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Assistive Technology can be determined useful or appropriate at any level during the IFSP or

IEP process for students.

A. Pre-referral/School-Based Support: Before being referred the student will be provided with
extra or extended resources including RTI, lessons with a resource teacher, pull-in, pull-out
B. Referral for Evaluation: This may include the student being referred by the General Education
Teacher to be assessed for special education services.
C. Comprehensive Evaluation: The students teachers, and appropriate school staff will evaluate
student to determine if an IEP or IFSP will be needed.
D. Child Academic Meeting: This meeting will be used for educational staff that work with
students and the students parents to determine what services the student needs to be
successful and access education
E. Individualized Education Program (IEP)- students birth to age 2.
Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)- students age to 21.
F. Review: During the implementation the student will be monitored and their information on
their IEP or IFSP we be reviewed to determine if student is making progress and what other
accommodations, modifications or assistive technology tools need to be used.
Continue: The IEP or IFSP team will determine if they should continue with AT or other tools.
Exit: The IEP or IFSP team will determine if the student should exit services.
Assistive technology can be used in both the general education room or another room such a
resource room in the school.
Duckett, S. (2017).

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