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Chapter # 19 Dawn of modern physics

Answer No 1

The measurement on which two observes in relative motion will always agree
upon are,

1- Speed of light in vacuum. 2- Force on moving object.

3- Magnitude of charge of the moving object

Answer No 2

According to special theory of relativity time is not an absolute quantity. It

depends upon the motion of frame of reference. As knowledge of science is
based upon observation and measurement only .So we can say time is
measured to dilate. In other wards time really passes more slowly in moving
system and this surprising result applies to all timing processes. Even aging
process of human body is slowed by motion at very high speed.

Answer No 3

(a) NO change is pulse rate would be observed for a person present in the
fast moving spaceship between relative velocity is zero. i.e

t= 1v 2/c 2 -
= 1

(b) As the spaceship is moving with very high speed with respect to earth.
So the pulse rate of the people on earth will be slower as measured by
the people in space ship.

Answer No 4

As we know that (a) t=

= 10 = to

i-e there will be no time dilation.

(a) L= Lo (1
L = Lo = lo

L= Lo

i.e there will be no length contraction.

mo mo
(c) As m=

m= 10 = mo

i.e there will be no increase in mass.

(d) As we know E= mc2

E= m ()2


Answer No 5

Yes, the compressed spring has more mass than compressed spring.

Explaintion: The work done in compressing the spring converted into energy
according to Einstein mass energy relation. E = mc 2

The increase in energy increases the mass as m= C2

As E is very small, thus, m is in too small to be measured.

Answer No 6

At low temperature a body emits radiations which are of long wavelengths.

The longest visible radiation is red. So it appears first red. As the
temperature is increased the shorter wavelength radiation emitted.


m T
Answer No 7

The total energy radiated per second is increased to 16 times.

Explanation: As we know by Steffen Boltzmann law,

E = T4

T1 = 2T

E1 = T4

E1 = (2T)4

E1 = (16T4)

E1 = 16 ( T4)

E1 = 16 E

Answer No 8

Beam of red light contains greater no of photons.

Reasons: As we know E = hf = (v=f )

So, En = n

n= c

red > blue So red bean will have greater no of photons.

Answer No 9

Blue light has most energy momentum.

hc h
Explanation: As E and P =

Since the wave length of blue photon is shortest these it carries most E and P
Answer No 10

Radio waves have lower energy quanta.

Reasons: As energy of quanta is given by E = since the wave length of

radio waves is longer than x-rays. So radio waves have lower energy quanta
than x-rays. The energy of x-rays1Mev and radio waves has energy~1x10-10

Answer No 11

It depends upon number of photons.

Reason: Brightness mean the energy delivered per unit time per unit area.
So the brightness of beam of light depends upon the no of photons of light.
Energy of light beam depends upon frequency of photons.

Answer No 12

As energy of Ultraviolet light is greater than visible light and when they fall
on a certain dyes they can excite the atoms of dyes on de-excitation they
emit energy in the visible region. The difference in energy will appear as heat
energy .However when infra-red light is made to fall on the atoms of the dyes
then on de-excitation atoms of the dyes cannot emits visible light because
energy of infrared is less than visible light.

Answer No 13

Yes bright light eject more electrons from a metal surface.

Reasons: As we know that number of electrons emitted from a metal surface

depends upon the intensity of light. Thus greater the intensity of light
greater be the number of electrons emitted and vice versa.

Answer No 14

No, the no of photoelectrons does not depend upon frequency but depends
upon the intensity depends upon the light. SO thats why both higher and
lower frequency photons will emit the same no of electrons, if the frequency
of light is greater than threshold frequency.

Answer No 15

Yes momentum is transferred to the metal surface when light shine on it.
According to Einstein theory light rays are composed of tiny particles knows
as photons whose momentum is given as P = thus when light shines on

the metal surfaces it means that photons strike the metal surface and
transfer their momentum during collision to the metal surface.

Answer No 16

The energy of photon of light is given as E = hf = As the red light has

largest wavelength in visible spectrum, thus it has least energy so it cannot

affect the photographic film. Due to this red light can be used but blue or
white light cant be used.

Answer No 17

As EA = 2E


PA = 2PB

PA 2
PB = 1

PA : PB = 2:1

It means that photon A has twice the momentum to that of B

Answer No 18

For Compton scattering it is necessary that the energy of the photon should
be much greater than the binding energy of the electron. Hf > >

Hf= binding energy of electron = work function of the metal

Visible light photons have smaller energy and smaller frequency so Compton
effect is not observed.
Answer No 19

Pair production cant take place in vacuum between it always take place in
the presence of a heavy nucleus. So that must be a particle to take up recoil
energy and momentum is conserved and it is also the violation of law of
conservation of momentum so pair production cant take place in vacuum.

Answer No 20

No, it is not possible to create a single particle from energy whenever energy
is converted into mass two particles must be created according to the law of
conservation of charge and momentum.

Answer No 21

If electrons behave as discrete particles with no wave properties they would

pass through two slits and strike the screen causing it to glow and produce
exact image of the Slits.

Answer No 22

As we know P = and p= mv

h h
Mv =
2V =

constant 1

V= m V m (me < mp)

So speed of electron is greater than proton.

Answer No 23

According to do Broglies hypothesis the wavelength of wave associated with

moving particle is : = mV

As cricket ball has large mass, thus the wave associated with it is so small
that it is not detectable.
Answer No 24

As we know = 2 mVe

Ve = K.E = E

= 2 mE

As h and E are constant.

So, = 2 m

= m



Since -particles has greatest mass, thus wavelength of -particle is shortest

Answer No 25

In the phenomena like reflection, refraction, interference, diffraction and

polarization wave nature of light predominates while in photoelectric effet
compotons effect pair production and black body radiations. Light behaves as
a particle.

Answer No 26

Resolving power of electron microscope is thousand times higher than

that of optical microscope
Magnification of electron microscope is about 1000 times greater than
that of optical microscope.
A 3-d image can be obtained by it.
Electron microscope show, minor details of the object order
observation which are not shown by optical microscope.
Answer No 27

No, those measurements cannot show precise momentum.

Explanation : According to Heisenberg uncertainty principle, position and

momentum of a particle cannot be measured simultaneously with perfect

x P h

p x

So, if x is very small, than P will be large.

QUESTIONS 19.1:- What are the

measurements on which two
observers in relative motion will
always agree upon? 19.2:- Does the
dilation means that time really
passes more slowly in moving
system or that it only seems to pass
more slowly? 19.3:- If you are moving
in a spaceship at a very high speed
relative to the Earth, would you
notice a difference (a)in pulse rate (b)
in the pulse rate of people on earth?
19.4:- If the speed of light were
infinite, what would the equations of
special theory of relativity reduce to?
19.5:- Since mass is a form of
energy, can we conclude that a
compressed spring has more mass
than the same spring when it is not
compressed? 19.6:- As a Solid is
heated and begins to glow, why dose
it first appear red? 19.7:- What
happens to total radiation form a
blackbody if its absolute temperature
is doubled? 19.8:- A beam of red
light and a beam of blue light have
exactly the same energy. Which
beam contains the greater number of
photons? 19.9:- Which photon, red,
green, or blue carries the most (a)
energy and momentum? 19.10:-
Which has the lower energy quanta?
Radio waves or X-rays 19.11:- Does
the brightness of a beam of light
primarily depends on the frequency
of photons or on the number of
photons? 19.12:- When ultraviolet
light falls on certain dyes, visible light
is emitted. Why does this not happen
when infrared light falls on these
dyes? 19.13:- Will bright light eject
more electrons from a metal surface
than dimmer light of the same
colour? 19.14:- will higher frequency
light eject greater number of
electrons then low frequency light?
19.15:- when light shines on a
surface, is momentum transferred to
the metal surface? 19.16:- Why can
red light be used in a photographic
dark room when developing films, but
a blue or white light cannot? 19.17:-
Photon Ahas twice the energy of
photon B. What is the ratio of the
momentum of A to that of B? 19.18:-
Why dont we observe a Compton
effect with visible light? 19.19:- Can
pair production take place in
vacuum? Explain 19.20:- Is it
possible to create a single electron
from energy? Explain. 19.21:- If
electrons behaved only like particles,
what pattern would you expect on the
screen after the electrons passes
through the double slit? 19.22:- If an
electrons and a proton have the
same be Broglie wavelength, which
particle has greater speed? 19.23:-
We do not notice the be Broglie
wavelength for a pitched cricket ball.
Explain why? 19.24:- If the following
particles have the same energy,
which has the shortest wavelength ?
Electron, alpha particle, neutron,
proton. 19.25:- When dose light
behave as a wave? When does it
behave as a particale? 19.26:-What
advantages an electron microscope
has over an optical microscope?
19.27:- If measurements show a
precise position for an electron, can
those measurements show precise
momentum also? Explain.

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