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Classroom Rules

Listening Bodies

Raised Hands

Quiet Mouths

Walking Feet

Helping Hands

Caring Hearts
Who can remind me with the
name of the unit?

Changing shape
Find out how the shapes of solid objects made from
some materials can be changed by squashing, bending,
twisting and stretching.

How to use different skills in shaping play doh.

Carpet time

How shapes change?

What skills used for changing shape?

1. Squashing
2. Bending
3. Twisting
4. Stretching
5 minutes creating your shape

5 minutes writing the answers

Unicornes Monsters
Pirates Superheroes
Gallery Walk
Does things exist just like that?
Carpet time

What was your shape?

Which skill have you used to create your shape?
Can you remind me with the four skills used for chaining shape?
Next class question

Does all shapes change?

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