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Version 3.0.

+ *CodeIgniter 3.1 Upgrade*
+ Major UI overhaul based on *Boostrap 3.0 and Bootswatch Themes*
+ New tabular views with advanced filtering using *Bootstrap Tables*
+ New graphical reports with no more Adobe flash dependency
+ Redesign of all modal dialogs
+ Updated Sales register with simplified payment flow
+ *Improved security: MySQL injection, XSS, CSFR, BCrypt password encryption, sa
fer project layout*
+ Support for TXT messaging (interfacing to specific support required)
+ Email configuration
+ Improved Localisation support
+ Improved Store Config page
+ Docker container ready for Cloud installation
+ Composer PHP support
+ More languages and integration with Weblate for continuous translation
+ About 280 closed issues under 3.0.0 release label, too many to produce a meani
ngful list
+ Various code cleanup, refactoring, optimisation and etc.
Version 2.4
+ *CodeIgniter 3.0.5* Upgrade (please read UPGRADE.txt)
+ Fix for spurious logouts
+ Apache .htaccess mod_expiry caching and security optimizations
+ Bulk item edit fixes (category, tax and supplier fields)
+ Remove f-key shortcuts used for module navigation
+ Allow to use custom invoice numbers when suspending sale
+ PHP7 fixes
+ Specific warnings to distinguish between reorder level and out of stock situat
ion in sales
+ Fix malware detection issues due to usage of base64 encoding for storing sessi
on variables
+ Improve language generation scripts (use PHP builtin functionality)
+ Add extra buttons for navigation and printing to receipt and invoice
+ Improve print layout for invoices
+ Make layout consistent for items between receipt and invoice templates
+ Minor bugfixes
Version 2.3.4
+ Migration script fixes
+ Improved continuous integration setup
+ More integration tests
+ Virtualized container setup (docker install)
+ Live clock functionality + favicon
+ Improved PHP 7 compatbility
+ Added de_CH (German) as language
+ Minor code cleanup
+ Removal of annoying backup prompt on logout
Version 2.3.3
+ Item kit fixes (search, list, ..)
+ Add datepicker widgets in sale/receiving edit forms
+ Add date filter in items module
+ Add barcode generation logic for EAN8, EAN13
+ Add barcode validation + fallback logic for EAN8, EAN13
+ New config option to generate barcodes if item_number empty
+ Add cost + count to inventory reports
+ Giftcard fixes
+ Refactor sales overview (added date filtering + search options)
+ Better locale config support
+ Improve php compatibility
+ Fix invoice numbering bug on suspend
+ Add configurable locale-dependent dateformat
+ Add grunt-cache-breaker plugin
+ Suspend button appeaers before adding a payment
+ Searching of deleted items, filtering part is removed
+ Remove infamous "0" after leaving sale or receiving comments empty
+ Add SQL script to clean zeroes in sales/receivings comments
+ Numerous other bug fixes
Version 2.3.2
+ Nominatim (OpenStreetMap) customer address autocompletion
+ Sale invoice templating
+ Configurable barcode generation for items
+ Stock location filtering in detailed sales and receivings reports
+ Giftcards bugfixes
+ Proper pagination support for most modules
+ Language updates
+ Bugfix for decimal taxrates
+ Add gender + company name attributes to customer
+ Stock location config screen refactor
+ Basic travis-ci + phantomJs setup
+ Database backup on admin logout
+ Modifiable item thumbnails
+ Email invoice PDF generation using DomPDF
+ Modifiable company logo
+ jQuery upgrade (1.2 -> 1.8.3)
+ Javascript minification (using grunt)
+ Numerous bugfixes
Version 2.3.1
+ Extra report permissions (this includes a refactoring of the database model -
new grants table)
+ Tax inclusive/exclusive pricing
+ Receivings amount multiplication (can be configured in items section)
+ Customizable sale and receiving numbering
+ Giftcard improvements
+ Fix item import through csv
+ Bug fixes for reports
Version 2.3
+ Support for multiple stock locations
Version 2.2.2
+ French language added
+ Thai language added
+ Upgrade to CodeIgniter 2.2 (contains several security fixes)
+ Database types for amounts all changed to decimal types (this will fix roundin
g errors in the sales and receivings reports) the rest of the application
+ Fix duplicated session cookies in http headers (this broke the application whe
n running on nginx)
Version 2.1.1
+ Barcodes on the order receipt weren't generated correctly
+ Sales edit screen for detailed sales reports is now available with thickbox as
in the rest of the application
+ Indonesian language files updated (Oktafianus)
+ Default language set to 'en' in config.php
+ Fix some css bugs in suspended sales section
+ Default cookie sess_time_expire set to 86400 (24h)
Version 2.1.0
+ Various upgrades, too numerous to list here.
+ Removed dependancy on ofc upload library due to vulnerability found.
Version 2.0.2
+ Fixed multiple giftcards issue per Bug #4 reported on Sourceforge where a
second giftcard added would have its balance set to $0 even if the sale did
not require the total of the second giftcard to pay the remaining amount due.
+ Small code cleanup
Version 2.1.0
* Upgrade to CodeIgniter 2.1.0
* Various small improvements

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