going
TIMOTHY: What? Go, get on a plane, whats dying tragically. Were like the Kennedys with- down in Harrisburg?!
stopping you? out the sex appeal. I shouldnt joke about it. TIMOTHY: Im saying, okay, okay, first of all
JOSEPH: Their airport just got blown up, / TIMOTHY: No, but(Gesturing to his head) Ive travelled all over the world and sec-
whichd make landing difficult you should probablypank your hair down, ondlyI dunno, you cover enough stories
TIMOTHY: Right now is not the time, but its all crazy back there. peoples painits their pain, whether youre
come on, you speak Levantine Arabic /and Focus shifts to Bill on the couch, praying the in Somalia or the Poconos, itsI dunno
youve never rosary. Charles descends the stairs holding his own whatever, this is a best-seller, soIm prob-
JOSEPH: I just speakI know phrases from rosary. During Bills prayer, Joseph attempts to ably just jealous. Im working on a book
my dad, and mostlythe Maronite services place another call, then gives up. of my own, a memoir about my travels, /
are in Aramaic mostly. My grandfather was CHARLES: Where we at old man? actually
fluent in Aramaic, Arabic, French BILL: Agony in the Garden. I waited for you. JOSEPH: Wow.
TIMOTHY: Wow, what did he do for a living? Charles lies on the couch. TIMOTHY: Yeah, yeah, sort of a history through
JOSEPH: Most of my family worked at Beth- BILL: Is your good ear in the couch? personal history approach.
lehem Steel, /till it closed Charles sighs, sits up. JOSEPH: How old are you? And youre work-
TIMOTHY: Oh, wow. And what do you do? BILL: The First Sorrowful Mystery: (Reading ing on a memoir?
JOSEPH: Well Ive been training for the from his prayer book:) Jesus was distressed TIMOTHY: Im 28, but I spent this last sum-
Olympic trials /the past few years and anxious, and he said to his disciples, My mer in Somaliano one was giving me a
TIMOTHY: Wow soul is sorrowful till death; stay here and keep chance to get out of local-beat stories, so I
JOSEPH: unsuccessfully, /but, awake. And going forward a little he fell upon got on a plane with a fake press pass and a
TIMOTHY: still the ground, and prayed that if it was possible video camera
TIMOTHY: If yougo ahead if you need to
get back to
JOSEPH: Yeah, no sorry Im justexpecting
a call(He puts his phone away) I didnt realize
the whole doctor system, the way you have to
advocate for yourselfIm young, I can do it,
but my unclethe production it took to get
Medicare to cover his wheelchairit was like
a full-time job for three people.
TIMOTHY: Yikes. This buddy I went to school
with in New Haven was in a wheelchair
for a whole semester, he got Crohns Dis-
ease, needed to have his whole intestine
JOSEPH: Oh /man.
TIMOTHY: Yeah, yeah, and he was probably
the guy I was closest to my freshman year.
Yale had an amazing disability office, though,
really /supportive.
JOSEPH: Good, good
TIMOTHY: And youyou got the wheelchair
in the end? For your/uncle?
JOSEPH: Yeah. The real fun waswe had to
convert our downstairs closet into like a half-
bathroom, butyou cant shut the door, the
toilet takes up too much space, so my uncle
now shouts to warn us any time hes on the
can, which is as glorious as it sounds.
TIMOTHY: And whats going on with you?
JOSEPH: Nothing hopefully, I got this one test
result that was a little off so now Im waiting
on other results thatll rule outthey keep
saying something more global, rule out
something global.
TIMOTHY: Do they know you dont even have
joan marcus

a passport?
Joseph smiles.
TIMOTHY: Well, I hope you can just chill out
Joseph (Santino Fontana, left) and Timothy (Charles Socarides) embrace in Roundabout Theatre until you get the results, let your family take
Companys production of Sons of the Prophet. care of you.
JOSEPH: My familyseven my father, the
JOSEPH: Thats awesome, I want to start relied on that, thoughand I dont travel for best guy, right?but if I was diagnosed with
traveling /once I me Ithere are so many compelling stories something like MS, hed comfort me by say-
TIMOTHY: Do it, get out and see the world. out there that arent being told and, and the ing: Joseph, you should be grateful you have
JOSEPH: I dont even have a passport, which fact people dont know about them, itit a central nervous system for your body to
/I know! I know, Im gonna compounds their suffering. attackdo you know how many people have
TIMOTHY: Get one, you have to, until I went JOSEPH: Is that a line from your book? bodies that arent healthy enough to attack
abroad andcamped out on a Somalian roof- TIMOTHY: You think Id quote /my own their own central nervous system?
top, you knowwalked along Trajans Wall JOSEPH: No, Im just teasing Timothy smiles.
have you ever been to Moldova? TIMOTHY: It is a line from my book, Im tak- JOSEPH: Eventhe only TV show we watched
JOSEPH: No. ing it out. together growing up? Little House on the
TIMOTHY: Its fucking amazing, its this tiny JOSEPH: No! /You dont have to Prairie, where God-fearing people /suffer
country next /to TIMOTHY: Im only writing it becauseI do with a smile
JOSEPH: its in Eastern Europe, I know think bearing witness gives peoples pain life, TIMOTHY: I loved that show
where it is. Its shaped like a foot. validity JOSEPH: Sure, butwas there anything the
TIMOTHY: Its/I guess JOSEPH: Maybe it gives you validity Ingalls didnt have to go through? Especially
JOSEPH: Finances are a little tight now, TICKET AGENT (Over a raspy microphone): Mary Ingalls, I mean
so Reminder to all a youse tuh keep cell phone TIMOTHY: Mary definitely got the short end of
TIMOTHY: Oh, man I dont come from usage to a minimum. Not everyones interested the stick. I hated when she went blind
moneyI stayed in hostels starting out in your personal business or world travels, JOSEPH: She goes blind, which is bad enough
JOSEPH: Your dad owns a casino resort!/ et cetruh. when youre living in the 18-somethings and
Liar! Liar Timothy and Joseph are a bit embarrassed. Joseph youre dirt poor, right? But then
TIMOTHY: I mean, Iokay, okayI never checks his cell phone again. TIMOTHY: Her baby dies!

Playscript Stephen Karam Sons of the Prophet

JOSEPH: Her baby burns alive in a fire! Joseph sighs, relieved. BILL: none of these guys wanted to help
TIMOTHY: Didnt she also get kicked by a JOSEPH: Okay. this year, what are you gonna do? My brother
skittish horse? Timothy goes to leave. Stops, sighs. always had the tree up right after Thanksgiv-
JOSEPH: Yes! Mary needed surgery after that TIMOTHY (A confession): Your brother updated ing. Your family have a tree? Or do you not
she had internal bleedingand of course her his status online, said you were at the bus celebrate
father, he cant afford the operation station waiting to /pick up Charles sighs audibly.
TIMOTHY: Hes a mill-worker-farm guy, he JOSEPH: Youre monitoring /my familys BILL: what are you sighing aboutI dont
cant afford that online activity?!oh my Godfuck you, know if hes Christian or what, Im just ask-
JOSEPH: So he goes to work on the railroad dudeIm gonna kill Charles ing.
to fund the surgery and he gets blasted by / TIMOTHY: Im sorry, I got caught in my own VIN: The foster people Im with arent reli-
dynamite! liesI liked you so gious but they have a tree.
TIMOTHY: Dynamite! Oh my Godoh JOSEPH: Why didnt you just /tell me? JOSEPH: Do you
man TIMOTHY: BecauseIm telling you now BILL: One of my buddies at the American
They recover. Josephs cell rings. JOSEPH: Yeah, well good night. /Good-bye Legion knows them, I did some asking
TIMOTHY: Doctor? TIMOTHY: Joseph around
JOSEPH: No. Boss. (Joseph screens the call) I TICKET AGENT: Reminder that loud cell phone JOSEPH: He wasnt snooping, just curi-
think Almonzo was my first crush, remember conversation and girl talk are strictly prohib- ous
Almonzo? ited, thanks. BILL: He knows. It was nice to hear, a white
TIMOTHY: Yeah. I had an Almonzo phase. Joseph sits, upset. Timothy goes to leave, but stops. couple taking in a black kid, /thats encour-
(Beat) Was coming out in your familyI Returns. Hands Joseph a business card. aging
mean, Maronites TIMOTHY: Look, justplease take this in JOSEPH: Uncle Bill, /we agreed we were
JOSEPH: I wasnt dreaming of a Phalangist case you ever, uhif you ever wanna talk gonna let Vin talk to us first
wedding or anything, so no big story to tell or ifif your family ever decides to talk to CHARLES (To Vin): Hes from a generation
there. You? Or should I just read about it in the press where
your memoir? JOSEPH: Wow, okay, good-bye. BILL: I am saying I think its a good thing, its
TIMOTHY: Ha, noits not a secret, but with TIMOTHY: I didnt /mean encouraging to know
my profession and everything, I just dont JOSEPH: Good night. VIN (To Joseph): Its cool.
discuss it. Timothy exits. Joseph stares at Timothys business BILL (To Vin): Just because Im not PC doesnt
JOSEPH: Not even a mention? card. He tosses it on the floor. Joseph thinks, gets meanmy father moved us here penniless,
TIMOTHY: In life, yes, but in my book? No. headphones/iPod out of his bag. Vin, I know whats it like to be a fish out
That part of me is private. An acoustic rock guitar version of the hymn, of water. We were in the northeast, West
JOSEPH: Then why are you writing a memoir? Come Come Ye Saints sounds. Scranton, this is before your dad moved you
TIMOTHY: If I need the trust of people in third Come Come Ye Saints comes to the forefront to Moscow
world countries I cant comment on as a young man enters the bus station. This is VIN: Wheres Moscow?
JOSEPH: But you will comment on your Vin. Joseph doesnt notice him. Vin tentatively CHARLES: Northeast PA.
grandmotherspoverty /or whatever? approaches him as the stage transforms into BILL: and we grew up sleeping on mat-
TIMOTHY: Shes blue collar and /thats differ- tresses
ent, thatshonestly, your points aretheyre SCENE 4 JOSEPH: Okay, /Uncle Bill.
not fair. ON HOME BILL: we didnt wait for handouts when
JOSEPH : Im sorry, Im playing Devils Advo- the Douaihy home. Charles, Vin and Joseph we arrived here, /but today theres pockets
cate becauseI think theyre fair points to sit on the couch in the Douaihy living room. They of immigrants
consider look away from a makeshift bathroom, towards a CHARLES: Oh my God
TIMOTHY: Oh, okay, sure. small Christmas tree that should have a few more BILL: Im not saying hard work isnt in their
JOSEPH: Yes, correct. ornaments and lights on it. blood, but now they expect a free rideESL
TIMOTHY: Exactly, then. Sure. The bathroom is a converted closet, so there isnt programs, Mexican parade
JOSEPH: Are you fake-agreeing with me? room for a person to sit on the toilet and shut the JOSEPH: Uncle Bill, let Vin
TICKET AGENT (Over a raspy microphone): door. We see Uncle Bills feet sticking out of the BILL: all our tax dollarsIm just saying
Hey ladies, dinnerstates clear, the ploughs doorway. Sounds of urinating. that keeps happening, whats the identity of
got through. There is a walker with a built-in seat near the America going to be?
Timothy gets up to leave. bathroom door. A hospital bed sits awkwardly in CHARLES: That is the identity of America,
JOSEPH: You off? the room (metal rails on each side). The sound of youre making no sense.
TIMOTHY: Yeah, the stations putting me up a toilet flush. Vin is uncomfortable. Bill emerges JOSEPH: What happened to the pride you said
in some shitty Hampton Inn for the night. from the makeshift bathroom, signals to Joseph Bobo felt to live in a country so American it
Yay. he doesnt need his help. Using the walker, Bill has Lebanon as its center?
JOSEPH: The one in Easton? Please, it has makes his way back to the couch area. Everyone VIN: Center of what?
a hot tub and free continental breakfast, its can now face a more comfortable direction. CHARLES: Lebanon, Kansas is the geodetic
completely classy. VIN: I like the tree. center of the U.S., /its the
Timothy smiles. CHARLES: Thanks. JOSEPH: He wont know what geodetic
JOSEPH: Hey[level with me]how did you BILL: Its the worst Christmas tree Ive ever means(To Vin)hes a geography /buff
know Id be here? Did someone tell you who had. But thats because I had to do everything CHARLES: Ill explain it to him, Anxious, if
Im waiting for myself you stop interrupting me
TIMOTHY: Wow, youre paranoid. No one, JOSEPH: I bought /the tree, dragged it home BILL: Right in the heart of this country, in
okay? Okay? and set it up how is that Kansas, is a town called Lebanon, in the exact
center, what are the odds of that? Bobo saw ifeven if the school board decides to stop me JOSEPH: CharlesCharles! Did you invite
that on a map, knew it was a sign from playing next week, theres only gonna be someone over?
CHARLES (To Vin): Obviously the center of one play-off game leftthree if we keep win- CHARLES: No, Snapper
a country isits an emotional realm, math- ning, somy coach thought, you know BILL: Can you /get the door?
ematically there is no [such thing] BILL: If youre here to say youre gonna with- VIN: Is it like /plastic or what is it?
VIN: Waitwhos Bobo? draw from the team, youd be a big man. CHARLES (To Vin, starting up the stairs): Just
JOSEPH: Our /grandfather. Uncomfortable beat. touch it, feel it its skin
CHARLES: A circus clown. VIN: I think The doorbell rings. Charles takes Vins hand,
JOSEPH: Dont do that. JOSEPH: We dont[no, go ahead, finish] puts it in his ear.
BILL: Every week now, Vin(To Joseph, who VIN: I think what the judge was thinking is VIN: That is so weird. /Whered the skin
has put his hand on Bills arm to quiet him)let [Look,] my grades are decent. But footballs come from?
me tell him this, cause of this war, theres the way Im going somewhere on scholarship JOSEPH (Calling to the door): One minute!
thousands of Maronites coming over; no and somewhere good, sothats what the judge (Walking Bill to the open bathroom) Breathe
money, starting from scratchits like when was thinking about, I think, with his decision? through /your nose
I was a boy, none of us spoke English and (Uncomfortable beat) /So my CHARLES: From my chest, here[Ill show
my brother JOSEPH: Are youno, go on you]
CHARLES: We know VIN: So I dunno ifyou guysput in a good JOSEPH: Breathe through /your nose
BILL: Im telling Vin, he should know some- word for meobviously thenyou know BILL: You breathe through your nose, Im
thing about the man he killed. Beat. Charles checks in with Joseph about this. fine.
Small beat. VIN: Im really sorry, seriously. I dont sleep The doorbell rings.
CHARLES: We dont /think most nights, I literally have bad dreams. JOSEPH: Im coming!
JOSEPH: Thats, thats not how we see it BILL: You literally have bad dreams? Seriously? BILL: Dont open the door until Im finished
(Upset, to Bill, Why are you doing this?) Uncle /Do you know what youve literally taken from going.
Bill. this family?that son-of-a-bitch is gonna CHARLES (Stopping mid-stairs): You can feel
VIN: No, let himyou can say whatever. stop my heart the scar if you want
Joseph adjusts Bills oxygen backpack, puts the JOSEPH: Breathe through your nosecalm Charles puts Vins hand on his scar. Joseph catches
tubes in his nose. down, calm down(To Charles)take Vin a glimpse of this on his way to answer the door.
BILL: Their father, he was the smartest kid in upstairs for a few minutes, Charlesdo it, JOSEPH: What the hell are you doing?! Go
his class, he was teaching us English. (To Vin) /okay? upstairs!
And Im not prejudiced, /these guys know, CHARLES: Dont tell me /what to do. (To Bill) CHARLES: Were fine.
theyre minorities. I even joined that human Uncle Bill, chill out. Joseph waits until Vin and Charles are out of view,
equality nonsense for these two. BILL: What did you think would happen then opens the door. Gloria stands outside.
JOSEPH: Dont get worked up, lets just...put when you put that thing in the middle of GLORIA: Dont be upset, Joe, I was alone
this back on while were talking, here the road?! and I
VIN: Wait, is one of you gay? JOSEPH: Just go /upstairs guys JOSEPH: Gloria, /what are you doing
JOSEPH: Both /of us. VIN (To Bill): Im sorry. here?
CHARLES: We both are. BILL: How about an essay /called Why I am GLORIA: Im sorry, I know Im surprising you,
VIN: Seriously? dumb jock and Ill never have to think about is this a bad time? /Can I just
JOSEPH: Look, Vin, do you wanna the repercussions of my actions(Registering JOSEPH: It is, Im sorry, are you okay? /
VIN: I brought the essay the judge asked me a cramp)dammit Whats wrong?
to write. (Taking out the essay, to Joseph) /Is it CHARLES: Dont listen to himthis is so GLORIA: Can I just stay five minutes, I had a
all right if? embarrassing(To Bill) /Please chill out. bit of ayou werent answering your phone
JOSEPH: Youre gonnaoh of course. JOSEPH: Lets go in the kitchenall right, and I
VIN (Nervous, reading): Im very sorry. I know calm downgo upstairs JOSEPH: How about /I call youGloria can
what I did was wrong. I think every day that Charles sighs, heads for the stairs. Vin follows. you please[not walk into my house]Gloria,
I hurt someone and will always remember CHARLES: Cmon how about I call you in an hour, okay?
the negative effect my actions had on others. VIN: Should I bring my bag? GLORIA (Seeing the living room): I uhsorry,
Insulting the Dunmore mascot was something BILL: Dammit, /I have to use the bath- Im just, wow, noticingall of thelook at
I was dared to do by my team but was ulti- room how beautiful your home isand look at
mately my decision to do it and so Im deeply CHARLES: Yeah. (Vin picks up his bag) Your all theseafghans andthrows on all the
sorry and will think about my actions for a long arms are huge furniturewow
time to come and wont repeat them letting JOSEPH: Breathe throw your nose/breath Noises of urinating from the bathroom. Joseph
peopleI hope that by saying this and letting through your nose moves Gloria further into the living room.
people know it was wrong my actions will be VIN: I lift three times a week. JOSEPH: Can you just come over here for a
seen as not intentional to hurt someone, but The doorbell rings. secmy uncle, we had to build him a tem-
ignorant and never intended to hurt anyone. JOSEPH: Who the /hell is that? porary bathroom in our closet, he cant go
Hurting someone though is what I did and so CHARLES: Say it again? /This ear is no up steps, so
I will feel that inside every day when I wake good. GLORIA: Oh, God love him
and have to live with that. Thats obviously, BILL: Dont push me. Toilet flushes.
like, 200 words, I need to have 500. Cant VIN: Whats wrong with your ear? JOSEPH: Im sorry to be so blunt, but you
believe how nervous I am. CHARLES: Its fakethey made it outta a piece cant stay
BILL: This shouldnt be easy for you. of my rib, /you can still see the scar GLORIA: I have good news about our project,
VIN: Sorry, ImI dunno if you know that The doorbell rings. there was a sign in todays paper
Playscript Stephen Karam Sons of the Prophet

JOSEPH: Can this wait until /tomorrow? from being depressed and cold to something Back to Joseph at the kitchen table on his cell. He
Now is elseyoure not better, but you are. Your body has a pen and paper.
BILL: Joseph? is pleased in spite of itselfyoure aware of AUTOMATED VOICE (V.O.): Welcome to
Joseph guides him to his walker. your vitality in a way you werent before. Its the Department of Neurology at Lehigh
JOSEPH: Uncle Bill, do you mind just waiting so nice coming in out of the cold. Valley Hospital. This call may be monitored
in the kitchen, just BILL: Would you like to go outside and come for security purposes. If this is a medical
BILL: Id like to know who this is back in? emergency, please press one; for clinics, press
GLORIA: Oh Bill, Ive heard a lot about you, Gloria smiles. two; childrens division, press three; patient
/sorry to intrude GLORIA: Im very sorry about your loss. accounts, press four; for directions and office
BILL: This isthis is my boss, Gloria. Gloria, BILL: Thank you. hours, press five; medical records, press seven;
Bill Douaihy. GLORIA: The holidays are hard, no? physician referrals, press eight
GLORIA: A pleasure, Im sorry to intrude like BILL: The worst. Focus shifts to Bill and Gloria in mid-conversation.
this, I had a bit of a(To Joseph)would he GLORIA: My husbandhe passed away around Gloria has a glass of wine in her hand.
know what a panic attack /is? this time, the anniversarys in a week, so the GLORIA: and this was in the 80s, Bill, and
JOSEPH: I dont think so. run up to its always The day he diedI my fibroid was so large, size of a melon, they
BILL: Did you offer her something to didnt think Id live 10 minutes. (Beat) And just removed all the organs while they were
drink? when they told me he took his ownhe let in there, thats what they did back then, so
Under the dialogue below, Charles appears at the go offrom off of our balconyI didnt think so kids were never aand I coped with that, I
top of the stairs, unseen by Gloria or Bill. Charles Id live 10 minutes past that whole [ordeal] did, therapy helped for a while, but now itsI
looks to Joseph: What is she doing here? Joseph but time ticksand there you areyoure think itsnot having any(Beat)my hus-
indicates: Get the hell back upstairs. Please. someone new, I dont even know who bands family. I keep calling so they knowI
Please just go back upstairs. Charles rolls his Focus shifts to Charles and Vin staring at the dont want the fact that were estranged to
eyes, upset, and exits up the stairs by the time Bill picture of St. Rafka. keep us from seeing each other. Did I tell
has said Were big fans of yours. VIN: She looks like an alien. you Im estrang
JOSEPH: No, she knows /this is a bad time. CHARLES: My dad insisted she was our guard- BILL: Yeah, no you did. Where the hells
GLORIA: Bill, dont worry about me, how are ian angel, always looking after our family. Joseph?
you doing, look at you. (Sassy, to the picture) And youre doing a fabu- GLORIA: oh, do you need help with your
BILL: Im okay. Youre the reason this one lous job. Joseph used to have nightmares BILL: No, no, /thank you, but
has health insurance, yes? Were big fans about her growing up, hed dream she was GLORIA: I forget what Joseph said
of yours. standing over his bed with blood pouring is it some sort of respiratory disease you
GLORIA: Oh, wellIm a big fan of Josephs out of her eyes. have?
and of all of this VIN: Why was she a saint? BILL: No, and Immaybe Im old-fashioned
Josephs cell phone rings. Gloria picks up a snow- CHARLES: OhRafka asked for suffering to butwhen did everyone become so comfort-
man figurine. get closer to Godand bam, she starts going able talking about all their problems? In my
GLORIA: wow, what is this? blind, her joints got deformedthey couldnt familyand you say you admire Gibran,
Josephs cell rings again. He checks the caller figure out what was wrong with hera doctor who
ID. ended up ripping out her diseased eye without GLORIA: Please, Im honored to be in the
JOSEPH: Ah, I need to take this, this is anesthesia presence of the bloodline
Joseph mouths the doctor to Bill. VIN: Ah, gross BILL: That man didnt waste his life writing
JOSEPH (To Gloria): Im sorry, Ive been CHARLES: And she was like, bring. it. on. about his miseries, /and he had plenty
waiting for this call Vin finds this funny in a youre-such-a-massive- GLORIA: Sure, but today, forget the silent
BILL: Go aheadwell be fine. weirdo kind of way. Charles hands Vin a small sufferinghis poverty, his ethnicity, thatd
JOSEPH (Answering the phone, walking to the framed photo. be his selling point.
kitchen): Hello? CHARLES: This is her canonization. My dad BILL: No, the worst kind of painyou cant
BILL: You want something to drink? wouldnt spend money to take us to Dis- share that, its lonely, /its
GLORIA: Oh, Id love a cup of coffee. Or neyworld, but in 2001 he boards a plane to GLORIA: Oh I [know]yes, Godwhen I fell
wine. Rome to watch John Paul II make her a saint. from graceId published this love story, a
JOSEPH (On the phone): yes, yeshold on, Big surprise the Lebanese get stuck with the memoir about a man who met his wife while
let me(Getting settled at the kitchen table)Im patron saint of suffering, right? he was imprisoned in a Nazi concentration
so glad you called back, I was told Id have the VIN: Your dad looks like your brother. camp
results last week so I wasuh-huhright Charles stares at the picture, a bit lost. BILL: Wow.
huh, okayuh-huhbut thatsright, so then VIN: You okay? GLORIA: precisely, and each day, his wife
you think somethingsoh, okay, okayit just CHARLES (Still staring at the photo): Yeah, would disguise herself as a Christian farm
sounds like a big test to put someone through nohe does. girl and toss him a piece of fruit over the, you
ifno, I get it, thats why I need to have it VIN: You need to get out of your head, gimme know, the big electrified fence at Auschwitz
yeah, okay, let me get a pen your hand. wellturns out the author embellished the
Focus shifts to Gloria and Bill on the couch. CHARLES: Why? facts, the book was recalled, guess who took
GLORIA: Ill tell you, when youre depressed, Vin gestures for his handCharles isnt sure the fall, even thoughwould you know the
the cold is actually a blessing, the bitter cold is. what hes doing. Vin takes his hand, starts an height of a concentration camp wall?or
Because sometimes the feeling of(Gestures to elaborate masculine handshake whether a young girl would lack the arm
her stomach)that pit herethe only consola- CHARLES: Ohwhat, ah..ahoh no strength to hurl apples over it?Im not
tion I have is being outside and then coming They handshake continuesCharles is not adept a detective, Bill. I wasnt at the Holocaust.
into the warmth. Because suddenlyyou go at executing it. There are only so many questions an editor
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Gloria (Joanna Gleason) is Josephs wealthy, deranged boss in Roundabout Theatre Companys production of Sons of the Prophet.

can raise before she must trust and publish, CHARLES: I dunno but he cant make it up GLORIA: right relatives from Lebanon, we
or spike and fire. the stairs, lets stay here. could canvas the whole bloodline, hundreds of
BILL: Im not sure I follow GLORIA: Joe! people offering new wisdom for a new day.
GLORIA: Anytime you try to put the truth on BILL: Joseph! JOSEPH: These are polygamists.
paper, you get a form of fiction. People dont CHARLES (Getting up): Motherfucker GLORIA: We need to get a different print for
want to accept that(Pours herself another JOSEPH: Give me one minute! your shirtbut the image is so moving.
glass)but with your family, I know I can CHARLES (Calling downstairs): Stop shouting, BILL: Joseph!
trust my sources. Uncle Bill! GLORIA: I can pitch it to an editor at Harp-
BILL: What are we talking about? BILL (To Gloria): Excuse me erCollins who owes me a favor.
GLORIA: Josephs book. There was a sign in JOSEPH (Entering the living room): Hey Charles has made his way to the top of the
todays paper, look whats going on? stairs.
Gloria shows Bill a section of the newspaper. BILL: Come into the kitchen, please. Youre CHARLES: Hey, why does Uncle Bill keep
Focus shifts to Joseph in the kitchen, hes on his writing a book about us? shouting?
second call: GLORIA: Bill, dont forget to write down the GLORIA: Theres another Son of the
JOSEPH: yeah, sure, but I dont want to date of that school board meeting for me. Prophet.
schedule it unlessI will call the number on BILL: Ill have Joseph give it to you. CHARLES (Descending the stairs): Whats going
the back of my card, but even if my insurance JOSEPH: No, Gloria, that meetings private/ on?
covers 70% but how much is a spinal tap so we just want family there. BILL: Joseph!
I can at leastyeah, wow, well I cant afford BILL: Joseph, give Gloria the address for the GLORIA: Hi, Im Gloria.
30% of(Beat)of course I have a credit board meeting! JOSEPH: Im coming
cardno, yeah I know its not your fault, Ill JOSEPH: Can you show yourself out? Im CHARLES: Hey, Im Charles.
ask about a payment planuh-huhfine, sorry, Ill call you tonight GLORIA (To Joseph): Can he understand me?
fine, lets book itoh man, is there some way GLORIA: Yes, just(Showing him the paper) BILL: Help me in the kitchen, Joseph
I can be discharged withoutno no I just take a quick look at this photo: a manhis arm JOSEPH: Wheres Vin?
dont wanna pull my brother out of school if wrapped around his boys, comforting them in CHARLES: Hes fine.
I dont have to their moment of grief. And the caption: JOSEPH: I asked you where he /is
BILL: Joseph! JOSEPH: Sons of the Prophet. CHARLES: He can fucking take care of himself,
JOSEPH: One minute! GLORIA: This is the cover and title of our /hes fine.
VIN: Should you go check on your uncle? book. Gibran is the Prophet. Youre the focus JOSEPH: Whats wrong with you, we have
CHARLES: No, hes fine. but your father, brother, uncle, all the, all of company
BILL: Joseph! the Mennonite /descendents GLORIA: Im a big girl
VIN: Then why does he keep yelling? JOSEPH: Maronite BILL: Joseph!

Playscript Stephen Karam Sons of the Prophet

GLORIA: Go, good-bye, Joe, I can show myself Joseph heads for the back door in the kitchen. CHARLES: Wheres Joseph?
out BILL: Hey dont go out in this weather, sit BILL: Tell Vinthe storms terrible, get
JOSEPH: Thank you. (To Charles, Help me down, please his parents phone number, foster people,
out) Please. Joseph leaves. Focus shifts to Gloria and Charles whoever, Im gonna call them to check in.
CHARLES (Understanding): I got it. on the couch. Charles studies the newspaper photo. I should do that. He can sleep over in /the
Joseph goes into the kitchen. Charles heads Gloria thumbs through an Atlas. spare room.
upstairs, then stops CHARLES: I would be the smaller kid? CHARLES: My bedroom, wherever. Whered
CHARLES: Hey, why did you call me a Son Gloria nods. Holds up the Atlas to a page, her Joseph go?
of the Prophet? hand covers the name of the country. BILL: I dont know
Gloria motions for Charles to join her on the GLORIA: Go. CHARLES: You dont know where /he is
couch; focus shifts to Bill and Joseph. CHARLES: French Guiana. Easy. BILL: Can you just do what I asked!
JOSEPH: Listen to me: no one will ever She searches for another page while Charles reads Charles is insulted Bill would yell at him. He
read this book, shes crazy, she has all this the newspaper article. walks back to the living room, heads for the
money from her dead husband, she gives GLORIA: Go. stairs, wounded. Gloria holds up another page
me full health insurance just to keep her CHARLES: New York State upside down youre in the Atlas.
company cheating /thats not even a country! CHARLES: Eritrea.
BILL: Youre not gonna exploit family trag- GLORIA: I am cheating youre too good! I GLORIA: Oh come on! I didnt even know
edyshe wants to turn us into some circus grew uphere Eritrea was a country.
show, full of untimely deaths CHARLES: I cant wait to move to New CHARLES: The only one shaped like a martini
JOSEPH: I wouldnt let her do thatthe book York, I dont know why youd ever leave, / glass(A depressed queen) haaaay
will /never make it off the ground! no offense GLORIA: Look at thatcome back here, where
BILL: I dont want you working for her, I got GLORIA: Oh, no, well I needed aManhattan did you come up with that?
lots of connections, well get /you another is fabulous butIm not sure theres anything CHARLES (Coming back down to sit with Gloria):
job moreinvisible in that city than a single, Oh my dadd do these memory games all
JOSEPH: No, no, Im keeping the job so I can 60-year-old woman. about how certain countries look like differ-
see real doctors, not the brother of some state Beat. ent animals or thingslike how we all can
trooper you know in Archbald CHARLES: A single, 70-year-old woman? draw Italy because its a boot, right?and
BILL: If this is how you talked to your father, Charles smiles. So does Gloria. (Points to a page in the Atlas)Lebanon looks
its no wonder his blood pressure was /through GLORIA: It was a wonderful place to grow up. like a mans face, in pain, screamingsee, if
the roof CHARLES: Yeah, where youre dropped off in you just add an eye here?
JOSEPH: Or maybe it was cause you had him the world, its everything, /you know GLORIA: Well, a man withFetal Alcohol
running around all dayyou think he liked GLORIA: Location, location, location Syndrome, but yes
spending half his time at your place? CHARLES: Yeah, Lebanons suffered for cen- CHARLES: The U.S. upside-down, it looks
BILL: Oh thats good, now you can write about turies cause of its(Pointing to the map of like an anteater. Alaska looks like Abraham
that in your book. Lebanon)see how its at the crossroads of Lincoln, the Aleutian Islands are his beard
JOSEPH: Forget the book! There wont be three continents and religions and all these Russias a headless dog with its legs in the Cau-
a book! civilizations casus Mountains, Japan looks like a snake
BILL: Then go out there and tell her /you GLORIA: Hamas, Hizbollahwhole things GLORIA: Slow down, I like this
wont a /mess Focus slowly shifts to Timothys motel room. A
JOSEPH: No, this is my house, dont tell me CHARLES: yeah, yeah no my grandparents knock at the door is heard.
what to do. /Stop telling me what to do. no ones life should have to be about finding CHARLES: Romanias a fishSouth Africas
BILL: When Im gone, youll see whos been stability a hippo
looking after you, I dont know who /you GLORIA: Yes, but whose life isnteveryone Timothy opens the door. Joseph is outside.
think starts life off with a certain number of handi- JOSEPH: Hi
JOSEPH: Whos looking after me now?! Whos caps, you hear what Im sayingoh God, can CHARLES: Somalias the number 7
taking care of me now?! its been a nightmare you hear what Im saying? /I didnt mean TIMOTHY (Shocked to see Joseph): Hi
organizing you living here and you keep pre- CHARLES: Oh, dont worry, /seriously, I can GLORIA: Im writing all this down, I like this
tending like youre taking care of us! hear you CHARLES: Slovenias a chicken
Long beat. GLORIA: I did not mean to offend you Lights go down on Charles/Gloria; focus on
BILL: I pray to St. Rafka every day for you. CHARLES: No, you didnt Joseph/Timothy.
Not me. (Long beat) Ive been independent my GLORIA: I cant even tell which ear is more TIMOTHY: Whoa, /Hisorry what are you
whole life. Its a[humbling thing] misshapen and JOSEPH: Is this okay? The front desk gave
Neither of them knows what to say, and neither CHARLES: What are you even me your room number.
wants to be the one to resolve the fight. GLORIA: shrunken TIMOTHY: What are you doing here?
JOSEPH: I dunno ifwe should discuss CHARLES: saying? JOSEPH: I had to get out of my house, soI
maybeanother kind of home?orI dunno GLORIA: a little. got in my car
if, having the nurse come more often? Gloria convincingly answers a fake phone call. TIMOTHY: Are you still upset about/cause
BILL: Not that male nurse, Robert GLORIA: Hello?uh-huh man, Im so sorry
JOSEPH: Uncle Bill, /do you hear yourself? Gloria mouths one second to Charles. JOSEPH: No, Im
okay, yeah, wellIm out BILL: Charles! Come in here, please Joseph shakes his head no.
BILL: Dont stick me with him I still have GLORIA (On the phone): okay greatuh-huh JOSEPH: I had to get out of my house and
scratches on my back and the guy wont shut- Charles walks to the kitchen where Bill is still came here cause we never got to discuss
tup, he just keeps talking to me seated. when Mary Ingalls blind husband regained
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Charles (Chris Perfetti, left) and Joseph (Santino Fontana) visit the doctor in Roundabout Theatre Companys production of Sons of the Prophet.

his sight? Remember how emotionally trying tion, drawing into each other. Beat. Joseph pulls someone to talk to about the stressthe hos-
that was for her? He could see her, but she Timothys shirt off. Timothy follows suit, then goes pital here has a support group for people with
couldnt see him? for Josephs belt buckle when Joseph pulls away. chronic pain, its free. The delay in getting you
TIMOTHY: That was very hard for Mary. TIMOTHY: What? We can slow down a diagnosis is, its Occams Razor.
JOSEPH: I can go, if this is too [weird] JOSEPH: No, just trying to think how I can CHARLES: Whats that?
TIMOTHY: No, sorry, Im still just [shocked]I get my pants off without you seeing my knee DOCTOR MANOR: Just a theorem, reminds us
mean, youre here braces. the simplest answer is often the best. I mean
JOSEPH: Am I crazy, or was thereI felt Timothy undoes Josephs pants. Josephs pants fall the odds that someone like you, healthy,
we had some kind of [connection]/that to the floor; he has on boxers and two knee braces. would suddenly get hit by three unrelated
we had TIMOTHY: Youre a mess. thingsinflamed knees, neuropathy, muscle
TIMOTHY: No, I felt that, I, definitely, but. Beat. Joseph nods unsentimentally. Timothy kisses weakness
no, yeah. him, they disrobe as the lights fade. Timothy exits JOSEPH: Thats unlikely?
JOSEPH (This has been bothering him): Why to the offstage bedroom. Joseph kicks his shoes DOCTOR MANOR: Well, in medicine when you
dont you remember me from high school? off, half-naked in the room as his nerves of sex hear hoofbeats, you think horses not zebras.
Why dont you transform into But the first round of tests is(Examin-
TIMOTHY: You set our course record twice, of ing her records)well if its a horse, its not
course I remember you. SCENE 5 a.Palominoso now Im thinking: okay,
JOSEPH: Then whyd you /say ON FRIENDSHIP Lyme Disease often causes the same kind
TIMOTHY: I dunno the nerves of a hospital visit. Another doctors of knee pain, whole host of neurological
JOSEPH: Tell me. office. Another exam table. symptoms
Timothy shakes his head no. Joseph slowly moves Joseph receives a lumbar puncture (spinal tap). JOSEPH: Really?
in to embrace him. He lies on the table in the fetal position in a DOCTOR MANOR: yes, but you dont have
TIMOTHY: whoa, areoh hospital gown while Doctor Manor administers Lyme Disease according to your blood tests
Joseph holds him. He needed this. Long beat. a needle into the base of his spine. Charles sits in (Studying the paperwork)it really would make
JOSEPH: If we do this, you cant cover my the corner, observing. sense for you to have Lyme Disease. Im hope-
familys story. DOCTOR MANOR: The worst part of the proce- ful the spinal fluid will give us some clues, see
TIMOTHY: If we dure is over, now we just wait until we collect if theres some systemic inflammation
Joseph kisses his neck. 10 ccs of spinal fluid here. Any pain? JOSEPH: Could someone as healthy as me
TIMOTHY: ohwhoaI should (Losing JOSEPH: No. have something that serious?
himself)whoa.brush my teeth. CHARLES: Hes in a lot /of pain. DOCTOR MANOR: Well, youre healthy for
The air is charged, their mouths meet. Its a tenta- JOSEPH: She knows. someone who has a litany of medical problems.
tive first kiss, two people following their attrac- DOCTOR MANOR: If you think you might need So that takes us to Hickams Dictum.
Playscript Stephen Karam Sons of the Prophet

CHARLES (Smiling): Hickams Dick/tum? out there, so dontI cant be with you like this. Joseph finds it very funny. Charles was so
JOSEPH: Dont. all the time. All is well, right? Thats what scared! Charles goes to smack Josephbut Joseph
DOCTOR MANOR: Thats the theory that states that inspirational song you sent me /keeps grabs his arm, makes him laugh involuntarily
patients can have as many diseases as they saying through an arm restraint/tickling routine hes
damn well please. Lets see(Checks the CHARLES: Dont do that, you dont even know executed before. Finally, Joseph shows him some
container) That took forever. Okay, needles all thethe Rafka pictureit led me to that mercy. Charles moves away, still very upset.
out. hymn, Joseph, to the words Dad said to us Joseph loves how angry Charles is, finds it funny
Doctor Manor manages the containers of spinal every day, so even if [it was random]and to watch him stew. Charles mulls about the
fluid while Joseph sits up, grabs his head. that scripture passage matches Dads birthday room; eventually he sits back in the chair. He is
DOCTOR MANOR: No lie down/dont get exactly: My sonthine adversity and thine still pissed.
up yet afflictions shall be but a small moment. Beat.
JOSEPH: Ow, /oh my God why do you need everything to be hopelessly JOSEPH: When have you gotten anyone a gift
CHARLES: What happened, whats wrong? random when over twenty bucks, your gifts are always ter-
DOCTOR MANOR: Youre fine, about a third JOSEPH: Because it is, because the chapter rible. (Beat) You dont even wrap them.
of patients experience migraines when theyre wasnt 12:17. It was 121:7. I looked it up Josephs phone beeps. Charles goes to the phone.
upright afterI should have mentioned that at CHARLES: If you move the colon CHARLES: Western Sahara looks like a
the start of the procedure. You need to stay on JOSEPH: This isnt the DaVinci Code! Dad revolver. xo Gloria.
your back for at least 30 minutes here, okay? isnt sending you messages! JOSEPH: Where is Western Sahara?
Just relax, Ill be back in a half hour. Charles punches Joseph in the leg. CHARLES: South of Morocco.
Dr. Manor exits. Joseph rolls onto his back. JOSEPH: Ow!whats your problem?(Sits
Josephs phone beeps. up, blocks a second hit; pushes Charles away) Scene 6
JOSEPH: Just turn it off. MotherfuckerWhats your /problem? (Grabs ON REASON & PASSION
CHARLES (Reading the phone message): Libya his head, lies back down) Ahhhh Timothy stands in a spotlight with a microphone,
looks like an ice cream cone with a bite taken CHARLES: Whats your problem youre reporting.
out of it. xo Gloria. so /insensitive you are, and cheap just like TIMOTHY (To the camera): It all started out
JOSEPH: Ive been getting texts like that all Dad as a prank: steal a deer decoy, place it on a
week. JOSEPH: Dont raise your voicehey, relax, country road and watch as motorists swerved
CHARLES: She loves my idea. okay? to avoid it. It ended two weeks later when
JOSEPH: Shes also fallen from grace, shes CHARLES: you dont spend more than the victima custodian and father of two
crazy. twenty bucks on anything, even gifts its suffered a fatal heart attack. When a judge
CHARLES: Then quit. pathetic ruled that the boy responsible for the mess
JOSEPH: Who do you thinks paying for this JOSEPH: Stop getting so upset could complete football season before serv-
visit? (Beat) I went out last night with Shane CHARLES: I am upset youre having fluid ing his juvenile detention sentence, a seismic
and Kim, just to keep ties, you know drained from your spine! chasm cut through this typically tight-knit
CHARLES: Thats great JOSEPH: Its gonna be fine community. Tonights debate centers around
JOSEPH: Yeah, no, I just shouldvethey CHARLES: No its not we have no parentsand what one soccer mom calls the merits and
chose Farleys which is all standing room at Uncle Bill is so old, I keep hoping he dies so demerits of instituting a rule that would allow
the bar, so my knees were flared andthey we can stop watching him get worse. school officials to sideline athletes convicted of
started up withgrandpa needs to sit down Charles cries, catches his breath. Charless sensitiv- criminal offenses. Our cameras arent allowed
grandpa whatever ity always stirs anger in Joseph; but he knows he inside but the meeting will be broadcast in its
Beat. needs to say something. Long beat. Joseph looks entirety on public access. Well have our own
CHARLES: Your friends arent bad, they just towards Charles, whose head is buried in his hands. assessment at eleven. Stay tuned
dont know what to say, they dont know how Joseph stares at the ceiling. The audience is now the audience of a multipurpose
tolike when Jesus was in the Garden Long beat. room. Two female School Board Members sit behind
JOSEPH: Oh my God Suddenly, Doctor Manor appears, her eyes glued a simple long table with individual microphones.
CHARLES: his Apostles didnt want to hurt to her charts. The Pennsylvania state flag stands off to the side.
/Him, but DOCTOR MANOR: Hows everyone doing? Joseph, Charles and Bill (now in a wheelchair),
JOSEPH: Thank you, Father Charles JOSEPH: Good, /yeah. sit in the front of the audience, off to the side.
CHARLES: some things you cant understand CHARLES: Were fine. BOARD MEMBER #1: as you can see, Board
untilyou understand them. Until theyre DOCTOR MANOR (Exiting, eyes on her chart): Members Patrick Harding and Ed Larkin have
happening to you. Good, good, Ill be back in a bit. removed themselves from tonights vote, cit-
Josephs phone beeps. Shes gone. Long beat. Charles looks over at Joseph, ing their association with the football team as
JOSEPH: Give me the phone whose eyes are now closed. Booster Club President and Assistant Coach,
CHARLES (Reading the ID on the phone): Timothy? Another very long beat. respectively, as uh, an irreconcilable conflict
JOSEPH: Give me the phone! Then another very long beat. of interest. Well be proceeding nonetheless
CHARLES: Joseph, why would he be romanti- CHARLES: Joseph. (Beat) Joseph. (Beat) Joe. with the blessing of the
cally interested in you? Your body is falling (Beat) Are you asleep? (Rolls his eyes) Joseph. Simultaneously mispronounced:
apart. Charles approaches the table, concerned, nudges B OAR D M EM B ER # 1 (doh-WAY-hees) :
JOSEPH: He likes my personality Josephs arm. Douaihys
CHARLES: You have a terrible personality, hes CHARLES: Jo BOARD MEMBER #2 (duh-WHY-hees) :
using you to get closer to the story Joseph jolts his whole body and opens his eyes, scar- Douaihys
JOSEPH: Hes gonna stop covering it! And ing the crap out of Charles. Successful ambush. BOARD MEMBER #1: and Superintendent
youre the one who told me to put myself Charles cannot believe Joseph would joke at a time Johnson, whos out there somewhereAnd
just because this is an open meetingwere the first action I took was last weekend with you to have another chance. Look at me. (Beat)
not tolerating any nonsense, no talking out my teammates we did a coin drop and raised So if you play in that championship game
of turnyousell all have a chance to voice money for something Mr. Douaihy would have look at me, please. If you get a second chance
your feelings during the open mic. Were appreciated according to his son money for and I see you on that field playin like some
gratefulthe the Maronite families who have been coming faggy-ass half-back, not doing your best(At
Simultaneously mispronounced: over from Lebanon because of the war the cash the word faggy, Joseph and Charles bury their
B OAR D M EM B ER # 1 (DUH-way-ees) : was given to the Douaihys church the head heads in embarrassment) Dont ever forget my
Douaihys priest agreed to handle getting it out to the brotherbecause the Douaihys, were part of
BOARD MEMBER #2 (duh-WHY-hees) : families one thing I want to be clear about is history, were gonna fade if you dont remem-
Douaihys that if football gets taken from me I respect ber/Marune [I am Maronite]
BOARD MEMBER #1: wanted to be here today, whatever gets decided here today and I mean JOSEPH (Taking the mic from Bill) : Its
I want to show them the respect they deserve. that in closing I want to (Loses his place for a okay
And uh, I believe Charles (Softly:) Douaihy few seconds) Under Bills line below, Joseph hands the mic back
wanted to read a statement. Charles? BOARD MEMBER #1: Do /youoh, okay to Board Member #2 and silently apologizes to
Charles makes his way to the standing mic. The VIN: end not with my own words which Vin on his way back.
womens speeches cover the duration of time it will always fall short but to show respect BILL: we came from France, we were
takes Charles to reach the mic. The women sit for Mr. Douaihy Im going to read a prayer knights, this is before the Crusadesdammit
back and speak softly, unaware their mics are to his favorite saint which I found on the CHARLES: Restroom? /I got it
still able to pick up their voices. internet. (Takes out the prayer from his pocket. JOSEPH: Ill take you, /hold on
BOARD MEMBER #1: God /love him hes got a The simple action of having to dig something out BOARD MEMBER #1: I think we could all do
hearing problem you knowhes deaf in one of his pocket allows him to catch his breath a bit) with a brief recess, yes? /Motion to regroup?
ear, Mrs. Laughney saidIs it Shirley who Prayer to St. Rafka. We ask you to spread BOARD MEMBER #2: Yes, we could. Second
has Downs, God love her joy in our world which is suffering; teach us BOARD MEMBER #1: Well take a five minute
BOARD MEMBER #2: What a trooper, God to live peacefully. Your own pain couldnt be recess.
bless himwhat kind of?God love him cured in your lifetime, so you embraced it Joseph starts to wheel Bill outthey both see
my cousin has Downs Syndrome, thats no and allowed others to wipe away your tears. Timothy approaching.
walk in the parkno, no Shirley just has a Now we ask you to wipe away our tears; cure CHARLES: No, I got it. Joseph.
big forehead sick people; comfort sad people; fill peoples JOSEPH: No I got
CHARLES (Reading his speech, into the mic): hearts with joy and love. (Beat. Vins lost his CHARLES: Joseph. I can do it. Okay?
Were all angry. There was no sense in what place) /Amen. JOSEPH (Nodding, appreciative): Lets meet in
Vin didhe could have hurt any number of BOARD MEMBER #1: Thankoh, Amen, thank the car, we dont need to stick around/Ill
people. But it was my dad driving home that you Vin, why dont you take a seat. tell them were going.
night. Well never know why, or know if his BOARD MEMBER #2: Did you /understand BILL: Are you gonna take me to the bathroom
heart attack was related to the accidentmy that first part? or what?
familys gonna have to live with a lot of unan- BOARD MEMBER #1: Its fine, /let him sit down. CHARLES: yes, Impatient, Im taking you.
swered questions. I do know, Im proud we BILL: I should have a chance to say some- TIMOTHY: Hey guys(To Bill)Marhaba,
dont want to channel our anger into stopping thing. kifak [Hi, how are you], Mr. Douaihy?
Vin from playing football. All my dadd want CHARLES: Uncle /Bill, be quiet CHARLES (Over his shoulder, to Timothy): Its
us to ask is, can we learn from this? How can JOSEPH: Dont say a word, Im serious. completely obvious youre a homosexual
we hurt less? I hope Vin uses his talent to take VIN (To the family): Im really sorry. JOSEPH: Good-bye Charles.
him far, and I hope if he does play football, BOARD MEMBER #1: Whats /he saying? Charles wheels Bill out.
that this chance always reminds him of what BOARD MEMBER #2: Charleswhats the TIMOTHY: Heymy editor wants me to get a
he did, and informs his decision making in problem? few pictures with my camera phone, but
the future. Thank you. JOSEPH: Theres no problem/please, Uncle JOSEPH: Are you kidding me?
As Charles makes his way back to his seat, the Bill TIMOTHY: What?no Im asking because I
Board Members quietly react. Their micro- BILL: Im saying /Id like to say something, wont take them unless you approve
phones are still on. thats all. Can I have the microphone? Let JOSEPH: Were not having this conversation.
BOARD MEMBER #1: God /bless him, to be so me say this Joseph moves away, Timothy follows him.
articulateand gayyeah, the both of them BOARD MEMBER #1: Vin, you can / step away TIMOTHY: You wont return my calls. HeyI
are, Mrs. Laughney said from the micyeah, no its okay, you can go care about youI got an offer from ABC
BOARD MEMBER #2: Hes something, and no back to your seat please based on this coverage, if I walk away itd
parentsis he?oh God love himgay and JOSEPH (To Board Member #2): No, just ignore look terrible.
hearing impaired him, /Im sorryhes fine, dont JOSEPH: You couldnt find a family more
BOARD MEMBER #1: Thank you, Charles. Vin, VIN: Should I stand or just/I think hes still tragic than mine to exploit?
if youd like to read your essay? talking to me? TIMOTHY: You came to my hotel room, so dontI
Vin makes his way to the podium. His nervous- BOARD MEMBER #2 (To Charles): Here, give cant hole myself up like you
ness manifests in soft, fast, monotone speech free this to himhere(To Joseph)its okay JOSEPH: You dont see the responsibilities
of correct emphasis. She passes the mic to Bill. Bill doesnt have the Im saddled with?between my brother and
VIN: In thinking about how much nega- oxygen to shout. my uncleyou think /I want [to be saddled
tive change my actions caused I also think BILL: Vin. with them?]
about how going forward my actions can Vin stands up from his seat. TIMOTHY: I think youre scared to leave your
bring on just as much positive change going BILL: I know you meant well with that speech, own backyard, its whyits not an attractive
forward I pledge to do that with my actions okay? But I dont know that my brotherd want qualityits like youre looking to suffer
Playscript Stephen Karam Sons of the Prophet

JOSEPH: This coming from the entitled one, were gonna move on to the open mic JOSEPH: Yeah, okaybut I asked you not to
purveyor of more grief porn /than /portion of themaam, were about toI comeokayokay, cmonokay
TIMOTHY: So you arent privileged, boo hoo, guess wevestarted, I guess GLORIA: as if thered be a book proposal
pull yourself up by your own fucking boot- Gloria approaches the standing mic at the foot without me
straps and do something with your life. You of the stage from the audience. Her voice stops JOSEPH: It was my fathers idea
cant afford to travel the world, finebut Joseph, who was about to leave. GLORIA: I know, no Im saying we know
you havent even been to Connecticut. Rent a GLORIA: Gloria Gurney, originally from Man- each other well, Joe
car and drive to the Delaware Water Gap, hattan, currently residing in Nazarethoh, JOSEPH: No you dont know my father well,
do something should I wait? /Im sorry okay?
JOSEPH: You are so delusional BOARD MEMBER #1: no, its fine just, every- GLORIA: were like family, were together
TIMOTHY: How am I one needs to limit their comments to three /in this
JOSEPH: Do you really think you understand minutes, okay? JOSEPH: No were not whats wrong with you
peoples pain /in some special way? GLORIA: all rightIm here today in sup- take care of yourself. Were alone.
TIMOTHY: You dont know what Ive been port of this incredible family here. Beat. Everyone is riveted. The flash of Timothys
through Gloria wobbles a bit, feels faint. BlackBerry camera goes off. Hes hideously embar-
JOSEPH: No, I just know you like to spend BOARD MEMBER #1: Is she /all right? rassed, wasnt planning on anyone knowing he
holidays in some kinda ghetto even though BOARD MEMBER #2: Oh my God was taking a picture.
your dad owns /Mount Airy Lodge GLORIA (Into the mic): Im fine, Im saying TIMOTHY: Oh shit/sorry, sorry
TIMOTHY: Because my mom, my mom was what the Douaihys have lost isnone of us GLORIA: Joe, where are youJoe
born into poverty, thats not a /lie can knowIm here because this morning I BOARD MEMBER #1: Please /no flash pho-
JOSEPH: You said she grew up down the block was struck witha sense ofnot understanding tography.
from us in Marvin Apartments. butbeing a part of your family, Josephnot BOARD MEMBER #2: Whos taking pic-
TIMOTHY: That is a poor development. by blood, but tures?
JOSEPH: Its middle income housing! Board Members attempt to approach Gloria, who Somethings cracked open for Joseph.hes not sure
The Board Members walk back in, talking to wards them off. The following, despite Glorias what, but he wants to get out of the auditorium.
each other indiscernibly. Vin wanders back in. state, is not full of histrionics. In her own way, He leaves Gloria, walks towards Timothy.
Joseph and Timothy are more cautious with their shes more lucid than weve ever seen her. Its GLORIA: wait, lets go back to the office
conversation. real sentiment. so /we can
TIMOTHY: You want to talk about delusional, GLORIA:no, Im fine, Im sayingIve lost JOSEPH: No, I quit.
whos the one suffering from all these mysteri- familyI know howpeople leave you Joseph takes Timothys phone and throws it
ous aches and pains? they love you, they leave you and thenin a against the wall, smashing it to pieces. Without
This almost knocks the wind out of Joseph. flashhappinessbecomes thisthingin stopping, Joseph continues towards the back of
JOSEPH: You think Im making it up? other peoples eyesits the auditorium.
TIMOTHY: Do you have a diagnosis? Do you? JOSEPH: Gloria GLORIA: No, /no, Joe I need you to help me
BOARD MEMBER #1: Were gonna start up BOARD MEMBER #1: Can you join me outside get homeJoe, please
again in the hall, maam? BOARD MEMBER #2: I think were going
TIMOTHY (Seeing how hurt Joseph is): Sorry, GLORIA: I dont know why some peoples to take another recess/everyone just take
justyou dont look sick. lives are full ofgetting scraped downits 10
JOSEPH: You dont look like an asshole. unknowable, but this morning I feltnot BOARD MEMBER #1: Maam, Im going to
BOARD MEMBER #2: Is he okay? just my sadness(Looks to Joseph)it was help you offstage, call the policecome on
BOARD MEMBER #1 (Concerned): Joseph? yours(To the audience)all of ours. Were youre okay, youre okay
TIMOTHY (To Board Member #2): Hes fine not strangers. We know each other well. We Joseph continues toward the exit. Board Mem-
JOSEPH: And Im moving my uncle into a know each other well. ber #1 approaches to help Gloria, takes her
home, thanks for asking, /its been rough. Gloria wipes away tears. Everyones thinking: armTimothy recovers the pieces of his phone,
BOARD MEMBER #2: Are you okay, Joseph? That was a deranged and possibly beautiful thing shocked.
/You dont have to stay. to say. Long beat. GLORIA: Joe pleaseI need you to help me
TIMOTHY: yeah hes, no no, hes fine, he just BOARD MEMBER #2: Is she high? get home!
needs some air BOARD MEMBER #1: Maam please step away Josephat the back of the auditoriumis flat-
JOSEPH (To Timothy): Im not fine. /Im not /from the mic. out exasperated Gloria cant figure this out for
fine. BOARD MEMBER #2: Ill call 9-1-1 herself:
BOARD MEMBER #1 (To Board Member #2): Board Member #1 attempts to gently escort Gloria JOSEPH: Take a fucking taxi!
Lets just move on, hell [figure out weve away. Gloria sees Joseph approaching the stage. Joseph exits. The Board Members help Gloria
started] GLORIA: No, no, Joseph will take care of offstage.
TIMOTHY (Uncomfortable, to Joseph): Yeah, well, me
youre making a scene. BOARD MEMBER # 1 : okayyoure Scene 7
JOSEPH: Yeah, well, your dicks unusually okay On yesterday & today
small. JOSEPH: What are you doing here? Physical therapy. The board room table has been
Joseph walks away from Timothy, starts to exit. Joseph starts to guide Gloria off the stage. He transformed: it now has a few wads of brightly
VIN (Raising his hand): Should I be sticking motions to the Board Members, Its okay, Ill colored putty and weights on it. Joseph is in the
around, or help her. middle of a basic arm stretch (an ulnar nerve
BOARD MEMBER #1: Yes, /sit down. GLORIA: I got scared, /I was alone afterHar- glide), just as we met him in the opening scene.
BOARD MEMBER #2: Dont go anywhere. perCollins said no to me, they said maybe Hes clearly in a better place, calm.
BOARD MEMBER #1 (Into the mic): Okay every- the geography idea if I wasnt involved Mrs. McAndrew, 60s, approaches his table, sits.
She starts squeezing and manipulating a wad of JOSEPH: Yeah, cause I wouldnt stop crying, JOSEPH: I didnt sprain something. I have to
putty. She notices him. I was such a baby. I have these clear memories go see this, some other specialist at UPenn,
MRS. MCANDREW: Joseph? of being so scared, and thenend of the day, whole things a mess.
JOSEPH: Oh, hey, Mrs. McAndrew Im justwalking home, telling her about an MRS. MCANDREW: I hope you find some
MRS. MCANDREW: Thought it was you, I saw art project ordo you still do that worksheet relief soon.
your picture in the paper a few years ago when with all the numbers inside the bears belly? JOSEPH: Thanks. Glad you know, cause
you won the Steamtown Marathon, congrat/ MRS. MCANDREW: Kids love that worksheet, I have to do some nerve glides now and
ulations and its justwould adding numbers inside a doing them in front of people is[completely
JOSEPH: Thanks, thank you. (Beat) We got bears belly give you any joy today? humiliating]
your card and the flowers, that was real nice JOSEPH: None. MRS. MCANDREW: Do you see what Im
MRS. MCANDREW: You get to be my age it MRS. MCANDREW: Its amazing, those hand- working with here?
becomes a ritual, reading the obituaries, so ful of things that lodge in your brain when She holds up the yellow-netted-rubber thing shes
my heart broke for you boys. (Beat) You still youre young. My granddaughter asked me been twisting. Joseph begins his nerve glides.
running? what toys I had when I was her age, shes Mrs. MCANDREW (Recognizing the exercise): I
JOSEPH: No. Actually, you knew me in my fiveand the first thing that comes into my had to do that one. If you do it in time with
prime. Kindergarten was a good year for me. mind is this memory of when my teacher the music, it goes by faster.
Chocolate milk every day, He-Man lunch asked us to name healthy breakfast foods and Mrs. McAndrew demonstrates as the background
boxits kinda all been downhill after that. I raised my hand and said: plain doughnuts. music becomes prominent.
MRS. MCANDREW: Physical therapy makes Plain doughnuts.
you feel like youre back in kindergarten, JOSEPH: Theres lots of unhealthy things Joseph watches her. He never thought of that.
doesnt it? you can add to a doughnut, I respect your He joins her.
JOSEPH: Oh, yeah. answer.
Beat. MRS. MCANDREW: I lost sleep over thatif The music grows. The rhythm is simple, slow,
MRS. MCANDREW: Is it terrible if I tell youI only I knew what real problems were headed mellow, steady, like a heartbeat. The space feels
saw that clip of you at the Board meeting my way. I lost my mom and dad last year, a bit bigger, more open. They look outnot
JOSEPH: Ah, /you saw that? couple months apart. smilingbut in sync, their arms moving in time
MRS. MCANDREW: My granddaughter showed JOSEPH: Im sorry. with the music as the curtain falls.
it to me online and MRS. MCANDREW: They lived long lives, I have
JOSEPH: Yup, /yes nothing to complain about, especially com-
MRS. MCANDREW: she said it had over 10 pared to what you boys have been through. End of Play
thousand hits. JOSEPH: No, you dont have toIm in this,
JOSEPH: And growing, Im told like a group fornevermind, its justits
MRS. MCANDREW: Take a fucking taxi. Said funny how you can get in the habit of belit-
that to my husband this morning. Oh and Kay tling your own [experiences]I mean, cause
Hoban told me about that geography book things can always be worse
youre doing/sounds great MRS. MCANDREW: Well you also cant stand in
JOSEPH: Oh yeah, HarperCollins is giving us your pain too long, its like quicksand, youll
45 thousand bucks to develop it, which isnt sink, never get past it.
a whole lot, but JOSEPH: Can you get past something that
MRS. MCANDREW: Its not nothing. doesnt go away?
JOSEPH: No. Gloria got, cause of that video MRS. MCANDREW: I dont know [that] it does
footage, she got a six-figure book deal to dis- go away, butIve been around a while, so Ive
close the details of her husbands suicide, so seen it shift intomaybemore compassion?
MRS. MCANDREW (Shakes her head, disapprov- or just aan awareness that
ing; then): Im gonna read that, I should JOSEPH: What?
admit that now. MRS. MCANDREW: that we wouldnt have
JOSEPH: To make it in this country, you either otherwise? Our bodies break so easily, but
need to be an extraordinary human being theyre so resilient, you know? We can use
or make a series of extraordinarily bad life- reminders
decisions. All of us in the middle, were not JOSEPH: Not sure that /I
worth so much. MRS. MCANDREW: Well I also believe in
MRS. MCANDREW: Forty-five thousand. Jesus Christ but Im trying not to sound like
JOSEPH: True, 45 thousand. a religious nut.
Mrs. McAndrew begins to twist a yellow-netted- JOSEPH: Youre all right. I miss having my
rubber thing. Joseph rolls out some putty. dads faith around even though I dont sub-
MRS. MCANDREW (Holds up her wrist): My son scribe to it. I miss him.
convinced me to go skiing. Josephs emotions catch him off guard, he starts
JOSEPH: Oh, sprained something. crying. She notices.
Beat. MRS. MCANDREW: Oh, Joe
MRS. MCANDREW: You know, I can still pic- JOSEPH: Sorry, Im just(Difficult admis-
ture your mom, God love her, because she sion)not doing good. Its been a bad year.
always walked you right to your desk in the MRS. MCANDREW: Im so sorry.
morning Joseph takes a deep breath, recovers.
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