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UnrulyX Marketing Plan

1. UnrulyX Audiences & Goals

2. Key Messages
3. Marketing Strategies

1. UnrulyX Audiences & Mission

1. Trading Desks
UnrulyX Marketing Mission
Make UnrulyX a must-have part of any programmatic video buy. Well do this by
becoming the go-to source for running smarter video campaigns, driving use of UnrulyX,
driving revenue within the platform, and positioning Unruly as a trusted partner.
Generate awareness of UnrulyX among the major ATDs
Increase Trading Desk (TD) use of UnrulyX, increase bid activity on open
exchange, promote Deal IDs/PMPs
Drive 10-30% PMP spend vs Open RTB by FQ3 supported by a programmatic
sales team
Promote the benefits of user-friendly outstream video and its role in the video
ecosystem, driving users to UnrulyX
Support the Sales team focused on driving UnrulyX use. E.g. create client-centric PMPs,
share data to help TD teams create bid requests and PMP pricing at CPMs which are
most likely to win the premium inventory they seek. Sales will educate the TDs on the
UnrulyX inventory theyre already using through exchanges and RTB and how they can
secure more of it with proper targeting and pricing parameters

About Trading Desks

Programmatic buying units that sit within Agencies or at the client
Goals are to efficiently (cost-effective, OPT) deliver video ads to target audiences and hit
their KPI thresholds
Data-centric teams, focused on optimizing campaigns to hit client KPIs; top KPIs are
reach, frequency, viewability, completion rate, CTR
Care about safe supply (IVT, fraud, brand safe) and scale
Care about exclusive inventory
Care about looking good in front of their clients by
Delivering on their KPIs
Using clients favourite suppliers
By understanding the supplier landscape and new formats

About ATDs (Agency Trading Desks)

Trading desks within agencies
Currently reaching out to us about programmatic campaigns
Buying through hundreds or thousands of deal IDs and on open RTB
Relationships with publishers direct and multiple SSPs, so we need to make UnrulyX
stand out and be memorable
Sometimes get a deal ID and never use it
KPIs are usually scale, viewability and completion rates

About PBUs (Programmatic Buying Units)

Agency-side buying units, run out of agencies for clients who opt out of the in-house
trading desk
Often dedicated to one or two clients programmatic business

About CTDs (Client Trading Desks)

Trading desks within client brands
Clients have taking their programmatic buying in house, usually for reasons of efficiency
(to eliminate ATDs and their fees) and transparency (concerns that agencies have goals
which might differ from those of the client)
Staff is often recruited from the agency, or made up of agency traders who sit in the
clients office

2. Publishers
UnrulyX Marketing Mission
Onboard Comscore publishers - 100+ Comscore 1000 sites this Q
Impress existing publishers
Promote the benefits of user-friendly outstream video and its role in the video ecosystem
Promote Unruly as a partner using data, press, other comms
Drive 10-30% PMP spend vs open marketplace

About Premium/Press Publishers (82% of our database)

These are BD Key Accounts
Have their own sales teams, some have their own programmatic sales teams
Likely to have multiple SSP partners
Likely to use DFP or another ad server to manage their ad partners
Care about revenue $$$
Care about fill rates
Care about quality advertisers and regular demand
Care about a good user experience - page views, page duration
May expect us to work with other demand partners, ie. waterfalling
Example RFP from a premium publisher: We are seeking a partner that can easily
integrate with our existing product and advertising infrastructure, and fill significant
demand across all global territories.

About Medium To Small Publishers (18% of our database)

Work with BD or PAT
Dont have a huge amount of contact with us
Dont often use an ad server, normally just put our tag into their site
Expectations are normally around $$$ and fill
They also care about quality of advertisers

3. DSPs
About DSPs (e.g. The Trade Desk, AppNexus, Videology, Tubemogul)
Priority DSPs are often SSPs and Exchanges first but also have DSPs
DSP is primarily a buying platform so UI (user interface - ease of use) and access to
supply are paramount
Priority DSPs are integrated with lots of SSPs
They need from SSPs: info about their supply, stuff to show off to the client, want to look
good, want to look like know about their supply and running campaigns
Competing for client (TD) use, trading desks use multiple DSPs/exchanges
Some prefer to be SSP Agnostic
Care about being the ultimate link to supply for their trading desk clients, delivering reach
and other client KPIs (reach, viewability, targeting, frequency, completion rate) within
certain brand safety, IVT levels, OPT thresholds
Bringing quality insights to their clients and helping them stay ahead of new formats and
Many still deciding how to position video - separate outstream and pre-roll? They agree
outstream needs education. Smaller DSPs are still transitioning into video and arent
necessarily familiar with outstream

4. Exchanges (e.g. Index Exchange, Bidswitch)

Revenue is based on their demand via the DSPs we talk to so our priorities are still
trading desks and DSPs but they can help us build on our visibility within DSPs
Opportunities for 3rd party PMPs advertised by exchanges
Tag-based integrations, one step removed from DSPs in the demand chain

2. Key Messages
UnrulyX Key Messages For The Buy Side (Trading Desks, DSPs, Exchanges)
These are messages we want trading desks and DSPs to walk away with when consuming our comms

Unruly offers a smarter view for programmatic buyers. (Remember PUP!)

UnrulyX is built from the ground up on our 1 :1 direct relationships with
premium publishers, all of which are vetted by our Brand Safety team
We offer unique access to one of the worlds leading publishers via our O &O
News Corp inventory and many first look relationships across the Open Web
Ads launch in Unrulys user-friendly, viewability-initiated ad formats: we never
force the ad view (people hate that by the way) and our In-Article format exceeds
the MOAT benchmark by +28%
We launch in the preferred UX: we never autoplay with sound-on (81% of people
often or always mute ads that do) and our formats are skippable (61% of people
are so enraged by forced pre-roll that it puts them off the advertiser behind the
Were trusted and transparent partners - Our UnrulyX PartnerPortal details
our publisher partners, PMPs, player demos, 3rd party verification partners,
content makers and more
Were THE video experts: W eve been doing this since 2006, and have 10
years of video expertise, insights, best practices, optimizations and
maker-relationships that we are happy to share with you and your key accounts
We bring emotional intelligence to your digital advertising strategy: The
Future Video Lab, Unruly Pulse and Unruly ShareRank can all help your account
teams use emotional intelligence to drive better brand performance on

Supplementary messaging
Your video will look amazing! We offer great cross-device native video placements, in
large player sizes. Our In-article player sits within article content and is responsive,
based on viewing device. On mobile can be landscape or full-screen vertical video.
Our Power-Up PMPs will help to hit your clients goals. Our ready-made customized
PMPs are based on boosting performance against KPIs such as viewability and
completion rate, and our contextual PMPs are based on environment (e.g. vertical),
demo, contextual and brand-specific targeting. U nrulys emotional PMPs, optimized for
emotional response, available programmatically on your DSP of choice!
Additional messages for DSPs and Exchanges
1. Agencies and brands know us, trust us and rely on us, and our sales teams are
constantly about training them up on UnrulyX.

UnrulyX Key Messages For Publishers (Remember QPR!)

These are messages we want publishers to walk away with when consuming our comms

Happy Readers, happy CFO!

Well help you retain readers and reduce ad blocking with our focus on u ser experience.
Quality for your readers: We offer u ser-friendly ad formats t hat load politely
(after your content so the ads dont get in the way of the editorial), and put your
readers in control so they dont browse away from your site
Quality for your advertisers: our formats perform, driving KPIs such as
viewability (exceeding the MOAT average by +28%) and completion
Quality for you: We work with 90% Ad Age Top 100 brands and use our testing
tools and data targeting to help them deliver q uality ad content thats worthy of
your editorial content

Were not just an SSP, were video partners and make it easy and fun to work with us!
We make our publisher partners rockstars with visibility and profile pages on the
UnrulyX PartnerPortal
Our publisher partners have access to our video data and expertise, including
Unruly Pulse and the UnrulyX Lab to deep dive into the video advertising
landscape and understand how to adapt to new challenges, from ad blocking to
the mobile monetization gap
Weve spent 10 years building client and agency relationships, and are known
and trusted advisors for advertisers, creative shops and Trading Desks - were
out there promoting the publishers of the Open Web to advertisers, beating the
drum for awesome, independent publishers like you each and every day!


Unruly drives incremental video ad REVENUE for publishers because:
our outstream formats create new inventory to monetize your highest traffic
pages on both desktop and mobile
UnrulyX unifies multiple sources of global demand meaning more money for
less effort (demand sources include Unrulys managed service demand with a
global sales team of 100+; programmatic open RTB, Unruly programmatic
demand, Publisher-sold PMP demand)
We make each impression more valuable by packaging your audiences within
hot PMPs eg PokemonGO, Olympics fans

3. Marketing Strategy
Superserve the Trading Desks
Triple pronged attack on the trading desks!
Intros through DSPs with co-hosted events, training, lunch and learns and regular
Unrulys sales teams and programmatic experts #ShareTheLove TD teams in
person on a regular basis
Our agency sales team and the existing relationships driving Unruly awareness in
the agencies
DSPs Will naturally be serviced as an audience as theyre one of our keys to unlock
trading desks. Our primary work with them will be focused around how to keep us front
of mind so they talk to trading desks about us, as well as offer materials to include in
their existing training and update sessions, sales material/collateral, newsletters, blogs,
websites and wikis.
DSP audiences and Publisher audiences may in future b e balanced according to the
quarters priority (E.g. this Q the objective is to ramp up supply, or this quarter we need
to onboard X many new DSPs)

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