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Diabetes Metab Res Rev 1999; 15: 412426.

Ketone Bodies: a Review of Physiology,

Pathophysiology and Application of Monitoring
to Diabetes

Lori Laffel* Summary

Harvard Medical School, Joslin Clinic, Ketone bodies are produced by the liver and used peripherally as an energy
One Joslin Place, Boston, MA 02215, source when glucose is not readily available. The two main ketone bodies are
USA acetoacetate (AcAc) and 3-b-hydroxybutyrate (3HB), while acetone is the
third, and least abundant, ketone body. Ketones are always present in the
*Correspondence to: Harvard
blood and their levels increase during fasting and prolonged exercise. They
Medical School, Joslin Clinic,
One Joslin Place, Boston, MA 02215, are also found in the blood of neonates and pregnant women. Diabetes is the
USA most common pathological cause of elevated blood ketones. In diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), high levels of ketones are produced in response to low
insulin levels and high levels of counterregulatory hormones. In acute DKA,
the ketone body ratio (3HB : AcAc) rises from normal (1 : 1) to as high as 10 : 1.
In response to insulin therapy, 3HB levels commonly decrease long before
AcAc levels. The frequently employed nitroprusside test only detects AcAc in
blood and urine. This test is inconvenient, does not assess the best indicator of
ketone body levels (3HB), provides only a semiquantitative assessment
of ketone levels and is associated with false-positive results. Recently,
inexpensive quantitative tests of 3HB levels have become available for use with
small blood samples (525 ml). These tests offer new options for monitoring
and treating diabetes and other states characterized by the abnormal
metabolism of ketone bodies. Copyright # 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Keywords acetoacetate; b-hydroxybutyrate; diabetes; diabetic ketoacidosis;

ketone bodies

The term `ketone bodies' refers to three molecules, acetoacetate (AcAc),
3-b-hydroxybutyrate (3HB) and acetone (Figure 1). AcAc accumulates during
fatty acid metabolism under low carbohydrate conditions. 3HB is formed
from the reduction of AcAc in the mitochondria. These two predominant
ketone bodies are energy-rich compounds that transport energy from the liver
to other tissues. Acetone is generated by spontaneous decarboxylation of
AcAc [1,2] and is responsible for the sweet odor on the breath of individuals
with ketoacidosis. During periods of glucose deciency, ketone bodies play a
key role in sparing glucose utilization [3,4] and reducing proteolysis [5,6].
Unlike most other tissues, the brain cannot utilize fatty acids for energy
when blood glucose levels become compromised. In this case, ketone bodies
provide the brain with an alternative source of energy, amounting to nearly
2/3 of the brain's energy needs during periods of prolonged fasting and
Received: 3 August 1999 starvation. Ketone bodies stimulate insulin release in vitro [79], generate
Revised: 22 October 1999
oxygen radicals and cause lipid peroxidation [1013]. Lipid peroxidation and
Accepted: 22 October 1999
the generation of oxygen radicals may play a role in vascular disease in
Published online: 5 November 1999
diabetes [10].
CCC 1520-7552/99/06041215$17.50
Copyright # 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Ketone Body Monitoring 413

Figure 1. Structures of major ketone bodies

Ketone bodies are present in small amounts in the energy to be generated in the liver and used by other
blood of healthy individuals during fasting or prolonged organs, such as the brain, heart, kidney cortex and skeletal
exercise. Abnormally large quantities of ketone bodies are muscle when there is limited availability of carbohydrate
found in the blood of individuals who are experiencing or when carbohydrate cannot be used effectively. For
diabetic ketoacidosis, alcoholic ketoacidosis, salicylate example, after an over-night fast, ketone bodies supply
poisoning, and other rare conditions. Ketone bodies have 26% of the body's energy requirements, while they
been used as markers of hepatic energy metabolism supply 3040% of the energy needs after a 3-day fast.
following liver transplantation [1419]. In these instan-
ces, measures of serum or urinary ketones can be useful to Ketogenesis
assess the severity of the underlying disease and to
monitor treatment. Ketogenesis is the process by which fatty acids are
transformed into AcAc and 3HB. This process takes place
in the mitochondria of perivenous hepatocytes [2023].
Ketone body metabolism The production of fatty acids and their conversion to fuel
or to ketone bodies are determined by several factors
Ketone body metabolism includes both ketogenesis and (Figure 2). Fatty acid production in adipose tissue is
ketolysis. These biochemical activities enable fat-derived stimulated by epinephrine and glucagon and inhibited by

Figure 2. Relationship between glucose and fatty acid metabolism and the formation of ketone bodies in the hepatocyte. Glu-
cose and fatty acids are metabolized to acetyl CoA, which enters the citric acid cycle by condensing with oxaloacetate. Glycoly-
sis produces pyruvate, which is a precursor of oxaloacetate. If glycolysis falls to very low levels, then oxaloacetate is
preferentially utilized in the process of gluconeogenesis. In this case oxaloacetate is not available to condense with acetyl CoA
produced by fatty acid metabolism and acetyl CoA becomes diverted from the citric acid cycle to ketone body formation

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414 L. Laffel

insulin. Acetyl CoA is the link to the citric acid cycle hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (HBD), a phosphatidyl
following glycolysis of glucose or b-oxidation of fatty choline-dependent enzyme. During this step, NADH is
acids. To enter the citric acid cycle, acetyl CoA rst oxidized to NAD+, and as a consequence, the ultimate
condenses with oxaloacetate (Figure 2). Oxaloacetate is ratio of 3HB to AcAc in the blood is dependent on
derived from pyruvate during glycolysis. Therefore, it is the redox potential (i.e. the NADH/NAD+ ratio) within
essential to have a level of glycolysis that provides hepatic mitochondria.
sufcient oxaloacetate to condense with acetyl CoA. If Acetoacetate and 3HB are short-chain (4-carbon)
glucose levels become too low (e.g. during fasting or low organic acids that can freely diffuse across cell mem-
insulin levels in diabetes), then oxaloacetate is preferen- branes. Therefore, ketone bodies can serve as a source of
tially utilized in the process of gluconeogenesis, instead of energy for the brain (which does not utilize fatty acids)
condensing with acetyl CoA. Acetyl CoA is then diverted and the other organs mentioned above [25]. Ketone
to ketone body formation. bodies are ltered and reabsorbed in the kidney. At
In healthy adults, the liver is capable of producing up to physiologic pH, these organic acids dissociate completely.
185 g of ketone bodies per day. The process includes the The large hydrogen-ion load generated during their
following steps: b-oxidation of fatty acids to acetyl CoA, pathologic production, in diabetic ketoacidosis, for
formation of acetoacetyl CoA, conversion of acetoacetyl example, rapidly overwhelms the normal buffering
CoA to 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA (HMG CoA) and capacity and leads to a metabolic acidosis with an
then to AcAc; and nally reduction of AcAc to 3HB increased anion gap.
(Figure 3).
The conversion of acetyl CoA to acetoacetyl CoA is Control of ketogenesis
catalyzed by 3-ketothiolase (Figure 3). HMG CoA is The rate of ketogenesis depends upon the activity of three
formed from acetoacetyl CoA by mitochondrial HMG enzymes: hormone-sensitive lipase (or triglyceride
CoA synthase (mHS). This step is stimulated by starva- lipase), which is found in peripheral adipocytes, and
tion, low levels of insulin, and the consumption of a high- acetyl CoA carboxylase and mHS, which are found in the
fat diet [24]. HMG CoA is also produced from ketogenic liver (Figure 4). The rst two of these enzymes, hormone-
amino acids such as leucine, lysine, and tryptophan via a sensitive lipase and acetyl CoA carboxylase, are in turn
separate enzymatic process. HMG CoA is then cleaved to exquisitely controlled by the level of circulating insulin
liberate AcAc in a step mediated by HMG CoA lyase (HL). [26], which acts to inhibit ketogenesis, and epinephrine
The reduction of AcAc to 3HB is catalyzed by 3- and glucagon, which act to stimulate ketogenesis

Figure 3. Enzymes in the hepatocyte involved in ketone formation. Fatty acyl CoA is transported into mitochondria via the
carnitine shuttle, driven by carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT 1). Acetyl CoA carboxylase catalyzes the production of malo-
nyl CoA from acetyl CoA. Since malonyl CoA inhibits CPT1, decreased activity of acetyl CoA carboxylase stimulates transport of
fatty acids into the mitochondria. The enzymes in the conversion of acetyl CoA to acetoacetate are 3-ketothiolase (3-KT), HMG
CoA synthase (mHS) and HMG CoA lyase (HL). Acetoacetate is reduced to 3HB by 3-HB dehydrogenase (HBD), and acetone is
formed by the spontaneous decarboxylation of acetoacetate

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Ketone Body Monitoring 415

Figure 4. Relationship between hepatocytes and adipocytes in glucose and lipid metabolism. The ratio of glucagon to insulin deter-
mines the utilization and storage of glucose and fatty acids by hepatocytes and adipocytes. The rate of ketogenesis depends upon
the activity of hormone-sensitive lipase in adipocytes (right panel) and acetyl CoA carboxylase and mHS, which are found in the
liver (see Figure 3). When insulin levels are high (left panel), glucose is converted to energy (ATP) in most cells and is stored as
glycogen in hepatocytes. Fatty acids are converted to triglyceride in hepatocytes. The triglycerides are then transported by lipopro-
teins for storage in adipocytes. When insulin levels decrease (right panel), the stores of glycogen are liberated as glucose by the
hepatocytes for use as fuel by other cells. Hormone-sensitive lipase activity, regulated by insulin and glucagon, increases, and the
triglycerides stored in adipocytes are released as fatty acids. As the glucose levels drop due to depletion of the glycogen stores, the
fatty acids become the major fuel for most cells and ketone production increases in hepatocytes

[2730]. Insulin inhibits lipolysis and stimulates lipogen- biosynthesis. Malonyl CoA levels vary in the liver directly
esis through deactivation of hormone-sensitive lipase and according to the rate of fatty acid synthesis and inversely
activation of acetyl CoA carboxylase, respectively. In with the rate of fatty acid oxidation [31]. Therefore,
other words, a low glucagon/insulin ratio inhibits keto- malonyl CoA plays a pivotal role in the regulation of
genesis while a high glucagon/insulin ratio, as occurs ketogenesis. Low levels of malonyl CoA stimulate trans-
with fasting or diabetes, favors ketogenesis through port of fatty acids into the mitochondria via the carnitine
promotion of lipolysis in the adipocyte and stimulation shuttle for oxidation to ketone bodies. Malonyl CoA
of b-oxidation of free fatty acids in the liver. normally inhibits the carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1
Hormone-sensitive lipase catalyzes the conversion of (CPT 1), the enzyme that transports fatty acyl CoA across
triglycerides to diglycerides for further degradation to the the mitochondrial membrane (Figure 3).
free fatty acids that serve as substrate for ketogenesis. On Insulin inhibits ketogenesis by triggering the depho-
the other hand, acetyl CoA carboxylase catalyzes the sphorylation of hormone-sensitive lipase and activates
conversion of acetyl CoA to malonyl CoA, increasing lipogenesis by stimulating acetyl CoA carboxylase
the hepatic level of the primary substrate of fatty acid (Table 1; Figure 4). In the adipocytes, dephosphorylation

Table 1. Effects of insulin and glucagon on key enzymes controlling ketogenesis

Effect of insulin Effect of glucagon

Enzyme Location Action Result (ketogenesis E) (ketogenesis F)

Hormone-sensitive lipase peripheral adipocytes breaks down triglycerides elevated serum fatty acids inhibited stimulated
(see Figure 4) into fatty acids
Acetyl CoA carboxylase hepatocytes converts acetyl CoA to malonyl CoA blocks fatty stimulated inhibited
(see Figure 3) malonyl CoA acid transport into mitochondria
HMG CoA synthase hepatic mitochondria converts acetoacetyl CoA rate limiting step in producing inhibited stimulated
(see Figure 3) into acetoacetate the rst of the series of ketone

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416 L. Laffel

of hormone-sensitive lipase inhibits the breakdown of protein synthesis via reversible succinylation of the
triglycerides to fatty acids and glycerol, the rate-limiting enzyme itself [32]. Increasing the activity of mHS leads
step in the release of free fatty acids from the adipocyte. to the production of ketone bodies (Figures 3 and 4).
This thereby reduces the amount of substrate that is
available for ketogenesis. In addition, insulin-mediated Ketolysis
dephosphorylation of inhibitory sites on hepatic acetyl
CoA carboxylase increases the production of malonyl CoA Ketolysis is the process by which ketone bodies are
and simultaneously reduces the rate at which fatty acids converted into energy that can be used to fuel various
can enter hepatic mitochondria for oxidation and ketone intracellular metabolic activities. Ketolysis occurs in the
body production. mitochondria of many extrahepatic organs. The central
Glucagon stimulates ketogenesis by triggering the nervous system is particularly dependent on the delivery
phosphorylation of both lipase and acetyl CoA carboxy- of ketone bodies produced in the liver for the process of
lase by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. In the ketolysis, since ketogenesis occurs very slowly if at all in
adipocytes, phosphorylation of lipase by cyclic AMP- the central nervous system. Ketolysis involves two key
dependent protein kinase stimulates the release of fatty steps (Figure 5), the reconstitution of acetoacetyl CoA
acids from triglycerides (Figure 4). Glycerol freely from AcAc by the enzyme succinyl CoA-oxoacid transfer-
diffuses out of the adipose tissue into the circulation for ase (SCOT), and the subsequent cleavage of an acetyl
transport to the liver. Free fatty acids enter the circulation group from acetoacetyl CoA to form acetyl CoA by the
and travel bound to albumin for uptake and metabolism enzyme methylacetoacetyl CoA thiolase (MAT).
in other tissues such as the heart, skeletal muscle, kidney, SCOT is the rate-determining step in ketolysis. SCOT
and the liver. In hepatocytes, phosphorylation of acetyl activity is highest in the heart and kidney, followed by the
CoA carboxylase by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase central nervous system and skeletal muscle [33]. SCOT
reduces the production of malonyl CoA which, in turn, activity is also present, but at very low levels, in the liver.
stimulates fatty acid uptake by the mitochondria, and Due to the sheer mass of skeletal muscle, this tissue
thus increases the amount of substrate available for accounts for the highest fraction of total ketone body
ketogenesis. metabolism in the resting state [34]. SCOT activity is
Hepatic mitochondrial HMG CoA synthase (mHS) is the down-regulated by high (>5 mM) intracellular levels of
third key enzyme involved in the control of ketogenesis. AcAc [35]. This phenomenon is responsible for the
The activity of this enzyme is increased by starvation and observed increase in circulating levels of ketone bodies
a high-fat diet, and it is decreased by insulin. These during the early phases (3 days to 2 weeks) of starvation,
factors modulate the activity of mHS by altering the despite relatively constant rates of hepatic ketogenesis
production of mRNA and the post-translational phase of during this period.

Figure 5. Entry of ketone bodies into the citric acid cycle. Ketone bodies are used as fuel by the brain during prolonged starva-
tion. They enter the citric acid cycle after being converted to acetyl CoA by succinyl CoA-oxoacid transferase (SCOT) and
methylacetoacetyl CoA thiolase (MAT)

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Ketone Body Monitoring 417

MAT, the enzyme responsible for the second key step in associated with withdrawal following binge drinking
ketolysis, is present in the liver the primary locus of (alcoholic ketoacidosis), salicylate overdose and isopropyl
ketogenesis as well. In extrahepatic tissues, this enzyme alcohol ingestion.
tends to enhance the production of acetyl CoA from
acetoacetyl CoA as mentioned above. In the liver, Physiological ketosis
however, MAT plays a key role in ketogenesis [36]; in
this case, MAT helps create acetoacetyl CoA, the substrate Physiological ketosis occurs quite readily in the neonatal
for mitochondrial HMG CoA synthase (mHS). period and during pregnancy. In newborn infants, ketone
production is activated by the high-fat content of milk.
Ketone body levels The resulting mild hyperketonemia is not associated
with ketonuria. Ketonuria in neonates is abnormal and
The levels of circulating ketone bodies vary across suggestive of an inborn error of metabolism. In toddlers
populations of normal individuals even after controlling and young children, hyperketonemia becomes apparent
for age and duration of fasting. This variation is within 24 h of the onset of a fast. Mild infections in this
presumably caused by variations in basal metabolic age group, especially those associated with vomiting and
rate, hepatic glycogen stores and differences in the diarrhea, commonly cause ketone body levels to rise
mobilization of amino acids from muscle proteins [2]. above 1.0 mM and occasionally into the range of frank
Marked elevations in circulating levels of ketone bodies ketoacidosis. Children of this age are thus more sus-
are seen in certain pathophysiological states, such as ceptible to physiological ketosis because of their dimin-
diabetic ketoacidosis. The levels of circulating ketone ished hepatic stores of glycogen and their proportionately
bodies range from <50 mM in certain postprandial larger central nervous system than adults, in whom
subjects to >25 mM in subjects with diabetic ketoacidosis ketone body levels rise above 1.0 mM only after a fast of
[21,3742]. Most investigators agree that normal serum approximately 3 days, rising further to a plateau of
levels of ketone bodies can be dened as <0.5 mM; 68 mM after 4 weeks of starvation [37].
hyperketonemia can be dened as levels in excess of Pregnancy is associated with two- to three-fold eleva-
1.0 mM, and ketoacidosis can be dened as levels in tions in maternal ketone body levels at baseline [46] and
excess of 3.0 mM [2,29]. a rapid, exaggerated rise in these levels in response to a
The ketone body ratio, dened as the ratio of fast [47]. Ketone bodies can be detected in the urine of
circulating 3HB to AcAc, is approximately 1 following a normal individuals who are fasting and in approximately
meal, but this rises to nearly 6 after prolonged fasting 30% of the rst morning specimens of pregnant women
[2,41,4345]. The ketone body ratio can also be markedly [48]. Ketone bodies have been found to cross the placenta
elevated in diabetic ketoacidosis, alcoholic ketoacidosis, freely [49]. In rodent models, prolonged periods of
severe hypoxia, end-stage liver disease, hepatic ischemia, maternal ketosis have been associated with fetal mal-
various metabolic disorders, and multiple organ failure. formations including neural tube defects [50].
All of these pathological states are characterized by Ketogenic diets and prolonged exercise are also
changes in the redox potential within hepatocellular associated with physiological ketosis. Ketogenic diets,
mitochondria such that there are low levels of the reduced which are used in certain weight-reduction programs [51]
form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) and and which have been used to treat patients with
high levels of the oxidized form of nicotinamide adenine refractory epilepsy, contain at least 50% of their calories
dinucleotide (NAD+). as fat. This degree of fat content is nearly twice as high as
that found in the typical diet of individuals in developed
nations. Prolonged exercise is also associated with mild
Ketosis hyperketonemia, with ketone body levels not uncom-
monly rising to the range of 12 mM [52].
Ketosis is nearly always a transient condition that is
characterized by elevated serum levels of ketone bodies. Diabetic ketoacidosis
Both hyperketonemia and ketoacidosis are considered to
be forms of ketosis. The most common causes of ketosis Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and the hyperglycemic
are `physiological', in which mildly to moderately elevated hyperosmolar nonketotic state (HHNS) are two serious,
levels of circulating ketone bodies are present in response acute metabolic complications of diabetes [53,54]. Of
to fasting (especially during infancy or pregnancy), these two complications, only DKA is associated with
prolonged exercise, or a ketogenic (high-fat) diet. Ketosis elevated levels of ketone bodies in the blood. Several
can also be caused by pathological processes such as those comprehensive reviews of DKA have been published in
precipitated by endocrine diseases including diabetes recent years [5562]. This paper provides a brief overview
mellitus, cortisol deciency, and growth hormone de- of DKA and a detailed summary of ketone metabolism in
ciency; toxic ingestions of ethanol or salicylates; and this pathological setting. The hyperglycemic hyperosmolar
certain rare inborn errors of metabolism. The most nonketotic state is not discussed further.
common pathological causes of ketosis are diabetic DKA is an acute pathological process that is character-
ketoacidosis and toxic ketoacidoses, especially those ized by elevated blood glucose, elevated levels of ketone

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418 L. Laffel

Table 2. Comparison of typical changes in selected laboratory results associated with DKA and other states altering ketone meta-

Total plasma ketones Plasma glucose Glycosuria Plasma pH

Diabetic ketoacidosis large increase increase positive decrease

Starvation or high fat intake slight increase normal negative normal
Alcohol ketosis (starvation) slight to moderate increase normal or decrease negative decrease or increase
Salicylate intoxication normal normal or decrease negative decrease or increasea
Methanol or ethylene glycol normal normal negative, false positive, decrease
intoxication or false negative
Respiratory alkalosis and metabolic acidosis.
This table was adapted from Kitabchi A, Fisher J, Murphy M, Rumbak M. Diabetic ketoacidosis and the hyperglycemic, hyperosmolar nonketotic state. In Joslin's
Diabetes Mellitus, Kahn C, Weir G (eds). Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1994; 738770. Reproduced with permisson of the author, Dr Abbas E. Kitabchi, and the
publisher, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

bodies in the blood, and metabolic acidosis [63]. These rise in counter-regulatory hormones, the precise hormo-
metabolic derangements are caused by an effective lack of nal milieu that characterizes DKA. This same hormonal
insulin and simultaneous elevations of the counter- milieu inhibits lipid synthesis and re-esterication in the
regulatory hormones glucagon, catecholamines, cortisol, adipocytes. The net impact of these events on adipose
and growth hormone. DKA occurs most often in patients tissue is the release into the circulation of large quantities
with Type 1 diabetes, although it can occur in patients of free fatty acids (FFA).
with Type 2 diabetes. DKA is precipitated by infections, Circulating FFA are both the principal substrate for
omission of or inadequate use of insulin, new-onset ketogenesis and the major stimulant for this process to
diabetes, and other events, such as the stress associated occur. In the liver of patients with active DKA, the
with surgery. In the case of Type 2 diabetes, obese African effective lack of insulin and the high levels of counter-
Americans represent a subset with a higher probability of regulatory hormones combine to impair the re-
ketoacidosis than other Type 2 subsets [64,65]. The esterication of FFA (that is, to impair hepatic lipid
development of DKA was most likely due to impairment synthesis) and to catalyze the processes by which FFA are
of insulin secretion [64,65]. In contrast with patients transported into mitochondria [73,74] and subsequently
having Type 1 diabetes, two-thirds of the obese patients converted into ketone bodies. FFA transport into hepatic
with Type 2 diabetes and DKA were able to maintain mitochondria is enhanced by glucagon-mediated reduc-
good metabolic control during follow-up when insulin tions in the cytosolic malonyl-CoA, which removes
treatment was withdrawn [64]. The treatment of DKA inhibition of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT1).
usually involves hospitalization, continuous infusions of Malonyl-CoA competitively inhibits CPT1, the enzyme
insulin, rehydration, careful replacement of electrolytes, that transports fatty acyl CoA across hepatic mitochon-
restoration of acid/base balance [66,67], and manage- drial membranes (Figure 3) [54,75]. Within the mito-
ment of any underlying infection or other precipitating chondria, fatty acyl CoA normally undergoes b-oxidation
event. to acetyl CoA, and acetyl CoA is in turn shunted into
From the time of Dreschfeld's original description of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. In DKA, however, the
DKA in 1886 [68] until the discovery of insulin nearly 40 enormous supply of fatty acyl CoA and deciency in
years later, mortality from this condition approached oxaloacetate overwhelm these normal biochemical path-
100%. By the early 1930s, however, mortality had ways. When this occurs, excessive amounts of fatty acyl
decreased to 30%, and by 1960 the National Institutes CoA derivatives are oxidized to form ketone bodies, and
of Health reported a 10% mortality from DKA [69]. Even large quantities of 3HB and AcAc are released into the
in the 1990s, however, DKA is associated with mortality blood.
rates in the range of 45% [53]. Mortality from DKA is In addition to the generation of abnormally high levels
usually caused by complications such as cerebral edema of ketone bodies in the blood, DKA is also associated with
[70], adult respiratory distress syndrome, and throm- an alteration in the ratio of these two ketone bodies. This
boembolic phenomena. ratio rises to 3 : 1 or higher (to as high as 10 : 1) in DKA,
with relatively high levels of 3HB being generated as a
Ketone body metabolism in DKA result of the highly reduced state of hepatic mitochondria
In diabetic ketoacidosis, the effective lack of insulin and in the patient with DKA [76] (Figure 6).
concomitant elevations of counter-regulatory hormones The increased level of ketone bodies in the blood of
combine to stimulate lipolysis in the adipose tissue and patients with DKA is offset to some extent by increased
ketogenesis in the liver [71,72]. Indeed, insulin deciency utilization in the brain, skeletal muscle, and kidneys.
is the most important regulator of ketogenesis. Lipolysis Ketone bodies are also ltered in large quantities by the
the breakdown of triglycerides is mediated by hormone- kidneys, and the fraction that is not re-absorbed is
sensitive lipase in adipose tissue. Hormone-sensitive excreted in the urine. In DKA, hypoinsulinemia acts to
lipase is activated by both insulin deciency and the decrease renal clearance of ketone bodies via unclear

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Ketone Body Monitoring 419

Figure 6. Plasma and urine levels of acetoacetic acid, b-hydroxybutyrate and ketone bodies (determined by nitroprusside reac-
tion) in 37 patients with diabetic ketoacidosis before (time 0) and during low-dose infusion (IV) of insulin for 48 h. Panels A
through C indicate levels determined in plasma specimens and Panel D indicates levels determined in urine specimens.
Adapted from Kitabchi A, Fisher J, Murphy M, Rumbak M. Diabetic ketoacidosis and the hyperglycemic, hyperosmolar non-
ketotic state. In Joslin's Diabetes Mellitus, Kahn C, Weir G (eds). Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1994; 738770. Reproduced with
permission of the author, Dr Abbas E. Kitabchi, and the publisher, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

mechanisms [7779]. The utilization of ketone bodies by A third ketone body, acetone, is formed via the
skeletal muscle is reduced as the uptake mechanisms spontaneous decarboxylation of AcAc in patients with
become saturated [34]. The uptake capacity for 3HB in DKA [85]. Acetone, while present in abnormally high
muscle is reduced in diabetes [8082] and insulin does concentrations during DKA, does not contribute to
not further increase the rate of 3HB uptake [80]. metabolic acidosis since it does not dissociate to yield
However, it is the rate of production of ketones, not an hydrogen ions. Acetone is highly fat soluble and is
impaired uptake, that appears to be the major factor in excreted slowly via the lungs. It generates the distinctive,
hyperketonemia [34]. In any case, as a rule, the rate of aromatic smell on the breath of patients in DKA.
ketone body generation always exceeds the combined
rates of ketone body utilization and excretion in DKA. Toxic ketoacidosis
Plasma ketone body concentrations in excess of 200300
times higher than those seen in the normal fasting state Ketoacidosis can also be precipitated following binge
are possible [83]. 3HB and AcAc are strong organic acids drinking and withdrawal in chronic alcoholics [8689],
that dissociate fully at physiological pH. The associated isopropyl alcohol [90,91] and salicylates [92,93]. After
rapid and progressive rise in serum hydrogen ion DKA, alcoholic ketoacidosis is the most common cause
concentration far outstrips the buffering capacity of the of ketoacidosis in adults. It is a relatively common
serum and tissues, and the result is the development of syndrome in chronic alcohol abusers and binge drinkers.
metabolic acidosis [84]. Alcoholic ketoacidosis (AKA) is generally associated with

Copyright # 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Diabetes Metab Res Rev 1999; 15: 412426.
420 L. Laffel

a period of excessive alcohol consumption, followed by Measurement of ketone bodies in

withdrawal and minimal food intake. The decreased food
intake is often due to gastroenteric problems, including
clinical practice
gastritis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, or related to the with-
In the 1970s, patient monitoring for diabetes generally
drawal itself. AKA presents as a syndrome of abdominal
included routine home urine tests for glucose and ketone
pain, nausea, vomiting, and dehydration [94,95]. It is
bodies combined with occasional laboratory determina-
frequently associated with (and sometimes confused
tions of blood glucose. Urinary ketones were used
with) acute gastritis, hepatitis or pancreatitis. Patients
primarily in patients with Type 1 insulin-dependent
often develop supervening pneumonias, strokes, rhabdo-
diabetes to screen for impending DKA. Physicians
myolysis and alcohol withdrawal syndrome. In this
reserved venous blood glucose testing to manage acute
condition, blood glucose levels are often normal, but
metabolic complications and intercurrent illnesses, and to
they can be elevated [96] (Table 2).
investigate new or worsening symptoms [101104].
While ethanol can directly antagonize ketogenesis
Blood testing for ketones, usually qualitative in nature,
[97,98], the pathophysiology of AKA is triggered by an
was reserved for the domain of emergency rooms and
alcohol-induced change in the redox potential within the
medical wards, where it was used for the differential
hepatocytes, and a reduction in oxaloacetate. These
diagnoses of metabolic acidosis, and as an adjunct in the
biochemical effects are triggered when ethyl alcohol is
management of DKA.
metabolized in the liver to acetoacetate and then to
Technical advances in blood glucose self-monitoring,
acetate. Excess amounts of NADH are produced in
combined with proof that aggressive control of blood
association with this process. To reoxidize NADH,
glucose levels reduces the incidence of complications
chemical processes are activated in the hepatocytes, in
[105], has fostered dramatic changes in both the methods
which pyruvate is converted to lactate and oxaloacetate is
for glucose measurement and the goals of glucose
converted to malate [94,99,100]. Since pyruvate and
monitoring. In the 1990s, patient self-monitoring of
oxaloacetate are substrates for gluconeogenesis, this
blood glucose (SMBG) levels by ngerstick has replaced
latter process is diminished.
urine glucose testing as the recommended approach to
As with DKA, a cascade of biochemical processes is
home monitoring of diabetes, and glycated hemoglobin
triggered in AKA. Diminished intracellular oxaloacetate
testing in the clinic has become an accepted approach to
concentrations decrease entry of acetyl CoA into the Krebs
assess diabetes control in the long-term.
cycle. The low ratio of insulin to glucagon decreases
the activity of acetyl CoA carboxylase and consequently
reduces intracellular levels of malonyl CoA. The reduced Traditional ketone-testing methods
levels of malonyl CoA in turn trigger an increase in the
transmitochondrial transport of fatty acyl CoA in In contrast to these striking advances in the approach to
hepatocytes. Thus, fatty acyl CoA, the substrate of hepatic glucose monitoring, the process by which ketone bodies
ketogenesis, is in abundant supply in the mitochondria of are measured in urine and blood, and the clinical
patients with AKA. indications for doing so, have not changed signicantly
In AKA, ketogenesis itself is stimulated by increased in 25 years. Urine ketone testing remains a time-honored
levels of glucagon, cortisol and catecholamines. These part of patient monitoring, especially for those with Type 1
counter-regulatory hormones are elevated in AKA in diabetes [106,107], and blood ketone testing remains
response to volume depletion and intercurrent illnesses. focussed on diagnosis and management of acute acid-
The ketone bodies that are created in AKA exhibit a high base disturbances such as DKA. The American Diabetes
3HB/AcAc ratio as a result of the above-mentioned Association recommends that all people with diabetes
reduced environment in hepatocyte mitochondria. As should test their urine for ketones during periods of acute
discussed below, this phenomenon may create clinically illness or stress, when blood glucose levels are consistently
misleading false-negative urine and blood tests for in excess of 300 mg/dl, during pregnancy, or when
ketones, since the routine tests for ketones do not symptoms suggestive of ketoacidosis are present [108].
detect 3HB. Commercial ketone tests for urine and blood rely on the
Ingestion of isopropyl alcohol is associated with Legal reaction, in which AcAc in a specimen of urine or
ketonemia and a clinical syndrome that resembles alcohol blood reacts in the presence of alkali with nitroprusside
intoxication. Isopropyl alcohol, which is found in anti- (nitroferricyanide) to produce a purple-colored complex
freeze and rubbing alcohol, is metabolized directly to on a test strip or a test tablet. If glycine is added to the test
acetone. In patients that have ingested isopropyl alcohol, reagent, the Legal test can also detect acetone in the
acetone levels are exceedingly high, but levels of the specimen, although to a lesser degree. However, none of
ketoacids 3HB and AcAc are normal. the commercial tests for ketone bodies reacts to the
Unlike isopropyl alcohol ingestion, salicylate poisoning presence of 3HB in the specimen. The Legal test is
stimulates `true' ketogenesis and causes frank ketoacido- semiquantitative; it does not measure the exact amount of
sis. Salicylate poisoning should always be considered in ketones in urine or blood.
the differential diagnosis of ketoacidosis of undetermined Some commercial tests for ketone bodies contain
origin. glycine and hence can detect both acetone and AcAc,

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Ketone Body Monitoring 421

while others only detect AcAc. There is no evidence that specimens are highly acidic, such as after the ingestion
any of these commercial tests offer advantages over the of large quantities of ascorbic acid. Potentially prevent-
others. Multitest urine strips used in the professional ofce able DKA has been reported in children with Type 1
or hospital setting utilize the methodology noted above. diabetes due to falsely negative home urine ketone test
results [119].
Problems with traditional approaches
Quantitative tests for 3HB in the blood
Conventional ketone testing with the nitroprusside test is
associated with several problems. Perhaps the most basic The inability of the nitroprusside test to detect 3HB and
one is that patients perceive urinary ketone testing to be an increasing belief that blood levels of 3HB might prove
an unpleasant and time-consuming experience, particu- useful in the management of DKA, as well as provide the
larly in this era of promoting blood glucose monitoring. potential to avert DKA, have recently stimulated the
As a result, the rates of noncompliance are exceedingly development of assays for 3HB in the blood [45,120].
high. In addition, commercial ketone tests can provide Rapid enzymatic methods have now been developed for
misleading information in the diagnosis and manage- the quantication of 3HB levels in small-volume samples
ment of DKA or impending DKA, and they are associated [121,122], and at least two manufacturers offer a blood
with a signicant risk of false-positive and false-negative ketone test based on these methods.
ndings. The rst of these systems is marketed by GDS
Commercial ketone tests are associated with well- Diagnostics (Elkart, IN, USA), which is a bench-top
known difculties in their role as DKA diagnostic and analyzer for use in clinical laboratories and physicians'
management tools [85,109]. For example, ketones can be ofces. The GDS System determines 3HB levels on a drop
found in signicant quantities in the urine of individuals of blood (25 ml) in about 2 min. The detection range of
who are not in DKA. In DKA management, urinary ketone 3HB for the GDS System is 02 mM. Adhering to
tests are unreliable for monitoring recovery due to un- recommended procedures, the performance of the GDS
predictable degrees of ketone-body reabsorption in the Diagnostics System compared favorably to that of an
kidneys, and the fact that ketone bodies may be detected automated Hitachi 717 analyzer that is normally reserved
in urine long after blood concentrations have returned to for laboratory use [120]. The need to dilute sample with
normal levels. serum and the need to assay at room temperature are,
Ketone test results can actually cause a false impression however, both deterrents to rapid and routine use.
that DKA is failing to respond to therapy, when in fact an A second system for the precise quantication of 3HB
adequate response is underway. The nitroprusside levels in the blood has recently been introduced by Abbott
reagent only detects AcAc, not 3HB. The ketone body Laboratories, MediSense Products Inc. (Bedford, MA,
ratio in the setting of DKA is initially 3 : 1 (3HB : AcAc), or USA). The Precision XtraTM Advanced Diabetes Manage-
greater. As DKA improves with insulin therapy, there is an ment Systems is a simple-to-use hand-held device that is
overall reduction in the levels of ketone bodies and a currently available as a tool for self-monitoring of blood
coincident conversion of 3HB to AcAc, which is driven by 3HB levels in the home. This system can measure 3HB
an increasingly oxidized state in the hepatocytes. The net levels on a ngerstick blood specimen (5 ml) within 30 s
effect of these two changes is that AcAc levels tend and is accurate for 3HB levels from 0 mM to as high as
to plateau for a period of time even as 3HB levels and 6 mM. The Precision XtraTM System utilizes a specic re-
overall ketone body levels are dropping precipitously agent card for 3HB and one for glucose. This allows users
[110]. In such a circumstance, the nitroprusside test, to assess serum glucose levels during the same procedure.
whether it is performed on urine or blood, fails to detect
the overall improvement and may lead to unnecessary Applications of quantitative blood 3HB
and potentially dangerous increases in insulin therapy tests
Furthermore, ketone tests based on the nitroprus- Quantitative determinations of 3HB levels in the blood
side reaction have been reported to give false-positive would appear to have certain advantages in Type 1
results in the presence of drugs containing sulfhydryl diabetes, DKA, pregnancy complicated by diabetes, and
groups such as the antihypertensive drug Captopril1, managing toxic ketoacidoses and other medical condi-
mesna, N-acetylcysteine, dimercaprol and penicillamine tions when compared with the nitroprusside test for
[112116]. An overwhelming majority of laboratories fail ketone bodies. At a minimum, the new test eliminates the
to follow procedures to eliminate or recognize these false- problem of false-positive test results caused by sulfhydryl-
positive results [117,118]. Cases in which patients containing drugs.
received or nearly received inappropriate therapy with
insulin due to false-positive ketone recordings have been Can ngerstick determinations of 3HB levels
reported [114,115]. increase patient compliance with
False-negative readings also have been reported when recommendations for ketone testing?
nitroprusside test strips or tablets have been exposed to While there are no data to support the hypothesis that a
air for an extended period of time or when urine ngerstick test for 3HB would increase patient compli-

Copyright # 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Diabetes Metab Res Rev 1999; 15: 412426.
422 L. Laffel

ance for ketone testing, the shift from urine glucose As another example, patients must be taught how to
testing to SMBG should provide a reasonable predictive deal with the new volume of information that they will be
model. The American Diabetes Association recommends collecting. In cases where serum glucose levels and
that most patients with diabetes perform SMBG 34 times ketone levels are both elevated or both normal, it will be
daily in order to lower blood glucose levels to normal or reasonably clear what is required. But what should
near-normal levels [106]. Nevertheless, national survey patients do when there is some degree of discordance
data from 1989 indicate that only 33% of people with in the ndings, e.g. if 3HB levels are found to be elevated
diabetes (including 40% of those with Type 1) perform in the setting of normal or near-normal glucose values?
SMBG even once daily [123]. Barriers to increasing the Clearly more studies are necessary, and perhaps guide-
use of SMBG, and presumably blood 3HB testing, include lines for patient self-management of 3HB levels need to be
`high costs . . . inadequate education of both health care drafted before there can be a clear path forward.
providers and patients about the health benets . . .
patient psychological and physical discomfort associated Can the direct measurement of 3HB enhance
with nger-prick blood sampling, and patient-perceived the management of DKA in any way
inconvenience of testing in terms of time requirements [133,134]?
and complexity of the technique' [101,124]. Thus, while b-Hydroxybutyrate levels correlate better than AcAc with
the ngerstick approach is likely to be more palatable to changes in acid-base status during the course of treatment
some than the nitroprusside test on urinary specimens, for DKA [64]. For example, acidosis had resolved in all
this approach may not represent a `magic bullet' for patients in whom 3HB levels were <0.5 mM but in none
patient compliance. However, studies specic to ketone of the patients in whom 3HB levels exceeded 1.1 mM. In
testing are needed. contrast, more than half of the patients had positive
nitroprusside tests for up to 24 h after acidosis had
Can quantication of 3HB levels in the blood of resolved. Rapid determinations of 3HB levels were `useful
patients with Type 1 diabetes be used to help in establishing the diagnosis of DKA and in the manage-
monitor diabetes control and guide insulin ment of patients with prolonged metabolic acidosis,
therapy? combined diabetic and lactic acidosis, and other mixed
Available evidence suggests that this test could indeed be acid-base disorders'. Direct measurements of 3HB
helpful to physicians who treat patients with Type 1 improved laboratory turnaround time and replaced a
diabetes. For example, 3HB levels were found to be subjective, qualitative result with one that is quantitative
more sensitive than the nitroprusside test in the detec- and less subject to observer bias [135].
tion of under-insulinization and avoidance of DKA A new insulin regimen for the acute treatment of DKA
[125,126]. Also, there was a dissociation between used normalization of serum 3HB levels, rather than
serum glucose levels and serum 3HB levels in several normalization of serum glucose levels, as the primary
patients. Based on these observations, 3HB levels, endpoint for reducing insulin therapy from continuous
especially those determined before breakfast, can be a infusion (5 U/h) to a lower dose [136]. This `extended
sensitive metabolic marker to estimate the adequacy of insulin regimen' was safe and produced resolution of
insulin therapy [127]. ketosis approximately 14 h earlier than the conventional
Serum 3HB levels were found to be elevated in several regimen. The authors speculated that more effective
Type 2 patients despite normal fasting blood glucose resolution of ketosis may lead to a more rapid improve-
levels if they were treated with diet and/or oral ment in insulin sensitivity during the early recovery
antidiabetic medications and no insulin [125]. The role period from DKA, and that this may, in turn, potentially
of 3HB testing in Type 2 patients certainly requires shorten the length of hospital stay [137].
further investigation [128]. Other investigators [120] recently concluded that
Serum 3HB levels are useful in designing new insulin frequent monitoring of serum ketone bodies adds little
regimens aimed at optimizing glycemic control for if any useful information in the management of DKA
Type 1 patients with a history of nocturnal hypo- to that provided by a routine chemistry panel that
glycemia [129]. A separate, larger issue is whether included measurements of serum glucose and total
home use of the 3HB blood test can prove useful carbon dioxide levels, even when 3HB specically was
in daily management of Type 1, much as SMBG has determined. In this study, the investigators found no
become a central part of diabetes daily management. clear relation between 3HB levels on admission and the
While there are no published studies that focus on this course of the DKA and development of DKA complica-
key issue, experiences with SMBG again can be applied tions. These investigators speculated that quantitative
as a model. For example, accurate results with home determinations of 3HB were probably not necessary even
3HB testing are likely to be technique dependent in DKA patients that had multiple causes of acidosis. In
[130132]. Some effort will be required to assure that such cases, the investigators suggested that `selective use
patients' techniques are acceptable, both initially and of the nitroprusside test along with measurement of
with time. Further, any device approved for home lactate may help differentiate mixed acidosis'. These
blood ketone testing should, therefore, be technique conclusions have recently been supported by another
independent. group [53].

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Ketone Body Monitoring 423

Thus, this small cohort of recent studies has provided Conclusion

conicting results on the benets of 3HB testing in the
management of DKA. In this setting, the American Ketones are normally present in the blood during fasting
Diabetes Association has adopted this position on such and prolonged exercise. They are also found in the blood
tests: of neonates and pregnant women. Diabetes is the most
Healthcare professionals should be aware . . . that common pathological cause of elevated blood ketones.
currently available urine ketone tests are not reliable SMBG has become the standard of practice for optimizing
for diagnosing or monitoring treatment of ketoacidosis. metabolic control in patients with both Type 1 and Type 2
Blood ketone testing methods that quantify 3- diabetes. Recently, a similar technology has become
hydroxybutyric acid, the predominant ketone body, available for self-monitoring of blood ketones. To date,
are now available. These may offer a useful alternative the proper role for such a technology has yet to be
to urine ketone testing because 3-hydroxybutyric acid established. For those who are already comfortable with
determinations are reliable for diagnosing and mon- SMBG, the new technology offers the opportunity to
itoring treatment of ketoacidosis [101]. obtain additional information without having to resort to
the time consuming and sometimes unpleasant task of
Do quantitative assays for 3HB have value in urine testing for ketones.
predicting certain fetal outcomes in the
offspring of pregnant women with diabetes
and gestational diabetes? Acknowledgements
A few studies have provided support for the role of 3HB Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Abbott
testing in pregnant women with diabetes. For example, it Laboratories, Medisense Products Inc.
has been known for many years that prolonged maternal
ketonemic states, be they physiological or pathological,
adversely impact fetal brain development [49,138]. A
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