GD General Nonprofit-Fundraising-Plan-Template

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Nonprofit Fund-Raising Plan

(Nonprofit Fund-Raising Plan Template)

1. GoalsWhat you need to accomplish

What are your organizations top one to three goals?
Develop a plan
Fund programs
Develop a portfolio of funding sources
What are your one to three top fund-raising goals (how fund-raising can best
contribute to achieving organizational goals)?
Raise $75,000
o Proposals
o Grants
o Seed monies
o Donations
o sponsorships
Fund programs
o Speaker series programs
o Peer-to-peer mentoring
Hire ED and 2 other staff
o $75,000
2. Define Success: Benchmarks and MeasurementStaying on the pathway to
Part OneBenchmarks: What are three to five concrete, specific, and measurable
(when possible) steps to complete en route to achieving your fund-raising goals?
Development committee/team must buy-in
Board members invest
o Funds
o Time
o Services
Clear and concrete expectations of board, volunteers, and
Marketing committee/team must buy-in
Develop a funding and donor portfolio
Part TwoMeasurement: How to measure if you are moving at the right speed
down the right path?
Calendar of dates to obtain goals
o Track objectives and goals
Types of giving
Development of committees/teams
3. Situation AnalysisThe Conditions Inside and Outside Your Organization
What is the environment in which youre working?
Volunteer structure
Relationship building
4. Target Audiences and Segments
Who are the one to three top audience groups you need to engage to meet your fund-
raising benchmarks?
Seasoned members
Corporations that focus on inclusion and diversity
Corporations with strong female workforce
Infinity groups within corporations
How do they break out into segments (with shared perspectives, habits and wants)?
Relationship building
o Employee engagement
o Networking
o Referrals
o Opportunities to give-back
What are the wants, habits, and preferences of each segmentso you know how to
connect with them? Do not try to reach everyone!
Speaking engagements
Collaboration with other organizations
Women development groups
5. Calls to ActionWhat you want your target audiences to do
What are you trying to get your target audiences to do? Be specific.
Provide/Offer opportunities to speak about Great Dames
6. Framing the MessageBenefit Exchange and Barriers to the Call to Action
Part OneBenefit Exchange: Why should your target audiences care? Whats it in
for them?
Professional development
Develop skills
Community building
Career development
Helping others
Part TwoBarriers: What challenges do you face in motivating the
action? Whats going to be difficult?
Getting past the fear of making the ask people for money
Our own femaleness
7. StrategiesThe best way to achieving your fund-raising goals
How can you best motivate your target audiences to act?
Tell the stories
Introduce impactful people
Aiding in transition
Opportunities for vulnerability
Confidence building
8. TacticsHow to bring your strategies to life
How to connect your organization with your target audiences via these strategies
the nitty-gritty?
Infinity groups at corporations
DSHRM- Delaware Society for Human Resource Management
Like-minded organizations
9. ResourcesWhats needed to implement
Part OneRoles and Responsibilities:
o Who does what? Existing staff? New staff? Outsource? Social capital (board
members, volunteers, other connections)?
o Previously discussed at retreat
Sharon should remain the ED
Development Director
o How many hours (per week or month) is it expected to take?
40 hrs. per week ED
25 hrs. per week DD
o What training is necessary to build necessary skills?
Fund-raising training
AFP- Brandywine Chapter
Bridgespan Group
Stanford Innovation
I U Philanthropy
Center of Community Research
Part TwoBudget: How much is it going to cost?
Cost for professional development training $1,000
Cost of memberships to the organizations for training
10. Step-by-Step Work Plan (Start with a 90-day plan, extend it to 1-2 years)
How to roll out the program? What are the immediate steps to take once you have an
approved plan?
Collaborate with marketing committee/team
Align with funding cycles
Retreat/training to discuss the plan
Who is accountable?
By when?
Plan could take up to 60 days
How will you know you were successful?
Programs funded
Happy members
Corporate representation at events
Money in the bank

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