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Installation procedure

8810 - ORP


0 - 1 mg/l S 2-

03/2001 621 = 997 = 125

Rev . H
8810 - ORP - Sulphide 0 - 1 mg/l S


1.1 Basic configuration
1.2 Principle of the measurement
1.3 Calibration principle

2.1 Programming menu
2.2.1 Application
2.2.2 Options
2.2.3 Adjust I out
2.2.4 Unit.
2.3 Titration parameters
2.4 Cycle parameters
2.5 Sample conditioning
2.6 Chemical cleaning
2.7 General test
2.8 Sequence
2.9 Analog outputs
2.10 Example of programming

3.1 Initial calibration
3.2 Start up
3.3 Process calibration
3.4 Reading calibration parameters

4.1 R1 = Titration: Silver nitrate
4.2 R2 = Conditioning: NaOH
4.3 R3 = Cleaning: NaOH + EDTA
4.4 Calibration solution

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8810 - ORP - Sulphide 0 - 1 mg/l S

- 8810 ORP analyser - Installation procedure -

- Sulphide 0-1 mg/l S2 - -


1.1 Basic configuration : Refinery WWTP

Range 0 - 1 mg/l sulphide

Detection limit 0.05 mg/l
Working electrode Ion Selective Electrode Sulphide, P/N: 368490,00000
Reference electrode Type 8483, with Ag/AgCl, gelified electrolyte, P/N= 368483,00000
Software version ORP N 6.13 or higher
Required equipment One additional conditioning pump (several P/N available),
Heating (P/N: 368810,76000), dark tubing kit (P/N: 368810,84000),
chemical cleaning (P/N: 368810,56000)

Option External sample measurement (P/N: 368810,65000)

1.2 Principle of the measurement : Low level sulphide analysis impose the so-called
two points calibration type to determine slope and
The cell of the analyser is automatically filled with a asymmetry. On a regular basis (once a week
constant and reproducible volume of sample. After maximum, once a month minimum), perform any of
alkaline conditioning, sulphide are titrated directly the following calibration mode to your convenience.
by a solution of silver. The titration is followed by an
Ion Specific Electrode Sulphide.
The titration curve is increasing from a potential of
-500 mV and up to +200 mV with a maximum
deviation around +130 mV. The exact determination a. MANUAL = Manual introduction of two
of the END POINT of the curve, is calculated by the STANDARD injections, directly in the reactor vessel
analyser (Auto-End point). of the analyser.

b. PROCESS = The analyser perform two separate

1.3 Calibration principle titration on rinsing water and process sample. Grab
each fluid during sampling phase and determine
On this application, automatic calibration is not concentration value in the laboratory.
possible because of the great instability in time of
sulphide solutions. No sulphide solution is accurate
after couple of days.

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8810 - ORP - Sulphide 0 - 1 mg/l S


2.1 Programming menu: CLEANING : YES (press ENTER)

Connect the analyser to the power supply. SAMPLE COND. : YES (press ENTER)

O Switch on the red button on the front panel. CAL 2 PTS : YES (press ENTER)

O Press SELECT to enter the main menu. GRAB SAMPLE : (YES or NO) depends if option
External sample measurement was purchased
O Press the UP/DOWN keys to select
SAMPLE TIME : XXX s usually 030 depends
(press ENTER)
on volumetric pump flow (press ENTER).
O Press ENTER and hold on 5 seconds to enter the

T C : XXX.X C usually 025.0 depends on

application (press ENTER)
O Select "PM XXXX" with the scrolling keys.
O Press ENTER.
O Enter 4000 with the scrolling keys.

O Press SELECT to change the digit.

2.2.3 ADJUST I out :
O Enter 4600 with the scrolling keys.
O At first, place a multimeter in series with your
O Press SELECT to change the digit. chart recorder or DCS and select with the scroll
down key ADJUST Iout and press ENTER.
O Enter 4670 with the scrolling keys.
O With the scroll down key, select the analogue
output range (0-20 or 4-20 mA) and press ENTER.
OUT : (0 or 4) ... 20 mA (press ENTER).
If you enter a wrong code, you will be back O With the scroll down key, adjust the analogue
into the main menu. output origin.
OUT : (0 or 4) mA XXX (press ENTER).

O With the scroll down key, adjust 20 mA :

OUT : 20 mA XXX (press ENTER).

O Press ENTER to select "APPLICATION".

O With the scroll down key, select INC. POT.

are POLYMETRON reserved menus.
For this application (millivolt range = - 700
2.2.2 OPTIONS : to + 300 mV), S1 to S5 jumpers must be:

O With the scroll down key, select "OPTION" and

press ENTER.
Enter or check the following information :

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O With the scroll down key, select UNIT and O With the scroll down key select "SAMPLE
press ENTER. COND.", and press ENTER.
Enter and check the following information :
O Enter or check that the unit is in accordance with
usual practise (mg/l, USER = PPB S) and press REAGENT 1 : YES (press ENTER)
INJ. REAG. 1 : 060 s (press ENTER)
O Exit from PM XXXX by pressing SELECT.
TIME REAG.1 : 020 s (press ENTER)

REAGENT 2 : NO (press ENTER)


O With the scroll up key, select "MEASUREMENT" 2.6 CHEMICAL CLEANING :

and press ENTER.
Enter or check the following information: O With the scroll down key select "CLEANING"
and press ENTER. Enter or check the following
AUTO END PT (press ENTER) information :

FREQUENCY : XXX usually 010 adjust to

keep a clean reactor vessel
Deviation : 019 mV (press ENTER)
(press ENTER)

SPRINKLER t. : XXX s usually 007 depends

END PT1 : + 0200 mV (press ENTER)

on rinsing water flow ( press ENTER)

REAG. INJ. t. : XXX s usually 005 adjust to

2.4 CYCLE PARAMETERS: keep a clean reactor vessel (press ENTER)

O With the scroll down key select "TIMING" and RESIDENC t : XXX s usually 030 adjust to
press ENTER. Enter or check the following keep a clean reactor vessel (press ENTER)

SAMPLE TIME : XXX s usually 030 depends on

sample flow (press ENTER)

SPRINKLER N : X s usually 2 adjust to keep a


clean reactor vessel (press ENTER) O With the scroll down key select "SERVICE" and

SPRINKLER t : XX s usually 07 depends on

press ENTER.

rinsing water flow (press ENTER) O With the scroll down key, switch on/off each
analyser subassembly for testing purposes.
INJECT TIME : 01 s (press ENTER)
O Pass to next subassembly by pressing ENTER.
DELAY t. : 07 s (press ENTER)

CYCLE TIME : XXX mn must be over 012 mn

depends on requested analysis frequency

(press ENTER) When you are testing the pumps, let

them work until the reagents arrive in
LIM. TIT. t : XXX mn < or = to CYCLE TIME the vessel.
(press ENTER)

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2.7.1 Sample-taken volume: The unit has been previously selected in the
Using a volumetric cylinder, adjust the level of the UNIT submenu ( see chapter 2.2.4: Unit)
siphon tube (if necessary) to capture exactly 100
ml in the reactor vessel. O With the scroll down key select "ZERO" and
! ! ! Exact volume of 100 ml is required to adjust your chart recorder or DCS on the scale
achieve accuracy during calibration step ! ! ! origin.
Following instructions are the Standard Operation O With the scroll down key select "FULL" and
Procedure to measure this volume. Drain the cell adjust your chart recorder or DCS on full scale.
(DRAIN), fill it with rinse water (SPRINKLER), O With the scroll down key select "CONC" and
weight empty cylinder and place under the drain press ENTER.
valve connector, drain the cell (DRAIN) and
weight full cylinder.

2.7.2 Volumetric pump:
The exact flow is not critical. Verify the time 3.1 INITIAL CALIBRATION:
necessary for the pump to fill the cell and activate
the siphon tube (Usual value: 20 to 30 seconds). It is the first operation to do after the programming.
Input this value as "SAMPLE TIME : XXX" of
menu PM XXXX / OPTION / GRAB SAMPLE (see O With the scroll down key select CALIBRATION
chapter 2.2.3 options) and press ENTER.

O With the scroll down key, select PRIMARY CAL

and press ENTER.
O With the scroll down key, select MANUAL SYS
O With the scroll down key select "SEQUENCE" CAL and press ENTER.
and press ENTER.
O With the scroll down key, select FIX TIME and O When FILL CAL SOL 1 appears, gently poor
press ENTER. demineralised water (200 ml max.) in the reactor
O Input or check injection time of each pump that vessel to reach overflow of the siphon tube. Press
will occur during fix-time or stand-by procedure, ENTER.
as followed :
O Just after temperature and pH conditioning,
Inj. time P1 : 00s (press ENTER) quickly inject in the reactor vessel 1 ml of
Inj. time P2 : 00s (press ENTER) STANDARD solution (with a micro-pipette). For
Inj. time P3 : 00s (press ENTER) preparation see chapter 4.4 : calibration solutions.
Inj. time P4 : 00s (press ENTER)
O At the end of the titration, input or check
O If LOOP mode is requested, press ENTER CONC. 1: XXXXX (as the value of the
again on menu SEQUENCE. STANDARD solution divided by 100) and press
O With the scroll down key, select LOOP and ENTER.
press ENTER.
O When FILL CAL SOL 2 appears, gently poor
demineralised water (200 ml max.) in the reactor
vessel to reach overflow of the siphon tube. Press

O With the scroll down key select "ANALOG O Just after temperature and pH conditioning,
OUT" and press ENTER. quickly inject in the reactor vessel 2 ml of
STANDARD solution (with a micro-pipette). For
Enter your desired range(for example: 0 -1 mg/l): preparation see chapter 4.4 : calibration solutions.

O At the end of the titration, input or check

START I1 : 0000. (press ENTER) CONC. 2: XXXXX (as the value of the
STANDARD solution divided by 50) and press
END I1 : 1.000 (press ENTER) ENTER.

OUT : Conc

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3.2 START UP THE ANALYSER : O After each titration, input or check:

CONC. 1 / 2: XXXXX (press ENTER)
Now you are ready to start your process. as the concentration determined by laboratory
O Press SELECT to exit from the PROGRAMMING
menu. O Follow instructions of chapter 3.2 STARTING
THE ANALYSER to launch the measuring mode.
O With the scroll down key select "START", press
ENTER and let the analyser roll !

adjust the calibration slope).
O At any moment, reading calibration parameters is
O Press SELECT to access the main menu. Press possible.
ENTER and the display will show If sure : ENTER.
Press ENTER to stop the analyser. O Press SELECT to access the main-menu and the
scroll down key until display shows READING.
O Press SELECT to access the main menu and the
scroll down key until the display shows O Press ENTER and hold on 5 seconds to enter the

O Press ENTER and hold on 5 seconds to enter the O Press the scroll down key until display shows

O With the scroll up key, select CALIBRATION O Press ENTER to read LAST CAL menu with
and press ENTER. following information:

O With the scroll down key, select SYSTEM CAL P / O / M / A / N letter indicates the calibration
and press ENTER. mode. Respectively Process, On line, Manual,
Automatic, Primary.
O With the scroll down key, select PROCESS SYS S= XXX.X with value from 50% to 200%.
CAL and press ENTER. Co= X.XX with values from 0 to 999.

O The system starts titrating using the rinsing water O Report the calibration parameters on a logsheet
(sulphide free) for the 1st point and the process and press ENTER.
sample for the 2nd point.
O Press SELECT twice to come back to the
O During each sampling phase, grab the solution at operating mode.
the outlet of the siphon tube and send them for a
laboratory comparison measurement.

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Sodium hydroxide (32%) 40 % v/v
Prepare 3 x 10 litres canisters of reagents R1, R2,
R3. In a 10 litre standard canister, add 6 litres of
demineralised water. Poor slowly and portionwise, 4
litres of concentrated sodium hydroxide solution
With all chemicals, respect safety (NaOH, >32%, d240 = 1.35, reagent grade). Put the
procedures and wear gloves and safety cap on the canister and shake to mix. Indicate date
glasses. of preparation and place on the analyser.

Reagent R2 is added during conditioning by

Remark: Estimated Shelves Life (ESL) of each activation of the pump 2. Duration of the injection is
canister is indicated at the end of the preparation. programmable to reach a sample pH after
conditioning of 12 units (See chapter 2.5 Sample

4.1 : R1 = TITRATION (10 litres): Consumption: With 60 seconds injection, one

-4 measurement every 20 minutes, the 10 litres
Ag NO3 5 x 10 N
canister will last 40 days.
Pipette 50 ml of 0.1 N silver nitrate solution and
introduce in a volumetric flask (2 or 5 litres). Dilute ESL of a sealed canister: 6 months.
to the volumetric mark with demineralised water. ESL of an open canister: 2 months.
Transfer into a dark 10 litres canister. Refill the
volumetric flask with demineralised water to reach
a total of 10 litres in the canister. Put the cap on the
canister and shake to mix. Label, date and place on
the analyser.
4.3 : R3 = CLEANING REAGENT (10 litres):
ESL of a sealed canister: 2 months. NaOH 5 % vol.
ESL of an open canister: 1 month. EDTA.4Na,4H2O 50 g/l

In a 10 litres standard batch, add 7 litres of

demineralised water. Add portionwise 500 ml of
concentrated sodium hydroxide solution (NaOH,
Silver Nitrate STOCK solution 0.1 N AgNO3 >32%, d240 = 1.35, reagent grade). Then poor 500 g
of Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic acid
Commercially available. Alternatively, it can be Tetrasodium Tetrahydrate (C10H12N2Na4O8.4H2O,
prepared using silver nitrate powder: pract., > 95%). Put the cap on the canister and
In a 1 litre volumetric flask, add about 700 ml of shake to mix. Indicate date of preparation and place
demineralised water. Under stirring, dissolve 17 g of on the analyser.
silver nitrate (AgNO3, reagent grade).
Transfer into a dark or amber glass storage flask. Reagent R3 is added during chemical cleaning cycle
Label and date. Store at +5 C. by activation of the cleaning pump (located on the
back side of the analyser). Duration of the injection
is programmable (chapter 2.5 Chemical cleaning)
to keep a clean reactor vessel.
Consumption: With 4 seconds injection, one
cleaning every measurement and one
measurement every 12 minutes, the 10 litres
canister will last 40 days.

ESL of a sealed canister: 1 year.

ESL of an open canister: 6 months.

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4.4 CALIBRATION SOLUTIONS (for 500 ml): transfer quickly into the volumetric flask. Close
securely the flask and stir until crystals totally
dissolve. Adjust to 500 ml with demineralised water.
Shake to mix and transfer into a dark or amber glass
storage flask. Label and date. Store at +5 C.
All sulphide solution preparation must be
performed under the hood to avoid ESL of a storage flask: Maximum 6 months or S
breathing noxious fumes. value is below 0.2 g/l. Neutralise with appropriate

Precise standards cannot be prepared by weighting 1 / 200

a salt because of the large and variable water of STANDARD (200 ml): Sx in mg/l S2-
In a 200 ml volumetric flask, add about 100 ml of
demineralised water. Under stirring, dissolve 20 ml
of concentrated sodium hydroxide solution
(NaOH, >32%, d240 = 1.35, reagent grade).
Pipette 2 ml of STOCK solution and dilute to 200
STOCK solution (500 ml):
ml with demineralised water. Close securely, label
variable S value (in g/l S2-)
and date. Use within the next hour.
Initial S value shall be 2.67 g/l S2-.
Exact concentration must be determined by
In a 500 ml volumetric flask, add about 200 ml of
laboratory titration. Use as is until (S x 1 / 200) is
demineralised water. Under stirring, dissolve 100 ml
down to 5 mg/l. Pipette another volume of STOCK
of concentrated sodium hydroxide solution
solution if necessary.
(NaOH, >32%, d240 = 1.35, reagent grade). Add 17g
of D (-)-Isoascorbic acid (C6H8O6, reagent grade). ESL of a sealed flask: less than 1 hour. Neutralise
Weigh quickly and roughly 10 g of sodium with appropriate method.
sulphide hydrate (, reagent grade) and

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