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What is a translation?

A shape is translated when it moves along a straight line from one position to another. The movement is a
translation, or a slide.
The shape does not turn.
When we draw the shape in its new position, we draw a translation image of the shape.

This shape has been translated:

2 squares right and
2 squares up.
Whenever you describe a translation,
say how many squares left or right,
and then say how many up or down.

Translation arrows join matching points on the shape and its image. The shape and its image face the same

Try these:
Do these pictures show translations? Write Yes or No on the line.
Once you have finished, you are ready to move onto the next step!
Ask for an emoji to draw onto this grid. First one is for your rough draft- to think and plan out your
translation. Second one is for your final copy!
This is the translation for my emoji (circle the word that applies)!

___ squares up / down ___ squares left / right

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