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down to earth
excerpted on page 6, is about his beloved golden
retriever, Millie, whom so many of you prayed for when
she was ghting cancer, and who taught Edward so
many life lessons in the eight years she was by his side.
In fact Edward includes stories about all the dogs
divinely placed in his life, from his boyhood beagle to
his new puppy, Grace. Everyone loved Millie, but the
one dog who is always in my heart is Marty, Edward
and Julees 100-pound Labrador.
Maybe it was because he seemed so misunderstood.
Edward brought him to work (the boss can get away with that) when
Julee, a singer, was on tour and he couldnt nd a dog walker. One
quit when Marty chased after a seeing eye dog. Another got dragged
half a block when Marty tried to run down a carriage horse on
Eighth Avenue. I have trouble keeping them, Edward confessed.
Marty hung out in my ofce while Edward was in meetings.
Once, when I was deep into editing, I heard a rustling. Marty! His
lemon-white face was a mask of powdery brown. Hed gotten into a
jumbo can of Ovaltine left over from when I was pregnant. Ashamed
in a way only a dog caught in a forbidden deed can be, Marty tried
to hide under a guest chair that was half his size. Dont worry, I said,
wiping his face. Your dad will never know. Until now, that is.
Ostensibly Edwards book is about dogs. I think its really about
love, how we love these animals with all our heart and how they love
us back. How they are by our side forever. Check out the illustration
on page 7. Thats Marty on the right. See what I mean?



To order Edwards book, go to


6 Some Were Angels

12 Alone at the Pulpit


16 Just Another

20 Guided

26 Make My Day

28 Opposites Attract

34 Angels in Bloom

42 Springtime Miracle

50 Ever Watchful

56 Dave Grace,
Federal Agent

66 A Family Treasure

Page 34 4 ANGELS ON EARTH | MAR/APR 2017

They Deserve a Treat!
Page 46 We asked you to tell us about the
beloved dogs who have made
a marked difference in your life.
Meet one-of-a-kind canines at

Brothers and Sisters

They can be rivals, best friends,
partners in mischief. Celebrate
historical siblings who have
changed the world in our exclusive
slide show in honor of National
Siblings Day on April 10 at

40 Days
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday,
when we acknowledge our
mortality. It ends with Holy Week,
when we wave palms just as the
people of Jerusalem did to
welcome Jesus to their city. Lent is
a season of reection. Enjoy these
rejuvenating Lenten prayers at


Youve known pet lovers and dog people.
You might be one yourself. But the bond goes
deep for Edward Grinnan, whose spiritual
connection to the dogs hes loved made each
seem like an instrument of heaven sent
to guide him to being a better human being.
All were teachers but...



HAT YEAR , 2009, Julee and I before. Our big young golden

T were having my family out from

Michigan to our weekend place
in the Berkshires for Thanksgiving, a
retriever, Millie, knew something
was up but couldnt quite gure it out
except for the fact that it apparently
visit that occasioned the planning and involved large amounts of food,
logistics normally reserved for which was a promising sign indeed.
visiting heads of state. Thats Ask any dog.
because Julee wants everything to be I took the train back down to the
better than perfect, which is an issue city Sunday night, intending to come
right there. Still, the pursuit of back up Tuesday to complete the
perfection can be a lot of fun assignments Julee had given me,
especially when its for your family which consisted mostly of
in addition to being a lot of work, and deciphering with one hand endless
we were having a good time running hand-scrawled, food-stained lists of
around like crazy people the weekend things like fresh cardoon and jarred


barberry while trying to drive with
the other.
Then came the call Monday
morning, just as dawn was yawning
over the Manhattan skyline. Julees
voice seemed far away to my sleep-
besotted brain.
Ed, I broke my collarbone.
You what? How? Where are you?
Ill be right up.
Dont worry. Millies ne. She
saved me.
Minutes later I was getting a new
ticket for the next train up to Edwards niece Rachel, Julee and brand-
Hudson, New York, and then a cab to new puppy Millie in 2007
Monterey, Massachusetts, another
hour on top of the two stuck on for the Guideposts softball team, and
Amtrak, by which time Id begged it was not fun those rst few hours in
God for help every way I knew how the ER. I was opting for amputation
and was beginning to repeat myself. if it stopped the pain.
I was a nervous wreck when I Millie was beside herself. She was
jumped out of the cab and heard trying to tell me the whole story.
Millie barking from inside the house. There was no doubt about that. She
Julee was sitting in our recliner, was circling me and woong and
her right arm in a fearsome medical darting back and forth between me
contraption that looked like a cross and Julee and bouncing up and down
between a sling and a cast. She on her forepaws and pulling me to the
seemed both relaxed and stairs: Im relieved youre nally
uncomfortable, which I gured was here. What took you so long? She fell
par for the course for a broken bone down the stairs in the middle of the
and strong pain relief. Tylenol with a night. I heard her...

number after it for sure, and Make me a cup of coffee and Ill
probably something more. That arm tell you the whole story, Julee said.
situation looked painful. Id broken I made us both coffee and Julee
my arm a few years earlier playing lled me in. Shed gotten up in the


middle of the night to get something cold and really shaky. Her warmth
to drink, no doubt a Diet Coke, which was incredible. Not just her normal
always struck me as a crazy thing to body heat. It was like she made
grab a sip of at that hour. But thats herself warmer than usual. She was
Julee. Coming down the stairs in the like this big, living blanket. She
dark, shed stumbled over an errant slowed her breathing. I felt her
dog toy, lost her balance and gone heartbeat slow. Then my breathing
head over tea kettle to the bottom. slowed and my heart, which had been
I knew something was broken absolutely hammering out of my
right away, even though there wasnt chest, slowed too. This dog was
any pain at rst. But your whole body actually treating me until help came.
is shaking, like all sorts of messages She knew exactly what to do.
are ying around: This is bad. Edward, shes only two. How did she
And it was. The pain came soon know all this?
enough. So did Millie, who trotted Millie sat quietly taking it all in,
down the stairs to see what the her silence seeming to conrm the
commotion was all about. facts of the matter. She absolutely
She knew it was serious, Julee knew we were talking about her. Im
said. She had this super-concerned sure of that. Dogs know when they
look on her face, snifng and are being discussed.
checking me out. She sat on the Then the EMTs got here, banging
landing with me. She wouldnt leave on the door until I told them where
my side. the key was, Julee continued. Millie
Julee managed to sit up, grab the wouldnt let them near me. All these
phone and call 911. Then she lay back big guys in big coats and big shoes
down, thinking about how she would banging on the door, stomping
tell the EMTs where the spare key around. She must have thought they
was hidden so they wouldnt bust were space invaders or terrorists.
down the door. She stood over me, barking. Pretty
Thats when Millie did the most ferociously too, for her. Id never seen
amazing thing. She lay down on top her so alarmed. And I couldnt
of me very, very gently. She avoided believe these guys. They were scared
putting any of her weight on my to death of her, a two-year-old golden
upper right side. By then I gured retriever, not much more than a big
out Id probably broken the right puppy! I thought they were going to
collarbone. Also by then I was feeling tase her. Come on, guys. Shes just a

pup, a golden retriev- Find Edwards new book at
er. Finally, I coaxed or
wherever books are sold.
her into the study
and closed the door.
It broke my heart immobilized and take
to do that to the poor another look in a week
thing, and I said some or two to see if the bone
stuff to the EMTs was healing on its own
that I wont repeat. or if surgery was
But they deserved required.
it, making me lock It was quite a
Millie in a room like Thanksgiving that year
that! She was worried with Julee trying to do
to death about me. everything with her left arm (shes a
I gave Millie a pet and a squeeze. righty) and everyone trying to get
They wanted to put me on a her to sit down and relax. She
stretcher, but I told them no way. Id insisted on doing the mashed
walk, thank you. I made them potatoes though, left-handed, and
promise to let Millie out of the study some of it ended up on the ceiling
before I would get into the under which Millie sat patiently
ambulance. The last thing I waiting for its inevitable return to
remember is her face at the window, earth. Gravity in action. Finally, it
looking all fraught and concerned. came time to go around the table and
Julee called a couple of friends to say what we were thankful for. Of
run over and sit with Millie while course, Julees answer was not
doctors X-rayed and evaluated her unexpected: Millie. Do you know
shoulder. Yes, the collarbone was what the doctor said? she added.
broken, which was a good thing, the He said Millie kept me from going
doctor said, because its like a circuit into shock, which made all the
breaker that helps protect you from difference. He said he never heard of
breaking your shoulder or neck. a dog doing that.
Evolution in action, he said. I Neither had I. I reached under the
reminded myself to say a prayer of table down by my feet and found a
thanks for collarbones. soft, furry neck to pat. Somebody
But there was nothing much to be had trained her to do what she did
done except to keep Julees right arm that morning, and it wasnt me.

10 Life lessons from Edwards dog Millie at

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There was a generation gap
in our church, but
was I right to address it?


EXT FILLED UP my computer

screen. Id read the words a
hundred times, but the more I
read them, the less condent I felt.
Why, oh why, did I decide to deliver
this sermon? I whispered. It was
Saturday night, too late to change my
mind and come up with something
new. I printed out my nal draft and
handed it to my husband, Chris, to
look over. It might be one of the last
sermons Im ever asked to give.
It wasnt the public speaking that
scared me. While the pastor of our
church was taking a three-month
sabbatical, certied lay speakers like
me had taken turns lling in for him
on Sundays. But this week Id chosen a
controversial subject.
Our church had a generation gap.
Most of our congregants were older,


the average age hovering around 65.
But some had started bringing their
teenage grandchildren with them to
church. And those kids brought along
their friends. The kids werent
exactly being received with open
arms. Our longtime members were
used to things being done their way,
and they werent used to boisterous
teenagers with ideas of their own.
As a leader of the youth group, I
heard the kids complaints about how
they were treated at the gatherings
we had outside the services. They
dont like when we play our music,
one teen said during the last meeting.
Everybodys always saying we
laugh too loud, another said.
And talk too much!
They dont like the way we dress.
Its like they dont want us here,
one summed up. We dont even feel
welcome in the service.
No wonder whenever we had a
social gathering the kids wound up


Someone was standing there beside me.
A man. No, not a man. An angel
drifting outside, separated from the Yes, they do, I said with a sigh. I
older folks. That wasnt the way a just wish I werent the one telling it to
church was supposed to work. A them. I didnt want to be on the
church was like a family, and a family receiving end of those disapproving
had to cater to many different looks either!
generations. The lucky ones did, Its too late to back out now,
anyway. Id struggled to gure out Chris said.
how to make the kids feel welcome I returned to the computer to print
and encourage the adults to be more out a fresh copy. Is this really a good
patient with having them. I decided idea, Lord? I thought as I put it in my
to address the problem straight on. sermon binder. Any chance I could
What better place than from the get a sign that Im doing the right
pulpit? It seemed like the right thing thing here?
to do. I knew how the kids felt. Didnt The next morning I woke up
I owe it to them to make their feeling sick. My throat was sore and
feelings known? raspy. I felt feverish. Is this my sign?
But the closer Sunday came, the I thought. Maybe God was telling me
more apprehensive I felt. Id chosen the wrong way to address
I think your sermon is great, the problem. Or maybe Id just made
Chris said, handing it back. myself sick worrying about it.
You think its too harsh? I said. I got out of bed, popped a throat
Like when I remind them Jesus said lozenge, practiced one more time and
it would be better to have a great drove to church early. As I checked to
millstone hung around their necks make sure the microphone was
than to be found putting a stumbling working I got weak in the knees.
block in front of a child? I want the I sat behind the pulpit during
older generation to know that when greeting time, gathering my
they shoot the kids a disapproving thoughts and sucking another
look, theyre putting a stumbling lozenge. The congregation strolled
block in front of those kids. around the sanctuary, shaking hands
They need to hear it, plain and and trading hugs. By the time the
clear, Chris said. interim pastor started the service I


felt dizzy as well as feverish. Give me
strength, Lord! I need to know youre
with me.
The last song before the sermon
drew to a close. The interim pastor
leaned over to me. Im going to sit
down in front so I can hear you
better, he said, and left me to join
the congregation.
Great, I thought. It was just me
now. Just me. I did some last minute
adjustments on the microphone. I
took a sip of water. The water bottle
made a snap as I closed the lid
You are not alone. The words
seemed to have been spoken right
into my head and heart. I turned to
my left and saw the words were true.
Andrea doesnt regret speaking out.
Someone was standing there beside
me. A man. No, not a man. An angel. were standing there all alone at the
A tall angel with sleek dark hair. pulpit. Thank you, Lord. Then I
Snow white wings rose up behind began my sermon.
him, like ensigns above his head. A The angels disappeared when I
second pair of wings, feathered and spoke the last word.
resplendent, lay overlapping his body. You were great, Chris said
His eyes were xed not on me, but on afterward. Other parishioners
the congregation. He exuded an aura thought so too. They were glad and
of might and majesty. Whats more, I relieved to have the problem brought
felt the same aura on my right. I out into the open.
didnt even have to turn my head to Things at our church were
know there was a second angel on my different after that day. The
other side. generations mixed more easily, more
My doubts disappeared as I respectfully. Everyone was more
absorbed their strength. God was relaxed. But those were nothing like
indeed with me. The audience looked the changes inside me. Id seen
at me expectantly. Just me, as if I angels with my own eyes.

Angel quotes to inspire at 15

thursday My daily routine
felt way too routine

HILDREN PLAYED in the yards their catalogues, some who had

C along the block. I waved to

them as I walked by, delivering
mail at houses along the way. Just an
steady pen pals. Mrs. Dorman at the
end of my route got a package from
the Home Shopping Network almost
ordinary Thursday afternoon. I every day. She was an older lady, and
turned up the next walkway. The I liked being able to bring a little joy
lady who lived there opened the door into her life with my delivery. Some
wide. Hello, she said. I knew what mailmen preferred routes where
she was waiting for. Ive got your they drove a truck and slipped the
book club selection, I said, handing mail into a collection of mailboxes
over her package. without seeing anyone face-to-face.
There were only about 700 people Not me. I wanted to be outside
on my route. Over the years Id talking to people. Where the
gotten to know most of them, if not in excitement was.
person then by their mail. There Except to be honest, there wasnt
were the folks who got magazines, or much excitement on a local postal
book after book, those who loved route like mine. Besides a sudden


rainstorm or a white
Christmas, every day was
pretty much the same.
I tucked a bundle into the
next mailbox and noticed
a postcard on top from
Hawaii. Maybe Im
missing out on the real
action of life, I thought,
wishing I was there.
I continued down the
block. I knew I provided an
important service in my
job. College acceptances,
birthday presents,
postcards from all corners
of the worldthey could all
make someones day. I also
brought doctor bills and John never knows what will happen on his mail route.
insurance notices. Mrs.
Dorman down the street got her Dorman often waited for me at the
blood pressure pills and blood test door and we always had a nice talk.
kits for diabetes in the mail. Once a few years back Id mentioned
Convenient, yes. But I was just the Id noticed she got a lot of cards each
messenger, showing up every day August. Turns out, we shared a
like clockwork. It wasnt me who was birthday. Now we never forgot to
making a difference in peoples wish each other happy returns. This
lives. Not me personally. A friendly year shed turned 78.
hello, a chat with a lonely person. Mrs. Dorman wasnt at the door
That was the most I could offer. That today, but I heard the TV going
should have been enough, but the inside so I knew she was home.
routine was getting to me. Probably watching her shopping
I dug in my bag for Mrs. Dormans shows, I thought. I t all the
mailand the inevitable Home envelopes into her mailbox, then bent
Shopping Network package. Shed be down to put the package by the door.
glad to get this, whatever it was. Mrs. I froze. What was that? Something


College acceptances, birthday presents,
postcardsthey could all make someones day
like a cry, barely audible. I leaned Yes, shes diabetic, I said, re-
closer to the door. Maybe the sound membering all those test kits. And
came from the TV? has high blood pressure.
Mrs. Dorman? I called. The EMTs arrived fast. They
No answer. But thenthat same lifted Mrs. Dorman onto a stretcher
faint cry. and carried her to the ambulance. I
Hello? called work and told them I would be
I tried to open the storm door, but a little late nishing my route.
it was locked. So I pressed my ear
against it. This time I clearly heard RS . DORMAN was back home
words: Help me.
I pushed against the storm door
until the latch broke. Luckily the
M within a few days, her broken
shoulder in a sling. Some of
her family members came to stay and
wooden door behind it wasnt locked. look after her. I was sure happy
I pushed it open and stepped into the the day she greeted me at the door
house, not sure what I might nd. herself again.
Mrs. Dorman lay face down in the I was watching TV on Thursday
hallway, not far from the door. An morning and lost my balance getting
armchair had fallen on top of her. up, she explained. I tried to grab
Her arm was caught in it. the chair. Instead it came down on
Ithink she said weakly. She top of me. It happened around eleven-
seemed to be having trouble fteen. What time did you come by?
breathingprobably from the heavy Four-thirty, I said. I wish Id
chair on top of her. I carefully moved been here sooner!
it, gently disentangling her arm Thats okay, Mrs. Dorman said.
before calling 911. I think I All that time I was praying. Praying
dislocated my shoulder, she for you. I knew youd come just like
whispered. you do every day. Thats what gave
Do you know if she has any me comfort.
medical conditions? the operator It was just an ordinary Thursday.
asked me. And that was extraordinary.

A Beautiful Lady, a comforting vision and a
surprising detail led this artist to a spiritual discovery

ANGELS ARE A FAVORITE subject of From my perch I could peer down on

mine when I paint. But the one I was the street below.
about to create was special. Gazing at Walking serenely up the sidewalk
the blank canvas in front of me, I was a lovely Asian woman. She was
pictured the image in my mind and dressed in a traditional kimono,
remembered the rst time I had seen though at the time I didnt know what
her. The woman I referred to as the her dress was called. I just knew it
Beautiful Lady. was beautiful, made of owing silk
It was 1966. My family lived in and covered in big watercolor owers
Seattle, in a pale green wooden house in purples, pinks and blues.
perched halfway up a hill. I was ve Her face was a perfect oval, pale
years old, making mud pies in our and still as the moon. Her feet and
yard. To me, the place was magical. hands were hidden in the folds of her
Sitting in the square of green velvet kimono so that she almost seemed to
grass bordered by red roses and a glide up the street. She didnt notice
stone retaining wall felt like being in me. Her gaze stayed xed straight
a secret garden in a fairy tale. ahead. As she passed below I was
I patted my mud pie, smoothing it surprised to see painted chopsticks
into shape. The air grew strangely holding up her shiny black hair.
still. I sensed something nearby. I I never told anyone about the

couldnt say what. I left my mud pies Beautiful Lady. She was a treasure, I
baking on a sun-warmed tree stump pretended, meant only for me. My
and wandered to the stone wall. family left Washington not long after

Seattle Angel is Stars latest
portrait of the Beautiful Lady.
Its still wet! Star says.
The original, Guided, is at
far right. Her Garden Angel
painting is in between.

that, but thinking about the woman

now I felt the same secret thrill.
I could still see her in my mind and I
was nally going to paint her. What,
after all this time, had inspired me? I
started to sketch, smiling about the
surprising discovery Id made just
this afternoon.
Id been painting since I was 17.
Art made me feel at home no matter
where we lived, especially after I
ventured out on my own to Taos, New
Mexico. One day I sat with a poet
friend, Shelley, in the owered court- comfort. I had the sense that this
yard of an old adobe home where feeling of comfort would last for all
several of us artists had apartments. eternity. What does it mean? I
Shelley was telling me about asked Shelley.
something called the Cube Game. The cube represents you, she
Its a great way to learn things said. Youll have to work out for
about yourself, she said. And its yourself what it all means.
easy. The rst thing to do is close I moved to California soon
your eyes. I did. Now, she said, afterward and took the mystery of
picture a cube. my vision with me. Now, in my
What kind of cube? I asked, apartment warmed by the San Diego
seeing only blackness. sun, my Beautiful Lady took shape
Thats up to you, Shelley said. on the canvas before me. I glanced
Let your mind create what it wants over to the jar where I kept my
to create. paintbrushes. Tucked in among the
A cube took shape in my mind. Its brushes was something elsea pair
transparent, I said. Floating in a of painted chopsticks featuring a
vast space. I didnt mention that the woman in a traditional kimono. Of
vision gave me a mysterious sense of course they always reminded me
comfort. And not just a passing of my Beautiful Lady.


Earlier that afternoon, Id pulled childhood, something I had never
one out to admire it. Not for the rst shared with anyone.
time, I held the chopstick up to the You saw your guide, Shelley said
light to inspect the tiny painting. I simply.
squinted. Shes holding something. My guide... The Beautiful Lady
How had I never noticed that detail was my guardian angel! No wonder
before? Something small and square, the glimpse of her had stayed in my
held safe in her hands. I got out my heart all these years. No wonder the
magnifying glass. thought of that cube lled me with
The woman was holding a box. comfort, everlasting comfort. That
A cube. Transparent, just like the transparent cubemewas under
one I had envisioned. The one her protection forever.
that represented me. A detail I had The painting I began that day now
missed until this moment. hangs over my replace. I gave the
I ran to the phone to call Shelley. Beautiful Lady wings and a golden
Remember when we played the halo so theres no longer any doubt
Cube Game? I asked. I told her who she is. Id thought Id left my
about the woman on the chopsticks Beautiful Lady behind with my
and my surprising discovery. I told childhood, but in fact, she had carried
her all about my Beautiful Lady from me in her arms all this time.

only human?

I RUSHED OUT THE DOORS of Best Buy and checked my watch.

I was cutting it close for my four oclock appointment. Then I saw
it: a car parked way too close to the right side of my van. A massive
delivery truck was in the spot right behind me, its back end jutting
out into the lane. No room to maneuverparking lot nightmare.
Oh, boy. I started my van and cautiously reversed toward the
right, but there wasnt enough clearance behind me with that
truck in the way. I got out, evaluated
the space I had to work with, and got
back in to try again, this time nearly
scraping the car next to me. Lord,
please help me get out of this spot.
Back and forth I went, an inch
back, an inch forward, jumping in and
out of the car, wishing I could be both
places at once. I looked around,
hoping one of the drivers would
return, but there was no one around.
I bowed my head in defeat.
Looks like youre stuck!
I looked up to see a middle-aged
man with a teenage boy. Where on
earth did they come from? I sure
am, I said.
The man gestured for the boy to stand in front of the car, while
he stood behind. They patiently coached me out. In my rearview
mirror, I saw them walk on toward Best Buy. My eyes followed

them as they navigated through a row of parked cars. I swung

ahead and waited and waited for them to cross my path. They
never did. Best Buy calls their helpers the Geek Squad. But that
day in the parking lot, I believe I met the God Squad.


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make DO YOU MIND if I join you? The
young mans voice made me look up

from my complimentary breakfast.
Thats ne, I said, motioning
toward the chair across from me.
Its really crowded in here, he
said, ashing a nice smile.
Looking around, I realized there

wasnt one vacant table in the hotel
dining area. All my attention had
been on me.
As I idly watched the guy put
cream in his coffee and hot sauce on
his sausage, my mind spun with the
frustrations of my doctors visit the
I wasnt in the mood day before. Id traveled a long
distance through a snowstorm to see
for chitchat yet another specialist, but even he
didnt have answers for my growing
inammation problems.
My breakfast companion noticed
me staring. Traveling far? he
asked, giving me a friendly nod.
I live about six hours north, up in


the Wyoming/Colorado corner of the Would it be too personal to ask you
state. I hoped he didnt have any to read a few of your smiles?
more questions for me. He seemed No, not at all, he said. Then,
nice enough, but I was in no mood for looking down at his notebook and
small talk. I dipped my head back scanning the page, he read:
toward my plate and stuffed my
mouth with a bite of toast to signal Driving last night with
the end of our conversation. Lord, sleeping passengers
please help me deal with my fear.
To my relief, the young man Watching the sunrise
reached into his backpack and pulled
out a spiral notebook. He wrote as he Looking forward to my next
ate. After a few moments of complete visit home
silence, I started to feel bad about
cutting him off. Finding a shiny penny
Are you a budding writer? I
asked, softening my voice. Sharing a table at breakfast
No maam, he said. Im working
with a nice stranger
on a list for my mom. Shes ghting
lung cancer and shes asked me to His last entry caught in my throat.
make her a smile list. Im battling some health problems
Im sorry about your mothers of my own, I admitted. Youve been
health, I said, feeling even worse. an answer to prayer.
Whats a smile list? The young mans smile lit the room.
Oh, just little blessings. She says Oh, he said, grabbing his pen and
reading my daily list brings her a lot writing. Mom will love that one.
of comfort. Then he stood up, gathered his
What a lovely gift for your mom. things and took his coffee to go. I
Thank you, he said. The big smile have to meet my plane.
ashed again. It was my idea. Im As he walked away, I took out a
going to school back East. Moms pen and pad and wrote:
condition is terminal. He hesitated
and I could feel his pain in the silence. Encountering an answered
I tried to come up with something prayer
I could do to let her know I think of
her every day. And then I smiled.


My husband needed a liver transplant,

and time was running out. Where was the
donor we so desperately needed?

RGAN DONOR CRITERIA : Forty- hopeful. Every time the phone rang, I
ve years of age or younger. ran for it, thinking it was the hospital
Must be in good health. Same calling to tell us they found Rich a
height and weight as donor liver. But that call never came.
recipient. Universal blood type. Meanwhile, every day brought more
Nonsmoker. bad news, like the discovery that
I sat at the kitchen table, re- Rich had liver cancer too. My
reading the brochures from the husband was an upbeat guy. He never
hospital and feeling more and more missed an opportunity to tell a joke.
hopeless with every word. The But even he had lost his spark. His
perfect donor didnt seem to exist. once lively green eyes held a look of

And without that perfect donor, my defeat. Some mornings he had to

husband, Rich, didnt have a chance. drag himself out of bed. I barely
He was 52 years old and dying of recognized the man who had swept
liver failure. Hed been on the
transplant list for almost a year. Rich is a Yankees fan, and Karens learned to
When Rich rst got sick, I was love the team ag that ies over their lawn.


me off my feet 12 years earlier.
I closed the brochure and thought
of Rich back then. He was bartending
at a restaurant in New Jersey where
my friend dragged me for dinner one
night. Whoa, Rich said when he
approached our table. He blinked
dramatically. Your smile just
literally lit up the whole room!
It was such an obvious pickup line
that I couldnt help laughing. Rich
found excuses to chat us up all night.
He joined us after his shift ended.
Turned out there was more to him
than just jokes. He was easy to talk
to. I felt like Id known him my whole
life. Like we just understood each
other on an almost molecular level. I
left the restaurant knowing my life
would never be the same. Id found
my perfect match. work. Not one doctor or nurse had
Perfect match, I thought, opening even entertained the notion. I was
the brochure again. Rich needed one the worst possible candidate. I
of those more than ever now. Friends was 43 and barely met the age
and family had gotten tested, but no requirement. I rarely exercised. I
one t the bill. The donor would have had a heart murmur. Rich was six
to give Rich sixty percent of their foot three and thin. I was ve foot six
liver, no small feat. and curvy. I didnt even know my
Im going to lose my husband, I blood type. I closed the brochure. But
thought. And theres nothing I can do the thought persisted. Be his donor.
about it. It was a long shot for sure, but
Then a new thought popped into fantasizing about the possibility was
my head: Why dont you become his better than feeling hopeless. So I
organ donor? drove to the hospital the next
I shook the thought away. Me? A morning and got tested. I didnt tell
donor? This donor? It would never Rich what I was doing. There was no


Rescue dog Charlie found a good, healthy disappointment. In fact I actually
home with the Straubs. braced myself so well I almost didnt
understand when the doctor
reason to get his hopes up. Not even explained that I was approved for the
when I discovered my blood type was transplant. Me. The imperfect donor!
a match, which moved me on to the Rich tried to talk me out of itthe
second round of tests. process was just too grueling, he
More blood draws. Psychological said. But the spark in his eyes spoke
exams. Running on a treadmill. But louder than words. I dont
it was worth it, even if it all came to understand why youd want to do
nothing. At least I was doing this, Karen, he said nally, with an
something. elaborate sigh. I have such a great
Well call with the results, the life insurance policy!
nurse said. I listened for the voice to We both laughed that time. For the
give me good news, but I heard rst time in ages. My jokester had
nothing. I went home and tried not to returned.
think about the way things might And I have many more years of
turn out. I debated whether to come corny jokes to look forward to. The
clean with Rich and put this fantasy transplant was a huge success
out of my mind. for the both of us. Rich likes to say
I was back at the kitchen again he always carries a piece of me
looking at my brochure when the with him. I remind him that he has
phone rang. always carried a piece of me with
Mrs. Straub? Its the hospital. him. We have been a perfect match
I braced myself for the inevitable since day one.

The road to recovery wasnt easy, but eight years after their surgeries Karen
and Rich Straub are healthy and happy as can be. When theyre not hanging
out with their grandkids, or planning a trip to the beach, the duo are out
walking their hound dog, Charlie. The transplant led Karen to a healthier life-
style and shes tter than ever thanks to Zumba, Pilates and Yoga. Im more
spontaneous and just appreciate every single day, Karen says of life post
transplant. Rich too now lives in a constant state of gratitude. Rich will never
forget how blessed he is, Karen laughs, because I wont let him!

lost & found

V ACATIONS FOR ME meant always traveling with the same tour

business. Nothing had ever gone wrong. Then my friend tempted
me into trying a new one to Scotland and Ireland. They better
be good, I told her, because Im spoiled. My usual tour people
knew how to take care of me.
I took an eight-hour ight from Atlanta to Amsterdam to
Glasgow, and waited patiently at baggage claim for my red
suitcasebut it never came.
Looks like its still somewhere in Atlanta, the clerk said.
Well do our best to locate it and send it over.
On the bus to our hotel, I clutched my purse,
which held only my passport and billfold.
A woman from our group approached me in
the lobby.
I have a change of clothes you can
borrowwere the same size, I think.
Another woman came over. What size
shoes do you wear?
When it came my turn to check in, the
hotel clerk gave me all the toiletries I would
need. For the next 48 hours everyone
on the tourfrom the guides to my fellow
travelerswent out of their way to take
care of me. Thanks to their warmth and
humor I felt at home.
At the end of the second day, our kind
tour guide came running through the hotel
lobby with a big smile on his faceand my red suitcase
trailing behind him! You would have thought a celebrity arrived

the way everyone jumped up and cheered.

My new tour group had taken care of everything.


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in Bloom
Everythings coming
up new again
Loves Azalea
ur 25-year-old son, Tim, thrust the potted azalea into my
hands. Do you think you and Mom could manage to keep it
alive for ten months? he said, only half-joking. My wife,
Carol, and I dont have such a great track record for indoor
plants. They always seem to wither and die on us. Despite our
best intentions. Too much water, not enough sun? We never
knew which was the problem. Perhaps both? We promise well
do our best, we said.
Tim was headed to South Africa for 10 months of mission
workand 10 months of separation from his girlfriend, Henley. I
cant remember who had given the azalea to whom on Valentines
Day, but he said now that it was a sign of their love. Would it last?
We did our best, watering the plant sparingly, but faithfully,
singing to it, offering it muted sun not too close to the cold blasts
by the window. Tim and Henley did their best too, Skyping
regularly, keeping in touch, never forgetting whose they were.
White blossoms like cherubs wings sprouted on the azalea, just
in time for it to be set outside for the spring rains.
There it was in August when Tim came home. I couldnt wait


to show him. Come and look! I said. The azalea survived.
You and Mom did great, he said. Henley will be thrilled.
But we couldnt take full credit. Nature had done its work as
much as Skype had. And yet, when love stays in bloom its hardly
accidental. Love, like a plant, needs nurturing. Prayers were
heard and said, and more than an azalea thrived.

When the Grass Is Greener

rom my bedroom window, the brown stuff piled high in the back
of my daddys old pickup looked like dirt. Until I opened my
window and stuck my head out into the spring air. Whats that?
I called down. Pinching my nose, I gagged as the pungent,
unmistakable smell of manure wafted up. I ran downstairs.
Were gonna lay down some fertilizer, Daddy was telling my
brothers when I got outside. Fertilizermanure? Here? In the
middle of a city neighborhood? What would people think? My
brothers grimaced and groaned as they shoveled stinking heaps of
cow manure onto our yard and spread it over the grass evenly.
Neighbors walking by frowned and crossed the street.
Wait and see what the lawn looks like after a while! Daddy
said. Lord, is this really necessary? I wondered.
Over the coming days our family was the object of unwanted
attention, as well as some gossipy whispers and even shouts of
disdain from passing cars. Would we ever live this down?
The smell subsided eventually, and tiny blades of grass peeked
out of the covering. A few weeks later the sun shined brighter, and
more grass came out to greet it.
One day I walked out of the house to a yard as green as a golf
course. On either side, the neighbors yards were dried up and
yellow. Everyone fell in love with our parkland. Suddenly those
uncomfortable weeks seemed well worth it. Daddy taught me a
great lesson that day he showed up in his smelly truck: Something
that seems like a terrible trial can turn into a blessing.


Not Just Any Rose
ho names a rosebush?
Me, and I named my rosebushes Avie and Clarence,
after my parents. The bushes grew beautifully in the
garden in front of my house. They belonged together, just as
Mom and Dad had when I was growing up. Avie presented me
with a gorgeous pink rose on Mothers Day weekend, a special
gift since Mom herself was now in heaven.
When Dad joined her that June, I was devastated. His death
had taken me completely by surprise, and I felt myself grieving
for Mom as well, all over again.
I made the drive to my parents house in Texas for the
funeral. Dad had built the house by hand, pounding every nail,
laying every pipe. The house Id grown up in as an only child,
the center of my parents attention. Now our happy house would
go up for sale.
I stood in 108-degree Texas heat to say my good-bye at
Dads graveside at the end of my trip. The long, lonely drive
home to Tennessee deepened my sorrow.
As I nally turned into the driveway, though, something
awaited me in front of my house. Avie greeted me with
a new bloom. It was like Mom was sharing her joy at being
reunited with my father.
Theyre together again, I thought. And that was nice. But I
was left behind.
In October the real estate agent called to say the house had
sold. I burst into tears, feeling the loss of this last connection
to my parents. Now Im truly alone. Then I looked out the
window, and saw that Clarence had bloomed with a single red
rose. It was big and lush, like a prize. I felt as if my father
had wrapped me in his arms.
Avie and Clarence continue to bloom at just the right
moments, their roses always offering me a fragrant message
of joy and comfort sent from heaven.

someones in the kitchen

HEME PARTIES ARE MY SPECIALITY. For my daughter, Bethany, eight


months pregnant, I threw a Cutie Pie Baby Shower. Savory pies, fruit
pies, creamy pies, nut pieseverybody brought a pie. I made my Ham
and Brie Brunch Pie, a recipe featured on my blog, allthingsheartandhome.
com, where I share my favorite food, crafts and entertaining ideas. This pie is
perfect for any joyful occasion, like the most joyous of allEaster!


Ham and Brie Brunch Pie
1 9-inch piecrust
8 ounces of ham, diced
into -inch cubes
5 ounces Brie cheese, without rind
1 cup Parmesan cheese
4 eggs
2 cups heavy cream
teaspoon ground nutmeg

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Press
piecrust dough into deep-dish pie plate. Robin cooks to make folks feel welcome.
Prick sides and bottom of dough with a
fork. Cover piecrust with foil and bake for more minutes. Remove crust from oven
10 minutes. Remove foil and bake for 5 and reduce heat to 325. Use frying pan
to cook ham until browned and a little
crispy on edges. Spread ham along
bottom of piecrust. Thinly slice the Brie,
and cover ham. Sprinkle Parmesan
cheese on top of Brie. In a mixing bowl,
whisk eggs, cream and nutmeg. Pour
over cheese and ham layers in the
piecrust. Bake 45 minutes or until mostly
set. Finished pie may jiggle in the center
but it should be nice and hot. Let it sit for
15 minutes or until the cheese rms up.
Serves 8.

The recipes closest to your heart

taste best. Send yours to Angels on
Earth, 110 William Street,
Suite 901, New York, NY 10038.

heavens music

N O TALENT FOR SINGING . Couldnt carry a tune in a

bucket. Accidental harmonizer. My voice has been described in
many colorful ways over the years. So church choir was a pipe
dream for me, until I was asked to perform in an Easter cantata.
However, I would sign the words, not sing them!
That I could do. I learned the American Sign Language
alphabet after reading Helen Kellers biography in the sixth
grade. In college I took two years
worth of classes and used that
training often as a school
psychologist. Still, I had never
signed at an event like this. As
Easter drew closer I got nervous.
Nervousness blossomed into
full-blown stage fright when
family and friends realized they
couldnt attend the performance
for one reason after another. All
understandable excuses, but what
about me? I was nally going to be
a member of the choir, and no one I
knew would be there in the
audience to see it.
Easter morning I stood on stage staring out at the
congregation, everyone all dressed up. They looked so joyful. How
I wished I was out there in the audience with them. I took a deep
breath and tried to center myself. The song began, and my hands
started to move. And rejoice. The joy of Easter had us all in its
grip, and surely God was there to see it.

Now Im ofcially a member of the choir, signing regularly

during Sunday services. Its pure joy for me all year round.


An artful angel by artist
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S pringtime
Two geese landed in our pond every year.
Where were they when we needed them?

THEY RE NOT COMING, my 11-year- geese were our sign that spring was
old daughter, Randi, whispered. cominga time of rebirth and
I was loading the last suitcase into renewal. No one waited for those
the trunk of the car. My daughters geese like Randi, who God created to
eyes were xed on the small pond love all creatures big and small,
behind our house. The water was almost as much as she loved her big
completely still, reecting the trees sister, Kelli.
that lined the bank. Randi looked to I closed the trunk. Where are
the sky, but that was empty too. they? It was the last day of March
There was no sign of the two and the pond was undisturbed by
Canadian geese that landed in our even a ripple. It seemed Randi was
pond every March. For years the pair right. Victor and Victoria werent
arrived like clockwork, early in the coming this year.
morning, to swim all day and then y We needed that sign of hope more
off in the late afternoon. Just the two than ever for the days that lay ahead.
of them, Victor and Victoria. Our We were traveling to St. Louis
family had even named them. The Childrens Hospital, where Kelli was


Kelli (left) and Randi migrated
briey to Florida in June.

dad went home as planned.

The next morning, I was
sitting beside Kellis hospital
bed when our number lit up on
my cell phone. It was 7:30
Randi would be getting ready
for schoolher rst day back
after the surgery. But our
ordeal wasnt over. The next
two weeks were critical.
Please, Mom. Dont make
scheduled to have spinal fusion me go to school, Randi begged.
surgery for scoliosis. I knew how Everyones going to ask about Kelli.
much Randi worried about her sister, It will make me too sad.
but she didnt want to show it. She Kelli is ne. Shes here with me,
had no control over how Kellis recovering like she is supposed to.
surgery would go. Or the fact that Your job is to go to school. You need
our family would be separated once to get back into a routine, I said.
the surgery was complete. I would Youll worry less.
stay with Kelli while she recovered; Routine, I thought. Victor and
Randi and her dad would return Victoria popped into my head. Why
home. We were all under stress. Kelli didnt they do their part?
was her usual brave self, but I The nurse just walked in, Randi. I
sometimes wondered if things have to go. Please get ready for
werent hardest on Randi. school. Your sister and I will be home
As the four of us pulled out of the soon. I love you.
driveway, I glanced at the pond one Had I convinced her? Should I
more time, praying for a sign of have let her stay home? The nurse
feathers. Nothing. I could see the motioned for my assistance. God,
disappointment in Randis eyes when please give Randi the comfort she so
I looked at her in the backseat. desperately needs.
Kelli made it throughwith a few The nurse and I turned Kelli onto
complicationsbut Randi and her her other side. Just as we got her


settled my cell phone rang again. brought their friends. I counted them
Randi. Id have to give in and let her twice. An army of geese. Twelve in
stay home. The situation was too all! They were honking as they ew in
scary for her to face by herself. to make sure I saw them!
Mom! Guess what! It was the springtime miracle we
I hadnt even said hello. The all needed, not just Randi. I hadnt
unexpected joy in Randis voice realized how much until it happened.
startled me. Was this the same girl And a miracle it was. In two weeks
who had been so upset all morning? time, we knew for sure that Kellis
I was looking out the kitchen surgery had been a complete success.
window at the pond We spent many thankful days
Victor and Victoria! I almost together by the pond. I think Victor
shouted with relief. They came! I and Victoria brought angels with
relayed to Kelli. them that spring. Angels that y
Not just the two of them like with both my daughters, wherever
usual, Mom! Randi said. They they go.

Karen Sargent wrote down her story last fall, and sent it to us the very same
week. The following Saturday morning, she heard honking outside her
kitchen window. The geese? In November? I jumped up to count them,
Karen says. Twelve. Twelve geese! She hadnt seen such a sight since the
spring when Randi called her in the hospital. What was the gang stopping by
for nowand out of season? We think Victor, Victoria and friends knew
ahead of time that Karens story would be accepted for publication.

The Netherlands
What do you think of when you think of the
Netherlands? Wooden clogs? Windmills?
Bicycles? At last count the Netherlands had more
bikes than people! Perhaps the country is
best known for its colorful tulip elds, but here
are some of its secrets.

This hand-painted, blue-and-white pottery
has been made in Delft since the seventeenth
century, when it was popular among those
who could afford the tin-glazing technique,
which creates a porcelain look. These
angels share the traditional characteristics,
but are affordable Dutch souvenirs.


In 2005, the city of Zwolle commissioned a
sculpture of Archangel Michael, its patron
saint. Artist Herman Lamers built a modern
transparent Michael between people, a
10-foot-tall angel made of 350 plates of green
glass. The Glazen Engel stands in the Grote
Markt, the main square of the city.


Maastricht is one of the Netherlands oldest
cities, and hosts a march of enormous
puppets, called the Giants Parade, every ve
years. Here, a new giant is introduced to
the festivities. The Stadsengel, or city angel,
carries Maastrichts coat of arms, a red
shield with a white star.


from your lips...

G OOD FRIDAY WAS A SPECIAL DAY and I wanted to wear my

special necklace. It was a longtime favorite: a small gold and silver
crucix on a delicate chain. So just before I left for work I opened
my jewelry box and shed it out.
Darn, I said. It hadnt been long since I last wore it, but
somehow in the meantime the chain had gotten tangled. I counted
six knots. Just my luck, I thought. I was already running late, but
I didnt want to drop it into my wallet to x at work. Id only make
more knots. And it was Good Friday, after all. I could spare a few
minutes to x the chain before I left.
I started with a toothpick, trying to tease out the rst tangle.
The toothpick was too big to be much help, so I got a needle out of
my sewing kit. Maybe it wont take too long. Its just a few simple
twists. I sat down and got comfortable, squinting at the needle as I
tried to work out one of the knots in the chain, trying ever so
carefully to tease them apart. Minutes ticked by with no success.
But I couldnt give up now. Just the right gentle tug and
Finally! I muttered as one knot came undone. But there were
still ve to go. There was no way I could get them all untangled
and still be on time for work. This wasnt going to happen. Lord, I
really wanted to wear my cross today, I said. And with that, the
chain slipped out of my hand, slithering through my ngers and
falling to the oor.
Probably adding another knot! I sighed in frustration and bent
to pick it up. I held the necklace from one end and let the chain
dangle to see. All the knots were gone! Every last one. My Good
Friday miracle. Now it was time to get to work.

NEED PRAYER? Visit; or write to Guideposts Prayer

Fellowship, P.O. Box 5813, Harlan, IA 515931313. To become a prayer
volunteer, visit or call (800) 935-0158 x2.



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Our encounter
with a winged
guardian couldnt
have happened
at a more perfect
Ever time of year

W tchful

STOPPED TO ADJUST the bouquet of sermons, most of the housework was
Easter lilies in the foyer on my way left to my mother.
to take out the trash. White lilies, Heather, Mom told me as I
pastel-painted eggs, little girls in played in the kitchen on that
frilly dressesEaster was the monumental day, watch Audrey
season to celebrate miracles. I while I run outside with the trash.
thought back on a miracle from my Dont answer the front door and dont
own childhood. A miracle that go down the stairs. Ill be right back.
occurred before I even had memories My sister, Audrey, was four years
of my own. The story was told often older than me, but she was severely
to my sister and me by our mother, disabled, unable to walk on her own
and in many ways it was really my or speak, so in many ways I was the
mothers story. big sister.
It happened on a calm spring day Just then the wheels of Audreys
in April 1965. My father was the new metal walker came rolling across the
pastor in town. Occupied with linoleum. We have to stay right
seemingly endless rounds of visiting here, I told her.
his new parishioners and composing My mother smiled and smoothed


pictured Mom at the
burn barrel, lighting
a match and
dropping it inside. I
was done in a ash,
she always said, and
headed back inside
through the
basement door.
But how was it that
she immediately
heard giggles, almost
as if we were both
down in the
basement too?
Mom stopped
short at the basement
stairs. She covered
her mouth to stie a
scream. She didnt
want to scare us, in
case we might lose
our balance. I was
standing at the very
edge of the top stair,
and Audrey with her
my hair. Then she bent down and walker was close behind me on the
kissed Audreys cheek. My two landing. We were both laughingat
angels, she said. She stood on what, Mom couldnt say. But the
tiptoes to reach the box of matches important thing was we were in
she kept on a high shelf. Ill just be a danger of tumbling down!
minute in the backyard, Mom called Mom had never moved faster than
as she carried the trash downstairs when she sprinted up those stairs.
to the basement door that led outside. Once she had both us girls safe in the
You two stay put, now. kitchen, she scolded, You girls know
Taking out my own trash, I better than to even go near those


stairs. You both could have fallen! story. The way Mom had always told
The lady made sure we didnt, I it, there had been just her, Audrey
said sheepishly. and me that day. I called him up.
What lady? Mom asked. Of course I remember that story,
I glanced around and pointed to he said. I was there. I was in my
one of Moms ceramic gurines, an basement study preparing a sermon,
angel with wings cascading down her when I heard a womans voice in the
back. Audrey smiled. Mom said she house. It was not your mothers voice.
would never forget our encounter I came out to investigate just as your
with our watchful guardian. mom was coming in from burning the
I nished my chore, grateful that trash. We heard you giggling and
the season of miracles was upon us raced to the stairs. Luckily you two
again. Audrey and Mom were gone werent alone.
now, living with the angels in heaven. I always thought it had been my
Only my father and I were left. I moms story, but in fact it belonged to
wondered if Dad remembered the our whole family.
My friends all hate
tt ge W

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he makes winds his messengers PSALM 104:4

I KE WAS A SIX-YEAR - OLD golden retriever we got on a

two-week trial from a rescue group. My husband, Mike, could
barely hook on his leash for our rst walk.
I guess hes anxious for his rst walk, Mike said.
Wed been trying to adopt a dog for months, after our sweet
golden retriever, Brooks, went over the
rainbow bridge. Brooks had really been
Mikes boy.
The long process of nding a new
companion for Mike had grown very
frustrating. Again and again, Mike would
fall for a furry face on the rescue website,
only to nd out that the dog was promised
to someone else.
Ike had Lyme disease, ear infections,
and needed to be neutered. He had no
training but tons of energy. We decided to
meet him and hope for the best.
Mike called him Ike. It seemed to t.
But would Ike t with us? How would he
get along with our spaniel, Kelly? How
would we know this was the right dog?
Mike opened the door and Ike lunged
outside. Kelly bounded along beside him.
Ike looked up at us with a crooked smile,
his tongue hanging out of the side of his mouth. He has so many
issues, I thought. We need to be sure.
As we headed on our way, Ike pulling with all his might, I

spotted a piece of litter blowing across the sidewalk. I bent and

picked up the empty candy box, then burst out laughing. Look! I
said, showing Mike. Mike and Ike, for sure.


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Dave Grace
The facts added up to a different kind of evidence

WAS SUPPOSED TO testify in court At 52, there wasnt a lot that got past

I that morning. Id worn my best

suit and everything. But at the last
second the case was continued. So
it was back to the ofce, where I
worked as a federal agent. The place
me, not much I hadnt seen. I would
have liked to have gone right to the
scene to gather evidence, but I was
dressed for court, not for eld work.
I arrived at the hospital stat,
was abuzz. A woman, the co-owner of accompanied by two local county
a local auto dealership, had been detectives, and made my way to the
injured in a bombing. The explosive victims room in the trauma unit. She
had been packed into a ashlight and was younger than me, dark hair, with
left on top of her car before she left the look of someone who had lived a
for work. quiet, ordinary life. Until now. Part
Dave, get to the hospital and nd of her face, near her chin and mouth,
out what you can from the victim, was blackish red from the powder
my boss barked. burn. Her hands were bandaged. I
Bombings. For nearly 30 years could see the fear in her eyes. From
thatd been my specialty. Id what I gathered, she had no idea who
investigated some blockbuster cases, had done this to her or why.
the Weathermen, the Black Panthers Maam, Im really sorry to bother
and the Unabom investigation. But you at a time like this, I said as I
bombs were small-time weapons too. approached her hospital bed. Im


GraceSpecial Agent Dave Grace
and, well, my boss sent me here.
Thats my stylequiet, wanting to
put people at ease. Im six foot two, a
big guy. For some, just the sight of
me can be intimidating enough.
But not this woman. Her eyes met
mine and before I said anything else,
her whole face seemed to come alive
in a dazzling smile. As if she were
thrilled to see me.
Do you mind if I ask you a few
questions? I said.
She sat up in her bed. Of course Dave is retired now, but still a patriot.
not, she said. Whatever you need.
She told me how she had found the I went back to the womans room to
ashlight, the kind that sits upright, conrm the information. A doctor
on the hood of her car that morning. was treating her, suturing her badly
Not sure what to do with it, shed just burned hands with a long, sharp
taken it with her to work. There she needle. Im supposed to be Mr. Tough
showed it to a colleague, idly curious Guy and I could barely watch.
about where it had come from and The woman was dealing with it
why it had stood upright on the hood surprisingly well. Her eyes never left
of her car. Odd, isnt it? she said to me. As if, in her mind, she was
her colleague, and ipped the on-off holding on to me. If my presence
switch boom! It seemed a miracle offered her any comfort, I was happy.
she was even alive. She conrmed what her husband
Who would want to hurt you like said and agreed to let me take some
this? I asked. of her clothes and jewelry to test for
She couldnt think of anyone. explosives residue. Something told
I excused myself to talk to her me we had our guy, but I needed to
husband out in the waiting room. He secure the evidence.
said there was a customer at the auto Outside the trauma room, through
dealership shed talked about. An the glass window, I could still feel the
extremely disgruntled customer, who woman watching me. I couldnt
didnt seem quite right. imagine the pain she was going


through. I was determined to track They must have noticed all this
down the person who did this, but I angel talk was making me uneasy.
was sorry there was nothing I could The woman gazed up at me, now
do for the woman now, no way to serious. In the ambulance I prayed
comfort her. How could I? for God to send an angel to watch
A few days later I was at the trailer over me, she said. For his grace to
home of the suspect with a search protect me. I needed to feel his
warrant and a team of agents. Inside presence. Then, not ve minutes
we found drugs and were able to after I got to the trauma room, you
immediately arrest him while we walked in and introduced yourself.
continued our investigation. When you said your name was Grace,
It was about two weeks before I my fear disappeared. That one word
talked to the woman again. I wanted was more comfort to me than you will
to return all the valuables shed lent ever know. But more than that, you
us: rings, earrings, two chains with bear a striking resemblance to my
Catholic medallions and a cross. She late father. I realized you were not
was out of the hospital and healing him, of course, but the two events,
well. We met at a restaurant for lunch combined with the timing of my
with her husband and her priest. prayer, could hardly be called a mere
HE MINUTE she spotted me For a moment I was speechless,

T across the restaurant a smile

spread over her face. The
same smile Id seen when she
rst saw me at the hospital. She
leaned over to the priest. Here
weighing the evidence. Evidence was
my business, my trade, my currency.
I came to conclusions based on cold
hard facts. I thought of how I was
supposed to have been in court that
comes my guardian angel, she said day. My suit, my name, my
loud enough for me to hear. resemblance to her father. All the
I laughed to myself. No ones ever pieces t together. Perfectly. Gods
mistaken me for an angel. Im sorry hand at work. It was humbling, and I
its taken so long to get your jewelry knew that this would always be one of
back, I said. But thanks to the my most important assignments. The
evidence, we got our man. evidence was overwhelming.
She introduced me to her priest. Thank you, maam, I said. Glad
Mr. Grace, he said. Perfect name to be of service. To her, and to her
for an angel. prayer.

the collector

F RIENDSHIPS ARE BUILT AROUND shared interests, and

one unique thing my friend Carol and I had in common was our
passion for bunny gurines.
Carol kept hers in a china closet in her dining room. My
favorites were a porcelain pair who seemed to be enjoying a
country picnica boy bunny in blue trousers,
playing violin for a girl bunny whose pink skirt
ares as she offers a blossom from her bouquet.
They never failed to make me smile.
After Carol was diagnosed with inoperable
cancer, I called and dropped by more often than
usual. I knew I would soon lose my friend.
Carols selected some of her cherished
possessions to be given as mementos, her
caregiver told me on one of my visits. I knew
what she was telling me. It was time to say
good-bye. Not even Carols bunny gurines
made me smile that day.
At her funeral, the promised keepsakes
were handed out. Nothing for me. Were
we not the good friends I thought we
were? I wondered. Of course leaving me
a treasure wouldnt have made me miss
Carol any less.
Weeks later I got a call from Carols church. The
secretary had found a package for me. It must have
gotten pushed aside after the funeral, she said.
At home, I sat with the package in a quiet spot, afraid the gift
would make me cry. I unpacked the contentsthe bunny couple

she knew could always make me smile. My friend wanted to be

sure thats what Id do every time I thought of her.



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earning their wings

Prom king and queens: Lauren and Justin Etherton; Camille and Frankie Galli

Everybody Dance Now younger sister, Frankie, wondered

JOANNA SANDUSKY too. Camilles classmate Justin
BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Etherton waved his sister Lauren
off, and she wondered the exact

K ennedy Krieger School in

Rockville, Maryland, is not your
ordinary high school. All our children
same thing for her brother. The
siblings came to me, the principal.
It was a good question.
have developmental disabilities. Parents supported a fund-raiser,
When student Camille Galli and the dance oor was packed.
watched her big sister get ready for Kennedy Krieger isnt an ordinary
prom, she asked why she didnt school, which makes our prom
have one at Kennedy Krieger. Her extraordinary.

earning their wings

Sent From Above


R owdy teenagers lled Riverlink

Park, and Id come for quiet time
with baby Hudson. I was looking
forward to a walk around Mohawk
River, and wed worked to get here,
even taking an elevator down to
water level. Now I needed serenity.
Annoying, Lunchtime angels Josette and Dylan
mind was loaded with choice
adjectives for a group of kids Two for One, and One for All
distracting us. Hudson started to JOSETTE DURAN
get fussy. Well go back to the car, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO
I said. Lord knows youre not going
to get any sleep here, I thought as
we walked away from the same
rowdy teens.
A dolescent boys have big
appetites, but I was still
surprised when my 15-year-old
At the elevator, I pressed the asked me to make him two full
button. I pressed it again. Nothing lunches for school. Hungrier than
happened. Id have to climb four usual? I asked.
ights of stairs with a baby carriage! Its for another boy, Dylan said.
Excuse me, maam? This elevator He only eats a fruit cup. I dont
can only be activated think he has money for lunch.
from the top. It was I didnt know the other kids mom,
one of the teenage but I could relate. Dylan and I had
boys. Let me send it been homeless not so long ago. So I
down for you. He made two lunches instead of one.
bounded up the Six weeks later, I met the other
stairs and rode the boys mother at school. She had a new
elevator down for me job and wanted to repay me for the
to catch. It seems my lunches. I refused. Its a privilege to
son wasnt the only help others just like others helped us.
Young Hudson one who was fussy And Im very proud that Dylan feels
rides in style. that day. the same way.


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For the rst grandson, Nonas last quilt

ISAPPOINTMENT was all too book? Tom suggested. Vito and his

D clear in my husbands eyes

when I came home from the
store empty-handed. I just
didnt come across anything special,
I said. Dont worry. Ill try again
family lived in Northern California,
500 miles from us. For Christmas,
wed sent a treasury of nursery
rhymes that seemed to go over well.
At times like this I realized how
tomorrow after work. little I knew this family Id married
Tom nodded, but he was out of into. Tom and his wife Bennie
ideas too. This gift was important for had been married for 34 years. I
both of us. The very rst birthday was still learning his tastes and
present for his very rst grandson, idiosyncrasies. His childrens likes
Vito. But I felt added pressure as and dislikes, their parenting styles.
Toms newlywed. Tom was a widower It wasnt like buying a gift for my
when we married. I wanted so badly own grandkids. I knew them inside
to please him, impress him, to be the and out. But little Vito There had
kind of loving, capable wife he was to be something else. Something
used to. Vito had been born on the inspired. But what?
third anniversary of his Nonas We should get something to eat
death. Now, as Toms wife, I was and then sleep on it, I said to Tom.
stepping into his grandmothers The next morning, while I was
shoes. I didnt want to fall short. dressing for work, worry rose inside
Maybe we could get him another of me. I sat down on the edge of the


bed. Lord, point me in the
right direction, and help me
to feel like a real member of
this family.
I forced myself to get on
with my day. Id recently
taken a position as front desk
manager of a grand, historic
hotel, with its gorgeous
Newlyweds Rebecca and Tom got a special blessing.
gardens, elegant restaurant
and a sweet gift shop lled with keep Bennies last quilt. But when
unique items. Sally described it, I realized it was
Just before lunch the manager of meant for a little boy instead
the gift shop came by to introduce yellow, tan and blue colors with
herself. Her name was Sally. I know animals scattered about.
your husband, she told me. I was in I told Sally about Vitos rst
a quilting group with Bennie. birthday. Can we get the quilt
Oh, yes, I said. I know all about nished right away?
Bennies quilts. They were truly A week later I showed Tom the
beautiful. She liked to focus on nished product. He ran his ngers
creating the tops, Tom had explained over the stitches. You know, maybe
to me, and let others add the bottom this is the reason we couldnt think of
and nish up. anything else.
She stayed active with our group Tom wrote a note to go with our
up until she died, Sally said. She gift: Dear Vito, this is the last quilt
was so weak from the cancer, but top your Nona ever made. She is the
there was still work she wanted to grandmother you will never know
get done. Then she hesitated, as if personally, but you will learn all
she wasnt sure that she should go on about her from the loving family that
with the story. surrounds you. And that family
When Bennie died, I had one of included me.
her quilt tops to nish, Sally said. We sent the quilt by express mail.
But I just never got around to it. The The return label said from Grandpa
quilt top is still in my sewing room. and Grandma DeMarino in
Do you think Tom would want it? Washington. But we both knew it was
Of course I knew he would want to a gift from heaven.



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Bergen, NY 14416

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angel sightings

T MY MOTHERS YESTERDAY, we decided to sit outside to soak up some

A sunshine. I wanted to enjoy every minute I had left with her. We got to
talking about how much God loves us. If he cares for every little bird,
just think how much he cares for us, I said. He even knows the number of
hairs on our heads! Mom looked at me and nodded. And every feather
counted! she said, pointing to the sky. I looked up, and this is what I saw.


letters & messages

Carolyn Werly-Wilder Carolyns way. Turns out, this angel

prayed for angels with
hot breath to lift the picture was actually featured with
frost and save the her original orange grove story in the
trees. It worked! March/April 2014 issue of Angels on
Earth. A good picture really is worth
f all the entries in Guideposts LISA SCHUMACK
O collection The Best Angel Stories
2015, Carolyn Werly-Wilders story,

My Prayer for the Orange Trees,

was my favorite. Then I received a
was months after my mothers
before we were able to make
trip to visit her brother and his
Someone Cares greeting card from family. We were sitting around
Guideposts, with an illustration that visiting when Dads cell phone rang.
seemed to tell the story. I even sent it It had stopped by the time he got it,


so he checked the missed calls.
Moms old number topped the list. We
called back, but the young girl who
answered said she hadnt made the
call. Mom always was a fan of that ad,
Reach out and touch someone.

rawing angels has always
D brought me peace, even in the
most trying of times. After 30 years
of ghting res for the town of Mary (far right) in 1961 with her father,
Manchester, I suffer from Post sister, Linda, and brother, Alan
Traumatic Stress Disorder. But when
I have a pencil and paper in hand and MARY SPIEGEL
start sketching, it brings me comfort. WASILLA, ALASKA
Each angel I draw feels like getting a ad raised us to trust and serve
hug. Kind of like reading the stories
in Angels on Earth.
D God. But after he passed away
suddenly, I found trusting hard. I
So many people in these pages asked God for a sign, reassurance
have inspired and uplifted me. So I that Dad was in heaven.
wanted to spread my own joy and For months none came. I waited,
give a big hug to all I trusted as best I could.
my fellow readers, Then, standing at my kitchen sink,
my angels. I saw a dove sitting on our back
fence. I heard a voice: This is me.
Another dove landed alongside
the rst. This is your dad, and he
is safe with me. Dad had raised
us right.
This is just one of See all things angels on our Pinterest
the many adorable page at
angel drawings Connect with us on Facebook at
Tom has sent in
for our pleasure.


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Angels on Earth, a bimonthly magazine from Guideposts, presents true stories about
heavenly angels and humans who have played angelic roles in daily life.
Editorial Ofce Editor-in-Chief Colleen Hughes SEND US
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Beth Ann Magnuson, of
Bishop Hill, Illinois,
transforms natures best
planned packaging
eggshellsinto works of wonder.
She created these
lace-patterned goose eggs
exclusively for
our Easter issue.
Please join us online every day
for a lift to your spirit.

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