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Name: Olivia McEvilly

PART A: Students could create an audio file recording a poem of their choosing. Students would record the poem and choose a
background beat to turn into a rap. This would allow students to learn how to read poetry as well as learn how to produce an
audio file.

Grade Level: 6

Content Area: Language Arts

Technology Used (check all that apply): Movie Audio Podcast Vodcast
Other: (list)

Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed:

ELAGSE6RL7: Compare and contrast the experience of reading a story, drama, or poem to listening
to or viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text, including contrasting what they see and
hear when reading the text to what they perceive when they listen or watch.

Brief Description of Learning Experience:

Students will select a poem from a given list. Each student will also select background music or a beat
they would like to go along with their poem. The students will record their poem as an audio file with
the background music. The students will be given one week to produce the audio file and edit it to
their liking.

The Teacher will be assisting the students in creating their audio piece. Students will need to present
their chosen poem and chosen background music to the teacher before they start creating their audio
piece. Once students are approved, they will be given thirty minutes of the class period everday for
the week to work on their file. They may record in segments if they choose. Students will be graded
based on if they know how to recite a poem, and their skills in preparing the file. Students will also be
sharing their finished product withcthe community by posting their file on the teachers blog (similar to
a poetry slam but this one is online).

Student Engagement/Higher-Order Thinking: LoTi Level 4. This level is student-centered, and

students are integrating technology into the classroom fairly heavily by producing/creating a project

Importance of technology: It would be very difficult if not impossible for students to complete this
project without technology. Students are being asked to create a recording, while also including
background music, which all requires technology. Students are also learning about poetry, but are also
learning it in a fun, expressive manner.


Inspiration (optional): n/a

Internet Safety and Student Privacy:

Student privacy may arise as a concern when students work is posted on the teachers blog. However,
the teacher will rename each students audio file so that they become anonymous when their work is
posted on the blog.

Other comments about your proposed student multimedia authoring activity: n/a

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