Bentley-Mason Love Texts

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0 Verizon LTE 2:59 PM *79%.

<Messages Robert Contact


Today 2:33 PM

Going for ride with Paul

Well at least you get out

even if not alone. Have
Read 2:37 PM
I love you Rebekah


Q If. WIf. EIf. RIf. T If. YIf. UIf. lOP
If. If. r


''-'_--"', ~ If. If. If. If. If. If. r

123 @l <Q! space return

'"----oJ ....---..J~ '~~ -----" ......_ _....J
Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000001
Bentley, Dianne
0 Verizon LTE 4:04 PM 56%.:J

<Messages Robert Contact

even IT n01 a one. Have

I love you Rebekah

Today 7:52 AM

I love you Dianne ,

Thanks for putting name

in. Love u let's have fun.

We will

Today 3:03 PM

It was a fun day baby. So

glad both girls got to do
that. I enjoyed today with
you. It was good. I love
you Dianne.

It was a ood fun da need

Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000002
Bentley, Dianne
I Da
Monday, Augu t 25,2014

Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000003

Bentley, Dianne
115 7:";) rlYl n'
116 7:46 PM Cpl. Mills Ground
117 7:55 PM CPO Orozco Onth
118 8:12 PM Rebekah Mason
119 8:17 PM Cpl. Mills
120 8:22 PM CPO Barron
121 8:50 PM Cpt. Mills
122 8:56 PM CPO Orozco
123 9:03 PM Cpt. Mills
124 9:17 PM CPO Davis
125 9:23 PM CPO Orozco
126 9:35 PM Rebekah
127 9:40 P CPO .
128 9:41 P
129 9:41
130 9:45
131 9:
132 9:
133 10:
134 10.
135 11:

Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000004

Bentley, Dianne
"'estertlay ? 30 PM

Do yoU happen to have the letter David

Byrne referred to FrIday from Wlnn
Johnson? It would be helpful to see that
In planning our message strategy
Pr UUcl tj\ '/ t ~. I
- ' .. _- I I;

By!:" <:J\/~-:r-U':"_t,l

If you could get that letter it would help

me a lot. Maybe the can email it to you
this afternoon

I'" I ' __ I '


Read Yesterday

Yesterday 8;40 PM

Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000005

Bentley, Dianne
Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000006
Bentley, Dianne

Can you please talk to Jennifer and yas

About to get started on c-span

Could you check with legal

Friday 3:36 PM

Old yOLl find out anvthlrJo

~ ,~

Friday 6:43 PM

I love j au Rt'be"a~' - -

Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000007

Bentley, Dianne

Friday 10: 19 PM

I love you

Saturday 7:17 AM

Does our phone 'Nark

Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000008

Bentley, Dianne
:w~ at 9:38 last night

IU using your not private phone

Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000009

Bentley, Dianne
'(, " , (I! " I' /

TodO)' 4i~~ PI<!

.wn:ma text to wrong person! !!

o I", r d

Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000010

Bentley, Dianne
Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000011
Bentley, Dianne
00 Verizon 9' 10:56 AM 82%~

<Messages Dianne Contact

and the family. If the
decision is for you and no
family member to come
then in can't do anything
about that. But my
response and yours must
come from same source
and must be short and
consistent. Jennifer would
be best source and I and
you can give the same
answer.we can not give
that response because it
could imply illegal activity
which has never occurred
on my part.may I also say
that inauguration is not
about me or you but the
people of the state and
history .i know you don't
believe me but I do still
love you. Robert

Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000012
Bentley, Dianne
0 Verizon 9' 10:56 AM 82%~

<Messages Dianne Contact

I received your letter. I am

sorry. I still have hope that
we can work on this and
come to a good
resolution .for you and me
and the family. If the
decision is for you and no
family member to come
then in can't do anything
about that. But my
response and yours must
come from same source
and must be short and
consistent. Jennifer would
be best source and I and
you can give the same
answer.we can not give
that response because it
could imply illegal activity
which has never occurred
on my part.may I also say
that inauguration is not
. ._--"
V, ..., ........ Send
Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000013
Bentley, Dianne
00 Verizon 9' 9:35 PM * 23 % r:::::J

<Messages Robert Contact

I am grateful for how well u

prepared for us. I used to
resent the money but now
I'm grateful. The paper for
cash value was on table.
So I thought u were
cashing it out. Have u
formed 501c4?

Not yet but I am looking

into it like many other

It is an advocacy

I have Heath looking at it

Will u fund it yourself?O


Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000014
Bentley, Dianne
00 Verizon 9' 9:36 PM * 23 % r:::::J

<Messages Robert Contact

Are u hiring someone

then? Are u cashing in life

It's not fair to planners

Are you talking about

someone specific

U know who. Did u cash in

life insurance to fund

I have no plans to cash in

life insurance. I worked all
my life so you would be
taken care of.i will always
take care of you. I'm glad
we gave luke 20%

We need to help him

I ..., ........ j Send
Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000015
Bentley, Dianne
00 Verizon 9' 9:36 PM

<Messages Robert Contact

Yesterday 7:36 PM

Dianne I still wish you

would come Monday. But
if you are not are any of
the boys coming. Are any
of the little girls coming? It
would help me plan if I
knew. Please

Have u made your choice?

Do you still have a
relationship going? Those
facts can be decided Sun
afternoon. Will David be at

I am not having a
relationship with anyone!!!
I don't know if he is
coming. I need to know
before Sunday!

m v1E"s ,aq Send

Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000016
Bentley, Dianne
Today 8'05 PM

Came away with me

You handsome wonderful amazing

-delicious funny sweet man.

I am forever yours

Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000017

Bentley, Dianne

Come away with me

You handsome wonderful amazing

delicious funny sweet man.

I am forever yours

Sweet wonderful Robert

Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000018

Bentley, Dianne
Rebekah Details

Then It's tl orbed

I wish it were with you

Good night my sweet Rebekah


Good night my love

I love you forever

I love you so much

A' .

Do you need me

I love you

you SO
I want you now

Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000019

Bentley, Dianne

I want you now

I 11111 U I'"
III In III 1111 .1111111 I Hi 1,111f

I want to love YO\I

To kiuch you

I ~111 WIII 1

I will drMm of you

I'll hI w Huh rl Dr lin of ,m

Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000020

Bentley, Dianne

od morning my sweet Robert

I love you

Oh how I love you

I sure miss you

I need you

I hope you had sweet dreams. I love you

one loves you more than I do Robert

To<! Y 10:56 AM

You are the only one

Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000021

Bentley, Dianne
Today 10.56 AM

You ale tt18 only one

you want to put the
Hey sweetheart
Do you have ballgames

8:45AM No they've been cancelled

Today 2:37 P

I love you Rebekah

And I love you so.

Hey Rebekah

Hey Robert

Rebekah you only are the one I love

Hey sweet Robert

My sweet beautiful love

Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000022

Bentley, Dianne
put the Today 2:41 PM

Hey sweet baby

1:32PM ..-

Hey Robert.
:45 AM
I'm about to send you some things to
work on.

It is raining there?

I'm sorry I missed your call

Send me some work

. -. .
I'm working on it now.

Do you know how much I love you

Not as much as I love you Robert

More than anything or anyone

Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000023

Bentley, Dianne
aI of my passionate heart

I love your passion for me

It's a good thing you do.

I have passion only for you

It's a good thing you do ~


My Love

I miss you my love

I miss you sweet Robert.

You are on a deserted Island.

I wish we were on one together

You me so beautiful

Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000024

Bentley, Dianne
So SUPPOI live 01 me

tR d I

I love you

I iN aI tand my ground d lending


And you do

I try really really hard

I know Ihal

Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000025

Bentley, Dianne
iPad 9" 7:50 AM * 100""~
Edit Messages Rebekah Details
0. Search
Are you home sweetheart
Rebekah Mason 717AM
o Yes I just got here

Bob Wickers Yesterday

Are you available to visit wIth me tomorr...

John Cooper Yesterday

I always love that
Appreciate It
I always love you
K Oh sweetheart I love holding you

That was wonderful

Craig Ford Yesterday
Thank u agam for coming It always is

Rebekah you bring joy to my life

Dianne Bentley Yesterday
Thank you You are so beautiful and so wonderful

I'm so in love with you

Jenifer Ardis Monday
Ok_ You are so wonderful

And I'm in love with you

Good job today. This was your best one so I love you

Drayton Monday
He..rrl VOlI WAre in r.llllm<ln InrI..v iw.llef1
Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000026
Bentley, Dianne
Mel. . . . (1)
Q. Search Oh Dear

pencer Collier New New 12:47 PM

v... Can you call me when you get a
oment. Nothing urgent, but I need som ... Wow. That was fast.


ne Bentley 10:48AM
achments: 3 Images We can pick up something and laugh
together in your office

ubbard Mike 8:26AM

Ok sweetheart

Yesterday Decide what you want

you aVailable t~ visit with~~ tomorr... Where are you?

nCooper Yesterday
kxxeciate it
Well you didn't tell me
" Yesterday

- ... conmg
Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000027
Bentley, Dianne

The waters are rising


Oh Dear.....


-- -


IIIIIlDle to VISit with me ternerr...

Yesterday Poor Rocky

Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000028

Bentley, Dianne

New New 12:47PM

all me when you get a Ok
9 urgent, but I need som ...
Today 9 55 AM
You look beautiful and ;~ ..... ::, ~ ,

You sweet thing



Poor Rocky


......,,------- - -

Yesterday Yes... Bless our hearts.


Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000029

Bentley, Dianne
Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000030
Bentley, Dianne
<:/ Edit
You are trying
a. S mch
10 1M

~on 12:06PM
rd you w r In Cullman loday. just I It
eroRpm ottlc . Do me a favor and ask ...

nlter Ardis y, st rday I go back to what you said this morning.

es sir--th photo was post d about 15
Before church
inS ago to your social m dla accounts.

Jenlfer & Rebekah Yesterday

Great! Thanks! Looks like it was a fun

Hubbard Mike Yesterday That you won't allow others to rob you of
Great. I hope they spoke with the PCI your joy. Because you have a serious job
lawyer. I gave him David's office number... to do. And I said: It really doesn't matter
what others say or what others want. Or
DI8nne Bentley Yesterday demand you be. You can only be who
Thanks. God made
You to be.
You honor God by doing what He says
Yesterday you shoUld do. Not what Man says you

Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000031
Bentley, Dianne

IRlbelCIIh Mason 4'06PM

you sweetheart
Yes I am

Drayton 12:06 PM
Heard you were in Cullman today, just left
ZeroRpm office. Do me a favor and ask...

Jenifer Ardis Yesterday Hey sweetheart

Yes sir--the photo was posted about 15
mins ago to your social media accounts.

Jenifer & Rebekah Yesterday

Great! Thanks! Looks like it was a fun

Hubbard Mike Yesterday

Great. I hope they spoke with the PCI
lawyer. I gave him David's office number...

DIanne Bentley Yesterday



01.,.. Yesterday

Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000032

Bentley, Dianne
Rebekah Mason
k 0 sw<><>tr",,, at.., :. 3./ to J 11 '_ .....

Drayton 12;06PM
Heard you were in Cullman today. Just left I O'.t' ,GL.

ZeroRpm office. Do me a favor and ask ..

Jenifer Ardis Yesterday
Yes sir--the photo was posted about 15 Sorry not r",e"'l I :I:,j ~

mms ago to your social media accounts.

I'm sorry
Jenifer & Rebekah Yesterday
Great! Thanks! Looks like it was a fun
Today 02 PM
Hubbard Mike Yesterday
Great I hope they spoke with the PCI
la er. I gave him David's office number...

Yesterday I love you

Dianne Bentley
Thanks. Tad 23-1 PI



Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000033

Bentley, Dianne
< oments

Rebekah Mason PM
I hope you were able to tell him he sings
your favorite song.

What a wonderful gift God gave you.

Jeniter Ardis 12:13PM
I am Wish you could have been 1'-',"

Justin Williams Yesterday Me too

You guys ok?

Luke Oh. You should go
DH today due to the weather.

Dianne Bentley
Attachment: 1 Contact
And (love you


Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000034

Bentley, Dianne
You're much more.

Jenifer Ardis 12:13PM


. Not according to God

Justin Williams Yesterday
o gu so? I have to put t ~.,: ,~. ,

We both do.
Luke Yesterday
DH today due to the weather.

It really doesn't matter what others say or

Dianne Bentley Yesterday
what others want. Or demand you be.
A achment: 1 Contact You can only be who God made
You to be.

He created you. They didn't

You honor God by doing what He says

you shoUld do. Not what M8I says you
Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000035
Bentley, Dianne
Q EdIt
Today 735AM

Good morning my love

Jenifer Ardis 12:13PM
lam Good Morning sweetheart

Justin Williams Yesterday

You guys ok? I love you

J fnl'-,~} ,( I J
Luke Yesterday
DH today due to the weather.
I miss you Robert

Yesterday I miss Robert

Dianne Bentley
Attachment: 1 Contact I miss RebekClh and r,(>I!'-"

Me too

We will see IIWllJ ,hLIIII 'H'I


Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000036

Bentley, Dianne

Jenifer Ardi 1213P

Bull thin!' ,t " l ' '" ' ", " ",

Justin Willlam V. rrl y

('J . g i O!'?
I ag~ .

o th W Il r Your Purpo e. Your mi ion. Your
mini try. Your ervice is being
Stolen from you
Dianne Bentley {r, tarday
Atl:tchm nt 1 Contact

Yes, And that's the goal.

You're much more.

Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000037

Bentley, Dianne
Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000038
Bentley, Dianne
h k h

Are you okay

I miss you

you h v your oth r phon ?

Yes will use

In car

khom 1

Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000039

Bentley, Dianne
I t.,,1

h nR "",1", III I ""jav "'II

'dn I nil' prnu 1III V, II \

Old you illllll II

...... ~~~~~.~.~, ....... ,...
Willi I" 1\111 VOII

N I 111' d Ahnulit lid I 10.11\1 V"li W I

II " M wuruf Ilul
I till II. "'V ..II. I 1'11\'"


Will VlIlll".

!lilly ilnvll 11111 1'1\111111

NnW I. !III '''11 "II III 11 111111

Bentley Impeachment Investigation 000040

Bentley, Dianne

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