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Lesson Plan Title: 4.

3 Mini lesson: Equations of linear relations

Date: March 8th, 2017

Subject: Math Grade: 9
Topic: Linear equations Essential Question: What do the variables in a
graph tell us

Materials: Teaching Notes, Foundations, and Pre-calculus mathematics 10 textbook

Stage 1- Desired Results you may use student friendly language

What do they need to understand, know, and/or able to do?
-That X=n is a vertical line, Y=n is a horizontal line and X+Y=n (two variables) is an
oblique line
-can identify that each of the 3 above questions is a linear relation
-Review if the answer is discrete or not.

Broad Areas of Learning:

Developing Lifelong learners
This lesson will focus on the Board area of learning of developing lifelong learners,
specifically students should be developing understandings of mathematics that will
support their learning of new mathematical concepts and applications that may be
encountered within both career and personal interest choices. This lesson is vital to
moving on in later mathematics so that is why this is the broad area of learning being
focused upon

Cross-Curricular Competencies:
Developing Thinking
This lesson allows the students to use their knowledge of graphs in order deduce how
the three types of equations will look like on a graph. This emphasizes the point of
student engagement in inquiry and problem solving when students are challenged to
think critically and creatively.

Demonstrate understanding of linear relations including: graphing, analyzing, interpolating and extrapolating,
solving situational questions

PGP Goals: 3.1 the ability to utilize meaningful, equitable and holistic approaches to
assessment and evaluation
Stage 2- Assessment

Assessment FOR Learning (formative):

There will be 8 questions on the board, and the students will need to organize them into
groups of horizontal lines, vertical lines, or oblique lines.

Assessment OF Learning (summative) Assess the students after learning to evaluate

what they have learned.

They have a handout that they will need to complete to show understanding of the 3
types of linear equations on a graph
Stage 3- Learning Plan

Motivational/Anticipatory Set (introducing topic while engaging the students)

Since this is a follow up lesson the students will be thrown right into the
questions. They will be allowed to talk with a partner and come up with 1 set
of answers. They will then present there answer in a group vote to the class
before settling on a final answer. Then as a class we will discuss the write
answer and move on.

Main Procedures/Strategies:
We will write 8 equations on the board. A table with Horizontal, vertical, and oblique and
divide the students into groups. Then we will give the student 15mins to work and
discuss before going over it as a class. They will then have time to work on the handout.
The 8 questions are attached to this lesson plan via picture format as well as the setup
for the chart.

Adaptations/Differentiation: For struggling students, I will work 1 on 1 while the rest of

the class is doing the work on the board, they will also be put in a group to receive aid
from their peers.
If need more time will be allowed for these students to complete the lesson as well

Closing of lesson:
The end of the lesson will remind the students of how to use their knowledge
learned last class to work out todays questions.

Personal Reflection:
Over all the lesson went very well. The students were very engaged and interested in the
material. If I were to teach this again I would incorporate it as a form of exit slip instead of
its own lesson as it is a good review but does not really work as a full blown out lesson.
Other than that, I have no complaints on the lesson as a whole

*Adapted from Understanding by Design (McTighe and Wiggins, 1998)

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