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Annotated Bibliography

First Quarter

Moore, Peter. V Is for Villain. 1st ed. New York: Hyperion, 2014. 324 pages.
This is an amazing book that goes from a young boy trying to find out why he doesnt have any
super powers yet his brother does. They go to an academy built for training kids like them to use
their powers for the better, becoming heroes essentially. Later on we find out that he has
telepathy, but that doesnt really help him when their training includes flying and super strength.
He is an incredibly smart kid and he gets together with other kids that do not like the way the
academy puts so much emphasis on being good and they start misbehaving. This boy starts to
figure out how his DNA works into having powers in comparison to his brothers DNA.

Prose, Francine. The Turning. New York: HarperTeen, 2012. 246 pages.
Its an interesting book and Im not going to lie I was kind of disappointed by the ending. The
book starts with this man, Jack, that goes to a remote island to experience how it is. The entire
thing is told in Jacks letters to his loved ones. He sends them to his dad and a woman named
Sophie. He finds out that the house he is in has weird, evil things at the house. The girl starts
playing with evil cards that start floating. He watches another girl named Lucy die and hes given
her medal, which still has her blood on it. I wont spoil the ending but he is lost between
believing everything was real or if it was just his imagination.

Silva, M. M. Two out of Three: A Meagan Maloney Mystery. Indiana: AuthorHouse, 2011. 335
The story is about Meagan, a personal investigator located in Boston, that has had very little
work other than small things like seeing if a boyfriend is cheating or not. She gets a more
interesting case when the man she is infatuated with, David, asks her to find out where is brother
is after he gets a letter from him with a lot of money. She goes to California to find out where he
is and when she gets there she notices that he is acting really fishy. Later we find out that almost
everyone around him starts to die and they have to deal with the reality of someone close to him
is doing everything. The interesting part is the middle with all the suspense and curiosity of who
is the killer of these people but the ending was kind of expected if you skipped the middle part. It
was a woman that was really close to Darrian, Davids brother. She was always his alibi but he
wasnt hers as Meagan was thinking Darrian was behind everything.

Nesb, Jo, and Don Bartlett. The Snowman. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2011. 384 pages.
This is a very fascinating book and it is my favorite book so far, the Harry Potter series is a close
second but not quite as captivating in my opinion. The book is about a murder detective from
Oslo, Norway named Hole. He finds out that there is a serial killer that takes people without a
trace. Not many pay attention to his claim of it being a serial killer as he only strikes at the first
snowfall of the area so it crosses jurisdictional bounds, making it hard to connect the local cases.
That and the fact that Norway doesnt have a lot of serial killers, many there think that all the
serial killers are only in the United States. His MO, or method of operation and signature, is that
nearby he will leave a snowman with the terrifying image of the victims head at the top. The
bodies are usually never found. I only read it at school so I could get the most out of it and form
my own conclusions. The ending is a huge plot twist and Hole ends up getting loses a finger
saving someone close to him.

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