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Story Mapping Religion

Part 1: Creating your base map

1. Go to and log in
2. Go to My Content. In the upper right hand corner, search for Geography of Religion. On
the left hand side, make sure the box Only Search in A.C. Flora High School is checked.
Find the map created by me ( and open it.
3. Save As with this title: Religion Geo base map_FirstinitialLastinitial
a. Add these tags: AC Flora, Mr Hare, Unit 3, Your Block (3B, 4B, or 4A)
Part 2: Hearths and Diffusion for Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam
4. Click the Add button, and select Map Notes. Title this layer Religion Hearths
a. To edit the Map Notes layer at any time, click the layer and the click the Edit
button on the tool bar across the top of the map.
5. Use the Map Notes editing feature to add a small ellipse at the location of each religious
hearth. Title the figure the name of the religion (ex: Buddhism Hearth). Change the color
so that it roughly matches the color used for the religion in the original layer.
6. Next, Add another Map Notes layers. Title this layer Religious Diffusion.
a. Use the editing feature to add arrows for each religion showing a rough diffusion
pattern. You can mess with the shape and length of arrows to accomplish this.
Change the color of the arrows to the appropriate color for each religion
7. Save your map.
Part 3: Creating your Story Map
8. Click the Share tab to create a Web App. Make sure the map is shared with A.C. Flora. If
you do not share the map with A.C. Flora, you will be docked 5 points.
9. Create a Story Map Journal

10.Click through until you get to the starting page for the App. Title your Story Map exactly
as your base map is titled. (see above)
11.Choose your base map: use the select box to find the base map you just made.

12.Create a series of pages that show and explain the distribution and diffusion of the
following religions:
a. Buddhism
b. Christianity (show all three major branches, plus at least one holy site)
c. Islam (show both major branches, plus at least one holy site)
d. Confucianism (distribution only)
e. Hinduism (distribution only)
f. Judaism (distribution only, plus at least one holy site)
g. Shinto(distribution only)
13.Think about the best way to design the layout and flow of your Story Map. You will
probably want 2 or more pages for the three universalizing religions so that you
can zoom in and show various patterns at different scales. For example, you will
definitely want a page zoomed in to the hearth area and a separate page zoomed out to
show current distribution. You may also need separate pages to accurately show different
patterns for different branches. This equals a minimum of 10 pages, plus the start panel.
For pages where you need to zoom in, use the Location configuration tab at the beginning of the
page set up to zoom and pan the map where it needs to be. Use the Content configuration tab
to select different layers.

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