Circadian Rhythm Regulations of The Cardiovascular System: Studies in Rats and Mice

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Circadian Rhythm
Regulations of the
Cardiovascular System
Studies in Rats and Mice


he cardiovascular system is highly organized in time; Apart from normotensive control rats [Sprague-Dawley
blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), peripheral resist- (SPD), Wistar-Kyoto (WKY)], spontaneously hypertensive rats
ance, and the release/activity of vasodilating and (SHR) were used as a model of human primary hypertension
pressure hormones all display circadian variations. and transgenic rats (TGRs) (TGR(mRen2)27) as a model for
Pathophysiological events are also not random, as shown for human secondary hypertension [9], [10]. Experiments were also
sudden cardiac death, stroke, ventricular arrhythmias, arterial performed in wildtype (C57) mice, and several strains of trans-
embolism, symptoms of coronary heart disease, and myocar- genic or knockout mice (eNOS/) are under investigation.
dial infarction [1]. To get more insight into the circadian regu-
lation of the cardiovascular system, various strains of rats Results
were studied as animal models of human primary and second- In telemetric studies, not only was the severe hypertension
ary hypertension. Experiments were performed under highly confirmed but surprisingly an inverse circadian BP pattern
controlled environmental conditions under a light:dark (LD) was found with peak values in the resting phase of the rats,
schedule of 12 h 12 min. To test for the contribution of the bio- i.e., during the light phase, whereas the rhythms in HR and
logical clock(s), rats and mice were monitored under free-run motility were not disturbed with peak values in the dark phase
conditions in total darkness (DD) as well as after a shift of the [4]. Thus, there was an internal desynchronization between
LD cycle simulating a westward jet-lag. BP and HR. Transgenic rats are normotensive up to about
seven weeks after birth and also display a normal circadian
Methods profile in BP, HR, and motility, with peak values in the activ-
The availability of implantable radiotelemetric devices made it ity period during darkness [9][12]. Thereafter, TGRs develop
possible to study various cardiovascular functions in freely mov- hypertension simultaneously with an about 12-h shift of the
ing, unrestrained animals [2][5]. There is a clear-cut advantage peak in BP from the dark into the light/rest phase [9], [12].
of radiotelemetry over the conventional tail-cuff method since This seems to happen because of an ontogenic regulation of
radiotelemetry does not induce stress reactions in experimental the mouse renin gene [13].
animals. The telemetric devices from Data Sciences, Inc., were The circadian rhythms in BP and HR of WKY, spontaneous
used in rats and mice, allowing to measure simultaneously dwarf rat (SDR), and SHR but not of TGR(mRen-2)27 mir-
systolic and diastolic BP, HR, and motility by implanting the BP rored their activity patterns in that peak values were observed
transmitter into the abdominal aorta (rats) [5] or into the carotic in the rats activity phase [5]. The circadian patterns in BP and
artery (mice) [6], or an ECG-transmitter was used [7] to allow HR of WKY, SDR, and SHR are similar to patterns observed
continuous monitoring of the HR as well as temperature and in normotensive and primary hypertensive humans, with the
activity in mice. BP dipping in the resting phase.
Most of the animal experiments were performed under an Interestingly, hypertensive TGRs have a normal circadian
LD schedule of 12 h 12 min under highly controlled environ- pattern in kidney function, including renal plasma flow [14],
mental conditions [5]. To test the hypothesis of an involve- and in the cerebral blood flow [15], both peaking in the dark
ment of circadian clock(s) in the regulation of cardiovascular span. Thus, in TGR, renal and cerebral blood flow are inter-
rhythms, additional experiments were performed under free- nally desynchronized from the systemic blood flow, and the
running conditions in DD, after lessoning of the master clock underlying mechanisms are under investigation.
in the central nervous system [suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCNs)] To get further insight into the disturbed mechanisms of regula-
or after shifting the light phase by 6 h (simulation of jet-jag) tion of the BP rhythm in TGR, we studied processes of signal
[7] to test for adaptation to the new LD schedule. For data transduction of the sympathetic nervous system and the renin-
analysis, the Chronos-Fit program [8] was used. angiotensin-system [RAS] [16] since TGRs have an overex-
pressed RAS system. The overactive renin-angiotensin system in
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MEMB.2007.907090 TGR leads to the activation of the sympathetic nervous system


Hypertensive TGRs have a normal circadian
pattern in kidney function and in the
cerebral blood flow.

with subsequent increase in BP. Although BP was significantly constant darkness, indicating that they are really governed by
elevated in TGR, plasma catecholamine concentrations were an internal clock. Both in rats [30] and mice [17], we were able
reduced rather than increased in TGR; however, the rhythmic to demonstrate that the rhythms in cardiovascular functions
pattern and nocturnal peak was unaltered [17]. (BP, HR) persisted under free-run with a period deviating
In a recent study, we were able to demonstrate in both from 24 h. In normotensive rats, an increase, and in normoten-
nonhypertensive (four weeks of age) and hypertensive sive mice, a shortening of the periods were found [31]. Inter-
(10 weeks) TGR lower norepinephrine (NE) concentrations estingly, in DD, BP and HR in TGR persisted but with no
and a reduced expression of the tyrosine-hydroxylase in car- increase in period length, indicating that light perception must
diac tissue and adrenal glands (RT-PCR/Western blot). In be disturbed in this TGR strain [1], [30].
the hypothalamus, NE concentrations were not different Immediate early genes, especially c-fos, are thought to play
between the strains; however, tyrosine-hydroxylase mRNA an essential role in photic entrainment of circadian rhythms.
was significantly higher in TGR than in SPD [9], [10]. The Assessment of c-fos mRNA expression by microdissection and
turnover of NE was also reduced in hypertensive TGR in heart RT-PCR in the SCN showed that, in contrast to normotensive
tissue and increased in the hypothalamus, both in the light and SPD rats, the 24-h rhythm of c-fos mRNA expression in
the dark phase. In adrenal glands of TGR, the mRNA of NE TGR(mRen2)27 rats is abolished [28]. Moreover, light-induced
reuptake1-transporter was also reduced, and in the hypothala- c-fos expression within the nucleus could be found in the nor-
mus, NE reuptake1-transporter could not be detected [10]. motensive controls, but was absent in transgenic hypertensive
These data indicate that the transgene in TGR leads to an rats [10], [28]. When a one-hour light pulse was applied during
increased central stimulation of the sympathetic nervous sys- their subjective night to the TGRs housed in DD, it had no
tem and a consequent down-regulation in the peripheral effect on BP and HR rhythm, only the activity rhythm showing
organs. a slight phase shift. In normotensive control SPD rats, such a
In wild-type mice also, a circadian rhythm in HR (as shown light pulse resulted in a significant phase delay of about two
by ECG) and BP was found by telemetry [18], [19], which per- hours [28].
sisted under DD. This observation was confirmed by radiotele- Thus, this data suggest that the transgene in TGR not only
metric ECG-registration in mice. Both in wildtype C57 and in leads to a disturbance of the cardiovascular system but also
eNOS/ mice, we could simulate jet-lag by shifting the LD influences the light entrainment response, which is ac-
cycle by 6 h (westward flight); reentrainment of the rhythms companied by an altered c-fos mRNA expression in the
in HR and body temperature occurred within 45 days [19]. SCN [9], [28].
Most behavioral and physiological parameters in mam-
mals display at least some evidence of a 24-h temporal struc- Discussion and Conclusion
ture, reflecting an innate temporal program provided by In conclusion, the data obtained in various strains of rodents
biological clocks. The SCN of the hypothalamus serves as can help to better understand the rhythmic regulation of BP
the main Zeitgeber for such circadian rhythms. Light induc- and HR and the underlying mechanisms involved [1]. This is
tion of clock genes might be a general factor through which of special importance for the evaluation of various forms of
the body clock is brought into synchronization with the human primary and secondary hypertension (dippers and non-
external environment [20][23]. In rodents, light-induced dippers). In addition, many persons have to work in night
phase shifts of behavioral rhythms are known to be positively shifts, which has been associated with an increased risk of car-
correlated with the induction of the transcription factor c-fos diovascular disease, or they travel across several time zones.
in the SCN, and it has been suggested that Fos itself mediates Both these conditions lead to disturbances of the biological
these light-induced phase shifts [24][28]. As described clock and the internal rhythmic organization of the body, with
earlier, alterations of endogenous rhythms, including severe symptoms of intolerance to shift work or jet lag. With the use
changes in the rhythmic pattern of BP, have been detected in of radiotelemetry, one can simulate these conditions in rodents
transgenic hypertensive TGR(mRen2)27 rats [5], [9], [10]. (changing LD conditions, inducing light shifts) and finally
Both in normotensive rats [11], [29] and in TGR, ablation of study the effects of drugs, which might be helpful to amelio-
the SCN eliminated 24-h BP variability [28] and abolished rate the symptoms.
the rhythm in motility as well as in HR and BP [29]. This
observation gives evidence that, at least in the rat, cardiovas- Acknowledgment
cular rhythms must also be under the control of the central This research was supported in part by the DFG (Le 318, 10/1-3).
clock(s) located in the SCN.
Another important feature of circadian rhythms is that they orn Lemmer obtained his M.D. in 1968 and his Ph.D. in
free-run under constant environmental conditions, i.e, during pharmacology in 1974 from the University of Frankfurt. He


The overactive renin-angiotensin system in TGR
leads to the activation of the sympathetic
nervous system with subsequent increase in BP.

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[17] S. Schiffer, S. Pummer, K. Witte, and B. Lemmer, Cardiovascular regula-
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