East Asia 1

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East Asia

Happy New Year--its the year of the Rooster

Why is 2017 the Year of the
The Chinese Zodiac is a cycle of 12 years with an
animal for each one. It is based on a Buddhist story.
Buddhism is the major religion in East Asia just as
Hinduism and Islam are major religions in South Asia

2002--Year of the Snake

2003--Year of the Horse
2004--Year of the Sheep
Place: Vast
mainland with
huge mountains
and large deserts

Eastern edge of
Asian continent

Bordered by
bodies of water,
Russia, south
and southeast
What shape did you see when you
looked at the map of China?
Did you see a chicken?

After all, it is the Year of the Rooster, and we can all

be watching for China and other East Asian nations
to increase their quest for world power economically
and politically.
South Asia, with India and Bangladesh are the world powers for
the future. The US, Russia, and East Asia are world powers of
the present day.


East Asia
The landmass of East Asia is
just over a million square
miles greater than the US.
East Asia: Comparisons
East Asia is like South Asia in the
rapid growth of population. China
is the leader in world population,
but India is on course to surpass
it within 20 years.
Both East and South Asia are
civilizations centered on rivers.
East Asia has two rivers that rival
the Nile in length, In China, the
rivers are called twin dragons;
they may bring the blessings of
plentiful crops or the curse of
flooding just as in Bangladesh.
East Asia:
Chinas rivers provide
irrigation and rich soil for
rice and wheat farming.
The three main systems
are the Yellow River, the
Yangtze River, and the
Pearl River. All of these
flow west to east. The
land between the rivers is
the center of Chinese
East Asia Comparisons: Natural Disasters
As in South Asia, tsumanis,
earthquakes, and volcanoes cause

After an earthquake in Kobe,

Japan, a bus was left hanging off
the edge of a damaged highway.

There are many building restrictions

in Japan to prevent loss of life and
property damage.
East Asia Comparisons: Trade
Since China
has added
trade zones,
such as Hong
Kong, its GDP
has increased,
and it is
with industrial
around the
East Asia Comparisons: Population
Parts of East Asia are very
crowded. In Tokyo, Japan,
subway attendants pack
passengers in the trains. In
China, companies rotate the
days of work so that there
are not so many people out
of work on the same day.
Now, complete China
the questions
about overview
at the end of
your notes

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