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Area Layout
Lv. Room Interaction Item
1 Living Closet [See 1A - Scary Book][Bucket]
Bookshelf [Strange Book]
Coffee Table
Fireplace [Buck Head - See 1B - Green Key][Flames - See 1B][See 1C]
1 Kitchen Old Stove [Pot x 3][Pan x 3]
Sink [See 2A - Blue Key]
Drawer [Knife x 3][Cutlery x 10 x 3]
Cabinet [Canned Food][Dried Food][Matches][Lighter Fluid]
1 Dining Table
- [Boar Head - See 2B]
1 1/2 Bath Mirror [See Common1]
Toilet [See 2C - Revolver]
1 Utility Washer
Tool Chest [Hammer][Screw Driver]

2 Bed Closet [Box - See 3A - Newspaper]

Dresser [Ax]
Bed #1
Bed #2
2 Guest Armoire
Stand [Kids Book]
Bed #1
Bed #2
2 Master Closet [Steel Safe - See 3B - Diary][Steal Safe - See 3B][Shotgun]
Bed [Chest - See 5A - Torn Out Paper]
Fireplace [Bear Head - See 3C][Flames - See 4A - Red Key]
2 Master Bath Mirror [See Common1][See 4B]
2 Bath Mirror [See Common1][See 4C]

B Shrine Magic Circle


Interactions Requirement Description
1A Flashlight When flashlight is used in closet, a loose wall panel
becomes noticeable. Behind it is the [Scary Book].
1B - When examining the [Buck Head], the number seven can
be seen etched into the horn of the buck.
See 2B After [See-2B], a [Green Key] can be found in the mouth of
the buck.
1C Bucket of Water When a [Bucket of Water] is used to douse the flames, the
player will be able to chisel the inner walls of the fireplace.
Hammer & Screw When a [Hammer & Screw Driver] is used to chisel the
Driver inner walls of the fireplace, access to the shrine becomes
2A - When the sink disposal is switched on, a metal clanking can
be heard inside the drain. If examined, [Blue Key] is found.
2B - When examining the [Boar Head], a putrid smell will seep
from the mouth of the boar. The number 1 can be found
etched into the tusk.
- When the mouth is closed, the [Buck Head - See 1B] opens
its mouth.
2C - When the toilet is examined, behind the toilet is a fully
loaded [Revolver].
3A - When examining the [Box], a particular [Newspaper] can be
3B Numbers When the numbers to the [Steel Safe] is correctly inputted,
a [Diary] can be obtained.
- When the [Steel Safe] is closely examined, one can tell that
there is a key hole that is colored blue.
Blue Key When the [Blue Key] is used on the [Steel Safe] the
[Flames] of the fireplace will die out.
3C - When examining the [Bear Head], the number 5 can be
seen etched onto the tongue of the bear.
4A See 3B After [See 3B], a [Red Key] can be found in the ashes of the
4B - When the faucet is running hot water, steam will fill the
room and the mirror will reveal the phrase Saras Lies.
4C - When the faucet is running hot water, steam will fill the
room and the mirror will reveal the phrase GET OUT.
5A Red Key When the three keys are used on the [Chest], a [Torn Out
Blue Key Paper] can be found.
Green Key
5B - Examining the magical circle shows five small circles. When
someone dies, a circle is lit up.
5C - Examining the shrine reveals a small, naked, shriveled, and
wrinkly human being clutching a book close to its breast.

Common Interaction
Common1 - Looking into the mirror will always show a former member
of the household who was killed.
- Breaking the mirror will reveal a magic circle drawn in blood
behind the mirror.

Important Items
Item Description
Scary Book A scary looking book that was written by hand. Several spelling and grammar
errors and inconsistent handwriting. There is a passage that warns to never go
outside when the trees whisper.
Strange Book A very large book that shows the history of the town and of the small cabin. In
the pages of the book, a blueprint can be found that shows the [Living Room -
Fireplace] was built on top of the basement entrance.
Diary The diary of Jacob Casper.

A passage dated October 5, 1915.

Every night, whispers can be heard from the forest but no one can understand a
word theyre saying.

A passage dated October 12, 1915

While hunting with my son, I spotted a shadow stalking us through the forest. I
swear, it looked like a man owl.
A passage dated October 30, 1915

Ghosts surround my home. Im too afraid to call for help. My baby girl, Lily,
keeps telling us to trust the ghosts, to trust the owl man. When she walked out,
I swear, I heard my baby girls scream echo through the trees.

A passage dated October 38, 2975

I killed my family. It told me to. The owl man. The owl man. The owl man.
Newspaper A newspaper from 1931.

Lily Casper, from Orphan to Mayor

Town Drunk Gone Missing

Jazz Heard From Abandoned Building

Kids Book It looks to be a book or nursery rhymes but a page has been torn out.

The Old One In the Woods

Torn Out Paper It looks to be the torn out page of the [Kids Book]

The Forest Guide

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